Newspaper Page Text
, Hw Advertkamtak.
«>* un. w«b-
grams* «WV •» Olmmm’XrshUa SHmif
- $1,000 REWARD.
T»«»*i»T»r«!U , i o cowrzsnr. rnftMm. At
_s-?<'uun™«s‘.w. cm t* • «n «r “Tom*
«"■ MO." «HIA.|ai
Steamship Line.
Ca*tffl» Hl*E».
Capua RINK,
I/«vr« New York mnr FrM*jr al « P. M..
IU| la llriMWIrk rvrry Tu. eJav. rl.m«-...iin<'*t: m
win. all |n4m. <>n |l. * A. and «. k U. ltoUn«.U.
Tlirwaacta MIU UtliBff ■l i rn«l to all potato on aliOf*
> a r< itftil and iiaaaaxm aa low aa bjr any oilier lint,
pur |H<M«tifar ami *toto ronma apply to
Eclipse Shiogfies!
W. B. C. Coker & Co.,
rjul state brokers, conveyancers.
Ruths, Lessen, us Tu Unwins
or citt axo oonmnruxiWi *un
XI trseten sat Euahtm rf Ua4 Tithe
tr.Mf. «MUM gma WJWMni. Tm
- - n Ll - uaN-w aa iwird Hawk aa4 Xowcaal
*nn»U * U coax* ecu
Sdcfttiptr and £pftal
sati-suav Mnuno, itnaiM.
Wall, didst it nia oa Wsdasaday
nigUl And how wadid need It!
A alight run-off oo tba U-AB-st
Jcoupon Wednesday bat dokyod the
mail train from Uaoon aararal boom
Aaa LaFnoca, tba celebrated eor-
oat player, from Now York, gave tba
bojia a lift daring tba Fair. Hapkya
A velocipede or bicycle club baa
baaa aaggaataA Seems to oa tba
waatbar la a bit too warn for anefa ri-
olcnl exertion.
Sco cotico ol rooms to let by Ur.
Harris Tba looation ia central. Ap
ply at ones, aa aocb thing, art my
ajaroa is this city.
■“•** •nsattv-at
Tba firat watermelons of tba
in ValdotU brought ooly from t<
to thirty cents. Our people would
taka a few at tboee prices.
Forties visiting St. Simona Milk
can bo furnished transportation to
toy point of tho bland by application
to J. D. Goal J, St. Simona Hills, Go.
Neat Sabbath (to-morrow) and the
Sabbath following. Iter. J. H. T.
Waite will preach in the Presbyterian
church of tbia city. The public will
be welcome.
Before yon atari on e jonmay, for
baainaat or plaaanre, get a yearly gen
eral policy in the Travekra, of Hart
ford. Ortr 52,000 claims bare baaa
paid in ea*L
A does obserrer has oalled oar at
tention to tba fact that tba extremo
cold waatbar of last winter did at
leaat one good—it vary nearly exter
minated tba roach crop.
A Kanrick, meteorological obaezror.
A forty days rain of that chanek«
woald aorar tba Sen of tba earth 788 Monday night hut aboaHJOo’oldak,
dilOftOlk — OH** Odtsty.
Hkrfws*. MalUds U- Tiwsp. »taitkiafrsitlt wf
Iwt.irl II. B. Trwop. wprga—to to »*• *>««$• I*. toff
L ili<* d-ly IMlMNttofklN wr-ffjl. ttbl fffc*
• f MU/ wtatf »ute«*4 Iba yaUk ut rakt Usfti« I M.
11 TFMip, I Lie |a. tl. r**f-w. to rile *11 pwrauo* r«ff*
r- ri.od. klfklrad ftk.1 fW-llUiCn. U daa fMH. ilmj
•tow can, why «h| v.MtUtntfU nlwwlelM bedk-
> orH Rwka bar nhaNWlMMi »M rwrrlww IHUF8
of .l.nAAwnioaiurn lb.' Am MuaarUy la *| »»whw. i«l.
«■. M. RKRRIR. UfOiary U C. OA.
Contractor and Builder,
Ultl SSUII Ki CKOBllU. SH-taC—* H »r
lane iK.wiih.~m, **»• **»2fr m! -
inw..; r. siAiiw. a an- a. raw. A w..
