Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 16, 1881, Image 3
Marriage*. mu ram-ntas**—t* *•». *• o, w.m. u si, naMm M April Uk. Ml. Mm. a. II. Kmr».«.ol r — MUtf, mmd Mum Jvu* 1'iuum «< ikM New Advertisements. JAS. U. VINCENT, 3TT0RNET AND C0UX8EWE AT UW, ORUNSWIOK, • • - QKORQIA W.B.C. Coker & Co bul mm aaoKEM. conrir anemia, Reitebs, Lemhi, hi Tu Reiimebs or cm akp conmir lahim: auo Abstracted aod Examlaere sf U»4 litln •Imta, la »U jEprrtlun aprUllly of Moak tad JUvcawi!* W. B.C. COKES ft CO. Str. David Clark Only Wrrrl DoAl Iwkmprr ml Mwprm SA VANN AH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVC4 liVAffAl rott BBUXIWICK EVERT MONOAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. BETTES ISO. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening TOR 8ATASSA1I. Vikn rice* connwtloB a» Bruna«U-k with B. * A, ILailrumd, a titmrT* t*> »»4 from 3dvfttifcr nud Sppad. muiiw imi SATURDAY MORNING AT BBCXSW1CE.OEOBOIA. ■ATIEIHY MeBSINO. APRIL t. !to|. home MAnkiw.' Onice Time Table. OcamMaUvwf mm from • a. u. to «.«« r. m. - sra « a --iCm,kmm-d---., J k Uiun pUmdlm but kltart.p.a. win mull aatU a«it akl. ISTOTIOE. Tbe (Uyma CmiIt AfrtrtlUnl forlrtr will at- Um! tha awwUac to B* held at L ABlUwy Ham. ao Taaadax. April I9tk. at 1 P. M. Aft tha coaiailttaao nprrtrd to Uoa kaad without tail. All laJtaa *-4tlra»a who tool aa totorvat la tu approach- lac I air arp In vip-d to ba praamt. B.J.GuLMJM. ^ D.T. nrss. «wtUry. I'n-ilrnt. •Care Wauirr I«*»ld Clark.* t\ WILLIAM*. A (ret. aprillMm Bmnaelck, on tha dock fm. Neubauer, BRUNSWICK. OA. Boot & Shoe Maker. 4th ork and prlreo. khf oa Monk *tre t Mil iW to . T. htum'i grM trj. •ulltf WM. SEUIUfEB. City Tax Notice. The Uiaa dae tha city of Brnnaokk Ur. Improvctaenta. amt every aparlr* o r- l»rty t >r tha year Ijwl, are pojablr^u nth a rralca. • hrpt.. I(<M>ka tor tha reception of return* and tha collec- tl -n of tha Aral quarterly payment of taiaa are non •'!•• n. and will ba rUead on tha 3|at day of Utrrh lMil.«h»a*McmtloM«iUB*t*au*d for tha « nilr« anioiint of taiea dun for tha year airaluat rarh anil r*rr> i*r*ou who fall* to tuako pa>uiriit aa abort required. omce bonra from 9 a. M. to 1 r. m., and front 3 |n 5 r. m. JAMES llot’ETON, Clerk and Treasurer, C. P. GOODYEAR, {Lat* o» U»«*awu*, Ukoaou.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, • Florida. Wiil|irartli'o In nut* end Uulletl Hutt* Court* of tf -rl ta. Will attend r. ^uUr / the *■-*•! hi* of Glynn. Wayne. Ware. Cam Jr o and l Urltoo Huiorl- or Cuiiria of Oe<>r«ta, and will go to Wayrrwa. Tr*. dri * mil. m Mary* and Branawirk, la ««ratlun. to •it- ini l<» bualaaaa wbl'B la ofedtortral Importancr b> i »y bta atpcnaoa and reaaonnbla companaaUi n JEKYL ISLMD. ) "Jl MI.r-Thr Sorthrrn oaa-tklrd < f aald la lao I. .iiuaied In (dyna Coanly. Oeorpta. at U* muuth *»f Uniiiawtrk narU.r. Tha lalaml atwenda la cour »f all kind*, and for any dcalrt»« hntihv an 1 ealaatde laland on tha Oaorfto coo*'. II* • • ff-r* •’ip.-rtor InJarnoenta. Fur particular* *u 11* nua o| aaU. apply to tTSSIXOHAV A UkWTOS. ( Att<rn«ya at law, Ma«ai.nah. (la. Tux Receiver's Notice. i k. April cu» and ;tb. and iMhat.d 1Mb. M J«. H.mona (Uod^'a atorrh Aj Hi *U and SBh. and >"• rliny. April llth and 2tth and Mar 9th. l«-th-l. April ltd and 3«th and May iuth. W. Tun.rr’* atore, April !3th and «l*t and May 3th Mhtla In lininewtm h, my «>»■ • will ba at lb« Uou*e. W. TCBSEB.T. B . O.C.. tm. _ OITATIONr I ONOMM-Comr or Olih. I T' Mlehom It may ornerra: Catturlna Aymar in proper f«.rm applied to m* f r penuantut '«4 by law, _ _ •J permanent admlniatratl n ah«mld n I to aald Cat | aald Camarine Aymnr on Ooorg* W. Ay- my hand and off* Ini aljia tare thla Mar. h Wm. n. BEB;i!E.