Newspaper Page Text
I! Ml Ml Ik (MUTISM till APPt
The Advertiser and Appeal,
r. e. sracr*
* Ob. cop, on ,mt.
On* copy tlx month* 1 00
AdrcrtteemeaU from rmpoMlblt ptrtlttwlQ
b* pablUhml nntil onb rvlonl. when the Itm* to
Mt ntriM. tad p*jrm*nl *xtet#4 •erav41a|if.
(VtaaMnlrmtl m* fur IndirMntl h#n*flt.or m •
prrtontl ch*rf t-r. rfctfrfW m
M*rrlt«Mtad oMIntrj aottm
lour line*, tulle tad far publfeatlun. Wb*a
o-ollax tktt *pv< *
AlllMtanaud r
4rt*Md to tlM aadcr*Ua«d.
City Directory.
Mmjor- J. r. Xtltou.
AUrrmm- A. T. Putnam. W. W. Wilkin*. J. J
Npmrt. D. T. Puna. J. t. Htmy. »• C. Llltk
•ild. F. J. Docrtug*.
Ctertd Trmntr'r—Jam** Hoa*tua.
CtitfMcnkal B. A. fahm.
JUicfwvn-tr. II. Kaltry. T. W. Dolt
A'~pcr ./ i;«W «ad CUrk if M*rhrt—t).
A. Hoar*.
/Vet /IjrnrM* —C L A Matter, Jr. M. I»
CVPf /tyne***—L U Dtvto, M. D.
Harbor Muttf-O J Hall.
JVrt tTor-f/iu—Matthew thtafivti, T)mm OC**f
wur. Jr, tad A V Putnam.
mvntiMt cnmcrmi* or roractk
muicB—Cuuper, Watklna tad Dana.
BraiiTt. Daatxt A Dai Do k»^ Dunn, Wtlklat
tad LlttlrAold.
ttcxtoa WhiU Cemetery-U O Mouro.
a-ilut Colored Cemetery—Jackie White.
Town cuuuo**—llarecy. Cooper tad •peare.
cmroma-Jpwi. fr«<lapf tad Cwaprr.
Uxaaon—Llttkfleld. apeart tad fataaia.
iTMjc trtuuai.e—Watklnt. D**rttnc*r tad
KatLauan*—|K>rrfliB«er,IltrTpy ta<l LlttUfltld
KawcaTma—Pataaaa, i*prer. and Daaa.
Caaam—Pataam. Littlrfl. |.t taa Du«rilnj**r.
nai oiraanixxr—Jtprart.Putnaai tad Uarray
|N4jct< Pataam. Dona, tad Wttklae.
Collector nJCa*t*»«*e—Joka T.Colllaa.
i .ilcrtor lU-rcnne D T Duna
It puly Mar*kal—O. J. Hall.
ISetMteter—Line* Norik-
Green Grocer,
1AH. r. LAMBMOHT, V. A H. MetatJ.
l l'LINO-3.1 In MarrU
WAYNE—4th Monday In March and Hruiniiit
l lKItcK—l*t Monday In April and October,
IVAUF.-'M Monday In April tint OcIuInt.
COFFEE—'Turnday »rtir lib Monday In April and
t'AMDKN—Tueaday after *1 Monday In May and
’ t’IIAULTON-3.1 Monday li
GLYNN—Ilk Mon,lay tr **
152 lmOniHTOX 8J.,
Tbaaka tke paWlc Ik rough Uli mtdlam Aw Ike
l<aat, tad aakt a coullaaaap* P* tkHr jartmonge. aa
ke kaa opreed bit hllilNG IMPORTATION ofjraada
la til unde*, tad tdterd kla l*.w pfW-ea on them,
which ctaeea t m.h by ererf body that toi »ll
reueb. U* tMfrn lb* aama cUrt. * to til who t
tbit it|wr u» a'ail tb*awelna of *bc tame upfa
ally. Hit
raaaot be HTyMml llt« WUrrr. tutoim A
KMBBDlDBJtlBs. wbkb b< at** im^ rle, ha»- no
e>iaaL Ula FANCY ABTICLKM caatol be rtmntrf.
la a eacreta. CAftllMERK lor laurnw at tSc to
worth II 3* In New York, la fert. there to not an
article lu Faery or Maple Dry tloode that cannot be
fonad la hUc*tob|l< A too. tb«aeweet*-wda
out. calle d NUV» Y I t UNO. for drreee*. la k, pt ta
all grade*. AU be aeka la a call- Do h*ri f»nM kto
Country Produce
zzin also ox n»xn a rm ixu well as
bostzo nix.* or
All of which art ofrtal lor caak al ret a—a kit
Store comer Xewmetl* and Monk streets,
Steamer Euby.
