Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 09, 1881, Image 2

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4 1 1 I -vrrjisrr mid T. fl. 8TACY. EilUw tiul ri«i*iet«r. BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA: MTimtlXI MOMUXil, ATOIL TiM UUH jackhonvii.i.i: I.KTIKII- Yeaterdav, .April .lib. I look my Uni ride our the new mail. Sunday the firat engine made the trip through between the two citica, which are dca- lined to dcrito to niueli advantago from it. Monday I be lint traiua were run, and Tueaday waa llie aeeond day of the now ronle. Tlie preaent aelieil ■ nle for the thirty one niilee ia I -.'M,— It w ill be redured, aa aoon aa I he i cn ' ” ,,r ' . . . , track baa Bellied ererything i. in T1 ‘" ~ D *‘fT £ i inter, lo I :I«. Hoot*. and. if Irarel 1 1 ""' ^ oul * * warrant*. triple da,he, .,11 lie run-, ^ “< •»* 1“ The traek i, of the 1*4 material and *"««*>* for.ber.,lro^l.of IbeStaU. Tin: UAII.ItoAUC’OMatlHHHiy. Kililnr Adt>‘i1i»r unit A/yimli The writer baaing taken ft deep in teriat iu tin, e«|a runenlnl legialation which erenled the commiwioo, end baring watched ite operation for the paat year, neither agree, with Iboee who wonld abotiah it or extend tie I lower, hut belierea it fthonld be re tained under auch legialation aa the oj|iericuc« of the paat year anggcete. The right to eiereiae legialatire an- perviaion of our railroad ayaleni un der our now eoualitution haa been clearly nettled by the judicial prece dent in other ala tea adopting like leg- iMlatioii. The ini’ll'* of ila eiereiae ia therefore the only ipieation of practi well laid. The firstling »n«! bridge work i* nuLi-tantinl. The drnwl»ridg> over nn nrm of the St. #Min Thu writer doca not believe the lan guage of the net authorize* such a count rue* ion, blit that it waa clearly yet fully completed, hut thorough-' lv roiiutrurtcd. The cur* art* light, airy and dopant, nnd heated by a furnace, which orn«L the heat under every aeat. The DextH tuv fitiiah<*d with Dome oort of *tr:iw nmttiiig, far preferable to the heavy tUbbiofnd acata, a* the tin t will not »tiiy iflf of rate* fi»r each railroad, bawl tip- on ita earning ca|»acitj, capital in- vent«t! and other »t*ti*tic* jurtinefit to tin impiiry “ what ia a fair rate for th<* roa l?" and that the only gouir- al aynteiii of rnlea which it waa in tended th« coiuiuiahion ahonld adopt t bein’ bat paaaee tbruogh nti.l out of **"' •» *«•«»•••“ lo P“*>- the wav. There ia an elegant etuok- ing. rebate, and combination, of oom- ing coavh (part of the Uggage car i limw to defeat competition, and all the appointment, arc in every In illn«tnite: Any general eyatern reaped firat-tlaaa. "IT>'< '> '<> Weatern A At- The road will open up • now *vc- * ** , '" r g'» 0, "1 Central roads, tion to cultivation mid acttlciucnt, powerful corporation,, doing «ii im- aomo of which ia talnablo land. ineiiau btiMiiea.,pwuingthrough thick Baldwin, the eyc-aoro ami plague ly ►ettb ilI wetiona and (laying ft band- apot for all traveler*, ia avoided, and “omo diriilenil upon the capital invest- a trip of fire boor* in duration, over e ^* WOH ^ *W^f liarahly lo the S. F. an execrable road, largely made up of * »'• IUilw »J