(>rd nAry (I. C-. On. CITATION. hiU-iitn* C«K*imr. Chandler, *nnrdlan of Iho prao- h'lwnrd and Trank Horaav, appltaa : "‘l »«4o~l for latt-ra ofdlMntoah.n ttwm kla t . lllwfc »A pareow ronreraed nr* 5 Ly . 'tr!* r *’ 1 to mk9W u nay thay ran. why *}**• tha Aral Monday la May nett B* Mai |m| mr k ** J u4 °® cl41 IhU Wn, u. BEBUE. Ordinary O. C. On. loney Saved is Money Made! k * ‘ • lwr e*7 m»r*e, ana f3*» •>« a VI, ’ . } H Wrr Head for oar price* be. L* u « * n *f »'**•. a in., preaeea, *aw ami «rut " r •“> kil "* °* mnrhlnary. M* are ••cat*. *nd)tfuaraatre aaUafadlon WAtBEB A IAH7P. itice to Debtors and Creditors. t*- r r;'** ••■third to the retat* of John B. tint- * *i.nty. .i. eiaed. are herel.y \ ' i'oiu#J^|« payn. tiLand all jmt. "V '***•*• */»!>•• t aald r*Ut* are notlAad .UiIj-T, f " r , * 4 » "~ ut *■ •'■no# of tha law. „ , VkNSlEB llABEHml\M. niatratru . n L-Utr John U llaUraUam. >PECIAL NOTICE. Work on tha new Catholic church will l>o retained before long, eo we learn from Iter. Father McCabe. Drum-6ebing scaeon hae opened.— Three bugo old fellow* were hauled by our oflico thia week on a dray. Mr. K II. Marlin, of Dawson, haa been *|H'iiding tho week with hit brother, Mr. J. S. Marlin, of this city. Tho building mania atill continue*, and new houwa continue to go up.— Carjieutcm, inasona, painter*, etc., are all Im-y. Mr. S|>eara it back from New York with a big *tock of gooil*, probably tho largest ho ha* ever had. lie ia going tu sell them, too. Kvcrybody *|>onka of the present management of tho Express Oflico at thi* place. Mr. Conwell certainly un- ■lerstanda Ilia business. Another wiJe-a-wakc lawyer, James l". Vincent, of this city, haring learned of our recently increase.! circulation, preaeuta bis card in this issue. - The editor of this paper left for Lib erty county Thursday night to attend tho meeting of Savaunab Presbytery which is now in conrention ftiere. Only fifty cents admission to the Old Folk's Concert next Wednesday night, anti each ticket entitles the bol der to a saucer of ice cream—-free. If you wish to buy, lease, rent, tell tr murtgage a city lot, house or coun try farm, cull on Messrs. W. B. V. Co ker A Co., whose card appears in thia issue. StnwIierrii'S and cream, think of it! at the Old Folk's concert next Wednesday night. Yes, and tfiuy will give yon plenty of sugar too. Du there without fail. Mr. C. U. Moore has opened n fur niture establishment on Xuwcastlo street, nud wo will do him tho crodit to eay that hit prices are so low at to astonish one. Mr. A. V. Wood has moved into hit new quarters near tho distillery, and ia uow prepared to talk naval •tores to every eno who wishes to consult with him. Messrs. Dodge k Fuller cleared British brig Itoaella Smith, Captain l’cnficld on the 12th inet, for ltio Ja neiro, with a cargo of JCI.Dtifl feet pitch pine lumber, valued at $0,235. Why didn't that Brunswick old maid and that grass widow visit ns? —Pen ny leieal. Knowing your aversion to old maids, wo thought best not to call. Ou>Mxn> Fuirso. Messrs. Cook Brothers k Co. are farnisnmg a uico article of dry slabs all ready for the tiro place at 33 cents per single dray load. Wo havo had aorno of it aud can testify to its good qualities. coived bia spring stock of icc, and had a special agreement with old man Vennur to hold summer in check on- til ho was prepared to cool onr parched tongnes. The