Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 23, 1881, Image 1
^ tJixC/T f BRlll ' :\\ y ^ < mm hi mis IR AND API PEAL.f VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 23,1881. NUMBER 42. miMID ITUT U i'IWI AT BRUNSWICK, GA., r. f*~sr4cr. New Advertisement*. MLHAYDOCK’S | NEWLIVERPILL POVERTY AND PATRIOTISM in HUBbCHUTION RATES: I> "• i r «U farts* win Ml,«lMllrUB* is Mt'mrlM. w4 MBm«I n»rM •rr.^J|» ir ! ) . OnmSm*M f*r l»4ltrM«*l b-teHM.or of • ■ rnri~‘ chsnu ««r, rk»rH •• Mlrrrti.rfnr*t. lhrrtMIBM4»MlNir7 K«(Mr#r4l|i| Imp H—, Mllrf«4 fur p«blir*Uo«. Wkra •«. M»4hn UM T». rkix^l m reive tiU-meirt* Allllllm MM roMMMl<ltlMil ||«UI«I<1 Im> ll (MUOAR COATED.) 05IB 1*1 Lf. I* .% BOSK. «lt PlkL'ln A IMNK I dfj* •f 14>*. City Directory. l!Cj' A. T. ruua, W. W. Will Id-. J. J gwy p.T. IMaa. J. r. Bine, *. l\ Ultl ancc try standing or walking after the plow awhile. They can Sod lima to go a Sailing whan the grand ia too wat to plow,and ifthaniaaay gam ia ’em it will work oat. A can watch the cork and think, loo.— Fiabiag ia just like human Ufa. Moat everybody has got a book baited with something, and tbere’a alwaya a pea* eel of simpletons ready to bite at a worm whether there is a book in it or not That's common—vary com' ■non, but over and anon th«e'* some fellers going around with a seine or a drag net, who are not satisfied unless CMC CUtfJUmUrl a A. hka. AmiMamt Mankmt I. L. iVreh. /Mkran-V. ||. Mary. T. W. Bull K"r*r^am*r4 //rate m4 CUrk •/ MarM-l /Wf C L BehUttwr. Jr. M. I». Wflli^sB L H Patlr. M. t». 9J IU1I. OT.Jr. lUAVPiiBM. ■ OPCOCIK1L. IIMII. Irun*, IhulM * R«».»».l»un i. Walkin' and LlltlrMd. Mat lea WWUCraMlrry-C O Mot*. Prstaa Oulorad Omrlrry-Jarkl* WhtlD. Tutto«MDi»*(kmf, 3>inyar an I Sprara. fWllMM f|~Trr Drarfarf anil Oanyrr. Uanaua—UttlrArid. Mprara au'l Pwtnwn. prauc aril nw— ITslklnr |iwrfliB(tr an l “ j and Littirf al I -rataaai. Hjwam aad Paan. Cmabitt—Pntaaai, LiltVtrl l aa« Dowrdlnfrr nai DBPABnmMpwi.l’BiBaM an«l llarvry rt.u a-Pwtnnni.PutiTi. an I WaUin*. uxrrtn «tati> unnm dlartar dOaataaaa .Jdta T. Cwllla* TLat k«. AfUr nuffrriM t**rtnrra n i billion* raUe.t*a«f •I at lant till I was Inc a rati*. at* half of on* of y<mr ptlla lo mjr hab* fop Cl»>l«ra M tlua. ik# «l*nr jvnag UUng got wall la n»—ra of a moralng la now cnr*J. aad ao •>f It* KMn*j*. lUIntx' their glowing crops, and dident leave a green thing upon the face of tha earth, but the farmers plowed np and planted again and the season bit the Into crop just right, anJ they had an abundant harvest. There is a power of elasticity alront human nature. Its astonishing bow rotdily we accommo date ourselves to circumstances. If we prosper and make money we spend it accordingly, and if wa have bad lack we haul in and pinch ourselves, | and seufilo tbrongb without sufleriug er, to extremity. Mott of our wants are ITtmaaUr—Ll»«a north. COURT H88IOX8 IR TIIK URUNHWICK tllUllT. CUNClI-lal Moft.Uy In Marrl. amlHapIri > t. AITI4N0—3d Monday In Mart t md »r, WAYNK—4th MootUy In Varrl . it s iileint.. r. rtKRCR—lal Moktloy In April - •' • Motor. WAHK—*d Mnuda) in April and (M. b*r. (Xirm^Tvwbl altar Uh Monday lit A| 1,1 and Oriobarr CAMUKR—Tnaaday afl< r >1 M>« la/ la M./ an CllARLTOH—M Monday in May and Romnbrr. oi.YRR->4tk Monday in May and Hot—tUr. FALHBR BROTHERS. • wnnnrntBasti bit am. HARDWARE IW and IM OiMgraa*, lit and HI M. JuJi** *u, SAVANNAH, GA. Agricultural Implements. FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLRS, AVERTS FLOWS. BUINLY’S PLOWS. CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. Rubber and Leather BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHINU TACKI.E. AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales DTJFOXTT'S celebrated powder. Together with s full line of Shell Hardware, for an la at Uio ion cat pnocm. PAUttB nnoTiiKits. 