r *"•' iu br » ncb « , i i"" 1 dilav*, ia etcbniignl for a pleaaalit, fru ® l-wnkroptcy and litign- abort run of an hour and ten roinulew 1 Wl ‘'‘ * '* De > 1>C P * n re ‘ over a fir.t-cla*. mini, in a find-claw. \ P» ir trarctaing a a|iaraely settled train, officered by firat-elaaa men. j country; to the M. A II. Itoad, jnat The imjKirtance of tbia line to .luck- l'« r cbaio<l by n prirato company from aoimile, Fcrnandina, .St. Marja and I ll, «* P"“ r| y «*inipp*«1. in bad re- ISrunswick caunot be overeatiinatcd. P« ir !, "'l eom|H-lle<l to extend ita line «i. Maria, by putting on a daily line! 14 '""Hired mile, lo Atlanta; to the It. of buuU, running twice each way, can | ,V V '' , 'l H-n,Unt * n '*'y “l»» bare double daily coum.imication . ,u '" rel «»>« l>ay>»B »« •'i«' with Jackaourillu, and will, if ,1,« Je "' 1 U P"" cnormooa inreatment uvuila beraetf of tha opportunity, nt- e,l l , i | *'* tract lunch winter travel, Fernnndi- Tl, ° ooiuniiaaionera have tacitly roo- u» aliould non become the aouaide re- "K"'*”* 1 *1'" impropriety of the princi mirt for tbo aumtuor real,lenta of Jack- !•'" npon which the original general the effort of the Ituilriuul inanagen and all parliea interi-»te.l lo |H»int ont defecta in piwnt law wito a view to wiee amendment, there are certain anggeetione which bare occurred to me, ria: Fint—The act ahonld be amended by adopting aa lew inch rnlea of gen eral operation aa bare been aboam by experience to prevent |woling, and combination of competing lines to de feat competition. 8ceond—The act ahonld be amend ed to prerent pooling over railroad and ateamboat line,, which are wholly within the State. In other words tbe system of water onmmnniration ahonld be placed, where within tbn Stale, under legisla tive control if practicaole, and if not, no railroad ahonld be permitted to en ter into contract with a ateamboat line plyiog in the State, which will amount lo a eubeiily to prevent freighte from taking their nature! destination to n market, and force it over tbo road making tbe contract. Third—If the rommiasionera are to make tarifla for the rnaila, amend ment, ahonld provide that each road aliould bare a aperial tariff, baaed up on tbe paat earning.,, etc,, of that rood. Fourth—Wonld it not In better that the act ahonld proriile a system of carefully digested general rnlea, an.ler which tariffs ahonld he made by the made, and tbe duty of the eoaitnManners be to pane npon the tariff, ao made, to nacertain whether they conform to the rales laid down in the act and with power to modify th» tariffs where they do not conform to each rales. Fifth—In other words, wonld it not be wiser nnd better to eo amend the net m to make tbe commissioners mart with power to pass upon the tariffs made by the made, and with power to arbitrate aud nettle matters of difference between tlie roada and individual*, and between the roads anil loralitiea npon rases properly made. These are bnt crude ideas, and are intended only aa suggestions That legislation which while secur ing com|ietition and preventing nu- jnet discriminations |H.'rmits the rail- ifc-Vi,n.ur[] -wj. mails to csrn a fair return n|ion tho i souvilltf, mid cun readily do ao, nnd no doubt will. Thu Mneon A lli uiia- wick ltund him nil opportunity to iiuiko tho C'uuihcrlniid Itoute eo at- tractivo as to control full ouo-lmlf of the trnrol of tbu travel into Florida, El. HAH Watchmaker & Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, - (TORCH, HUOQMTimr OH HASP A FULL HVftLt or latches, Clocks, jewelry, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments AV/f STRr.VGS. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, SEWING MACHINES, Needles and Attachments. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. ortts-lr The Ladies’Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Millinery Goods. NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which ah* bu ruilihM brr EMBOWERED FASHIONABLE IES0IT! O’CONNOR & WENZ, (OmtSITK'CTSTOM 110FHK) Uriinstvick, Georgia, KEEI* A FtJIJ, LINK OF FIliST CLAKS DryMs&tecrics. LOWKST CASH 1’IUCES OfARANTKED. ANDREW HANLEY. PAINT AND OIL STORE, * DKALKIt IX Railroad, Steamboat, Rill Supplies mtE WHITE LEAD, ZINC A COLORS, Glass^utty.Varniahes,Brushes,Plain & decorative wall Paper POORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Etc., Lock, Sish-WtijMs, Cord, Hinges, Screws, Eh., lint, Plaster. Hair aid Ctntti, Whitakerniid 1#> Day Srrelr*. Savammli, • • Georgia. J. A. UAff. 408. E. U801U0UT SAPP & CO., Oreen Opooors^ AXOPBAIJQutX Country Produce nxxr ami 0*^*™*™^}*° wxu. G ItOCERIKri, CANNED GOODS TOBACCO. CIGAKS, STAXDAHI) AND FANCY CltACKElIS ‘ CANDIES. NL'TS, Fill'ITS, Etc., ^AUof which are omrral t>x «wnh at n!4»«al.u They Mean Business! More roTu-r Xcvrwetle m I Meat fKr-H*. miuxsnick, geokgia. Hi l>> utir *(.-k at tnriff of rnlun wurn inadu l>y rotlua- ttonH, tiy purcuutngu mid n|iuci*l mod- iltunlionn for npccinl romt*. Thu lediialion of pnanungor rale* curtninly are n grunt hcncQt to tbu public, If limn ahull deiuonatrntu tint and by keeping n good boat on tbu ‘ ,ie ro * ,U * r " » Wr re, " rn lino tbit summer, nnd next full pul-1 U > K "' 11,0 of t,,< ' ting two IhoiIh, llrat-ctnnn in style and ,ul * 1 accommodations, on ttm lino between r » r '"foM Uruiiewick nnd Furnni.dinn nnd con- -«eh rnlnrii ii|*m lbs mi-ting twine n.lay with tbu trains "* a '-unufil. from Jaekaonvills.'aiid run 11 ■’"V"™ '’ , "l’ 1 '* f,,r daily straight through from bur. lo ™lroa.t.. - «. M «a. . » i • l* 0 ** PVMrin 11 in Is nriMlH mill will Mneon. Tito rtti.l ikmv rtiiH hvtt dm-1 • . ..... , . . .. ,, . a . ... nfwl rxIi'iiKioiiN. mi l if th» romla nrc ly truiDs it woiiM n>wt l»itt httlo im»n* t«» tuaUr t tliroitt’li llniiiaairk laic t i b« a ;iI rtf <•< I road, of tin* urn and of r*roti**it- Tin' \V.»ycr»»8« l»c ctnnplt tctl. Tti • •larkwanviID* will j cona|»l«*!«*tl In »• \ viwif«»rM will fin.! t vitlr not tislit.ii* ritlirr rout** »» ?-I fttciliti«*w can ina* *• that tl.c Cii’hIn rl nil t lie % ciala tin in \ tl.c |f»stw r, K . r Ini- •Lilly traiiiw ft nnriN, rin*I lintel •lav, nml it oiiL'Iit j . . . . e, 1 imimlntion ma>l the u.ti le*t of llif 1 1 *fc! at llrunnnick, •Mif. Florida wilt h,h>,» Sf An-ustu,. A •rdlv rerlainlv Im* j. . ... iiMnnce. tli » winter. I Lon, trip to J.irU H In f »|a , It,It Lv III.n1/ «• comp iled • l*crniitffl tf id to Flo itlii. if. nnd I l: -tiff » >1! !» **• oi.l tli.