Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 04, 1881, Image 1

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i Bftllf mm adi rums Hi! . ’T^IX/CO li--API 11 *‘ |111 . iy. 3 P1AL ' VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK,* G] EORGIA, SATURD. AY. JUNE 4 , 1881. NUMBER 48. BRUNSWICK, GA., T. G. STtiCr. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: OMrtfyoMfJ.. | UMNfftt ■— fftfi. Itihhwhu from wimm* win tMMrf ftftUJ M*f*4 Ml, tbM II.-UBM> M .fwr IfeftivtduU b^4l. *r •*• City Directory. cm omens* JTnrwr- J. r. Hm. kUrrmam A. T. f •(■**. W. W. WaUlft*. J. J D.T.Itaftft. J i. P—ffftlu—• -THE MOTTO OF- WHOLESALE DEALERS IX ». Jr. M. I*. C*tr%pdrim LXPftVfe. M B. Jfoftar MuHr-Q J Ball. 7Wf rarJnw-MallWv tAMfti*. Tl« OCtift- wr, Jr. u4A V htaw. HEAVY GROCERIES FEED, HAT, Etc. Intoa WhiteCtoMtofy—CO Uw**. hatn 0*1 f 4 OatUrr-Jirkl* WhM*. . Cba|«M4fpM(i. orftingrr anil Cu* UauoA—LmirlflJ. »j“«ra au.l fttlB*». ft-sue iriiMM^Viikiu, Datrflrrr »n l Ihmj* laiuntl*>D<)(i<larr,ll«rny au.l Lilt left *14 ! tortaT*»*-ft»l»a». H|ia4 l>»»n. Oumitt—ftUBata, LlllkVM au4 Purrftlft|;rr- j ftftft Mr*ftv«nrT>-*r«ftf*.FMtMfti aa4 llaruj- j rituri. I*aluatM, Dima. aaJ Watklna. uxrrKD irrATn omenta. «'.4UHov «* Pita tom*-Jfhft T.Colllna. GENERAL COMMISSION HriMitjr—II.T.Dwbb. tMteriurlaterr-' **— IkjMiljr Mara*, i |\*>«Mia»ar-UiMM Xyth. ^ UpF-g 0MaaMN*r«O. J. ilall. lurotT lodge, STmTTToTi». kT. MrfUinrjTaa ' JAB. K. LAMBMOIIT, l hi a* • i*M 1VI01 W. s. ftlTMAB. *1 A R. urjr. I'lKItcn—!«l Monday In Ai rll and WAHK-»I Monday In April ai.dlM- <1>rrt:t: Turaday aflrr «lh Monday April and 'T'AMDKX-Tuaa Uy aflrr U M >n<U> In May and XvramWr. I CIIAUI.TON-M Monday In May and X»* r. I OLVXX-ltli Mutntoy In May and Xwm»»r. | JACOB COHEN 152 BKOUOIITOX St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, : Thank* Um pittite throrogh IkU m»llnm for Urn ■ Mtl, lad uk* a (oalltwara a( Ikdt jnlwnan*. aa ba tua oprnod bla ftl'MIXO IMPORTATlUX ofitoxla In all itradro, and |4n4 bla low itiaw an Iboni, wbfrti oonaoaa mob by innMy tbal Uwlibla ronefc. Bn oRn Ibn aomo rUnro i». all vba road thte pagar in a«all lb—nlnad'ki aawa 50c COLOKED 81148 ASH SATINS MERCHANTS! Goods bought and sold oil closest tig lures, Consignments solicited. PfV Jiteau Business! And lio}><; by it study of the wants of our customers uol only to* keep thosi* we aow have hut to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. ©MINERS WOMCITEJP. ADDRESS, innnl bo annwanod. M RIM I) KXI CM, w I inaLula TARCY . AUGUSTUS F. FttAXKLIN & CO, ART1CLSM can nut ba muiuar. THE DltSS 00001 0EMRTMEHT Flnnoy’a Building. ruuni M ■nan in raocjr *r maj m ury u—<■• mat cbm** w >—nd In hte—Bft|teha»#t. AU<». Ibo nowool gnaala owl. nolM XUS‘N VRIURU. for dfraara, la haft In aU iraiaa. All bo aafca m a call. IbMbrnlbia Haca. 151 BItOlGlITON STHKKT, SAVANNAH, - GEOItUIA. Hay Street, Brunswick. Ga. H. H. I*.’Steamer Ruby. THEPOPULAR C•1*11.1 Smith cm. bla ■ r.w Dal. Id llrtallon to the M. A S. ItaltroaS •nd tb. Liam aad date Art. Barxmcx, Ga., Ha; 23d, 1881. Kditor Advertiser and Aji/ml: In i recent ferae of your p*p.!r, nndcr the title, “ We an arraigned,’’ your correspondent “C" arraign! yon for giving expression to tha natural ntterancea of an imposed upon and outraged community in a pretiotu is sue of the Ai.vnBTi.ts a no Amui, and presents, with considerable skill and ingenuity, the apologies of the M. A a IUilroad Company, for ita manifest violations of law—whether “C” in tended