Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, May 28, 1881, Image 2

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Jfdve^tiger mid T. 0. WACT. Mlfar and rroprietsr. BBPKBwiok.~ GEORGIA: HTTODAT MORVIXO, MAT n7l"l. THMMimiHHIIMM RIVKII \ND AT LANTIC IMROK CANAI ItiTolvIni Drwlnaw* of the ok. ieno kn>Hwnm|i. Thii project, originated by Col. Hai ford, Mil steadfastly Ail took ted by Joseph Sbepheril, of St. Mary*, On., Maw OoL li'i death, and which eboold bare attracted lb* ear- Uec atleaUoa of capitalist*, ie now owning lo th* front. Mr. Shepherd ie la Mew York’ negotiating will) capital >•<*■ end hu wry reaeon to hope for iaiaediai* aoeoMa Thie ie a project apoa which all oar Soathero Atlantic porta trow Charlaaton to Jacksonville of the nnccenafnl conclusion of negoti ation* by Mr. Hhnplic-r.l. Hut there in anollii-r mattor 0* r«*t importance to tlie pi-ople of Geor gia, wbirh will be carried into effect u incidental to the oonntrncUon of the canal. Wo refer la the drainage of the Okefcuokee swamp, the Bay •waiupin Florida and the adjacent land*, aiuoantiug to over *lx hundred thonaand acre* of a* line land an the country affords, will Hud an outlet to market ria the Waycron* and Florida road and ria the St. Mary* rirer.— Tnere ia over one hundred thonaand acres of tbvM- lamia, heavily timbered with valuable woods. Kven asa.lrain- age project, pure nud simple, this ia one ol the heat investment* wbicb could be made, and would bo of rut benefit to the people of Georgia, open ing np tliia laody of land within may reach of marketa to cane and regeta- can naita, potting by all riralriaa, for they are all anon the line ria the in-I bl * cultivation, for which it 11 pecol land water ro£ wbieb to. in fact, on-! "“*«• Mr. Shepherd. Gen. Jo- ly n cootionatioo of the canal when | “I* K Joh » ,toB - <,en - McUw * and mwptotad others are incorporated under a char- A ghnw at tb* wap of tbe United hy i0 State* will abow that along the north- 18 ' C ; *° U "“ ° n " era border* of tb. Gulfara a wrtoa of*™'"' to’ton tto ..mop upon eo»- rery much like oar pletioa of a |* of tto canaL Tbia «*tl itnd Ilit* Minim himI llruiMw* wit'll ICnllramcl ('ntupanr- inland water-rooto tbroogb .oft ‘‘ »• ^ , to ■unhw. Md .aaceptible of complete ^ *T?°° l „ ***£ opening to bargesdrawing tbe amount * “*• “ J ch * rter toolroU of rraUr which the g r*U graio Urge. I ,b * 1 on Uw Miaatoippi rirer do. Along tb* I t «k .m'skok hik froft.K Northweetern coast of Florid* to a' point where tbe Snwauee empties Mo,..r to tb* Onlf, to smooth, safe water nar- igalion, at all seasons. Tbs Hawanee rirer takes ita rue in the Okefenokce, IWiaunf from InM wash, awamp, n depression of tb* Blue I*cl ua now sum np tb* aareral Ituige, Md find* ita way, with a fall elaaaea of the 43-1 section, and aee i, of about on* hundred feet, into the it be |avaaihle, nmler the ruliug* aitedf Unit In the anmo vwau.p a hrsucb for the Mayor and Council to legally of tbaSt. Marys rirer take* its rise grant pawatoninw to the Uaoon and on* hundred and twenty-fir# feet Brauwick I tail road Company to lay abort Ud* water, on tbe Atlantic''beirrailway along and throaghfloorge const, Md with a tall at one point in atreeL abont fire miles distance, of about Tb* first elans* dedicatee all tbe question at