Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, May 21, 1881, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK miltllSIR AH 1FN1L. VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1881. NUMBER 46. The Advertiser and Appeal, rCMMO BVSBT UIOWT AT BRUNSWICK, GA., r.\G.~slr*cr. HUU3CRIPTI0N BATES: UuropyaU woolta*. 1 00 A<Sr*rti*MBffat« from rwpoasiblff partis will bt vbiII ordered out. vbea tiwliu* u •4E3&S!B6SBRSStti n,i, T .■ I fbww, rka***. m MtmtlMKmu. HlfrlMW .*4 obUUU-J SOU'S# SOtalmriitl* tea, IIM auikVad SwsaMImUm. mum .<■ oaks* tut tpum. ckareaS ms*vr— AllMMsaa* SwAdvertisements. DU. JIAYUOCK’S NEWLIVERPILL PILL It A I City Directory. AhCmm A. T. tutaan. M.M. WaUlna. J. i HMff, D. T. Dwaa, J. 1*. Himj, M. C. Little Clerk 4 CHtfMt AmUtmt MmnAal I. L. Bmrh. ZWiMM-W. U. KalB4>7, T. W. put K"f»r efOmkri Heme •ml Clerk •/ JferM-D. A. Mwri. /tof rkfdeimm C L BrkUltar. it. M. D CUglkjtitim LEPbtKM.D. J/«rtor Mmter-Q i Uall. /w1 tTmr+m MMtWw Bbaaaoa. TVm (TOw- aulA VPbi IMHUIIH WMUmm -Dana, W»U1m (wiUB*tvmetrrr-c O Hoof*. Mallow Colored OmHetj-JaekU While. Ttm c»a»>»*-lDnr*y. ^qot *ad I’otmup <p«f. Dierillapr u4 Cowprr. UoM»-UilMUU.Ir«n Bd ratua. rrnuc amM*«i*-W*tkiaa. Durrdia.-cr sn 1 IUrrej. lUtlBni—■ DuncdlUf r.lUfTry *a.t Unlrflfld b«riTM-hlB«i, Mpmn ud Dana. (, LlUlfMd hi Iteflllairr nu Ptfiimm %MIAfOW M'l UiffTj Mun- ratantn, Dana. u4 WitUw. vxrrED nxm omenta. (Uiwtor of CaatoBM—John T.Colliaa. (SCO Afr COATED.) 7*Bf. •nTl! - ? PJ n , B okooltil* enra for , •r^Mon*. TUj cnpvl* with »b all fbnM« M4 *bbM* iUU „ ftfrooi*. . --- UtlINLUnilifNtiM *nur* ijiua of Mia* •B4 Kbw, eolhrn* the apirit* tad *ra4* atw K BOCXDIXQ THKOCfiH THE vnxs. ■> jam **«•• »(M»MMUiMwtaini •tamkmiMdr. ^.cw JACOB COHEN 162 BROUGIITOK St, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA,, 1M|| ttu WSIKB Id. tt. DR. HAYOOCrS NEW IIYEI PILLS world. utovniiTHU VAST com TRY p.knle Koanr Tlirm 1 Iktl-rnplal .r'rli'ial .n>fw>i«ri«mTiwi . — ' ■ " ■ ■ #srm Will h U met m, tw» at awl... m,,,,. £%££-. ymu kMrUM * (ia OMrffNrHiblMiM ThMUt*. Doctor. Mjr Iwfrrli ha* Ml too. Ma jaBBcihtorMtoia*ptBthah*a**. .sJSa^sy!”* I fa** half't <*• of 7oar pUUtotof hah* tor Ctobim M*r»a*. Th* d*ary*aac iMafftowtilla T*arvtal*fDr.la7M'aMv Liwr FtO* carad to* «f irrrlM* a*arah(la *a4 pato* la lh* hand, towd aw two rtalcr I wbbI aao far a poar frattp. Brad ai* lv* rial* *f y*ur haw Lim ITU* by r*> tore mil r.wliuwtrr—Llua* North. HRAI’OKT IX)DOK, No. 6H, I. 0. 0. Y.. Mi'll* ttttf TnemUy nl,{lil »t Huh* oVIo-k. W. H. FITTMAN. S i JAM. K, LAMURIGUT, 1'. A H. H.wr. ury. count memions in tie nicemwick ciecuit. CLINCH—let Monday la Marrh aad ttoplrBitwr. \T 1*1 Ml-ad MuBday la March aad Mrplwabcr. WAYNE—4th Moaday ‘ * — 1 - - - Marrh and Mrptrtal»er. CAMDEN—Taroday aftrr 3d Moaday ta May aad Nwrrtotwr. CllAI;l.T« >N—.‘a1 Monday In May *ad Norrail OI.YNX—4th Monday la May aad X or ember. For all •la*. *1 . . .. prrfeet car*. Oo* ylli win ntMJr th* toMl ah*ptl*> *1. for r»ail« ItNON. Nrrrowa FrvatratMa. Wraharw. U-n.ral Lawltad*. Waal of App*til* “1 Itirk lira la. Ur. Dr. Itajrtnrk's N*w Utof FUta 1 b* Mind aa rActoat M—rdy. Vf tr* HlwfNl la thrtr rffacU, aad a ear* can Str. David Clark Oaly Dlrvrt Boat twkw per wrrh hriw«*a SA VANN AH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES Ml VANN All rOR BRt’NSWKS EVENT MONDAY UNO THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETURNING. LEAVE MiCNSVlCK Tuesday g Friday evening TUB MATANNAU. ttBcrtlua to Dram k B. A A. .... . i aad from New York.and with rhllalrlphta. Dalttiuur* aad It<»t tUilnad. and at Mavanaah iowfwi raiM. Mark all throo*h frrigbt '■* Clark." C. W1LUAM8. Atfral •Cara attaiac/ (JotId Clark." aiwlliCJoi Braaawick. oath* dork waiuuuwu arraiL HARDWARE ll>l aad 190 Coagroaa. 