bis article as snch apology or not “C,” in answer to your criti cisms upon the discontinuance of the Cumberland route, asserts that an ex amination of the bill fur the sale of the U. ill Railroad, will show “that it gives the purchasers the privilege of extending from Sterling station on said road, tho line to Jacksonville,” and if this should bn douo, Iirunawick would occupy much the same position aa it now doc* with the ilacoo and Brunswick Railroad connections at Jcanp and IVaycroaa with the 8. F. A IV. Rood. “C” should hare been more accurate in noting the provisions of tho act authorizing the sale of the Road. Tho language of the tenth taction of the act reads as follows: “Shall bavo full power and authority to snrvey, lay out, construct, equip and enjoy a railroad from the city of Brunswick, in the county of Glynn, or from any other point on said rwilnad in tho county of Glynn to the Florid* line.” Thus wc see that this act gives tho Company tho right to run fmin UtTQ.wic'.., Of from my irr fennl uii ru'd, - hialeii in M» non//./ nf Gijnu. Iu construing an ret of the ishtui.' .vo mu ‘ not lake cucb sop irute section alone, hot most con ■truo altogether in order to derive the intent of tho Legislature in passing tho etntuto and to obtain tho truo meaning of tho law. In the tenth section of this act, it is clearly provid ed that thoM. A B. IUilroad should ruu as an independent road. Restric tions and requirements were placed in the act to prevont parties inimical to Brunswick from purchasing or leas ing tho road. An express prohibition ombodiod in the act, prohibiting any combination with a competing rood or roads rnnning to any other point than tho city of Brunswick. It is consequently safe to presume then, that no company wbp took the M. k U. IUilroad, under this act, and in tending to comply with Ua provisions, would form a combination with the •S. F. A W. Railroad, so as to ran iU freight to Savannah from Jesnp, and tarn its Florida travel away from Brunswick to Jacksonville l>y the Waycrose and Jacksonville IUilroad, thus injuring the city of Brunswick and Glynn county—the true termi nus of the M. k B. IUilroad, 1 and recognize I us tho terminus of the road by the act of the LegisUlure, whicl. gives the couqsiny title to the road. The Committee of the Legislature W.B.Mell&Co., Liver Medicine! «M*wb aw4 Rrtetl Hoofer* u SADDLES & HARNESS, HILL'S HEPATIC P1MCEA IIURHKR AXI) Leather Belting, raxK H abi> sunless i sLr szivs, *>ur. Hsu.M. bui uts, ssi> rsTzvr trsTu. za. wain sxnastiMxav wsau HARNESS. COLUIS, BRIDIES. Etc, m ITARU. ft ill Ml LI. MKX AX© TI'RfEXTIXB MAXirACTrRKRW. A Spooialty. WRITE FOR FRICKS. Sikvaiiiinb, G<*oi"'ia. * MrilT l’lt> Tax Nutlet*. 1 lb* yawlm 4 k*.. refer a <4 lb# Livar. JMlIl rikUllo II la Ibo ynbfual II fwwtm atrf lUMM LIVEH MEDICINES. Il M Bow kr|.| by M*7 WfMM«l«i;i It ktlri, *•4 im<l rryaUrli. a*4 lb<«* per*** or* b.v*« Hkjrrt «• IW Vtuil tyaplMM of » 4toor»Ut*4 iJv • Of. am »*lt»t otlblo »*»Mi >r tin jrar. It *ll| «*l J*t% but 50 CENTS r U iWJ «llk rw*«bky J, M. MADOKk. iry ll, >*»* «iil B*rM TIME —'san— SCHEDULE OF KATES in any avant beanme lessen of said road, directly or indirectly, •boakl any company owning or ran- aing a competing line of railroads "'thin the SUto of Georgia or any In dividual or individnaU having an in- tercel in soeh a company running to or from the Atlantic coast at any oth- point than the rity of Bronevriek, beooaM at anytime interested in tbe leeee or rnnning of said hi. A