(inww, fat nl« si U. L. HARRIS*,
Cob Collins’ warebonaa property on
tho river front b being materially im
proved in appearance. A little lime
and elbow grease makes a wonderful
change in the appearance of things.
Judge Simmons, of the Macon cir
cuit, has been presiding this week for
Judge Mention. Our people bold
Jndgo S. in high regard, and are al
ways glad to weloome him to oar dty.
A largo boat load of watermelons,
tho firat of tho season, wore offered
for aalo at oar dooka Thursday after
noon but. Thoy sold readily at from
115 to 36 cents, although not very
With uext issue wo begin anew oar
St. Simoas Deportment," which has
boon unavoidably suspended. Wo will
tie ploaaod to bear from othenin that
locality besides oor regular quill
Hooey, time, life, are lost by sod
den ta, therefore secure pecuniary in
demnity by a general accident policy
in the Travelers, of llartfued. J. M.
Dexter, Agent, will write one at short
J. X. CARTER, Pn»Kkt#r.
IX<»4um Mi lk« wry RtoH Ml mIrimmI
lmuks j.w cmutMExa hum arms* -
^^TISFACTlOa quaumthd
_• u< am art
nmiLjcMy uf tU l
■masMisljum nvtly li nUtlom U cmui m K
kub4a ad Ub ara of a«l4 «o«kty.
A pH* -wtAm wtfl bw naA I* t • |L*> fJ.nrml .Uaml'i
• n. or ia. at lie brtUi ku. M l». lawag! nlig
• rntrU^i ’* Al Act. to Mfwrs ml U • a. U »< mf m|rv
itnoia ar u-twimurnff • tg. Om a nut/
Rr tuami k. >«' S. ltd.
For Ront.
An excursion of about seventy-five
colored people, from Savannah, ar
rived hero yesterday on the City of
Bridgeton, end united with L. B.
Toom Lodge in a Masonic edebratioa
last evening.
Sw. T~r OvwsSI Sr S.JW,. (Wr W Ww w
mtk -t 1* 1— , - u ‘ R. L. MAMRJR.
The friends of Ned Styles, who was
Ucd last week near No. 1, request
ns to oorrcct au error made in lest is
sue about bis beiug brother of the no
torious Clarence Fort They say Im
is no relation at all.
Mr. It B. Itcppard is enlarging his
wharves and getting ready for in
creased business. Ho will soon Lave
a solid front from Cook's twtbe upper
sod of the Habersham wharf, which
bo recently purchased.
A big time k anticipated in Savan
nah oo tha 41b. Eleven Cnt-dasa
boats have been entered for the re
gatta—ouo from Charleston, eight
rrom Savannah, and two (Annie and
OniUa) from Brunswick.
Mr. Cbas. Doerflinger, having
caught tho spirit of progress every
where visible, baa transformed bis
place of buaioawi into a model of neat
ness, and alto increased it in sire. It
looks real neat and cosy.
James llnntar cleared Norwegian
1 ship Jolmnnc, Captain lUfoo, uu 20Ui
iosL, with a cargo consisting of 7C1,-
, 280 feet limbur, valued at 17,621, and
20,000 feet lumber valued at 1210.—
Total value of cargo, $7,822.
Carter, tha barber, having saved all
hia shop furniture aa wail aa bis
“boos” from tbs roeant fire, has again
pat out bis sign. He can now be
found in tba hotel building, whore ha
will be pleased to sso not only bis old
costumers, bat Urn traveling public aa
During the rain storm o* Wednes
day sight last, one and forty-five ooe-
. tiwhw h4 hundredths inches of rain Ml iu ton
minutes time, as msasored by Mr. H.
at A small Noah's flood.
A ketlval by the ladka of the Meth
odist MU Society k advertised to
taka place al L’srioao Hall Toaeday
evening •next, and ageoerooa pablk
k invited U attend. Dooraopon at
five o'clock. Tbaas social gatherings
fora bright places in tba pathway of
Ufa, and ought to be appreciated and
liberally patron|sed.
Albany Fnw Ur. J. B.
(Bob) k in Brunswick, working np
bis brokerage business.