113 and 131 HI. Julian at*. SAVANNAH, GA. tha KMaoy*. R*taotl*a af l«k*e New Liver Fill* arwa rttll For FtauU Ihaaaar*. kaaa*. O-nrrai U and Mirk Hr*, tar Ur. Dr. Will b* ' They aimo*t alwaya b* goaraalrad. EACU VIAL CONTAINS TWENTY FILLS. A A'Onr Fill ia • Doaa.HN l»rlc« TH ent»-flvo Crnta. War sale by all DmikhUI*. CAUTION,—Nona aro e rmine unlrto Ui* alfak- inrouf AI.I.KN UAYIMXIK anrMiuidaimch VlMof Kvaiir Finn i«hih.aii.c«htii*. lfyoardra«- BIT AT ONCE! Do NOT DELAY I HAYDOOK & CO.. frbl-ly 3U Flat I SUtot. N*w York. H. L. HARRIS, Wiitrlminkcr A Jeweler, BRlMIfK. - GEORGIA, lilS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A FULL SCF FLY !—Ih. iuMtiiiH lokUthm. to m« H.miHi* M ’k. 30e C0WRID KIU8 AXD S.ITIX8 GLYNN COUNTY. II. lUllroad Pa.Illll.,-Town. »oll~ rllmau-lnda.trteaaad Iakabllaul*. cun v. ntjiM, u w.,-, nncawici’a iiakdou Ia jut aa Ogletborpo foontl ami loft it—tbo deepest water, but land- locked, beat aneborage, and the in out boalllifnl of any portaouth of Norfolk. There ia no purpose to disparage oth cr seaporth along oor sonth Atlantic or to nnderrate their impor- Unco to the coumeroe of the world, bat the facta asserted it re as fixod and as ttcruil as the ebb snd flow of the •gjL si* fancy ABTtCLEs caaaotWaaatoer: tides, and fbo writer who does not admit them is either ignorant of hia THE ORESS Q000S DEPARTMENT Is a lore***, ruin MERE tor Saauasr it Th. II Sl» Xn V*rL la fcrt, tb*r* I* a*tsa ia^Fsa<y *r atop|* pry 0—4* that «uo(Im ...— _ fcapTw. ■ >.atia,all n.mot i 162 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVAXXAII, - GEORGIA. fr>S-Iy 7 H. H. P. THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! hill’s nemi pi.mcei th* pmsMit dt**rdwe of Um Lirrr. lu meriu jMtly r utlll* it t« th* pmfcrBMUt it rmi?n •Utohcr LIVER MEDICINES. kept by to*ny iwr*ona alwaya at hand. r*aal*rly, and tbo** p*r*r>a* lh* m»u«I *yiu|do«ia of * di*oMl UNl N«*d ■Bhfeet lc •r. *o pr*ralMil u this 00*1 you bat 50 CENTS To try |», and you will n rUlaly In. i.I. n«m1 w Itli tlmmatilt. For Mi* by *J. ,»|. .1| \|llM,V. Agritroltural Implements. fan .mills, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS. IW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. ltiibbor and Leather I5ELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPKXTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, crj.-s AND PISTOLS, iSlii.NO TALKIJi f VAUU11W, TKWBljR'Y, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments ,'J.VIJ ST/tr.VCii. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, SEWING MACHINES, Needles and Attachments. CALL AND BE CONMNCED. ortlVI, BEST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, UVISTS OENVISE SEW CHOP GARDEN SEED Steamer Ruby. TIME TABLE —and— SCHEDULE OF KATES ST.miONS&BRUNSWICK aubject or loom in bis economy of trntb. U is unnecousry to encumber this paper with the coast surrey sonnd- inga, or to refer to the channel maps in proof of thr proposition ao broadly pronounced. These bare been pub lished a thousand times, and an aa record in the moat enduring form.