R Road, sa to inany way eon trot the freighUor passenger uriffs or mansgmncnl Hun the leoso under this act, ehall ba for- feitail, and the Governor aball take possession of tha same, aa provided by section first of this set" Thus we sea it was dearly intended that no road or parties interested therein, except the Brunswick & At- bony Railroad, shook! ban power, di rectly ov indirectly, to diver! this road from the purposes foe which it wee ■old, to-wit: To make il a competing road to a competing port. It smt be said that this section refers solely to Tho answer it that tbe words lessees and purchasers art used syn onymously throughout tbe entire act, ao far as the imposition of tbe re- •minmeots of the act are coneeroed. The injoryto Ornnswickby taking off tbe Cumberland Runtris great, hot not io important a violation of the lew aa the manner of ran- niog freights to Savannah. This company look tbe road sa a Brans- wick road, with their eyas open They knew tbe lack of terminal facili ties at Brunswick as well then as now. As to their most important freight, it has been operated as a feeder to the R. F. A W. Railroad at Jesnp. From the moment tbn company took rbarge of the road, two passenger and one freight train hare ran dally to Jesnp, only one passenger train to Brnn.- "ick. ]« it not trident that ther. have been combinations, interests sn.l ownerships in conflict both with tbs letter and spirit nf the set? The strong argument nrged for the pas sage of tbe if. A IJ. Railroad lease end sale legislation was that the Di rectors etui Ur. A.lsms were running the road aa a feeder to lbs H, F. A W. Railroad at Jesnp The I •ale was to have effected a change, and a compliance with the law wonl.1 necessarily have arrmnplislied the oli- jeet in view of the Legislators when the act wee passed. The set forbids parties to be owners or interested in the rnnning of tbe road who have in terest in competing lines. Is not the method of operating it atrong dream- stantial evidence that such part ice are owners, directly or indirectly, In vio lation of thn art. 0 “ says “ we have no evidence that the owners of the M. A Ik Rail road contemplate not making tbe ex tension, that they not only recognize the fart of this exfensioo bring a part of their contract with the State, bat actually look upon it as a privilege to mske tbe Atlanta extension.” What "Cs" opinion of evidenen maybe, judging by thn above quotation, it would be difficult to tell. The thir teenth sretioo of this art I wo rides that the lessee* shell "pnwml within one year or lee* tints after the ilate of tho eiecation of ssid lease” to Imil.l easily aaoogh taken off of theline jest as toon aa tha Wsyernas k Jackson vine road was oompUtod. After past experience, the Legislators will do wisely not to trust to any men aa nooueemanta of Uw company, their sets speak traapst-toiqtwsd of their intention* aad proekim to the world that the extsneioe win not he built. They have opened the door for each Legislative change of the contraries will insure the siteasiou of tbe road, and as the Legislators meets but ones in two yean, it would be wise to eat upon the metier at the July session. Again: “C” says "Brunswick is growing,” aad attrilmtas tha growth of the place to Urn U. An Railroad. Than an “aeneaeWmdm do not cart Aa sac.” It is a) •rwy observing atUaamal the city of Brunswick that Urn Braaswick A Al- bady Railroad has done snore to pro- mole Urn growth of Brunswick io the praesat year than the IL