The new • treater Baby, will n* regnlarty W
Lao-M. lUmoaa MU
llila dally. (Sunday'* ei.-ept-
Met,.r.Uy'a, (Mall)
and Saturday.
Par* earn way. U ita. Pnelilrafy no free Hat.
For freight, paeeage or excareloae. apply to
V. DART, Ja.
H. H. P.
Liver Medicine!
null’s iimrio n
Ik* prevalent dtoefdere of the Dm. IU mevtu
132 mtouairros street,
Wkolreale tad Sr tail Dmbn la
Leather Belting,
aiiTAiiu: run mill men and tibpkntink
A Spoolalty.
Snvammli, Georgia.
aarl ly •
City Tux Notice.
i the rHy of Bn
M •|<urt«.t <>n or brfi^e
ry aprrh*
3Ut day of
It to now kept by m«ay eereot eelway* at hand,
and need regularly, and tkua* yen aitwawu
eabkrt I* the naaal eyrmptome of a dtooedered Liv
er. aw prevalent al thla ereeon of Ike yoar. It wlU
—* you but
To try ft. and ym mill rtrtalalr bepWneedwilh
the moult. Pwraalvby J. M. AlkDDllN.
hov Idly
Fire Insurance!
BRiTISil IMERff.I ASSlIl’E (0.
Str. David Clark
Duly Direrl Dunllwknper week bclwirn
Tuesday \ Friday evening
Tk. Bn<|.uin In cnnn.ll-IMn.ral
nation. lUmm Ik* n.,lln*<
Tbo ItcoJjustcr* of Virginia met iu
Riehmond on th« 2d inat., with dolo-
gates from all tbo cities and counties
of tbo Stato, numbering about TOO, in
cluding about 75 colored men. As
soon as General Mabouo rose from
bia seat tba wbola contention with
one accord roso to their feet, and
greeted him with a thundering ora
tion of abouta, yells, waving of hand
kerchiefs and (ana This deafening
applaoao and manifestation of plcas-
nro continued for aotoral minntes,
General Mabono meanwhile standing
at the front of tba stage, ap|*rently
deeply touched by this overwhelming
When order bad been restored,
General Ifahono spoke in effect as
I greet yon, my frieo.le amt fellow
citizens, with my moat earnest com
pliments, and I beg to assure yon of
the supreme gratification which I
bate at this assemblage of my fellow
eitixras. It fills tbo mrasaro of my
loyel ambition to this pooplo aud to
this Slate. It testifies to mo in words
of warmth, which I will uover forget,
yonr approval of my public condncb
It donbly assures me that tbero exists
yet in the bosom of this pooplo, a trno
devotion to Jeffersonian principles of
government It assures ms that the
people of Ibis Stato iu their might
and sovereign power are hero to say
to,the States of this Uniun that tbo
State it to be pat in cordial relations
with tbo government. It assures mo
that in future her fate anti that of her
pooplo aro to be identic,,I, and that
her march is to bo for frcotloni slid
progress in this hunt. It un.urcs mo
that freedom of opinion is t„ bo tho
rnlo in all matter, which relate to
You sent mo to tbo uutioiinl capital
yonr representative, chosen with
out solicitation on my part, cxcopt
tbo persons! responsibility of my ear
liest dsvotion to servo this |>ooplo
wherever they saw lit to put me So
sooner was I called to tho capital to
answer for yon than n |>oliuy of terror
ism was put in practice to silence
yonr representative. I would bo rec
reant ta my mauhood did I not main
tain that I was there to voice the
manhood of my people; there to op-
o Democratic llonrhonism
which attempted to dictate to tbo Ite-
adjnstcr party of this State; and not
there to do tbo bidding of in.n claim
ing to be the Democratic party, but
who would throttle free opinion and
a free ballot «I want no uoro of that
Democracy. Yon are boro to give
effect to coital rights, a free ballot and
an honest count, to maintain economy
in the State government and to sup
port tbo preseot system of public ed
ucation. You aro Uero to say to yonr
representatives iu Cougrcaa that tboy
must represent the true interests of
the pcopla of Ibis State, and not to
represent a Democratic Uonrbon can
