Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, March 26, 1881, Image 2

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xnd <3ma/. |T. *. WKt. UMm mi frurictaM BaOWBwioK, ~ GEORGIA: Ain Hum tad President Gnr- 6*14 are on iaOuat* Unna. A. A. Mraant, of Macon, ilitd re cently of congeal ioo of Um brain. Xaagbt; Saw Cameron think* the poor negro in being orer edaeatol. TteOvatrel RaUroad baa leaaed Ibr Oeofgia Road with a guarantee of 8 per cent Ro aara rnmor. Ike Ohio Legidatare baa paaasd Ik* Ml aalhoriiing the aale or leant of tb* Cincinnati Southern Railroad, aad Ciadaaati is happy Carteraville ia mneb aierciae.1 on tbs (object of street tax. $8.00 or fif- tean da) a labor, ia ths alternatire left ercry mala citizen of that city. An extra aaaaioii of Congress seems more certain every day. Tlio Itepnha can't wait for December to get the lit tle graaaing enjoyed by the Democrats for a season. J. a McKinley "w-nt fifty-two ripe watenaalona to Jsekaonvills on the fith of March. Ilia farm ia on Ibe Caloosahatcbie. How is that for a severs winter! Tba Boers bars accepted the British lame of panes, which include a cessa tion of war ami the appointment of a royal coauaiaaioa. The Boers area Dutch colony, and not natives, as many sappoae. Tbs Oeanlgea takes its name from tba Indian Oe or Oeh, which signifies water, and Mnlgee. bnbldieg or boiling; tbs asms was applied from ths many springs that were found along its comae, and whose para wa ter flowed into its channel. Ths first steamboat that ever navi gated tbs Oetnnlgee river was the •• North Carolina.'' 8he mails bnt one trip to Macon sod that was on the 15th day of Janaary, 1839. The next boat that aaeendsil ths aamo stream eras tba M Pioo**r.” 8b# was built by Messrs. Cham. Day and Jaincn Units, of Macon We had always cnllod Valdosta n livo town, bnt unr faith wcnkoim when wa look over tbo columns of tlmt ster- ling paper, the 7Tmc«, and aoc so fow boms advsrtiasnicnta If we were go ing to bnat a dead town, judging by lbs Times’ patronage, we should say ws bad hand it. A town wberu mcr chants have no better aye to bosinrss than that, is not pr.igrnsaivs. Wake 'am op brother l'cndleton; you «le- serve bettor treatment Till-: MAIIINII IHJMl'DUKK. Thu l*ark rimI Klfltl* Drltiurtl- IIimimh Hwrpi Awtay. wmI«* Htiwk Uwl l»f llutiflrwMlm. llltlTNHWK’K AND VICINITY. Never la tbo bi«t<wy of Macon baa tba Oemalgss rag* d and boiled with MMhh(7asf«yr.terday.' IU natn- rml current Was turned into a flood tbat swap! by Ibe city with the force of a deluge. Tba • star flowed in an- gry torrents that a»en»ci| determine)! to awsapavarytbing la-fore it. Ilonm «. cowa, harass ami other animals ilsaln-d by an tbs stormy lawoni <.f the <K- mnlgse like so mam feather*. On Th-irwlay, tlie 17th. the Ocaml- goa at this point ro»c near to the high I water mark of the llurrison fn-dirt of, March, 1841, and on the day followirg * avenue, it was above thai memorable marl, (( antUrenched aitbin an inchnn.l n half 1 of tbo great cwntt' freahet <>fli:« April. 1870. On T liiir*JitJ nil'll! tilt- : t\ ini rite continued v«*r\ hentily along tin three tributary •uvmm» Hint form tin* rirer, which no inerta**! tin* volume I of vrsler thst it r<**- nluive the high-, eel mark etwr 'If I I IT otir most “aocirnt ami honorable■’* bti.iuui atpis- I/,-.