1IERC CRY HAS MADE HOUR Cft/ppzjzs than am. dr\im <oMr.;RKii B ORIVnsAU Y r«KD )>« MUJ. andHirk ll*a U. k*. ftr. Ilay.l n k*a Mrw Mur MIU mill he f»uu<l an > m> i» at K«ui*dy. They ar a unl«*iaal in lh*lr oRrtta. and a car* ran almo*t alma)* b* uiiBrant**iI. K At'll V* \f. CONTAINS TWENTY PILLR. • /•On.' rill U n U I'rlcr Ttvniiiy*llyi« < • < nl«# l'"r »nle lay nil irniu^lnla. i ll ■ slgna BUY AT ORCK » IN> Nt»T DELAY I HAYDOCK k CO., IrlsVIy w Plait Mrf*l. New York. H.L. HARRIS, Wntcliiimkcr & Jeweler, BRl.MIfK. - (iEORIili, RAriC >Xr.ARTLYON HARD A 11 LLtt’t'YLY JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, d,Yjr swr.yas. late war taught us a lesson about that, amt you can’t scare the old pco- plo who went through it very much. The soldiers had an awful time, but it -A'.ns ii liltlo awfullcr on the poor fami- lies who stuid nt homo und luid to Joed and clothe a passel of liulploss children. Thera ain’t mnoh fun in •loiug without ahoee, and hste, and dour, and meat, and eagnr, and boil ing down salt ont of emoke-bonae dirt, and makiug coflee ont of aweet |>otatoes and rye, and aweetning it with sorgam. I rememlier when corn wot. n hundred dollars a boshcl, and cotton cards without handles or hacks was a hundred dollars a pair, and there wasent but one milk cow in oar roaaty, and I bought her for four thousand dollars, for there was a ba by on hand and no milk where it ought to be, and the little thing hod liked to have perished to death.— Those were bard timet, tore enough, and when I think of 'em it aeems like a «iu for nnybody to gramble or com* ) plain about anything now. Good health and pcoco is all I ask for the balance of my subloonary life, and if wo eon tench oar children the name wliilt.sopby, it's rebooting euuugb to keep 'tin contented aud happy. HHP I ii vip W» •*!.,, J. ,i|. .UlOU S. mil . p. Ij AUuu CcMItaUua. There is an old man writing ia tbs Country Gentleman, and he goes back own riLLliA DOVE. ! to . ,W3 ' “ d “J* " h * d j"‘ tach * VfTur"* IM *" , * r '‘ 1 r •" h:l,MI I w *ol«r m this one—freezes und snows >u'i , .r. r ;' , ,,‘'i ili .Wi iJ.'il c'""’ u£.“i« > i«nr.! and floods until May, and a scorching ~ *oi i tm, ..(^.a.r.’T'ou. 1 . . .',!i 1 drought nil summer, and the farmers “.u’oJ.'jl?DH l n?v , |xi«VVsw j ®wde nothing but a few nubbins, and .1J'Li.'.'i'ii'v ,.i'i'i".'.'','I 1001, people suffered, and cattle died DUt NIUMi Timul iill Tllliti iys. from stnrvntion, end be warns ns to -oi f..t thi. I'l'OmuM. mpiiiid. -i rua, mu prepare for the worst. That's all very «. ■ iDiDsUiia.ib.rrim well, and I am glad to perceive that . U..DI,D...1,.| UD I t, cm (lha fsrm)jn KeDerel , 7 „ 0 doi|1K llieir they gobble up things by wholeeali 08. MIS KEtf LITER PILLS bo » t - forn is crawling up to a dollar hko these cor^raiions end specola- swa.m.nta^ma.riMii.M , h . a bushel, nnd hav is »1 50, and meat tor “ »“>' syndicates. That ain't tot- CST **’“ *• “• is on the rite, and we’ve got hordlv! in 8 <*"• »»J the? «»>«>» fish in my r0r! ' T " V an r Ite Rronnd, and the bar- f ereek if I can help it r iKWi7ie T Jaim«-1 v “ l wiM 1,0 ■ ,alc ' bal " tiM lhero “ D °i NIWTNIHSW GEORGIA. Tak* <tl~-aa> it. tlat* naU j .»i rn.