issue. If a railway i“ si- lowod to be carried through George street, it will be donn in derogation of tb* common right of every human be ing within the city, for the reason that inch railway will |««* through and destroy aa anoh, the two largest, most baanti'fnl snd must ceiilrally located public sqaires in the old Town; and lo endow and utilise one of which, “Hanoeer,*‘ active slope Imre been al ready taken hy the ladies of the. Park Association, under permission grant ed some months tinea, hy tbe Mayor and Council, and which tbe ladies pro pow to complete at an early day. Conti nun! on f rd peps. Ilrl-lu’. tll.ra.r. And other affectiona .4 tbe Kulucya snd ISIs-Mrr are sometimes hronzht on ami often rxagarratetl l.y the neglect of the tymiUiHna, which. it taken in time, eonl.l no d.mht in a majority of roses yield to treatment. Ho tacliiine ia ao well suited for this sa ltaiikiii'a (‘(im pound Extract UocUa aud Juniper. It to s relish!., hi-uliug tonic to the part-, sllaya irqlatiou. an.l restores liet.lihy act toe. Prepared only by Latmar. itankin k Iaamar. .Irnggiata, AUauta, lit., ami f«»r sale to til druggists. FoeaVTH. Oa.. Dec. ], 1-77. I ItAve sold It-.iikli. a Itnrlm ami Juni per lor ten yean, and it has alvaya giv- en nuiver»al, pp.vin_- tl»- must vslnal.le prr|*arati*Hi ol tl.e kind on tin. market. aprtSeowlia F O. Mats Itniguiat. PREMIUMS MD REGULATIONS OF THE FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Glynn Go. Agricultural Society, TO RE HELD AT New lit* Brunswick, Georgia, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Juno 7th, 8th and 9th, 1881. OFFIOEKS. I>. T. DUNN, ut M. J. COLSON, Secretary, JOHN P. LAMB, Trraanrer. T. AV. LAMB, It. M. TISON, JOHN A. PHILLIPS, A. T. PUTNAM. T. AV DEXTKR, Vicc-I’rcsidenta. eighty.flv* feck Thna it will It* aaen the plau ia to lake advantage of llio natural inland | is ass gas botwaeu the Miwtiseippi aud tbo AVeet coast of Florida, deepening tboui wbon necessary and connecting them at point* where they are sepa rated by marsh, by eanaliog, to im provo tbo Suwanoe anil run tbnbargeu np that to tbo summit level of Iho Okofonokoo swamp, tbouco down the St. Marys, of course involving a sya- tom of looks, iuto tho Atlantic nt the uiouth of tho ht. Marys river. Col. Raiford autl Mr. Shephard nmde cure- fnl examination* and bocarne aatiafled that snob a canal could lie oonalrnetsd cheaply, aud that it would b# of Itn- monw Talno to tho South-Atlantio |»rta, boouutiug tho outlet for vast ■inanliUes of the grain and itbir products of tbe Northwest - never bloekadod hy ice or anow. In 1877 tlie Senate passed a resolu tion, railing for information ii|niii the most foasibln route for s l>sr,.;q canal from tbe Mistisaippi rivet tin- At lantic. Geucral (iillinure, in an aide and elatoreto retsirt, adv.»-,| this route as tha chrs|iest, with greater cairying ca,iacity, lew ci|tenai. fur ro stra Is, Uusa, alleys, ways and public aqnaraa; the second tlelmrs reilrund aor|sirati.ina from rlainiiug ally excln sire or |ier|ietnal privilege, by reason of having lieen grant.-.1 |iermiaei..n to use any of tlie street. or commons; tlie third authorize* tlie Msyor slid Council to dcaignnlu tho streets (anil;i / through which railways may ho carried, and to impoaoall nec oaaary terms, conditions and restric tions; snd the fourth eui|Kiwern tlie IHHiple to e.itiao nil railwnys to Im re moved from tile ntreeta nr cnuitnuna, whenever they shall linvo dutorniincd that a removal is lire.