Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 09, 1881, Image 4

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4 4 J". H>. Corn, Hay, jp O R R E S T B R. dealer IN OdtSf Mcftlj Etc»f Elc»f BRTJN S WICK, GA. Solo Agent for Welch, Wight, Wilson & Co.’s Pure Pork Sausage, Storage and Office at Littlefield & Tison’s Warehouse. Will give “Hock Hottom" Price, for any of the ulmve on application. Term* Cad,, or C.ty jjjgjjpQ 'CONNOR, Agent. Smnu, Finn* ui Wuroi Ruivit. ,iawnt^iS[ Bay St., Brunswick, Ga., j-^S O rrtn u um pauic. at lomuktu lowtot, two eattro Mart of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Mllll> CtlANDl.KItY, Cigars & Tobacco, CONFECTIONERIES, Etc. S1W IIRIII, STOP! Gloucester Street, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. THE C*DEH*lO*EI» NAN OFKMED AM KMTIItr.LT a -THE MOTTO OF- OF Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs and Soaps Aa«l all o'Wr To*hi a a tnwan *>rug Wore.lo which W mpucltnfly rMIfl tba attratinu "t bU frtaada nil (bo rn»d»c. Ifar'ac b—a r«»uurr|ad with tW Dm* trad* in this city 1* a nnniWr "f year w HI |mby illlrl aUmUo* to l»«.tuv*a, t«> l»*r?l a I’brfat tUe <d Y*»Ull<- | Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. F. & THE BEST! Tbs Jewelry Heilquirtsrs ] BooIh, SIkmss, Itnts, W, F. D0ERFLIN6ER ALSO CLOTHING, .11.1* F.M •*•»*. m .ijor.N • *•*• F. M . 190 A. M Art I veal Savannah *• 9.0UA. M Mo chan** of car* between Savannah and Jackson, villa and ha rum ah and Albany. Fnllm an Palace fllecwtng Cara Nail/ between Fa. vaunah and Jacksonville, hire|>iiig rara run through to and from Savannah ml Albany, and Jacksonville and Albany without r Lange. I’aa tenge ra from Savannah for Femsudina. Gala, cavillfl and Cedar Xtji take thia train. I'aaMtigara for Ivrlen uka bla ttialn. I Passengers from Savannah for Dranawl.k i a v- | thia train, arriving at llrnn.wlck «.1111. m. | fnaaanfera t<«va llrunswick at g.M»m.. nrriv. Idu at Savannah V.-OJa. tu. Pasaencara l-avlmt Karon at t:|l a. M. (dally it,, eluding Monday) connect at Jesap with thia tram for Florida. I’t-am*' t« from Florida by thU train c nnretat Jeaup with train arriving lu Macon at «:iA r. u (daily lu, ludlug tfnnday.) Connect at Albany with Pa—eager train# both WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED, HAT, Etc. la the Ileal Hare of the Kind, ii XILT TOW1T. C ALI, andetamlna bla large and beautifully —• lertrd aturh of JEWELRY, WATCIIKS, Etc,, Etc., Which baa Jtt«l arrived and !• bring sold at low |.rte-. * Ha INI Ira mt nil klaiadaaeaa abort natter ami M«ll«fnrlloa t*warwMlrrd. rb Watch— 1 1> A oTiojvSn Ere. Lime, Corn & Hay tobl-ty After atof* la flood, Union and ManrbcLi atreeta I .milled at hla itaidii JAMES T. BE AIN, Druggist, Eto. MOORE M’CR ARY I >K A I.KHS IN Olioicst* ITamily GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery anti Tinware, CiaAES do TOBACCO, NEWCASTLE 8TKEET GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ! Goods bought and sold 011 closest lig- ures. Consignments solicited. IIV .Mean Business! And hope hy a study of the wants of out* customers not only to keep those we now have but to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. r!