Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 18, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. ForRent. hMN wiU aisM VMM, MM —“—-'“-.rsswr ISTOTIOEI. Mikortlr of ika saras O. H. COWMAN, Contractor and Bnilder, nnrntwirra, uEonuia. t«m«Mk4>iii tummiiaiiiH. IMMaalntMU DM Mu UMOUrHilL »i™« I. Mirt.l... * Ore.. A. btolBra. •IMF MASONIC iLEBRAlN L. D. Tuoatr LM|*. of Bruiald. Mi MmmM Mart* Lode*, of HtnaiMk. wUHwMiIIimIiwM iMlUe oa M. JoBra'g Uar (1mm MU). A Ml—M krUr* Will bra ECMNkM J * I*. M. bjr Hit. K. K- L—.aCTbi—<— AIM. • frraUval. L* ihc braardt o< L. 1L Torraa* U4mm Um mm rw««il*c. uM LoiM VMM. MSt U DU* M'a IM« Imildtag, oa BcwcaiU* • Kart. S.WS.W. tjySSP' CmmmUtmm * AwagMiM. ,A /. C**r*rr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. oUr* aril la Aarmamn and ArrsAt balMiag. C. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Ovrr nkWlM'i rrwtUaHaaOiWBlaBvwl, BRUNSWICK, OA To Whom It May Concern. MJMldMtkrfhw ItaLMlte MlNWfitlN VMM Umnt Irabrall. m Um lair —Mia, tail. jfUM LMkUtM. af^ly A# • ckirtcf ft* IbraCIa- rDMtl i*4 OwriD BaUroai Oa»MT, tad, la Ual ra4. iMB kata talrra4aro4 ft bUl lob»*aUtlrad, "Aft ••arl In lararftonto Ik* Cladaaill and Oonrgt* Ball, "road Oatpraajr. aad la Ma* IU rl|M*, |w«an u4 -Hlrll—. aai tot aUg PM|M ll'Ut’S L. BBUWB. AtUMfj. VkI Min* factloa, aai jh rf.raruradrnrrara rtufji da* If aari ftrrofd* lag to ilimlioaa. Wr anv Ml lo Ik* UMrtol aad doaMlan a ara will gay Um Ikon rrvard lor t *l*|l* gmjL&na Tkal IIm pad Mia la mm r.«JUv< ly and hraiinUy can - lurk, a. IaIIca. nravel, IJiftbro**. !>n«|-y. IUikUI a IHaraan of (ha kldanya. laciaUaMre aad BMeaUoa or thu Urlna, Inflammation oftha ICMnay*. Catarrh • •I Iba lllatMrr. llluli Colored UrlUa. I'alw In tba Hark. Hide or Lolno, Norton* Wraknoaa, and. In fad all dlaurdrni of Um HUdder and Urlaary or»ana, a lad b» prltalr d|*#aaa of "ikarwlae. - - Mff«rta« frvai kaak .Hrarft** a# UM kid- wkalkrr na*r LAUIK* If Ton ara aai Wfdfco. U» rrkiA#r any arya, Maddar ar I’naary Or«ak». YOU a AM BE CUBED I WUk«.t .nlUH, w.i.1 rtkiw. ■>, ilmrlj '“""prof. OOILMETT*'* French Kidney Pad wince(Tin imi Art rMr 4rmftM fer COOC. IIWUI.1IO FUfcNL'll XIUXI.1 IFAD. MR Irt. *« ortrt. Il k. h*. 0.4 vA Ik e.l |1.M, M, JM »UI retire Ik. ** nnnwoSuurKoanii non* ji'Dnx mrll.xtx t. F.. kiw. Trtrt. o.. uni -ami r?w. ituiucu.'. rreeck Wu, lrt.irti»RI»rtl<kili«rt»J urns- M, re- k*l Area «)>«• »FkjT I*. rtt Artfcrt a. l.r.nU'- .11 Ik*, km. I .t-usy ..4 |.I4 mil loo- hh* 4 . ouHu.xvernca.jrr.. to—. . ••Mrad far.lkraa yarn wltk fclallca aad^Bjdaaj wMMUmly aad panaaaakUy cn ‘ raf. UaltwaUa'a Braark Ktdarajr 'dgl’IMC B. C. •COTT. Dylvaal i ft aboat oa rralakaa. cnrrd alter woarlag r M loar aaoka." U.O„.nlFi: - sr: aagraal In—» «dlka Bldaaya. Bar waaka at a I aaaklalaga|aala<Mdilaok karrala ml kal tkay am bm aaly iaMp»rary rttW. I to al rnd OaltBMlIa’a Kldaay fada ala weak*, an know I — iiUmr rarad.'* ::t. “""ijbbuiiil yrara I kava kaaa nadard. _ _ to aiy kad. a Ilk LarMrk*ra aad female woakaaaa. I vara Ma mt (laiUkwIU a Bldacy la-la aad aaa iMOMor iTof. UalUnolW ’• Kldaay Pada. M IL r. KKRALIBU, M. I> . l*r*i»ul. I*«a»7«rl. Iiul.. aken *. adlntf la aa ordrr k*r Ki-Im* r l al*. anlra: a«*ra on* Ikv Ar-loo. « «a U-l and I r«o Ivt4 i mm I—*1 mat It Ikaa anylUair I ever •mI. la (art. Um l*ad> irt»r bdlrt rf aa*r*i *aU*tec- n-a Ikaa any kUa j rvaiady aa aver •.dd.” KAV A BUuBUAkCB. !*«««—. lUallal. Ma.- - Wa ara awrtnw ap a li.aly in > la r%ar fada aad ar* ktann «d H walk ft— Ik— atary prop. oi T ii«)iErfc*ri French liver pad. Will iw-alUktly ran. V* »*r tad Acaa. Uaink A«aa. A -or Aka. Inllloa* rater. Jaundice l***|-i-la. and all .li—aa >4 Ur lit, r. kloWMck ak-l Hlwd. ITlra tl MWt mall. Baud f. r I r. f. fMUlktell.