Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, May 14, 1881, Image 2

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Advertiser and Affinal. T. 8. BTACT. mt«f aafl fiafrittor, BRUNSWICK, . OEOROLA; HltlMT MOMUmi. MAT 14.1M. OV K JACKHONVII.I.I'. I.ET I'KR. Jicnomu^ Fla., May 0,1881. Editor AdocrUnrr and A/ipealt The tonriali and invalida, who, like tbo birda, sought jt warm clime in wbicb to winter, have migrated back to tbeir bomea in tbo blnak northweet and north, now gladdened and made bright and beautiful by the eon wbicb aukea epring for them aommer for ns. The hotela an eloaed with tbe ex ception of the St. Marks, National aud one or two minor liouaca, and tbo St. Marka ia aoou to eloae I am iufoiiiicd. General Holly Lewis, mino boat of I be Dotal, baa gone to Lake Cbantani|ua, to make annabine with bia preaeuco, and coin money ont of that cheap and yet too ran commodity, courtesy— courtesy which wella np ont of a good benrt, filled to onrilowing with tbe milk of boman kindness. Me took tbe Dural rcatiug under a cloud—be baa given it a name aa wide aa tbe conn try we lire in. Tbe Waycroaa and Jackaoovills ia now getting ita traiua on time, ami it ia only doing decent jnaticc to tbe management to any tbat they bare "pared neither paiua or expenae to make tbe traveling pnblie comforta ble. Tbeir can are modela of elegance and comfort. Tbe vexatione of Int el are reduced to a minimum, aa well na tbe delays, and aa noon aa the road Iwd ia aettled.lhe tmi eler from Charles tou to Jacksonville will make time nearly equal to tbe birda which fly over bia head arching thia Mecca of real, tliia I’aradiao of de.igbt, thin city of refuge for tbe tired and weary bna- incaa man, the invalid, or tbe pleaanre aeeker. H. S. Hainea baa drmonatnt- ed bia ability not only to rnn a nil- road, bnt to run it alao with all mod ern conveniencea and comfort. Tbia road will make a change in the wihlerneaa through which it paaaea, Irom Waycroaa to -lackaonville, aa brilliant in effect na a tranaformation PREMIUMS AND REGULATIONS OF TIIE FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Glynn Co. Agricultural Society, TO BE HELD AT Brunswick^ Georgia) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Juno 7th, 8th and 9th. 1881. omoE-Kts. D. T. DUNN, Prceideut M. J. COLSON. Secretary, JOHN P. LAMII, Trraaurcr. T. W. LAUD. It. II. T1SON, JOHN A. PHILLIPS. A. T. PUTNAM, T. W DEXTEII, Vicc-Preridcnte. DIVISION B-Live Stock and Poultry. Best atallion with bis colts—cash $10 00 Second best game—cash... fi 00 Best inare and colt—cash 10 00 Second best same—cash 5 00 Best two year old colt—cash T 60 Best one year old colt—cosh 5 00 Work mole in harness—cash 6 00 Baggy horse—cash 6 00 Saddlo horse—cash « 00 Bull—cash 10 00 Second best same—cash 7 50 STANDING COMMITTEE, Os OwH-sna.- W W Watkins, Chairman, Burr Winton, J T Collins, T W Dexter, M Michelaon, AT Putnam Ov Kviunira. - W B Burroughs, M. D., Chairman, J N Walker, J P Lamb. David Scarlett, J M Cou|ier, IMI ltislcy, Jaa Puatell, It S Clnbb. Ov Stcs s — A T Putnam, Chairman, J A Sapp, L W. Ha/lehnmt, Sr. Ov PuCLTsr.