Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 09, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. NOTICE. = a* 3di erlrjtr and Appeal. TW 0— ■tl.ei «l tmdi **4 !•«*« ilumltaWUiiHimtiMeMimti" mwiMMUlincNRtT. rartim sue* kj air •ttor wrtr mu to nMwMl •MH Ulyas foully. U. A. KBBBICK ayct-tf OmI. muMu mu SATURDAY MORNING ATBBUMWICB. OBOBOU. SATVEtHY MOttflNO, APRIL 9, Iwl. Tic iMBMATTKlw: MISS HETTIE WILLI AMS CRIB U« Ut* atloB ef tk« UJlea to her HITS, fUcti *hi bM d>mS« a ipHilly (kliMtn. CITATION - . .irtu.-t.te. »•»«*•- *» to"-" >«««toe "" CHIih»7^.iUlr»'l lo.tow«**". It**J«•»«*.*hj 12? 7«Xa. os Uu »r.l Mona., I. lb, ■imiilit nut bo ilUcbtftM. * qJJJ, uodor my turn! »u J oflkUl •Igruture. thU Ibicb to. |t Dl . ng[r 0rJlnlfT q, c., o., Monoy Saved is Money Made! Moaoy Or4cr tad RrgUter bnalnrM rluml At fi Mail cIummI at 7 r. m. L-ttm itlarndla bot After?, r.m. will rrmAin anttl ant tuAll. lice card of Miss Hettie Williams, milliner, in tliis issue. Mr. Wm. Doerflingrr lms moved lo his new store in tbo hold building. - His |>laco is certainly a model of neat ness. A new And rompUte Uaa of •print (noli At ^ E MoLoMoX N. Who arc Messrs. Holliman A Co. ? The postmaster wants to kuow ns let ters colitiuuo coming hero lo tbst ad dress. Humor says, parties aro looking to t imntj t*,**. L“’$ .c’f.n"'; j Brunswick with a view to establishing 1 ll:, " k Wa ,,te<l *“ cl ' * D ■fS^Sjayai.'iaaira^s i lnliun iu -i4smj .oj i n... waunmauM'D Tbo tailor shop of Mr. Warnko and . Jjiltt'KSSltc. the drug store of Mr. Roberta have of building a $10 boas* with only $5 | not made with hands, eternal in the »tr*xm . jswapped places. Mr. Warlike ran now Notice to Debtors and | 1,0 f 01 "*' 11,1 l,lu 01,1 l,f I)r - Jocr * Chnrcb. The services of Mrs. Minor, amnsieisn of msrfced ability, been engaged as instructress. Tbo principal characters aro well chosen, and wilt bo ably supported by a foil choir of number one aingers. The occasion bids fair to be om of real worth. See change of card of C. P. Good year, of Jacksonville. Our facilities for intercourse between tliispoiut and Jacksonville being so much improved, he will continue to practice in all tba courts of this circuit, ns heretofore and will come over during vacation to attend to any matters that would warrant the expense of the trip. His patrons in tbix section, therefore, neotl not lose his services. The editor's honse is moving nliead slowly. When completed, be wants to hsvo a donation party. That is, ho wants his friends to come to sec him in n body, and every ono bring him a donation in tbo way of furni ture, carpets, silver-ware, crockery, etc., to assist iu tho furnishing. II.-, j Tto Uwrntiss at tbs IImUtoiw Bto.MrWilts. Doamsra, Ldott Co., G*. Dear Editor: My recent loss was occasioned by a chimney taking fire without onr knowledge, while we were all at prayers and at table. We would bare lost ercrytbing if Mr. & A. Ful ton had aot rushed to ne with the startling outcry, and the neighbors who harried to the rescue, and with him and the family, made heroic ex ertions, thereby saving, in twenty minolea, many valnahlo goods and cohiforts. Though we have lost heav ily, wo are very thankful to a merciful Providence that has spared ha so much, and very grateful to the good neighbors who did ns such extraordi- usry service in the hour of calamity and varioas kiudnesses since, and to yuursoif and many other friends who bare expressed much sympathy for ns. May Providence preservo all your homes. Wo feel for those who lately, in losing homes and every- thiog. lost more than we. Our ruins yonder makes us rather homo-sick, having nudortaken the foolish deed ' yet makes us look more for tho "house J in cash, has almost cntiielycxbaustod J tho