— As well might proof be adduced to eetabliabed the existence of the Gulf Stream, or any other known fact in pbraica or philosophy. The tardiness of the commerce end navigation of mankind to utQiza this great marine boon ban been no fanlt of nature’s plans and purposes—ahe opened deep channels, spread oat broad waters and planted a beautiful site for a city-all that ahe cookl .to was lavishly door, sod baa been pre served without change or diminution. The causes that have combined for over Imlf a eentnrj, and are atill at work, In prevent the full di-velopinent of the groat facilities boro afforded, sro not nioro creditable to tbo intelli gence limn to tbo jealousy of op|ioa ing iiitoro-la. Wo Imvo always main tninod mid still adhere to tlio ennvio- lion that the comuicrco of the land and tbo ocean must ultimately do main! the complete recognition of lb. advantages of this harbor at a ni aity, and that all the people of Geor gia and of the vast empire lying sod south, will come to s full appre ciation of tbe grand fact that the Mnker of land and sea planned tbe deep channel across St. Simona bar, opened wide and deep tbe beautiful bay, amt formed the capacious harbor for tbe nse of the millions of the new nakr. mi ns nnkrij ts. | * <,r *'k *'"* * baveu of rest, safety and la— St SI—a. Mill. aa4 kraunrb. lasts cams.' WSaff, B.—vltl. Sail/. iBaaSu*. •waMl (wall) ...imm —.bMSaa'WSwf. Sr«a..kk, ia.t,ra.,'. — aaa«ar*. law,— IJa»a IMS TrlaSalaMatr*. tSSrai le...SC staiva. Milk Salljr. |a«a4ar‘. .tna •SI lu in la——. numsaur, Itslaraac.waaaa. ear's Siam— iiamli I .sat at i iuui i.a Kiln Trtr MtMai'. At a at ■aua ttlwIsaaenMan—Watt— we aMt.lai heatt nf.lna roOilttfy a« rr— na. ONION SETS. CHOICE CllEWISO ■( SJIOKISO TOBACCO. The nest 5 uenl Cigars. W.B.Mell&Co., profit to the floating mnltitodes of tbe old. Tbe world ia growing, and its coiumaree ia clamoring for in creased facilities. Dottoma are being multiplied, anti protluctiou ia advanc ing /«iri ;<aa.M with tbe growth of pop- ulatiou and tbe demand lor supplies; ami it ia urither extravagant nor vis ionary to predict that within tbe prea- liahing au oil depot for tbo soppply of tbe whole country. They hare on. oil tank in position, and will very ■oon bave two otbera, of 20,000 gal- Iona capacity each. Two of (beta an to be naed for spirits of toipontinc, and the other for machine oil. They will purebaao tbe aplrita from tbe dis tiller, empty Uieir barrels into Iheso tanka, and return tha barrab to be nsed again and again, *l infinitum.— Tbe oil will be pumped from tbo tank in qnantitiea to anit purchaser*. They are having ear* built with tanks, ao that tbe spirits will ba pnmpod from tbe large tanka oo tbo dock to Um tanka on tbe oars and shipped Eastern, Northern and Western mar kets. Those gentlemen will beokiog facilities, and a provision de partment in connection with 'heir other boaioeaa, and it ia understood they propose to operate on a scale that will require Um employ ment of not Um than half i of dollars. Those engeged in getting turpen tine will at ones pcrcoivo tl advantage of this tank enterprise, aa well aa Um banaflt