Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, March 26, 1881, Image 1

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IMSW1CK: WIITHII All APPEAL. L., ■ VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1881. NUMBER 38. ,.,r 1 The Advertiser and Appeal. rvwumtwo imi •atcbday at BRUNSWICK, GA., r• g. ST&cr. 8DISSOKIPTION BATES: On copy on* fl W Ukiwpjitl months., Atriftt—irau from mpowIMi parti** win fa* pnMUhr.1 until onfcrrtoal. when tkoUmoM i*4 ijntIM, uJ pajrnml purtad ucrordlm^lr. Wa.ti.orol. Now Advertisements. Bit. HAYDOCK’8 NEWLIVERPILL 05IB riLL IM A IHMK. OKKPIUIIADME Tb**# pfUa ira an a Loot at« cur* for nil klUloua nd malarialafjVctl.***. Tbwjr inppto with • la *11 forma OnaanlnUau for la ll»liln*lJmkr»t.«ro imaMl tkmrlrr. rktf|fd a* aArrrtkNMi XarrUfm w4 oWtuary notice Mtatraaft _ kmr Uar*. aotictrd fur pahllratloa. When n ca*4ta< Ik*l lyaea. rhaficd m aJaertlmtuakt*. Alllrttrr* *fo4 rommuulraU««* akoulJ b* *4- City Directory. *«7#r. J. r. lUlao* JUirmm A. T. Putnam. W. W. Watlla*. J. ■pajvm D-_T. puaa. J. r. Harray. B. C. Util* (WftJr CM^JferaM-B. A. Paha. .U iWfnjfritim CLfcklattar.Jr.M.O. •CWfMiafcfaB m Daria. M. D. ffarW JF ufrr-O J |I*U. /Wf ran, ami A V fni hrujw*—Conper, Watklaa aul Duau. Mnaffra, Dnaisa k Baooaa—Dana, WatUaa aaJ LtttMVH. jWaloa White Cemetery O Moor*. Seaton Colorral (Ymrtwry-.acVU Wklia. TMW comarma—lUTTrj, Duuptr and Kprar*. il tat*>»—LilliHU14. Bpemn and Pntaaw. IVmjc antoaiua—Watklaa. Doerttlauar an iiftwr- Jbomw Doatflln#rr.Hanrcy and XJUlrflaU Ci>rcATi<>«—Patnam, ty**n and Duaa. CiUBfTT—Putnam, LiltUAeM ana IKurllairr Pina paraanAna—Apaara.Pataam and llarvry Poura- Putnain.Duun, and Waiktna. united htatu orriciuta. CnlUctor ofCoatonm—John T.CoHlna. iN puty—ll.T. Dunn. ('••DM-tor lat.rnal lUvcaua—D. T. fluau. Deputy Marshal—O. i. Ilall. I’uutniaatur—Linas Xortk. COURT BtflBlOM IN TUB UUUNNW1CK CIRCUIT. CLINMI-M Monday In Marali •luUspt i. Al’PLINll—Sd Monday In Man . and kri<r.mber. WAYNE-*till Monday In Mar li and Haul nil PIMIICK—!*t Monday in April al.d OetoWr WAItK-ad Monday in April and (hlofatr. COrPKB-Tnasday aft. r «lh Monday la April and Ortotwr. CAMDEN—Taaariay after *1 Monday In May and OLYNM—4th Monday to May and Kortmbar. HARDWARE In a* J 1*41 U.n«reao,ll9 and 111 Hi. dull SAVANNAH, GA. Agricultural Implements. FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S FLOWS BIIIXLY S FLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS. SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL FIX.S, GRASS RODS. Rubber and Leather BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales DUPONT'S CELEBRATED POWDER. Together with » (nil Hue of Shelf Hardware, for salo at the loured prices. PALMEIl UllOTIIERS. u*,l 7-ly mem HAS MADt: MOIUC CRIPPLES THAN AIL WAR* COMBUtFD, Tbey fortify the body afataH f»udJ-w attacks and fUm brave tb# miaamatte Jaafar of a warn pa an umn _ _ and ackaa, tollaana the aptiita and k»Ii mv 1 DOC5DINO moron tiik toss. Call for thl# Ineatimatdo mcdlctaa at your Mar . Uk# no otiiwr. Ural tat Ion and delay ar« of salrido. • ben you bav< Instantly. OOTSOF INTEREST. OR. HATOOCrS NEW LIVER PILLS world. ALL oven THIS V.