* fnaLaa ua Ika ktdacya aad Liter. frt« ky Mall. A44r— fiSMCM Plifft. •fold ky JAB. T HLAIN. T ** Wl-ft MALLORY’S NKU YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. &diftti$tr and SATURDAYMORNING UTt'kUAT Hl'MUO. n'KI Ik ML IIOMK MATTKIW. klkuHH—Hi. akfluBSHtUMUIk. RmaRMi*. M. Uuiioca. still M oo Um mead 1 everybody btppy. Bead whet Tdaace aeyi eboel es»- aopoliee on oar lint pege. Work on Dixon’e baildiog nearly over. One .tore about reedy for ten' it The turtle-egg banter, bare been oat in force thi. week end many a neat deepoiled. Neighbor Crovstt will bare e do- Ughtfol office when complete. He ie getting it ap in epprored itylo. Uon. MeRao and party, front At lanta, are down tbia woek on Long Inland on a marooning expedition. Mout-uu kw»o.iaiw. Tataala Ca—p, ^aatt pic. plaU lk^ ‘ NTBAMAlim 1 VASTER# TEJaS ckpuia uirm cirr of oa&z.'ts CkvUiaBSML I^av.a Mm Yark avery m-Uy at -1 Y. IV. arr IBs la Brumsvtck wvary Tueaday. tlaweMm—l wttk all p—to »a B. A A. aad X. A B. K*.lrvad*. Tl.roe.Kk UUa ladiag at«a.U to all poibU aa aka rurp JuaeUp —aa aa In* aa by any t-lkar Hki r« Olynn Superior Coart, after ita abort reccae, will coarono again Sion- day next All interacted take notice. Tliotideof travel to Cnmberlaod continues to flow. Tbo tramway to tbo beach is quite an attractive feat ure. The shoe chop of D. A Moore baa been removed to the baildiog next to Glogaacr's atom. We will give a more oxtendod notice in next iaaae of wbat is proposed. A cord from Mr. Lockwood informs aa that be will not bo hero this month aa sanoanced, to giro his lectors on England, Ireland and Scotland. He will be here later. Tbo new steam lira engine, Viola, arrived tbia week and was tried yes terday evening. We go to proas too early to give mention of her powers Sho is certainly a beauty. The steamboat wbarf in front of the hotel oeems to be in a dalapklated condition. If some passenger off the boat sboaM fall through, who would pay tho funeral expenses f rcrHrtd . k4 Of grtUlM Wlilh-MU 1*0,1 rnn— Floor, rt 1.1. .I-KAM'. Subscriptions coutiuuu to |>our in. Now if .ubaeritwr. iu arrears would oomo to tho front just a bit, wa wonhl not have to worry qnito so much to know where the next peck of and grist were to como from. Diod st bis homo in this city, on tho 13th init., C. Franklin Wood, aged fourteen yean. His romaius wore taken to Macon for interment. Tbo parents, who are comparative strangers in our dty, have oar boart- felt sympathy in their sad bereave ment. Owners of bounds should koep them iu and not lot them annoy Uio whole town with their bowlings ltea- ideutaon Bay street, a few nights since, could not sleep for them. This a free country it is true, hnt then, the comfort of other people shoo id be oooiidcnd As there is sacb a demand just now for carpontcre and builders, we coll the attention of parties expecting to build to advertisement of Mr. Cowman this issue. A man's work speake for itself, to we point you to Michel- son's store and residence, Kaiser's residence, nnd Crovatt'a new office. Little Vpehur, son of CoL Vincent, met with a painful accident a few days sinoc. He was on a chair in the piaun, which, from some cause, upset sod landed tho little fellow on the ground with an arm broken. He doing aa well os could be expected et Ibis writing. Bur. J. H. T. Waito will preach in the l'rcsbyterion church of this city, the last Sabbath of this month (titilli) and the lint Sabbath of July (.3d).