Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, March 19, 1881, Image 1

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■ J* BRUNSWICK AMimil 01 imtl. VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1881. NUMBER 37. The Advertiser and Appeal, mtuin rat UTWUT At BRUNSWICK, GA, t. g. slr^cr auBscitirnox bates; :.»fs City Director)'. «Zfnum A. T. r ataui, W. W. Vatttaa. 1. J Upw n.T.Dasa. J.r.JUmj, B. 0. LIIOs t«M*F* J. DwrftUfar. w-VftOH tWMb Ml, Or. MutsiTs H«v UwPflhMi prrwifnrt. On. {4U «UI HtWjTU»MlUrpUc Si. For FMMU PtoMM. Nirtoia F—Nrafloi. VaoUMLEAMO kit Alb HARDWARE WrtIN AVKI* MW AMU* SAVANNAH, GA. CAtmox.-JtoMftr* riilaa naU-m tb* aina> Wr*u# AL1J.N IIAVlMlDK s«m«ii«l* —ch vUl of mu. Mrmr FnA» Hr •4*-Co*m-. If your 4m. ".'^■r^wsawaraM WkxSKK"' ■ly m rku Blmt, Kn Vert. Agricultural Implements. faniulls, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERTS PLOWS. BRINLTS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, „ GRASS RODS. SAFP Rubber and Leather BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’TOOLS, BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales »TTI»OTTT»S CELEBRATED PONDER. Together with. foil Uu o( Shelf Hardware, lor Ml. .1 lb. teweei adtntt PALMER BROTHERS. •jlT-lj CM**LM8 V THAN ALL WABt 00MBIXBD, HHP M-fcw iMUMdltorUl^alinMt InvigoTatts. rmUUjJ. X. KADDEa. HUM Boot and Shoe Shop aroTxoB. XliffWi—HmaaHwnmataw JusTCssiA'Tsssr?; D. A. MOORE. Now Advertisements. 1)11. HAYDOCK’S NEWLIVERPILL (SUGAR CO IT CD.) ""Hum?™ £SH2aK wnmutnrtatai ■mw^rM 1—4 n — HATDOCrS NEW LITER PILLS * All. OVKII Till. VAST COCNTHY ■SMSMSSBaK"'- “ ^tSulS! &£l iUn ******* “ )MHtVRWfrU kMlUMtflO ~***» —*» • WMiTM ran nni hi.I1mm» Mssn EACH YtAL OOXTAINi TWBTXT FILLS. «*Om nil Is • Do^.-W Green Grocers, AXDMULSM0 Countiy Produce riuoauminuin «uu. GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES. NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., U.Wkk an i They Mean Business! BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE SCHEDULE OF RATES ST.\SIMONS<& BRUNSWICK WAIT TILL TROUBLE COMBS, ..... tW*,Mf «SMM «4m,. nairiif.MtivM*, AimdlBkllwtUlWIU,. b].r Um us. w u. smt iM.lntaiwiaiHilt. nuu.(MirtvMikitta anti.. i>dtiitiM.itit» A BURLESQUE ON FARMINO. W« (M from the Duly Aitxrtiter that it k tend mu, farmers la Dougherty will not ba abb to ran iter ten. tbt. year onaooountof tbeir inability to procure tern §up- plte O, that word 'eupplie*’ It Btinly bead aod meat. Wbat paradox and travaaty It ia on farming tobaar man, wbo an making itabna- ineta, talking about not lining able to ran thtir farms on aeooont of not be ing able to bny tbo vary things wblob they an engaged in nuking—-or light to bo. It aarp iiMs the Icon of ordinary mortals that man wlm on. and cultirato Urn rich and readily yielding soil of the South, should for. over bo harping nboat topplis*'— Why, gentlemen, yoo oagbt, by all roles that govern tnwl* ■anas, rate tbaaa thing, yourselves Never witl tha farmers of ■action looccn tbo gnep of the moocy lander aad tba merchant nntii they become independent in no tar aa tha gnat ataplaa aad rmwillela an Than an a fow tbinga— aad a ter tbiagt only—which tb# aontben tamer k obliged to boy . God baa bteaad this aaetioa with a productive toil, prodocipg, an gnat a variety of manic actnal—aa well m hia artificial wants—aa any portion of tbs glob* and yat, strange aad laoompnbaaaibU aa U may seam, year alter year, farmers wbo bava at tbeir very doors everything needful for tb# prod action of tbeir necessary •applies, will seek the merchant and ask credit for tha vary things which ba oagbt to be offering for nlchia- When will tbs termor tern that it k kk higbaat aad beat intent to thk course? It doM look like Urn bard expMkaec of tbs past would have taogbt him this useful teaoa long tinea Wn ailoda to thk subject now Iran tbo tet that tbo fkmen an jnet now pitching tbeir eropc lor *8L Let them determine that they will so pitch it aa torect for