%*T COITNTIBY The People I'ralue Tliem‘! Taka dlamaa to tiaw ami you will aufvr teas and »mvad many day* of arnica* misery. Wkat handreda of LatUr* aay from pa Ilea la all Vo moro notloas do%rs tor bm of for* or law pfUa hr a at owe flaw. On* of year idds mrad aw. Thanka. Doctor. My kwdarkr baa left aw. •«* me another vial to keep la tke bouse. Alter Mffrr.aa tortar** from billioae rollv, two of >ur V*w Uv*t Pula eared aw. and I bar* ao m Oar doctor* traata.1 aw for Ckronto Canatlpattow, aa tkey called It, and at hwt aald 1 waa hwarabla. Tear Maw Liver Pllk eared me. I kad ae appetite i Dr. Uaydack’s Xew Liver PlUs gave aw a hearty «•*. Tear Ml* are marvel lone. Dr. Uaydock kaa cared my headsrhe that waa 1 aava half of om of yoar pllla to a^ babe for Cholera Morbma. Tb* dear yuaag thiaggst well la aw cured, aad a# Tour vial of Dr. Haydoek*a Vew Liver PtUb cured am of terrible acnral«ta aad palua la the head, head me two vlale; I waat eae for a poor family, ■eed me five vial* of yoar Xe r Liver PUle by re- , my blllloeaaeee aad beadarbt are i gone. Por all dlaeaeee of tbo Kidney., ltoleolloa of Uniue. at*.. Dr. “ “ perfect* On* p i Xew Llvar 1’lllaaraa Baydovk'a pill will satisfy tlw moet akrptl*. al. Por PemaU Dlaeaaee. Nervoaa Pruatratloo, Wrakuess. General Laaeltade. Waat wf Appellla am! mck |lra.t*( hr. Dr. llaydock'a X*« Liter Pllla will be found an rfllrlent Hamedy. They nr* universal la taelr aflecta, dad d car* eda almost alwaya be guana teed. KACB VIAL COXTAlXg tWEXTY PILLS. hrOno Pill Is d Doaa.-fcg l»rlo« Tttronty-llvr flanta. Pop agio b) Mil llriiXKldl*. CAUTIGS.—Xon* are m ittUae utilsaa the signs Inro of AI.LKS llAYDOoK aurnmnds »u-U vial af Pllla. Evkby IMU. Ifj irdrug glut iloea not keep tlo ia. we will luall Uirin free pi nay sddroaa on receipt of U sente. Five vlnla for •I ou. DUY AT OXCK I DO XOT DXLAT t UAYDOCK A CO fobfoljr L1DUUA « LU., SOPldU Street. Xew York. JOS. K. LAMORIOUT SAPP & GO. Green Grocers, AXD DEALERS IX ountry Produce attr alsoox hand a m.i. txu will ah aula Ku hiuck or GKOCKHIBS, CANXKD GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., Mattie Hooter, the noted Toooowce pacing mare, bae recently been sold for *1,200. Tbo Sooth Carolina papers auk for • rigid enforcement of the new anti- dueling law. Key Wet, Fla., Imu ubipped thin ucuuon, tioco January let, 21,000 box es of tomatoes. Tbo walnut bog and lumber busi ness in tbo neighborhood of Newport, Tennoraee, is very actiro. Mr. McKean, a nalivo stock raiser of Conecnh county. Alt., bos sold COO bead of stock for the season of 1880-1. A Falmoatb, Kentucky, bon hits two bills, with both of which sho picks food, and yet she lays but ouo egg s day. Hundreds, of women all orer the conn try ore naming their babies Gar field, and the President receiroa let ters by every moil informing him of the fact Tbo finger-rings of this country are worth *38,000,000, and are of earthly oeconnt to tbo wearers. Jnst think bow many cigar stores conld be opened on that wealth. Tbo Stato tax of Alabama is TO cents on the *100; llut of Arkansas, 65 eents; Florida, TO cents; Georgia, 30 cents; Louisiana, 00 cents; Texas, 30 cents; Virginia, 30 conts. Submarine telegraph lines last on an average from ten to tirclro years- Alter that timo thoy cannot bo ro- paired, as they break by^tbeir own weight if raised to bo inondcd. A cbsrt giving tbo nnuics of tho State government of Nuvndn for the currant year shows that not one mom- Iwr of tho oxooutivc, judicial or legis lative department is n native of Hie .Stale. Of the whole number, I wont v- tlneo, including belli tbo United States Senators, are foroign born. It reqniros two hours ro cromato a body. Ths ashes of the deceased are placed in a tin box, seatod, and can be carried away by tho friends. Thoy weigh from five to soren pounds. Tbo cost of a cremation is *15, which in cludes all expem Tho Cincinnati Tiinft-Slur pitches into tho convict lcaso system of tho Southern States, slid urges ns in the name of immunity and civilization to get rid of iL There is a growing sen timent ia favor of coofiniog convicts insido of penitentiary walls. Richmond, Va., is at present tho ceiltro of unprecedented activity in railroad and iudastrial enterprises.