*| • ir*r W*a aa<l >1M II) borrowing trouble. M*>boilj KOa ) C ° ,n0 - K kW y Tv R ° , '“’ i tieorgis is'bv^for*the sewest State ■mmisiuiuu.: ticople in Kansas and Missouri . ”, , ,, .,,«itu.«ini i*.n.iin.of*n ,, ,, . , , in tho whole ^onth—with the possi- wii! - thought tbev were ruinod, for the ,, r » id. ri ,.iu.; . , . . : lile exception of Texts. There is an ..iimur.f.iD.iaD grasshoppers came along and eat up I . * , . , ■ ■ ■ j essential dilTereDce, however, between tho newness of Texts and tha new ness of Georgia, vis: the newness of Texas ia the first crop on a wild soil, the newness of Oeo.rgia is the more abundant and reliable crop on a domesticated and cultivated soil.— Texas ia a great producing State; Georgia is fast becoming a great man ufacturing State. Imi stacks loom in grimy ms^esty at sev eral points in Georgia where, erst while, the rural wagon-maker, leis urely sbtving the oak spoke where with to mend the wheel of the weath er-cracked ox-cart, was the only man ufacturer—“lost in the solitude of hie own originality.” The immense man ufacturing establishments at Atlanta, Augusta, end nt one or two other places, are nothing less than sermons fulminated by great Thor himself— oommandmeuts auto men to explore, to delve, to labor and to build. Or, to come to a practical conclusion, the success of the manufacturing estab lishments of Georgia is n new declar ation of independence, not signifying revolt, bat yet presaging revolution. Five things ore essential to perma nently successful manufactories, to- wit: 1. A market for the goods mean- factored. 2. Capital to establish mannfacto- ries. 3. The cheapest possible avenues from the factory to the retail store where the manufactured goods are told. 4. Tha choapest possible a< from what may be termed the birth- placo of tho raw material to the place of its manufacture. 5. And most difficult of all, the con viction present in the mind of the capitalists that numbers 1, 3 and 4 of these essentials certainly may be found at any giveD point. We hail one good, warm, sunny | Atlanta and Augusta have managed day last week, and me and my little! ^ chasm between the fifth Isiy went a fisbiug. I have to g°' condition and the preceding foor.— Musical Instruments *» lmn,or tbo children. Th0 „ nco :rTd^fio P me 0 t .ustlikefond parents go with cm to, ThicU 113toaislie8 nll « b o vuit those -.he circus. I uhing is n good thing iptae- _not so much by reason of torn.nan when ho is tired or has the , ht> rMs|u 3 , rPaJy . ccompli , b( a as by tbo tuc rt -tv.lts yet to come, tboap* , proich of Ykhidi can hart 11 v mcadc tnmhle and his own short coming., ^ rtuntioB o( ^ mort and It keeps him amused and enter- K „ er Georgia has now a secure fo- toined, whether be catcbee anything - or noL I don’t believe in laviness. Needles And Attachments, but I*do think it's good for a man lo , have leisure occasionally—time to CALL AND BE CONVINCED. think- Thcgoo.1 U».k says “the wis- »IIMJ I doiu of a learned man coinetb by op- BIJST GIIKK.V AND BLACK portnnity of leisure. ’ How can be gut wisdom that holdeth tho plow ?