Newspaper Page Text
New Advertisement!.
Bad Eitate sal Issansee Agent.
MMM; Muak Ink aad Trot CoopMr.
!»• #gifcffli •«***“ l "•"iSSi?
tolnSwm.u siud AprU uu.un.»
SLuK/nitr *»i »a«tra»ra “* «■
of nid
Kotice of Application for Local Legislation.
XMW. 1.UcUT «tv»sfl“UU.Uoa.W. ■»»_»«
u , A i< ttoww°iu Kt sre fuuowioj
<%dvtftiser stud Appeal
****** AM ACT,
owanl ¥iM|if B. * A. SoUroAd CompMr
77. B. C. WKER & CO.
MIDAcrM woo*. larMtlM Aod lumber Und in
CfttudcD rosaly, on White 0*k and LitU* fl*uib
hmi. IHModWli OoodlwoMoeydwellta*
boo*#, mi tm •erm rfch, bUck nuhnurmh.-
X»<i?iMUMsU8«la»pl». •
Alao, » Ora of 100 ACT*. M MM cksn
rulUvuUea—*4Jo*m the Ddlo Point pUc
M. OuS lA«wg >««■«. iritt ssHws.
SIM, Ik. MM W« pUc; M m. ■
kl.ffUadIscslU,»Hoat WMtoRkMM
IMM.I Bt MM ktMk IMk Bulk, lb, oy.lrr
.11—1. — boik Ik. Sin. Only MX nUc. by
bBduf lea by valor fton Brunswick. Oa.
AlwfMtwmww* hadoaeaOAlandpnV-
roud; ■ actm d«i*d; all bUm frotn dtj; dwelll
AU* Um Mfcnriac Me la the d tjr of Bmnrtel
40 Iota la DUrilU, Woatlaa the roraiaa place, i
laiwwi laba^parlf PUtUIo.
Ol d Tow* lot 100; two good aU-room hoaaaa i
Lot aaaaber 10C. oa Kewc**tle *tre«t, above court
*■ (M boBMt. ■tore, *UbU, etc,
ir” bouse*, and tbo lot <
OatHdilh of lot Itt. oa XewcaatU atreet. Oood
litre boaaa. Vi to W.
AUo.aom* of lha baalTbwa Ooauaoat property in
Alto, lot 1M a»d lota of Town Cuamou,
W Ako^tH«°at«ia*urg boUM aad'Xton Newcastle
Alto, ralatblt lota la Xtw Town and oa tht Dty.
Alto. 100.000 arret of the beet turpentine »ud lum
ber lend* la aeatk-tttl Oeorgts.
*•" *** * *" M * the
Strawberries are “too dear.”
Tbe spring tides are booming.
Fish are scarce in this market,
large cargoes of Western hay ii
this port.
A cool, conrteons and popular rail
road conductor is Dick Harris, of tko
M. A B.
SewcrMm.iy lantern XOOBZSUcCBXnirs.
The new atoree of Nic Dixon, Esq.,
aro about finished, and arc simply
Mr. Docrflingcr cautious tbo public
in this issuo against trading for cer
tain notes.
Reuben Johnson has been recap-
tnred in Savannah and returned to
this city iu chains.
Our friends of tho Episcopal Sab
bath School had quite au enjoyable
picnic on last Thursday.
Tho Superior Court will couvcuo ou
next Monday. Much important bus
iness is to bo transacted.
The steamer Martha begun her reg
ular trips, via Cumberland Island,
to Fcrnaudinn, on last Monday.
The ladies aud geutlemcu in ebargo
of tho Oratorio Tuesday and Wednes
day rccoivo and dcservo touch praise.
road attorneys and agent here, sned
out a warrant for Benjamin, charging
him with cheating and swindling.—
Tbo Jnstico bonnd him over, and he
went before the County Court on
Wednesday, was tried and found
gnilty, and sentenced to pay’a fino of
♦20 00 and costs, or work on city
chain gang for the space et sixty days..
Tom Ul<xlsettV.Keoent Itascnlities.
** Homier Unto Cmutr,” Eto.
Butsswicx, May 17tb, 1881.
ing tbe Fair. We hope this is true.