* I will cl.* tin* tram* « i 1- ila*- remark f .1 ckwonvillc me {nllowcd to innkc n fair dividend n|N>n the rnjutiil, ILcy will In* NtiiniiUfrd to extend tLcir fysfciu nn the growth in :dtli of tLo State do- tumid* it, wlulf if not cuming a |*ihhI ' return upon their invcMtuicnt they , will not Im- wtiiniilafcd to extend their 1 linen or kn*|i their |ir«*acnt hyMtcin iu the highest wtate of «fticimcv. For tn of the M II. laiild to Atlanta mid ImiiM to Anierinia May will nut avail |n rniiaaiikti nulewi •hey i.iitl floo j-i.-Mi.t line plying and |*tivili^ Well U-lll |*. »l|a|MM|«i* e\tru- • i. iis ur«- iHttlnl l»y the |*co|de. 'rbere- fotc. anything wludi )irev«*nta Uu-sc 1 • \f» nwines i* i |*on.f »«• injury !*• the j I*-•}•!•*. S • t'll* ••Xfetiai«»fi of the 11 .1 \ l. -l l to ill** Went witiild Im- n|to*i- like LLwsiii^ to the |n oj*Ie of (iiM»r^ia, in-) any rate of freight or |>a»NCti^er t.nifT.a which prevent* the owncmfrom extending is nii injury. The eooitniiuiion haa l»ecn mlaaldr* fire i invcHtment, lima Mimulating rnilrnnd conatruction and tho dorclopmcnt of our innterial rcNonrcca and tbo invoNt- riiout of foroign enpitnl, ia tho logialA- tion to lie dcaircd. One Wiio Thinkm. Tho /L C. Snc* auya that on tho tlmt iiiMtaut, Mr. O't^uinn, iKxitnmstor, hdegnip'i o|>erator and ratal ion agent at Aht|>)»idin, in digging a liolo for telegrii|ili |K»le, found, two feet below the sur face, an iron bound keg, filled j HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINGS Cannot 1st on flli-d Iu (hla or any olhrr city. ®RESS MrtK'T.YG A *pactoHy, *o<I perUc! ?U In Urn ntw» »l wiodra (MftllMi Ouoda Aral cIm*. and prtora rr»««-nal»la. iiic uiiriace, an iron ooiiuti aejj, iiiieu : > r Trirp ■« v 1 f^IA r IAI\ with S|»aninli douhltHiriM, valuetl nt I I \ I L h.l , KI \ / |j I I ^.OOtl.andaujipoaedtohavo been ^ 0 1 lUAj Ul ' lj,/ A FINE J*ToCK Of oQ|ipoae< buried there by DeaSoto, who, it ia claimed, paNmni that way on hia trip to Florida. Too near tbe firat of April, brother La*tinger, to lie true. . Tlie liank of llouie’a babihtiea aro ! about |NO,(N)U, tbe bulk of which' ia due the State, tin* bank being ono I of thoae deaignatetl by Ilia Governor , in wliieh to depowit I lie State’a money. . The awoet* of the concern aro $1,5001 in r.tali, the bank bidding, |Mi|»era, book*, etc. Treasurer Speer thiuka, the State aafe aa it haa tirwt or pro-! T' *tir»u .ar Ly Vn!-nA* , fcu’iri!v l, , , *w».!t!* 1 ferreil claim, ami in addition thereto, lad r j.t« s .i ai*er uruirn i««.■* tbe Imndsiuen are giant. ^*1*lio7j! r ^ r * ir " 1 *** ‘ Mrs. (IsiiursMlowTL C.*h, of Alb- 1 V -l - en*. who boa keen blind for a year or j 01 '** *r WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. STEAM ENGINES,'^Portable & Stationary,"I — •«— FOB GINNING, THRESHING AND GIHNDING. PriCQSaSLOW dS the LoWCSl STEAM ENGIN ES, For largo Smv Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes. ICKTUIIX TUm/LAH, ItKTUHX FU F, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, l LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. HKPAIltS OF MACHINERY J’HOMITLY EXECUTED. J. S. SCHOFIELD, I*n»|*’r. Whnlt-alM ami lit Ul| |»r,tlt i ajr-nr.Ni> roll himtuk ami rmcrx Clocks. Watches Accordcons. Harmonicas, Violin ami riaiiar Striags- Al—*. 