ons. You are here to free those pco-
plu from Boarbon domination, aud to
lift the blight of Ilunrbon Democracy
which ban sol in upnu us. You are to
restore the old State and lu-r people
to the most corJial relations will, all
tbc people of our common country,
and to put an end to sectional con
tests, and obliterate race dintinetioiia
SrksllS. AnwOcM
A novel proposal has lately been
laid before tbo trustees of Mammoth
Gave, Kontucky, and is now held un
der consideration by them, with some
prospect of a favorablo answer. An
enterprising Frenchman, who bos al
ready bad experience in mushroom
culture in tba vicinity of New York
city, complains that ho finds no cel
lars sufficiently large (or hia increns
ing business, Ami-also that tbc condi
tiona of temperature and moisture aro
not uniform enough to insnro the
best results, and therefore seriously
offers to rent a portion of the cave
for tho purpose of raising such varie
ties of edible fungi as may be found
best soiled to the locality.
This will not in the least interfere
with the exhibition of tbo wonders of
tbo great cavern to visitors. Many
square miles of it are never seen by
tourists at all, for tbc reason tbst
their time is usually limited, and they
have enough to do to follow the
guide* through tbo selected routes.—
The portion mentioned as possibly to
bo dovotod to unsbroom beds is
what is known as “Audubon's Ave
nue," tbo first passage to tbc right af
ter entering tbo cave, and therefore
qnile convenient of access. This ave
nue is said to bo about half a mile
long, and contains little of spocisl in
terest, nnlcss it bu the swarms of bats
that hibernate iu wbat is for that rea
son colled “Tbo Great liat Room."—
Tbo rich deposits of bat gnano, that
have been accumulating for centuries
Three years ago Dstroit, says the
Free 1‘rtu, had abont fifty amaUar
weeklies in fall blast One by on*
they have succumbed to the chicken-
pox, measles, whooping-cough and
hard times, and tbo nnuiber yet alive
can now bo counted on tbc fingers of
the loft band. Tho latest failure oc
curred yesterday Jnat after the bells
bad struck 13 o’clock. An ambithms,
persevering boy of 12 bad established
tbo Twilight in a little second-floor
back room beyond the parka on
Woodard Avenue. In bis issue of
twenty-three oopica in the forenoon
occurred the following item:
Notice.—tHere is A Rmd-beded
WOman in This Silly who Licks her
Children witll the atOve handle. LEt
her be Weir or We KhaL PnBlisH
her naim.
Tbo editor of the twilight was seat*
eJ in bis anctnm at the boor Baaed,
when a femalo entered. She hadn’t
come to anlMeribci She wasn't there
to have a funeral noticed published.
Sbe didn’t look like the Preeideat of
s femalo eewing society. No one
conld read her errand nntil she bad
locked tbo door. Then she licked
the proas over, a peat the standing
galley, knocked the legs from nnder
tbo editorial table, and laid bands on
the editor. Being taken by surprise,
ho did not realise what waa going on
until he bad boon shaken out of bia
boots and jammotl into tba wood box,
bead first, anil ere he bail regained
Ilia oditorial eoapoanre, the sseailenl
bail lied. Havoc and dimeter sailed
around the room. The red-handed
lie as yet undisturbed, and if properly wolu#n wllo |joka her children with
Lumkin /mfi-jirm/r*/: While having
some new groand cleared up. which
was nut more than hall a inilo from
tba corporation line, Judge J. Ik Ij«t-
irncr found probably the oldest pine
true in the county. Upon examining
the "riugs" upon thu treo it was found
to be illO years old. It was 250 years
old when tbo Revolutionary war
closed, and was HrnTwarmed by our
geunrous southern sun the year that
DcSota passed through the country.