cargo of ice arrived this week, and we may now expect the mercury to atari for the niaetiea at any moment. An exchange aava: Eight hundred men are engaged in digging out tho Chicago and Northwestern Railway, west of Sleepy Eye, Minn. Tbo track is boried under a mass of snow and ice on which the sun makes no im pression, and which can only ho ro- muvcil with picki and shovels Tbo company baa expended almost enongh money shoveling snow on this line this winter to liavo constructed a new rond. Yes, thia will continne to bo the tale until wo havo a grand Southern trunk from Brunswick to the Pacific, over tho B. k A. I load. Wo would never hear inch as tbo above of a road with such termini. THE M. * II. It. It. EXTENSION. The recent visit of Mr. R. T. Wilson, principal owner of the slwve road, to tho State has caused a perfect awak- suing among newspaper exdunges, only one of whom seems to bare in terviewed him with success. From him the Teleyrapk and Mmengtr baa learned two things: Firat—That $50,000 will be expend ed at an early day, each at Macon and Brunswick, and $30,000 more in roll ing stock and equipments.- Socond—That the company expect big thioga from the Legislator,, when HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. cMMimimrinil Brunswick. Georgia, •HEWITT’S OGLETEOEFE, Juno 7 th, 8Ui and 9th, 1881. 0. T. DUNN, M. 1. COLSON, BRUNSWICK, GA., JUST OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. , orxaxims man. We, the undersigned, hereby agree to guarantee the enema of tbo above Camtlrii i:$ithuMinntl<* In Uf|itnl to our Flair. Tvaaoau, (it., Aptil 12, 1881. Editor Advertiser and A/i/ieal: Aa yon do not bear from these pinoy woods very often, I drop a fow lines to tell yon that we aro all quite anx ious to participate iu your Fair in Jane. I am a member of the Camden County Agricultural Society, which met at this place to-day. When bus iness was announced, the President, Dr. Burroughs, left tho chair, calling Mr. R. L. Lang, and, after some re marks, urging upon all the members to take an activo part in tbo Glynn County Fair, and win lanrela for the “garden spot of Georgia"—noble old Camden—the land of pcaco and plen ty, made a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee of five to confer with the members, to see who would ride at the tournament, and wbat characters they would asinine, etc. CspL D. II. McKinnon introduced a resolution that a committee of ten be appointed by the chair at tha next masting to confer with the members and solicit entries of corn, rice, sugar, etc. Tbero was a motion mndo and sec onded that tho aocioty hold its next meeting at Hiltou's mil), on Wednes day, 27th. Itico plnntera aro vory busy, and tho lands aro goltiug in beautiful or dcr. Tboro is work for all. Tho rico planters and turpoutino farmers nro paying good wages, nud, with a good season, we hope fur a heavy yield. Yoon very truly, Mtunrn or tux Soc.crv. it meets, among them that great hug Kair to °P- I ik. _:i I l.ii poaito onr names as follows: bear the railroad commissioners shall bo caged, aud fetters and shackles put on lo keep them from destroying all the railroad property in the State, bodily, and rnnning all railroad capi tal from the State. As to the above expenditures, we shall be truly glad to see them and shall hail them ns the first oviJence of carrying ont in good faith the contract mado with the Mtate of Georgia at the time of pur chase. Wo havo seen nothing so far at our end of the road that even looks like it. Touching the second point 50 per cent, of onr