Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, June 25, 1881, Image 1

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lltWIH AIVCRTISEI AND HUAI. VOLUME VI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1881. NUMBER 51. The Advertiser and Appeal. RMiMin »mi uicutti at BRUNSWICK, GA., f. Go ST.*CF. HUIKCHUTION HATES: om cvrr mm t Miambriglit Green Groeer, AMDDCALEBIM City Directory. citt orritmo*. Atlrmrn- A* T. f V. V. Watllfc*. i. J RKtr*. ». T. Pikl, i. r. tUnrry. ■cM,r. ‘ * irM, r. 1. Mmnkml -B. A. Wm. Jtuitlmml Mmrtkml t U Bw*t.. |Wm*w« -w. U. T.«. nut A"ft* ^timtri H-m* mm4 CUtk •/ JTorl'f-D. A.MMT*. iwt l%ftu*mn C t. ArfcUit't. If. M U 0if/l|fUw>L It Pavla. M p. W-rW Jfi^r <» J IUII |W< r<ni«« KiUIkv MM«t)vb,Tlo> i»CoM- •ir, Jr. •*! A V UHtti. rWiKlUhtHt.VKlIu mU Dmmn. IITUR1I. Ilttiw A UIM«~|HIU. VaUlM ud Little Arid. M*\to« Wfciu IVMctfrr -c O Jlu**rw. K-Itoe OUofwl MirtKt-jfcll* Vkllr. Tiiw* nunow-Uimr. Omm ptr «*d Mr****- twwwiw %nw. l»mr4Lmfr M-l Co«prv, II AiM-UlllUthl, lywi m4 Nimm. hUK WHMVM-WUklM. t»'l Ihrrrf. ItMMMUl**- iH/rnlllir r.llAT*rjr M<t LltlN AtM Edit trio*- rtitnani, hj«« »r» »n<l Dunn. CHARITY-fiitMM, !JI»l*4#ld Mil IWtHngcr, Ini nerMmuT Mj«rRr*.p»t*iAiu ati.| Uarv-jr frura- PulnM>. Durr. m4 Watklu* irutTUt nTvn* orrnrK* f\AUeUir ■(CailoM*-AA> T.CUIIm. U rii> ll.T.Dttim. I'ulWtor latcrual fUrvnnr—D. T. Ilnwii. I*, v*tjr Ul. J. tUU. INmUMatcr^LlRRa Xucth. I'MdlNkiBrr-r. n. I>Rktrr. mining OMMkllMlMrr-O. I. IUII. MUFOBT LODGE Sk M, I, 0. 0. K M«Ua et.rr 1ta»t«r «it<U« •* *• ,\ITLINO—i<l Monitor In March a WAYNF—IUi Monday In Marrh ami Al'lji I'lKIlUK—lal Monday III Aiirit and Oelotwr. WAGE—2d M'nnlay in April and IMi* «t»rriUU-Tu«aday afUr 4tU Mun.lay u April and ^i^AJinCt-tMaday »Hrr »l Monday In May and CHARLTON- *1 Monday in May and Wn.brr. OLYMM- ttn Monday la May and .XorcmUr. Country Produce Kur> aim) Ki#»>n»rru. *su wiu» M>kTn>nui'Kor UHOOKRlftr CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc.. AD Of which in otfrrcd Ur cMfc at rraaanahli y»k%o. I MEAN BUSINESS! MM. IniMUMkl a«t MIMW. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. If. II. P. THEPOPULAR Liver Medicine! hill’s nerim nun Uaa a* Uinr.| napraodanUd nmaa la rvtJwinc tbr prvrak-nt dltwnltra of lb* Uftr. Ila wnlta iaatly ontitlo u (• Oi« rnfcnaiti UtKtltn<n*( all other LIVER MEDICINES. M la »iw kept lay many nrraoaa alwaya at haad. : n**d rs-giiUrly, «a«i tin aw u>ror •I'jarl |o thr naual *ynt| (<«aa of a l.aor-lr-d Idv* '. «• prn«.iirut at Oit« • ••on of t>.' yaar It will *t yon But 50 CENTS lalalv lw tdrawd with loin# ABUSES ATJVASHIMQTOR. II®w the Habit of I4vt»i«fl’tto««v eminent baaGronn ay. To try . »* »wml novlP|y thoowntt. roraakahy 4. ,>|. .MAUI Str. David Clark JACOB COHEN 102 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thank* U« p«MU thrm«h thla aaadlam tor th*> pa«t. an I aaka a coatlonanco. I LLrir Jn*rona«r. aa hThaa opanod h»a npUlNG IMrORTATlON of *»-«!• tn all gmloa, and tdaoed hit low yrV*a on them, which raaara a mah hy avorytwdy that la wllhla reach. Ho offer* tka aamo chanc* t«. aU who rond thla papr to a*all IhrnMtUiO U »bc aaaa* «<ppuftu- ally. UU CODifiEH Sll.kS ANIi SATINS ITUull' aartaonl Ilia WlItTf. «.fH»Ln AM* KMIUIUIDIUIIM. wMcb h* al•«o i <tp..ria. U«< no •«|NaL HwrASCY atad. , THE ORESS GOODS DEPABTMENT U a lama, t Utl(M»K Ur UnMer at Tic la wurtk fl B la lira V«ft in fact. t*#ra »• n»t an artteto la Fancy «r ntapla In tt*«l» that conn.4 la lonnd in l.ka aoWdUhMeot. AI-". tU nanaU good* J •nil. call d MITT'S VUUMU. for dn aa*w. M Uyt In •llyradr* AU h* aaka 1* a call. H» NMirtWi Idaca. 