heavens.” Whenever wo can re All Creditors. -■ ■ I See advertisement of Messrs. Walk- lilbbM |rt Uwt MtAtcof John ll. Ilals t » | I ,<< a , Li n<| IaIaof mM c&UAty, «lrv r»*#«l. #r«* befrlt} i^r »V IxOtl'l, of C,lltirlostoil t >S. L. i «lcal iii machinery of eve ry kind, ami paj«MB«iBtrrmAvrtiMUv. i»uaraut C o satisfaction in tpulity aud FAXXIKK IIAI;KHM1\M. AdMluUlratrix oa »:*Ut*- J«hn 11 llabvral *n his exchequer. build wo will, for “ He ti ever so hum- J. T. II. Waits. rwjMlrrsl to Mtaia tuiiardiati lire lioiaiAR rlaia to bw«it Ikoa 1 April »tk. IRU. c. P. GOODYEAR, (Lairor L'bi mw:- *, Uaoania.] ATTOBXEV AT LAW, Jacksonville, - Florida. Will prarUro Id BUI* ai.-l full.<1 Mt.|.« C-nrta of I'lnrlila. Will allciMl regular.y tin* •v»ai..n* of lllynn. Wayn-. Ware, Cam.l. ti ami Charlton *u|*rt- orCourt* of lironrta.ami will goto IVayrnwa, Ira- tlrra Hill. M. Mary a ami Hru.i.wt. b. iu ta.-atmn. lo Mt#*4 t*» bueinrm. «bl-li U <>f a •m>-trnt tnifruoc* to I«jr Isle rl|4 Ua«4* au l rr*» ’liable ot|Ufrti*MI<>U for him Uni*. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, COMMENCING APRIL Cth. STEAMER CAI^IE. C ATTAIN w. II. n.inwttou. Tli ■ IsMor/ r -li»» 1 )>a<! U l.vavn l ancti arerjr TUure.lar at Arrlto at lirun*wl<-k t-very Tint re-lay mi .... i l.i avn llrtiitawlck forHatilla Frl-lay ut ft Arrivr at May Bluff avery Trltlny at c RAT1LLA III VLB fo VANN AH. Letti May llluff «v*r J Malurday at «l -I bartoa mry Rudiy a l.rAr* Uart*« mry Mtmlay at Arrive at ^vanbAb »wr/ M-vu-lay iu Jtl r frwtgkta or paaaasc. apply t Milmgbt ..*•»■» k M ..imam W. U. INGRAM. Arc At At |*n«B. JACOB COHEN l ')J IJUOl'GHTO.V .^t., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, 1 liatike tlic pnliltr throagb tMa RK'liUtn fur III* h” Itaa ..|hV*.I Lie M'lllNti Til iVili/t U' *S .-flr.--la ‘» all KrasLe, ami |-l»rr.| L|a L-w prm a want* thanrw to all v-pportu* r*»b. Una pan*r to avail (L«a Ally. Ilia rrnbovlr I aru* tbaurst wUil of'Li. a* COLOUED SILKS ASO SATINS THE DRESS QOODS DEPARTMENT |a a anrrooa. (’\NHMKftC L r Hammer at ?2c Worth II M la Ntw York. Id fart. ||„ rw p u--t ■ artbi* la Faary or Ntaplo Dry Uo«. 1- rai,n, 11 foattil IB hl«M«ob|ULmrtit. Ala ». tin ue«**t g -o. 152 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, -0E01UiIA.i» Wo aro rnjiwhUtl to Mato that tjuiuttrly Mtt-tii!^ will l»o lultl to-tluy iitul to-ni(»rrow (SaturJuv and Sun day), nt PhillipH Chapel, Skrling SU- lion, G:i. Whether yon travel or " ilout trav el umcli,” you should lmvo a gcncnil accident policy in The Traveler*. Ap ply to J, M. Dexter, or writo to tho company nt Haitford, Cjun. Mr. Robert Rricscuick, of the firm of E. RrieMouick A Sju, U juat back from New Yt»rk, where ho baa been to buy Iii* spring stock. Look out for th< if advertisement iu next imuc. L>*ok out f*»r startling developments ia the n ival store busim-s* iu next is sue. Ours is fust In coming a naval stoic depot of no mean pro(NtrtioLH. We will tell )on tho partitmlarH next week. Clill.trnri, lillaarn. Io-Him au-l grtita' at 11 K.HOLOMON 1 The new hotel began receiving guests on March .list. Below wo givo the number of arrivals for the tirst four days of the present month:— April 1st, 11; 2d, 211; 3d, 6; 4th, 22. Ihede figures ore not very bod, now are they ? Mac Haywood believes in pets.