** «./. #• weler having riarn three inch- (rxrul ee above the fcttteuiiiid mid right i above Ibe llarriaon mark A ere captain now in |*>rt li/ts nak ed at to write him a letter touching the advantages of tbit pjaec nml sec tion, to b«t m nl to n frii'titl now n Rid ing in Ceylon, hut who wishca to ro* tain to the United SUto, rim I wnnte it home in a warm climate. I tint rml, however. of writing wich n lrttrr, wr prepare thin article for public print, •o that not only onr Ceylon fHend hut icoren of others hunting th© gar den spot of ermtion may find it First, we net out with tho propwi tiou that Southern climate is superior to Northern. Florid*, the extreme South,being unhealthy in summer (for •oeh wu chit ripfiriimw) end tbi» wo* tion fanifiliing the warmth without the chilli and fevers, it must he the acme sought in this |wtrtieular. In point of climate, then, wo score one. Secondly, wo claim that the soil of tliia section, iu rnn bo and has boon demonstrated through these columns, with tho raiuo care and labor will yield larger dividends tlmn that of any other Reel ion of Georgia (we are Rpcaking now of tho sea coast of Geor gia.) One acre of land in Glynn connty, for instance, well luannred and properly cultivated, in rice, sweet (MitfitocM, aiigar cane, watermelons, arrow-root or indigo, will yield mors money iu hard cosh than any acre in middle or north Geof^ia, similarly- treated and planted in tboss things that thrive there, cotton, corn, wheat, sorghum, etc. Thirdly, we claim that the seacoast has tho advantage over other sections in the variety of products, whilst the interior is confined to the production of a few things- -with ns there is no limit Fourthly, onr section is mom favor ed in the divemity of onr industries. IViiide* farming, we have the manu facture of lumber in endless variety, alno of naval stores, and to ns, on the cot*t, other industries open lip, via: bnilding of vessels, commerce, the cultivation of vegetables for mar ket, fisheries, etc., in any and all of which ia money, if only man lie in earnest and um* diligence. Fifthly, there ia room for more— wo nro not crowded. Ilntidreds, yea thoiiNiindN .uore cau occupy this fa vored land, mid the cry would lie, still there's room. Hut why multiply words? These points are enough. They are full of marrow, and need no additional strengthening. So much for our section—wo cotuo now to e|teak of oar own locality— Brunswick— fair Bran aw iek—the City by the Sr*," which rises in her strength, despite fearful odds, and as serts her power—her harbor, her groves, yew, all her natural advan tages second to no city on the south ern coast, and at the same time |miu- mg thu one great ami grand de sideratum of In iug so free from fresh water streams ns to render the atom* pln re of onr Itarlmr free from inalaris, and a safe place for vessels to come any day of the year. Add to these the facilities now had and daily in creasing for furthering all the inter- csts above mentioned, and you have, indeed, the Klyxiuiti nought. But i mark yon, diotie* mid ling Uiv sue rrel neither lu re iioi cliw'w here. All thing* nvimidernl, wo claim this sea- I roust M'ctlon (Iu* fain *t of Georgia, Glynn county Hie garden a|>ot, ami | BruiiMsii'l flu gatev nv ntid grand | [y on* -iac’Khi>nvii.i.r. lkttkii* PrutiiMtff ot Ulmokpohobse- —LOOK AT THE THE LAST or TUE 8050 CALLED ‘Cheapest Goods’ 13 SUSri -IT JACOB COHEN i • to S <totovwtnM t«*Hi bu> stock