Tbe Savannah boys aro gallant fel
lows, and will meet with a hearty
Mr. Editor: There appear* to be no , . . . , . , , 3
doubt of tho sal. of the B. A A. Rail- I welcome from their many friend, here.
road to a qompony of Germans, who
arc folly able to extend and equip
First, to get out exhibits and bare
the same. Tho intention ie not U»em on tbo ground#
to touch Enfaula, bnt to cross the rir- Sooond - to P r0 P er, J r d,, P U *_ “ d
cr below and nike direct for Mont-
r flrat crowaiay, on B. A A. R.
tala# ••
AJae. i
Bh act Improved! WIN ■import a food orchard and
vineyard, ete. Tb* wood o* place win pay tor it
Alao, dty preparty. Improved am! anloprorcd,
la nearly avary part of tba city.
Navaral apUadld tnull brmi adjoining Turtle rlr-
»:ilN OEOIIOIA—Urn "Oglethorpe Ileuae" In tki*
elty, Spaa aaw, with Ofty alecpina room*, well fnr*
nUbwd parlor*. Billing room*. I*r atsd MUkul
lin n, barber shop*, atorwa and office*. etc. Every
thing complete, and tba mart modem convenience*,
and baa a paying patronage avan now. Situated on
tbaBay.attbatarmlnuaoflwo long rail roatla and
tho Cumberland lino of atratnboata. The beat open
ing lor a live hotel man la tbo South. For aalo on
rraannabl* term*, and at a raaaonablo price.
Alao. tba Judga Ilarrla farm, als uillca from city.
M acre*, with 10 acrea under fence. Four-room
dwelling at A oolhonaca. On aalt water, with plen
ty of tab. oy 'lore, ate.
Alao, the Uward Glover farm, tight acre* trnck
farm, lour mile* from dly, Oood four-room houae,
fTalt tree*, tie., on tba 11. A U. nallrowl. A Urgalu
In mu.
AUo, tbo Cartwright Point place, nine miles from
tba dty. Contain* *U0 acre* of good hammock
land, 300 aerta In eulUvatloo; one rice Held, and
SUO acre* of anlcndld paatura land, about one-balf
well timbered. Front* on Hark river and M. SU
Simona Island; abundant Sab aud oyalera; two land
ing place*. Ha* on It a apUndLl twolve-riM>m
k<>n*»-ar*pUra In each—ami all neceawary out
tuiUdlng; in good repair. Thla U one of the moat
•Irairabla place* la Oljnn county, and w- v-J|
It vary low Indeed. Title* perfect.
AUo. Town Oommotta block, lota 91.9i. 91. ft, 93.
lion-taxable, west of Cochran Avenue.
Alao, ibwn Oommom Mock, lota 133.13C. 137. lib.
}39. weal of Cochran A wane.
Alee, late I4S. 141, Town Common*.
W* have call* now for a doaea email dwelling*.
Xow la your yottr opportunity to bay and to rent
and to let out on beat term*. Call onoraddraea
W. B. 0. COKER k CO.,
Brunswick, Oa.
Foreign mid Domestic
Wines, Liquors,
biisimet, mswim.
Alirll 1
William Williams is saviug
tbo county much cx^kuso by his c*x«
peditiuus maun^omeut of tho Couuty
Iltmtiug turtlo eggs is uow a favor-
ito sport, ami unexpected duckings of
leading citizous is their enjoymeut
and reward.
Our town is retarded in its growth
by a scarcity of workmon to build it
Wo learn that ouo contractor alouo
wishes ten new hands immediately.
Married, iu Schoncctady, N. Y., on
the 7th insb, William 13. Landreth, of
Union College, to Millio T., daughter
of F. A. Fitzgerald, Ksfp, of Nassau,
N. 1*., Bahamas.
A flue awortnx nt goods jud rcrelvod at
A meeting of tho ball committee
will bo belli at H. T. Dunn's ollico to
day at 11 o'clock. Thu committee arc
urged to bo on baud promptly.
H. T. Duxn, Chairman.
By somo unknown moans tbo saw
dust and slmviogs around tbo ico
bouse at foot of Mouk street caught
tiro ou last Mouday, but wus prompt
ly put out without damage.
Loot or stolen, during tho rehear
sals for Esther, two hearts belonging
to this ollico. Auy information lead
ing to their recovery, or a couple of
substitutes, will lie tbaukfully re
Dr. Burroughs announces himself
iu this issua as a real cstalo and in
surance agent. Tbo Doctor is n push
ing business man, and will give
prompt attention to all business en
trusted to biin.