subscription to be paid, if called for by tba Secretary, at any time before the Fair, sad the balance after tba Fair, if required by the Finance Coimmittoe. All or such proportion as we may have paiil before the Fair lo be re- imbunied to at oat of the net profits of said Fair after all exponaea have beau paid: DT Donn $30 00 L D Hoyt k Co 30 00 A T Putnam and Brother 30 00 C L Schlatter, Jr 30 00 New House, New Furniture & Kept iu Elegant Style. B3T W- C- HEWITT <35 CO- fdrlMOCMOK TUANSFERUED FREE. BfrO-ly in tbo Bboye, wo can do no better than j T W Limb .30 00 Hiilr Dot-, Camden county ia alivo to tho Fair. Tbo boya aro doteriuiucd to rnako a showing in Ibo tournament and racos. Mr. Willio Wiggins, of Wayncsville, declares Wayue county shall do hor duly in tho contest iu both tourna ment aud races. Ho is pusbiug his committee work already. Alf Crovatt, the energetic chairman of Glynn county's tournament com mittee. intonds that no stono shall be left nntnrned to enable Glynn to car ry off the prize in the grand contest at tbo Fair in June. Mr. Elilor: The Committee on Grenada for the Jane Fair report having snrveyod tha ground and laid out a full haif-milo (rack, which will be at once pat in proper order. The •pace encloaed for Fair purposes will lio nearly three times as large as the present enclosure. Everything looks favorable for loo speedy completion Tho costumes for tho Old Folk's Concert will bo unique in the extreme, j t |j, rKt ..trnck. et'e. Just think of yo younge men and | j) q> p,. maidens of to-day trigged out in cos-' ^———••• tunics of llezekiah Perkins aud Blos som Sprague. Mrs. Ann N. Franklin has sent to this office specimens of new Irish |hi- l'resident. An old bnnter iu the upper |iortion of the county, who has slain bis fall quota of “old bucks," and probably bos bia front piazza well decorated tatoes which we think must be larger their antlers, at is the custom, than tho Blackshcar "guinea egg"!^ „ p , ho , |lort f or years, specimens of which we made uioutiou ooniilfcrillg himtcl f ^ i uSrm f or roc h last is*04. Sand in yonr sample*. ! „ tir , imatem cnt, recently borro-id James Hnntcr cleared Swedish ship * a neighbor's gun and "tried his hand" Solo, Captain Dannhcry, on tho llth 0 nce more. huflico it to «ay, ha inaL, for Liverpool, with a cargo con-1 brought home a magnificent old back, sitting of 622,000 feet pitch pine tim-! bat that neighbor tells an amnsing her, valued at $7,164: and 15,000 feet \ story on him. The excitement waa lumber valued at $216. Total value— too much (or tbo old gentlemen. In $7,680. By way of giving somo people an idea whether onr new hotel ia well patronized, we might state that all who arrived last Wednesday night could not he accommodated convene interview in tho Tel-yraph and J/essen- •jer, and an editorial in the Savannah .Vim It aay«: “Bat Mr. Wilson's objection to the railroad commission, as well as the nervous predictions of our Savannah cotemporary are purely imaginary.— The Macon k Brunswick Railroad waa never more prosperous than it lias been under the fostering care of the commission; it was never more valua ble than it ia to-day. With respect to the remarks of the Savannah .Voar, wbivh we have quoted above, it is on ly necessary to say that since tbo or ganization of the com mission, railroad •tocke havo steadily increased in val ue uutil at present the best o{ them mark the flood time of prosperity, so far aa the roads are concerned. There hat never been a period in tho histo ry of tho Stato where foreign capita) waa so cagor to