Yes, Bob, as yon call him, k hare,
looking u oompkesot ass Msy morn
lag. and in hti quiet my ia working
np a niea business. Sand ns more
Uka him. Wall lake eighty-two, more
or leas.
Whan Carter, tba barber, reached
Iba aeeneof conflagration but Tues
day night and found hk shop in
flames and his affects piled np in tba
streets, his first inquiry was, “boys,
did yoa save ay boos V ITo refused
U be aomforUd antU ha had it ssfaly
boosed in an inside breast pocket of
hk eoel.
Bar. A a Ward baa just returned
bom Macon, whither be went to at
tend tha eommaneamant exercises of
Mereor University, of which ha k a
grad oats, end from which be has just
received tba titk of ’’Master of Arts/
Wo eongratokU him on hk promo
tion and hope be may yet have D. D.
added U Urn other.
Thostoamer Martha, Captain Tom
Laasem, makes bar doily trips to
Cumberland as regular aa clock-work.
In tbia oonnsetioo we sroald state
that tha Seaside Hotel, at Cumber
land, now under Mr. Boas' manage-
meat, k ia healthy condition, having
at this writing shoot fifty guests.—
Tba tramway to tha baasb ia a big
Ttare are aavarel parsons confined
in jail, mid to bo lonstie. Tba last
wo bear of being broagbt in required
three men to bold bar daring tba rein
storm last Wadnesday night to kosp
bar from going out into it A sug
gestion has been mado to tho effect
that tho woman k not crazy, bat is
oat of her mind from typhoid fevor.
If that bo tho esse she certainly baa
no business in jail.
The orange erop on St Simona this
year will be small; in fact, owing to
tha extreme cold of last winter, there
ware no blooms. The olive crop, how
ever, bids fair to be excellent, so Mr.
Bbadman informs or. This Island
soems peculiarly adaptor) to tho growth
of tbo ollvo and wo tbiuk might he
made to yield a hsndaouio profit tljoro-
from. Tho specimens on exhibition
at oar Fair by Dr. Massey wero fine,
and readily aolla at from Dm to nix
dollars per gallon.
Messrs. McArthur and Grifliin, of
Eastman, Ga, have issued s circular
for a farmer’s sxcanion over tho Ma
son tc Brunswick railroad hi Bruns
wick. It will atop at different points
along tba ronto to sso fios farms, f«r.
osta, saw milk and turpentine distil.
There will be no charge. The
train will Imre Macon August 2nd.—
Delegstas who will send their names
to tbs above named gantlemsor'will
bo furnished with tickets, good for
too day*, when tbay reach Uaoon.—
Here is a fine chance to take a de-
lighlfal trip.
Ws call attention to tbo proceed
ings of tm meetings colled far the
purpose of organizing a Building and
Lose Association in oar city. A com
mittee was appointed to canvass for
subscribers to stock, and to urge a
full attendance at a third meeting to
held the first Toaeday nigbl in
Joly, 1881. We bops there will be a
largo attendance sad full discussion,
with a view to organisation upon boa-
principles. Information will be
obtained from organisations in suc-
csaafsl operation m to tbo principles
Qpoo which tho ysodatioo works for
Himmlitinn at that moating.
First First
The above okra was sounded os
Loml It*|l«lffll«Hi,
Kotico is hereby given that at tbo
July session of tbo Genorel Assembly
of the State of Georgia application
will bo mado lor the passage of a bill
entitled as follows: **A bill, to mako it
4 offense to loan, beg, borrow
or steal a copy of tbo Amiovisaa axd
Amu, published in Brunswick, Ga,
or to some into possession of a copy
aanl newspaper other thau by pay
ing for it, and to proscribe peoelliee
for non-payment of dues to wild news-
paper, and fur certain otlu r purposes
therein sot- forth.
For UImsw.
On this page con bo too ml the card
of Mr. J. It Franklin, offering for
shorter tbo yacht Sausbiue. She is a
■tanneb craft, and capable of carrying
qnits a party with comfort end ease.