From this tree 7,000 hard pinu shin
gles wrro made, of the iisimI sixe, and
She branches and rilbhiid' Mipplicd
wood for three or four families during j stc
mixed with other frrtilizers, might uo
doubt bo usod to facilitate the propa
gation offuugi.
Tho sod, which at prevent
tremely dry, might bo easily
toned to any desired degree, as was
done in working the saltpeter mines
iu former days, by conducting water
through pipes from tbo cascade at the
mouth of tbo cave. Tho idea of tbua
turning caverns to profitable nccoun t
fur tho cultivation of mushrooms,
though now iu America, lias long
been a familiar one in Franco, and
has been demonstrated to lie entirely
mn'l I!a# nuTst-er*..
tlm atovo handle Lad played smash
nnd left uotbing to Imgin anew on.—
No insurance and no lunro Twilight.
Axonv Wonts, ash Turin Cusv.—
Some yearn ago our government or
dered tho Modoo tribe of Indians to
be removed to the Klatuatb reserva
tion—peacefully or forcibly. The
lienee trial failed, and suddenly the
United States soldiers surrounded tbo
Modoc cainp. A pnrloy was held, and
the Indian chief advised bis people to
lay down their arras. They all did
so except ono man, who had seen bis
father killed by a mob of white men
twenty years before, while going to
warn some other w hite people of dan
ger from another tribe of boatile In
Jinus. A lieuteuaul was ordered to
disarm him. He, with oaths and in
sulting epithets, ordered him to lay
down Ids arms. The ludian offered
to do so if decently addressed, affirm
ing that “he wae not a dog." The of
ficer drew a revolver instead; both
fired at the same iuetant, and both
fell dead. An ludini war followed,
Inch rust Ibe guvci nincut slsmt 200
h\j-« and t-T,000,000. Kind wonts are
seldom thrown away, rvvu ss regards
immediate results, ami iu the wonla
of the old hymn, “They never die.'
ing and unpremeditated expatiatiuus
have intelligibility and veraeioua vi-j M . n “ c ,x Tu * «*>' T To.~Mr. J F '
vacity. with rodomontade or tbrason-1 Glmaleert, the laudscspe gardener of
In promulgating yonr esoteric cog
itations or articulating yonr snpci ti
dal sentimentalities and amicablo phi
losophical or psychological observa
tions, boware of platitndinons ponder
I«t yonr conversational communi
cations |mssess a clarified conciseness,
a compacted comprehensible new, CO-
alesccut consistency, and concatenat
ed cogency.
Kscbcw all conglomerations of flat
ulent garrulity, jejune babblement
ami asinino affectations.
Lot yonr extemporaneonv desennt-
Wbat mads the bridal trip?
Hard to realita—Borrowed money.
“A watched pot never boils"-
The drum-major li the "displayed
head" of a
Whisky is tho liveliest “stiU”-born
child on record.
Pnrehseeta of “rare old china'
often stock cup people.
The mao who “takes life” cheerful
ly deserves to be banged.
Zebras an vary stylish—Ay wear
striped stockings op to their neck*
To steal a ride oo an elevated rail
way would be highway robbery.
Dressmakers are very nangbly peo
ple—They cot op, tear, rip aad set
Teeth inserted without payln," re
marked the tramp, as ha bit into a
•total pie.
If Prof. Swift erer dbooms a bob/
comot, be it ulM to let Ibe abjr-
icnl bombast
Sedulously nvoiil all |tolya^l!uble
profundity, pompous prolixity, )witta-
Cfoou vacuity, veiitriloquial verbosity
and vaiiiloqucnt vapidity.
Shun double entendre*, prurient jo
cosity arul j»e*tiferous prufauity, i4»-
Hcnrsnt or apparent.
In otlier word*, talk plainly, purely.
Keep from “idangdon’t pat on sirs;
any wbnt you mean; me in what yon
*vr. Dou’t UMr l»ii* words.
A llravr NIlMlulpplTew.
the cnpitol tfronnd*, is in the eity on
one «>f hia flying trips, to Um»K After
the “grotto** in th« espiud ground*.