supplies lor bin farm. We •M no way for the fanner to make money no krngae bo boys hiaprovia- lone at credit prices. Itisbetterto ran a one-horse farm and keep oat of debt than to ran six plows and fall behind at the end of tbe year. It it batter to sow ell extra land in oala— not it oat—torn it oat—tel it—any thing to avoid buying preristoo* at eradit prims. • * A few years ago we saw a very lit- tk mnk being driven through ooa of oar street* Not having much bona in thorn days (wa bava swapped bones a few times sine* and laarasd n little aeaaa every time) we asked man if be tboagbt Uut little mnk eoatd make a crop. “Yea,” said a healthy looking coun try man whom we didn’t know. “Yes, that critter eonld tend thirty acres aaay. Yon aee, I came to Hawkins- vilk and tried to get somebody to ran me, bnt nobody would do it. Well, I just went back home and did tbe bast I worked on bait ration* plowed bare-footed, aad had meat not more’n half Urn time. Bat I mads a crap with that little mol* aad at tha and of Urn year 1 was notin dabL end blamed if I have asked anybody for eradit sines that day, either.” • We do say that if th. former a go naked and starve for ooe year, 1st imenee in 1881, aad at tbs aad of U» year 'perhaps ba will be aa indepeodent as tbe man wbo worked oo half rations and mad. tb. crop with tbo little mnk. Ptmtrao Lora.—All men and wo men mast love something. II oar thought, are pore, we love bivd* flow ers and all beantlfo! tbinga. In tbalr contemplation we are happy, and there oomn'i to our brain a steady strength. It It saoh b rest from labor to look up tbe fragrant dowers pkeed each morning on our desk—to bear our pat canary sing hk roundelay of wek come—to behold evidence of thrift and nmtam all ahouten them children of order and system reward Um am ass. It k ralaisd of a man that ha aoaaetimas called bk wife kk litik darling—hk petite pet People amiled at hia baeauaa they did not under stand bk motive* His bald swarm, loving heart—a great, manly love all about tba object of that lor* aad no aba was bk litik pet—his darling. Wa art liha chavoilaona and color ted mentally. II wa love tbe beauti ful wa ara happy. If wa love tba soars* tha vulgar, tba objects or in- i that give no tweet return, life beooeaee a blank, tba aool cracks and shrinks into a bundk of to lacerate tba mental man, and wa art on the direct road to ruin. Wbat a beautiful world thk world would ba if all would only ornament their homes aod thrir heart, by cultivating and keeping alira tbeir lore for pet* no matter wbat tbeir form or conditio* OOTSOFJNTERflT, Somebody taye tbo Japanese do not boil rioo. They very highly steam it. Scclke point. It b noteworthy that tbe chair up on which General Garfield sat, wbUe on tba grand stand during bk inau guration, was tha same used by Washington k Haw ?<*k at hklaao- gnration aa tbe first President of tba United m-trr Tbe oonatitatioo of lbs State of Texas provides that tba Legislature •ball bars no power to appropriate any of tb* pabHo moeay Cor tbe estab lishment and maintenance of a bureau of immigration, or for any purpose of bringing immigrants into that Slate. Tba ailvsr dollar of tbe Confederate State k valued at $1,000. There wen only a faw of those coins struck. The Confidante government bad tba dies mad* and a few eoins ■track at tba New Orleans mint for tba inspection of tbe government offi cial* They found, however, that they core all ear. A watchmaker of Copenhagen baa nttrntUfl a ||^| netd# oo It b kept going con stantly by maeaa of an aleetrio cur rent that operates on tbs spring and maintains an unvarying and perma nent state of tension. Attention to tba aleetrio battery once or twice a year k all that k necessary to keep lb# dock in far no iodifioiU to make thammlvra virtaaRy iadapao- U they wm thk 400 acres of land, with a beach nearly a mile long, not far from the Nevada Park, baa barn purebaMd by tbe "Atlantic Highlands Associa tion" for a seaside rceort, to