— He giveth his miud to make furrows, and is diligent to giro the kine fod- dor. And so with the carjwnter and wBtkmavter, and they who cut and gravo seals and watch to finish tlicir work. Tho smith, also, who sitteth by the anvil and lightetb with the heat of the furnace, while tha noise of the hammer and the anvil ia ever in DROPFIM INTO NITIT. If yom please sir," said tha young lady timidly, aa tbs exehaaga editor handed her a chair, ” I bare oompoeed a few recess, or partially composed them, and I thought you might hnlp ■n finish than, aad then print than. Ma aaya they an real nice aa hr aa they go, aad pa takas tb* Hugh svrry day.” She was a handsome creators, with beautiful bine eyes, and a crowning glory as yellow as golden rod*. There waa an expectant look on her face, a hopefulness that appealed to tha holi est emotions, aad the exchange editor made np bis mind not to crash the longing ef that para heart if he struck another lick. May I show yon tb* poetry T" con tinued the ripe, rad mouth. M You will see that I couldn’t get the hat lines of tb* vsress, and if yon would pleas* he ao kind as to batp me- -** Help her I though bn bad WA* even read a line of poetry, the ex change editor felt the spirit of the di vine art flood hie aoa) aa he yielded to the bewildering music. - Help her I well, he should smile. “ The first vers* ran* like thi*,” she went on, taking eonrege horn Ms blue*. It gives him a chance to rn- PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. minute and ponder upon life nnd SEWING MACHINES, TEAS. it lists aKsnst: .v/:if csor GARDEN SEED GltOICK C ONION SETS. //AM.7NV? .f «wa7.w|«* y ;r k : ,po " t. iu of tbo thing that lio nnkctb.- TO BA.?CO. fha test 5 Uont Cigars. tore as a manufacturing State. It does not follow that every town in the State should at ones erect great manufacturing establishments, bat it does follow that a great many other towns might erect such establishments aud operate them successfully—town* which now have nothing of the kind and are filled with an infinite host of loiterers cast in the mold of Colonel Sellers. Atlanta and Augusta wisely dis carded the Sellers theory, aad the conaetpicuco must provoke the sincere admiration and the hearty emulation of all their neighbors in the Golf States. Georgia is not afraid of new things because they are new, nor in loro with old thing* because they are ■VI theso treat iu tiieii hsnil* end are Q | ( | Therefore Georgia prospers cx- in their work, and witLout them .; .. tbo c.ty cannot bo inhabited. Imt the} ” To aati-billioea pills,” added tb* exchange editor, with a jerk. " Just tb* thing. It rhymea and il it aa— Yon take anybody now. Half tb* peo ple yoo meet are " " I suppose yon know bast,” Inter rupted the young girl. “ I bad not thought of it in that way, bat you have a better idea of inch thing*. Now the second verse Is more like this: " Tit* d"- A-a^ad kina npoa th* moor L mkad tender, meek aad tad; Wk lo f'oia lha ralley eutuea the roar. “Of lb* mntchlsss liropadl roared the < xehtnge editor. ‘’There yon get it. That tnisben tho isaoml no as to mideh 4he fifat It combiaaa tb* fsihiooe with poetry, aad earise tb* ids* right bom* to th* fireside.— If Toaly hU yoor 1 ability is starting • verse with my genius to windisg it op, I'd quit th* • Think aor asked tb* fair young lady. “ It doaY strlka me aa keeping op tb* them*.