— He lias j*ct dogs, |>ct birds, pet geese, pet turkeys, a pet pig, find a pet horse, but bis biggest jut is al*>ut eight hundred exfpiisito plants in bis hot house. His collection is certain* ly fine. Mr. Jacob Cohen, of Savanimb, coiucs out this week in a card to the public. Road it over carefully, and see if you don't want something in his line. All our dealings with this firm, running over a space of over two years, have been pleasaut and satisfac tory. Verily we do believe tbo .backlmno there is no place like home, of old fogyism is brokeu at lust in our Yours, lovely “city by tho sea.” Improve-1 inent is tho present order of tho day, 1 aud tho soaud of the artisan's hamuicr is hoard on every baud. With an ex-1 cellcnt hotel and commodious hall,! i >!il»»l liorpo 1 lot*-!. At l ist wo have what has long l»ccu . desideratum iu Brunswick—a place . . -'frost for the tvean* stranger within ami with -tores anil pnvalo dwelling, ^ LoilcU y oatitIoi | tu „ 10 going np on all ndre, wo m.v toy wo| ct n| „, JoIltt „ ^ flho traveler. - have briglit hope* for tlie future. In such Uonr new kotel-bnilt l>v the tb»eonneet,on.womay W yllmt our oxorlio)li of our worthy Mayor J. F. city father, aro greatly improviug uml beautifying tho street ami lighting tho umc with patcut afreet lantern,. Mr. J. M. Dexter hail tliu minfur- tuno to lose his Kncly trained dog I.i- on tbo 1st inst., by drnpay.— Those of our readers who have seen Lion go through his performances at Nelson, end ran by W. C. Hewitt, his psrtncr, whoso nsme is so well known in Georgia ns that of a “man who knows how to keep a hotel." We dined nt the Oglethorpe the other day mid took a tour through tho house, nil-1 found the appointments first-class iu nil rc,|>ccts. ltooms elegantly fur- Mr. Dexter’s home can appreciate the j nik | lcl!> t i ic , r i c bells, cuisino nU that fooling of sadness with which Mr. and c(iu |j bo desired, gentlemanly attend- Mrs. Dexter regard the death of so j„ t( K . office and billiard ball, and intelligent a pet. He had tho finest jjr. Hewitt ever ready to show gae»t» bead and most human eyes «e ever that attention which makes the stran- saw in n dog, and was n, affectionate ' a . r , lt home “in his Inn." Ournorth- as ho was Handsome. •• Ever faithful, 1 cru fril . n(Il , noll ij do „, n OII ,b cir rc . fond nnd true," we inscribe in memo-1 loru f rjm Florida to stop a week with nsm. Is-nulli. ll.-iiil-t ten,I I I.I.-liiii-H. Ever aud anon ivo sco among our exchanges coconuts of largo cows, hogs, etc. Glynn comity docs not propose to be behind tier neighbors, so comes to the front this wetk with figures that will he bar-) to match in Georgia. Wo give below the actual measurement, made by ourself, of au egg, a hog and a cow. ‘mine host," aud whilo beiug royally cutertaiucd, view tho beauties of UroiiHuiek and the improvements go ing uu iu our midst. Tl-.y Calm-! They Saw! -they tell! Mr. J. M. Johnson, President of tho M. and U. Railroad, and Mr. It. T. Wilson, its principal owner, ar rived iu our city on Monday night iaet, spent the night at Hewitt's Ogle- Thc egg was scut ns by Mrs. Hor-1 Uiorpc, toot a short drive around ace Dart, was laid by a pullet nino' town tho next morning, and by noon months old aud measuring six aud | wero gone. This may he all right, ouc-half inches around ouo way aud - hut to tho average Drunswickian it seven and three-quarter inches arouud isu’t We don’t think it would have tho other. | lowered their dignity to havo mingled Tho sow, "Bess," is owned by A. I just n little hit with our people, nud M. Haywood, is threo ycura and ono. assured them that they were not for- mouth old, was burn in Spain nnd gottou, but tbat this terminus of the road would iu due season receive at tention. At a matter of count, we did not expect Mr. Wilson to anbar- dcu bis soul and tell us all his plans. purchased of a sea captain by Mr. Haywood. She measures three feet three and ouc-quarter inches high in stocking feet, tiro feet four aud three- quarter inches around, niuo feet seven ! Such a ccurso would be rash. Mr. aud one-quarter inches from snout lo Wndley would get hold of it and tip of tail and seven feet two nnd one- ^ »piko his guns—hat ho