Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, May 21, 1881, Image 4

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FORRESTER DEALER IN Oats, Meat, Meal, Etc., file, BRUNSWICK, GA. Sole Agent for Welch, Wight, Wilson & Co.’s Pure Pork Sausage. Storage and Office at Littlefield & Tison’s Warehouse. 1 Will give '• I lock Bottom” Prices for any of the alxjvc on application. Terms Cash, or City Factors" Acceptance. 1GW HIIKi STORE! Gloucester street, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. tii* CXDXTOIOXID n«x ormto ax citjbw.v OF Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery, Combs and Soaps -THE MOTTO OF- jr irtklN ntmlljr found IB a nraUUaa Dnt« . «lta Hi# alliatlioN id hi* frlemla ati.l Ik* |*wMto. HlftM' “* ‘ * And *11 n'Jtof Tull. I and fat i hi.-It he Apeethilly i,|*ar of yaara, ha f« rl* rod ffdrfit that he ;{»lo | atronau#, Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. After alure la rl.-ed. will rbrarfnlly »tlrud tuy rail* for madldnta, If uullfled at Ma rMldtnco, cornu JAMES T. BLAIN, Druggist, Etc. Itegpril k falter DIXON1A, GA., AUK PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOl! mi Coiling, Shingles. Etc., —AT— AUGUSTUS F. Mil & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. The Ladies Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Millinery Goods. Aq<! to tbfl NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, «Itb which aha Laa enriched her EMBOWEREO FASHIONABLE RESORT! New store! New Firm! New Goods! Ban li.ipHl.twM otmkOBOCta- HEAVY AND FANCY, To which wa Invlb tb« atUntton of hwaaw She la ronatantly rar.lvlu# the Utoat afooton frutu jmimrtama ot fb»tit»n. ana conflfently i her friend* that her Klfclloti o the aUuferri ctu|** GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS! Goods bought and sold on closest lig- HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINGS Cannot he excelled lu this or any other city. &BESS MmiM A apeclally, and perfect lit* In tlio tcwe*t inode* Buaranttfd. Hoods first <■!»•*, and |>rlc • r'-a*"TnMe. N K Al.SO Kl'.tl* FIXE IIIUMMOK Tobaccos & cigars. OTJK MOTTO: “As Low as the Lowest.’ store lu front ol Lrhrn Hollar, atfvud Jour Iron. .-urm-r, NKWC.V8TI.K 8TKKKT, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Notice. Mice W T. GLOVER H AS Mt cm I Hie ah re adj Jlnlnc the I'oat Office In UrunawU'k aa a JUST RECEIVED'Stationery,Book L KINK STUCK OK tires. Consignments solicited. IfV Jfletm itMsrtnesa! Clocks. Watches ■Tlii WEL.RY, And hope by a study of the wants of our Tj^Trrj &WSWiSEAi? 1 customers not only to keep those we now have but to —AND — : MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT ALSO A Circulating Library, . _ _ , ' romi>r|alB|t hooka from lha boat aulliora. and Accordeons, Harmonicas, ■Jrafe.'^fl.