— Ilia numerous friends and admirers here will he rejoiced at tbs shove in formation. Wo hope they will all he able lo get out to bear him preach. Two colored gentlemen from St Si moon, with more whiskey than discre tion in their craniuma, undertook to 'run the town" n few nights since, making hugo threats and usiug the uglioei kind of language. Suffice it to eay they slept that night in the guard bouse, and next day bail a bearing before tho Mayer. Wbrsl B-sa Sbotu *s4 lie. fhor. fort Im. We an reqaaated to announce that Um lodie* of Um Mil* Society will give Chapter Five on K-tlrs. Lost weak we tried to aay some thing about everybody ami everything connected with the Fair, but tripped up. Wo thought wo bod succeeded, but imagine oar surprioo when a gen tleman accosted as thooly: "Well, Mr. Editor, you ban men tioned everything exhibited exeept the biggest and beet, and not a word ban you sold aboat it—I moan Uixuu'a new houso in tbo Fair QrouniU" Wo bod scarcely begun lo breathe ■gain, when a lady friend whispered in our oar, “What an oversight! You never mentioned the Bond, and they played eo many new pieces, and added so much to Uio pleasure of visitors I" Scarcely had we recovered from tbia wbon wo were made cognizant of tbo fact that wie never mentioned President Dana's little dominica pal lot, nor said a word aboat hisgenor- oasly supplying the molasses for tiie boys to dire their heads into aftor money. Chagrin and mortification overpowered us at this juncture, and wo sought tbo ffosb sir only to ho en countered by that chronic grnmhlcr, who has wonderfully retentive memo ry. Says he, “ Mr. Editor, these folks ■round here are a giving you fits bo- causo you did not meuUon this thing and that thing that tra* at (lie Fair, but what I want to know nlxrat is tho things that were to have been there and worou't. Where was that miniature rieo field you wrote about, showing the whole process from planting the rice to eating tbo same ? Where was those four steam tire cn ginoa from abroad you said were go ing to he there? Where were those lino horses from abroad that you said were ontcred, long before tho Fair lo run on that bran-new $900 race track ? Mr. Editor, I didn't sec but two lioraca ruu arnuud that track. Whore were all Ibooo exhibits that you ssid were coming from the other seven counties? Where wan that fine cor- ueUst that you laid would ho here, ail tho way from New York Slide, to make music for us? And that ma chinery hall you wrote eo fluently wit'l/wbicb alxJllt ' **> al w “ to “““fo' 11 cn ' r y ilu ' ' ' plemcnt known iu the cultivation of And, Mr. Editor, where was an entertainment ou tbo 28th inak, a L'arioso Hall. Farther particulars next week. Rev. H. P. Myers requests qnaoqqoq that there will be no aervio- eain Um Methodist church to-mor row (Sunday) morning, 19th inat— Preaching in the ereoing, however, at the anal hoar. Dr. Maoou and his good lady, who coolly loot all their household ef- foefa by theirs, having gone to house keeping again, were agreeably sur prised on Thursday night last by » body of friends, who brought presents aaeful and needed, if uot -‘costly and rare." They feel that they are cer tainly amoog friends Oar special reporter who sat op to report tha proceedings of the moon daring the eclipse says bo forgot all ■boat tho moon. In abort, that his own eyes were so dazzled by the bright luminary that staid up with him that be forgot all aboat tbo moon and knew nothing nntil tbo eclipse was nil over. Tbo ides of sitting np in a par lor to see aa eclipse of the moon! Si. Simona and Brunswick bad pleasant re-anion but Thursday night. A party of sixteen of ya lads and leas es went down on the Roby at tbo in- itanco cl a committee of Moods from tbs Island, who showed them every honor, and