Boat pig bairn. It ceuta p«r pouutl at
L O. O. F.—The now work will be
oxemplitied by brother U.1I. Merrifield
at our meeting Tuesday tilth lust., at
8:30 r. m. Tbe members are request
ed to attcud.
W. !i PlTTMAX, N. G.
Married, at tbo renulauco of the
groom, on tbo l'Jtli -ust., by Rev. A. C.
Ward, Mr. A. T. Putuaiu, of this cily,
to Miss Viola Jobustou, of Houston
couuty. We must eoogratuluto Un
accomplished brido upou her uuiou
On tho Kith nib, Thomas M. Blod
gett notified s couple of gentlemen,
by letter, that lio wished to appoint
tlicui, respectively, Inspector and Dep
uty Collector of tho port of SL Marys.
They consented to accept tho posi
tions. One of them loaned Blodgett
tho money to pay his faro from At
lanta to St. Marys, and all arrived in
that place on last Friday a week ago,
when his friends learned from Mr.
Bobbins, tbo acting Collector, that
tlioro was not a word of trnth in Blod
gett's assertions. Blodgett stole tho
office seal and duly commissioned one
of tho gontlcmon Deputy Collector,
bnt they soon found ont there was no
hope for them at St. Marys, bnt Blod
gett insisted that he could arraDgo ev
erything in Fcrnandina, wlicro they
all went on tho money borrowed from
tho doped friend When arrived at
Fernandinn, Blodgett skipped ont,
loaving his friends and tho hotel man
utterly ignorant of his goiug. One of
tho gentlemen is now in this city at
work; tho other has returned to At
lanta. Blodgett camo over here last
Mouday n week ago in a skiff and left
tho skiff man waiting at the wharf for
his return with his promised pay, hat
Blodgett had skippod out. When
Blodgett got here, ono of tho gcntle-
inon saw Hlodgott, who pnllod off bis
high top beaver and took to tho bnsb-
es liko a scared rabbit On his return
from Fcrnandina, Blodgett heat Mr.
Bourbauk on Cumberland out of his
fare, likowiso a citizen of this placo.—
Whilo hero, Blodgett attempted to
sell an ordor on onr Custom House
Collector, Col. Collins, for a largo
amount duo him, ns ho alleged, for
tonnnga This is tho delcctablo fab
ricator of villainous ku-kluck false
hoods agaiust our pcoplo and-section.
gomcry. This means not local hast
iness slono bat something beyond—
tho Southern Padfie—for if yon take
the map a glance will abow Vicks
burg, and beyond, the Pacific. Who
can estimate the results of this direct
line, traversing an entire continent,
holding in its iron embrace tbo rich
est granaries of this moro than grand
country, and pouring them into onr
city for transportation to tbo waiting
and hungry millions of tho old world ?
Aro wo to at hut awake from tbo Rip
Van Winkle sleep of tho post, and
spring into new life by and through
tho aid of men beyond tho tho sea?
Snrely, if wo are to jadgo from the
present outlook, thero can be no mis
There is another matter of vital im
portance to us—who is to control this
new combination -that is, who shall
bo the oflicers to control the immedi
ate operations of tho road 1 And jnst
here, whilo not presuming to dictate
or control tho motions or intentions
of tho uow company, as a well wisher
and ouo interested in the success of
this enterprise, I would snggest,
“ Render, therefore, onto Cresnr the
things which sro Ciesar’s.’’ All cor
porations, when ownership changes,
are apt to conrider a chango of officers
necessary, and rarely fail to have
Bomo friend for each and evory place.
Is it necessary in this instanco?—
Would not tbo interest of tho B. k A.
Railroad bo cnbanccd two-fold with n
strong backing and good and efficient
oflicers, entirely familiar with each
aud overy department of tho business
of the road—conductors polito, atten
tive, uud gentlemen of long experi
ence, iu fact, nono better; tbo inon on
liuo of road, section masters and
bands, thoroughly familiar with every
want of tbe maintenance of way aud '•
cure for the articles daring the Fair.
Will be appointed daring the Fair,
and in no ease will an exhibitor beap-
pointod judge on tho class of articles
be or she exhibits.