152 liltOl'UUTOX STItKKT, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. M>M» W.B.Mell&Co., WhUr*aW and Retail In ah n in Uuly Wrc t Moat twloapar weak between SA VANN AH & BRUNSWICK. LUVK4 SAVANNAH »\»B imi'XMVICK CVERV AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETtTRMIMU, LEAVE BRt’MMVR'K Tuesday \ Friday evening TOR SAVANNAH >w> • m uf' th'K al Lranaab-h with II. M A Railruad. and at naraaaah with <n*an Mt.atH.hip Co. • aWamata In and (f«ni Maw York. mm» with rhlladalyhla, Baltimore and Beaton aUemer*.- PraUht* at luwaat rate* Mark all through freight ' Cam Btaomer latld Clart .*• C. WILLIAMS. Agent Fire Insurance! ,v.i.»:R«u.\(r. [GOMINmni or TUB GMlVAMlA AMD HAXUVBB IMtCIAMCKM li AND BRITISH AUERKt iVSiRH (0. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. U.INOO AT VEBT LOW BATES. I> h SHOLES’ SADDLES&HARNE8S, Georgia8tatoGazetteer RUDDER AND ! • BtdlMnMUlPIlBttrV. Leather Belting, !>l RECTORY. I 1001*12. ,< ^mH^unHtSni!Sn. M i wbMni».ifcwiw*ijii.iw v«*. tt. wiur»**D.ADMJUur WA.t ■«- 1 ?.^*Ti-!!rT?J^rn!T r -*-- Mk«l-'hae of •«*ry city, town and *fl ■ea.lthmdeeUna.ab-M Mthnimn^ . >1 Rte’ea (Mg. rra. /t«atrn and /Wn - kf \M IAl-TI lldi*. Yulnmf I cnnUion-toefrCtl^tMMI name* plant- , are with p-at nfSca.) Rawly r**load mar «»f Wata. A' Spoolalty. —*• WHITE FOB 1TUCK-V. * tWRDI imnOI W Ittlli. Snvnnnnli, iukss. cauls, niiui tit. SUTADU. »I»U MILL MEM AMD ITRFENTINK j mhI | City T«\ The Utea dor the city of Brnuaoh •-la. iMptammenla. and carry apo -f Ur th« yeaf laol. ar» yajahlr property Ur th« yarn i*t i«wvr on or I of March. 1ml. mpt.* •• In k* ur the nareptun r a the i|at day of March. 4(|ona WUI ho |m«rd f»r tha nuir W"<Mil«fhtM do# Ur th# year againat mehand ’***y yroar who tela to make yay meat aa above ~*olre4. . ^ j** a U am f rw tuS'olr.g. and fFdi 1 •• 1 tMknlloIMTjM.ikml(mat r. SKQI-KS * CO., nil ivwut >in»i. A*c Wm. Mailer, DUUN8WICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. I am now prepared to do any and all kisdaei work in my line. a> .l ynarantmjnliaUcthm kwtk la work and prtceo. hh.-p vn Monk atrart noil dour to A. T. Initnam'a nucty Oi rtaapm Bank niMBalyhla Tlmao. They hare been hiring high jink* in tha Tntanry Department ainoe “ wrote yon but about the expenditure of the contingent fond. If they (I mean thoaa who are engaged in the inreetigation) erer get to Uio bottom facte, they will find something more than a barrel of bay rnm and cakes of French soap and perfumery.— What would yon any if they should say that valuable deals bad been sold to prirslsparties, without advertising, from twenty-five cents to |1; that Uw ico pitchers disappear by the dor. oat; that chandeliers are changed ev ery year or two; that carpets costing $5 a yard are put down where they are not needed, kept down for e short time, end then ripped op, carted off, and sold tor almost nothing, and oth on put down in their plaeea, and oth er things equally eccentric? I dare not eay that tboee carpets are snspoct ad to' be bought by soasebody who makes a good deni of mooey on them, and I cannot say that percentages are paid for new carpets. This stealing from the Government is not confinod to Star Routes, let me tell yon, and tha way some officers’ hooaaa an far- nisbed and the way some officers live on smalt salaries would astonish a Philadelphia marine. Drop-lights, desks, book-cases, docks, chairs, books, papsr wsights, scissors, knives, fine stationery—theee things go liter ally by the hundreds, not only in the departments, bat iu the Capitol, the