bacon- by tbo Metbodkt E f Ohurcb. The capital of IboaModa- tioo ia $220,000, divided into AfiOO than* Tba pete paid for tba had k about $120,000. Other den Uooe are to ba aeked to join in tbe ea- « leliri. SlUBlttt Wl 1111 w me rwm Wki. wwi n»aw W.aik. raianwr emat CITY BARBER SHOP, J. K. CAITtR, Frsyrieter. ijS£S°m m •akrgeaaaraaofeoUoaaeau be eulUrated bateda* they wm be tbe moat independent eat of mania Urn y. Start oat to make your tap- plies, tod then add on vs mach cotton you phase; bat do not neglect a provision atop, hoping to make a big haul on cotton next fall. Nothing could be more eakidaL We know that formers hara a way of ehnniag tbeir aboolden aad laying, "Wbat does aa editor know about fanning V One moment, friend; wskaow litik nothing about the practical work lags of a fora, bat we do know that tbe former wbo, year after year, boys tbaaa tWagaou a king credit and at high rates-Laad thew wbo Ley getOr Jl/ boy on this bc :«—wo <«y that tbr.t former who babilually buy «Uu things which ha aoukl and ought to make on his fora, will always ban hk dom to tba grindstone, aad a merchant turning it fast enough to make tbo sparks fly. Just feel your aos* and eM if it isn’t eon. re mjj* cirrruro t SATISFACTION OUARANTEED • There t Tbo farmen cannot from forty to amaty-fira j Waar u tub Bmi Liu?—It klike a large, beautiful tree, which bean swaat fruit for thorn wbo era hungry, and afford, shelter and shade for pil grime oa tbeir way to tha kingdom ofbMveo. It ia like a cabinet of jew- eU and predoue atone* which are not only to be looked at and admired, bat need and won. It is like a tele scope that bring, distent objects and for off things of tbe world vary near, so that wa San ees something of their beanty aad importance. It is like • traaaure-bouae, a store-house for all aorta of valuable aad naefot thing* and which are to be had without mon ey and without price. It is like a a deep, broad, calm, flowing river, tba banka of wbkb an green and flowery, when birds ring and lambs play, and dear little children ere loving and happy- . A celebrated lawyer once Mid that a three moat troublesome clients ba awr bad wars a yoong lady who want- ad tobsmarriad, a married wofoau who wanted a divore* aad aa eld amid wbo didn’t know wbat aba wanted. Ci nfoM.: i of a future acu-ia-bw to hk iitun suetUrfo-Uw—“ It ia woB that I should toB yoa bsfora marriage that I am rather hot-tempered aad aomatiiaM gat mad without reason.” Future mother-in-law—“ Oh, never miad about that. TO aee that you never lack Tba free night school opened in Me in pb in, for thv benefit of tnvoboo* is* laborer* uawaboya aod other* whoMlopportunltte bava boon defec tive, k successful. Tbs atkndanco baa outgrown tbo school. Tbo sohool h iu ohurgn of Scott A. Murray, wbo k principal of tbo Peabody School ia South Memphl* Those attending tbs nigh! school pay nothing, audanfar- nkbad with everything neesssaij by QEORQIA’S BOYERNOR. Hit Kxcellcncy Gov. A. H. Colrpiitt cams to Angu.ta yesterday for tbe pnrpoea of visiting and inspecting tbo eonvictcnnipalBonduraut A Joplin’i Ha was accompanied by Mr. John W. Nelm* Superintendent of the poni lenUary, and Mr. W. B. Low* loaaoe of the convicts near Angaria. These in company with Dr. Eu- gcoa Foster, (tbo physician who at tends tha cos rids), aad other eitiiena want oat to tba camp iu tbs morning * thoroughly ioepaetad it. Tbe to bk or bar treatment, and waa sat isfied from wbat be saw and beard tbst they are humanely treated and woll fed. He found the camp In good condition generally. There boa not a don lb in tbk camp ainco last August. There are 89 convicts at tba camp. The Governor, while at tba camp, pardoned tba followiug con victs: Andrew Hesterlre, white, of Fallon county, convicted of attempt to com- and ssnlaccod to three yearn impruonmant Has served one Pardoned on eeconnt of being an idiot. Kekoo Felton, ooloreri, of Macon eocnty, convicted in 1868, of murder, ifenced to imprisonment for