One unit pie feature lu> ha* iotn*lncAd
in a mimic box nhi«b pUy* a doren
or tu«»re airs. U i« placed in um of
the Kiibterranesn |Nw*figmi of the grot
In, ami is ran by w*tor power, a
water-wheel being m» pUroJ that it
toochea tbs spring id tbw innsic bos,
and it is tbna aet in motion. Hereaf
ter, when Senators get angry or tired,
n in l they some time* do, they
treat to the grotto aim! lintcn to the
dulcet Htraiu* of “Come where my
love lies dreaming," or, '* Mother, i*
the battle over?"—Hildwfbw .Ver.
l*he towlxmt Oakland left St Loui*
for New Orleatm May 15, with the
heaviest tow yet taken seaward that
way, namely, eight barges, carrying
freight ns follows: 1 (10,000 bnsbal* of
wheat, 110,000 bushels of corn, 5,000
barrelv of door, 11,000 sacks of bran,
0,000 sacks ..f oats, 3,000 package, of , «>..«•. or the Uuv.Tm.r in Ida drier-
general freight. The total tonnage mimiliun not U. .•muiunte tho sen-
exceeded ten thuusaijJ tons. Mori of fr ’"» *» fur
life. Tlio verdict bml I Men found on
rcnmrisrtial evidence, but was Qu
it wit, a question which would hold
onl longest, nil Arkriinaa negro mur-
dt-n-r iu hia asaevurstioiw »f iono-
the grain was for cxjiort.
Now that measles arc prevalent,
mothers aa well as astronomers are
looking for spots on tbs son.
It was Aiteioua Ward who said
that there are two things in this world
for which no ooa is ever prepared—
Tims is money and money is Urns,
or when you give twenty-five conta to
a coopts of tramps, isn't it n quarter
to two. .
A man has been found wbo has
•de some money out of tbs law. Hs
borrowed it from a judge and left tbs
Wrought anchors are tho best."
Notwithstanding tbia, nil tile abl|ia
that ever cams into harbor have 'east
anchors. 1
The ltoatoo Journal pnldltlioa a lot
of dyeing recipes, trathinne of tbsni
beat the old way of fooling with an
“empty" shotgun.
Weather prophecy—Wbon you soo
two cats ou iho woodshed lulling ouch
other in the uye aud waving thuir bail*
it it a sign of a squall.
A man in lbs sobrrha has found a
bail of remarkably fins clay on bia
property, h it is uudechlod whetbsr to
start a brickyard or a French randy
A Tmy lawyer asknl a woman on
lbs witness stand her age, and she
promptly replied: “I sold milk for
you to drink when a baby, and hasn't
got my pay yet.
Fruit eaten at night is hansfoL"
This ia one of those wise axioms
proved to be trns by Adam. Hia
troable was caused by sating an ap
ple after Eve.
The llaltimore Son commences aa
item with “An old woman died ia lbs
West End last week." It is supposed
the result was jost aa fatal aa if she
hail died all over.
Do you |ilay the piano ?" “ No; 1
don't play the piano, but my sister
Hannah, wbo ia in Savannah, she
plays the piano ia a moot charming
A panialsat youth married s girl
wbo m-mqiteil him oo bis nineteenth
proposition. Hs now wishes Im had
not asked her bat eighteen times.
Tbs HI. Louis Glob* nils for two
new literary characters. Haggis May
sod Jennie Jans era already promi
nent, nail there ia room yet fur Aggie
August and Harsh September.
I pill onlahla my winilow n bugs
bos Ailed with mold, and auwed it
with seed. Wbat do yon think cal
up?" “ Wheal, Iwrley, or unts?"—
No- a policeman, wbo ordered ms
to remove it"
Ari hiuieds, yon any, discovered
apwific gravity on getting into his
bath; why bail it never occurred to
Mm before ?" “ Uccattmi it was thu
first Urns be had aver taken a Imtli."
Ktiquelte" writes to ns In inquire
BtavtoA diattto.
