Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, April 23, 1881, Image 2

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1 ^dt erlhrr and Appeal. ft 0. STACY. Miter *nj Prnprirlfr. BRUNSWICK, . GEORGIA: UTt'UItT UoaXISO. AWL S. 1*1. lUIt.HOAl* COMMIHHION AUAIN. claims and interests by «jiwt spirit of mnipromiae In> harmonised. Tho ronimi*'ion wodM lose-nono of iU efficiency, but would exercies ite power only in the event that tbe peo ple and railroad* failed to agree. Tbe writer ia a believer in the coci- mieaion, hot believe* tbe act may be i*oly amended, and ba* offered the crude suggestions contained in hie two article* in the Anrranvt* »xn Amu, with a dcairo to promote diaeuaaion looking to amendment*, which *hall make tbe law juat to all while no le effective than it now i*. Oar. Wwo Thixs*. iIMIS OK OMINCII- **l Mcolitii, ,S|u il .'Otlt.l^l Editor Adcrrlinrr and J/ya-of.- Tb* Cotuliluliim of the 14Ui, referring to Ih* lint article in your paper on tbi* (object, for which yon kindly fur- niabed tbe signature Ono Who Think*,” take* iiaoe with the sogges tion* made, and auerte aobetantudly that tbe preaont law baa accomplished all that tbe article refer* to a* desira ble. The writer hope* that you will pnblitb Ui*t editorial entire. Tbe pro nonneed object of tbe writer wa* to present certain views of bis own, and to elicit, if possible, the views of oth er*. The object ba* been accomplished iu part, but the view taken by tbe Comtitulion wonld, if acquiesced in, practically end farther discussion, as suming as it does that the railroad law ia all that ia desired. The constitution of 1877 is less than four years old; the fourth article of that constitution was tbo first expres sion of tbe policy which found prncti- ... , . ..... . . , „ , , , . , . 1‘riolean, lun, l. H. Inspector, ten- cal expression by the first Legislature , „ 1 . „ “ , tiering, for Col. 8. L Fremont, r. H. after its adoption in tho present rail-, ... , . , ,, ,, ... ..... asMstant engineer, a duplicate of the road law not yet two years old. Such . , . ., , ,. _ constitutional provisions and such log- tbo quarantine station; and requested that the appointments lie confirmed by Council. Council than went into a l*llot for unitary inspector, which resulted in the election of W. S. Tillman. Also, a ballot for keeper of.gtwran- tine station, Thomas Wilson being an nounced as an applicant, which re sulted in the election of Thom a* Wil- t'onncil met pursuant to adjourn mont Present—His Honor, J. F. Nelson, Mayor, and Alderman Wat kins, !>nnn, Littlefield, Haney, Spears and Docrttingor. Absent—Putnam. J M. Couper, Alderman clett, ap peared, was i|na1ificd and took bia seat. Tbo nailing of the minutes was postponed until the next regular meet ing Head a communication from Philip islstion aro recent iu other Slat- adopting like provision*. It is not to bo expected that such legislation will come out ready made aud porfoct for tho accomplishment of tho purpose* sought. It is like all legislation upon a new subject .essentially experimental u —it wse so understood as well by it* ' , ■ inicing, showing the wharf line of the city, which was received, and the Clerk of Council instructed to have the tracing neatly framed, and to re turu the thank* of Council to Col. Fre mont for the highly appreciated ser vice. a I'oiiiiiiuuicution from Le ad vocates a* it* opponents in the Leg Ulntnre, as clcsrly shown by the clause requiring tho comniiiisionera to mako suggestions a* to necessary amendment* Tho commissioners themselves have invited seggestiona Iwth as to their notion and a* to amendment of tho law. There ,.* dissatisfaction with the law as it stands There arc interest* and parties which would liko to sro this legislation repealed; there or,- parties who would liko to *eo tho law retained either without amendment or made even more stringent Tho writer, believing in thu right of legislative supervision, and Mint judi cial precedent tin* settled in favor of that right, and Mint, therefore, that quostion ia beyond thu pulo of legiti mate dissuasion, believing that thu pcoplo iutend to cxerciso tho right iu somo form, and believing that tho in terests of tho pcoplo anil of the rail- leased Ilia wharf property to C'bcaa, Carh-y A Co., who propose to do a very largo naval store busineaa over tbe same, bill that they would require mnrli more space for storage; aud therefore asking Council to grant them the privilego of naing, at will, Hay street, lying west of tho lh A A Railroad and between Gloucester and “F' r street*, which was received and referred to the committee ou atrcotai drains, and bridges. Head the following commnuicatiou: 7b l!i> //...,nraljr Mayor and Ctainvd of rhr I'il'i./ Hrunntrirk: The petition of tho Macon A limns- wiek Railroad Company, a corpora tion duly incorporated under tho laws of the State, respectfully shows that, Wuriikvs, Tho present means nfen try into tho city nsod by said railroad is down Coclirnn Avenue, nround tho marsh known as the “Toint" to the wharf of .1, II. McCullough, and from thence up the lino of tho track of the On motion of Alderman Watkins, the salaries of sanitary inspector and keeper of tho quarantine station were fixed at the sums paid in 1880. - Council then adjourned. <! .1. F. Nxlsox. Attest: Mayor. Jvwr* Hoi mtox, Clerk Council. Local passenger trains on thu Way cross A Jacksonville Railroad will ruu through on the 27tb. A polished cross-tie, made from the maguolia, will mark the junction of tho East Florida Railroad and tho Waycross and Georgia, and it will bo put down with brass spikes. Central Railroad stock still goes upward. It reached It'd in Augusta this week. Georgia Railroad stork is 154. And yet some folks say that under fli* Commission railroad enter prises in Georgia are at a diaouuiiL— Stuff! Perfect stuff! O’CONNOR & WENZ, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE) HEWITT’S OGLETHORPE, BRUNSWICK, G-A m Brunswick, Georgia,!