—F A Brewster, Chairman, J K DuBignon, If L Hino, A M Haywood. Ov Msimvcsr.—Bnrr Winton, Chairman, Henry Oray, Wm Mi-Candles*, Jr, W H Anderson, L 8 Hcragga. Ov Bn a.--J M Coitpet, Chairman, J N Walker, A S llarnwi ll, Wesley Taylor, IV It Uigniiliatt. J K Nightengale. Ov Navit. anises.—A V Wood, Chairman, J Wilder, W K Burbage, I) B MeKinnoo, (1 S Davis. Ov I.nutrs,, Latiih AVIi Nativx Wish*.—W A Fuller, Cltairman, S II Cook, N Dixon. H Tilt. Ov Dioatta.—J ll Conpcr, Chairman, W T Jonca, II Tilt, J T Dent, J E Dart, J H McCullough, J M Tiaon, Jr. Ov W L*inl>, Chairman, A T Putnam, It M Tiaon, J A Phillips, Wm Tnrner. Ov Torssiwr.vr.—A J Crovatt, Chairman, Henry Taylor.O W Wright, Jr,. W O Moore, Wm Turner, Q B Mabry. Watvc cocvtt.—W M Wiggins, scene. If the Okefcnokee swamp was * iH * l’ owcr •" "»•; N. Ivtisui coi vtt. Dean Wing, Oetartna llopkins.— ....i- .$ : x .. Camukn t orxtv.—T M Harrison, Itufus Lang, v\ m II King, L1 McKinnon.— It. M. Tiaon, Chairman of entire Tournament Committee. O* I'm nth.—Mm. J M Dexter, Chairman, MmT K Smith, Mm II M Car gyle. Mm W W Watkins, Min I*o|laron Drury, Mrs. Win Darkuloo, Mrs W A roller, Mrs A M Haywood. Os IIot HXiioi.n. Mrn John T Collins, Chairman, Mm J II McCullough Mrs F A Brewster, Mm J S Marlin, Mm A V l'utnam, Mm M Shannon, Mm, Ira K Smith, Mra S H Atkinson, Miss Joo Nathans. On Fancy Work- Mrs T W Dexter, Chairman, Mrs M C Howe, Mrs II T Dunn, Mm M J Colson, Mrs Jacob Miehelson, Mrs W D Minor, Miss Uebccca Coii|H i\ Miss Maria Itlain, Mhss Ivato Dillon, Slias Maggie Moore, Mihs Harry Colesticrry, Miss Kalio Dart. On CYriomitikm.—John H Dostwick, Chairmau, Dr. W. II. Ihirroughs, W T Olorer, Mm C W Styles, Mm Wm Andoraou, Mrs J H Dostwick. Ox lUi.i.- Honry T Dunn, Chairman, with power to fill. On Kntrktaixmknt. —-J F Nelson, Chairman, W C Hewitt, C () Moore, Joe Wallace, W H Harrison. ouly drained and in cultivation, it alono would create business enough to support the road. Knilroad construction is Itooming nil over Floritla. Name two points in Florida with any adaptability ns tormiui, and you will hear of railroad construction. Narrow gauges are jmp- ular, and just wlmt ia needed in many portions of the Htnte where the ro«J/ ouly aoek au outlet to the river. Lauda are rapidly appreciating in value. The Lake Okechotico |*ople are jubilant, aod are going to sink their money in tho F.verglaha and (Mpieczu it out of Ike sugar cane raised ou its now submerged soil. Cigar manufacturing is an impor tant busineww, employing nUmt 400 baud*. What J tick ~nm lit, utid I might odd Ikutis «ick, imiJm, in u cot- tou factory, aud the energetic busi ness men of Jacks.mville, I opine, will not long sleep over the grand bilities of growth and development in volved in such an «uterpriee. if the biiHioess men mm 11 only siihscrilie os much os they coni I Mra. James F King, of Waynes- villu and \V. W. King, her son, l*oth so well and favorably known in Drims wrick and vicinity, their