Ur. Abe Anderson, of Elbert conn*
ty, baa n son who ia nnfortanatoly n
deaf mats, bnt to whom nature scorns
to be lavishly trying to supply this do-
ficisnoy by pacnliar trates in under*
standing tbs con venation of those
around him.
Ha baa bean in attendance one year
we belisvs at tbs Cars Spring iasti-
tnte, nnd of conns talks noddy by
tbs signs taogbt ia that institnte, and
this ia Um only means hs ban of mak
ing himself understood, bat this pe
culiarity consists in tbo maniMr gfi
understanding others.
Ha understands from Um mottos
of Um lips almost everything aid in
his presence, and, rarest of all, if in
Um dark where b* cannot aest by plao.
ing bis band on tbs lips of tba speak
er be readily reads every word spo
Sleeping with bis brother, bn at
nights gate him to reconnt tbs event!
of tbs day, and with bin band on bin
brother's lips he reads oorreetly all
that Is said.
It ia often said that nature is liber*
al to (apply deficiencies in one direc
tion by increased powers ia another,
bat we don't remember to bare ever
beard of so remarkable an inataaen
of tba old dams'* kindness.
Tba young gentleman is particular
ly bright, aad we predict that ke will
yet bssome better known to the world.
Wo bopv so for bis sake and Um
Here Is the model hero fur Um dram
atist—Boekahot Bill, of Nevada, s pn-
pil of KU Canon nnd snocemorof
Buffalo IlilL Us speaks twenty-five
Indian tongues, ones aw eleven of
bia eomrailea burned alive by Um Oo-
manehex, signed with hia blood, bo-
fore a magistrate, n vow to have the
aealpe of uleven Indiana wbo killed
bis brother and stole bis diamond pin;
pursnod these Indians with ono oom-
redo nnd klllod six, and now "baa ono
hundred nnd aorentoon scalps bang
ing in tbo Bmitiiaobian Institute at
Washington, which won taken by hia
own brads.” Buckshot Bill is a scoot.
Az 180,000 Stxzlz.—Baron Roths
child, of Vienna, baa a favorite boras
for wbosn accommodation be ha* bad
• (pedal box built, at n cost of $11,-
000. This magnificent room forma
port of n new stable which coat $80,-
000, rad which baa marble floor*,
rings; chains rad drain traps of diver,
and walls fnaooed with splsndid
banting sesnss from lb* pencils of
eminent animal pointers. Fortunate
ly, however, Um Baron’s annual in
come is n Urge fortnae, being about
If yon would be capable, cultivate
roar mind; if yon would be loved,
cultivate yonr bear!
Western and Southern [.lotiiabl
e adopted tlu ciectrie'| ir j m>D |.
v jnri. 0»lh«o'lUrhradtbo,' ,t ;' ,,, ; ,ro ^" ioo ' i ‘ woald r~P; ta."«lt.-|.wmrc.ira.l M
r wo. most »Umn nnd nnd..- »«* '‘ZZTJSPX?** h5±UMTlli£Sl J3
i... .u. j.. *ba was taboo with n faint, even if bo ,-didne
I.lmg that | light, and it has preatly reduced tho k„ u iu I.U pretaetaUooo On Um day,""
I for the execution, the Gov-. “*“ u 1 l ’ ro F"
!! W. B. C. Coker & Co.,
« ana •• ;; aa«La*v»vaanuxrns.cosvar**cn!s.
! Iiirut, lawn, ui Tu Inmos
W-e. -lit I*, ne IS. )M .n,.V Sari. il* ( ITV »Xtl Ivd ltlSV LASIM. »l>n
£ii!i”*lri?£!ml* , .i , !ri3 A winders *a4 taiwlwr. »f UaJ TilW
- ,b "” si^Tmmi~.~. r^-.