-™ 1 ’ openevtotbe pvbuc. !Ncw House, New Furniture & Kept iu Elegant Style. KEEP A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS DryMs&tocm. :EB3r 'W. C- HEWITT eSc CO. n-;r BAGGAGE TRANSFERRED FREE. aptO-ly LOWEST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. Save Your Money ! BY THE lid (Jowls .it Lowest Prices DAVID WEISBEIX, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. NEW YORK STORE, Savanuah ha* paid out $7,2117 fur damages occasioned by tbe oreillow of Ililbo Canal. JACOB GOHEN 102 UROUGHTOX St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, . «»tL lit- .*■-k f I Thant* Ihti Ifel* mutlnm Mel, Ikd wki • wtillwiar* ol their MMnige, a* - ktlite Ofrtetert kl* NI HfHO 1MIX»KTATI(*N «4r»-•• la*U0F»lr*. 1*4 |>Urr.| lit* k ‘ • Licit c*u*r* I rw*l> kjr M»l Mask. U* «*(T*f* Us* tLl* u Where they have just received a fall supply of «>.y Goods, Notions, Men’s, Ladies' and Children’s Hats. ftINSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES. Jini MMIUtlOUT rjLal; that t*> rUre «.. *11 whr r. a I of 'Le hm ;.Tw Me COhOIKI) HlhKS AMI S.IT1XS fclliOIMSCwMHik*iMforta. r«|U*l. Hi* YAftCY AKTICUii citmut b* rtture« r-1 L< | rcj-»)i tlit* ft e«U of tail** *w»jr I t I firm .Lllv.t It arl.wt|0Ua An* III*. *■11 .ltUf«, Mfcl tbo r.lnrcal **0.0. D.*'i - l,;Lt. Hours*. . ref Yi-tn MtetMlMh. juat iwl 4* thrift MoM’imt » SAPP & GO. Green Grocers, Fire Insurance! J tb* I AM* I'KAf.LIlS IN wbu i>l!j k« |. a ln il THE DRESS ROODS DEPARTMENT (• a mere*., (‘kHIIMS IlK kr Inmitief vsi.rtb II ii In New York. Iofa.1, tbr.a arln lw In freftry »r Mtaflo Pry th*•»!«• that • Alai*, tb* I 1. for rtrrwi t «IL l*o i road* aro identical if rightly under- |[. \ \. Railroad along liny street to stood, and that there is a mean be- ,1m wharf mid warehouse of Littlefield tween extreme* in this matter where j * „„„ by them n» a pas- tho right lies, suggest* amondmunu L, nffPr aud, nm) lootlifiaitiuuft ... „ . ,, . , , . , I a\ iii iii’kt, (lit* ri^ht <*\teiiiK % «| to jk*- The Cuiutdulion rays tho criticism | tiliom-ra to pass over the track of the ia unnecessary became the law work* I |i. \ JUilroad is only by courtesy, well, because tbe railroads aro pros-. j, by no im-uii* js-rniam-nt; and, 152 UROUGHTOX STREET, SAVANNAH, - (IE0IH.IA. f.bM, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, COMMENCING APRIL mb. STEAMER GAH^IE. CAITAIN W. II. n.KKTWOOl*. I^wss* l> |ioring under it, Ihtaimo there in no iu-! Whuim*. TIio wi.l route could be mvannaii Ti* matiixa uyui. i«uMb»T*r)' Strain* a,l*jr at i.tsipM I l*arb n rtrr* Tbnr**Uy at s su A M irn ■ rrrry Tliwr^lay at |i*.»i A U I ltrw*awuk Mfft I bara ka? at.... t .»i|* t| jilatiro. If tho commiNhi »nrra havo math a 1 greatly ahnrtciird il your hunornhlo 1 *idy would pa«» an ordinal!,-,, allow luistiikc* iu tin ir ouretruction of tin ing |H-tititirici-K to enter the city a* fol hiw itiitl relit>ul< 1 h vo made a Nch<-diili- low*. to mt. My laving a track from of char^iw for cm Ii road, that n a 1 the binhling known ll* the old depot tuattir r««| ii i ii ii; * iim-lidliH-lit. I»y ti of petitioner,, situated on naiil Coch diH'lurition ol wh i wn« intended If ran Avenue, a* an initial |H>iut, and tilt h ireis U)>*>fl ftl< ••h m Itfdiih's hate fr on thence along Uuorgo .lici t to Ihx-u inaih- |*n-v. n H.un road* from May *trcef, with permission to connect earning dividend> l|-,n lluir iuve-t- «ai.l line, ko extendod along (ieorge mont, or from L«-« uig thill i-iad* in *tmd, will, any lino hereafter, to be- good wi. , i.i! ,. I.,.. Ih. !..i 1 on liny ntif.