Wlatef Ooodi Hi aeh M loMtoSfc IW pQMlc. Bkrl CiwHniih m ar4d ertrywWfs Sfifilto Tie. Omp flSfl good* NtUMbrS ever wfi M Sf RMftHfi Vorth or Soath. Oar 4R-lttHi Lmbim’t But MNf Ml IkM II M.W*eU»»IL MUS* hs4 varied |o bmhI1«i«. A «|uicl gentleman, sitting iu bis office ou Bay street, in tbo city of Jacksonville, to-day, has joat returuo.1 from a pcroaual in»poctlon of )lra>lginjj machine), in nac in loaic- iana in the rcrlainatioii of awaiap lan>la far rire rullnn-. Tliiv i« Con nell, flic engineer »f the lat" Okccbo- hca Draining Com|*»n). The cornpa- njr ia cumpocu l of Mr. Limlcrman, and other wealthy eapitaliata »f Phil adelphia. Tho lake ia twenty-three fact above tide water. It la pro|Kiaed to cat the rim of tbo lake and fnrniab an outlet fur ita watera, lowering the prevent depth of water nineteen feet, and rccUiming twelre million acre* of hud adtpte.1 to sugar eultnro. Tba company bare duanl a cuntraet with the .State, deposited $5,000 for feit money, and giro ever, indication that they mean tinaineaa. They oak and receive no Htnte aid, looking to tboir compenaatinn in the land, re covered. If they ena.-ond, Florida will at once t.ike the lea>l in »u^«r manufacture, ami tbna Hie work ia of national importance, and alinnld lie ul ea|ieria] interest Hr Ooorgiaiio, for the growth of Florida ia certain to innre to tlio benefit of Georgia. Messrs. Nelson and Hewitt cunnot be too rapid in getting their new ho tel ready. The tide of trarol will soon begin lo eat back to the North, ami by thorough advertising on the Plant, the trains between Fernumliiia ami Jacksonville, anil at the lioti-t. hero anil np the river, I am confident tint they coalil induce hnnilmta of |wople to stop over and real from a day or I a.r rrioels. o«4 te. two to a week on their way North, and j , - J ‘~ *“ l “ r “^' k - Ulna giva the hotel a good vend off. M j||inPr\/ Gf>nd<5 There are more people iu Florida JIVI111111Cly V3UUUO. is winter than in any pruvioiia a>-a- Aatiema ■on. A gentlemen from Han furl re-1 NEW STYLES, porta tbat they aro turning ofT guests at leading hotels up the river, ami new hotel project* are being talked of. There is a prospect of increased hotel room at Jacksonville the coining win ter, and it is clearly needed. Tho Fernsndina A Jacksonville Bond, os you very truly say, is a work MitoktoSlh I’MlvrvesrAt price* Mjrtit lb. Uto jade** la tb« 8Ut«. Wr tmtwi cImi o«t aotoe of onr iaimMH* atoch to SMh* ro*** fop »nr lrumeo*« Sprins atoek. W* Import Embffuldrrir*. *ml can »r!l Uu>n» **4 all fla* wtill* r<o**n At |r**t V) p-r rent Ira* IhfiB AS/ uu»r k<*M, COMVIXCE YoCittCLr | Ton will Sot b* dl**ptw(tilc.| U JOQ I*y a vi*U to JACOB COHEN, 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Look for the Red Sign. f i ‘ ly The Ladies’Store MRS- M. C. ROWE NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, # wttb -w 1 licit ,b*i ha* enriched Ur EMBOWEREO FASHIONABLE RESORT! Ml*- |a (ntJlwtl; reeeUto* th-- latent lentil** fl»*M |U •tkii 'nr.l « ni|air1nti.a «.f b-blnii. and«**l4rbll; assures Ur Irlcnda th»t Ur Uaitif'.! mInlivu o ANDREW HAMXZY PAINT AND OIL STORE, of great intercut to Bmnnwick. It I HATS, BONNETS, ami the TVtiyrrnaa A Jackaonrillo will' have a rilah of travel over them micli an Ima never lieeu aeen, next wilder. Tim long nml tediona ride from Fit- nanilinn and from Havaumili linn do- tcrroil many from coming to