II yoa ore troubled with term sod
ages, daub Agee, billiuut (ever, jauudiou,
dspeusis, or any dieses I ol tba liver,
blood and stomach, and wish to get well,
try tbs new remedy, Pn>t. Guilswtte's
French Liver Fed. Ask yuur druggist
tor it, sad take no other, sod it babas
nut got U send •: >' in s letter to tlio
Freoub l'sd lbs, Toledo. O . sod receive
ooe by return suit
to tbo scono, to find
lbs mull building adjaemt to Wim
berly's hoi on fire, and the (bunas
spreading rapidly. Tbs now angina
arm gotten in poeitien. only to find
its regular engineer absent, nml Ik
fire-chamber as devoid of wood, waste,
cool, ala, os if swept with a broom —
Engineer Handy, however, took hnkT
and got np (toon os soon os poaaibk,
and eommeneod playing oo lbs fire,
in Urns to slop tho asms when tho
barber shop was about half destroyed.
The barroom and the building adja
cent, hood to store liquors, ms rd-
tircly destroyed. Had the engine
bean supplied with proper, combusti
bles, and tha torch applied when it
left tbs engine boae^ m believe the
barber shop, at least, could have base
saved. The lesson, no doubt, will bo
a good one, and will serve to keep as
wide-awake in future.
A noticeable feature with this fire,
as with ovary one m have ever bod,
k that the wind was blowing tho saf
est way for the town. It is a re
markable coincidence that this lias
bean noticeable at every fire within
tba recollection of the writer. Whilst
on this subject- we woald urge upon
oar people to remember to cry “fire!"
on occasions like Ibis. It tends to
oroaso firemen and others, and get
them to the scene in time, often, to
do much good.
From persona earliest oa the scene
we eon learn nothing of tbo origin of
tho fire, other than that it was inside
the room in question. Whether,
therefore, the work of an incendiary,
rat, spontaneous com bastion, or tba
banting of a lamp that may bars
been ooe seems to know,
It k certainly strange, Mr. Wimber
ly informs aa that his bar was closed
at eleven o'clock sharp, end that bs
knows of no ous being is tbaro after
that hour. Than was no insursnos
on tbo buildings, but $1,700 ou tbs
stock, of which a small port ooly was
•a red. . .
That l*mtf>r»mic Quitlr.
Wo lika to bare oar town stiver-
tisod, bat wo want to have it done on
a proper basis. Wo don't want to he
misrepresented. A abort time ago an
agent came through here getting sub
scribers to a work to be called the
Itiilway Panoramic Guide. Iu writ'
ing np the B. k A. Railroad be thus
Brunswick is an important city, the
oonnty scat of Glynn oonnty, situated
on Oglethorpo Bay, fivo ini ion from
tbo Atlantic Ocean. It has ono of Ilia
lluost harbors in the United States; it
admits vessels of the heaviest ton
nage. It is tbo teruiioqs of tbo Ms-
non A Brunswick ‘and the Brunswick
A Albany Railroads, both occupying
soparato depots. Turpcntioe is re
ceived boro for shipment North and
How to Cook Fish.
To try fresh fish so ga noflo
sorb tbo fat or to
flavor of lbs fish is quits a dssidsrs.
A kdy wbukseatteo^sd Uka
Corson's paaetiosl ouoking leetnre,
oootribotes the foUawtag tu Uw Amor-
ewe dyneeWM-derired partly
awaaa!* -,- w
Small fish are to be Mod whole;
large fish bare'Urn fieaky portjaaa
off with a very okirp knife add divld
ad into stripe (fillets) of a eooreol
rise for serving. When droned and
ready for cooking, wipe dry and reU
thorn iu powdered cracker or brJw
erumba. Dip the (Mb) pr pieces/14
wall beaten egg and again roll them
ia eraekar dual or erumba, removing
all lumps aa os to leave tba aarfsce
emoolh. Hare tba kt hot, and drop ing plafag for taking np
ia the pioooa, wofiAlogOffk awifuly Me pomp aad oagtae, I
until thoy cook to a golden brown;
then lift from tba fat and ky them
upon thick papor to absorb the fat,—
lillata of fiah with tba bouea ia may
be treated in tba soma way. By this
method the fieh are well flavored aid
much more digaatiblo fur weak stom
achs. Fish ore nonriabiog, and ant
ooly supply food fur the masetso, but,
ska furnish goal brain material
' t^uTl'/aXa.