to ba dsrirad from the hanking facilities and a market for their spirits They will not only tare rommisaionr, storage, wharfage and freight, hot Urge sums ia the outlay for barrels. Mr. J. Wilder U another enterpris ing eitiien, and U offering advanta geous inducements to the tnrpanUne interests of Um coantry, Hi baa a Urge distillery in the city, aad in ad- dition to tbo matinfactnro of bU own rrudo tarpaulins, obtained from bU extiuiiive farm, six miUa np the road, lie propoara to'purchase tbe crude from tbo oonntry and diatill it Imre. Ho will pay tbo highest cash pl icae paid in tiny mnrkot on tbu Atlantic coast, and will protect bis cuatoiDti s ngniiist llic frauds ao oomimm in Um weight of ImrreU. Ur. Wilder U wall known aa a gentleman of tbe highest integrity, and one who deaU fairly and lilierslly. Ha ia also agent for Um Palmer barrel, which U made in No York out of Western wood, ■old here at a lower price than . Georgian will a similar barrrel made oat of Georgia worst. A recent arrangement bctwi Mallory line of eteamshipe and tbe ft A A. railroad ancarea inralruUble beneflta to the rommrrre of tbe city, curl will iloulillmsi restore a certain trade that was diverted by the rail road pool. Tlie Mallory steamers are to call at Brunswick going and re turning mi their tripe between Fer- nandina and New York, am* carry tba freight, brought duwu or to be Urmlned to in ere see bis fore, at I are within a abort day's journey of Um Brunswick aa arell m at Wayerom. At | goal of tbeir pilgrimaga. bU inataooe, a Hr. Charles H Van-1 muixo Nnlre, of Plaiaflaid, N. J., had palUd I SU Simona HOI, Um great miU of np .Ukc at bom. and arrired io I tbo Gaorgia Land and Lombar 0om- Brnnawick, Saturday night last, wiUilpany -Dodge, Heiga A Oo.— U looai- hU family, to taka part with Hr. Har-1 ad on SL Simona Island in Glynn phy in bU building eootracta. Ha was I county. It baa a capacity of 75,000 inUndad for Weycroaa, bnt owing to I foot per day, bat aa it drew* ita Um- Um pressure for work in Brunswick, I bar from tbe foroaU far op in tbo in- Hr. Morphy placed him there for tbelterior, on tbe Allamaba and Hstiltn prsMot to bom Um John in that city, I river*, it rnna irregoUrly and parbapa wbilabaoomM here to prujaet and I cat* no more lombar than Reppard’s aaparintand work for Um railroad mill at Dixonia. Tba only other mill y. Wa ware *aaarad that Hr. I in Olyna, ia that of Cook, Bro*. A Oo., VanNaice U not oaly a firat-claas ear-1 in Brunswick, which baa a capacity of pan tar amt builder, bat a good man twenty-fire thousand foat, and baa st and a good eitixao. Wa are prepared I ao a planer and other works, to give hearty weloome to all sack in-1 migrants, ooma they from whatsoever! Hr. J. Wilder baa a farm of 8,000 quarter of tba globs. At an aorly day I acres at tba six mile crossing of Um Hr. Hnrpby will sadsavor to bring to IB, k A. and lLtft railroads. This Georgia quite a number of skilled ms- farm aflbrda 27 crops, 270,000 boxes, chanica, offering them work, reaunar-1 works 46 bands and yields 200 barrels aUrewagas, aad be baa no doabt that I of erode turpentine to the crat* Hr. ba will ba able, during Um auauner, I Wibler paid one dollar per acre for to eettl# twelve or fifteen good faai- Um lands be parchaaed, and that is lias in tba neighborhood of Wayeroas. I