D. T. Dvxx, I’rcs’t.
Will undoubtedly bo exciting.—
Hon. T. W. Lamb, tho Chairman of
the Race Committoo, ro|xirt« a large
number of entries, and wa may safely
expoct to see our now hnlf-iuilo track
well ntilizod during tbe entire three
days of the Fair.
Don’t forgot tho premium offered
for the best display of nalivo birds,
not less than ten varieties to bo'iu
one cage. This is a novel feature,
and ought to take. The woods are
full of birds—sec wlrnt you can do,
Tho Camden and Wayno county
boys intend to givo old tllyuti'a sons
a sharp tight for.."tho laurels," and
the public may look for a splendid ex
hibition of horsemanship. The cos
tumes aro described as beautiful, and
who will take tho prizu is now tho
question to bo scttlod.
Tbe following dispatch bus been re
Macox, May 20.—St../. (Vwm, <‘*t\:
Fire companies three and fourncccpt
Very enthusiactic—lively times.—
Oceanics must drill.
D. T. Di-xx.
Our boys must look out Tlioir
now steamer, shipped on tbo 18tb,
will be kero about Moudny next
Plenty of drilling and muscle will tell.
Look to it, Oceanics.
New House, New Furniture & Kept in Elegant Style.
B37- 'W- C- KE WXT!d5 CO.
Letters nro pouring iu from nil
parts of tho country, an<1 from pros-
construction department; ear and tun- i ont indications the exhibits this year
rn I I St , ■ | WIIBU ULUUU IIUI'UI liui'ili , VIII lllltl Hill- I Uilt IIIWIVIIMUlia fctsw v.tus»s«<>
o a) 0 a o 0 os 0 is 0 jehiuo sliopa uuder tho control of able! will U> greater tlmu ever before.*
who has tho confidential car of Sec- 1 1 • -
and efficient men, as their engines Tho display of stock, fur in products
rotary BUiue, Senator Sherman aud j an< j coftc jj 08 built or repaired attest; I and native woods promise to bo espo
I'rosulont Gnrfiold, and by flourish-1 . . . . .
, , .... , engineers careful, prompt, aud whose
mg recommendations over tlioir ImmlH . .... , .
” . , .... capability is proven by the fact that
and commissions duly sealed, ho has . , si# .. . .
. •, , . . , , m ten years uot a life or limb has
doped and does dope many honest]^ lo9 \ throng U carelessness or se
men into lending him miml! sums, cte. ‘ ... , , ,,
... , i . . ciilout- -no trncr or better mon ever
\\ o would advise Blodgett that one of
tho gontlcracn is looking biiu up quite
steppod tba foot-board or pullod a
throttle; tbo office, under tho earo of
llio Auditor aud Assistant Supcrintcu- j
dent, will rank, for neatness, dispatch | Shipping Intelligence*.
Ono of our siiecial repnrters bad
prepared quite au extended report of
the two entertainments of Esther, but j officials is business capacity, prompti- j
owiug to the lateness of tbe hour at tude and l-oliteucss to the traveling t
which received, nud n press of other | public, and surely we have it in the I
matter, it was found impossible to in- B. k A. Railroad office. Bnt "tbo |
itdly grurid. Mr. J. N. Walker is
challenged by two Glynn county pro
ducers to look well to bis laurels this
year, or ho will be left in tho lurch —
Hi* exhibit of last yonr 1ms brought
competitors into the field who mean
business. Wo shall sec.
and business management, with any ! rnn the roiiTor mirs-v. u k. nm tiie week
ollico in tbe South, for tho acme of all'
KXDivn M»r:i>tii, i»<i.
sort it in this issuo, thereforo we re
servo it for our nuxb Suffice it to
say, howover, that both entertain
ments were grand successes in every
particular. Bomo of our citizens pro
nounco it tho finest presentation of
tho kiud ever' made to a Brunswick
audience. All honor is due Mrs. W.