5 and 10c Counter Goods DAVID WEI81IETN, DEALER IN DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, &C. •■K.t*.. and Mr. tUat Only a fm \ a lllll* liatr -try r—»• ■I'tirel I . All ll.« altuw « (ur WVt.lMin * tit, g,«»l t*NH|4rlr|y vnitgcl .fry ►•■-I* la --arli <>• i-arii*'.nt Ivlur uliUliaUwn , Boot Huson for m Docroi's Ftim. <-)|duUt.C t|>Kllc' "Ih-I I Ikw r altlrl, it |i M TEAS. Tho 111 u-k*!iri>r -V■■in t.-ll. of a |,ot ribletaW of "fire r*.bb-ry rnnr.b r ••xi.-uiiing i* au mptry. Ti* diJ a myitcriotu l»ly warna It wa< tbu rtoru of llinirl blit, of Tliu rommiaMon I'w been valnabl. tbe 1'ofW tbxt tbe .l.v and boar are Coffee comity, w.i» burned .loan with ** 11 l' r,,l 'l* c4 ^ annennocmcut by U>* ,fi Jm | for lb. manMr of bimavlf and all it. coiib ut, S,.-- r.-l.*.l m, l" "! 1 * - ,ll » l "'•T '"'•»»* *•«» "“T Cardinal Focui. a rtrengrr who bad l.,..i tbure a •" H.uir cn.I.Uili.m aln.iit corn- day* prut ion, and I. .1 an alt, n ation I** Jiaoviinination* «»'l -1««1 j u. ba, recently had bur uye ,.,ar- I'KST GREEN AND BLACK a ted on by Dr. Callmiiii, of Atlanta. Aa immhi a* tbe «i|M-ralit*u was jmt- formml, abe exclaimed, “ 1 *«■! I av I” (L-orge J. Seney. a Hr.K.klyn mill /;/ fsTS GKXI iXK XKIV CfW/' i nimre. haa presented t«» Wealeyan, Femala tVdlege, of Maeoti (the ohleat i GARDEN -SEED uottugr «f tire kind in the world: IM.- , xn l Ml. I’rincrly gilt that I ONION SETS. im he: cm: in so a smoke sc. lb- tin* la« n r -1 -IlM|>|a.|litr-l lit • •mcU •II -Ila- ••«-« || la r-a .-ai. *ilb-»u| •prwr. ao-l tb«| f!*I by klMJalvln. *M.||). tb-uc-Ur f-r««!■!.-I. Wl..n ‘••^t. b- • IIm- frrlgb u.ilrrHtntilU M*. Ul) <1- I ••»• r • •• *vlrel lit* »i« It. •wlttliry «rf« In maat.'.vah frr* ul it|irre* fn igti ■ >.wt MilRjIttlkriMcltre lw*il. •Itifr, • ho iKtiy h— ,* «' J-rr« I l<ttlll« li I -"-—nr I Mill. , ‘ f*- ! »'•«'irt. Il»uu •II lb# iu- !l<-*| «. **• ,0 ^ ,rr **»'‘•f Ta/i-hZ X. L. GALDmAT. XI. U. i T. |:t»Il V-OS. M. II. I If " *lt nr «r W ‘ } **• »* T »- 'I t * t.r #>•» <M« b-> I a l-Ml V444 « fFtl'b 'm 5r.:r. r vssftJ5 rBrt 1 • M ruV I /; * * |4 '1 r q “ ^ 1 * U • C*l| M • rovT nf -Y.h,. 2 , Mru • I rl«U.|. IUM13-I* Fire Insurance! M-novinamn with Mr. Lott 11- an* raptured, giv en a preliminary tri >1, or.luruil to j oil ill di-fault of l-ilid, aud tbe .buriff all-1 guard ktartnl nitli Inin lo jail Tiu j were luul l.v a laxly ..f ma*kud im-ii, who took tbu priniii. r, nrriud liiiii down tbu uruuk, *but aud buriu d liini (inv,, we !.a l 1» u.-r ,-nd . mu- mi.- ainuariua down tlvut wav. Lvrm Tin* auuouut of tin- affair in tbu /;. .V . differ, fo.m tbu allow in tlmt lr« I. ■ lv w .. f ,u,„| iu tbu ur- . with In. I-. I t 11;,,| with b ill-l- I'bat pipur .,i. , tba*. tbv pn tv ,wile l linn,.,! \\ ill,.. Jobna, and that a few day, after the killing a detective H'!’-.irul, having Ton AC CO. iwn I'vMtM. March !W.