host of friend Third best same—cosh Beat yoke work oxen—cash Second best same cosh Best imported milch cow—cash Best native milch cow—cash Second best same—cash Third best same- cash Best heifer not under two years old—cash. Second best seme—American Agriculturalist Beat ram and ewe—cash • • Second best same—sheep shears Best boar, any stock —cash Second liest same cash Best sow and pigs—cash Second l»est same—cash.. . Best gilt- cash POULTRY. Best Coop of fowls—cash Best coop of cock and hens of the cross of Leghorn, Black Spanish and Hondan -cash Second (test same -cash Best cock and liens, Bramah—cosh Best cock and hens, 1'oJand- cash Best cock and liens, Cochin China- cash Best cock h id hens, Iloudun—cash Best cock an»l hens, Bantam—cash Best cock and hens, Game—cash Best cock ami hens, Black Spanish- cash Beat cock and liens, Leghorn—cash Best six spring chickens--bnttei dish. . Best pair turkeys—cash ' Best pair {teafowLs—cash Best pair geese—cash Best pair Mnglisb tlucks cash Best |«ir Muscovy ducks—cash.. . DIVISION C :i oo IM AliltDLIVML FUR! TO HE uixu AT Brunswick. Georgia, —OK Juno 7 th, 8th and 9th, 1881. O.T.OUNN, rrr.ldvnl. M. 1. COLSON, Hrrrrtwry. Naval Stores, Staves, Shingles and Cooperage. Best grade rosiu and sample®—one-half dozen axes.. $.7 0 Second best same—one-half doten barker* Best display oak or cypress barrels made in the seven counties <>no m t truss hoops Best display cypress ami pine shioglos—American Agriculturalist .. Beat display native worsts—cosh DIVISION D—Flowers and Plants in Pots. Bent display of pot plants consistinu of ton variolic—fountain pump $ <| (mi ! V jj "'V' Scoon.1 best same-cake basket «00 Third best same—spoon-holder Si|'|'.V Co |0 G Misire. II I. Harris. 5 (M) 7 r lt | OLAIIAS I UK » UNO. 5 (Ml Wo, tho imdi rsi((iiod, lioroby nj(rto 7 50 I" KHitrniitco I ho success of tho shore 7 ft, Fuir financially to tho amount eel op- 5 00 po»do our nniiK'M as follows: fi (Ml 'TO |vr rout, of our mihsrriptioa to Op Iki paid, if called for by tho Secretory, | r,o at any time Indore tho Fair, and tho 5 00 buliiuco alter tho Fair, if required by 0 oo the Finapco Comiuilloo. 00 All or such pro|iortioii ns wo may oo havo paid before the Fair to bo rc- 7 .70 iiubursod to us out of tlio uet profile mi of said Fair after all expenses have 5 oo las'll |iaid: D T Dunn *50 00 A T l’utnam and Brother 50 00 LDHoytA Co 30 00 C I, Schlatter, Jr !>0 00 TW Lamb 00 00 , . . IIC Ta' l ir :w 00 - ,<l Aug F Fraiikliu \ Co 00 00 'd> j Litllolilld A 00 00 1 • r >0: Mooro A McCrary :«» 00 - •’>" Cook Bros. A Co 00 00 ’<{ 601 W A Fuller 2 .$0 \ Knitter .V Bro 2 30 J MicbeLoii - 601.J T Blaio 2 0o (j Frie*ltandvr A Co.. .1 II McCullough B iliiseli A V Wood N" Dixon J Wilder A Co W B Burroughs, M D V It Mitchcl John A l’iiillips. . v. 6V T Jouta i , u, i Mabry A Crovatt I A llorchardt *> K A Iloius T -j, F D Scarlett JiS WKKay.. ]OConnor A V,cur ... U M Tiaon ...00 INI ...SS 00 . .05 00 Stniui, Floiim ui Wistui Rianr. •i 00 ■J 00 1 00 2 00 Imrni. Mbjt I. nil. | HO *md Arrxa ttrxDAT. Ml, i, rm-i. u traialoe Ibl. Hoto vlllraa M IMImi rAVT MAIL. Usv. M»us.k inii/.i ..nor. m U.V.J..UP •• 0.00 K M to... •* our. M Arnv.., •• on r u Arrm at " 10.10 r U J. 7 .0 A M to... eHuau van AM arm. a, Trbwutllb “ II.0AM Arrl,, 11.10 PM Arrl*. 