■:/,• /ns e<>.'.s CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS A JAVA VS OX IIAM). Everv »avt tii’li' of flio lust ijii.ilitv Mil l at flu, in , ist |irio«*. Youi* Money ! M UiiikIs ill ImkI Prim NKW VriliKSTOIIH, '.Vl„n-,l..i 1m ■ • .. . |„ll .,,,,,4, Dry tancd.s, Notions, Men’e, Ladies* and Children’s Hats. a jxsjta xri.Y 1: i:< kivini, S'JPPIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES, ORDERS SOLICITED. ADDRESS, % AKil'STI'S r. FRANK 1,1 X & CU. Flnnoy’s Building. 1 Hay Street, .... Brunswick, Ga. MKItC'IIAXT TAII.OIt, Brunswick, Georgia. H AVING hut arrived fm.ii M,mnil. Hill. Ilunlit Emtlub, French atul fvoUU u lie wdiiIiI r.-i..’. tfully IIIvilu Ilia Irli'inla ai.i public gauerally to CALL AND i:X AM INK, at bla relatdlahtnent. in it door t. had i'i natantlr <•!» band. We *)••• rail r. iir alien tioti to oar larg.' atorh of l.uml- r alwavrln yard, at |.r». r a an low that any oUe with • little < aab build and i,an a borne. Call »* »* t«b*Ce Uaalll4 rlarwbrrv. «!*>*• Ij New store! New ITirtn! (M ils ! F. WARNKE, j„ „ 'Nt'W t» FIRE INSURANCE J. M. DEXTER, INsritANCK AOEXT, |JKI’IU.H:XW lb, lull,.in,' nr. CJ. WIMBERLY & CO. -•k of freetl OIUICEU* HEAVY AND FANCY, Mallatramer leave* fialnbrldg* for Ayalarhln.ia — —nday and TbnrmUy evenffig; for Colambua *<lay ami Satumay aftifkaua. connertiem at JackaowvUl* dally (Sunday • iwbua Tralna on It. and A. R. R. leave Junction, goi eat. at 11 a. m..audfor Uranawick at t.t«>r. 1 grr DrfMit. AtroMUUATKlX Tlt.MS—EASTT.ttX DIVISION. Leave Savannah. Nordate excepted, at 7JDa. ■ l^am M.-Intoab - •• 9.fn a. m Lcat%> Jeaup " •• 1191 p. w Leave lllackahear •• S.UJp. tu Lra«c Inipont •* * 3ii a. tu ** •»#. ■ Leave J* «uj. •• e | w p M Leave Mrlntnah •• •• 3 r« p. ui Arrive at Savannah •• « Atop, m WCSTERM RtVfSir.M. P4iw. acaoaTa xicuno. Leave I>aPo« t*m A. M. IT.A. M. V4AA.M. illeat Una M. tMF. M. ».» r. M. - . — I*. M. Leave AlUay at ( K A. M. I^ave Tbomaaville a l^averamllla at Albany at Leave ram 11 Is a _ _ Arrive at Thom-vllle at 11:30 A. M. !«ve Tbomaaville at 1 :IS I*. *1. Leave (/Hitman at 3:M F. M. Uava\abb«uat »:t1 F. M Arrive at Dupont at 1M t. K. i. H, Tvaon, Kaater Tranay rtatloo. II. S. It UMF.H, Ueneral Hapartntendent DOUBLE DAILY TO AMD FROM F L OR IDA. MACON A BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. -i-A'wreZIS c n,,rr Maoba'fau Kira lu>urau. ■ K»-r* hanta A M..hani.e laaaraoi • < u dwrllm « . m,. \ •Inmt'ua.l HU AlavO Kl 1 I* itm: I'.RAMDSUK W. A. JOHNSON, BootiVShoc Maker. *nl SM)».M'iiit«?mlivrit'MonU’f*. Macon, Ga., Jut.)(, 1179. O N and Rnmlay. the Itth loataat. |<a»acnger trains on this mad will run aa follows; (TMULULAMD KOITE VIA MlUMawirX. NIGHT 1‘AbSUNGKR MO. I. SOUTH-DAILY Lcava Macon 7.«p. m. Arrive t ix-hrau 9:«7 p. m. Arrive l>atmaa la-.Up. m Arrive J« sup 3;l7 a. m. Arrive Itruaawirk m. I^ave lirnnsai, k per steamer (11%. w. Arrive Kernandlaa |«:l*a. in. Arrive la ksoiitille Idly. t». MIGHT FAMoKNUEft MO. *. XOfiTH—DAILY. f"” Sl.' .'ltl. 11:11., H,. l-r»»e I rmsadlna per steamer 3:*A p. in. Arrive lirntiswi.