might havo Tho circus luau, or, rather, the "cir- .ju irtcr inches froi:- snout to r-ot of 1 whispered n word or two—just a clo" man, with h:s llyiug pouicx, hosi If fattened there is uo telling i wold, you kuo-v, coupled with a been delighting the juveniles ut our bow much sho would measure uroiinj, J knowing look—but be didn’t, city for a few-lays past—gobbling up || )U i fc |, e j, kept lean so that she can tho nickels at the rate of thirty or so j,avo some u*o of herself, nt u time—in short, grinding out cash -p| lt . cow "Sarah" is Devon and Dur- to the amount of tell or tifteeu dollar. mixed, mid owned by Dr. J. S. Hkuttnrc limit. We paid our first visit to I.’arioso Skating Kink a few nights since. Tho of! A Few of ir-un-wl.-ke Dtendvan* ] ton.--- Editur Adeerturr and Ap/ieal: Your late editorial! upon 11 Brum- wick and Vicinity,” showing the ad roit tagea of Brunswick, ore heartily cudoreed by the fiicads of oar city, because they are true. Pardon n good friend o! Brunswick, and not ■ chronic grumbler, for preeenliug the reverse of the picture—to-wit, the disadvantage! under which Bromwich labors. First, want of united effort—a die- position to criticize unfavorably every movement for the benefit of the city Let a new bouse bo started, end crit ics ure not wauling to wonder how the party building procured hie raon ey, doubting whether be baa any, and prophesying rain or an nnfiniahed honse ai the resnIL Lot a hotel bo built, aud critics are not wsutiug to raise oigument after arguiueut lo show that it cannot sne- aeed. a manufacturing enterprise be suggested, and critics are not wealing to say tho money can’t bo raisod, and do their best lo mtko their statement true by refusing to invest in stock, al leging os a reason that -omo ono tak ing an activa interest in. it is dishon est, has no sense, or is looking Out for his own interest.' Lot a man invest in wharves and warehouses, and if ha is a littla an l-opuhir his investment is langhcd nt aa sil^r, or bis failure to msko profits crowed over ns n good joko which bss servod him right. .Second, bankers on n small scale who cut liolb ways, make money on soles end purchases of |-nprr, and crow over the fact that all is grist wliirli comes tu their mill, forgetting that they nra killing tho gooee which lays the golden egg—that they are driving business to Savannah for cx- oxehnngc, wlion a truo bntiness poli cy would offer them snch inducements as would keep them at borne. A bank, or a 'branch of a good bank, could make money here. The busi ness of lost year demonstrates iL No enterprise, public or private, run bo started nr attain snrress with out criliei-iii. If a failure, "I told you so;" if a success, improper mo tives ere attributed. Mother Grundy hol-ts her court, cripples enterprises, rows over fnilures, laughs nt entlm- i-tasm ns folly, refers to pnst failures, and derides nil present efforts.-— Bi uusivick lint more admirers, more believers in her future, in Atlanta, Cincinnati and St Lcuie than in her own borders, in proportion to popu lation. These are but a few of the disad vantages nailer which Brunswick la bors. Nature gave her a grand harbor, land-locked, rn|>orinns, with a water front rqnsl to the business of a vast mctro|N>lis. Savannah, tbo Central Railroad, and her own eroaken have combined unintentionally, at to tho Inst, to keep her linck. Say a good word for Brunswick, express n hope for her future, and the croakers and eriliea, like the raven. over tho door, cry mournfully, “ Nev ermore!" Wti.i.-WisHta. ■ton 11* ul Mr. II. II. •loul.l. j Wo learn with regret of tho denlh | ofym oltl uml rcspocletl citizen of St. Simons fslnti'l, Sir. H. B. Gonld.