Jackimn villa* wlin will bo glad to cuiun when ineiire)) a rapiil nml ooiufuitiililn riilo from each place. I believe the Way- rroaa A Jnckwnivillu and Uio Cumber land lloutc and I'Vrnanilina A Jack- ■onvilla will have all they ran do next wiuter, auil much freight which uow goca by alcamer will reach tho West oml Nortliwcat by thno ruutoH. Yimr paper ilocn crolit to the city of llrunawiek in ita new dro»» ami ad- dnax, amt ahiiuhl Iw heartily patruu- ixctl. Make it racy— ilo-larc war on old fogyinm, ami keep (logging away fur llrnn-iwick tho city which ia to Accordeons, Harmonicas, 1m». There is hut nuo thing tickled tn bring Brunswick oat—united cf- VMInm<l (iiihr Strinr*. Al*. fort of her own ritixrns, and calling ; t , 1A - . , things by their right names. G. 0 cUlCI IOC G0illlt6r (iOOQS BELTS, BUUONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINGS IVHibul ta ox** Hi d tu tlito or any »tUr ill:. &JSJBSS M'lk'WG A *p*riaHr, aad parfact eu in tUMwrain rSiodilril rla«*, aad pr»c**a rra-.-nabto, ^ ^ JUST RECEIVED a rniE stuck or Clocks, V7atches ariiiWELnv, O’CONNOR & WENZ, (OPPOSITE CUSTOM IlOL'SE) ISi-tinswick, Georgia, KKEP A FULL LINE OF FIILST-CLASS Dry hoods (Lhroeeiies, LOW EST OASU PRICES GUARANTEED. DEALER IN Railroad, Steamboat Jill Supplies PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC A COLORS, Qla88,Putty.Vanii8hc8,Brushe8,Plain & decorative wall Paper DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Etc.. licks, Sash-Weights, Cert, Hinges, Screws, Etc., line, Platter, Hair id Cement, Whltilcr awl 17H ftiy Srrft«. SavannaH, • - Georgia. Glynn Comity Shoriff Sales. Tint Turtday in Jprit 188L asarmagg mn W oaa • •• n. OMli •( I...D imrtl., tu inrj., .►! B.W Q.U, tiuw am.. )«>,«».» ajJav whl* a »wamwiafciw»wa>n»it..f WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Go. STEAM ENGINES, "Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINW1XU. TIIRKSIILNO AND GRINPINO. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM HOIJzEltS, AH kinds ami Sizes. KKTUll.N TUI1ULAH, HETUItJi FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. UKl’AIUS OF MACHINERY I’RO.MFTLY EXECUTED. mm. L*« AM. rwcx* J, s. SCHOFIELD, I’ntp’r. •Ill \ EXCTIIHION. Nl.—.* Mi '*l-„d. . M<i. ch . h J - A sjweinl it .-f tin- Trltym/th nml li*i .ifiit .IJHII Hie recent C'uIm. n |te»rti the f*ill«iw- ir.g Ir.nitl ii|xin »»u American tourist Wc de«fn* «•• call tlie stlmlh'll of snt'li of our reader* n« way Ir e**nt« m- iduliuR Iioiim k« •1'inir. **r wli*» »»r** ro- idi uidiiii'f tin ir »ttte‘k of Iioiim* fur- ui-hiiiK lM*s **orie«, lo the e.ud id Mr. Chari-* I. nadir*, Copier Inalltuts. New York ciljr, where ne»y la* found in bt*»ca i% complete HMorfnieiil of liil*' and |)i-eonde«l Freiit'li Chilis, I mi.I r.nuli-li I'oreeLun Dinner, Te.mntl | riMiidH*r M-|., * !e., n» well a* nil im-lnl slid wiaalen ware*. This firm Im* long i lil.»dr s »peciulty id seudiiiK their a tire* throughout th** country, on receipt of • I*. O. money order or by expr.*** (!. O. D ; mid '«« they are i. li .k l. end ex- | |ieri* need, this to oft. ml ! vsutiigo to our friends i.t a «li-» nice.— (V.ilosuo nml Prterdisi insil»**l free on I application. ccCIO tf T:;=r 1 my frt-n.U am III Friday night the rlnu>l. ponml :rf»ct dvlur- npon tnc city, ami ll mill i ( »t N. i.