about tba prioa of lands in tba viciai- Heaara. Cook Bros, k Oo are immi- tj- Hia neighbors get turpeotioe, grants to Braaawick, batarsreekoaatllaad obtain good priem from him at amoog tba enterprising, reliable aad I bis atill in Braaawick. progroaaire omo of tbs dty. They I’aamng out of Glynn along Ibis Um bare a large staem saw mill oa the I railroad, we cross tba lower part of banka of Turtle rirar, aad their docks I Wayne county, and at old Waynas- are alwaya jammed with vessels load- vine eneonater Um three tarpaatiaa lag with tba producU of tbeir own farms of J. a Alisoa, twenty-three and other mill*. I erope, Covington A Gleason, thirty- Maaerr. Littlaflsld * Tiaon own eight crops, and H Barnes, twenty-oso splendid docks and bare • wall rega- crops, menUoned in another article.— latad line of packets plying betwren Next to these, Ur. Bock bM a farm aad Um ports of Brnnawick and New York, distillery, and then Messrs, rang k Mr. A. F. Franklin, an eotorpriaing ®°*’ Mabuntn, and Mr. Bnrbogo, at grain and provision wholesale dealer, Hoboken, all of which were elaboratcy baa about as much bnaineM aa be can nolic ®d in onr papers on Wayne and manage, and ia furuiabing the trade U’ieroo conntiva. Wo bave also givou of tho B. fi A. railroad on liatb r^ •Iworiptlon of tba l'rciiUoo millon Um toi'niH than can poMlbly be attninol Bunks of tbo B ililla, mid tbo Walter eleuwbnre. A Rippard mill at Hoboken, and Tbo lft, A A. railroad la doing ii„ therefore deem it unnecessary to ro- wlmlo doty to tba uiereliants of tbo P®** Imre, city and tbo shippers along tbe line. | This ia on# of Um moat ■ cleverly offi cered and beat managed railroads in I ,, ... T tbe Sooth, or anywhere die. The| out .Ude it will be « common to 7"™ , , h, 1 M * A :. r0 *!’ li U *° SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER ANI) Leather Belting, FBKXCn AND AMKSICAX CALF BXINlL BtllJf, UANNBM, BRIDI.K, AND FATRXT I.KATM* KB, WUIfa AXDBADDLXMY WANK. DURNESS, COLLARS, BRIOLES, Etc. ivrniu n»u hit y. men and tuhi entink MAN l 1 At T UftKMlt, A Spoolalty. WHITE FOR PRICES. Snvannali, Georgia. I4rtij C- P. GOODYEAR, tiara •» Su-uvks, uaow.u.1 niiivr out ti max see an hundred vessels riding at an rhor in till, lmrbur ns it now is to aer the usual number—twenty-fire to thirty, lmlred, ibis mult may be realised at a much earlier day than ia generally aup|maed. On Saturday last there were forty-rix vessels in port, anil iwcuty-two were known to bu ell roule. oacxawicx Haa atruggitrl long, heroically and ho[icfii!ly. Sin* boa bad mauy ups and don n., and it may be that she ia •loomed In atill further delay in ber comin; triumph, but abo is rertaiuly prunprnng jn.t uow, and ia putting forth comiueudable efforts for anb- stantial in.prereinent She haa a healthier 'wio of confideurn and a keener fur investment and honacbuilding Ilian at any period silica '*ii '7I, and there arc nuniislak- ablo .igna uf improvement in all braurbni of trails and indnatrv. Har water-front was lined with lumber vessels, llry street waa blocked with Inmber for a mile and a half; tbe wbarven were crowded with naval ba regretted that the M. A It railroad nnupsoy baa not united with tbe IL A A. in this alliance. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jacksonville, • Florida. mu: vnttif lu a«*u a*4 ^ M ^ mt u|aS!Na)w. wtrM'allldl'h aU i Urit.