— THE BIBLE. 1 to,000 Bnwrs Found In Ifcs Old Om. President Chase, of Hnvorford Col lege, a member of the American branch of tbo committee on the revieion of the New Testament, lectured on tbo subject of the work in tho ball of the Academy of Fino Arts at Philadelphia last week. He gave reasons to show why tho present revisers claimed su perior knowledge to tho older transla tors of tho New Testament in regard to the genuine original text. His next step was to demonstrate) how that original text became perverted and how it conld be restored. He said that in spite of tho groat care and watchfulness, curious and sometimos shocking misprints have, on various occasions, crept in. Variations and errors crept in to tho amount of no less than 120,000. At first hearing this number startles us. We almost tremblo for oar precious inheritance. A little examination, however, reduces its terrors. Ninety-nino in a hundred are alight errors, which do not mneb affect the meaning; so that tho whole number of reading in which there is really any room for serious doubt or discussion—including questions of mere spelling, grammatical forms, rel ative position of words and the like— docs not exceed 1,600 to 2,000. The general principle upon which tho re* vision ia mado is a sound oue; retain archaic words as well os archaic forms where there is no danger of their meaning being misconstrued, hot if there is any serions danger of this kind substitute for them words intel* ligiblo to the common reader at this day. In judging the now revision when it appears, care should bo taken to freo the mind'from tbo inevitnblo pr.'judico in furor of tbo reading uud rendering iu King Jnraoa' Ilibie, aris ing from I'.uuiliarity. Etch tho im pci lections in oar English Libia bars become hallowed in oar minds by the perfections with which they sro sur rounded, and in a book in which ev ery line and every word hat become precious to onr souls, wo are, at first tbongbt, jealous of even the slightest alteration. Bat remember Hist tbo re visers bare not themselves made any of tbo readings wherein the new Bible will differ from the old rersion. They hare only found them sod collected them from tho moot authentic sources and tb os presented a Bible nearer the original and older than the old. If we are convinced that nothing is token away except for the pnrposcof remov ing tho piste from the diamonds and tho pinchbeck from tbo gold; that nolb- be Thomas Jones or John Smith, bow will it sound tossy "Jones, Secreto ry,” or "Smith, Secretary f" That will be equivalent to DO signature.— Indeed, when Hamilton Fish was Soo- retary of State, wo can understand that it wss "Hamilton" which lent nil dignity to the "Fish," and mads it "fill the speaking tramp of fame."— Fish, Secretary,'' would not bare souudod august and patrieion. Hs wonld never bavo so signed himself unless bis psreuts boil shown the bad taste to uaiue hint “Jack" or "Cod.' It may seem a small matter to object to Blaine's display of personal taste in this tbiug, bat it ia oae of tboeslit- tlo things which display the man and show that his taste is snti-Repabliean. It is like a red ribbon in bis shoo or button-hole. It costs nothing, bet is meant to assert s personal magnitude incompatible with tbe ase of • Christ ian name. CHEESEfTS DREAM. A now rouud-bouso is iu conrso of. ing has been altered except to restore construction, and westward to tbo to its original form and direction what Ohio river, somo 421 miles, a passun- had been hammered into another All of wklcb A» off#re.l fuc ua K I They Mean Business! fltor* comer Xcacaetl* aai M-ak Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE SCHEDULE OP RATES ST.IS/MONS & BRUNSWICK IS UMVUBAILY OBEU Full B1M10CE- H H P Beta* mal* Duaa Boot* eaJ Oerbe foaaj to ear Invigorates. M»r«r aCt by J. ?