Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 02, 1881, Image 1

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11118 VICE ilTIITlUIHI If UAL. VOLUME VI. BRUNSWJCK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1881. NUMBER 52. The Advertiser and Appeal, | | AC1 R | omKvi A'llt 1 BRUNSWICK. (tA.,1 c ' l’OOR HUMANITY. Uore tluo half a rcntnry Finer,, the follorin? liu THE SEEP SEE. f. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: •:w , li« One copy aix months Advertisements from rosponslbl* parties will Ini pablinhod until ordered out, when the time If aot siHseiflcd, aud payment exacted accordingly, Communications for Individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisements. Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding . julicted for publication. When ding that space, charged aa advertisements, il letters and communications should be ad* drutaod to thouuderaigned. T. a, STACV, * , Brunswick, Georgia. City Directory. Mayoi livid, F. J. Docrftinger. Clt.rk <£■ Treasurer—James Houston. Chief Marshal— B. A. Fahm. Assistant Marshal—J. L. Dcacli. fWiccwca—W. 11. Balney, T. W. Bolt. Keepr of Guartl House and Clerk of Market-0. A. Moore. J)irt lKysician—C L Schlattor, Jr, M. D. City nyshian-L B Davis, M. D. Harbor Master—O J Hall. ISjrt Wardens—Matthew Shannon, Thus O Con- uor, Jr, and A V Butman. sTANDiMo committee* or council. Finance—Couper, Watkins aud Dunn. Htukktm, Drains ft BnrooEs—Duun, Watkjua aud LittlvAuld. Hex ton White Cemetery—C O Mooro. Hex ton Colored Cemetery-Jackie While. Tow* oohhox*— Harvey, Conper and Kpears. Ccmktkrins—Spears, Duorflingcr and Couper. Hamkiis—Littlefield, 8pears and Putnam, pirnuc building*—Watkins, Doerfllnger and llarvey. Railroads— Docrlliiiger.llarvey and Littlefield Education—Putnam, Hpears aud Dunu. Cn.\nrrt—Putnam, Littlefield ana Doerflingcr* Fir* department—Spears,Putnam and Harvey Police- Putnam, Dunn, and Watkins. UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Dm postmaster—Linn* North. SEAPORT LODGE, No. 6S. I. 0. 0. F.. Meets every Tuosdi JAS. E. LAMBRIGIIT. 1*. A 1! i. PITTMAN. N G. APPLING—3il Monday in March and September. WAYNE—4th Monday in March and Hcptcmlier. PI HUGE—1st Monday In April and October. WAKE—2d Monday in April and October. COFFEE—Tuesday after 4th Monday in April and Octob CAMDEN—Tne«day after 2d Monday In May sml JACOB COHEN Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN LouUuu, Lejuito symmetry c published ii_ and a vain effort made to aeeertaln’the ant hoi even to the offering of a reward of arty gntncai . tha London,' Morning Chrunido, Country Produce GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., i offered for cash at reasonable I MEAN BUSINESS Store coruer NewcaaUa and Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. H. H. P. TIIE POPULAR Liver Medicine! iiili/s iimn hi Has a*tallied unprecedented success in relieving io prevalent disorders of the Liver. Its merits justly outitlo it tv the preferment It receives over Behold this ruin : “iwas a ixnu Once of ethereal spirit full. TLb nsrnm cv” W* retreat; This apace waa thought's mysterious sex’ What beauteous visions filled this spot With dreams of pleasure long forgot! Nor hope, nor Joy, nor love, nor fcar, Have left one trace o Beneath this mouldering canopy. Once shone the bright and busy eye; But start not at tha dismal void. If social lovo that ays employed, If with no lawless fire it gleamed. But through the dews of afndnsss beamed. That ays shall be forever bright. When ann end atara are sank In night. Within tbla holloi Tbe;ready. swift a If falsehood's horn And when It could not praise, waa If bold In Vlrtna’a cause it spoke, .Yet gentle concord never broke. The silent tongue shall plead for tl When time unvella eternity. Hay, did these fingers delve the mine, Or with the envied ruby shine f To hew the rock, or wear the gem, Can Uttle now avail to them. But if the page of truth they sought, Or comfort to the mourner brought These hands a richer meed shell claim Than all that wait on wealth or fame. Avails it, whether bare or shod. These feet the paths of duty trod 1 If from tbs bowers of ease they fled, To seek affliction*! bumble shed, If grandeur's guilty bribe they spurned, And home to virtue's cot returned— These feet with angel's wings shall vie. And tread the palace of the sky. CHOLERA INFANTUM. LIVElt MEDICINES. Is now kept by many persons always at ’ ied regularly, sod tlio 50 CENTS To try it, end yon will certainly l>e