A a Bail, road has done from the day il was completed until now. •V says to effest that the iatanaU of tha Faraaadiaa A Jacksonrills Railroad aad the cilice of Fsrna&!iaa aa Brunswick ought to insure Urn pat ting oa of a steamer upon the CM- berland Roots. Does be oot know that to inanra tbe serosae of each an enterprise, tb* co-operation of the IL A B. Railroad is nrssssery, to the through travel, which b tnraiog by wgy of Jesnp to Jeekaonrille 1 Bat, says tha apparent organ of the U. A B. Railroad (I allade to the Macon Telegraph and Uemengrrj, tbe company boa bought one hundred and ten mile* of steel rails, and will surely build tbe extension. Tim par ch co of these rail* is no proof tbnt tb. M.woo A IlrauMviek IUilroad Oi.iupuny intend b> build the extcDMon froni Ifami. to Atlanta.' The oompany are owners of nosseroM other railroads, any of which tbe steel rails eoold be placed upon, to their great improvement, end with test benefit. The steel rails are a mag. aifleent Investment any way at this time, aad tbe purchasers can roll thorn after the Georgia Legislators adjourns at a large |iruflt. If it really the intention nf the company to make lliia extension at once, midi tiunsl Legislation, wliinli will compel them In build it at once, cannot hart them, bat will insart the prosperity of oar dty end State. Let, then, tbe eiUseoa of Brunswick the tax-payers of tbe Blate arouse from their eppa rant lethargy, and compel the oompo sy to bnild the road. By doing so they will rimliesta their statute law, enforce their rights as citizens, en bases the vain* of the Usable proper' ty of llie .Slate, and promote tha well' fere, prosperity and growth of one of the most braatifnl end healthful cities lobe found any where in the land of tha orange, magnolia aad pi as. Very truly your*. las E. Hurra. Editor Advertiser and Appeal! Wa are taught by taffnlion that in tbe latter days w« would hear it Hare if Christ, or there, ho lier* it uoi For than shall ariaa falsa Christa sad falsa prophets, aad abaB show gnat sigM aad wowfen^ laeomach that if tt wrov paaaibla, thay •haH deceive the very alaaL’ Thea aead we wonder at anything we ass or heart Nay; tbe only won der is, that men haven’t loeg an this attempted not only to destroy the word of God, bat to revototioafea tha I laws of Baton, aad forssd tbe heavenly bodies oat of their orbits, to their eager searah for a laud of elyaium, aad aa Edaa of rest Hera we haw before as tha Mor on Bible, of which we herewith stod yoaahwuotro. lifetlaged to ha vriUio by llormoo, a fjftrttvrTfpt oi Nepbi, taken from the plstea of Nepbi, who area the eoa of Lshi, and LeU was a deseeadeat of Joseph, being aa “abridgement of the raeord of Unpeo ple of Nephi, aad efeo of the Leman- iloe, writtea aad sealed up, and hid ap auto tha Lord that they might ba destroyed, to soaro forth by tha gift of sad power of God auto tha inter- protatioa thereof, aealad by tha *«■* of Morooi, who was tha roa of liar* moo, aad was told by Ammaroo, a da- ■reudsat of Nepbi, to go to tha load Aataas, unto a bill nailed Bhlm, whare ha woald find plataa of Nephi, aad hid op aato tha Lord to coma forth la due tiros by tha warofGeatils,tha interpretation thereof by tha gift of God. Aa abridgerosat taken from the book of Kther, also, which is a raeord of the people of Jared, who wars scattered at tha tiros tbe Lord confounded tha language of tha pao- pie wlico they wen buildiag a tower to get to heavenT Here we bare ihet tlioony of Hues Mormon will A raseerNeJaesr. —rrrwzrv— ST. SIMONS & BRUNSWICK 1 »Lo bft-l cliurjje of tlio M. »\ II. lUil T ABLE roo.1 toll, while it w« under cu.i.l- r(M ., (rum Allsn.s.