* »i|*n-, »torw; tfcc in hay, i*rnio an*l filing alfi Iiii||>paig t ta* lh«*ir rtiHltiiiM-ra; ImhIh 2i n* rt>iu|>Liii* » fair IrM*!-," t»n*l lit* t-r • \«ie.| l.» li.rrir Bt- r tl • iiiAriiMiiat I if l Item vaa an idle man in it »ai* hia own hull Quite a utatubrr «»f uev nn«l impor- Unt cnl« rj*rtM**» nre pnijrctrtl in the city. - , NEwkh citij«, aim a cu, bill liae.of GLYNN COUNTY: Oddem-ra.* LanaviOe. Ky.luve AGENTS <OR FAIRBANKS’ Standard Scales, tr r*r\ dupont’s FOR SALE. DUNN & CO. CELEBRATED POWDER. 1 I hoLE agents you IliVrdiy *' 11 * " ,nl1 Bcc «f Shell ei-il^M*'! 1 /^ ° r 7.|V AM,k, ‘ IIKUTIIEHS. I svj»>f* I . h-fw* nr i vaff A|t|4y la Fuat «At %. Dnuuvka. u*. j leased Mr. LKiriw Drury‘a ware* i hoiMC and d«iclsn, and aaveral odjuio- CALjj iKD SEK rHEMiliut? THE IMO. The officers and eouiaiittee of tba Glynn Ooanly Agricultural Associa tion are aa busy aa beos preparing the grounds and preminui list for Ute ap- proachiug exliihitiou, which* lakes place on Mm 7th, 8lh and 0th of June. Mr. D. T. Dntin ia l’red lent, and be ia leaving mi atone unturned, no ituty un|ierformrd to make tho Fair a grand auroras. Ha an I hia eommittaea of ladies ami gautleiomi have aneosmled in kindling a spirit of pride, outer- priae and genorna, rivalry heretofore unknown in lliia nmmnnily—they all think Fair, talk Fair, and work Fair, ami a Fair they are determined to have Uiat will wake up tbo native.and reflect credit upon tha city and tba exhibitors. They are enlarging tbe area of tbeir grounds, patting ap additional build ings end extending tba race track to half a mile. Mr. Barr Winton ia in charge uf these improvements, under tbe supervision of Um offiuera, and when completed the Fair grenade of tba Glynn Comity Agricultural Asso ciation will he an ornament to tba city and a glory to Southern Oeorgia. M »y we not hope to nee a Urga nine li«r of onr wiregr.a. friend . in attend- tare, with articles fur inhibition.— iSn|q>i»e we go down en mnant, end show the city wballbacountry eandtx Oar townsman, Ur. Hnrpby, tha bnildar. wa* band at bis post ia the construction of Nie Dixon’a double dove two story Imilding oa Newcas tle street, aud carrying bis contract r qiidly to a dose. Mr. Hnrpby in- Patman, a highly ro- ter, has, far over a quarter of a eanln-1 . .. , ‘ ry, Stood by this mUrprim with a «-1 ^Ibl^d a^ .wt.'L 7 '*■ delity as awrvslons ia ifa devotion as . j. it ha. hero booret end relf-sacriacinJi^^. A^imfhUr^ Mr.' ita porposs and doty. Between two yean ago; while in Charleston, Braaawick aod Iter saemiea, be has went oa board a vssasl which bad stood like a Gibraltar, aod with the J"*‘ X^obar, on the weak and preearions corporation to a! knek him, haa bid Mike to Km iff flore 3^0*2^12? face without and growlers within. By borne, where they were planted, aad hia stars integrity, bis watchful vigi- produced Ibis wooderfnl imitation of Isnce, bis seonomy ia expenditures, wmc }' P 1 ? V*?*.**™ *** T T * d ’ bis lore fa, hi. pst .ml Um home *8^ bis adoption, and, above Ml, b, bis „r ,h» woTwre pK lifetime training in railroad affaire, ba man, wo says it will yield a pound of baa aocosaafnlly resist*] aod rolled 1 lint to every pound aod a half of raw b ick every effort to deatroy bis town I * b *, lleT * < *. to **• and hia railrmwl; J Ja, on a prououtory of three-score ami Mr. Salmon will aell the seed in —alt tan years of duty faithfully performed | quantities. ami in sight of tba promised lend.