< $••* to «r* frv ta 3 a. M. ta I r. M . %*<t fri » 3 l* rr**wmal»l» (Kto* *• rertrf «< X<*1 **l >t*«Mli
Sr m. , MnHs. I* wit A$*vKun*fiB^ m
JAYIi.> Du! 4T»>X.» r X 1 |ft|fitKlf A D. A
n>U HkWXXAli
llekM sSv*i •'•Miawv IliiH at ItfNtin:
U>u*4, *»Hl •$ Mi»*'i««h wlUl (hv« •(. «fwwlil|. 1 . M ., v ., rn w :.,|e, r ViilMillint
• toMd. to Ml frxrna turn w hK I • * r|,,wr ' J401WHIIIH
*?:» 1 the trro WA* ■«» ucAr ti»wn. mt uxeluull JAD^or of utanuiboAiiDg. A •tcAiucr upnoiutatl..a™*-*-., — w**w-,
‘ r ‘never bran put into it I it ... cl doe. not have to tod by great Itaring 0 „ lor r dont«l and rigrad’n eum»n- JTJ ^
w>riu*-wi n*.M»ics,'Uuu4 .t down to lb* pnrpoee of making shin- itorclica, rad tbo cabin Kgbts wonld in tation. At about the same bunr, bat i nM * ,ni
glea. Wonld it be iuoiqioi tune til call no case kindlo a fire. Tbe next thing not eooo snoogb to interfere with hie *P 00 *• •••nlng dismal, I
the tree a vcritatilo monarch of the will t>o tlie adoption in tbe new boats good lock, tbe negro confessed*** tova kiae,, andenfied
forest? I of tho Edison system for lighting BO ilU Uir name baptismal—preeiuna name I
staterooms. Then there need be bnt * -e»e- ]lov«l ••( yiwe. Oh, she was a darling
A hoalthy man requin. aluut ono'on* fire onaboat-that nnder tbe The highest mark of esteem e lady creature, pert of speech sod fair of
pint of air at each breath, and bo, boilers. We are assuming steam- can give to a m*n is to ask bia friend,' fi-sinre; Imt, egad, yoa oualdnT taaefa-
breathes abont one thousand times in j bovtiaj to be tbe regular thing on ship, and tbe most signal proof of barker, fur she bad been there before, end
tbe roorm-of an lemr. ! river ai on ocean steamers. [indifference t» to oCer bim bers. only mur mired, “Ruse mo more."
Wrlzhl’s I
Ami Other affections of tbe Kidney, and
Ulwlder are aomatimaa brosabt am and
often rsaggmted by the neglect of Ibe
■ymptosM. which, if taken in time,
wuahl mi itoU in n majority el ams*
yield to traatment. No medicine ia ao
well railed for this as Reakin'S Ckaa-
ponml Kttract Bests aad Jeelpm. It
M a reliable healing Ionic to tlm putt
allays irritation, .ml restores healthy
Prepared only by Lunar, Hankie*
Lanur. ilraggra^ Atlanta, da., end for
•aio by all druggists.
Poasm. Os.. Dee. 1, 1877.
I have mid Rankin's Beebe endjani-
per for Isa yean, and it ha. always giv
es naivrnri saMefartto, peeving tbe
moat vri aside preparation of the kind
on tbe nmrket
eprtaenwta F. O. Mats. Dragghd.
Ilorn Vanzoti, ba. Hep. 18.1880
Ummm. IfHfcML A I$>mia -
Oeuts-I reenved, s few days since,
ilmw l.iUlus of Brewri's Long HeeAerar.
m-nt tu me by Hr. A. B. Bcllvilta I
wjiiI yun to semi am n half donna awes.
Il k lH-l|dng am, out my wits wonts mt
to ooulinno its uso.
J*a. G. Gabpxzm, Druggist,
HL Vernon, lad.
Hues, Ox.
Msnrttv. Lamas, Rarziz * f tnm—
•atbrnun —One bottle of Brewra’z
,i> of brunetiitis in
I keeping it ia my
’• itavab
Hzzw O.Davis.
AtlaZTA, a a., Jane M. 1878.
Focmreral yean Iheve ratal, d'lirad
felly with dyopprie, sstnmpsnfsd a
times with meal azeratkaUeg peine, sad
sml have triad maoy rsmuliu in vain.—
I cried yonr Ksamtie, wfcieb acted Ida
magta, g|vtag eaUre rallrt tail very
sleet time. I snnd lw it the most valu :
ablvand Indeed ..staffs!, msdicn
have ever naad, and moat cordially
uauarm! It to Uw pnldie.
Has. J. K. BtTpaq, Hu. 73 kfarktti