only allowod them to de part as aurora was appearing in the East Bandog tod feasting were the orders of the nigbL Tito Miuxm Hoy** Hot urn Thunk* Hall IIzcmaxics' Fiaz Co., No. 4,) Slices, Oa., Juno 11th, 1881.) Wanna, The broadening ripplo of fortune's gracious smile drifted as in to the port of Brunswick, and, where at, we were token in from the wet, ■nd allowed ahandant opportunity to test tho princely hospitality of the icoplo who dwell on tbo "marshes o’ i Hyon," therefore, be it Raviocd, That to tbo citizens of Brunswick in general, and to Oceanic Firo Company iu particular, do wo doff onr fircmanic raps, in beortfolt acknowledgement of tho con tinuous aad copious shower of favors, courtesies aad kind tboy dclagotl ua. ltemAvm fxirihrr, Tlml to Col. I). T. | riro ? Duun, ho whoso heart is big enough | ,J| that grabd turnout of knights in for a dozen men, wo return individual that you led us to Miovo tbaoks for liw untinoiri'UortHtomakoi , .. . ..... as comfortable. Ms? ha live long, I "“f® coming from the seven countme mill nmjr earth's cboiccBt bltHftingu al- j Adjacent to (Jlyuu ? N\ hy, Mr. Mit- waya bo bis. or, tliero was just fifteen on that mm* lWmdvril dim), That to tbo officers of i niitteo -if they hai all turned out, «c Um Moeon and Brunawick Railroad. tui bt Uvo U j . bot lcr .(.owing, 1 we are indebted for conrtcsioa and at- .... e- llrtusawleW Than art* Mow. In 1873, when began tboj ten lion fo-sufuif wjam, That one and nil who cunlribiited to thu ph nsuru of our trip to Brunswick, this company will ever remember with emotions of delight. There are many, whose names nro forgotten for the moment, but whoso acts will always remain green iu our memory, lo whom nm afraid, Mr. Editor, that Fain are demoralizing iu their effect, and have n tendency to lend editors uwny from facto." lfa passed on, leaving ns to ruoih usto ou the uncertainty of Fairs, mentally resolving that, having hail our fifth lessou in the business, would lie pleased to thus publicly woro t( , i.ko a breathing »|m.-II, make our nckoowlcd^cmciits. Tbuy . . _ . ..... ^ _ will, tlicreforo, count thvmscivoa iu, j lt uu *‘ 1 * P *' aud believe us ever willing to return, so far as may ha iu uur techie (tower, their kindness. Rea(>ectfally submittol, J. L Kzszrnv, Ill.SU) FaI'I.K, Jons T. McVav, Committee. I'orviuu rii<i*nlK*L.ikf*. Scarcely hml tbo spot ou which stood ^Dillon's Hall gotten cold, after tho recent conflagration, era the Judgo was arranging for ita rebuild ing. Two days ngo be closed the coutrect with Mr. C. (1. Moore for ■ larger and handsomer bnilding than Jamce llanter cleared Swedish ship ] the other. It is to In a two-story Eleonora,Captain Morgan, on the 11th building, tthdKt feet, divided off t»low insL, for Sharpnees, Eug., with a cor- as follows Duo store 22)70 feet, and go consisting of C7ti,793 feet pitch another 18)70, facing on liny street. pi no Umber, valued af $6,907, ami IS 029 foot lumber valued at $180, mak ing total value of $7,147. Alao, on the 13th inst., Norwegian ship Emma, Captain Olaan, for IV. Harttcpoolr, aud onu 20x40, facing on Mansfield street. The np|>er portiou of tlie bnilding is to Is' left as a hall for tin- pre-scut, tint may lie utilized other wise as dovoh-puicuts occur Tlu- pnblicatioo of the Advzotuzz, we out with Um belief that there were two erroneous ideas abroad in town. Tbo ooo that Ifrunswiek would boaeilyafiB ows accord, because capital would eoraa oabMdsa afd build us up; aad Um otbar that oar ■oil bora waa worth Um some as gold dust, spadeful for'spadeful. Wa act oat to rid oar people of these man, and eoavinea them that if they would have a city they moat