* “ Too don't want to. Yon want to break Uw than* hare and them. Th* reader like* it better. Oyeal where yon keep op lb* them* it get* monot onous." Perhaps that's ao," rejoined Urn beasty, brightening np. -I didn't think of that Now 111 retd tb* third preesion of eoae fellow heaving things to another fellow who'* scratching for safety. Socks, on tha other hand, rfaymss with the rocks and beautifies them, while it loaches npoa tb* milk asnid, sad by dsesriUsg her oooditioo, shows her to bn a child of Uw very nature yon are showing up." "I think yoo're right," said tweet angel “111 UU pa when be was wrong. This ia th* way the fifth iasasi*»st» ■LAM'S DHL'S STUNK. 7TOTZ SALE. Mt |>lar* m ar ll*'l* I'uinl, »U MilPa Iron* th* flip ot Rmaamlrl. Twraty arm ut bkrf, !**!«• • k*a<l i*f raUW. fcflfre* aad *«!• . A. RICHARIMOR. Un th* pfvMlen. tlioli uot “set on the ju.lge’s seat nor be found where parables ore spoken.” I reckon that must lie Uw reason why ao many young men will not go to farming or mechanical employment— They want to sit on tho judges' seat That'* all very well if there waa seaU enough for 'em all, hut there ain't, and so 1 think they had bettor draw straws for tho scat* ut.J let the l»l- The Mormon Temple at Salt Lake City was reported at the recent Mor mon conference to have eret to dal* the tom of $1,455,581.43, aad the Saints were requested to roll in their subscription* for the next year. The structure will not be completed for twenty or thirty yean, and th* build ing process may be continued much longer, as the Apostle* do not seem to be in any harry. •IUv»ll[»lillU,<IIHfcT. A* might aprtaf* ham tb* flat. juu tomf* iwtDgM aaa— i* aay—~ 'The old man'* drank ngaia, wouldn't do, would itr naked Uw ex- change editor. “Somebody else wrote that and w* might b* accused of pla giarism. We moat bare this thing original. Suppose wo say—now, jaat suppose—'Why did I apoat my Ben V “ Nsw f dsed it is new. Ben is the Presbyterian name for overcoat, and spoat meant to bock. “ Why .did spout my Deaf means, why did I above my topper? That's just what twilight would think of fintjow know. O, don't Iw afraid—that's jost im- WtU, IU Isava it to you," said th* glorioos girl, with a emO* that pteasd Uw sxchaog* editor's heart to his ■pine. This is tha fourth vena: Rteark fa Rm (Ad raaka. “And splits his paaUlooo* I' Done it myself; know jost exactly bow it ia. Why, bless your heart, you r Snip, snip; paste, paste, paste; but it it with a saddened heart that be snips aad paste* among bin exchange* now. The beautiful vision that tor a momanl dawns upon hiss has laft but tha no- otWctioQ ia bis tort of om innb—in of Ufa qnanebad by Uw shower of with which eh* denounced him al a nasty brats, and went ont from him forever. mtum FMMI0RBIY lANCTUMG If haadwriting ia iadiaaUveof char acter, sopie famous men bare very bad character*. In France Uwy or* making ram of d shore One drink of it starts the Bow of sola A bore* Uwkasigku nil night nnd keeps hia companions awake, most be bod neigh-bore. NaUve to streogsr: “ W* always have sn East wind in Oslvastoa.“— Bat I see tb* wind just now is from the West.” “ Ob, that's the East wind miog back, you know.” " Do yon pretend to liavo a* good judgment as I have?” exclaimed an ^ enriiged husband to bin wife. “ \\ oil, | AN UNHAPPY MARRIA8I. Under thi* caption the above paper •ays: “Ia Uw nppsr part of this eoan- ty, n sixteso year old young man by Uw noma of WUlirna Retvss, courted a twelve year old girl by the now* of Emily Foster. She consented lo mar ry him, and her parent* gar* their 1 Last Sunday night was the Ume set for their marriage. It appears that Uw young lady nnd bar parents, with Uw eonenrraaea of some friends, had decided to play n joke on young Reerre