1*. Minor and Mrs. J. It. Bostwick
noblest ltoman of them all is tho man
we meet every day, when in health,
going to bis office, aud controlling tbe
outiro management. For more than
thirty years Brunswick and tho B. k
A. Railronil has boon his pride. Al
most from the timo the first rail was
laid, through all the vicissitudes of
failures and hope deferred, ho has
for the success of the musical aud. stood a faithful scutinel upou the
dramatic departments respectively.- j watchtower of Bruuswick's future,
We are pleased to state that Esther; waiting, watchiug, hoping for anoth-
Wfill probably bo repeated twice dur- j t . r nml a bettor day. Friends fainted
ing tbe Fair, on which occasions, wo j nud fell by the wayside, despairing of
feel no hesitancy in prophesying, j the future, nnd retreated when pressed
< by hostile inlluouces, hilt, like Jack-
son at Manassas, lie bos stood a verit-
I able stone wall, meeting every attack,
lighting, hoping, slil! believing in
■ Brunswick aud the future of the road.
M*jr It -R' Flor* McD>.n*l.|, C*ln. JfrwYnrk.
May lrt—l*r bk X*0'-y 11*11., N«**r url<**us.
Mty tv-N',.r hk Or*. | *tite«*n, ftoM«*nt*fn.
May i7-*|mih Lk MarUTar.lln*. Arlla<|«et. Ifar-
Mav K-ILtrk fU»m*. r»U*m. rbarlratoti.
May l»-#ic four Mater*. Hunker. HriUM.
...—„ w ... j Cmabv, ——rtiarlrafoo.
May 1»— Nor bk Jubtaa). Jrn**u, Wiimlnxte.n.XC.
May l»-Hc Haiti* Tvmm. llrUtyra. FbiU4»l|>bU
May I*—He K K llallock. M-ulu. Cbarlratoo.
May 19—Hr N T- lb II. FUla. Havaauah.
May 19-Aaall* D Kulght. IVrry. Cam Jr*.
AIay 19—Ac Matflr A lland. Jar* l*. pblUefelrbl*.
May 19—He M J <*rto»r. (iarJm r.Xcw York.
May II -Win H Kolcbl. Taw**. lUllmtorr
May 19—He Hnaan Hfelwa. lUyn-, Hlrhmoo l. M*.
7-Xot bk Ci**. PaoUrn. rhartmton.
May Ki—JUe4 bk fiurli. Htrombmif. 11*11. I
May !*—Ruaa l>k |.yc* Till. Mom. Y«Jk.
May 1*—He A Xehluifer. Hmlth. I*fcila4*lt>hla
May lri—Hr 1. * U.«imrl f iHTrira. I ht'xb l|>i>b
Brnnfiwiek. Georgia,
Faint and Oil Store!
Steamboat and ill Supplies,
Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, •
Glass, Putty, Varnishes & Brushes
Plain and Decorative Wall Paper
Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc.,
Locks, Sash-Weights, Cord, Hinges, Scrnrt, Etc.,
Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cement.
- <3-^.
TO HR ll»:M> AT
lirun.svvick. Georgia,
June 7th, Nth uiuieth, 1881.
L'uriobu Hall will bo crowded
Biu nhwk k, Ga., May 111, Lshl
To ho- wuHuyr*, a* ami t onfrJmfor/
../ //if Oratorio of F.ribr:
1 litre!))’ for in) Halt uud for tiiu ^l utc*
1 au«l uow, growu ^riiy in tbe sorvici*,
ularly m*J*. fr< m
ivt- >i in/Arr M #),th«
fr.\ U> m larjf*
with ono of our most energetic, enter-1 f, ‘ l of ,l10 U ‘‘ 1>U,t cl ‘ utcl |; having s|»nt the best years of bis life
_ tender our sincere thanks to you all in the cause, let tbo old "war horse"
who is fast in tus friendship, devoted ] (or 11,0 t,uin ‘‘ , ‘ l UK wt “ “ *<» “with his harness on”-let him
iu his affoctious, provident iu his life- fi rc “ l l l! ‘"' l8U '' li nlUl,(, “" 1 "l M,u 11,01 “" » li11 remain as tho head and front of UABvqiiuAv
works,aud who will prove always true! U-rtai.i.nont, give., for the beuefit of this yet to be grand I
beloved wife. 0,,r t ' lmrcb ou lhc of thu 17tb prise—let bis Lunds
uud Ibtli iust.
I aiu very respect fully,
A. C. W
prising aud sucooasful citizens—one j
to Ilia beloved wife.