lif* Has served thirteen year*— Pardonnl tieomm of general bad health and continuous good bobavlor while in prison. Jim Walker, oolored, of Crawford oonnty, convicted of burglary and mo- teoead to servo years imprisonment, baa Mrved two year* Pardoned ho of an old wonud In tbo back. SUNBEAMS FROM SUNDRY SANCTUMS Well posted—A telegraph line. Froo of cbnrgo—an ompty gnn. A fiery steed—Tbs bora, radish. Men are gees* women are duck* birds of a feather flock together. If yoa should bo asked when a cat ia. like a teapot, you might reply: “When your tensin’ ft." Of wbat feminine creature are you reminded ou tbe completion of a building? A butueioaid. A bank k a bad place for delicate clerks and beUhended cashiers—so uch exposed to draft* you know. “ Wbat I want to know," soul an Arkansas school-hoard official, “is how n river’s monf is gn iuo lor bo big ger dan ite bead. Artemus Ward once commenced a lecture thus: * Ladies and gcutloincn, • a gigantic intellect, but I haven’t it with me." A northern newspaper claims that i aldermen has been injured by tbs accidental discharge of bk duly— There acei.lftils are vary rare. When a woman leave, a mau who has not earned hk salt for year* ho Immediately advertises that ho will pay no debts of bar contracting. Bartler Campbell k accused of writ ing four pkya In a year. Quito a lit- eraiy feat; bnt Dr. Warren, it may bo remembered, wrote “T.uTbonsnud a Year." An Indiaunpolis papor cidk loudly for tha whipping post for wife beaten*, Thb is well, Tbo habit of wifo-bcal- lag mutt ba broken up. Women aro wearing too many bang* Tba Arkansas Boom baa amended tha reaolatioa, proposing an oMaad- moot to tb# 8taUcoMtilotion probib* Ring tbs ask or giving away of li quor* aa follows: Hereafter it ahal) not be lawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to manufacture, import, ■ell, gin away, or in any man oar traf fic iu any intoxicating liquors iu the State of Arkanaa* except for modtrin#!. art ml parpocc* under oa shall ba preacnbsd by kw. Tba largest peach orchard in the world knot in Ooorgia, as soma of tbs papers ban it, bail* prisonment, served seven. Pardoned oo aocount of being a cripple for life. John Sweet, oolored, of Chatham oonnty, convicted in 1867 of burglary, and MotcDced to fifteen years' im prisonment, ba* served fourteen. Par doned on aocount of old eg* general dability /Cod good conduct None of tbe injuries for wbkb of tbe above were pardoned wen .used at this camp Sines last August there bava bean only eight deaths among tbe convicts ia Georgl* oat of a total of 1,5001- Thk ia a better .bowing Ibaa baa been mads by any other Stele in the Union. Tbe kte of pardoning tbe convicts wm suggested by Mr. Nelm* Thk lie* It yielded $70,000 worth of poachte. It it owned aad oojUvated by Mr. John Paroall, a brother of tba greet Irish agitator. Ho came to this coat some tea or twelve years ago, aad bt an old and worn-out eottou farm, whieb ba baa converted into this immenso poach orchard, aad is always the first to have early patches oo tb* market, for wbkb ba receives ilmoat fabulous prim, H# is galling immeostly wealthy at tba buainea* > said: “The ia tried fay fire, the en by gold, and tbe by women.” expert pbyskka of Boetoo, having in- jfoj of oleoamrgarin* foced many foraiga ia it, sadamoog other* tbo eg); of tbe tape-worm, which, be say* beommoa ia oleomargarine, it being in tbs animal fat of which tbe stuff k mad* Hia view Is endorsed fay that of Dr. DoDiagw, tbe cekbrnt- ed Ragliab aeteatkt, namely, that ote- omarget-iae ia nothing but raw fat, aad tbay wbo oat it taka tb* risk of trichinoak aod all aooh diaeua* In thk oonaeclioa, th* Boston physician Mid of batter: "Pm* batter ks great food, aad soateiae a large ftwqnflni gfi ffflifltninM imriahmtit for the nervoo* system. It baa been oometly inferred, we think, that im paired nervous system* can ba tea- proved more rapidly by tba use of bat- Goo. HcKfaly, colored, of Obatbn«L b *S county, convicted of aimplo larceny *5* end a.