On tb* night act apart, Reeve* appeared dressed ia his bat*, happy in Uw thought of uniUng hi* destiny with one so pure aud lovely aa Mias Emily, litlla dreaming that than Is ‘many n slip between Uw cup aad Uw lip.' A young tana named Charles Plane* rebod himself in brid al attire, aad n snowy veil bid his fare Aa nnd* agreed to have a marriage license, nnd be provided ooo in th* •haps of tn old guano note, which be placed ia an envelope and banded to Thomas Tbaxton, who appeared in solemn dignity to make Uw twain on*. Yoang Reeves, tUll unconecioa* ef th* plot to victimise him, with eon- fated motion escorted his prospective bride to a position in front of Mr. Tbaxton, who quickly performed Uw ceremony. Immediately Miss Emily Foster stepped from a place of seclu sion and eongratolsted the groom.— Young Reevsa looked at her in as tonishment, and then tn-ned and looked at bis bride. Some one bad lifted Uw veil from Pranoe’a face by thi* Ume, and when Reeve* aaw to whom he was married, be looked the very plctnre of deepair, nnd exclaimed, My dollar and u half is gone!' The waa .vitneiicd by enrugeu uuauana to uw wu*. - won, i , , . , „ , „ . > . , , , I about alxty perruis. Hie voting mnn no, alio replied; "oar cliolos of purl- , ■ , , J ,, . > ii, • 'ii. i ii , 1 at last ncconnta wu quito wratby aud nrra for Ilfs auowg that my jmlgmout j 1 is not lo lie compared to yours.'' A gentloman wee complainiug that be bod invested heavily in Wall attest and lost it nil. A sympathizing friend asked him whether be bad boen "boll” or “bear,” to which be replied ” Neither; I was a jackass.” "Tfunnyoeath SCCHt. OeOlv-iUraae Mr* aloes " With holes ia both bar soaks.’ By jovs," cried tb* delighted exchange editor. “ You see—" "O, no, not” ramoDstratod Uw blushing maiden. “ Not that.” " Certainly,” protested the axebang* editor, warming op. u Nio* to one •he's got 'am; aad yoa gat fidelity to fact with a wealth of poetical expres sion. Tb* wont of poetry generally is, yoo cant state tbiogs as thoy arc. It ain't like prore Her* we've bast ed all tb* established notioos, and pat np no actual existeoc* with a veil ot gtnnia* poetry over it Tthiak Ibatt the beat idea we've struck yet" I don't eeem to look at it as you do, but of coorso yoo are Uw best judge. Pa thought I ought to aay; “ WouldhVthat do?" “Dot Just look at it Does tracks rhyme to rocks ? Not io the Brook lyn Ktgl* it dou'L Besides, whew you say trackj aad rocks, you girt Uw im- Urm enwm. II aseins to ms tbs most ludicrous aerideota and sitoalioas on tbo stage occur in death aosnsa, and this is prob ably owing to th* fact that the great contrast makes the humor more per ceptible. An instance illustrating this cornea to my mind. It occurred many ysan ago when most of oar sterling seton were only aspirants to fame. Tbe Forest Amateur Dramatic An- aoeistion of PbilsdriphU waa playing IVeicv Pmrrent. J. Z. Little end n yoang man named, I Think, White, Uw parts of " Pierre " Jsffier." In tb* lost scene, where both conspirator* dis. Little Iwd to give up Ibe ghost first, which be did to Uw great satisfaction of the ground lings, staggering nil over tb* place, and giving convulsive gasps, sic., tak ing can, however, to give bis last ex piring kick in tbs exact center of tb* stags. The other tragedian then com menced bis go-an-yoa-pisaw walk area ad preparatory to shuffling off.