ooarts, tnd all branches of the gov ernment service. I have never been a government officer, hut still I know how it's done. Her -t Tom Jones, lie’s a member of (?otigres» end the chairman of a committee Ho tella lib messenger or hi- cleric to have "that desk” sent to bis bouse; ho has so ranch writing to do at night that he nmst bavo it. Do yon tliiuk that dotk gets hack to tho Cnpitol when that man leaves Congress? Not much. Then Dick Roe is s chief clerk somewhere. A hands unc drop light, worth 120 or f30 perhaps, is in his offico. Ho says to his messengor, "Henry, lake that drop-light to my house. I have got to nse it for a week or two, and then yon enu fetch it back.” Does it got back, though? Hardly. Then a Congressman may bavo in bis committee-room s hun dred dollar dock. At the close of tho session ho orders tbe dock to l» sent to his house, "for fear somebody may steal it during tha reooss." Doas the dork ever tick in that committee- room again ? Not a tick. Another way: Jack Uit is the head of a department. Ho commands un limited sonants, called messengers. — Ho tells a handsome colored man to go to bis bouse and stay for a day or two, nnlil lie can find a servant I>o you sapiojae that man ever finds a suitable man ? Never. There is a rsbinet-nmkrr < I moan a fellow who makes pretty word robs*, book-eases, ileaks, chairs, etc., oat of mahogany, roar-wood, etc.,) in nearly every de partment How easy it ia for tbe Cabinet member to tell the cabinet maker that he waata a certain thing made. "Won't yoa please do it 'I can't find anybody else who eon sail me) and keep tbe sccoent eed I will pay for tbe lumber, for your time, etc." Dues that Cabinet officer ever get an account? No, air. Tbe carriage evil, since the days ol tbe famnaa landalet which stopped tlie way of Judge Williams to tbe Chief Justiceship, is a good deal abated. It used to Ik that every »3awi!chitlrlerku<l bureau officer beds coupe, which their families used, while the offlceta rude in the street cars. Kvery department has a car riage or two now, but it is not noticed to any great degree. Now, even tbe memla rs of that high old body, the Supreme Court, have some please!.' privlrgca. A a. (is. room in the rcetdem • of ncli one of tbe nine judges is furnis: .«l by U. ) government; a handsome carpet leather furniture, a beautiful desk immense book cases and a law library with such other little adornmente, in cluding a servant, as may scorn ucccs sarv. No one, however, will object to this. It is iu proper to supply the judges with s library and an office os it is to supply thi iu with a judicial *x. srctiuea. desk or stationery. It ia thought that tbe rat is a na tive of Lap-land. The eat is generally a mow-sing creature. There is a great deal of human ua tare in the cat—it likes to stay out late nights. A parental cat ia very seoaiUve—it doesn’t like to bare it'a felines hurt. When it finds a canary bird oat of its cage, the cat invariably ‘takes it in.’ B Every dog has its day, but the cat has (even nights out of tbe week. The cat never expresses a defiuite opinion. It is always on tbo fence. Some cats, I believe, have been known to catch rets. Women like ests because they esn’t talk hack. Cats generally bavo but oue caudal appendage, yet we’ve beard of a cat o-nino tails. Cate do not die often, yet we've seen them on tber hut leg. Tbo domineering dispaeition of tho cot was well known to tho author of the expression: ‘It never rains hat paws’ # It was a disturbed sleeper who once observed that a fellow ‘feline makes as wondrous unkind.' Some