-ul h| f.. vary heaven, anemnt aa if tln-v be waahed from tbnr f,mu.In' Thte mighty flood ut w.U-r, ot •waited tba Ormnlgcc gieatrr ib in r<- ar. aa ailh tba comi'ig of yi-»lii.Uv »ni morn teg) tba river iwiwnU-.! a view ti.m never btCnrc aren in Moron. Tim Ku water ratted ap into tlm |iarb, s iag dear arm* Ibe mile track. MV took • .Iriva tbrungl) llm park yealer- 1 day afternoon with Mr. Clay, ami Ima.. » -ni l * * “ l water at the park g«tc near-, the Am. n.-w If you are troubled with Dy*|*epri.i, Soar Ht'-U'weli, lleittloehe, Itillioitoiiew, or *iiv djsor*leis of a HliiRRtoli liver, l*ort.iline, or Talder's.Yegelsfd** I.iver Powder, will cure you. Taken in ‘ hill and • .1 ntneu sunenuff. is nas nreo nstnl sue p.tospurts at a Ctmt of fl ctxdully in rosny ease* where other npon the eitv, Mnl the Me ohlnitied from the Spanish time, it will *wve a «Wtiu • i :i af. - -.1 smell sufleriug. It has l«een i’ll. |M Iiiiittnio Un to vrnil ths lalaiid i renmlh s have f*ilnt. Dyp*-p*u is a * *■ * * iiiylhing *f< <\ .1, U with the passenger j k h» that the cuofoitt - turn tlifi-iu t«» us through • t%n»Ml|. We called for Am. rican C*>naur* and h> him mid liy f jew it beds am perfectly snhtuc-rgeil. Kast l^nlo, chrl in th*- office t»f Mu lion's Maeon. nearly to lha factory, ia *ul>- j8t* at mhip Co«ii|uiiy ( that it would tnvfRed, wdiila boat-houses, etc., hate i cost f'2’HI to lisve Hiem re\iMsl, which - *** P ‘*T3>o,4a vteited the ri-! * iU -’ r " r H - ,! ..) n * I eomOMm .-.m.,.taint, and atiyl montha. |« gladly a.-lpunpl. I at Mit.»>aa», tilf purarr tod [ I'..) tall nr ia only SO ccii'ta a lati-kam*, up. going aa a rraaon that he | '* *'JJ cnrr TV"' Y'.'J ^ , . , , . J.»tt>r. Ilniaaanek. and U J. M. -.y. I.. .Imw them to the! W tennma, Oa Whlta'a Cream While l.'KST GREEN’ AMI BLACK TEAS. in i.srs iiexcise xnii’ «-’/;*»/• GARDEN SEED ONION SETS. niioivt; ciiF.wixa ,f smok/xo TO IS ACC O. The nest 5 tent Cigars. DAVIl) WEISUELN, L'EA LER !?i DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. Frau iu* Mtintth Tlu.**, OrtoUr Mb. tl U an o|.| mJ (rum My mg that * uerv) a*<l builarm tori will alvaya n*i> iuoimI — irgn. a* I Mr. Iia»i4 WrUUia to* ll*l*« UI*«traUu* ot IU tmlk U tbat mta.-e. Only a »•* y»ar# b4ck rrmatuWr him aa lb« |rv|-fWrf mt a lull* 10*13 4rjr (Mala •>■+*■. wttb but »«• rj IIIU« mon •***\ than lhal r*. •I'llrmt »<• ill lb* a bow wla.luwa of hU • frar*| ater*. but lo-tlay. Ml Mkquili** f.r WVUbala'a df) a.wal *lor», you ar* alio** to onaof tU Ur*v«t an linaat • .**wj J-1*:* imiv-l »Jr* yvb »tur% tkl iltal, too, r» -ntoinlDj; a »t»-k uf $*>!• in ta. :» lb pa. tl. ri.l fl »m wl.k Ii avru till nuat *k« |<t..-*l ran arlrct with ahtlra aaliafactlo*. I*4b aa to .|*aUtjr aa l |»ri.-*. Th* mUrprlaluif | r< i>r1rtor k Mrirne-I a i • muU. r ut* f *r hi* ««tobUahiM<-*i. a* I it la fiLronfh- t ■! all arcU M of lb* n niitry aa ' « I'uxtr I at dtnfla Hinas, aa l an a i laiUaptfiU'.iIa r«teWarr of bia *u*t . L.tu to ikat fluilm-lliHi, «t a**: sly ra ter tba rralerl* IU »NM«ruua r«|.Uarra rostalBa-l la blaa>lTcrtlw«8i«nt. flarlt an ru• U*rarm.-itt la g«ra glrotig-r Hun ri***.|«|>»r talk, au<l U Bt>| only wall itaM>r«r«l, but alao in kr«|>lnK «uh tb* «*ll *ain..