— It ssems that bo also had mad* ealen- Utiooa tu dii on thii dcainbli and, finding himself baulked in ho determined to (all u near th* sco ter ■* possible. As Uw cirde of White's steggeariag bacauw smaller Little bseaws visibly uaeaey. He bore it ssawfktly, however, until White be gs* to totter a* if ready to drop.— hi* courage left him, end east ing aaids svsry regard for sppesran- ees, be clsctrificd Uw audience by rit- Ung op suddenly and crawling nearer to tbs wings, when La again lay ad him- ■all out Thi* wa* too much for tbe audience, aad it ia sals to aay that never waa a heavy tragedy ended amid •ash shouts of laughter aa waa IV*- iet Preserved teat nighty Wm. Wiuatoq Fountain, prin cipal ot liolyoka Academy, Louisville, tly read n paper before Uw ~ torical Hocicty of that Uw sneaatzy ot ticnaral E. Lw through ao unbroken genealogical chain lo Duncan, King of Baotlaod, who waa slain by MsBeth. Tills tahie shows that Uw great Ooo- ladarate leader waa savanteanth in direct dssosnt from King Robert Broca; Uw mighty Scottish chieftain. In Uiin long Una appsars many kingly names, diatiogniahsd in Uw annals of both England and HcoUaad ns re nowned statesmen and military cbief- qiuto wratby i oays In- intends tu have tbe yonng la dy yet.” PROTECTION OFYOUNQ TREES. When it ie desirable to pasture sheep or ling* in orchards, or where rabbit* make depredations,tbe bark of yonng tree* may be laeeeaafnlly pro tected by washing the tree* iu tbe vpring ami again in mid-aammer, for -beep, end again in tbe aotnmn for rabbits, with eoapendi aad carbolic acid, or n eolation of ooel-Ur aud wbitewaib. Beth are rare of accom- plisbing the end in view, rad are val uable in keoping off the borer and iu giving a healthy surface activity to tho up, which will make the burk look froeb aud healthy. One ounce ot carbolic acid to a pail of ooa|<auda ia sufficient.—Ex. Tbe Maoeacbneette Senators are making Uwmaelvea supremely ridicu les*. Dawn peeks away at tbe “Sol id Sooth" lik* on ranged jackdaw, while Hoar wrangle* and mile lik* n very drab.—Ex. ■Iradarhe, Nearalsta, Mr. From Cant L H. Boyd,of the well known firm of Walkrr ^Uoyd, Ornersl In surance Agents. Anana, Oa.. Jan. 13. 1878. I knee amd Nearetie la my family for iideehe. neurelgia, etc., with prompt nttaf in every ease, amt sordidly rreoai- mead it an tin meal Vstaahlr rvomly I have aver naed. Laat sight I waamgrr- lag iateaatiy with arret* cold and ara relate, and oa* applteatioa rrlirvrd aw tetanmteataa. IsaacH. Born Lnacuaioua, Aaa.. dan. 111878. Da. a J. Morrur—Iteir Sir-Ku dosed you will find DO crate. Phew earn) me another package of Irrlbiaa — The Aral Mokage hat aueh a hrppy re sult that I hrartily nammemt i! to rt mattn, m being alt that a mnOrr are* My ImIw woe oua of little nervous meetarra -never steeping more than fifteen o twenty minutes at a Ume. After giving lire paw- der it qnie*cd Ml nmre, end now In- ■deeps long nape. Ptrere aend ns reon aa pareikle, and oblige, abrillfi-lm Maa. K E. W am* Vnd other afbationa of ll»- Katneya and 1)ladder nre eam-tlnae n. ought oai»ad .(Ull ex -genitid l.v th neglect of the vniptoui-. whlcl i( • on •» Jlt» vonhl no ilojbl - a m of seres ■iaU to traatmeo' No awdaHne U ro 'veil ani'ed for tl • «• UjMii'aOom- MUad Extract Bneha aad Jaatpav. It '■,‘bisvrs^ PoZvTe! <t*.. De*. 1, U7T. I bareteU Bankia'a Uraku naddaal urn for tea yam aad it te»*l« ■.'->«»- .m aaimrel ret-faeUon, preriagTh* mote valrulde |>reperatio* of tbo kind •*>(he market qrUcewM f. 0. Mal».J I I kALate. Lri4Dkk OA.