cats are colled ‘kits,* because you frequently find fish in them Scat If— Ibnl-vrs Ntafmnsii. SruislVt. •« ik. Sort THE CAT. TOM ARTtrs TAM, ■ef^isua WHAT THEY WANT IN COLORADO. We want girls—girls who can get themselves np in good shape to gn to dance. Tho boys are getting tired of receiving invitations with s request that they ‘bring ladies.' They ore liko oranges and apples—scarce. Wo want girls who will go to church and to Biblo class on Sunday, and that kind who can Iras a congrega tion of tho other sex, and who will take a bnggv ride after the lesson is over. This will help the livery busi ness, and will also hasten the sale of rcsidonco lots, for buggies are vehic les in which homes arc first thought of by ninny. Wo want girls that can wait on thr table, nrbo enu smile ns into on appe- titc when stomach bitters are inqio- tent, and who will mako tho boarders regular at meals. We wsut girls for sweethearts, so '.bat wbeu wo get on arm ihot off, or ore kicked by a male, or are thrown from a backing horso and are laid away for repairs, we may bear a gen tle voice and aee tbe glitter of a crys tal tear spoken and droppod in con- scions sympathy. [—Duramjo Ihyvrd- AN UUMHCTeTFORTUNE. In a city of France about fifty miles from I’aris lived I’snl DeLonge. He mm poor and did nothing. Some of tho young men, his acquaintances, de rided to play a joke on Haul. They wrote a letter to a Paris banker, told him to buy oue handled thousand francs worth of curtain stock, hold it sixty days and sell. If there waa a loss, drew e draft for the amount on tbo writer; if a gain, notify the writer To this letter they signed the name of Paul DeLouge. . Some of the last; known and wealthiest citirena of tbe pUco where Paul live,I. weru given :i* reference* Tbe banker never bear,I of Paul, bat be knew tbe refureneca. I don't propoeo to give her away, bat the sweetest little Irad of e girl that ever Moaeomed reed on original composition that brooght down tbe houae including several fragrant boa- •tacts from Mrs. Woodruff's ls>t-boase. It took rue four days to write that composition. As a general thing, when e sweet girl graduate get* me to fix her up a thing of that sort, I slash through it like I was engaged iu writ ing a Fourth of July speech, but iu this instance I simply.spread myself. I have written on an average nbont fourteen compositions a year for fif teen years, and my auiy reward waa a [littering notice of the press of tbe yoaug lady's exocllcut progress in her studios and skill iu haudliug her sub ject. That's poor pay, too, for a mao who has to write with a frying-site baby oa one knee, and a biggety boy hammering on the other. Hut I've got use.l to that sort of thing uow.— At the same time, when yon oorao to look at il, it's no easy work for a iusn to tickle the muses under the thin, coaxing inspiration, while your ar tistic inclinations art- trying to soar with clipped wings over tbe gross re alities of a man of family. Just think of one-half your brain reveling in the blossoms of literature, moved to ac tion by tlio irarfnmcil zephyrs llisl waft from tbo llehls of thought, and the other half flop|>iug n;< and down like a caged linmble-lsa ! Rot Ibis girl'* composition I msuaged to grind out because she was such s sweet lit- ilu divinity. I never saw her in my life that I know of, bnt site beard I in the buainesa, and rather than tax her own precious brain to aneb an extent, 'lie wrote me one of Iho dur- Iingest little notes you ever sow, bog ging me. witli tears mixing out of ev cry line of the dear little