invest inGeorgia rail roads—there has never been a ]>criod whon more foreign capital lias sought and found investment in ruilrond property in Georgia. There never 1ms boon a timo when the Georgia rail roads wore more prosperous. More short linos nnd branch roads havo boon projected since tha organization of the commission than over before, and thoeo whoso opinions are entitled to weight any that tho State ia upon Ibo threshold of a wonderful (icriod of railway development Ouo not familiar with tho facts woulJ gather from Mr. Wilson's re marks that tho State, in organizing tho commission, and Judge Woods iu rendering Ilia decision, were guilty of bail faith toward the purchasers of the Macon and Brunswick road. Thia ia the substance of his complaint He went to work iu ‘good faith,’ surveys were mado and routes were ex amined, when, lo, sod behold! here comes tho decision of Jadgo Woods concerning the legality of the com mission- Did Mr. Wilson suppose, when ho purchased tbo road and signed tho contract, that tho courts would disestablish tha commission? Did be havo any reason for supposing that tbo board was not a permanent institution ? The act creating the commission was approved by the Gov ernor and becarno a law on the llth o( October, 1879. Four months after tho law was iu operation—on tbo 28th of February, 1879—Mr. Wilson aud bis colleagues completed the purchase of tbo Macon k Brunswick road and signed the contract which involves the completion of the extension from Ma con to Atlanta. Mr. Wilson made his purchaso with his eyes open. He knew that the commission bad been established; ho knew the nature of the lad; he knew its scope and purpoie; he bad no reason for supposing that tha coarts would declare the act ille gal, and ho knew, moreover, that iu all probability a suit on repudiated bonds would bo brought aa soon aa tho road passed out of the hands of the State. All these matters bad been freely canvassed before the Legisla ture, and if Mr. Wilaon came into pos session of the road in ignorance of Littlefield k Tiaol 30 00 Moore k McCrary 30 00 Cook llroa. k Co 30 1)0 A Kni«er ,t lire 2.3 00 J Michflaon .. A .. ..25 00 J T lllain 26 00 U Frierllander A Co.. 25 00 J II McCullough 25 00 B Hirnch A V Wood 25 00 X Dixon John A I’billip* 20 00 Mabry A Crovatt A Borchsrdt It M Tinon •••• • 15 00 M S'lannon 10 00 A M Matthews 10 00 Burr Winton 10 00 \Y W Watkins 10 00 31 I. 3(erehon 10 00 8 M Glugaaer 10 00 S.-ipp A Co 10 00 CO Moore 10 00 H L Harris 10 00 K Solomon 10 00 J 31 Drury 10 00 it D Mender.......... 10 00 Cl W Wimberly 10 00 T 1* Gale 6 00 W 1* Guidon r, ini DO Itisloy 5 03 Ilolzomloi f & Uro 5 oo C! J huorllingcr R 00 E Milts r, oo A (1 Osgood 5 00 W H Harrison John It Doerflinger 5 00 J H Uuatwick ©jive Your Money ! by Burma THE Best floods at Lowest Prices AT TfIR * NFW YOKKSTORE, Where they have just received a full supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Men's, Ladies* and Children's Hats. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPIES OF FAMILY 8R0CERIES. tbo exnlicranco of his youth (old ago)ho forgot himself when ho shot that deer, and dashiog his gnn to tbo winds, seized his prostrato victim and quickly dispatched him. He bad to go home nnd get his wife nud ‘laugh- j wo ][.