build it them selves, or start the work, st least, sad thus show signs of life to capitalize coming hero, and that real natal* mast be put at prices to encourage instead of repel the incoming title. Whether our efforts hare availed anything we cannot aay, bat af tbia wo are as sured, that people hare- king ainee ceased waiting fur some one to come and "turn np” something f«w them, but have gone to work to “turn up” something Uiemselraa, as is shown by Uio vast amount of improve ments placed here duriog the * eighteen months. The like was never before known, ami mark yon, array dollar of it is horn onr own pockets Ileal estate, too, hjjs abandoned its fabulous figures, and property ban now tic bought at reasonable prices. Oar olijoet in this prooeal writing it to keep what We hare gained'$nd open still wider the floodgate* of pros|<erity. To this end, guard ogaioat tbo rery aril that ns heretofore. The tendency now to exult orer the boom that is aetUng as forward, wait for further dHtelop- monts and pop np prirrs. Sacb a pol icy would kill as dead. C-mUnae to build up your own'fotlnnea, and thus •how to capitalists that you ora attre, offer Uieui array inducement when Uiey you, and last, hnt not keep down yonr prices for ground - — Lot no man or aorpurethia pm A here and my they had lo go away liaesnaa they could uot purchase lots. It takes people, uot lots, to nieke a city. Then encourage them hy word end net *nd you will not bo the loser in the long run. We ere erideutly iu Uie midst of business prosja-rily- This » shown by thu imnienou shipping in port, by tbo Influx of now Arms and by the general air of business Hint greets us on every band. Let no obstacle In thrown in tha wsy, but let (irne|ieritr like a mighty eua continue to roll in upon us until Bay street shall present a solid front from the machine shop of the it. A A. Railroad, to Dennia Folly, and tho rest of oar town tlirivo in like mnimor. Snob a future ii now la-fore ua—right at onr door. Im- |ieilt- it uoL O’CONNOR & WENZ, Br (OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE) 7 t > unswick 9 Georgia, u KEEP A FULL LINE OF FIBST-CLA88 DrytiooMtoeries LOWKST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. - A flUNOH IMOKWARDH. Kill Mhfr. ViHKbnfr to $!*<*• tlial btn Hot r*4 Ik* at.dy, Tbrtl | mi; t' r —'H IAt Bt;Mid daMbithira, t hunt My j*r»jr ilwM mImII Ik' rir«M itml-ra and daw iratrt* nf ihinf a. | Vkirk raanot. ta I kail k«t*» awl |.f«$ror lifo, karw iKMehM " --A?af ftafy f|*$f r Ere tjuecn Fcllier -vsaiehed from onr midst sho bade me, her privata Some one has said, "Let tba post guide Iba future cheer,” and adly it it applicable to the curiosity department of the Fair of 1881, which did not come np to general expecta tion, owing to a failure bn lbs part af tho eaatjriUMx The oa tabor of qnaiat sad bisilifal artirlee collected at tba last moment show no lark of material, aad we bops in Iba fatore it will ba more thonMgbly worked np. vfmUdmcU Bible printed ia 1872, sod a christening bowl two hondred yean old; a pair of leather- rimmed spectacles, over dim hundred yean old, from Um island of St. Halo- ™ “ bImbI UmI mum sola; two wta of rare and beautiful china; a silver briek from the mines of Georgia; a musical instrument from Paris, the oedoa, kindly Usxned ky Mr. 0lover, who is able to call forth sweet sounds from tbia eariuns little mOOth pfoca. Most of these articles were iu a small glam eaa*, bat thrae war a fine collec tion of coins, a Revolutionary sword, and ah^a pileber beloaging lo Rot- olntioniry times, which was as gnat * cariosity in the way of repairs as it was of ago. Then than ware tbo old a»pbn. which