- enboa by that knly, hml it «.ll un- The |ramt ownera U.k poaarrofoa der.Umd .U d.-cueuun. over i>n (4rtv. moellm the bdl tbat ahouhl an extonmon of| Mpjre<| M<rrll aMllK>vart tbe roml he, the tram, woald Iw | bc . n ^ ao oiwratcd aa to place Brnuawick oo ^ Ut the main line. In other wonfe. bav-! n - |U<m ^, luiu j MrrrW>w j B y.. .ug created a corporation which r „, tb , t n „ , jBe hm> ,^. a .Mermincl |»^» w.v»^..>.iu .a Browairt'. .I^nr ( should he operated 10 the interest “I , i|hH i. am! that tha qnealhm of eslen- j ' Bruo-vick. or Doha, the Uw. The» matter for fatere .lie-naaion I I t^ l rS^SS:..?rr.^:..*!^f2rS Wi4«tore grantod a valuable pri*f! by the ownera. and etas ae a rawsnw ■», after heating around a while K" *L 1 ImamaSm* siilj.''l*a*Sm'» *'" 1 “ tk tbB Tforwle; (be existence of tbe Railroad t'sHnmia- • U »KW. “I went .lown to Toledo a . .riJ- - -j:"- - •• • .• Y iroVrtiz - V.'V.r tf * ,,il * ni1 frti ‘t l ‘ l *. n<)t ,or lb * l Hlr - .ion and the six bnndml tfesmud •»•?» «IPK ami somehow tha story 1 P«m> »f iujuriug Brnuawick, but lo..|u|br hmd rtaim. ladh .4 whlrh wm *Mm Imek hen that I was drowned. -tin.*, buil.l >q. ..nd cuncl. our beautiful In- cvi.tenre at the date of the nor- My Imlge thereupon passed resoln- f»tr» trip* to aa4 frriM IlauA X»!h *»r.r> MufeUay I , ... • *. I . *1.. . ,, - ,, .. . «.U, i 1 ° “ Cll * v l, - v U ' c ^ ibu vhmm of Ibn xutl 1h* W ritim U ' m * to ^ that I WM boo—t, r« uwis. ur*..... clearly violsb.1 the lease and aaie act rmmnt /»./ /Ae eoagmsg too upright an*l Idler*!, aad a ahlalag or- when they formed a conihiuation with *.Ai..g the Governor fur a warrantee n*..ienl. and that what was their loro The other night aenrad a nun hanging aroand tha om- traneo ut a Mulligan arcane haH to a qniwr sort id way, amt ba asked fail if be U'lintgeil to the order ap etoin. The rosa replied Uwt he did, aad the officer inquired: . "Then why don’t yon go upf “Well. I was thinking of iL” “ I wen expelled, bsreyonf •Ob. mi.” “V.m haven’t tort .lour inlen stf" “I might as well tell you,” said Um TW KM 4 ■« tfea rity t.f Itownewh k ft hi ~- Ufe. iftftftNMls, *fi*4 avrfy tyvrtra of I r> ymrty tor lha )aaf lai, *r* paiahlv ga h.ll. 14 lUMM N or luftiri Jlst 4ay *4 Man b |aro|. Wm TflCllMIV'rt f 117 V» n 1 o. at the H. F. A W- lt.ilroa.1, ami its Way- .|»-| Felmary 12th, 1880. • ■ new AUSUTfUlw ! W • B. C. Coker & Co.* or. r and .'a. ..aoi.v.::.> -xb ..Sion, »*! Tile .-o.ipany haa d*li» ralely vid azsi.rsrsTi:nnosi ..r»v v.xzs- jrni. inilo| .id. ut tnonsbum J*. Ison- .lenii-.iicVy violated a pnl.lie aUtus P.ITEIt, LfSSOIS. HI Til :.;fllk;fj vii. us tl.<y .re non doinq and pro- r-qnir,. g m estensioo of its road or citt sst'cot's i vis* ..I . j.. pc tod. a iniei: qnot.: ouofi .at .itbin . goeu time, and tbn. forfeited A'* ractro smt hum. ■ n. . hd li •!. ively uowa ua risl.ta. and rat in the face of that ■« l ”‘ '“.■!!jag) The lungMge of said section read, fart tT say. that there ie Do ari- Hfsele. la tfe AhVfhfMI "ftra. ©flixi; W. IL C. O'Kt.K ft OB u'.iiJiiBmiinniis’hmi ClOlftk Uk oi TilK AKItMlXU k\fe MANOVM IXaUlftBCX CU-'fti BRITISH AMERICA ISSUH'E (0. fef UM farafttaa of nluraa m4 lit* rullac I •MififlWInliwtrtty imamluf iiirai ••I*a. an«l will Im Mfeewil <>,■ t’.w Hat «2*jr ct Inal, vli -a .ihacaiiEa* *111 ft* I•**»*.I f..r •HK/Mal uf Utaa 4>SW t.f IIP )e*r Mtitol *0 WW*?