|* M.\ DDE*. t;*l>t Tk* a** otramcr Baby, will ma ragalarly be* twren M. Mtaioae MUl* u4 BraaewW-k. aa loUwva: >*re C-lltnc* Wbirf, BmaawLk. dally. (Sun lay .'•TiS'Li^WlLrfi' ikmikm' isiwVtej'I u4 Haadty'sMrrpleJ !»*■ Eatra Trip Matardai'e p n Lea** M* guauM Mill* dally, (tfsaday's nesyt* cdl 10 a to L«*vo m. Hi»o«* Mill*, dally, (tMMfday's aad Baa* •Ur*a care I - tad. I (tualli 4i> 9 ani trot.. liasklfalka*' ryB I'o*4Ue*'y aa free- Hat, ixarafc ii*. an i» U V. DkHl. Jm. biiaiuBnf. CITY BARBER SHOP, J.M.C.UTER. frefrifftor. ,1'AVISo. 1IAIS coins AID UAIR OUBS. ISO Aha is IS, WJ IIM MS >-'»* .pl-ranS •tjW. .-> LA Pit.t ASP ClfILPMMX’S BAIM J trtCUlTT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED fM-Mr- gor is rarely out of sight of 11 working squad, either * laying now steel rails or constructing sidings. Jsy Gould’s special train, on which be is uow flying fiom point to point in the Southwest, is described ns be ing "as magnificent as money can make it" Tliero wss two gorgeously- upholstered drawing room cars, tbo "Conroy" palace, a bote) car, and sleeping can for tbs wbolo party.— "Cooks sad porters in great numbers" have places on board tbe train. A spider's web affords on excellent barometer. An old sportsman of Coldwater, Mich., claims that ono preserved in his house has proven al most invariably correct When rain and wiud are to bo expected, tbe spi der shortens tho threads which sus pend tho web. When reefs are lot oat, fino weather may bo certain; but il tbo spider remains inert, rain will probably follow within a abort time. An exchaago says: Mr. Vanderbilt says that a man with *1,000,000 ia bettsr off than a man with *100,000,- 000. Will Mr. Vanderbilt define the position of a man with *2.10, a couple of ahaving tickcta, a broken bladed knift, aud two born collar button, ? Are tbe two extremes of wealth equal ly annoying? And if to, will Mr. Vanderbilt awap with at until black- burins ripen? Senator BaUer, of South Carolina, proposes to anile tbo Tenneaaee and Savannah rivers by a canal Ilia pro posed survey contemplates tbe connec tion of tbe Tennessee with tbe Atlan tic by s line seroot too corner of Geor gia and North Carolina, and serosa tbs Stato of Soatb Carolina. One witlCs map and tbe slightest knowl edge of geography can vcnrcsly err in drawing Uto line. Hlmpo or bent ont of tho way, I think wo shnll accept with thankfulness a book of which wo may say with great if not absolute confidence: “Hors nro no interpolations or mistranslations; here arc the genuine words of Divino inspiration—without addition, with out dimunition, without perversion." As for the anionnt of change, those who are expecting to sec a great dif ference between the new Bible and the old will be more disappointed than thoso who liopo there will be very littlo. “BLAINE, SECRETARY.” Telactopk Md Mccasagsr. It will have been noticed that broth er Blaine, although nominally a so- called Republican, has started ont with tho assge of royal courts in one particular. No American Secretary of State, before Mr. Blaine, has ever effected tbe manners of tbe coronetted diplomats of Earope and dropped bis Christian name from bis dispatches— liko “Bcaconsfield,” or “Bismarck,” or " Boost" Every one of onr Secre taries of State have mode it a point to claim bis entire baptismal designa tion, jnst like common people. But Blaine dropped the Junto O. at ones, and it is a pity that tbe Maine Legis lature bad n t been informed before hand that this wr.