A *!•-* lot of both faltcy **d toilet *n*|i« it
MUOHie k Mi CttAUY'N.
Wo regret to learn that Col. Carey
W. Stylos bas reaiguod bis iiositioii os
assistant editor of tbo Waycroaa It*
Brunswick enter-
still guide tbe
reiiiu of tho iron horse, w hose shrill
neigh shall echo from tbe “atorm-
toSHcd” roast of tbo Atlantic to tbe
jtiiet bosom of the Pacific.”
This is no fancy sketch. Tbo time ,
Georgia State Gazetteer
UhnIiicks nml Planter’s
Or”*" IW- imi. Von
ck«rrb#7 'xZZr** 1 M>n> - *dM0la. railecc*.
“Si-WiSS?koowleJged abilities so well fit him Burroughs is the only insurance sgmt may their services be appreciated by |
- .as ^ 1 to fill, o-il which will prove sufficient- who has subscribed to this hind. .tlio now company, marching ou to
""f-awtawnw.t. Ul '’; ly lucrative to him. L. S. Scrioos, Foreman that grand western ocean, with the
Cir.’itilymu to thu Ocuamow,
Dr. IV. B. Burroughs, the accoui-
jiurter and as land and immigration j agent of tbo Royal Insurance is approaching more rapidly than onr
agent of the S., F. k W. aud B. k A. Company, of Liverpool, bas shown bis |«opl« think when, leaving Brunswick
Railroads. Ho has accepted oditorial s appreciation of onr efforts to raiso lhc j one day, tbo traveler can arrivo at
control of tbo leading daily aud week-! rc( |uuyd amount expected from our San Francisco ou tbe sixth day or
ly in tho largest State of tho Soath. j colu pauy to help piny for tho new j even earlier. All honor to the men
Wo congratulate tho Colonel upon his; steamer, by promptly subscribing who never deserted their post in •
promotion to a position which his ac- twenty-live dollars to the fuud. Dr. days that were dark and stormy, and
-1 Srihl .|/*o fns ...
r*ICf,l?7. fit in J9.3* |w» <|iiarfrr *»Tb*
•|M*t Ulljr tl I<m lilklrrii,
tjually w*rlui f-i mJ'iIi*. b»»-
<• of li) Iiiii-ti.nrf. *ufItem*, k i,.*,*dJ pupHlar
r<>J **J *«-« *l*r imm*|«* K«Mr*lly.
Uca.r itfMi-J III: die. act .fwtfkl tell,
uli'fy lie jitreh*
i»i*r*titr*«i m ditrtllf »• ll r feryrr t.rr*n*.
1*1 RAH l>C,f'b"* n>*lsl I*, ire l.l#U fit*.
i.ruru.n a hat»^,
*. i
»*•*• 4*fc« 4*u. t
Harnett House,
* COIfim ttffTTUI Of SEOKU.
AJ ,r ^* order* to
aaotss * co..
*24. Br.wJ Sinvi,
........ . pre«c;ut veteran corps of oflicUU, lod
I r*riiiM* • I y-^Ytirk Uiitlrfwn(ri> Aurtuiy. " t
An exciting ease was this week bo- j ’ ^ >Uancll iml rcliu l.le fire «- t^
foro the Justice’s Court and County , orancs compwuy, represented in thisj ’
Coart here this week. The M. k B. cit) . by jj r T ovunnor, Jr., has made,
prompt :iL«1iuitu>fuctory uiijiiatmeiit
. Make-ra Troul.l.-
1 Railroad tendered ouo J. T. Taylor,
O * t Not I>TBiurm>.
$•2.00 PER 1>AY.
AsgssU, Cs. I of Atlanta, as Journal Clerk of the 0 ( reeentlo^v* here. Ttus compa-
AIU NO I . s.
Money Saved jg Policy Mailc ! 'Settle, *n annual i«ss over the rood, ^. ^ ^cre.! Really a large share „ . , _.
3 Mr. M. Benjamin, a merchant of At- J |1|0 iDi0rMCe ballnt „ Lore, and 1 Vr 1
— ; andcrstiuia uidler » celebrated atnug
j baud from Macon ban betm M-cured
{for the occasion,
nil j
j u. txio wm | jj Dixon, Efej., of Dixoui.a, will be > teavnx.