-h l^-ave Urunawtck g.-ao p. m yum Uvrtickn# 4:93a. ■. Arrive Maon gM a. m. Uo—r< naerti<« at Manm for all points Mortb. Tolmeeos & cigars. a Atlanta ai d Augwata. DAY At’t OilMODATloM Mo3. SOUTH. Up and Live Oak-Daily, except Sunday W-rk «!«l Yf r.iiitoil •i*iijdy, and war- d to last uv l »lig us that of any other Workman in this neetion. Mtrmiiinf ihm* at tk'<rt notice nl NEXT DOOtt TO J. F. NELSON ON TIIE HAY. Travelers Ins. Co.. II.IIMTUISII. C.IXN I OTJR MOTTO: “As Low as the Lowest.’ *•« n? Ja. laonvilie a.ui a. I NO. 4. NOUTU—Dally, except Saaday. * -teoaefiiu e Sop. r Vtjp. B Arrive Um, n at Macon M alt potuta North, Laat and IIAWKIMSYILLE IHlAMl II. I’r- l^ht and ArrocuuodaUon—Dally,except Sanday l^ava r.M-hran Huai p. m. Arrive Hawkiuav ills !• «* p. m- U*»r UaaktnaviUa 3JUa. m. Arrive Itrwnawtck 4:l»a. m. Connecta at Coc hran with Tralna 1 and J to and Leaver ■ llv front Macoa. ..II- . lu ll a \T\\< n with Train# Mo. 3 and at M KDWaiidh, Ucn‘1 Supi. *F>lnUUwhvvl iNaVv. A..T. MILLER <Sr Co, Wlwltn il*' ami lh tail Dealers in FiimiliiiT. fiirjiols. Hi! I'liillis. Window Shades, Mattings, Etc., I 1^. |.V.» Hr. 1 Sir-vi. SAVANNAH, G E O PL O X r in f«»r ynu interval »*• with tu, for the foliuming, annuig uunr, me aorta: iVe luve a v »\ I * ,» \ wrU *eh *tcv'. stock. \\Vgive v.*0 u-•. a.. ». t !«.• nrievs. We fit W|> «wir g.u»U iu..r«M,gl,lv. Wo imck our iftnala »rrv carr/ullj. We sbil» giunla |»rofn|i|ljr. We ntalio no eh «rgv for |«ckinjf and nhijtping. We neifr low.-.I rmtrm «»f frri^ht. Wfllirietorr a. licit n Irul »»t«h*r. foaling aaatird that v..»i wi’l U«wllt*al With oar guvtU ua»l jmcwi. l’ria * and other information cLccrfnlly f.iruuLcd. A. J. iULLEU 4 COMTAXY.< siinl Ai’i’i'li’iit Iii-miiiiiiv BRUNSWICK, - ansivi's, ... 011,01m . T ., ,, hsrjs3*sK»£«- Mlice. Notice. Change of Schedule. r/fCAI. DKXT1ST, W Brunmck, - ■ Georgia. IP? O FKIiT: over Ike store Of Kai—r A lie Th —• w ivhlae Work .K>u» • ill fli. l ,t aUrrill.<TEMDKMT*t*OFF!Cl . i Uncbavics. O*. July 10th lht». | T. G L 0 V E R ' ' ' " 11 WUTW1UD UOfXD. nth. f..-t»vm... Root 11 nd Shoe Shop NOTICE. I tv.''.".;; n. v. MiHiiir. iZtt.o. Best. XDKISrTTS'r. Stationery, Book, — AMD — MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT \L*r. % Pimiliiliiig I.ihrjirv. . veawt u. inru. ng U*>um ). All<>nt e at Albany i:\STWAUD BOUMI). 1>*U.Y. K-IDtl tu rnuk. ?a a:l»hj v) tlCflri 4.14 pm '-VN. LMIIUTlKlt. sWAXXAlI, <iKoi:i;i fl'IVW IhlVfSt AUCTIONEER Brunswick, Ga. •r\\- » the u< atk carat. iiakuvvaio: a sto\ o, rinvvw. Rears, Uayv, tmekei Nub. A lany * Table l.bsaa. Plainer*. C Mllrrv. Faaapa, Krrnalnr Tlavaarr. trarbery, AUnlthl, 0 R G UIX E T T E ! Mb brl—a * Rojfher aad A. Ka-er Picture Krauiin^ Dime on the .Shortest Notice ! 1 Rrotbrr. CITY BARBER SHOP, J. S. CAKTEE. Projri.tiT. iMMlf V, I. U III, I T i < < Nate I tic AiMro: \r\t llir I*o.t ,<n-' ' nnirr, r."»r lur c v , a,. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. cniu»nKS~a hum cvrrtxc a MTWClALTr. IMtSfACTION GUARANTEED