-—ary to protect their interests. Now, it will lie noticed, and I de sire to call e|iecisl attention to the fuel, Hist the words "lines, alleys, ways and public squares" are only found in tlie tiral, or dedication clsnsc. Neither of the w ords is to ho found in tlie second, third or fourth clauses.— This is, indeed, a most significant fact. Why weie tlie words not used iu these clauses t They were not inserted, evi dently for s pnr|sme. Aud wbsl was the purpose ? Why, the Legislature simply ami wisely meant that no rail way should over Im . ..tied through For Rent. imuKt is minus. r« ifs.m.1 w STANDIXTQ- COMMITTEE, T.O.irACT.' NOTICE. Ok (iwrm-W AV Watkins Chairman, Barr Wiuton, J T Collins, T AV Dexter. M Miel.els4tn, A T Putnam. w., ess. last o' Exhibit*. —AV It Bnrrongha, M. D., Chairman, J N Walker, J P Lnmh, mi* -f w.fcf, a ir-—t, e.-4s.|..i ise.'s. ihivi i s.-.,rl- tl. J M I-miper, U G Itialer, Jse Puetell, R 8 Clulili. 1 Ox Sums.—A T Pntiium. Chairman,"J A Sapp, L. AV. Hazlehnrat, Sr. ■Mail igffaeairal. *• will M>k ratsf IBtM I tow |.f*- tpe ..f Ike ORDER. «>T UKURlitA !■ Um Vittvr d « Heel, la Bn krmft> j RflWBBlI DISTRICTOT<r»nillf»lA-W»: I’M IW iwHtUI- ml M. A. Rnrk k. ,4 HraiM- vwi. la Um Crnmmtf uffHfn. Hlat* dttonrgn. Aa ■Iff— W—*4 bMlntfU, tkar* toiM konasrawllkitt, Wla aptord tto*l MAI A—tall at |i«l4k wait rry, kitow Um OmtI Km* 4anr tflilyu rotaty, IWranf b« fflfMi hy imtoll. •lion | N IIm lint AkfiatiaM ahi> Arruk to>«r ii«m, Hat* ni««ck tool*# Ml wntMll lu »M by tb* Aaetguw maac HurKrrr. u-gi.t. Oiiu fii Mmua or Crcitors. 1* the iHirrmrT coi’HT «»r ntr rxirin nrAir.1. r«»H tiie hoi'tiiekx ih-athi.t OF (U.OKUl.V U Iho tuAlur <>f I>uni|non A lUrk, in liinkrnp •P*’ 1 ... f ItuRlgtc ti A llevk, lt*nknti«u, u UurvUmUhAl - Ullrtl mrrlinff of Ihr rrroLb.ra-f .al t Bankr.. r tt bw h*M *1 UrHMMld, In Mkl Malrl. l. on tbo ftb Amy of inna. A. I*. IMI, •( « uVInrh a M„ bl tbo »«d nf lUrrU A IU), b#fnc« |mmc IUck#ti, k>i. on* «>r ib« lUgltW* in lUhtrttptry in Mid Hiairin f. r llte |>«rpu«ta iiamrtl in tb* A*«oly-Mtrnlk amu« *4 lb« Art of| ..ngro*a*i.tll v| Art b» /*t*M,.h • Cnlforni Itystent of ltonkni|>t< y through.mi tbe I’dlt.'il Ntelr*."bpprove«! Mar. h ). |nfl7. And I* »• ftirlkaf onlerswl. Tb*» thr A**lg». • •tlr# nt Mid meeting hy Bonding wrlttm nr prlaMil botU-M by null. t»*«l l*ld. of tbo tlm* an.1 plar* >4 Mid mMtlMg to nil known rr*dlt»r« «>f **«.! Unk f»H*. Md that be ftlau nntify tb* t«Mkrni>ta U> tor prMrnt Ib-rrat; Md h* ato*JI aim. jm'-'ial. r.dire nt Um Una Mid |»ln.wi «.f a«i.l meeting on !••• different dgyg. In the tMWffyMiierralMlhe tinman l-h tpagn VIMb AH» Art-rat. fettle-1 «| Brnt>*«t.k. nt l*Mt IM d*y« prL r t- Mid Meeting. “ IM lion or, ht* ion* IM mu iHtlrtet fourt. an-l Ike M | On l*<*rLTRT.—F A lire water* Chairman, J E UuBignon, H L Itioe, A M Hay Ox M u-hixemt.—Burr Winton, Chairman, Henry Gray, AVm McCandlces, Jr. W H Anderaon, L S Scrngge. Ox Rice.—J At Con|wi, Chairman, J N Walker, A 8 Barnwell, Wisdey Tutor. W It Gignilliatt. j K Nightengale. Ox Nival. sTosra.