Benjamiu and not Tavlor, demanded • - *., i . . . Iteiiorta to the committee
•u I— i su *• ' * I , neat and comfortable, and, bc*t of all, i 1 . ... , .
tbe fare for tbe tnp, and nl*o tbe de- . ,. # . %f cuconrogm^. w <• unden>U
WA1JIE* a Loro.
F® 1 * Sale or Renty^
rijtit'*' l-USO. Aya,
, .... „ ■ . _ cheap. Tlie nnd.-rtaling of it by Mr-
avery of the ticket Bcnj.min re-.y,^ „ „ lp ^ KU . rnIltw , nc .
fused to comply with Hams request, i ^ ;U Uc kl „,w H „„ «ueu word ns
aod Harru, after consulting tbo rail-1
nro very
leroUiid eflortH
are Iwing made to get the Savaunah
Yiu-Lt Club Squadron to reudezvoua
at UiUbAwiik with all their bout* Jar-
We Mailer,
Boot & Shoe Maker.
•D lUM. 4k’»l fOVUtef Miuhdlu* Mk l*
* - “ ‘ — t deurto
' We, tho uu-tprsiguvd, lit rsby agree
to guarantc- the surcem of thu nliove
' Fair fitinni iidlv to thu Hinmmt set op-
i p,„iti, our a ss fnllutvs:
oil p. r cent. nil. subsf-ription to
Jbi: paid, if called for by the Secrutsry,
I st any time Is-fori- tin: Fair, and the
balance after thu Fair, if required by
the Finance Committee.
All or surlt proportion as wo tuny
have paid before tho Fair to lie re-
iinbtirscd to us out of the net profits
of said Fair after all ex|iens<'B have
Ikx-ii paid:
DT Dunn V>0 00
A T I'utuain and Brother 60 00
L I) Hoyt ft Co 30 00
C L Schlatter, Jr 30 00
T W Lamlr. 30 00
II C Taylor 30 00
Aug F Franklin ft Co 80 00
Littlefield ft Team 30 00
Moore ft McCrary 30 00
Cook Dpi*, ft Co 30 00
W A Fuller *> 00
A Kaiser ft Urn 25 00
J Michel a/n........ .25 00
JTBIaiu 25 00
ll Frie.llau.ler ft Co 25 00
J H SKCulloiigli 25 00
B Hiracli 25 00
A V Wood 25 00
X Dixon .* .25 00
J Wil ier ft Co. 25 00
W B Burroughs, UD 25 00
V R Mitclie! 20 00
John A Phillip* 20 00
W T Jones 20 00
Mabry ft Crovott 20 00
A Borchardt. 20 00
E A Heins 20 00
F D Scarlett 20 00
W EKay. 20 00
O'Connor ft Wen* 16 00
R MTiauu 15 00
M Shannon 10 00
A U Matthews 10 00
Barr Winton 10 00
W W Watkins 10 00
M L Mrrslion 10 00
SM OI.igaii.-r ......10 00
Sapp A Co WOO
C (> M sw. 10 00
H L Ilarri* 10 00
E Solomon - J® 00
1 J M Drury 1® 0®
R D Mender 10 00
G W Wimberly. 10 00
J M Carier 10 00
L North 10 00
TP Gala 6 00
W P Golden ff 00
D G Hitler 5 00
Holzendorf ft Bro s 00
G J Docrflingcr 5 00
E Mills s 00
A G Osgood fi 00
W H Harrison. a 00
John It DosrfUngcr B 00
J R Bostwick a 00
, Hocsw/S ow. o*., fa*. M. IMS.
•'SrvsuiUo Swdfc.- m is t STSSTimi
- k -
„ fegBfcf'
-”* a "■ ‘si ■k? stjk
tb. fclsbc.t rnlM of IL
rnttMirtmcmo com pant, rwycfn***, xu
~ ite "Vay i
Fire Insurance!
JUJKJTtt iaauuAJfCKca'Aj
aw-DwiLuxas a vui cow um »aa
Notice ofJJlssolution.
n.iia4f.«asr,c*.ksoaRua a.
Ow ui wo f*n*sve *— i—
ts. mM ■aa.Mms.Wifcissea 1 ?
/.vnssismw«S. ISMS
uat.nsi>eMni«iiw anlH
_ B.r.iULU .*»