— I Wo bsro made every effort to get full | pirtidfitar^ but si) v«re can loam defi- hank'o'f the river':liear'hia horn™nnd' Jl/ST OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. foil in. When taken out of tho water,) which np|>ears to have been in a few j „ PttOCKKDINaH OF COIINOt* . HtoPltitr Meeting. Mnrch Uih. INN) Council met. Present, His Honor, J, F. Nelson, Mayor, and Aldermen Dane, Putnam, Harvey, Watkine and Littlefield. Abeent, Spears apd Doer- ffinger. The minniee of the but regular and adjourned meetings were reed and confirmed. .Urn appeal ease of Iloee Agent, eon- rioted before Hie Honor, tba Mayor, of disorderly conduct, and ordered to pay a fine of four dollars, or tabor on the streets for fifteen days, was taken up; and after hearing the evidence, the judgment of His Honor wo* sus tained. The ap|ieel case of Nat Barnea, con victed before His Honor, the Mayor, of ditordeily conduct and ordered to pey n fine of fire dollars, or labor on the streets for fifteen days, wsa taken up; nnd after hearing the eridenee, the judgment of His Honor we* eiu- tained. Bend a comiuuuicatioa from Atwell Ilraxtnu, stating that bis horse had died from injuries received from an nnoound plank on on* of tbo bridges of the city; tbat he was entirely de pendent upon the services of hi* horse for tliu support of himself and family; that the liurao was worth $12-1, and therefore, taking Council to appropri ate tbat nun for ibe payment of the horse, wliieli was received and furred to the committee ou streets, drains and bridges. Philip Priulesn, Jr., V. S. Ius|>ec- tor, snlNsitted the treeing prepared by S. L. Fremont, U. S. e-sistant engin eer, showiug the proposed wharf line, which was received and adapted ss the |>eriiiaiii-nt wlisrf line of the city, Rea l a communication from Hay- wood, Gaga A Co., stating that the building standing ou tbu foot of Monk street wsa serfauslv injuring their ice honse, and inrrt-ssing Ibe rate of in surance psi.f by them, and asking Council to eiiu-w* the building to lie removed, which was received and the coiiiinillee on streets, drains and- bridges instituted to have the Imit-l- ing immediately removed. Ren-I a rniiiinnniealion from D. C. Bacon A Cm, stating that they de sired to do n large lumber business through the unrivalled |sirt of Bruns wick, but that they found tliomsolves vory iiiueli crumped for room whilo endeavoring to do so, lining confined to the west side of Bey street, while other shippers wore using the east side of the street, and, therefore, ask ing Council to grant them the exclu sive privilege of piling lumber on the east side of Bay street, opposite their present lumls-r yard, which was re ceive.I, and the exrlnsive privilege granted llieai of using twenty feet on tbu esst side of liny street lictween the north line of Prinrc and tliu north line of Dartmouth street, and the Marslml instructed to notify Messrs. Cook lit ■-s. A Co. to remove, within leu days, the lumber now occupyingi the said space. Reads F. M. end J. a Dart, plaints against the assessment of tbeir respective tract* of load, and —-»-g Col. J. T. Collins as their arbitrator, which wan received, and D. Jao. Dillon, Esq-, chosen as arbitrator oa the port of Council. The harbor master submitted hi* report of the arrival of vtsaela daring the mouth of March, which waa re ceived and ordered lobe filed. Tbo Health Officer submitted his mortuary report for the month of March, which was received and or dered to be published aad filed. By Aid. Dana: Whuom, Council did, at the raga- lor meeting held oo the second day of March, omit to elect of the Sinking Fund, t! Itrmdved, That Ooaaeil now proceed to elect three Commiaionera of tba Sinking Fund for tba year 1881, aa re quired bv ordinance of Council paaaed January Mb, 1879. The Resolution