—A A’ Wood, Chairman, J Wilder, W E Burbage, D B McKinnon, G S Davis Ox LrHBKs,, Laths axd Native AVootat—AV A Fuller, Chairman, S H C'.s.k, N Dixon. H Tift Ox Hxiiatta.—J M C.mper, Chairman, AV T Jones, II Tift, J T Dent, J E Dart, J li McCullough, J 11 Tison, Jr. Ox Rices.—'T W Limb, Chairman, A T Pntnam, It M Tison, J \ Philli|>e, Win Turner. Ox Tocuxavext.—A J Crovatt, Chairman, Henry Taylor, O W Wright Jr,. W O Monro, Win Turner, O B Mabry. Wats* hh-xty.—W SI Wiggins, with |siwer to fill out NcTxtush coextt.— Dean Wing, Octavius llnpbins.— iwsirse'-r- JCmnEx roevrv.—T M llnrriauu, Rufus Lung, Win It King, L T McKinnon.— R. M. Tison, Chairman of entire Tournament Committee, Ox Puxts.—Mrs. J M Dexter. Chairman, Mrs T F Smith. Mrs B M Cnr- gvle, Mrs W W Watkins, Mrs LolSnron Drury, Airs AVm Bsrkuloo, Mrs W A Fuller, Mrs A A( 11,1 Vwood. ■ Ox Hovsuiold.—Mrs John T Collins, Chairman, Mrs J H McCullough Mrs F A Brewster. Airs J S Alnrlin, Mrs A V Putnam, Mrs M Shannon, Mrs, Ira K Smith, Airs S It Atkinson, Miss Joo Nathans. Ox Fixer AVohk- Airs T W Dexter, Chairman, Mrs M 0 ltowe, Mrs H T Dunn, Mrs M J Colson, Mrs Jacob Michel son. Airs W P Minor, Mias Uulatrcn C-nip- r. Alias Maria Illain, Alisa Kate Dill, n, Ali-s Alaggio Aloore, Misa Hurry Colcelmry, Alisa Katie Dart. Ox Ci'Rioarnro.—John It Uostwick, Chairman, Dr. AV. B. Burroughs, AV T Glover, Af ra C AV Styles, Aire AVm Anderson, Airs J H Bostwick. Ox Bam.—Heniy T Dunn, Chairman, J. B. Bostwick, J. Af. Conpcr, A. V. Wood, W. T. Glorcr, I* AV. Hsxlcknrst, A. J. Crovatt, Maj. C. AVillisms. Ox Kxtertaixmext.—J F Nelson, Cbsirmsn, AV C Howitt, C 0 Aloore, Joe Wallace, H Harrison. RULES A.3STX3 REOITLATION8. DIVISION B—Live Stock and Poultry. Brat atallion with bla eolla—oaab (to qq Second beat same—caab 5 00 Brat mare and coll—raah 10 00 Saoond beat same—aaab 0 00 Baal two year old colt—raah 7 60 Baal on* yaar old colt—caab j 00 AVork male in hamraa—cash s 00 Baggy horse—rash 6 00 Saddle bone—rash 600 Bull—rash lo 00 Second brat same—caab 7 60 Third brat same—cash 6 00 Beat yoke work oxen—caab 760 Second boat aamc—cash 6 00 Brat imported milch cow—raah 7 50 Best nativo milch cow—cash 750 Second best same—cash 6 00 1 Third beat same—caab 3 00 licit beifor not nnder two years old—raah 6 00 Second boat s*mo—American Agriculturalist 1 go Beat ram and owo—cash 6 00 Seoond beat laroe—sheep shears 2 00 Beet boar, any stock—caab 6 00 Second beat aamc—cash ..................... 8 00 Best sow and pigs—caab 7 60 Second heat asmo—caab 3 00 Brat gilt—raah 6 00 POULTRY. Beat coop of fowls—caah ' 3 00 Beat coop of cock and bens of tbo cross of Leghorn, Black Spanish sad lfoudan—caah 3 00 Second beat same—caab 2 00 Beat cock and liens, Bramah—cash 2 60 Beat cock and beus, Poland—cash 2 60 Beat cock and licnr, Cochin China—raah 2 50 Beat cock and hens, Hottdan—caah 2 60 Beat cock and bena. Bantam—caab 2 60 Best cock and licna. Game—caab S50 Beat cock and hens. Black Spanish—raah 2 50 Heat cock and liens, Leghorn—raah 2 60 Beat six spring chickens—batter dish 2 00 llcat pair tnrkcys—ra*b 2 00 Best pair peafowls—cash "" 200 Best pair geeae—caah 2 00 Beat pair English dneks—caah 2 00 Best pair Atnscory docks—cash 2 00 DIVISION C-Naval Stores, Staves, Shingles and f Cooperage. Beat grailu rosin and samples—one-half dozen axca 5 0o Second best sumo—one-balf doxen hackers 400 Best display oak or cypreaa barrels inado in the seven coantic*—ono •it truss hoops *. 