^„ own facta, it ia not tbo fault of ntly. It that thing ia repeated often Ur to help him hunt tho missing parts ^ authorities of the Stale of Geor- moro rooms will have to l>* furnished of that gum Ml | gia. before next fall. j Oarlejr fc o!j j -»■»-«- Y'o Oldo Folk's Concerto will be at-! Tbia well-known firm bare catafc-j | m „n.rn„.ni. Continue, lendoat ye I.'ai ioso Hall next Wednea- lishe.1 a branch of their business at I Hewitt k Nelson have Brewster, Mrs J S Marlin, Mrs A V day ni^htr, aud in an much uy« thi* |X>iuL They will deal largely^ in | etgCt | the lot adjoining the hotel on! S 8J»»on°o, Mr* Ira K yuuugo women who singe are shame- uaval stoics, aud by way of lessening j t | |Q nor th side, and alter taking off s'si'lmn* ** ' *u«on, us oo fasts, ye youug men nro desired to expense to producer, have erectod ^ 1 h*nti M now on it, will eneloso huge irou tauk* tweuty-eight feet long tt 8 whole under one fence, taking in and twelve feet in diameter, iu which i l[lo|lu handsome oaks. This to empty every cask of spirits of tor-1 wj |j visitors an elegant place for pontine purchased by them, sending : promenades, croquet, etc. the cask back to tho producer for oth- j n connection we would state or shipments, which will provo quite ^ ^j r James Caluan, who owns the Htnn«llt$tf CommltliHw. (ABOUND*. W W Watkins, Burr IMnlou.JT Collins, T W Dexter, M MicbeDon, A T I'utuam. KXMlaiTa. W 11 Burroughs, J X Walker. J 1> Limb, David .Scarlett, J M Couper, D a Ulster, Jos Posted. It SCIubb. STOCt. A T l’ntuaiu, J A Sapp. rocLTSv. J E Dnllignoii, F A Brewster, H L Iline, A M Haywood. MAcuisawv. Burr Wintoo, Henry Gray, Wm McC'andlcss, Jr, W II Anderson, G A Scruggs wen. J M Coupet, J X Walker, A S Barnwell, W. aloy Taylor, W RGIgtul- liatt, J K Nightengale. .aval sToaia. A V Wood, J Wilder, W E Bur bage, D B McKinnon, G 8 Davis., allMOUEH, IJLTIIS A*l> SATtVK WOOLS. W A Fuller, 8 H Cook, N Dixon, II Tift. sr/uTTA. J 31 Conner. W T Jonee, It Tift, J T Dent, J K Dart, J II McCullough. • SACKS. T W Limb, A T PnUaro, R SI Ti- son, J A Phillips, Wm Turner. vocbmwdt: All Crovatt, Henry Taylor, G W Wright, Jr., W O Moore, W Turner, O B Mabry. Ways* nivm—WMWiggins, with power to fill oat. XcIstosii cxjvstt.—Dees Wing, Oc tavius Ilopkiua. Comal oorsrrr.—T M Harrison, Rufus Lang, Willis King, LT McKin non. It. M. Tiaon, Chairman of entire Tournament Committee. ruxix . Mrs T F Smith, Mr* BII Cargyle, Mrs W W Watkins, Mr* LeBoren Drury, Sfrs. Wm Darkaloo, Mr* IV A Fuller, Sirs A M Haywood. BOl'SEHOLD. Sira John T Collins, Mrs J H Mc Cullough, Sirs J C Norman, Mrs F A Over One-Half Of the male portion of the American peo ple 15 ymrs el nee safer more or lam with diseases of tTie Kidneys and Blad der. There are various sanaes tor tbia, bat over mvk ks tba chief mam. Noth ing in Hie whole Materia Medics ia so wall cxlrulaUal to invigorate and restore bmltliy lose lo Ihrae ergons u Baskin's Compound Extract of Boclm amt Juni per. A few dimes liken occasionally will greatly benefit all those wbo are af- (licti'd witli any diamae of the Kidney or Bladder. Pre|Mirist only tiy llnnt, Rankin k Lamar, druggists, and for mis by all drilirgists. Anrioni, TnorrCo., July 4, 1870. I uni oun id tho unforPmatu auffurers from (linvrl nr diaessu of the Kidneys nnd find morn mid speedier relief from Rankin's llueliit ami Jnuiner than any thing I liiivu ever tried. 1 esteem ft s< highly were there lint ono Imltls in the world I would willingly give flixi, or any amount, far it 1 recommend it abovo all other similar preparations. frblSniwtm E. T. WINN, Shipping Intelligence. ro» the tout or HMtwwirK. rcnniE wees KN!