> yrtk* Wfe) (Mia fe» ksahr )«)achl at T. O'CONNOR, Jr. sw-uwsujxos ST vast U>'V a 'iu ns fence that Um ooropasy do aot intend to extend tb* road. Surveys wets as follows. “Bo it further enacted that _ ■■■ •* umnsnsns i said leasee* of said railroad aball aei- Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, ther make nor parmit to U mad* aay Iml Bill. s»l Is amac Ages' ! twjMt discriminations in fsvor of sny BAV ST., - - BRl'NSWICK, tic. other coinpnny or parties having or Irset made with tha H. B. Plant to B-nroio.'R....O. lu.i ...i TMr,. m . doing bnsiur.. »ith said mail. N..r rnn mi the Cnrobscbud Boats for aaa'ride, and iadewl wonderta), medietas 1 r wiilmU^t?iiIe. ,, iMoo'Je 1 .or UMshall any railroad or esprea*eompeny ymr from last Oetober (at least, a>l*»cfWly rae- ul nai ZoT 1 Um ‘ iZjn u I ur companies, withiu the Htate oljthv |>aople wen informed through' Mat. J. E Uvtuw, N« TJ MariettaHt. w*. my gain. I wasn’t drowned, as you a *, aad t kind o' hatel>> walk in «■ en. ami boat thus, romintionsi— l't. t.ieil it three tin., a, and I can't r i h. .her than lbs fi' li sta n befor. •i>a..rti." "And we dadaia with word* of so berness, tbal an angel of God osroe down from hearse, and ba hrooght and laid befor* oar eyes, that wo be held and saw tha plataa aad engrav ings." (Signal) And also tha testimony of eight " Ba It known onto all naUoaa kin dreds, tongoaa aad psopla unto whoa this work shall ooae, Joseph Smith, Jr., lb* translator of this wort, haa ■hewn onto ns Uro plates of whfeh hove tho appeanae* of gold: and ns assy of tb* laws a* tha said Smith haa translated, w* did handle with oar bands and w* aaw Uro engraving* tbereoo, all of which has Uro appear, aact of aaeieat work or tarioas wodt- anship.” (Signed.) It appears from all are can gather, reading Uw book of tho Mints, that Lahl first wrote many thing* upon plats* of beam, which ba saw to ri*- lea* aad la drssam; aad also of which be prophesied and was headed him by traditfoa. Nephi thee abridged tha record of bis father aad reeel rad a rororoeadroeat of tb* Lord that ha shoold Broke Iheaaplatos for the tps* cisl purpose that there shouhl be an aeaoaat eagraraa of tb* rotofetry of ||| pfoplft" Tha retard now feft tote tha hand* af Morro *a, who adffod to the slock ■or* pfelat of kia owa seta, at*. Mo- roei now Mceesd* Ilia father,aad wrut* drotroyed. Tba pUtea, wi to haataa by aagafe aad ia these lat ter daye brwagbt dowa agato by in angel aad raraabd to Joroph Brotth, Iqr whom thay were Iraaataladl Tb* wbal* volaata ia a bask of sth- n*H mmImui Um pmlki intro* Iqr Brigham Toaag, aow ao popnlsf it Silt How Morason fern aad practics an to b* barrooaiatd nsnaiaa to bn known from brww platoa yet not road* or die- eovered. O, wttoto of Ptoh, stseft ero rites! N'tniom. pmttni. On. Atusn, Oa., JaaeK UIL ParamalysanlharawMweddraad- JJy Mb dyipipri*. smimpiiltl at llama wife asms rxrrnriaUag patoa, aad mail* lest fell, jimt before tb* Leg!*- aad haratried away masedSaronto.— Utnra met in Noramb*.and.eon- -bfeh rotod Wm skirt lime. I mmd.|*r it the mart v*k- M.iuxr Vaavoa, bi... lap. 18.1880. gam Lah\b, ftivsin A Liw»a ^■1 natoiM rttfeaaf Bsot. oat to aa by Mr. A. B. I natyuawasadmashalf doasni ItfeMftogaa*,aada*j wife WAHU me atSaeVaak Jaa. O. Oas—sa. Druggist, Mi. Vsrnon, Ind. Hmn oa« • JcJaamaii— of liruwur’i Laaggmlimreaiedroaaf hrdn.'inii. in aweskbUam. I lamedhsspt°* .i in mr hearts! to* Um*. as I con-1. Ur it a val- mUimJIHv, ■ ■’7] nutylUm