| rrpuutt. a ot Mr. Wiiabalu f..r a>|i*ari- <l*-«!ln* an t prompt altralluu to r*»ry -Utall 4 hi* buitaama. U<- la Dow n-*dy Mi'll bla aloik fi-r tl»« tell ami wlutor trad*, which *iuUarM alt of |li* Ulaal iiov. IlUa In lino of Irwld, an 1 Hum who r«v»r h!nt with cnlor* for rilUr bla wholaaal* or bu r*UII d«-t>*rtotn)l will never hav* i-auao to ro ir*l It. Ona of lha mala f- alurra of hit aaltHiahmeat la that ho U brln«n it to th* TW**4*F to fiyOI. tori. b*tw*aa is *Vtoc* $. s, an4 « rn’clock r. M.. of that day. al pmtUa awtorv to U*bicb**ta*4Wthtotor th* IktototoMto AB Uom rwrtola Ms to toM la th* to ■rnsawtoO. U. th* coasur of Ohron. ao4 Matos} U*or*to,sod hoowsts th*Ftos*fmI4 ettf to M unter mrty-nlao (*» (th* mm h*lsf s water tet) nuaiUr fifty (V) it Mh a late M, aad havtng sn It a temae and lapeavaMSIs, afl to that porttow of lha tHf known aa Old Town j also, a irari af iisj Htnatrd. lylnjt and Ulac la said Vlate iM *aoslf m oiyan. wltatn about aixtows mil#* from Iterity to Brunswick. oo*t*lnlB« two theuaaaid am*. w*v* to toss, lha **:1 Irwlof land bavin* Was hsssM ft*K WUliana OteullUatt by the said WiillaaiTuMMatowl lb* yaar laSt-alao, a certain trarlto land aosteto* log two thousand IntbsMsBuOasa and fbraaarfy balons»f Ctoaptwy Tunao. of aald county. tefHtor urlth a Um rights, uaiubf and appunaaancaa tolh* aatos lieioncinc, or in any wise arprrtolato*. Lsv*4d mm mUm property af William M. Tana* uadsr and hr vtrtno to a mort*a«* • la issnrd nut to 0*ysu tew n-rlof Court, fa tetwr of M K. JfSMttw b Co , «d. William M. Tati no t* agll.fy th# anid S Ik. Frww* *rty pnu.Ud oat aad drm rtbej in ■ fa. Friurlaol amount 97.VM 3S. lutrirat-—. cost IttM. JOSLJ'II K. LX kill RIG UT, Sheriff U. C. Ua, OEORfltA—Oltvw Conrrr. Will bd gold brfhrw tha c urt bona* door la thd city toDrunawicit. Olynu ronnty. Oa.. *-* tha Irak Tuesday in AprtL |w<l. bdw**n lo «>Mk A. M-, and 4 vVdurk r. S. *4 that day. •( publl ' mutrry I* th* hi«h* at and best bW tor tha fuijowiaff iiacrlbad pr party b*-wlt: All that r.rtian tot <>r tract of land sltsatod Ijlacsndbcinsin the i: b. IH*L. O. M.. IS te# rouaty ofoiynn and Stela to Oeonrta. watelalto four hardrr.t (40©; im., and bound ad *w th* warto* e**t by lands«f (LO. NrarlHt; aouth by laMteaf Oi.wr*. ard waatby land* tollaow. and know# Sd tba b st Branch Iran. |*v#tb#r with all imfffwv** mmto tarrron. LrTtofon nmlar aito by virtu* to • ff to i‘**«d cut to the toSc* to IS* CMptellfif (tonaral. to tha State to Oamrgi*. to kwf to th# Mate to OatoffU. acslaat VOtei A. hnkbfaff Tlirhtertnr to Olyu county a* ynuiifuf. ahd L. A. !*toa. J. M. Ttawm and (». S S*trVH w itewrte Man. Lotted ou an th* nrafafty to WStoma A. ter* rte.pd»c«pal mated sMaanUMT tea aaM Urn Ur* gtram to W Ultem A. Iterrte in* Is BOM* Matte rrtwclpte C*te M Hi ' Also, al th* MM* UM sod fftea*, $| test cartel* toi or tract to land tetBated. Ivtaff and *>tIns In th* STth Mai, O. M.. cmiuty to Olywa. aad dial* to flaacte*. rautolalu* (May four h wad rod ■rra*. and kauadad *w |h* awtb by lha htea to Tte*w awd Mumlard. — tha sate by tea LMIIs So* 04 toads to Mnody, ami nw ths wste by toads "f. > *—*7 < X. M.ltmm. tasrttor with f 11 ^tod as und«r ao4 by Virtwatoaff toteMMd awl to lha stec* to UM r.^apj^UarJte—rte to tea Mato to OaoMto. to tov*r to th* Mtea to Gaortte v*. WttltoM A. Iterrte, fonwrr Ins rtetortor tooTysh artnilaul aodL. A. Fyla*. i. M. Tls*a aad O. H, SoarteW *d aarurttte*. Lavted aw a* th* yroatrlytoL A. hhte riS 7 - *■■*» ■** "* « fclMiaaa^TC ran, la laaaMlaa. Martpl . Oaa* jo*, x. uMnainirr. 