Tlio recent warm waatbar hu
broagbt vividly bafuro aa Iba fiupor-
lance of a Arid obaervanea of adoita-
ry rales. Coational years of health
has the tendency to make os Jas in
our efforts, and oArara and peopis
oliko grow cordless. Let ns not km
got the pool, bat aver bo no the alert
Disease lurks fh ffithjr wn oot-of-tbe-
way corner, ready to bu broagbt oat
bjrooch west bar aa am bare bad, sod
we trast oar aaaUarians wdl cootin-
ue, as in IWpaM, to rid oar oily al
ererytbiag leading to prodoeo Idk-
asar, sad whilst wv, tbs |wu|ik, are at
work freeing oor pro arises of ail filth
sad imparities, kt oar JbO$ Fhysi-
cion be over oa Iks wot At as in the
post to meet ibelhtradrr Aumlhroad
st tbo outer goto soil crash him there.
Wo otter these notes of warning, not
that wa know of any Lck of rigiknee,
bat by way of stirring np any and all
who uisy need it.
kl. aTilitoapostmt.
t Far Ksosoda Iba Unaraatoo and
l« Purohniffd bjr th* CiHindi.
Tbf loog txpwteil LnFnuicR ifnin
fin angina arrived and wastoslad look
Friday, Jane 17th, ami proved high-
Ipretmtp, tbs dty authorities was
consummated at oaesL In making
tboir asketioa of an engine, oor dty
fathers had before them circulars from
difterent baUdon, sad sftsr a thor
ough iavestigation of tba I*Francs
Improved, chore it above all others.
The marked feature of tbk angina
k tba “sret rirqnlsting bailor,
oberebyi atom' dm' be generated
qaiektr than bj any other boiler wMf
There ore other points worthy of no-
Uet—tba adjustable automatic paek<
the wear in
of ooootruction, its aeaa of manipai*-
tion ik beauty and aymatry of design.
It k of Iba now improved crane nook
style, (nil nickel plate, and k certain
ly tba handsomest pises of moebio-
cry aver broagbt to tbo dty. Oar
■anhlaaat, wo loam, are load in their
taakre ft (ka non eogiee and its abil
ity, and wa can congratulate oar peo
ple oa having so Inraidabk a wespba
with which to fight the fire land. Oor
dries, Hawkjnsville and Ameri
cas, bare both pitchaaad Uieas an
ginas sad Uvdy times msy fas expect
ed when Um next contact comes ofi.
Below wa give record aa awda oo
Friday loot by oar aaw Mgtna Viols
From spptioaliou uf torch to boiler,
steam was msdc as tnlluwa;
1 niinnts 5 pounds
2 minutes 20 pounds
S| minutes SO pounds
to Europo, and steamships plying be
tween New York and Fernsndius,
Fla., and New Yurk and Jacksonville,
touch bare, also tbs 8avsanah aad
Florida steamers touch here. The
dty is beantilnlly laid out, sad con
tains many fine buildings. Among
them is tbs court boots. The mann-
fectoriea ore extendve, and comprise
saw-mills, flour mills, an extendre
stave factory, lumber-mills, and cot
ton-milk. It is the centre of in ac
tive trade, and chief abippiog point
for tbo aorroondiog country.
Now fur unadulterated misrepre
sentation, commend oa to tbo bitter
part of tbe abort. See whit be says
about oor magoifieeot(T) court boose,
oor four milk, sod oor eoAm milk.—
Wo think be must have gotten bis
drinks or bia manuscripts mixed.—
Oor friends abroad will no doubt be
Gsirrtx, June 21.—M. F. Tntwiler
nine in lost night * from Jsekauo to
telegraph for xume niMitiunal iiislru
■oents for his engineering mips. He
kft sixteen men Iwlutypng^to bis
party and will proeie I at unoe oo tba
work of tbe sorrey. Mr. Tntwllsr in
forms me themiar* seven engineering
corps nt work on tlio Brunswick' ex
tension, and it is positively asserted
tbe mail will lie built within lees then
e twelvemonth. It baa btoililtflnilo-
ly determined to pses tbrongh Jack
hi, lliilta county, and within nm
ile and a half of Indian Spring.-
This will insure the latter |>lace as the
innst important watering plaea In tlio
Sooth. There can he no 'lunbt about
tbe great mmlidnal | wipe riles of
waters, bat lbs drawback baa always
been tbe Inacciseibilitv of tbe eprkg-
In 4} minutes from
•oreh, with 100 into of bore 1* inch
noxxls, kaktoa was tbrowa NO feel.