2 60 Best display cypress and pine shingle*—American Agricultnralioi.... 1 60 Beat display nstivo wood*—cash 5 00 DIVISION D—Flowers and Plants in Pots. Beat display of pot plants consisting of ton varieties—fountain pump.$ 0 00 Second beat sumo—cake basket 6 00 Third best same— spoon-holder 6 00 Fourth host aamc—oyster ladlo •«•«•*•••. 4 60 Fifth I>c*t anine—Is-rry ahull 3 00 Sixth best auiuo—one fruit knifn 160 CUT FLOWERS. Beal display cnl flowora—csrd receiver. 4 60 Second best anmo—salver 4 00 Third best 160 DIVISION E—Household Department. Boat bread—silver-plated spoon-holder $6 00 Seoond host sumo—pair silver-plated napkin rings 2 00 Brat two pounds butler—silver-plated butter dish 3 00 Second bust samo -silver-plated butter knifo 1 60 Best four varieties of cuko (one loaf oncli of fruit, pound, s|iongo and faney cake)—silver-plated enko bosket 0 00 Socond best sumu—silver-plated plo knifo 5 00 Best cako—siivor-platod berry slioll 2 60 Boat display of enunod fruits, preserves, jolliea. marmalade, pieklos, catsup aud wino—silver-plated butter diab 7 00 Seoond best samo—ono sot silvcr-riUtod tea knives 6 00 Third best samo—one silver-plated enp 4 00 DIVISION F—Ladies’ Fancy Work. Beat display of— Alucbiiio sewing—silver butter dith $6 ini Faucy knitting—silver card salver ; 4 00 Fret and scroll sawing—silver enko basket 6 60 Crochet—pair silver vaacs 3 00 Tatting—silver vase*. 225 l*KM.| pairs, free.tom from ire and K *"- r l,ll "- v ' mn > ,,r llooda, of water on the X " °“" r summit level (or lockage, ao.l totter rulu 'K* l " porta at alii h to .hip fur foreign luar kets the products tian.ported He demonstrated by showing tin 1 lo riclmls blockade* on the northern trunk line* and canals, amt the ncxeuity for burn ing corn iu many of the Western States—the lived of aiirh a route. He showed by figures that the additions!; loss to vcaa. aud peasing aronmi tlie capes, and tin additional inaiir-vuceuvei Sonth-Atlantn- p,.rt», would alone pa< for mieh a Canal, and that the groan r healthfuluoas nf South-Atlsiitio ;».rla. would always gna them au silvan tage over New Orleans, where, in hot weather, grain cannot lie safely atored iu vast ijuantitne, owing to jieculiari' ties of the climate, au objection not hohliug good in imr Suith-Atlantic |H>rta. Iu 1880 to again reported in Uvov of this tunic, a(Ut raiafnl aur 'ey* for cithi 1 a l-arga or ship canal A ship canal 1. toy oml the rrarh of private capital for the preasat, but a barge canal ia not, aud, aith the grow ing uteda of eiimmarre, may ta- etiango.1 into a ship canal at any tun. —a barge raual coating not over (10,. 000,000. He demonstrated, l.y fig urns that grain and other product, could be sbip|Nxl to Kurn|ieau |a>rt by this route, from the Northwest far ches|«r than from Northern |a>rta, on tbu out Land, or New Oilesna upon the other, snd that the toll., at s unal- erate rate, would pay cij. ii., . ,,f (•sirs and s linmleuiuu protit on ttiv iuvuetmsuL It ia not within the mvj of an editorial to go into details, hat wo invite any one interested to pin. care thee* report* from Gen. Huiu- plrrie* in charge of the l' S enginee departmor.t, and it will I* found tin sit we claim for this route i* tint ably presented by Gi 11. Gilbnoie, on of the gicatcnt of living euglue. re. Hist tin. .