0K0R0U—jiltm Out-avy. mwtzo. V. Oa. VU iu coarl kaaaa *«w la IM of UniDswIrk. IU,ua ri.unl,. Oa..oa tbalrat TncU, la A|TII, 1—1. brlwit. U« 1,'rlaeli A. M, and four n'rlork r. m. of tbat day. al nublla *tHrrv. to tho hlahaet and bast blddar. lha following proj: orty, tn-wlti " All tbat c.rt.m lot of lanit. It Iba ill, pi Dam alc-v. In ll.« rnanl, I.f (II,an Mnl alala MOaanla, knaaa Mid dMrrlM In lb. |.|.n ,d .,1.1 ,11, u lalMo. IMrlaw |UI. tuKHbrr „lih >11 Um lai,»re. u,-nl.ia,r'™ la,l,d ou nn.irr aad b, ,l,lu. of a wut o< o>rl baa Iwo-l mi a )]!,>, aaaMWt ““f KaMamianaKS ~a >a tt» (man a F.laat w-agm—iAS* SsisSa'STjaS: party Is Sartsto teStol tor***. .0-1 mtiT KM. JL LAM MinBT, IdtoiL Into U» MM Irunswit k. Glynn r—•- —•* - - — — ■ April. IM], Wtw . m. of that day^t •eat blddar. th* «ui _ A thrawiowrth* andi .ry iu be for ii th* it.w Any o rrnil by bla*)Mai lha n«il luail, with prlrr* an lha order forward, d. When I • a*M, b. pr*|>aya ll*w firvigM. If the 'fry house on av*ry cro-a lie* for aampU* ren t vra th- hi Ly u whl< b thlarikna are u*a«le, and it* to ten dollar*, and lha looney •ru nrdafrd M C. O. D," and tha wrdar *iuo«uta to twenty itellara, ba |.re|i*)a thu freight. Hen.-.-, awry con- aunier ran aelert bla |m<li hundra>U pf inllu* an ay fhtn Savannah.)n»l aa wdl a* If tbay war* in Mav.nuab, and d*t Ihani iMitvml to their nearest *tall<4i. frea to npraoa or frviiikt ibargra, te hi* low jw*» ra. and thereby aware a great aaving t* ihrtu*i l*t« U«id»»lh-y am nut • otni^ilrd t* buy fna* a cwuutry •lore, who only keep a liiulUd aasortutenl 14 For **L a ( .at mi I —- ■LIIXW DKI C WTUNK. V* iiu if age in th* bc*t Worn killrr. ^ o» *»*• ” »»«•>• - 1 ' 1 '* i '»‘ them behind tbo grand aUnd waU-r ranit nearly into tbo buggy All the dower were inforii Um Ssy! sod many look i° r,u,M * n * Bint it would ctmt |*J.IS0 lo rbffre oily tba day before have them iviUwl again U-fors we aod gardens. Koch a Cotil-l li-ave tile Bland. The Onptaiu ss ——»- iU-l iidiitf* for *11 -uffereru with j CiHult* •«M<I C'okl* In the atitteNttic*'- lueiit Ihnl r«Mt*arnn' Hooey of Tar i«a nevi’r-fatlitiff remedy. Ihwenrediy Ihe m**l |M*pulsrren*nly **f the ufe, it hnn no rival »x a cunt f**r *1i***nnr* of |Ik» and lu.ig-, iM-l e*rh day telda Invli trtunipl.s in iu iung ii-l of vict«»- ri*-** **ver 1‘inulf. t*4.1*. uihI n»**rw a*^ tirHts fllfit-Hiiii* of th** thn*»t ntid Imign* Due Uial wilt eotivitxwi yuu. price .V> cents F*»r mde hy F. Joer- ger. Ilniuawick. Ha., nnd It. J. Maa- aey, Hi. Siiimna. fcrWliiie'z i'renni U liilv Yertni* f ige I* the Ite-at worm killer. CHANGE OFSCHEDULE.; STEAMER GA^IE, CAI*T. \\. (•. LEE, I ILrI>LiMi*)iid iHrii. ^V. ,J. JVIII^LiJillt 6c Co, Wliolfd'Uo ami Retail Draicre iu wunoman. . ant «i.l Iks cbargtw were rornt-l; tbat I „ , — j W)' 1 (.rolMal.ljr be jaile.1 if «, IfOOt 1111(1 MlOO ollOIl UH*;g|gaWTMJtOIIM T K.„mi. fciU.1 All ,.i<l again. TU 1 jpnaM-ngvra rt l «.iu.l tbo aiTiir to Ibe 1 Kaxui Ctvv, kfarcb 18.—Tbe firat IOovvniorof the l-rotiuce, wbo or-, tbroagh train for Ibe Pacific eoaet, .Ivml * f:la ..f aoMirra an,I arraoteU via Atcbiaoo, Topeka aod tba South- [ R i'« It • ....rlt. thu Anicriran Con- an Faeific RaUroad. left Ibia city tbi> ml, »i»l L vu- Diuke. Tliuv lugg..l tb* aboata of the'fur mi icy at,.I r, .1 the imuuy I.. nil pl.M-Dl Fully witliWM.- |„|| |». P*IttfOlv. j J’loUunU lu |;ini. Iijt /m(.. NOTICE. n AVISO Swrurral IM w-r*' ew wf .