With isum boss aad a axils, tha.dkt-
oare of f» Ml was reaebed, a
tiarelbe old baaa bant Two
baa» ( <Wre thee connect ail, on
each side of tbe angina, and both
streams ware I brown, 180 (set whoa
tba to* again burst 400 fast of
bow was then pot oa and a stream
thrown 180 feet whan tba base again
gars way.
Noyr.—Tbs buss shove natal was
tba band engiue hose, soil mails ol
light material-bona- lie inability to
stand tbs pressure tho engiuo was ca
pable ol msiolaing, notwithstanding
the osgiao was ooe of the smallest
Ttmt Mh«*ttiuii Hrnttw*,
In oar kat iaaoa we Inld of the kill
ing of Ned Styles by Cuostatdo Laavy,
and mads oo aommynts, awaiting tba
action of Ibe Coroner's Jury and the
farther action of Urn law. Sines that
writing, tbe jury that asl un tbe body
rendered its verdict as “iuvulnutsvy
luao-slsigbtrr," tbe cvMceee going
to show that Mr. la svy ilM Out really
iolrnd to about the i-i-gni, but ratlikr
to Stop him. Aa Mr Lnavy haa been
lionnil over ami will sppear liefure
pleased to learn that we can spurt | tbe U „ u ,| j ury _ „ (urt^r com-
these latter luxuries.
Hllrrltui «n» n Wildest*.
lueut. Ttiis much. Icwi fir, wu will
say, that lifu is a v, ry pruriims Usui
to both urtioi r and criminal, nr, rath
er, one charged with mine, and that
ruses are very rare slum- a man ia
juatitled in taking i>. unlian it be in
mini mi
•Several of tbe crow uf the Centen
nial, while securing n large turtle on
Jckyl's beach on Thun.lay between ' lw |f H |,.f cm . v
ono and three o'clock in the morning,, - — ,y.».
as claowbcru incutiuneil, bad a rather IntlwtnnUv *’*••**•
nnexpocted ailruoture. Their Aten- I« Wihf iMwrticr isf
lion was attracted by a singular noise
In tbe bosboa, and proceeding to in
I desire, tbrongh the rolnniiw uf
your |a|*r, to ex|wvaa my Ibanks jo
veetigato they ran n|iun a large and ‘ho Travelers Company, of
ferociooa looking wiUcat, which Hartford, Goon., ami their ngeal bare,
sbowod au uumiatakable desire for a j Hr. J. M. Dexter, for jwonqa settle-
light. Tbe iueu were armed,, end not lu * ,| t ** •F *Wm tojjk.wd‘y fur
relishing a combat with such sa ngly injuries received by thrown
customer, especially as tba eat wean- » «r™Nfa “•* “"'J ,0 « r
derail threatening ont upon tbe' '•»>» » n *r I bail taken out a policy.
- 1 “ - 1 A. tl Wasd.
bask, waml their lanterns aroand
lively, and sueereiled in nearing off
tba vanuiut.
UmrA un A Wens
The oanl of Ibis firm still
in our culiiinns, leiteitliotnoding tbs
Judge Delsncy. colure.1, hs.1 1.1. f»rt tb»J tbey bsre lately hem, barnel
wife turneil e^ to tire sutbonlirej'*“• *"* •‘•'-.nelly ouder-
Urns since ... lunatic, snd .1*.»'"«* U ">' wib^absiatoU
was put in jail fur safe keeping. t 1 •*- - -«• “ ** «- » «-
,* . . , , a i ntorc IhiiIL riit ir |tnir<HiH will, ihuro*
week a jury was impaneled and .Im *
fora keep this ides Itesb ia tbair
uiiuds, anil ba prepaimlj tri flail oa
tbsm aaeooo oa they f
A llnmrewlok «llrl Al»r«NMl. 4 *
Wa see from tbe Maouo |si|»r> that
Miss Annie Mahoney, ol this city, has
I. •rut. off -Iww prism <Mto>lala) atthw
move) by force, and again locked up. rcreul commcoce.wt ul cxereisus of
Bhe will prob ibly be siijadged a lnqs- Moon! ile Swiss Academy, uf Macon— j thrr notirc. Dy i
tie ax tbe next sitting ol s jury un bar I ouo let Eugbsb euonqHAA and Ibe | of Traneportstioo.