^atsswisra 1 r J a caiymt •Indy oi II. . «p*i lal rt |iiir»mruU ol lu Violin mil Guitar String’'. AN, 5 and 10c Counter Goods Uh'h I Invlts the SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. OKBER8 SOLICITED. LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Wat* lira. rlurk« and Jawrlry rrpnlfrdand warrant OJ. ROEkFLINOER, Wat. tiiiiak. r and JaWrlrT, • U lj Day Htrrvt. lltuuawWk.lla. W. A. JOHNSON, Boot&Shoc Maker. r.iutetl to last as long as tliat ol any other Workman in thin M-ction. Mrtttlimij thin* nt thnrt untie* at xffxr dooi; to .t. r. nllson OX THE BAY. Travelers Ins.. Co., HARTFORD. CONN. 1.1ml « “‘ul a'll'an l m W. T’tllovi Ic. •Hi poaalblo i a rholro aelnrtiuB OliG UINETTE ! Picture FrumiiiK Doiio on the Shortcut Notice! Note tlic Ailitrr,,: \ i \ 11 hr l*o»t Office, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. jab£A-|jr Till BEST! WORK.®, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. STE AM ENGINES, “Portable & Stationary,” FOR (SINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sixes. RETURN TUBULAR, HKTl'U.N FLl'E, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. REPAIRS OF MACIUXKIIY PRoMlTLY EXECUTED. •rtnvniciMXW,«Wuo 4> S . MTKIPIKI.D. 1‘ropY. ANDREW HANLEY. PAINT AND OIL STOKE, 1»K.\U I. IN I Railroad, Steamboat,Hill Mies PUKE WHITE LEAD ZINC \ COLOIts. Qla«,Putty,Varaihliti8,BruilLC8,Plain i decorative wallpaper DOOBS, SASHES. BLINDS. Ejc., i*h> Snk-Iti|kti, Ctrl Biipt. Semi Etc.. Liar Plaster. HaJ Ctcut * Wiittl'r otol ITw But annaU, • • Georgia. ADDBESS, Lite utul Accident Imuraucc. AUGUSTUS F. FRAVKI.LX & CO. J.M.Dexter,Insurance Ag’t, I2ST* The Jewelry Headquarters W. F. D0ERFLIN8ER Flixuoy’s Building:. Buy Street, - - - - Brunswick, Ga. lsj«. A..T. MT LLEE «Nr Co, Wholesale and Retail Dealers i*: Furniture, Carpels, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Mattings, Etc., US, 150 and 152 :ton Street. S AVAITJf A. Ti. -O E O H G I .A, Ih-^mM-nU the ni»«*v*C«. *t lkun*wl. k. G*. ASSETS, ... ’>00,000 L : m»'' U 1 Nw n.nll.-U rtaiuiMtiuw r^iuirwl. JkD iy Sl.D.G.'tLEn LOCAt. DENTIST. Brunswick, - - Georgia. O r rut oi Tht** »; «*t*r»t to r»Ll. U lli« tV«t IU«i'« vl tho Kind, in *»rry rr*j TO'WIT. the •t'^v o( K\i~r 4 liMhrf.- uhto 4 wuri will and it to Hpldf C ALL *nd citiklu LU lugt u<lb*«mUtwlly m> JEWELRY, WATCIIKS, Etc,, Etc., Wh^h .n ju.t irrif. I »<! n I4>b M4 it low Ktcwn. Kryalnsfall klmUOunran (ton Mtkr • ■4 HallJariiMliHiirRMrrd. rrivw* eiui-t uf xuffcL.j ut tn. w. r. norKruxoai.j^ct. Monk HiNt, m* kot#i bntidlif. Lruaawu-k, liratyit, 1 alldy '"iol 8 " 0 '’'?- iVARJKE, 1 MERCHANT tailor, t I *« to rwwtr Itruiiswic*k, Georgia. —•V ,|(W>8> * t y\ _ m ^ It li*« vt Kmrluh. kn-L ktt'u>>... & o. Best* k - - ,u - DENTIST UAI.L AND EXAMINE, ,vs.u,, . H i SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. FIRE INSU R.1NCE Srniui, Fuuii in Vmai liawir. Anuuitiffwiih Tiar.n TUtt MAIL. ESI T=SL S _ _ ; I^U»i!.J>wV^ 1L “ **•■> hM|«l.piMlikttlilak IWnjinliwmllnwMMlfcHM. b. —.«JffUS jjrarfirjssss'arv i«UDy IncJwdiBf »«*d*/.) JACKIOXTILU CXnUQU. LMMOavuHh • lliatffM ioiaS IM Lmt« Uw rolUhMi d^ly 4i LMtwT'fcMVlIU felly Arrlwirr- *•“ Anttoit PiImi •truMk •id*. iM Mnrwn and Ju-kMwvtll* *• rk»iM(nnk>ttm hnaaii fill* Ml IUcmi ial dadunnrlito. UMMMma iNTiMMwnalJtBnNMwrlitto. ■P with thia train for YlorUU daily. fMWftn tnm Florida br thta tmla eoww«rt at «ltk trtl. VH.1M M Mtcim tM »»*!