was unanimously adopted; nnd Omncil proceeded to Ibe election, which resulted in the choice of Messrs. J, T. Collins, Wil liam Anderson aad J. W. Roberto. By AM. Watkine: Rexulted. That no lumber be allowed to be thrown off the cars on tho East ern side of Bay street witbio less than 150 frat oftbccroariogof Muck street Tbo resolution wee unanimously adopted. Council thou piocuedcl Is tho ap pointment nf a Board of Health for the year 1881, ss follows: C. It. Schlat ter, Jr., JI. D., Port Physician, sad Mcssra. J. It. Ifostwiek, J. C. Moore, Jesse Wilder, J. It Cook, D. T. Dunn and IV. tV. tVatkino. The finauce commit tto oabmitlul billa amounting to $550.18, which were ordered paid. Council thou took n recess until 8 o'clock r. on Wednesday, the 80th • inst, J. F. Nxlmix, Attest: Mayor. J»»n Horsrox, Clerk Council. DO YOU WANT HEALTH f While will ye die J Death, or what is •ree, is |he inevitable result of contin ued siu|KHsi<>n of the raetutnud flow. It is a rendition tint should not be trifh-d with. Immediate relief is the only safe guard against eiawtituliunal rain, Jn all •ones of snp|ire--inn, suspenslnn urother irregularity of tin ' , e»tinirs, , *llnwlllcld , a t-'cmulc Regulator is the only sure reme dy. It act* by giving tone to the ner vous centres, improving tile blood soil detenuiuiug direct]y to tlie organs of lueiutnuitiou. It is ah ”’ Uon, and the meat ink use it Prepared by DtT J. , Atlanta, Oa. 81.50 per bottle. Hold by all druggist. •Visun uu, Au., Jaly 7, 1877. BradArld’s Female Regulator ha* been ..roughly tested by me in a (real rari ty of esses, sod I am folly rutmuerd that it is unrivaled for all that rim* of discuses which it claim* to cure. fibld.n.wiiu J. C. Ursa, M. D. CAREY W. STYLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nnvxswiCK, oeorhia. Will pns-tira Id |Im c«mn* of Ik* |tniM»«l«| Clr- ... a MMllhaV.a HoNllrerD M* trtet of UffofgtD. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEWITT’S OGLETHORPE, B*Y.*CTJ>J - S , X7\rco: OA. an hour. JEKYL U. r>*U MALE—TIm NVrtLrrn < l>re»l »MOX ri. Tito Pioneer Accidcut I u mi ranee Couipanv of .Vni(rit-M--tli« largest in the worM. Traveler** l*ifc anil Acci dent Insurance Company, of Hartford. Conn. J. M. Dkxtxu, .Kgt. Blain. Slio meanore* four f«« t seven inches lti^b, sown Let hovcii inolu s round and twelve feet atvi-n iueltva from tip, or eight feet livoim li es from nose to root of tail. Ilercajf is »ix moutlis old and about the «»f ordinary yearling'*. Sho h:n smolli- »-r twenty-one tnontli* old, a bull calf that is ns tall as any ordinary ful. seettu was indeed a novel one b, H»- ^.^^“^"hoTsd NeW HOUSC, NeW FUnUtUM & KtDt lU ElegOXlt Stylo. to nolo With what uu-l grace ^ * it l. «o aimplectie fit or , ’ S t* toltjt* « WWjriW. fairy figures and manly form* glided . noinrthing of that nature, which waa along, with apparently no exertiou j really tho can»o of his death, and the | ivbsitt vcr. Tim who blr ill l feel Under iu mo * _ , . , , ? , ... year* of oro, young he'll of the c.tib f^r furnuhing ; lc »»tion, nnd beloved by nil who knew them a pleasant plan of retort J him. so free ftvOt everything ill# rowdy- TiTo.7 «.*«? i»*hi. Everything (auweil utt very I When trandateil this rends Glynn tiv no exertiou i rrauy mo ennso oi ms uenin, amt uie ole community I foBtoff the river only the conse-j , v . . hiuetco. Mr. Gould w*n mity-cight b.ig.kt.