0.00 r M froa auiMb lor Bnutkk tali ““Uu., MMiahmiaiai.1. l.n OnufJch ol 0JO. »., orrlv. roMew. ow uuim uk. Wo Hole. , . loooOe, Men it 0.-00 A. H. (datlp 1.- t.sruItSl* 4 *”- ltk uu uu. hwim ta. norm, kp US tnla ...erl., J-up .lU T.I. uiIMh U Mmui 00 T;li,. H 1'lwljr Il< ladlbf SantUjr.) JACKWNVILLE LX PR EM. penUraosok Il l, M i“*r „ •• ISAM L* ««« T* toriuvtlle •• 4.-VBAM Arrive at OUUbM * !c:*AM Arrlr* at JackaosvlU* •• T.UAM Arrl** at l.l»« Oak dail/(. aerpt SundajWHI -Wi . M p**- Ltvaoak Jtilf tr\cryitm»toj) •{.... 1iS F M Jarkaonvill* .tail/ at. ft:A«p M IsMt* t'allakaa dally at. , « $$ f M l^a*# TrbMtiilr otallf at . 9:30 PM Arritr .tally at IIWSPM Amti at HtMiU daily at };|| x M Ptalar* •Urt lBir ran on tbia train dally Wtwwa a*%anuata a»4 iao kaoHtviU*. i'hartraton and Jarkaon. AHIs. »hl Marou and Jo laoe*Ulc. Sm tlumom of cara b*twr*B Saraacah and Jackson. *iiu arid Ua*c a and Jack. ««d!«. Iratlos M vs a ? J» f at rooaart at Ja.* u|> a ilk ibt. tr.iu for Plonda daily. Pa^cnsrr. fr.^u »'l«*nda by tbia train roan,at at Jronp vlth train arrt*i«« at Marua t.Sia daily ItM^cri fma savannah lor UaiaMttlta, Ctdar Krya aa I kl^oUa Tranait K«ad taka tbia train. ALB AST LXPUESM. laan Savianab dally a I.-.vr Jr»a|> daily at 2o IMI »:•*** TrUan.lIl* daily at •>-. iMi ,44 *'i*»i-“** . . ...| OU . \»rrl»* at TSo-m.-xtllr dolly al •»*, ini , ArrOaat lUibbri-ltf*-daily at., •_ r; Arn«r at All«ay dally at . 2o> <H> U«p AHwny dally at il- (u, 1 l^-a** luiiiUi ljv dally at . ...» UaTolbvMaavallr daily at.... . 25 OO»c .UlIjM. . . .25 w l ir:r,S , .X^‘L3j« . .20 00 oWplag car* r.*a tbroacb to aad from Bavaaaab ... and Ali«i>y, and Jacksonville aad Monty nancy auliont o ...20 (HI «'<Hui.«tat Albany allh Paaacayrr trains both .20 00 J .20 (H» **iam I«m » Ui at « **P» *: »pra •4ipm tf*lfl<di l*»r urwr* Uo»» Hprinya. St randiar. 'jUtka »nd lauryflM, and all laadiaya oa bt. Fourth best name—oyster ladle 4 .70 Fifth best same— l*orrv shell :t oo Sixth lust same —one fruit knifo.... . 1 .70 CUT FLOWERS. Best display cut flowers -c.ird receiver. ... 1 50 Second lnrst same—salver . 1 00 1 .70 *5 (HI 2 oo :l on 1 50 i: no RTTIsES AND REGULATIONS. 1st. Thia Fair shall la, open to nnmpetition to naideuto of the rountip, of Glynn, Charlton, Camden, McIntosh, Pierre, Ware, Wayne, nnd Liberty who are cordially invite,! to outer exhibits and coni|Hd« for premiums. 2d. No animal or article shall bo entrred to n>ui|ieto for mom than one premium. ltd. AM animals shall be entered in tho name* of tho owners (hereof, nil ar ticles in tho names of either the inanufarturrra, tho producers or the factors thereof. 