-ntenoed to twilro yeara' !m taluly; ouo Indu drioua young Ameri can has recently married tbu richest woman iu England. "Say, Jono* a list’* tbo matter with your eye?' “O, nothin', only my wife Mid this morning that I had bet tor get up and make a fire, and I told bar to mako It beraalf; that', all” A lillk girl, addressing her sister, asked: " What was the chrio*papa wm reading about to-day T To which the taller replied: "Tivm a great pile of Jibing and no plooo to put it ia." Tba boy wbo kft tba pteoe of ieo iu tboaunto warm up wm no more fool ish than tbe man wbo opeuej tbe aod expected people (o hunt him out and buy bk goods without adver- of all tba ill-natured tbinga that v •aid ef Mm during the recant Guber natorial oampaign. Tb* fact 1* Mr. Nairn* la on# of tba kindest.baartad of man, and baa always dona tvarj- thing in bk power to bava tb* eon- ' i properly treated. ODS STATISTICS. A Detroiter ha/beeuTfor tb* kk kaSSMofufddMtare! sadTbS Kxirtfc- la agar -- - 1 - -, —HI B Will tad aothieg dry about it. H* gem right to kaJaiMO* page ooa by ta- timatiag that tb* cumber of Hakfogv received by tba averega boy ap to bk Ifoarteanib year, b 125. TbkToeludM tba Maakiag proara daring Mto* Out of even 100,000 people in thla aowaliy, lftOOOfk ap anas in morning, bnt only a hundred or co ra- malate that aewdftteq vary kog af- Ont of 60,000 man oaly 700 will SAT”””* aronnd and finally back wa ter oo tbeir assertion* Only 10 women out of every 600 wbo start oo a jooraay by railroad, consult a railroad map or bava tbe Isact idea of tbe direction they take. * If I punish you," Mid n mother to her naughty little girl, 'Mo you think it will b# fur toy ploivNuru y"— " For whose plonaure U it, then f It i* ileMuro for me," repliod the lit- U*RkL Can children reasou f” asks an ex- ag* Tlioy can. IU*-, why, when a boy k fouud in tbo pantry, due* it always appear, according to hi. .tak- ment, that ba went in there to drivu out tbo ask Aa IriabaMa being oak ad uaa Isis trial for a certificate of bk marriage, exhibited a large tear on bu head, which looked aa tluragh it mi^hthavu been mad* by a fire shonh To« ov- t worry about tbeir baggage; 497 I certain ' are certain they took tbe wrong train; 499 wish they Lad navar started. Tb* risk of being bitten by a dog U greatly overestimated. Out of every 1,000 Lig aod litUo dog* only two ear* to get op a row with tbe human race, and thows two are roadv willing to di* . Tbe numlier of men wbo can put to a more pleasant evening i n fireswi* bk lb than at tbeir own ef wires who are taking a lit!).- extra pain* l< pica nt i. oa til I never tboagbt but uudq,**’mjil Deacon Webbing, "that it wn. a 4 i to steal an uabrell** "Arelwbnawwa tlutr asked a friend. "II wm when tbief atola my now .die one,” anawerod tbe itoaeoii. Jltrrien County .Wire: Gd. L A. Wilaoo, of Wayeruu* recvutly Kat $100,000. II. My. lie a>keIn young lady worth tbnt sum to ba bk brisk, and aba Mkcd faiiu to plon.a> excuw bar, and be, like a foul, did an. Lecture upon tbe rbinocero.—Pro- lessor: “I mutt beg you'to giro mo your undivided alUtiliou. It U ub- eolntely impotubk lli.t ymi esa f.srso iumuitl, uu* Icmj [eepyour.yefixe.loo u>. Ws». Got of every 1,000 maw wbo g> mad and swear tbay will (M a kwyer about It, oaly fifteen carry out tbeir lataatioB* On\y oo* woman iu 6,000 pays tbe first priot asked for a bonnet, and on ly oo* milliner in a 1,000,000 expect, ber to. Tbe time occupied by tbe average man in buying a fall suit of clothes it jail one-fonrtb the time occupied t ter, other things being equal, than by tbe averega womao in buying a single any other form of food.” . [pairofatocking*, There i. ocoa.ion.lly a woman who hMeach a oouti.sUble tamper that when a man atojNi on the train of ban dree., she can aoile aweetly and s*j: * Ob, I don’t mind iL There k DO harm duDe. Prey slon't apologia* IF* all right. V.ry awkward? Oh. not" Such a wouiau i. * fi.«t-c plubed hypocrite.