-H to bo done, so that, like the Euroi- an secretaries, be ecu Id have made tbe thing complete snd dropped the Blaine as well as tbs James G. They conld have mads him Earl of Piscatsqaa," and then bo conld bare signed himself accordingly “ Piscataqni,” or Androscoggin, or Penobscot, or Kennebec, as tbe csss might be. As things stand, Blaine bassets precedent which it may be difficult to follow. SoppoM bis Tbore wss s group of them sitting near tbe stove, snd they ware telling the many strange, ghostly things they bad dreamed of. I bad a strange dream ooee and I will never forget it, either," said a man wbo won a sloneb bat and whose ears curled oat from bis bead lika tbe "laudable" of a plow. “ Did yon dream that yoa was a' spirit of tba dead?" inqnired tbe crowd. " No, worse than that I dreamed that I waa a tough cucumber.” “ What, a cnriimber K "Yes, a regular oldyellow-Unted crauip-producer, end yon can just bet I uiiiilu trouble in ont family. Hang me, but it waa a remarkable dream.” Well, there waa a man living next floor to mu by tba name of Watson, who was u sworn enemy of mine, need my political influence in working against him in tbe ward, and tba week after hs was defeated be poieooed my dog. Revenge waa in my heart, and one night I dreamed that I waa a big encumber end nettling among tbe vioes in the garden, surrounded by a lot of other cucumbers, when sadden ly I saw Watson climb orer tba back fence. Ho came directly to me,plneked me from tbe vine snd deliberately ale mo before my own eyre. 'I wae tbo niaddeet cucumber in America, and after reaching bis stom ach I determined to sell my life as dearly AS possible. When Watson retired for the night, tbo first thing I did I threw him into a spasm, rolled bioi out of bed and hauled him over tho floor and marched around in Ilia stomach in platoons, regiments and brigades. Then I twitted him in tbe shape of n gimlet, curled him np liko an apple peel, and jammed bis heels back of bis ears until be bowled and tworo with pain. After that I pitched him into tbo middle of a convulsion, bounced bim against tbe ceiling, and slammed him against tbo walla natil two men bad to tie bia legs and sand for tbe doctor. Hie mother-in-law tried to rob bim with hartshorn, bat be cut loose et her with both feet and tba old lady pulverized a washstand in a for corner. I langbed like a de mon, and drew hie kneee under hie ebin and tornad bim on bia be every time any one came la reaching distance I straightened him ont with a snap, and made bim drive bia loved once right through tbo plaatering.— Well, air, when I woka op and found that il waa all a dream, I waa tbe worst dissppointod msn yoa ever saw. Tba crowd gaxad at tba man with the big earn and reverently eoabeeed that they bad not area commenced lo dream. East Macos. Oct. 15.188a Mnax Lamas, IIamix A Lamas— OenUemtH—l bsd been troubled with shortness or breath and asthma for aboat seven yean, and need many remedies without finding relief. One bottle »f yoar Brewer's Lang Bestor- or eared me permanently. Yours traly, C. C. Balsoom. Ma' ,ix, Ga. Mrs*ss. Lamas, Razzis A Lamas— Dear .