4th. No animal or article entered shall be removed from llie Fair during ito continuance, except on tbe written permit of the Secretory of the Society. F >tli. No animal or article will b. awarded . premium unlr.a there is com- DIV1SION E—Household Department. Boat bread—silver-plated Mpoon-holder Second beat same—pair wilvor-platod napkin ringa Brat two pounds butter- silver-plated butter diah. . Second best same—silver-plated butter knifo Boat four varieties of cako (ono lo.vf caeli of fruit, pound, npotigo nnd fancy cake)—silver-plated cako banket Second bent Manic— silver-plated piu knife r» on Dent eako—silver-pin toil berry hIicII 2 T»0 Bent display of canned fruits, prcHcrvcH, jellien. inariimlado, pickles, catsup and wine—silver-plated butter disti 7 0o .Second best same— ono set silvcr-nlatcd tea kuivcN .7 oo Third best same—one 8ilvcr-plate«l clip J oo DIVISION F— Ladies’ Fancy Work. ' Best tlisplav of ^luebino sewing—silver butter dish f, 0(11 Fancy knitting silver card salver t 00 Fret and ser«*!l sawing—silver rake basket Tt .Vl I Crochet—pair silver vases :t (hi < Tatting silver vasc-a. . . 2 2.7 Best s|»cfinicn «*f - Hand sewing—sot silver leas|SK»Us Machine s, w ing-silver goblet Silk cinbroi b rv hilvi r napkin rings Cotton piiilir 'iilerv silv* r fruit knife Worsted embroiderv silver vam* K Solomon 1 I M Drury It D Meador... »i W Wimberly. .1 M Car tor. I * North TIM bile. W V Golden., . D O ltislcy. ... llol/.cudorf tV Br ( J Doerlllnger. K Mills A <1 Osgood.. . W 11 Hnrriion. John It Doerllin; J It Dostwick..., * .Vi 2 .70 Fancy knit: (*r*H*liet - SI Lace work Macraiuie l Fainting m ng - tilvrr sugar ipkin ring. N|H Mill |w*tition, but Judge* will have tho power to make special awards Uth. The Society will furnish feotl for atock nod asaiatatice to cam for same. 7th. The Kntry Uooba will lie dosed at 12 M. on the first day of the Fair. Mth. F.very article or animal U|N)n tbe grounds during the Fair shall Is- un- ! drr control of the Fair Committee; and whilst every possihh* precaution will lie talrn for tho safe keeping of tho same, the SiK*irly, will, in no corn* 1st re* ' a|Mtnaihlr for loos or damages. will k glad to hear fmm in the land lltli. The Sa-ietv’s "Diploma" ia the lligheat Award, and will U- given in ' |u niiniug urlm of Huwem, whire they are paying s the discretion of the Judges to tho most meritorious artides on exhibition. |h**t dam ‘ visit with tho fainib of Mr. Clark, the Laiuhr. Uug-| I'atchw Shell w —silver fruit knife iter e«*l'»rs »»r oils silver and ink. crayon or fstiei pair silver napkin rings. . r napkin rings. lit--set silver teas|NSUls vird salver I —silver iitipkiu riii* 2 .70 1 .To I (HI Glynn County SherifT Sales F,"' rw*ldy ■ /■■ «•. issl. i Ow- |>r ,|*rty «*♦ 11. I! II..I- niuriMl I- t, I.. J FANCY GROCERIES, CONKKlTIONKill KS, Hte. BIIE.III, ( IKES, PIES, ETC., rkEHU risot TUB OVEN EVERY BAY. Prices as Low as the Lowest Moiii'y Sa\oil i.< Miimq Xladu ! fllll.DBKN S DKl’AItTMKNT. PREMIUM LIST. vuergetic business manager of the Florida fin.