«»n* to the . cavv0 f n ^ 4 » a fx man of culture nnd cd-1 S3T W. C- HEWITT dc CO. MrBAGGAGE TRANSFERRED FREE. a t itbly Oil Store! . A. RiriURDvlN, On tLs* |f-t L k, Oa lull I Tux RpppJver's Notice. Meigs A Co., lumber dealers in New ^ (||(j Fjjr , iro[ ^ r by way of lend ....... ,i.. ....... itl( , nJJltioiial ehanua. Among these York. Ho 1ms l>ceii in tho State ffomc week*, looking after tlio interest* of the Georgia leand nnd Lumber Co., in whioh the firm is interested. Un- »u.i;iL. fiD'i'ti>ii,'AD.ii’jtL. |i^ 0 meu of mean*, Mr. Meigs is npproachablo, and win* tho re*|»cct of all with whom be has to do. Wo aeo by pastern around town that Dr. Clopton, of Hunts.tile, Ala. a fall, we think that we might be in duced to rido around a few time*. will he vocal and instrumental music,. readings, theatricals, the Robtmian I tho Nitfht." Pnih r the above head we had set tip for this issue a nice article descrip tive of the "April fool" played off on i), AjTl! fit* ftn-1 &fth, n lTMksr l Uiy 9th. .Ittth 4it I Mtv Lih. .xnl tUb 4D<t filsl 40.1 ! ■ lir'iu«kt. mr mill hm at f».- • — • W.TtRNER.T. U . O. •*..«*•. SPECIAL NOTICE. '• • *^k4l arirsrtlDtD s-f Ikf. 1 H. IthlD. 4.iS IV tj »m.I. Iitsiks u»lm(/8«>l f »r- plwsJ m lk» Hmrj K htm -a. . At the regatta iu Fcrnattdina on the patter of tho Bsptiat church, Glass Blowers, etc. .Special excursion Wedn^Dy last, the Annie, of Bran*- brother Ward. Ju*t as we were going rate,-ill l« «!»«« over all railroad, wick> ^ Mr W . T . Jonre. I {^'^Xated P sa“, Lt“ au-l stexml-oat hues running to tho j (ool . ( ^ u lir , 7l , j 1( io bvatiug her cr \v» r d does nut object to such April city. _ foremost c.)mj>etitor, tho Anuo, of St. fools. t c -ii •->. i Augustine, over a miaute. Messrs, about $30 worth. Dr. J. A. Clopton, of Huntsville, x,ft A Jones arc naturally happy over, will be in onr eity on the lltli, !2tb, « now at the Oglethorpe, where.Hie result. Our Florida folks will be consulted until tlio !5th havo to get up something faster than I ruu * TII> ' 1 "ot'itso zreiLree’imif I object His larder was replenished {Shipping Intelligence. VTi' t 4U*t rrreipi for Min', iRlt* t* “ * ‘ — I b to b%tc »lr 4«lx 1*81*1 19th aud 14th inst Hu is uot a .Iran ger to some of onr citizens, who *|M ak of him in highest terms. He i.altos a specialty of Arottic <h«ea»e*, j ^ m j| I<0 T ; s ;tc-1 at their homes. be may 1 inst. Refers to fifteen physicians of they have yet had to get away with Georgia, who have been his paticts. - | Brunswick boats. City Lots For Sale. n OiJ T< rtlp Ilf lint IH4". INI. IN. ^ Y. A. U. Or* 4t».i -c:l il$ v.f llr . INI. INI. IN-l. tbit among them. diaeoM of theieye, to- Thotutn j, ; n Georgia havo been hi., mor,, piles, epilepsy, baro.lqst, and UfnU wUUin t |, 0 last thirty yearn disease* ,M.euhar to women. I j, orfect MlUfaol i OI1 guaranteed. Get Tho story of tho beautiful Wnoon 0|10 of I,;, c i r cnl:vr» and rtu-1 it. Files Esther will soon be rendered in song | C||ri , ( j |,^ a siuqilo application- l’-i- ,' " ' ri t to the Brunswick publir, tinder tl>«*! tienta arc not confined to their bod,. | auspices of the ladies of the Uaptist j It J. .1. Clonus. A Itstidsotuc prayer book, inscribed, Minnie E Holland, March 22d, 1hi;7." The owner liegs that it lie re- to Mas. Cam W. Smu. zaarvzLa A|>nl i-l rUnCaNN-riWfl, Xm Tfli April * MU H«»rf, liifif. ftlWMll, A l-rtI 4-fc A U Lim, fiDMb HHUMb. Afrit H-$»e Tmm Wlltfi—v IMlA Ymt J$rt. Afrit a-*« Wm Am—, lit**. UKFAKTUtn. April I—*r R«a IbrllM. CWpw«. J»« Tirl. A|*rll t-sr Willi# II liWflwnl.miw, ftaHM. Afrit I—Set rk*M*a A LUIUD. SMlth. W«w Yurt. April I —Sr Mefbrn O H#rt, TuA«v, frorLI—to*. April I - * CIim M MsdIm. ML M. Mrv Yurt. April -l Me Usakru. l ull#*. (%UMUIfbM. April < -»f Lk Mam* ImWI. VWW. flma. *p. Afrit I -•* J J#r^—-. *»• Yurt. A-tu j-*c cur jvtetv*. r*itiMvff» RAILROAD, Stciiiiilioiit and 11 Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes ' Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Lids, fol-Veftts, M, liips. Sons, Elt, Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cemeni NO. 5, WHITAKER STREET, Jftmiy