*. ALDANY UKNUaa. Unvafevaanah daily at < M p m Iwava iaawp felly at T:S| p m Koara TafeanrlU* felly at p-j, L Z Uavattopant felly M |j ninht Aarrty feTh—aullla felly at AfeYnm Arrlvaat llainbrhhro feilpat Arm* «t Alhnwjr felly at I U « M Urn Albany felly at Iiilp m Uwva Inuabrhlno daily at is «p m Inara Th «manilla felly at p m Arrlraat l>Q|*>at felly at. * life AM Arrlra at Jaaap dally at dttoam Arrlr# at Morannah felly at Ml • m nlaridM enra ran thronchtoand front ffayawnah and AlUuy, and JackaoavUIn and Muntgowary allhout rhitifr. # Oonaoct at Albany wtth hnaapr tnOna Wlk waya vn nonthwaatnrn lUilrwad to and from Ma* run, Kntanla. Mnt#D«»ry, Mobil#, X#W Orlaaaa. •to. MaEatramar Inm Balahi and Cwlatobwa amy Twaafejra CIO## manortion at Jarba#nHtl#d ^ •aro|4#d) for nraan Cota Nprlmra, St annfeUn#, PalaUa imt tnwrpri##, and all laadlupa on Ml. lohna rim. Train* on D. and A. K. It. toava Junction, got*. Waal, at 11 .*1 a. n>.. and lot Urnoawtch at t.Mp. hi. dally, airotit ffwnday. 1 hroNyb rkkata a«dd and Sttoptaff Oar Dart ha a#- rnrrd at Hrru*a Tkkat Uffkw, Xo.» BmII atrmt, and ai Matannah. »lorife and Waatoni Hallway hnaa grt Ihput J. n, Tvaun, Maatrr Tranajortatlon. ■.I. UAINKH. Uanaral fluparintandrat Brunswick and Albany Rail Hud Compin' Change or Schedule. aa folio war WESTWARD UOt'NP. tuti.V, ai'Miat MCKKrai). f/Hvca lirunawh k turn •• Way Croaa 11.17 arn " h'araon, lEatlnu Howa. ) I.lrt p,in • ' Alappaha, 3 4.1 u.M ' 1 AUord,. ,,t ti|>.m Arrive at Albany p.iu EASTWARD ROUND. »aih». tv n say ixcamo. Uwaa Albany H.noa.m •• Alford..., 14Aa.Ui ' * Alaifaha 13. in p.nt •* l*rar##a (Eating Uouat) t inp.ii# " Way Croaa 1.11 |i.M Arrive at Urnuawtok ».3op.n OUAS. L.MCULATTKH, Uanaral Muparlntrmtrni U D. HEADKR Aadatant ffaparlntondant J. A. HAl't'. ~ LAMUlitOUT SAPP & GO., Green Grooers, AND DEALERS IN Country Produce KtlTAL’H.OX 1IAXD A rri.L iXU t'tuu MiUlIOtlUCKur GUOCEIIIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, Nl”rs, FRUITS, Etc., They Mean Business! rtort eorvrt Xawiaatla and Mcuk Mtrvato. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. T I'amr .Vwtwtk ixd k’kimler SU.. A. E. HEINS, - Proprietor. a trie far to the r~ffe ot Drwnavi. h. w* lh«. LUrty cf tnvtuna thalf atunu-u t-» our >UI of IT in ft*. * ••ll*. r »nt.-rv*t t • :r» •villi o», for the following, among uiatir. i l#*.Y> L*fM<a ot Ua ■ t\V Lu I V' V ';irjrr .»:»I Wt ll sekvtetl stock. W. jnvi y«Hi u. rUi» | rice*. W. tit uf. ..;w *>«*:» ti«ur.wtgtilw. \V» |wk»ttr very x-.rcfuilv. Wr »Uii> k.*«.U i»ru»|»Ujr. W - »u^k«- no rl.arpr f.*r |>a<*kinf; an.l suii'i'ing. \V srenr- 1 iwrrPt raf'-» ••! freight. W. lh* r f»>te wo’Wit * Uo! • n!.r, \ *lnt y wr.. !i* t*.« 1 Mjilt *Lr A^oOa oQilprtevn. 1'iRX'..LilotLc* >ufunanth.'n *inirtul!y f«i A ; ilU-LKL * Cuii'AM UAKOtVARE XSTUrtN, »*“»•, U.H, fe I * wap FANCY GROCERIES, CONFF.tTIONKR!ES. BREAD, ( IKES, PIES, ETt., r&CNJI no .x THE OVEN EVERY DAY. J*. DEXTER. :o: ^ Prjcj§$ r as Lob as the Lowest ,*•' n.i.rr., j ---—. | ... - . |n||| g: I — - j YZSTa. '£sn:»ajaiSK*!?.«BS JAS. U. VINCENT, tool* k. N 1V»AMtOaa.nuMrlykla liawiaai 9 I SKgr % i.onorr*co. i ruil -r r tua-Ual rauatt <* b*o*. • dwyt oluNimo*. •»hu*.Mi#a few.owo I