*#i, our only daily paper, and a nephew of Mrs. King. They are' enjoying their %i»it, and will return to DIVISION A Farm*. Garden Products & Grain. <• corgi* mipru\cd m h* alth and with lb‘st «li»p1ay of vegetables from one garden, not Icaa thau ten varie- glowing accounts of tins city nestling \ . *'^ rr plated let* pitcher $10 00 on the Unk. „( the St J»l,n« . l«u- ?TT Ih ;’ , ‘ ” ,w ' * il '" >^ UJ , , » » ... . . . .... rhinl Itcst same-one act silver plated table spoons .700 tiful city by a beautiful river, the com-. |h«st bushel Irish (sdatnea one Avery plow. . ruercial emporium «*f a vant section Seeoiul Inst saint one wheelbarrow •lraincl by thr St Jnlin., I,,,!,,,,, .ml | Thir.l lh »t w»m<' X’ 1 ' j* ’ 1 lnw «D«I ruko lUlif.x ' ISl himh.l iw»l (mUIim*, iy«ni.) -om< Arcry plow ... i„ ..... , SetonJ Iwt Mmr-mw .lir.llu.rniw . '. " '' i hi. |t..( lui.hrl iWMt pototiMw (new i«or)—ono Arrrv plow mi'.l Id'll- yntenl.r, he on route Secnml lint nmn-one wt mrimum lor Cttwlcn court, .tic t-i romnin willi 1 Bnt licrn-l corn in the vht of emp tS80 odc pntont corn .hrller her nrlntim, I>r. I’ A Holt nri.t fum Wcoml lu-.t mine - one ei^hl iljy clock ily. The Doctor', hmltb t. n.nrl, in. ,K *r‘ 1 ’ u,m 1 — Amcrinti AffricoltnnilUl. ,.. . e„ , . , Ihm titmlivl uptoml rough nen one Arrrv plow proved, he Jr..,, .tore end S.,,,„.| Int mmc Amerinn A K ric«ltu«li.t dom« A liMidaome |irnclico. It. o Im.lxl lowUnd ninRh rice one Imrrow Tho Jud,,e nnd me’ulM'r. of the s ' ' ‘ 1 ''I I'l.t mute one ml curt liuriii'HM of tho Brnntwick circuit inimisI ■ H'** I’onml* "hetf o»t.- one k 'r«iu crrt.llo thxoiin'li hero cn route for Crnden I court Int ni«h., irriring on the Wav- c y7L*f J T k, " K n ,r,p Bnt ei\ I,,,.,Che, to'ct. ..." ^c. „ And mneer. of 1.7 to get forty mile, from Brtuui.| Se(on a , H . k , ,, '' re 1st«wking. Dest buttull-h«»le. . . I teat |*cnnmn«»liip I W at drawing lUt fret and scroll saw Best eiubn»idery. . Best crochet. . 1 fi«l| Silver thimble ! .... Work basket Silver thimble 1 Fruit knife Napkin ring Fruit knife i Silver thimble • lUu'i i baud bag F 1 *'* -I I * tty «• IU) ' jobi fii i: i vvrimti.i SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST. BABY SHOW. J mid Iian*ls«*nieht pair «»f male twin**, under otn * IUt same, female, silver cup J Best same, male and female, ailver cup •* CH, | Best ami handsomest L*al*y boy, under otio year, silver cup 1 [ Beat same, girl, silver cup * Beat pair boy twins, over one year ami unde 10 00 ; ^ name, girls, silver cup *' JJJJ j Beat same. U»y and girl, silver cup * '"! Ikstand bandsimi’it girl baby, under two m ar, silver cup. BABY ORGAN. MO IE THAN 100 bTTLU 0T THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS WAI.KLRA loti’ll N • IIV. Mrcfltit Hirc*f. W..| Ul | r , Ni*r ilifNlou Ultl, l'Uiln|.«, a V Tilt list! The Jewelry Headquarters W, F. DOERFLINGER j 1* a>a*i I1*.-r u! tho KiikI, iu ovrrjr rr*|«« t. TOWZT. ik\vki.ry. ttit m...