note, not to give her away. And I'll die Iwfora I would do such a thing. Homo people imagine writing composition the hnrdset thing in the world tn ib>. fn this they are fear- fully mistaken. To an old hand like mo they aro nosy. Give mo a good, sound, healthy subject, with instruc tions to turn myself lisne on it, ami I -an just knock the socks off of any subject yon ran scare up. I don't nu more mind it then Iriumiiug a corn. To tell the truth, I believe it's easier. Once when I was yonugsr, I was le groat demand for this sort of thing. I used to bavo a den where I stabled Prgaana and gronnd out hybrid poe try, nud the Professor of cum ul the colleges had a way of dropping iu ou me at uiglit without any |irreious warniug. He dnqqs-l in <m mu one uiglit when I hail a wtioU-aale job of compositions. There tln v wore, and no time to hide or get them out of the way Ilu remit them nit through, and instead of lieiiig ma.l aa Dsn Tucker, ho was tho In-st pieniasl msu I over saw outaidu of a circus. I woo so surprised that I him Uw whvuc-as of the when fore THE SOUTHERN SOLOjER. In Uw winter of 1863 tbo First reg iment of Virgieie Artillery was io winter qaartara at Frederick Hall, Vo. Tbe locoed company of Richmond Howitasra was oampiog oa tbs (mend of Dr. Pendleton. Here an incident occurred which itlnelretee bow little regard the volunteer hod for army regulations. Lieut C. of the Salem Artillery, waa e graduate of tbe Vir ginia Military InsUtute at Lexington. He made Unwell quite obuoiioos to tbe boys by hie strict military dioci- pline, whether in the field or camp, or ia the winter quarters. It was bis great delight to be officer of tbe day oa which occasion be wuold do all he could to impress Uw men with Uw idea that be was ea/sif ie snuy reg ulations. Oiw night he roils np to tha plaes where the Second Howitzers ware parked eed yelled out ie a very loud Where ie tbe aeutlnrl ou tbie post?" The senUnel was silting ua e rupt ured beg of core, engaged ia perch ing a qaanUty of the grain, more for the purpose of poising the Urns away (of comae) than with any intention of satiating hie appetite (for ell good soldier* win remember that aa appe tite was an im|Jament not marked down in tbe catalogue of a Confeder ate soldier's oecoutrements i, anil bs replied: " It ain't a putt, it's aaark of corn." “ Where's your corporal?" "Sleep I reckon." •' Why don't yon walk yoar poet r " Didn’t I toll yon 'twasn’t • post ?" " Who's corporal of this guard ?" "Hilly McCarthy, Heoond Howit zer* . si,-ops in second cabin at hood of line »n left aide," replied tbo son- try, all during the conversation hoop ing Uls eyes on his trying-pan, which be continued to shake to keep his com from burning. “ Young men," said Limit. 0., "yon don't ssem to know the first duty of a soldier. Ho long tiers yon boon in the army ?" '■Thrse years, »ns month, ten days and eighteen hoars, when the relief comes round. I always keep it to tho notch,” replied Um sentry, singing a few snatrlirs from the popular song of tlmue days: "fkrtt Uf ffMlltW Why did yon nut rise, salute ms oml walk ymir bout when I came up? I shall ro|K>rt you lo headquarters iu tbe morning f»r neglect of ilnty." Saying which the Lienteimnt de parted and soon disappeared in Uw darkuess. After giving him sufficient time to gel off some distance, tbe sen tinel mounted tbe |iilu if corn and yelled out: " Hollo there. Mister I" " Wlistll y,ai have?" waa the rcjdy. U Who arc veu, anyhow ?" The Licnteiiaut answered: " I am Lientauaiit Cl, officer of the ilay." "Oh! sbnrka," replied tbo avntry; blame iuy hi,le if I didn't think you waa (ion. Lee." A MEXICAN HOTEL He presume*) Uxal Paul woo)*) not . K * ‘ , * • INiwiiiNRi 01 1 n thi* an et Ifli iirt of thoron#li nines* bavo dsiuou rcfcrcncr* uuIum be bnu* > .. self was perfectly £uo*l and solvent. He conclm!