-Anal will a—i. I. I,mil » do not doubt. Index’d, we aln.nhl 1*1 any un.uiunl to iim< If it wa. u*’t tin* llil.-l.tli railway, from atrexSa, portioua of which are covered l.y and iaeludeil ia puldie Mpiare*. why dnl the* tore not iimi tlie "public equates" in tlie the Ihird elauae of tlie | fa.iv... action. It eertainly would not have] 11 "rtsiaa to*^aI C’iu.unie.1 imm!i I ini’, to M. This Fair alinll to open to competition to resident* of tho eountiim of Boat specimen of— 1 nn, Charlton, Camden, Atclntoab, Pierce, AA’are, AVaync, snd Liberty wlio ] Hand sowing—set wlvor tea*|>oons... . .rettally invited to enter exhibit*, and com; «tn for proniinma. 21. No nnimnl or artielo shall be entered to compute for more than one i premia ni. 31. All animal* ahull l>* entered in the names of tbe owners thereof; all ar ticles in tlm nnmrn of either tho manufacturer*, the producer* or the factor* thereof. 4tb. No or article entered shall to removed from tho Fair during. it* rontinnanee. except on the written permit of tbb S«icrel*ry of tho Society. 5th. No animal or article will be awarded * premium union there is cum- j ;a titioii. hot Jtnb-ro will have the |K>wcr to task* spend sward*. Skill. The Society will furnish foed for tbek and aaaiatanee tocaroforaanie. I 7th. Tlie Entry IVni. will to cloard at 12 Al. on tbe first day of tbo Fair. I Nth. Every article or animal npon the grounds daring the Fair ahull to un der control of the Fair Committee; and wliilat every poaailila precaution will ‘ lie taken for lli” safe keeping of the same, tbe Society, will, in no case tie ra- j jM.haible for loaa or damagi 2 60 Machine new ing—silver goblet 50 Silk embroidery—silver nnpkin ring* 3 60 Cotton uiubroidery—silrer fruit knifo 1 60 AA’orste.l embroidery—silror rase 1 60 Fancy knitting—silver angar s|ioon 1 60 Crochet—silver napkin ring. 1 60 j Lace work—silver va*o 3 50 Maersmio lace—silver fruit knifo 1 60 Painting in water odor* or oils—silver card salver. 4 OO Drawing (pen and ink, crayon or tioneil)—silver napkin ring 3 8n 1 Lambrequin—pair silver napkin nog* o (Hi I Hug—pair silver napkin ring* 3 (mi Patchwork quilt—act silver teaspoons 3 60 Shell work—silver vam J jq CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT. I Best hemming or hand sewing. ’'"“ro ' Tb “ Society’# “Dipfoma’’ is the Higbeet Awar.1, and will to given in JjTJ “V^ a .. - ..ia r aLuiro. I aearS .- the .liaerelion of the Judge* to tbe moet meriturloos article* 00 exhibition. I H* , ,U‘ 1 , , ’-.y '■ aril ion, , M . m g M i 1— ww / •.-• 1 Rest huttouhulc. Silver thimble j, navigating Iho Gull! ,,,,r •"»* "I*** lo 1 " ■=• J* 0 * 1 peniuanahip Roit knife —a£4—rv--•iY*’. - •• pbebuom list. then would bav.- lawn char am. W.-| ^2). - J--' , Beat embroidery !..!! !!.!!IsbJSTttlSXM DIVISION A- Farn\& Garden Products& Grain. Uu * t,ruiUl hand bag /Vnd Tyrnalaif in ./«*■, lKSl. Ithtl. u» I IK mint iktlilff. ltut tin uan*\; au«I tlicv *« re »•»! for th* rtA+w, UitU i»t>t amiitc tlmiu «iclti«U'l rdilw«)ft frutu tbe |*ul»Iio «|n«r««; an.I ibun fttui.lff.1 tlm uurftion tif m himhmuI t’ltuMj Nr UiitniwH*itI itarinMv. lint unit .lo 111** rilllti^d MV f Tbe <-~Uj in Jim. IMI.tvwlwcw |H •, | KM I n’riirl r 4 MM 4(7. it pnhl riflti <Mi»rj{»it m)' Uint % o»rjn»rntioii ui*hihMim4MM44rr,tw Him powNW only tlHM projkerlion tliifh tbe clmrtrr confrm tijnm it, •itber r»- prmnU I*r nn inri.lrntnl or Btcrnury SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST. amiuU-iiin« lAmH. |B« tsmtof uffr k*< hair*4 »»4 _ _ ubdrid »»4 |ec*|j.»