| fi .all**! .11^-j*. , silver cup... 1*1 overt] ur of age, sib • i ver cup ! *** Best same, bov, silver cup l.i 001 nn ,| handsomest triplets, -dver g*iblet .7 00 The above exhibit will take place June Olli at 10 a. vi. Barents will fore Jiiuc Kt t»» the 1'rehitlent or Secretary. Ojien 10 (Ml •* . send iu the Sir uaiue § * 'jj 1 to eight counties. wict-M rtrilittg commentary upon |w on....... ... I„,„c| l ... wa..."rpitcher. eli goblets th. inconvenience I fcy t.k- ^7}"' lDgoffthcCnn.Url«..d l(..„tc r . , h ‘ r . .. . , . ., •* ' r ' ,' ' ' '"itiibcA -one CArrit.R knife and fork Second lK-»t Mine- ono mt cup, nnd Aturcni „ . ", . Bent while turmiw nno M't l-rcAklut t>l,tc. Home of our cxcbauR. , arc (K iti- S.-cmd bc,l uirii^ mic tiicrmnini tcr nooUy utqomuR nhether Jarttc. of It. ,t touiat.ica ' four quart* oueAhovi l tno I’cwce, Notonta, OrdiiiAricA, or S.-o»ud heat tauio—ono hand axo Clerk* of Sopor,,r t 'ourt «hould art |t. .t *|.ia.he., one-half dozen ono «-t ,, Utl „ w Grand Jorura. Wo would ...»they Second ho,i aamo- one color water l.nckct 1 Boat an q. lean., onodialf |*-ck one pitcher aud I,vain Konrattlw, UraJark., Ki., j Second l« -t aan.e- ono boo ... Prom CapL L&Boyd.ot th. .ell known, JJ**' li . ,M OM !^ k f" 1 * »«S»J-c«l... Arm of Walker * U«yd. Genoral Iu "*“ l aamo—American ARncnltnraliat aurauco Afcota: ! Rallou GeorRia ayrttp ono lira,, akiiu Ati.*ma, Ga.. Jan. IS, I«7U. Soeuml Iwat aamo one intent *yrup pitcher. ( faava mod Nrwrotn to wiy launly for Third lw»t aama- American ARriculluralia: kmil'rb'* Kettislgu, mic., with prompt B* a t ten Mliaf ia a*MT caaa, ami oorilully rcoom-1 Soon I I farml it aa the m<»t valuable remedy I have ever Wwd. Inal »l«l.t I •a«"oft. 2 tk I .TO i no B.,t Newfoundland " l’oii.ter. “ ... •• S| mn iel | INI .HI i mil I iki I Ik i ,70 i th at diaplav of nativ 1 IMI j loaa than tou varict 1 IKI BKNt'll SHOW OF IHIGS ?2 I In st Setter. . . 2 i ** Spit/ 2 "Terrier.. 2 " INhhIIc... WATCIIK8, Eft-,, Kt.\ lllliDS. bir*ls **f dilTercnt plum* in one cage, of not •I 1.1s/*/•$•«■ •« sImpi aatli I Stiil.raiihtf laMnrnalrr/. IWIrUl of hutf. B.*l L_. k Wat. I, IVAKME, •Mr.ltfilAXT TAII.OM, Hnmswk’k, Georgia. 11'^ iuat «m»i| fi I $5 in ( il V Tax Xolitr. Iliiiltlint; I’lxiposiN. miCNSUTCK. ti.\ Ibmt & .Shoe Maker. t'.Nptlah. fprm 1.1 r»«|w tiull* inf Ifhla fri< at >ul>lir |f. L. rail) to FALL ANI^K.XA.MI.NK, I >Ultd uf v. jua , FI 111’INSURA NCI 1 ; afv urn rr*ly (at fcrtll r *n l «bp|ier cold uml M a rt lh'Vtd be H | t tell |N)linds (bmrgia suga* - ono net teah|NS>|> *n I In at Mime om sugar t'.ish 1** lion# % III Climb on- sel lf a*|MhiiiK SfCiiiid last same uim butter knife Boat one gallon olive oil one bat r »ck Lent oue tfalluu pickled oll»w-Atauricwu ARriculturaltai. . . :t ini I 50 2 INI I SO I .‘,i l 'wi* Th# t»»«w .In# i a. 1.4k •. , J-wrliSd au-t r,, t ' a, ^ rk 1 . .|a«ir as l wtnOow rrasK*. watt wm mnivri J. JAS. U. VINCENT* vTVMIM \ |M» *"t N-w» I\r |.|W (IKU .8 *ViCK • • • CfcORC A t «*iS ti. .4-1 AiniUDU .Am WUl J«ratU. It. •u«c at*; tvs:; up*. M. DEXTER. IN8UIUKCE AGENT. U l l lll -INT, tlu Ml...,.- nr* l..,rne. « • 'Iiiia.ll. • Out aaae># fitirtii. Liisois. m hi W. B. C. Gokor A Co., i • Iwa.raa. w * Me hai.«.-w la#.Cat. uf V a -• «#« *i b’ ■i*w#.Kkaa ara.wa#