-(he*r tie I*t- t intend that it alnuthl (>e made n 1 f*yetb\ Seoat«»r of France, and gr ind* The nest 5 cent Cigars. Mr. J. M Shaw, of, rw- | ceutty M*ut the AV<r« new Iriah poU- i toea the bize of a guinea egg. h-a*l letter, but this legialation haring * son of flenerat Lafayette, ia death nil **x|>erimrntid, in view of the -ttilling M*«i«ion of the I«egialatnrc, oiggeuti him ax In ameiidiuenta wbetb* r tinwioo will promotedUcii*-1 r , . . i r -. T . » ,» , Wwl Alappaba wauta a gmal blackauiith /irxf /mWay i#i IhM. •utrxtf mtivv Ditin vTORit. Glynn County Sheriff Sales Uqi|iani A KaSlrr DIXM1A, CvA., t ttMI'AMliv HUJUS I Mlt'XNWUK IlY on. at lciiHt, and di*«rti»*ion ahonld 1 and hoirahoer. lea-1 It* appropriate ametulmenL T'he writer o» aatistied that the coin* Kvdt Ma«i»n, Orr. 15, I8S0. ' iw-V miaoittiii-rN bav« dotio cvervthiug in Mt**- Loiva, IIvnein A Liwk—jund«* T ioith iheir |Hiw.-r to doju.liretolmtb r.«d, } '"••' *»•" with . >»"”•> - , , . 1.1 a » . ahortueaaof breath and mitbrna for A.itbaicro.a lot c I" and that il they have brea ^,,, M . le „ „, ir ., Hll( | u ^.,| many an error of jtlilg-1 rcmedii’, witlioiit tin ting relief. Due 1 xrw.' Mrv.r. »nh »n bottle of you. Brewer. Ung Riator-'SSI**!*■ photograph of tin wanted bim, bu being one ,,f four wli couiiuitted murder in '77 on tie (Vn tral Ilulroad, and for abum, ', 1 r I or ulire," a reward of forty dollar.** offered. n it b Hunt old; Tli eiiiinirnt if they endeavor to procure • pi al of tin. Irgi.htion. Tba |>eoplc party and it liecannc they were eon- railioad, will mi.tak. l-lblic,« r klxiox, Ox. Mr.-wit*. Ltvtu, Hoxta A Lvtua— T. O'CONNOR, Jr. ae-nwru.ixo, *t VKiir i/iw tun*, c. BIM’NSWICK, GA. Boat & Shoo Maker. tnfb% »r»f I , ('«ni«llua. In Mltafy It# M I p<MBt#4 nui an-! <1—rrtb-d In J f*. I’rm- n" ■>. H.Ut#wt. f**i IU; eu#C flX >' Jb» K. L-iUniimiiT M. i|>. WM. MKVDAVtn. m - hf • iliat there were' evil, to be . l>ear *>»-l b«o tMuble.1 for a CITATION. retiie-lii-.l, ai„| while they will gladlv *?*»« timo “""r,' ■ * ■ Itcatorr**, with oomething li! «■ A»tV otateofgeobou-Cocbttorgltib. “ '* • bow »!am. and after u.iag only t... I*,Hi,, JSSTStSiSS^SS. • *i< i*, ii Wiir iij <>n tha act of your tu«*licin« 1 brtalhetl jmfectly 1 ;*■ th ' r f m * ! l.?h • • (T.-ct to aocuro tbe free, ainl bare felt no aymptoma of|tbeVr.dViiLa *f 2* j f ftiil imirv Dtiiagcoi logic- 11,0 'K***™ 1 " ,u cunfident \ “,,‘^'4ZZ 1 i*. V«V“«! >»»ur medicine curvtl me, aud 1 cheer- cm. nUj t .fuueai ^tuxafirai* a Lu t* 1 fully ririMiiiiirtiil it to *11 whoareaaf* cu^na# vyw■# w. ay- ' t, ‘- r *forc, that no inch hr mg with asthma. aiout if*F-h Coiling, Sliiiiglos, Etc., Illy Tux Notice. • -* .In. lb- riiy , r|lr«IH4»l. kot f./lL#,#. * •>*«..» r.* .. . 41-1 u ill I* . ««v itvji will bv l»lt,u, nuJ Hut Vour, iru'y, Jniu V. Hua W*. 1L Cyi;&*7 O, a K 0l LOWEST MARKET PRICES.: 1 ,H»l U) «i aiib •• • » tb« 3|.t -Uy U Uto. b. •ill I# »•***—I I-*r lb— • uurr Ul-’.iut Of Ul-* -Iu* l-t Ike t-,r 4;>lnt| »»fb auJ a.ej V-(•»•■ «.ta t,.l« In tuU* |«)llie|i( t* filrntF 'Ur L >r.ra f/vOt Uf. Mil X . Mid fF*#u J t« n VC8 ROOVTOSI, OerV ud Trcotrrrr. t’omcr NVwra-dc and L'kiarrsfrr Sts.. A. K. HEIN'S, - I'roprii-tor. FANCY GROCERIES, fONFElTIONEniKS, Etc. BRfilD, ( IKES, PIES, ETC., i ui-sii rnuM riiKuvi.s kykuy day. W.B.MellSfCo., SADDLES & HARNESS, HI'BBElt AND Leather Belting, * CAlr »xi»*. »ut.x. Etc. A Spoolalty. WHITE FOB I-IIICE3. Savannah, G(*oi*gia.