should have hern bang over lbs children's table, to show wbat the little girla accomplished in oar gresl-grandmothere 1 days, and lo toacb and encourage them to do endariug work. Tbo liUlo people of llrmiewick cer tainly nude n moat creditable display, and it mast bare been difficult for the judges to delermiae whom to reword. Wa though! it all worthy of preai- un>K bat as that eoahl not be, thorn who did not get premiums will receive handsome diploumH, which they must tako care of, and some time, ninny yean beoee, they, too, may hang be- ■hla tba samplers, s. testimonial* of tbs indnstriona boys and girts of Bruuawiek iu 1881. Some amiiples of due Torehou and (lniii|>nre Isi-e, In-aide tin) en.hion on whirl) it wa. tn i'li- .rn-ste l onr at tenfion, and after wo raw a voung laity with thu cushion ou her Up, Making this Use in Um movt greeted cry step during her sojourn in the beautiful “City hy tho Sea.” To the chivalrous men and luvoly women who formed tier mart;to tier arromplisbed mu.ieisns, Mesdainrs Min-.r and Crit*, M|-Hi whom site Ih-»Ihh. I lie roy al order "Star ot lN*rai.;7Yo tlie areretsry, to express her royal sppre-jiaagieal way. It certainly la a great ciation of the unvarying courtesy and kind attention which greeted bar ev- Eng., with cargo consisting of 80),- store on the corner, 22x70 fuel, will 20t feet pitch pine timber, valued atihu occupied by Messrs. O'Connor A $0,543, and 19,287 feet lumber, valued Wuuz at $230, making total value of $0,773.; m, . iu., u i.-**.* Hotel Mm* It. B.IIeppard cleared schooner Ed-. Me. EJil .r■: On the Ittli inat, lisp ward Johnson, Captain McDonald, on j peuing to call on my friend W. C. the Utb inst, for Santos, Brazil, with i Buck, Kaq . receiver nnd manager of a cargo consisting of 282,794 feet! the Ogli/thorpe Hotel, he extended to pitch pine lumber, valued at $t,27*>. me a eorJinl iiniUtioti to dine tuth A. V. Wood cleared Norwegian him and test tl.... xeeileney ..f hi. em bark Jnbiual, Captain Jonaen, on tbo jsino and some turtle aoap. I arrept- lflth inst, for Olaaoow, Scot, with a'ed and laid iu one of Id. choice din cargo consulting of 373 casks spirit. | ners with unieii Friend lh ek turpentine, valued at $7,000, and 2,- i» a "Uoel” w ithin himself a. tlie many 200 barrel* rosin, vtloed at $9,000, gue»U at hia host. Iry will hear cheer- aeeomplishmcut to he side to make this fairy-like web, and have as in neb real I see as one chooses lo make. Die Imhy dresses mail* hy little Mlease Mead llostwiek ami lletta MeCullough refl.-ct great credit on the tiny fingere Hist resile them. The fret and scroll eaw work wee . . , hennli ul. One large duuibiv, with errsveil tliemw tve.; to Yfseare. iket- wiek, Dunn, D-ierlliiiger. KvemieM, Ferguson, filover, Mirier. Macon, Norwis.l, Stacy, Wilder, Wmsl, Wal lace, all through tlie alphabet, omitting Mr. Lorree, wnn *> nhl; awi-tml her |irogre-» ou Hi# stage «|iliaal» worknmaabip, waa tba work of Moeli r Hamilton Coa|iar. Tbe clock was ihm« at arb<sd in play time, and rent on by expraaa to graoo and "lithe clliUdl. Two plerre, the Mr. StolUngK >4 St. rtimtma, deserve rs|*eei.l mention. Die rlork ' end rent • *” iliBBm m muling total valuo of IIH.OUI. fal nitiHim, Mini I um |»lo:tMV4l to rt- IcurJ that our liuw Hotel ia fust ^uin W«»rk «*l Art. . Tbo stage of L'mioeo ha. boon uu-' ‘ n « * “°“ u tier tho Artwtic hnml of .Mr. J. G. ItejDohU, of Chicago, for tho past week, ami boa rery materially changed ita a(>(ioarance. Statuary and laud I Georgia, os its register will testify. D llrulnl I From pertie. who have recently j. J. emu.