>|V|» trRJLIMk. Kill. April II April II- *r Kama ll»«fhrr.lUrh*nta.WilN.I»*to« April 11 - llrlar Jail* K Usslvtt. rain*. Bm|*>a. April 11-Mr Majr $*rlaal*nJ. — New liarra April I'J—Harsl M (Iwllr. HlrwaHrrM. U*4am. A|*nl I*-M«? M E BawWr. Kawlrj Nrw Tort. DfFAUTtHM April II-Bark Aaswrtraa MacU. BMs-kfoM. M V. April II - » 4lrf$ri4«lr> K N*s4lk. Jiaasaa, pak. April U krtf HmUA. Mtm. JOB. B LAUBItlOB SAFF & 00. Green Grocers, ABD DEALEBB IB Country Produce KtaraLsoo. wash a rvu. sin vretLa*. tuiktZDeloeaar (SROCKRLFS. CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, oT AN DA HD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIFS, NUTS, FRUITS. Etc., an 1 whkS are se.r.1 aw aak M asm si l» Has. They Mean Business! liltUXSWICK, GEORGIA. W.B.Mell&Co., SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, rUF.Nf’H AMD AM Ell CAN CAl.P RKINN. MOLE. IIAUNEM. f BU LK. AND PATENT LKATU* EB, WHIP* ANDBADDLBBT WABB. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc. kUITAULE ruH MIM. MEN AND TI'IU’ENTINE MANUrACTUlLEilH, A Specialty. WRITE FOB PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. Giii Bums rn tie Doctor’s Fun. Mmm da.. Marah U. M W* h*r* fur Iwrlva awlla We* paimNw ■ al.Ta BppklUlla Mp«HAa * to (A* IradaMl *} *j| kill* mmj »Uar tfiaraara tor alto II to n^iaai*4a4.^i*4U^ raaalw^h**a br*a^a*"*$ — U uSmS.' 7* > SSSl to* jSVSS^VJSt ■aada4 to rmra. <» atoeda Wlmi ipar.ito Itol aBto*utoato »»*<*■ I— wto.*— fawad W $Hmlilf$ lj Ik Ba >nHhirI al Me, $a • torn fM ■*•. K. L O ALLOW AT, M. D., J. T. ftOBIKnO*. M. D. Atlzwta, V a„ May Si. I-T». Oi**fow«(«toMito4aMcMa* Inrun' $i4 *$a mto mMrtfj alto arpMIMto M part Ac.” WM EAT.V.r compAMY. ftof BBJWir +Mhj lll4r**»toto. (Mltor • MfT *f H T«tM Mae** m«tol. M MrU-la Fire Insurance! N.f. IIJDEIHOTERS'MBMV (OOMrONED or TMB AEBMAMlA 'AMD HAM >VLB ntoUBAECECO 'm AMD BRITISH IMRRICA ASSliR'E CO. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. erpwmjki* at vnv low avrvs. a CAREY W. STYLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, itHUNSWicK, aronaiA. ■ ,r ilia I. r rt »,i€V- ta.SamaONIi• llalp., aesmsn.a. ItaaebMrMXMwaalw W Mkonna HMsSnmgis. look aweie from them wheuevermtbei singe. All ye money which eball be paved in (or tbye nip rtaynement it to • f»r painting ya meeting boaec Hlch ie nctle down on George street. Did nngjif our readers ever cou- templatu aa to the prohahlo w ) a saving to tho manufacturer*. The nex , 1,,; to tbo one leased, intends why winter continues to bold ua in *Uorf of ifr. Leljoron Drury m leani tcarm( , down all those little buildings her’ chilling ornbrec.? Well, wa I that now occupy it. and tho. -till Ur- come to the coudnsion that it waa be-1 |,j the presence ol still auvtbur buyer thcr improve the appearance ol thugs causa Mac Haywood had not jot r*- iu tbo field. I iu that locality. Nathans r»*r« woax Mrs T W Dexter, Mre M 0 Rowe, Mrs IIT Dunn, Mr* M J Colson, Ur* Jacob MichcUon, Mre W P Minor, Mis* Rebecca Cooper, Mia* Mari* Main, Mu* Kate DiUon, Mias Maggie Moore, Miss Harry Coieeborry, Mias Katie-Dart. a IUL Henry T Donn, with power to fill. 1XTUTVII1MKT. J F Nelson, W C Hewitt, C G Moore, Joe WaUace. t'anwr Newemtls sad (ileensUr 8ta. A. E. REINS, - Proprietor. Uni u>s itnoisf t«. IB* tw$d* * f Bruu*wlrt. •* Uka IB* tlbartF af lB«iUa« (Bair tUiittoa l«u«r aukot FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, Etc. BItE.ll), CMS, PIES, ETC., raxsu raua tux ovzz rvzai lur. Prfce^as Law as the Lowest. F. WARNKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Brunswick, Georgia. H avingm*i *m*rdrrvw atm• b$ii !!••• I » agllaB. PTv*. b ard * *•- • Onto*. - a VM.I t I •pmcHaliy la«iU LI. t $n d* «li Um •Lilr gua•■rally lo CAU. ASI) EXAMINE, l Bto aataUteBiua&t. at el I *u»l viW.J jmn-tt