-t by jHjtitioner*. uu- should 1 -,- -.mrlid • reilH-ib III- evu. I--' , • i miK.iou already granted them for it i. a |„nili,. 1 tl„- oor lioiiorublo body, and to run pl«> liiiin,"« !\ , ' r -I..I Miel, ' !„ o-1, lino along said lino under such linu of road, at, 1 u - .1 .derKtuud that may bo prc»eribed by tli. r.- are r . l- n, Hu Stale whom ' > >„, honor ,M IknIv to necure safety Uiauagrri. *!l -g,- ll. **f |-r.—-,d *.-!„ dul. Hut ih.-, iii„-i.,u -iu h i* tlie effect to.- pernon* and pro|iertyofthecit- the ConOitntinn I’.t't' ,-" i». then fore, prar that upon tin- .Ilgg'-Hliu lh.»t tho I‘»h Ih* i lin y In, nil-,no 1 to nm the track along a In i.*,„ai, In the |H*tA<*r to ' .ho loo- a! non.-iid, the full length of NatilU r n.lay at D „„ tmiriiM.) Htatraary Pudayat « OJ V M Millie ItIVWl Tt* HA VANN All. I^w»e* HUff #»fff ftalur-lay at C HO A >1 At flaw *t MaUfftlai at. ...1:* F M Lr«t* llrnnawlrk vrj Natunla) as klninl^kt Arrtsr at l*ar»»n ry Mnn.lsy at I • *»«• Krirn rsrrj FMHila* at Alt!*•* at kstiaitkk et»f> Maftelar iMrklu|. r f frrlgl.ta of I'tsBNgr, a|*|.ly to II. M t'tlMKk A It*. LV HAH Fawannalt, A«rnlNl i tSAlSON HKITBY. Agr|,t at lininawrii W. II. imiBAM. AffwM at Ikrlrw. Tvtuda'j i»i 1881 Paiiii anil Oil ta! RAILROAD, StCiUiM and Hill Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty ; Varnish33 & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper [f* Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Locks. Sash-Weights, Ccid Hinges. Scums, Etc., Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cement Country Produce YV.ll\IIMHITERXTMCV icoMi'OMKn or thr cekmania and llANoVKK INSl'MAJICB 1*0.*N| -AND- BRITISH DlERiri ASSIIR'E TO. : niiKT-i i-v«s I'oMi'AXiKs uu-nmewr- i.u i.v mil xswivx nr liKOt’RUIKS. OA NX Kl) (it KIDS, TOBACCO, CIOA HS, STAN’I) A HI) AND FANCY CUACK HUS, (’AND I IS, NITS, FllUITS, Ktc,, • *l fur •».l> at r*'4»*tiabl< They Mean Business! IlHt NSWICK, ODOItOIA. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. tw OUIXl lNOH AT VLUY LOW KATKK. O Str. David Clark Only Dirtcl Dot! twice (icr Wrclt bclwcca SAVANNAH&BRUNSWICK. iXK\Ki navannau run Dkixiwicx kvkmy MONDAY UNO THURSDAY AFTERNOOII. IlirmtNINO. LEAVE OHl'NSWlCK Tuesday g Friday mning roR NAVANNAU. iMIoa Rl Brunawlfk wllh U. k A. Ntranaak with OrmM HUwniabln Itallroail. at Navanaak wllh Oc*M NUwmakln to and Dwni Raw Tork,aa*l witli I'hilwL IpkU. Haitint<>ra aad Isstea f 1~aasrra ‘ tfht* at IowmI ralsw. Mark all lkrow«h frHgkl lck.uwUta4.wk- mi* r > , w«utl** . n l i;ioi|tv*lrr St«. A. K. IIKINS, - I'miirietor. UlAlIKtlA- (HlSIl IkiliMTT. Will l.«- . I I trafor. tbe raw . Hr *1 Ursis In.