!»e. i»l hr- ( . , toll. 1. ry existence; ami the Fhghlh i Indus* says that tto action of wniiic- Z"L ' Ibirel tost . Glynn County ShentU Sales lU*.l «l..pUy .4 vegeialjea from one garden, not leas than ten vario- . Miter (iIhIhI in* pitcher flo 00 ' ScinhhI linU Mitte- ailtpr pI.iU-*l cnntoni 7 RQ I Tltirtl Unt Mtne—nite aei nilvir plated table ffpoona 5 on , “ 4«h.r m »k* ^ lb*nt tmnbel Irinlt |w»tat*»« n—one Avery plow 7 00 BAU1 SllOn. hy mt HnMwwi, oiym cmim*. *r»t ^ s«*«*onil In nt naniff— «»nr ul.etlbarrow 3 00 B#*t nn<1 liamfnonirnt pair of male iwitia, under ono year, silrer cop |*7 (Ml i**ihin reat.ry iu Tliinl bmt aamc— f^artlm lioe and rake 2 ou Bent aamc, fvnulo, hilvrr cup 3 00 lW»t UuhUcI »««•«•( iHvtalot'K v>’Mua\~one Arcry plow 7 501 Beat aamc, i»ihl« ami f«!k<, ailvcr cup qq a*tm«M m 4 nm. h.4 i»pfof»*M.K Stvoml l«t name— one wheelbarrow 3 hq Beat ntiil bnnilwviiiriit baby boy, under ono year, ffilrer cop *##*./. 2 00 R «t bn.liel «»eet (Mgal.w* (new iaauel—one Avery plow 7 no j Ret same, girl, silver enp .’ 3 00 - ... nay awi ("v •• *as T»»« Secuml tost same—»no set mcasnro* 1 50 Beat pair boy twin., over ono year snd under two, silrer enp. 3 00 in the ear of crop 1880—one patent corn sbellcr 10 00' Best samo. girl*, silver cup , QQ ' " ' * * 5 Ou Heat Mine, toy and girl, silver cup "II" 3 00 I ooj Beat and lismlwroeat girl baby, tiudor two and over ono year of ago, uil- 7 no) ,khi 1 60 Brat eame, l.iv, silver enp g 00 16 oo’lk'.t nml lisndsoineat triplets, silver goblet "'II 5 0<l 10 UO 1 Tho atovo exhibit will tako plaro Jnnn !llh at 10 a. w." Parents will 5 00 1 »«id iu the Sir namra toforo June lat to tbo President or ScercUry. Open 1 501 to eight counties. ' 2 DO 1 1 60 BENCH SHOW’ OF DOGS. I 50 Itcxt Newfoundland . ......... #21 Best Setter 3 75 1 “Pointer 2| “Spit* .'.11111.2 1 HO “ HoiiiiJ 21 “ Terrier. 3 “ “Spaniel 2| '• P00.H0 II.’.. I 1 same—one eight-day clock... pal e.w|»iratniii« i. to b* told atrietly |m^^rni'irei'luTe’i Ln/ I ih"t btmbel npl iml nmgli ricoLono Avery plow... within ilie hunt, prescribed by statute. M ' jra a lawiibhiiit 1 Secn.l tw*t *uune—American AgricnUnralist Now, tiie 1.mcr t.i grant jH>r 11.1..IIin [ .a.nso v.ia. t Rmt bushel lowland rough rice ono harrow , , .. .Second l.’.t *xinie— M-t cart harnew* to carry railway, through pnlille, ow( a.n.- llt nci ivw.., Bowl 100 panmls ahewf owta—one grain cradle winarew 1. given to »•«’j,,*'2, .S.xxwi.1 tael aamo-Aaierienn Agricnllurnliat Mayor and Conucil, n<>r ran any a*iic I i"ii ’‘*m r. "a. **•'“* *•* he:i.l rabliagr*— olio dozen dinner lilatea.. man claim that any anoh [”Iw. r ia in- a. ire •* •"* *—* tala, ii. i#ai*i Sanw j Sccoud beat same—one dozen goblets cidci.U! <>r 1.ix t the very ex ! - f.,x- R«‘ ais hnncl.,-, act enp# and aa - ... .. lt IM IK tlM •H'l T»*Mh •»! Ifcw 1 It) o( Itfiirenntch, in Sttllfli! IM !*t Hitt,»e- -i HI* -|» tI f C r ‘ H . wmonni. . ■ I a a , ,, * mg in me «mi 1 nw»»nu ****** IWIIIC—1 Ml'--II (III untco ffOUICtH’ |fftct)4*«) Of ritlli r till’ M-Ijor lUlilCNkllfl. Ulynn n^4 iMaUoftuw-rgra. *. 