‘Are—I had base treabiad for a long time before Ming Brewer’s Long Bastorsr, with aomethiag like Asth ma, aad after nsiag only two bottles of yoar medicine I breathed perfectly free, and have foil no symptoms of tba disease sinoe. I am confidant your medicioo eared me, and I cheer fully recommend it to aO wbo are anf- faring with asthma. Yoon traly. Jen D. Rom. SUNBEAMS FROM SUNDRY SANCTUMS Bear aad for bear—Brain and Ms dinner. Hanl Inck stickstb closer than a brother. b it fair to say that a carpet is asleep because it baa a long nap. It i« bntt fair to say that the goat ia tbe grout loveler of tbe hnman race. It was Ibe boy wbo eras shingled that colled bia mother s stern parent A game of bees ball is like n bask- wheat cake—A greet ileal depends on tbe better. Get np aad dost," ia wbal tbe boarding boose mioeas laid when she awoke tbe chambermaid. Hal wa bare it It's when Ibe poor brave sake for tbe ricfc chiefs daugh ter that Ibe Indian pa poohs. Nothing sack-seeds like saeeees un less it's a small boy logging al the tone inwardness of s big orange. Ladies in fall drees at a ball remind aa of an exhibition of borrowed piet- ee—s sort of e low-necks-hibition. Another wsrsing to persons who naa lea water. A man waa frosts lo death by its me hat wsek—He fell ia river. The water in Newborg is so bad tbataeurruepondent of tba Journal ■ays “it is almost cruel to squirt U on decent fire." When a Bouton girl asks for a fid dle string al tbe untie store, the stye: Please give me an intestine of the messed f. liuo." A Missouri man with an ingrowing nail chopped bia toe off. Tbq remedy never fails. For eals by all drnggiata. Beware of imitations A recently born baby in Pittabarg bos no eyes. Dear, dear, bat won't h» aim lliein when be gets big enough to wink at the girl* I If yon have mails a resolution not to smoke, don't break it. Bat, if yoa are offered e cigar, why take it and pass it aronnd this wsy. When yon tusks an engagement to take your sweetheart ont to skste up on tbe frown anffoee of Ibe loks, be tare yoa dou't slip np on il Tbe nnwt afflicted part of Ibe boom is the window—because U'a always fall of pours, and wbo baa not more than one window blind I A Norrietown youth wbo was try* ing to master a bicycle, when liked bis age, replied: "I bare ease KDiumuni and about one bnndred aad fifteen folia Thera is a painful rumor afloat that tbe ice crop ban beeu touched by tbe frost, snd that high prices may con sequently be expected next rammer. An icu slur) that An exchange says Uut a correct answer to tba gentleman wbo wrote tbs nog “Why did I marry f‘ wonld be " Because yon met a woman wbo waa a first-class fooj." What is life? In infancy, a battle with colic; in yootb, a straggle to keep out of mischief; in manhood, a strag gle with indigestion, and in old aga tba prelude lo e coolested will-ease. " What bare yon been drinking or rating?" exclaimed Me wife, aa be re turned lata at nigbl "Liquorish!" be responded, and then he winked at himself in tbe dark, and breathed thin till tbs got stb op An exobangeatks: " What it unex pressed agoayF' Well, a woman who otepa upon the pointed aide of a tack with her bear foot comes as near it as anything we eso think of jnst now.— She can’t swear as a man can. COLO SNAPS. "We're having some pretty wintriAh , mlher," said old Daddy Wolhcr- epooo to Dade Sammy Honniwell, aa tbe two gentlemen met near the City Hoik "Right for-ard weather for the ■Jut eo; jiat ao,” eoneeded Had* Sammy; "reminds are of the foil of 1831. It commenced Tong tbe fora pert of November, and frost stiff UQ March—good, smart weather, toa I remember that it wee so cold ia Brooklyn that November that bilia* water (rose over a hot fire." Daddy Wotberspoon looked at him and braced himself. ' Yes, yes," raid be, "I mind it walL That's tbs foil the arilk tract in tbe sows Bat the sold season was in 1837. It oom- ■rased in tbe middle of October and ran through to April All the oil froze in the lamps, end ere didn’t hare Ufbt ontQ spring rat in." "Ay, ay," responded Hods Sammy, growing right "It’s jut like yestar* day