other lor English grammar. I H. C. Dat.
tried, lint nothing conclusive being
elicital, sbe was adjudged sane and
ordered released. On tbe day know
ing tbo was art nt liberty, and
atraigbtway mail., hr way to tbe resi
dence of s citizen, snd |sisitively re
fused to leave. Site woe at last rn-
Wiin tt Puteont 1
On Monday last sumo ten or a doz
en of onr citizens were suddenly and
aboq$ Um asms boor taken with po-
cnliar ■yuipliiius, to-wit: sovere jiaine
in tbe etouiaefa and iMwels, vomiting,
headache, cle., with great drops of
perspiration loaning from every pore.
Dr. Davis, L-ing in the locality at tlie
n.nmenl, was called iu, aud in timo
relieved titem
A qaeeriou arises as to Ibe cans# nt
IhieDqkkiieas—was it, eating fi
pork, or was it a eaae of poisoning of
tba pomp from which they drank T—
Tbe first impreaaiun was that, aa all
tbe parties then known to be sick bod
eaten of -attain fresh |x>rk tbe day
snd nigbl previous, their siekoass was
due to litis cause. Later it was k
that ollmra ba.1 been similarly taken
who had not csteu uf thk p.wk, bat
Al bail lawn that morning using wa
ter from the seme pomp (Ibe ooe is
tbs afreet al tbe owrket) lbs hies be
ing Ibal Ibe water was puisnood by
the introduction of some deadly Aalf,
si the. Ilirongli Ibe soil or by Ibe bead
of wane mierbirf-mekvr. Tbk idea
prevailed adfl. il was next day dk-
euvars.1 that two or more persons
were similarly affected two miles
away, ami who lied lasted neither tbe
|o>rk nor Ibe water. At Ibis writing
tbe sick .toes have about recovered,
hot complain uf sowniss
hiiiiil l«> *ht> Kffn8*np»M«'r-
Ou s ncent trip Iu HI. Simons Is-
k»d. IP mm * eight that eaik.1 fisvtb
■or ndi.iirali.Hi, The heroines of all
Ogea hare won laurels fur themselves,
aad.wl.y not lie Mr damsel, the tub-
jni nl Ibis sketrb, wins tliongl. pas-
I >d intelligenrc, refi.miuent nod
besnlv, reilier then .Main the nwk
mem here of tbe kmily, upon wboas
devolve fin- labor of proriding hr Ibe
kmilrjherself ymks.1 tha oxen, ami,
nnHinlbg njsin tbs osrt, drove tu tbe
sl.wn.laMl landing, with an mnehi
nn.l grace an if seated in a pnktud
carriage. Ilarrsb, say we, for Iba
brarr women of onr land, win. rise to
any emergency an-l overrmne every
•Istarlet Would tbaro wbra more of
Not that we would bare oar
wivoa ami daughters do tbk oorrieo,
bat be equal to it if aercosity require.
Ou sn.l after Sunday next, Jane
20tb, tbo Sunday day trains, nnmbere
lliree nml fonr, on tlm M. A B. Bail-
road, will Is. diaco.itiaoe.! antil hr-
By ordrr of tbo Master
essre. C P. Goody
for tbe purpose of organizing a Build
ing and Loon Association, held this
owning at 8 o'clock, J.T.l
was ehoooo chairman, and after stat
ing tbs object of tba _
tho appointment
of ft nommltt— to iocrooM tbo mom-
benhip sod perfect orgauiralion, to
adopt oocstitution aud by-laws, and
report at tbs next masting of tbo As-
aodation oa Wadnesday evaaiag at
Moved that wa adjourn UU Wsdoom
dsy evening st 8 o'clock. .