4 kMowv »n4 # , • •e»ep„iuk 1 , r .. %l . , ; .Iw«rr,lre4 tnw PIM. Xul IH) nn IU, Lit •«w»»ff tN(lt>l4H, Im|»m*I|. K —nflO Wfflor pltCUtT .. nl or tho sihi Aifl liruuKwiek lUiI- H«kiu%ir.i.«•• tie pr-n-«y .81. M Tim* | Seooud Im* *t A iiiit*— •»»(»• milk pitcher.. roAil C»tu|Miiy. B-itli cxtriHiriihotm i^t*h-.^vw..r’b' r.mipiA-ii.r Hwu-r^ui ihw Ihut mu Ifctgu*. *i\ Um 4*Iiua—i»no caning knife aim! fork wilt to able, I think, In survive the do-1 *?•-rni"?*)'SalJV '*ieco"d to«t same—.me «el en|>« and tailo r. nial „f anv .n.’li i.m..r ti, . . . iiw.i n.Tiaa a( ii » x«i«n.en*M Boat white turui|ai—.me set breakfast plalea UIAJ III Aliy Kill’ll KlKi’f, I INI.A er aaliafx Ilia anil R |n frtl.. Ipftl 4 N «! tin( .. 1 1 a al a 1 1 not b*vitiif Ufii (*t|iri*Mily kivihi in Joiiril u. i ambright. Uemt toniAtoi’A t^four ipi«rtN) Abofcl the third elaireo, it follow., aa a ueces- _ _ B 14 "* *_ ! Second beat same—one hand axe. aary consequence, nmler llieae rulings \olii*l> ilF llissilltllioil. I Beat aiin.-ahea, one-half dozin—on.i set mnip platua .... that tto power to grant .anniraio.. to . . . — ‘ -one ee.lar water buck.t. carry ra.lwav. tb rough public square. iwrotalKi'Lin' : “»<' half iwxk-one pilch* r nn.l tnain A.'' \h I Be«t Held pea*, ono pock each variety—oanh wV.A'l’.^rSTufiJr 1h?%1 aaiuo—Amorimn A^iiculturalint ' A**in*tom M ono k’aIIou Kvrnp—ono hrAMK Kkimnirr and dippor.,!. k*k wii.I’eh. Mine -one pafl’l t Nyrup pill’ll* I fill 1 (H) BIRDaS. 1 Of) f L*at <iiK)>l of nativo l»ir»lB of diiTcrcnt plama^o, in ouo CAgo, of not | Icam than ton varicticH fft uo ia erfiniuJf/ |iriiinlHto*l. But tbo Nov- nth tiiKituia j-ock Mtnipiliiug farther .nl -ai.ak that car** idnnthl b« Ukeu in iho cuiikIriii’lion of kUIiiI**a mail* ill «lff*rinfidii«mi of i’iiiiihi'hi n *ht, himI iu favor of CAirporaiioi-N, not Ui cxloud tblMII l»”Ao»|.| llf ll . Apt. >n w If.In. — Thin rilling Hi inv ini oMc opinion, t’lly Tiix .Notice. liiiiltling Propolis. TV»w DnlMlrtH CommIIW of Um Viral rffwAfftorUb Pb ureh oI Ifertoa if* Bow rMdji to rtralra M<U M •ft |«)KlH |Nr|Mf» Im »wi4 Im. IK- Wilier lh h.« .rwi, n rwiilktiw I'm, KK*V 8 'S-Ttiiiil lint Kami’ j ^ ! Ibiid l»t’*t dauie—Aii.«riito»i .Vgriinilturnll B »! IULU T , ti U iKiUQilfi (it!*i|;*i;i ffUj* ir~ i|j( r ot tl>.l»|kiii|,« tktNK.«Hk.l»« IM .’Sooood la Ml A-tiHt--4#|„* AHjCAT dir.ll For Solo Or Aoilti ^ l° ri ponn.K *•••»»• %• ill —«>n«* M*t lt*a < x|Mwhih 7 .StT»»n*l In Nl at.ii.. ..... liuftiT knif. dearly aud m*nl .tlut:uity Ktllxathe 1 •tVa** ,, ** I ’' U ®* W ‘ ) ‘ u i'uioi/Kx I !i"' 1 bat rack iu.t vsu> gaijuu pi.klcd olive—American Agrieulturaliat 1 60 •I -,, I !*•• **< IX* • , titv««. m.4 Aim 1 60 ” ■ 2 50 1 50 l SO 1 W ••• 4HI..U ol raiar.iw *ud 11*.’ I 'iturt r'.r |'»)tu't.t '»trm mrm n<*« U.bNxIwi llw JIM «Uy >4 UmtIi, rue,. rarcUl- ba will l»W IrWU >| for Uct tltllrw IKHUA’W *!•»- to II - rmrto»inwi Maud I* rmiii «lw u.u In hakefkjWGilNilniA* n to-iira Uau 9 a. M. to Iff. M . Old fi%m Z |u JaKLh UoI'hToK. UiimTraiMtf. uuar. Mircaltu. Ckun IDS for pnvilM «k Mi* fair Or—di wtUb*>n- rHf*l w|. to May SMfc. hrh wmawil KWl wndf; Awclly wfcltoJ—||»d — IM ff*rl*IMdd*r. In *11 — rwk *UI U r*Anlrw4 *Hkto l*M|/-to*j