tome. I walked 140 mfiradoe east from Sandy Hook ou the iee, nod.. did bask, owing lo the eoavsxity of the earth, yon know. It wee down hill coaing this way. Bat that WtanT as sold as tbe winter of 1821 Thai •MBOfi corn turnced io OspttmbPf, I8d the mercury didn't rise a degree UQ May. Don't yoa remember bow we need to breath bool, let it freeze, eat hole in it snd crawl in for ebdter? Yon haven't forgot that?" “Not I," said Daddy Wotbenpoon, after a abort pans*. "That’s the win ter we need to give tbe horaee melted lead lo drink, and keep a hot fire un der Woo it wouldn't harden tiff they got it down. But that wae nothing to tke spell of 1817. We began to fed it in tbe litter purtof Angad, and tke I loomed stiddy till tbe 30tb of Jnne. I got through tbe whole epeU by liviug in an ice-bouse. It was too cold to go ont doors, snd I jist camp ed in an ice-boose. Yon renumber that season of 1817? Thai eras the winter we wore nndenbirta of sand paper to keep np n friction." Well, I should uy I did.” retorted Unde Sammy. “What! remraihra 1817? ‘Deed I da That was tbe ■pell when it took a dram grladdn— four .leys to light a match. Ay, ay I Bat do yoa know I eras nnrarafcrtn My warm that winter?" "How aoT deraandad Daddy Wothawpooo, breathing hunt "Bounin* aronnd yoar Ira honra to find oat where yoa got ia It was an awful spell though. How t, long did it led? From August Uil tbe 30th of Jane? I gaera yoa'ru right Bat yoa mind the rasp of 1813. don't yea? It oommsooo I on tbe 1st of July, and want rooadand Upped over a track. That year Ike smoke trine in the' chimneys, aad wo had to bloat it ont with dynamite. I think that waa Urn worse ere ever had. All tbe docks frees np so we didn't . know the time for a year, and me* need to eat fire to their bultdio'e re's to raise the rent. Y«t indeed; I got |3,000 a month for four bnildin'n There ou heap of i that winter, 'eau* era lived on. and phosphorus, till Ibealeobol feufo ! ' aad then wa eat tbe brinanooe ends* of match** and jumped aroewd US A hearties* wag remarked, ia the presence of a dozen ladies, that hi bad jnst found an elegant twitch of false hair, when each of the fair oou instinctively raising a hand to tb* beck of their heads sidelined: “Ilia not mine." And the dtepieabi* wretch b«du*t found any twitch. A young man with an umbrella overtook aa on protected lady acquaint- qunbie* ia a rein storm; extending bia Un over her,requested tb* pleas ure of acting *s her min-b*au. "Oh," axclauaed the yonag lady,.taking his urn, "Yoa wish me lo be you rein deer.” Two eoale with bat a riagla umbrella, two forma that step u ora Tbeyonng milkman aad Ma girl stood before tbe juries of tbe pease. "Yon lake this milk—ahtml—tMe men for batter or for worse?" the mighty man of the law inqnind. Tba that it oarer a-card to bar Before, hot supposed aba wonld if that erra the only whey. The statistics ware too much for Mm. A London joaraai reports that* iw aad somewhat remarkable fovea Uoa bu appeared at Taria. Iti Meta in tbe nppUeaUoa id light-giving materials to printing ink, by which print becomes luminous in the dark. print l to that ia future it will bo possible to read at night, in bad or daring a journey, without tho arafounu of “ lamp. Itiaraid thstai daily paper fa shoal to be printed in -U Tana with this laainou i DO YOU WANT HXALTH ? WhQs will jT0 die^ Death, or what U worse, ie the inevitable ranlt of coatia- aed eupeuisa of tha mnforral derail is a rowUUow that elmald oat be MM with, relief Is the enfo mfs- Immediate setiet is tha oely a * rnia. bell *223? *“ fo/CTuopevhfftfb Mdbff andaddbVbmfo»4$>Sr^& StitlemufraM.fcr all that c*— KB which it c