-. Mr. Km id Heine bos added au at- scapo and palatial seem, have been i Imcn on Julyl beech, aru learn that added, rendering tho ataga gurgeooa eomn party who had precmh.l thrill, in the extreme, auil fully in keqiiug had eo little hailing a. to leare Ihnc tier printers, Mr. S'Acy amt Master ^ u.lyear, and wonld Frank Dunn, whose cants of sdmis. ukrll „ . K<j „ ,„j it | H ,„ (or si,.11 were inislels of lieanty; to the l*«i sfwdieen, instead of display, gallant I ota and htrely btasire who n , Wwtf u lht made her curt "a Jhing of beauty- r(ork ^ , u n>lu| gule.l, a joy forever; 't*. Ill • lluinl, wlnae ^•l.unlil not have keowu it hail dnlert at rain, gave eclat to her rclrrr, j wo - „ ,,g,(_ ,<a tbinaz of bean- and added pathos to lier (striing. she b Utnnt - „„( ^ruiul^ j t fails in wonls foreximssion. ToL'er-i^., , . ,, .rtielux which for iisrn Club, the Hau l a-d Um Fire Ihs! ,|, workwanahip we pertmenl .lie leaves a Imr", esrrv |>T ,, -|lla K,|. ing with bur ouly tlie sorrow canm-d hy her ndion to a lend which rivalled HulMlnw nnd Losn Aseuelntton. No man osn realize Um nnreralty for dwelling botuca exeept theee who ara seeking a liooie for rent. There ara twenty-fire men in town who want n good boose to lire in, and wonld rant at once if tha boorea were here. IndiviJnsl effort will not build them—will not meet tbe Humility— will not and oarer boo. In view of these fasts Um under signed invite n meeting of nil parties interested in the forming ofa Bond ing nnd Loon Association lo most at Um Coart Hones, Saturday night, Utb of "Jane, 1881, to disease Um matter, with n view to organisation upon tee- iaess/mecqi/e*. C P. Ooodrao, Heaois A Eat, A. J. Coutatt, Saw'l BoamAtDT, Jam. V. Vtxcxjrr, Jam. T. Hun, J. M.D.:xrza, B. E. Fust, J. MicniLaox A Boo. T. O. Class, Tram Aznzasux, W. J. Wat, L&ScxraoK H.D. Hbenok, Messirv AVxxNnct W. McCaxulok C A. CoaxM, ba E. Harm, And many others. Along the IL unit A, Tbe Wayeraes Rcpurier, in speak ing of Um lands along Um U. A A., in tho neighborhood of McDonald's mill, that declares itself: It is no grant stretch of tbo imagi nation to fancy three broad hinds, a few yean beoee, divided into farms, welt fenced, welt worked, well built, and inhabited by ptaeefaL intelligent, sod prosperous people, living in sound of the church bell, with good schools, good society, good crops, good stock, comfortiihle and well ordered homes, a free, friendly nee, residing in what our Florida noigbbon call God's country, at peaco with “all Um world aud tbo rest of mankind,” too baay in their pereoaal panaila and duties to ia unprofitable rmliHM and quietly hiding their Ume uUaaUoa.1 affair* settle Ibemnlm, ami Um peo ple of onr happy aonth land* are strong enough to have their opinions asked aud uot offered, when the gnat vital questions of affiura of Huts need Wbsa (he risMs are «UHe vnru Cel irgau. till ratios eomn in.”* Y<* yua ,-su. lUku np *10 out o„ ae ar*SM, or 3J5 i.D* o. it pniso and wo will sell yea during JwaWx twrt nmtiSnMmitr, st BUCK KGITOM C'AHII WUCE8. sad wall three Months tat Um hokum, wdtus) oe< cm/ tf iclrrmt. Orth retss. Three aMolhi credit Noielmst— Deal forget it Oouwl Hammra Clrer- lag Ost tWo of Mow and Huoad-BaaJ Iestraasoule—BOO niesos. too orgase— All stylre, AU grades. All prime, ifew to rimed oe<. to lertstlMoet Bnysra Cssb prices advsoeoil only ton par ant. Flftseu days tret trial. Guar anteed lastraomte from mini woken. CsUIngnoa sad fell is forms tioa Balled free of rfaerge. Avoid being iatpeacd up- <m by IkwUy, nr any other Baa, Ire or- tiering al new from the Greet Wholesale I’isim Sint Organ Depot nf the Hooth, LlTDDKN A BATES' HOUTIIEBN MU HID HOU8E, HAVAXMAU. OA Shi|>piug Intelligence. rue tux roar or ancxswicx. nixie* wxxi xxmso reaxutKiitL , AnoiVAU. in JWtft-lrJJt) IMB8T,Bw<l8«>.iWf i«M l*-* IiftfUB. OIUW. low Y«i Imma U-ftr U KbO. B* Jbb« I*—ftr C Him - ~ ' ** “ Jure IA—Bt JBB# U—■ 4mm iu«pm rr. |mbrail, 9mm Y*rt, 4re.i.