•.lay In May. 1 and • Lwh r. w.. t*f that 4ay. at pakltc «-wkrry i NO WIHTAKKU STItKI”!’, t bt.l.l* r. lh**wln|| . ny luuki rate* to thr Mihjivt to rt- ktnal by thr roinmiftiotie ni u|mn com. |iliunt of |iartiiM or wiftionw, t*« Am* iDn . Mr. Hants t II «’«*» liwa. a k rlaJ* a •• iaaa«*l *>wt !•(•« r ■# J ft % Of law- 1.1 Oan * l u paUitral FANCY GROCERIES, CONFKt TION KItlFX, Ktc. r, BRUNSWICK, OA. Boot & Shoe Maker. I »m kuw I ff 1-0.4 lu iu any an4 all lln*la of W.M. NKI’KAL'EM. City Tax Notice. 7 of Bnuiawkk aw ml aa> r Mai. are * i 91a w*tk a of awanwal »an luSkwa: teg. Lftl'il .'ft a* the | r*n— tty ..f . 1*4 tees' .ut* f at. f II U». .i r tb*. fr vTUu* Of retaitf a»4 Iko rollac t #1* IIIIKIII, ( IKES. PIES, ETC. Ilkslwasf Inf tkaratire • >rar agateat r%rk aw4 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All p«root* ta4oMo4 kmlko rentes okot i. Itlr <>f oalJ r*nitty. 4re***i rr*iutr«4 U* i 4.w a Mat. are k-frt.V on I aU i-ar- Oenigi- vln-vt, making Mte connection , afuri-su I with the line of road along said It-iy street, under such ordinance thsl it prop.,..-* In ,1-. I.y iiidirueiiuii I afaresnid a. may spjwar to your bou- — hat is |,„- d,.t,r d-M.tlv I. »,.|! ural-!i- ly lu l-e reasonable and just, », i tii a lull disciuMuu. ami it i- t-.u i,. and v.tur p, litiun.-rs will ever pray, ,kc. rally lu l«- hope 1 that it will call lortb i •' Rni xawica It. R. Co. all ut lh.-argtinu-nts ;-i i aii-1 cun I*-.! My tln-ii- att-,tury», llartia A Kay. | fur.? tb.- L.-u-isl-itui.- iu.,-t* iu July. [ The cumiuiiiii.*ati.m was, ou motion Iusoailv-iu...c.m*r.. A str .ng argii'n,-i,' in favor of the ol Alderaian ('ou|a-r. received, and the ^ «• “• t**» original pr,parvtiun f tl„- tariff, by l- td'-n grantcl, y.r.,that the woniis. ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. n.<»M tiii: ovkn ».\emy day. Prices us Low as the Lowes/ , /ffilMk. . rANNIKK I AAwialatratrta ow ft*loir J.-bu It Hal . r»Law. S,;^^r y ’’W.B.Men&Co, »-r> 1^ route mu t Uila to teaako ytjatal aaakuya y*|nir*>4. • bowrt fro u > A. M. to I r. M.. an4 (Tom a to JAMES IIOCITUS, Clerk aa I Trftoam. JEKYL ISLMD. v,!r;xn 4 Mward aw4 Vraok N»r*-v ajtltea ab.tef»U«r.| I f |H1. r» «|#.luti.iaate -n fr* l till* ro* U. Ite Ylint li f t at Imii’l tin- «htrill* i!j Unffi can U* ntnl *»h**iil.t U- made. If it i* miow. riwl that the mail* am Oinkc an uiijiitet tniifT, tin man. r that tho |kjw< r »»f ro\i**tou i1|k>u n».n plaiut of j»nrtii*o or •octiont i iti roat* *1 kronhl remed) any xuch ml an ! f,i r thcr, that mitta.l«f aa non **y*in1|,. orctical an«l ci]*« r;ttj(.>iital. the H.-t-, t , of the oiiomiaoiitfii i- would Ih- |.|ac- Ural u 1*011 evidf ncr* adduced ax to th« particular inju»ticc in a wjHvial caac. Further, the road* with Inowlcdtfr that the toriffs would In* **nl j.-.-t t,, rc . kiaion lij the eotDmi^i<*n* r*ii}i.>ti corn* I ytafwloMkip. Hirtitte umouilt- h#f»by ryiwirrsi |.