T. O'Coxxot, Jtwm T. Bure,
Ootot Hocix, Jons 2U, 188L
Colled ■arilig of Building aad
Loan Areodatloa—'T. W.Doxtor calkd
to Um chair, T. O'Coooor acting oa
Report of committee to pcoeore
printed forms of constitution and by
laws, and to fora a'ect for Um gov-
it of thia Assodatioa, wrelvid
ind antnimoatly
Moved that a oommittac be appoiut-
ed to can rare tba etty for ■ ember-
•hip, with instrnetions to explain aud
illustrate tbe objaeta aud working of
thii AfMfiiYtoii mifitil, tbo *4*fYr to
be om of oaid eomaitteo.
Tbe chair appointed W. E. Kay, E
OL P. Dart abd T. O'Cunuor, Jr., as
that committas.
Mured and areeudad that tba first
meeting of tbs Assodatioa bs bald oa
tba first Tuesday ia July. Carried.
T. O'Coxxoa, Jr., T. W. Dxxvxa,
Secretary. Chairman.
A OoodlM.
Bsiuw wa polish a oard ban dad aa
• ^t*“^|bytbaekrkaoftba city. Wa sore-
** * omoA oar BMrohaak for tba kind aoa-
afckralioti of tbs oomfcrt oftborewbo
aarm thma faithfully. Dariag UM
1 months, tbaro k oo aoesarity
for fliorat to btopeolstir ibal bill pui
sight o'clock, aa tbo laboring okmto
all quit work at six o'clock, aad than
hare two boon and a bull for say
boding they may wkb to do.
Wt Urn undesigned, merchant* of
of Um dty of Bronswick, do bsrewiUi
arras to aiooa oar laapastire pkess of
boainass. al 8:30 o’clock, r. a., Satur
day* axceptad, from Jane 271b to
September lot, 1881:
J MirnnsoxABao., Cues Boo*. AGO.,
O.FsixouxoraACo., A V IYtxaji,
Hioscr, per D., L. C. Maoux,
Hum A Boo., Dtxx k Co.,
K Bumrxicx A Sox., RMmaa,
" D Hurt k Co., Joxzs Wuoox,
H WiwoxaLY, Jm Bloo,
Muons A MoGoabt, Cano Caixu,
AFFazxxux AOo., HoxuTov.
8/ivfimmh /leconter: Wlmt a chanuo
of name eon be mode to accomplish is"
illustrated by tbo lueoess of the Har
nett House. A short Uno ago tbe
old Planters’ Hotel kngnlibed, sod
bi.l fair to become e thing of Um
Now, as Um Harnett Hoose,
with new proprietors aad manage
ment, it k oo* of tha hoot iu too
Stole. Ik daligbted aad groioful
patrons, who ooom from ojl pointa of
Um eompoee, tod aggregate in num
ber aafileiaot to fiO two pagan ovary
•bur, mala a result unpreaadintad iu
tba history of thk booaa.
IIihimm Watnlfftl.
Yco, we need more reoidsooie; we
know of bat ooe for rent aud that k
• otiered in these colomus by
Mr. Spoor. A doasa or smt* fire
room cotligre euold be routed with
wo now. Tbo demand next
fall will faa much greater. Who will
eopply thk want!
in H|«tor»i*h.
Ur. Torraa, tbaSpaaiek Cuueol at
tbk point, baa commenced a clam iu
Span kb, giving three Issooas par
week. His chargee art $4 per month.
Tbk k a good opportunity tor par-
haring hnsiuam iuloreounm with
Spanish vrarek to loan to spook Um
language correctly. Apply at ooe*
Ate yob low spirited, “down-iu-Mw
month."and wmk In Um Imekl Doss
walking, lifting or standing am pah.
ia lb* stoll of tbe book T If so, yos
have kUasy disaaaa, amt Frol. GsU-
mrtts'a French KUasy Mwilrn
Shipping Intelligence.
~ff MR If, itotlwl. ttiiliJiM
• MlftTMtol OtotoJU* Vwfe
«mm S.-H M * ttffffl*.
&S sL»Ti‘i!t^S!rerw,.a.».y«rs.*»H».
We lobaoer,
Boot & Shoe Maker.
Aala CMMrr,