-.,S. W ; l»«r own Slmfoban in ^ find «kj, lh« gMHiriMity nf it* iiimi aud tho of iU wouN-n. ••HlMlI •• r> Jn« *•? Brab l«D E-.4 *H mu t We MS turara'a •«»)**♦• **4 flfrara t+tf " Ykijxtw Juvmikb. Wbtivo feotnro to hia Bay street .tore, I with any odor or artrem who may j turtles lying on llicir Imcke to die in j ^^iu, u (icrfect as eon bo to-wit: A handsomo awning which I grace tbe same. Sir. Reynold, makes the hot sue, aud had cut o;h.-u anotii-, (,„„„( „„ „,, r beauty nnd of tbe ad-L luueli to a|i|H.-sn*uco ns well as|a a(Mcialty of fire-Luu-,r uud wall j cr to secure (lie egg. aii.l left the p. comfort We commend the spirit of j lou.Iecape secure, aud will he pleaacd. enmturo there to dr * “ progress cviuccd hy Mr. Heiue aud suggest an imitation on tha part of other property owners. Brunswick has been nude n signal •“ atatioo, and Mr. V. & Mitchell sp- Wo ara glad to Uku order* for tU« aaim HU atl-! No wonder tiie « of Um woiiudi of Jell I object YertUeuicil will appear next week. Man hhoL Y’catcrilay morning Nutl St* h., liv ing near No. 1, M. A It. Railroad, was shot by Constable Levy, whilst st- H. M. MILLER, ^00*^01^0 importance of onr temptxng to arrest him. We await alwcastle stszat. narx.wica, oa >oxt ^ n ( (^ (x^a recognized iu thu verdict ol tlie coroner.' jury, ami L °° 11 " | this particular. Farmereaudacamcu cvidcncoelieitedU-foromakingfar- HAltNESS MA KINO,L'PHOlJiTEIt-, can now Im postcl as to changes ofjther comment to parties going on llieir beach, hiiri, brutatily ought to he made an cxniu- pie ot, if there was ouy Lw to resell them. The |Mrtwe finding the wound ed turtle, out of humanity, shot it, and thus put it out of ita misery. Tl... Klr-l ,,l lio. Svim.i Neighbor A T. I’ulnani bos sent u» Ned is n brother of I *|iceiiiiena of early (>eacbre from hia it neeeeoary to take np tbe pipe lo ISO. PAINTING, GRAIN ING. ETC, Ire”*..** “• I neU wUl ta displayed. weather, etc. As soon as tbe necee- tbe notorie ns Clarence Fort, and goreien near town. The} were hand- ,mt oa a new e«ve. In .loing lhis ■ary irririrti eaa ta oig- j brers n bad reputation. He wo* some and dUicioiu. Wt like thought- the sheik were brought ap. v ’ 1 ■ *• >*-■ 1 how came those shell, there? Wn must imi lorgi-l the rap. mule liy sn old lady sereiity-three yearn old (IIm. Instuty end Ita regularity of Ita st lichen might well ta ieutaled by some of our youug people); and Ita rug, knit hy ou old holy antouly five years old; end Ita quill, beautifully tu ck hy Mi ukl laily totally hliml And now, taking a long leap from Um- useful lo Urn ores mantel, wr emit notice the beautiful |MuHeg on The d liuty tr,icing auil delicate suturing were Duly euiuift*. Wa takoarrlortent leave af'lUe depart BMUt, pausing es we crow Ita threeh ohl lo geae with worn ter at a painting same cltiMt, were taken up with a driven will <>n Col ScbktWe lot, in this rity, this week, fnuu a point thir ty fu-t below Urn surface. Tbe well, or, property h »*' . .. desired, an attempt wen male lepra few feet lower, when this obeli tad won nm alien, which tore off U» wire wive around tbe point, ami rendered ■rtiat, onr eulwed pMnter, John Ward. Ax Ixrxarerxn Onuavza. Fur the IS* two yrera I here faces Ui.uM.-l with IrncocrtMM and female wr iktHwa, which, el llama, has here ee -.1 ik.11 nett srilhrr eat Bur .tap. el Prof. Ileitarfle*. Kidney r I charged with cow steeling tul men Now, I |*Bt»-« aj»4 it *nrrU bm , Nidk M. JauM*. Tulotia, a