- *SaaUk .malreiMlhMi. Search all Um railroml records, sml Wottss’s Rioare.—One who has long atndied this sabject now prearnta tba re- one Inter to the intarsat be rapreaaoU will not be fonnd. Search tbe world 11» a ay lhat h. luM~<lucovrred “W..m^ r s for a purer wan, a nobler ganUeman | Beal Friend." l t la adaptad a^Mdallr to anil of his iaveatigatioes. Ba ia happy will and in futility. Brunswick owes I "menva." liradljeld's Kmal*/ Reals'! him s debt of gretitmle she will herd- "’} aUm " » » , , u , .... , sndden check of lbs ••monthly confess,* ly ever be side to pay within bis few (rum coUl. trouble of maid, or Ilka cuts- remaining yean, while tbe German I"*. *>jr restoring tba discharge in every owners of the D. A A will one da* 'natanec. In ehrooio eases ita action fa owners or IM u. A A. will oos "V prompt and dreUire. and reres tbs eon. discover, If they have not already, thelstitalmn from oumitlaM evils aad prems- enriona fast that to Out. Sehlaltar they ‘ a r*. d f*V- Prepsrrel by Dr. J. Bred- ... / Held, Atlanta, Georgia. For sale at ll.M are imlebtad as mneh as their road is U, tml Ue by alt druggists, worth for ita preservation and present Miuroww, Csutsxaa Co., Abe., splendid eonditain and management. . ^ , „ It ia not preleode.1 that Cot. Schlatter |t«..lrely in my prertiea to^WUsi ia alone entitled to credit for the ear- and with retire auroras where there waa rylag of this rom. and Brero^ through the wilderness of weakaami knows remedy foe ihs lUansro far whish ami the war of wreckers. Msj. Head- '»<• r«om»codc.L or. tba Superintendent, and ilr. W. J ' “• UiT "’ D ’ formed os that ba bad bad twenty- five applications for building within tbo last week, end that bo b id dc- T. Jones, Treasurer, have nobly and gensronaly aided him with counsel and barmnuiona action in aD his sf- forts to proUrt the property and pro mote tbs interests of tha owners aad advance Um welfare of tba city. Three eoodneton Meoars. Crovatt, Taylor and Barknluo, bave also given the beat aerrien of eapabdity, earocatmaa and integrity, to the supreme efforts of tbeir efciaf, while anlrntdinatas have no* bean asmiadfal of tbeir high du ty. They, too, hare worked in har many with tha msaagsmsnl, and de serve credit (nr faithful oh—vases of treats reposed in them. We are not st liberty to .peek of ^vrty cmi; sad the present statue and fatore of Uus metal its. tie most « Uinuiwu, Au., Jen. 111871 Da C. J. Morm—Btar Sr—fa. rfaoad yaw will tad SO erata Plraae arml smanother psekageef tretkiaa.— The lint laKkaga had sash a happy re- salt that I heartily rm mmmit it Is off as May m liat a alatter msk fnr a tsfita troa. My babe was ana of ’these httie nervosa craatares-kerer sfacplng nwwe than fiftaan or twenty ininuks at n tiiue. Alur giving tbo pow- •far it qairtwi bis oervas, aad now be ■ioepa long n>i>a. lie— madsasssn kkpo-ibtc, and oblige, shrill 5-la “ lbs naff ktMtat ■ Oresrsl Ik- Anuri Ox, Jan. IA Ulfa railroad, bnt it is oo breach of eonfi- donee to express the hope that Col. Scbkttcr and bis asrucutca awl friend* I ire—dyl havemroasJ. Ust night I wreiShr iag lata—ly with atoms oalfl and asm ralgia, and ana i fat lea minutes.