* •»«•'• ••’ . . - 1*044 guarvl aa ■« Ik* Rral M n.loy 4m Miy hr •HI, ft 11 ol 1‘OlMtitetilU' ct •b-Hbl a*»l by *u. korjfc*l ( * | utrow uOsier my ko«4ow4 oUbiol *trwaturo, Ih ii enttiTr. onimorf or. n* -.oil I ny Me, rm. ni’if'rrNbave w *deuipl.iti**l ini|*r which such i in ff *" F-'"" wharf, d»-jw,t and ufii.-ua, la- ni.uli- with- f Ssvh w. l*u in taelve i.iuhlh- liom thi. .late, oth- lid privil.-u.-. shall Ini forfeit- Money Savoil i* Money Mil'll- 4 ci'iuihlttcc of tliriv UJ |H)lut- ft mi ordiiiuiict* iii-eeaaary to i*«|iiircii4«-i4ta of th« -it,i ktion. nr. the mayor, named the fol* ; ioiumittit-: Meanra. Goerditi* "* K*r. Ihiivey Ai.d S|Hiara. It*-id a communication from \V. S. lMt tin- STEAM ENGINES, FOB liINNING. TURK? - STEAM ENGINES, For Inrge Saw Mills, y\ cpr>Tr!f~!T A T .ep’V. SADDLE^ & HARNESS, STEAM BOILERS* All kinds and Sizes.| Rubiiku and | y lUrri RN Tl’Ill'LAIt, IIKTl’HN FI.I’K, Leather Belting, F. WARNKE, *ith> IU-1 ulul-l. lalau.l a>w I he Gra.fgU « 1* *#rfa ail|>erWf lOlWWWk. fuf pOTUCHUri Ailurwysfi low. ■ Nftlft<4HAM A LAWTON- oil; (llld ; 0.1 t.i dr llil*Ot till* Ho* Hm. till*, fkrewbefte • CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. IIKPAIIh* OF MAf’HINFRV I’Ro.MITI.V KXKCUTKI*. -I. s - S( JIOI IKLI), l’niji'r. ANDSKWEANIlEY, nil'' II AND AMIftlt AX CAl.r ftKDM. aoU’, ! II AI-SKreH. HfUM.I. %M»|-ti> TTI Mill 1 I U, ftlllls ANI-h.M I’Ll t.\ MCii: HARMESS COLLARS. BRIDLES. Etc. NEKCTIAXT TAILOR, Bruiisivick, Georgia. A ALL I U A L‘>( I >«or CkorUsb a 1*4* I, i horUoft u wli n. asking Council to give him JAS. U. VINCENT, lu "i ,cc,or . I uiwmi »m> rwnmjuf it uw. Thu l-l-.l .. ... *RUM*VlOK • ■ • CFORCIA Spoclfvlty. PAINT AND OIL STORE,!«.vS“Z^. DF.ALKR IX ^f .^f u:n LY.a.vaxl.'n,, C. P. GOODYEAR, HY,rvL-: •rrlaevl fr. m Mas . n t Al.l AM) KXAMINK, • •ts'.llsk .eitf, M *>l I aian I of f- Jvorgrr. FIRK INSURANCE ( 1* ik of Ciiiiicil, aa Secretary i IAI | Hies plrnnt would endeavur to obviatejof thu Hoard of It.attb, submitted tbi ^^ eempiaiut by mdividuala or a«cttoiw aaiiitan «*.*l .jtiarmtiDo rulraand rcg. I to the only ftoKihh* way. fo-wit: hy'uUti*. i i T tr.| hy them for the year! SPECIAL NOTICE, oooanltktion with thr-|hh.|»!i-on t !i« i« IHSl. u.-n* fronted nn«l ap. line, lud tbo« tho railn>a*l intonate* |»r«*\4 d. ^tea-uaiare-aute-dFr m Hhii, to.— hi* and the peopu would K rt t*. AbMi... uh- i; ^ r *i *d n,aith ,, l# ,i t LtcU. SisMK^ts. heri IliBjtt. Sc*e#s. ti:.. Lime. Plaster. Ha?r vi Cement ^.^ind each oth*-r 1#« It. r. • I«**t# i I i: «i n HI | ar% m. .i.l.rfy* m * r**4( *. 1H-al<*f avd T* I' * <r*s-K cutubsuug | rjiraiwi, ana u. a. iioWa u«i« u^'j Srtv«nnah, 7— ATTOBNKY l-I RE WHITI. i.K.Vl), /.IN, -v COLORS. Qla8S,Putty,Varnishes,Bnislics,Phin & decorative wall Paper JUCksCUVille, • IXX>IIS, SASHFjS, m.INhS, Ktc., ft i' rr»* *4f^ ire ••* » rime, f*vuUr y AT I.AW - Florida. J. Ivl. DEXTER, IXSl'RAXCE AGEXT, lull-imlog fir* |MNI »>nra»:TTft ( w 'wniwal, ail* t*,o«.4|,ooo.uoo efiwp .4 V^th Ate^rwte.ra*4 fy.vw.ww I If n*« l.dsuran.. ih, V« v. ft f nre t—i«ti ti lunaklyliit j........ tmrt.mj Ooc.roiA. ate.wi.ymft M. T.. ' |mteil.*i*.Mlma I'M'* U«ma ut cwtlauy.