**! it was all ri^bt, did not Well, you we lie- omq.^tam. lARlYRMCHCLflVEOOllARRARECK. are tb» best kind of ad v.-rtuaxuunb I Tlw lint pwaeliea of the season WWW for Otir college. We’ve done our Ust | iu jUwkin.vitle last week at fifty to beat kuos ledge into the heedi "f rent* per dozen, or alsmt five dollars these very girU ami faded. Now.j,^* Mr. J.O. Jelks has already *1,. t. they read the*. iiH.qmaitions as ( lota, and on Monday rigiusl with thaw. Ila pnUie accept lt>t jj* hv l riedined iu Haw- , used by Uw Hiftwtnli la a mriety of di-ease*. Fnaa these reds imetiUoa- era the remedy was borrowed byUwnw- bWnt Eugttib sod Patchyphyswtam.^b]> ia Karope, and baa rise* euuw into gen ' aee. Combined with Jaalpsr amt r tkatmUe ingredients, os Iu the preporetioa of Rankin's Compound Fluid Extract of Bacbn amt Jooiusr. it from assort reliable remedy lerlseusu rotm kinaville to thirty rants a dozen. Tbe first peaches shipped from Georgia to lie concintied it .» m. ngnt, dnt no. . " ,r h * h ~\ "7'“ New York this—m were grown ia write to the rcfcrcDccs ^t bought ", , 'T /’w' .7 “ Houston omnly. ...d ..1.1 iu New the stock. He held it sixty dare, du- * , ‘" M " M ' k ’ ,rl * * t ' ,, K j Yo rk for twelv. .lolLre a .hsmn. • wmi.Ld. i- sl ^ ^ ilMAtts t*i tbe cu!1bi;m full of *wc*ltariiif( Tin, t»rir*t of nsrlv BBMbf in Haw- rmgwbicb *iwm tberw wan a great’. .. Zr. , * . !;! In * .. row. cud of sixty .lay. heroid, b ' “ * kins.ille ami Saw V-rk r'Aw ns M tho (wofit ... fifty thousand freum. J*” ,,HW " r*“ like Dr. J.d.u L hller repremml him- He immediately notified I*»nl by tZ ZP£ ^1 Ur. Paul was Ibnn.ler^truck, bat lirj Itut tlw composition I was Idling ! W * * J?* ooucloJrtl as tbe moiAey was tbtrt* to y-m slnxit was almnt tlio* Imm thing! tbiMissMoal 'tollsrs. Ths ilortor loin >f iIm* km.I I «*rrr «i*t «*ft’ Tin |h*- tbe msu lliaft In* was nsrar in andi a jia*n* spoke of it a* «lw*4ut«4y charm*'* * * ** * “ —"—'* - *— in*/. in*l no ilambt the girl tlionght w», f*»r Him intirnstol as niocii in bar not# of thanks covering a five •lollar Nil fi.r HerviCfH r«'!i*lcrc«l. I can': •!•• Ulna title just ieat.i a gin 1* ii itsng i*oiii|*MMtion for lean Oian a five (Mlar ln!L I have written thorn f«»r a t til or an.| >• half, but they werw »lop l*y tiling■«. For wvmi olollars I can /riinl «mt a pn-tly tolerably good dia* •crtfUiou; ami for ten doUara I can eYBrlastingljr aling the nwUpbor. But I'm getting old now, and prefer plain, straight work without any of tbo fan cy trimmings, (lit* me n Bober, two* story obituary and I'm at borne. Pm to the fruit aftrr it is cooked, and rnatv «n» Fourth of July ora* ... ra. ■* .. t -M. tiona, tiiou/li I haven t written one whde yet warm, will make tlw fruit ; in He . VM1 t lo », wh40i M d rd llk , - - . u sweet as two and onO’• fourth ^ tackle a good out just by way o( hitnOroJ ntw facto net in course of pounds added while boiling. variety. Tom Amtem. ! erection. his credit he had ixest send for it Tlist was a practical joke and a good joko for Pauh Sar. I'.irVii.r vran.r-v««. Kvery bor.rekecpcr xlir-ild kn.rar that .ugft: b-> Icil vith nn aci-l, if it boiN bat f >i ibr»- ininntca, will lw coavertml iow> glucose, which is tlw fuiiu cT sugar found in sweet spplcs. One pound of sugar has aa mneh sweetening |«jwer ss two and one fourth pound, of glaeoee. In other sror'ls, oro |smnd of sngar atirred in- barry but that be could wait a few miniit*--. and be would rather take a six-miiiuh' w a teu-minnte Imnw for Iss. We eau afinr,! to wait til! i«--icl,.