*. th<f <-w*n. twir»i wtiDAii, | | r par..I (A rtwal* ail ..r>br» it atterto *|*r .4 lim- Mian any l>. A. HooDFm DoteJk I'fiLli.X. kUt>»wic-K. aLd.rt Laitotn«a wu Iba Salill*. •«# WiU Ua«r • U. «wry I I IIUY al « r. w, tor Srwwaw L k abd fntrnb^-iutc Utniltc* uaty Fi»r frwubt* or J..-** ;- aey-tj •«* U M CUWKIl X-A*. -HUE >X DIM M Aarbte at **«a Ita\ \g, t ar tin t <v.»ik. W II. Ik’hlUM.A.. .1 at I *r.. n. CAREY IV. STILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HBCSSWWK, GF.U11GIA. yrartkw in thr r-iaru ba hurtn* Cwurt «f « Orrutl a*.I Idatrict i'ourte, f »r tue Smibcru in*, i •rGorv-a. NOTICE. Orrtra or Cuu or rnrmiu Darsawi. a. Oa . Feb. «|. |A* * auhtuWr.l tbrtr rv-pe rt of I Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, t Window Shades, BJsittings, Etc., •*, ► •! J Ira Ikv f- Wit ..u I* i«i.teo.l> J» re-w l aai ar,, III l* nunigaUkrii Fwn Man a-te. l wr Svl iv., .Hi liir'Af.. )U i. Utvl 4to • n*pr Inf. rr th* Mh *UJ U Inal. JdiU> tfoTKTU*. CkVk at CXtUftClL MS, loOnttd 152 Bruught«»M Street. S -Am V -A. 3ST 1ST -A. H., OEOROIA, I T U for your iuU-reat to tra*lo uith na, for the fellow iug, auiuiM? tunny, rm* •ons; W# have a %t ry large anti well selected stuck. Wo give you good work at low nr ice*. Wo (It up onr goods thoroughly. We |<aek our good* very carefully. We shit) goods pfoiuptly. I We rnsae no charge for (Mckitig ntul shipping. We aeeors ioorral r.»t»*s of freight. Ws therefore solicit a trial onh r, feeling a»«Mired that prou will tie satisfied with oar gmoU iu-l priced. Trices uu J other inf- 'riuation chct-rf ally furnished. A ;HLLKK \ COXIFANY. -a *1 -ti52?CJi aJSSLSSft. oi,a. n-. o«rt irccr-5r»!Se-Tit ratum<f(ilynacounty«a. S. Franklin Ana*. Frankli* .*4 It -tef FteOklli; LteSlaS' Mite VZXu’ °v f ?+* 5- Awn a. sate »J2 *to4iff to. rrotorty Wtontr4 u*t i.t *ted nortrua I to. trlwrlate swmwI luw, Uurral Coat, 931.tu. ^ n-oa-L "^VagggL White & Decorated FzencI* Chinn and ENGLISH PORCELAIN . AT IX)W PRICES. Ftea wbita Frrncb CLIna Diuavr kata, ID a j? $ rtrnm White FrrtM b Cblna Tr* s.(a, 14 n'r'a a tot Finn fM<l tUn.t FrmcbChinaTr*a*U.«4 p. 3 OS \\ >jijlUbKorrr|.iH tbanerto-u. |taj.. u off Kilter-plate*! Matter bulvra, par <loa«it.... Ou ALSO ALL UOrilCKLfcMXo (HNltSI. Xew Illu* Ca'ali Kiioan.tPrl) . Il*t luailt-*! toe«on application IjiUmatc* tnrul*tiHl. 1 L II llll.l.’k , ( vHipt r InalllMla, X Vt'ltf Ortofi u.ta.1 an t piare.1 < n Par or SlMNier. trv* Of abuga. ba-b4 c. 0.11. «r t. o. M- n. > Uf. ,Ur * urUUlf Travelers Ins. Co., HARTFORD, CONN. Life und Acoidont lustirniivu. JJLDexter, Insurance Ag’t, Itepnacuta ths abova Co. at Drnasutek, Oa. 83,500.000 | ire .mi am*.i |.im. mmw,m |J MJU.V. l^« r i hew, U.I-. ■!).— X. MfWwolMlai nv-no. CmM If Dfta.'i.DrGtiliEt ! LOCAL DKNTIST, Bronswick, - - Georgia. 1 rtT 1 '* — i—»» a fMM— IV Ta— .uai^.MX—.. .iila.Jii uiw)r Mwwn-t M,|.if !FRUIT TREES! GATE CITL_NURSEKY. A LL tbo popular vartette* to Apt4#* an.t pr*rb • i V ea, l» tu carl- au4 Ul*. «tuwn with a vtaw to lu.-t IU (tetuanla to a Oautbrm rlMwa4».— ■wtl*r* ti.-n In ttrtev. i|*a!ity so.I v%ur to tb* U-1» J karat.UevL UUif** I j.n.rmm, ; 4n AVU St. SlMoua Mll|f. Gte lift* Best* DENTISTi CUlLXm COSOKM k WMITAKn mUXTV, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. S#*AU ff.araae* to tb* a Ilf HARDWARE At STOVES, Flaw a. IKMM, UwHi r-rbrt *a*k, 4k Iamji 4b Table tita**, n«larra, t'wtlrry. Nn$*i H#rw*luw Tlawarr, I'rwlwrr, 4UHOU, far sale by •narT-lr. laOPtflffiCfi.