-s g,-' more plentiful and ch,- i|> r. Iwahlra, Marshal Tma Car- rnihere haalinntght ua n enuple from bis ,-aily trm-, and Mr. Iwvi li. Har rell has al*< presented us with a coup- lo of tlw osrly Ams<len from his or- chard.—HttrliiurJh /fuywfck. - YesTair," mid Miss Uallagher. "it an* fanny sno tgh to moke a donkey laugh. 1 Lsujbel till I erie-l. Fhihulel| bL is reported tn bsvt a The Msxieaa hotel fontishm iodg- iags, tad Ihot iu all You Nn* yoar room by Uw day or month, tad you gat your bod oad toDot Of ooaros wo ring lor leo voter, and tbo waiter briogo ua water without iea.— We ask if wo coot got ico, oad on told that aro eou U aro aoad oot oad buy it. Defurs going to bod my chum bethinks him of bis physic, oud asks fur ararm orator. Iho areitor can’t get him any ararm arstar, bo- tbo only ptaoo to got it is at bathing eatabUshmaat, and that io eluted at 9 JO. Wo Dead o spool and mmlahoy for one; horoUrao ports that the motourouf io dooed, and the cols won't treat Urn with a spoon. I go down to tlw oafs, when the proprietor, a very polite Frenchman, says: "1 ora very sorry to give yoa tbe trouble to ooaM down slain; I am vary glad lo loud you anything in my rrtsblishmout, but I - bavo Uvod too long in this aoaatiy lo toko lbs wont of aoe of tbsoo fallows furoepooo." Tbe force ol tbe hotel eooeieto of o ■mi-looking dork, who orritog tho namco of gnests on a Usekboard, a melancholy enrtodisn of Uw key*, two barefooted Comanche boy* for glow atility, and two waiter* oa each floor. II ie owned by tbo Itarbro, who are tbe riabeot family in Mexico. They paid 11110,0110 for the proporty, and make $10,000 or 150,000 o year . from il They own tbo wbolo block, the Hotel Bexar, tho Hotel Son Oarioa, end whole block* ol Uw boat proporty in tbe city. Then ore two of thorn, and tbsir fortunes aro ootimotad at 120,000,000 apieeo. Uulvra tM M*wa, Hovernl gsntluiocn vrero standiog on tho oornor of Galveston area no, when ono of Uio moot fashionoblo la- dice of Galveston posted on tbo riilc- walk. "Ah," oxolalmod ono of the gvutie- men, "what a complexion I There ia nothing to boot it in Galveotoo. I am proud of that woman, I am." "Aro yon her haeband ?" asked a stronger. “No, air." "Her father, then ?" "Nn, air, I'm no relatiua of hers, hot I am proud of her oumplexion. I am the druggist that sold it iu bsr. I make it myself." Wlwn Uw Itrrrid man pat oa bis last yo ir’c whito vent, bo found n roll of bills in ooe of Uta pockets, amount ing to about |2, which bo hod forgot ten 1*. H— Nono of thou wore re ceipted.—Oil City Tkrrirt. Tbo foundation of every good gov ernment ia Uw family. Tlw boat and prosperous country i* D“l which has tbe greatest number of happy Urea. lisfisawstioa or nlssfatiaa of MwMoMsr ■ad kidney*, alow* iu tlw Madder, Orsv- nays, ami .Iropstasl swsHiug to msu, wo-1 won er shildT Prraored ewty by Hast. Us.kls k lemur, AtisoU Ou.. sml soM jsMsowgm Wnoosrur, N. J., Jrty IS, t»TU Du. U J. Hamn-Dmr Mr- -/row .bel'i rtur, A*w ddn suwfsi. Alter having lihrt tnvrtlag. dUhnut loarii- ties sml ctiraste*. many pbysHsns sad rerneitle*, Uw disssro only incrnwsd i* vinlenire. As sunn as ws sowmsuswl sSiTsr.Tisa'aws Utter tbsu he had done ht mouths, Ms ■■•petite bi rwtnru, sml mmm lit rare *<e A. t» swear’s hurt XSS’affb-* j**li*ll» . Oa., Jm. 7, IMk BKissFsrjnap E&’Saagrtc&.g S'SL'Sarsth’SJSK jsU-lm