pleased with ie result. For sale by J. .VI. MADDEN* r.ovl3-ly Str. David Clark 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thanks tho public through this tnedlnm for the past, and asks a continuance of their patronago, as holms oinmod his 8PIIING IMPORTATION of goods iu all grades, and placed his low prices on them, which causes a rush by everybody that is within reach. He oilers the sarno chance to all who read this paper to avail themselves of 'be same opportu nity. Ills 50c COLORED SILKS AND SATINS is seed. Uls WHITE OOODH AND EH, which he alon ' *“ " equal. His FANCY ARTICLES THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 152%U)UOHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. W.B.Mell&Co. Wholesale aud Re tail Dealer* SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, HOLE. HARNESS. BRIDLE, AND PATENT LEATH ER, WHIPS AND SADDLERY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc. SUITABLE FOB MILL MEN AND TURPENTINE MANUFACTURERS, Co.'a steamers 1 • Caro Steamer David Clark.' aprlll«-3m A writer in the New fork Sun, al luding to the fact that cholera infan tum and nnalngous troubles carry off tho bulk of infants who die during the hented terms of summer, says: “It may almost always be traced to food and drink and tbe manner of giving them. Yon would be surprised to know tbo number of children who are y^ptoms ot x iusori-'red ijv*; killed inadvertently by tho careless- s iwuson of the year. It will . , . ness or ignoranco of mothers and nurses. The majority of infants who die in tho summer season are those who are fed by the bottle; the milk used is often sour, or partly so. An other prolific canse of their death, and an exceedingly important one, is the failnre to provide them a snfliciency of cool water to drink.” Ho proceeds to show that the de privation of water has brought about a larger number of canes of death than all other causes combined. They are always too ranch wrapped up, and in any case wonld perspire very free ly. Tho water lost by perspiration must be supplied. Ah Dr. Murdoch stated in his paper on “Cholora In fantum,” "The child is thirsty, not haugry; but, not getting the water, which it does want, it driuks the milk, which it does not want." The cousequence is that the stomach is overloaded with foot! which it cannot digest, and which soon ferments and becomes a sovero irritation. Then follow vomiting, purging and cholera iufantnm. The remedy for the evil is liras giv- Ouly Direct Boat twlcaper week between SA VANN AH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES SAVANNAH FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RETURNING. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR SAVANNAH. nrunxwirk With B. A A. .vauuatt with Ocean Steamship . and from Nsw York, and with Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston steamers.— Freights at lowest rates. Mark all through freight . WILLIAMS, Aget Brunswick, on tho dork. Fire Insurance! M.ramms’kH {COMPOSED OF THE GERMANIA AND UANOVEU INSURANCE CO.’H| BRITISH AME111CA ASSUR’E 10. T. O'CONNOR, Jr. WDWELLIXOS AT VERY LOW RATES. SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business and Pin liter’s DIRECTORY. 1881-2. Will be issued on op befor* October 1st, 1MI. Vot- tski t>-hns of every city, town and village, population, iltb, Indiiatrie*. shipping directions. Me., bnsi- s aud profe«sionsl men, schools, collegiM, iretie*. Mines, fketortee, mills. County State and United HU’es Officers, lUantm and Farmers. - (Volume l contained over 20*000 names ot plant- A Spooialty. WRITE FOR PRICEi Savannah, Georgia. City Tax Notice. r item of Importance to j r , 'M»!fTf eirrmra ar *rni/ra The taxes due tbe etty of Brunswick on Ml ee- •in, improvements, and every specie# of pc •IM-rtyr for tbe year lMfl. are payable as toll, K" payable as toll* before' 31st day of March, lsul. •• *lth •• " June. Wtb M " «rpt.. •• •• »Xb will be clueeit on the 31st day of March. HHl, alien exrcmlous will be Uaued for the entire tmouol of taxes dna for the year against each and ■very |N>raou who fiuls to make pavnea^as above 'u'm” Li urs frvm 9 a. m. to l p. * , aud fmm 2 to JAW D'Jl'STOy. CIff| *» ’ T nututtr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE.$6 uO V-Mresa order# to snows # co., 924. Braid street, Aogu-tfl, (ia Have water—without ice—always acrcHsiblo to the child, who will then refuse sour milk, and will eat only when hungry. Water in the great in- dispetisnble article for tbe preventive treatment of children in hot weather. It ifi important enongb to mining children, but ia life itself to those roared on tbe bottle. The result of its jndicious use is tbst they will then take milk only when it is sweet, and ill drink it only iu such quantities ns they will bo nble to digest. * * A child who drinks often of water is much less likely to get overhoated than otio who is deprived of it. A child must Ira watched, of course. As a rule, its instinct is its Inst guide.— It is only in tho grown-up child tbnt tho animal instincts become vitiated and unreliable. You may state with entire confidence that the frt.*e giving of water is, in a majority of cases, a potent preventive against tie | terrible scourge of clmlern infantum. J These may be timely hints for many • mother», wjkwiAlly thot-v who are ■ either ignorant of some simple but | great troths, or misguided by ideas that have uo basis in cold f.wt. •fwplntf. nr «hr ^neffra* 4’f Island- Chattanooga Time* Monday evening, Jana 13iii, the Macltne Fishing Club stepped aboard a special car, provided for their use by the gentleman whose name tho club bears, and started for tbo shores of tbe broad Atlantic ocean on a tur tle bunt. Tbo (piarterinaBter’s supply of tackle waa abundant, and tho com missary waa not unmindful to provide thoso supplies demanded by a long journey to tbe borders of tbe tropics. Seven hoars were pleasantly spent in tbo “Gate City," calling on oar friends and visiting Fonco do Leon Springs to rcstoro our failing enthusi asm. Then tbo seven devotees of tbe rod took into their confidence two more devotees of tbe urt, and turuod their faces towards Brunswick, where a landing was effected at 0:30 •Wednesday. Then there wus hurrying to and fro to “catch on" to a breakfast, which, when found, would liaro done honor to a French cook from Tipperary. A stoam yacht way next secured, ample supplies of bacon, cufleo, sugar; con densed milk, bread, aud a moderate stowngo ot boor, was loworcd into tho hold, and tho propeller began to cbiiru violently tho out-going tido. A sailing yacht had been engaged to follow us, bringiug several barrols of fresh water, ico, etc., ole., und with a confidence that was cbild-liko aud bland wo left this sailor to follow us as per contract. It wns a delightful sail out between tbo marshes aud deltas that closo in tbo superb harbor ol Brunswick aud Turtle river. At St. Simons Mills mado oar first bait, ns that was tbo [mint to which our little steamer mado daily trips. Iloro wore a largo num ber of Europonn ships ami coasting vossels loading with tbo lumber turn ed out by tbe immuuso mills of Bodge, Meigs A Co. Beyond this point tbe Bteamer wns our chattered property, and wo took possession with nil tbe solemnity of squatter sovereignty. Water now become a sorions ques tion, for we wero beyond tho limits of tho fresh. Our cnptniu promised ns several jugs full, which would Inst an till our yacht arrived with tbo casks from Brunswick, but alas I for tbo de ceptions of total depravity, when wo opened tboso jugs on tha solitary bench of Long Is)aud,-thcy contained tbo water dipped np from tbo month of tbo Altamnha river aflor it had dis colored tho inflowing water of tbe briny deep. How our chaplain in dulged in psalmody at the discovery, aud bow wo nil Inokod longingly in tho direction of home, when ,lbe sec ond day funnd (is without a drop of fluid of auy sort to cool onr psrebed tongues, aud without tidings of our renegade yacht 1 Tho first night on Long Island wns crowded with adventures. A Itiqnd- ly boat came to our assistance, and carried us from an ill-rhnwu camp to Wm. Inter, BRUNSWICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. 1 w sow prrpoM t» So u, .M .U ol my nie. iml «o«r»oi™ mtufccUos bolt nrt .ml vrfco.. Blwcgs Monk lUerf wit J-jorl.. ±?:. r 2 UUM ‘‘*> a r mw srm.-» An old widower was courting n widow, and both bad sought the aid of art to give tbeir fading hair a dark er shade. “That's going to l>e an af fectionate couple,’" sail! a «vag. “They are dying for each other already.” Olovcs aro worn very long now— by people who cannot nflbrd tv buy now onoa, tbe distant beach, dividing nur pnrty on Long Island and on Wolf Island. Tho sun wns just going down behind golden cloud, aud the distant ocean bad just turned its foam capped waves bnck towards tbo high laud ns we stepped npou tlic beautiful beach nnd began our arrifligcinunts for the first tut tie hunt. As tl* twilight fabbiV fbotolb'ng surf templed us to a but !>, which we enjoyed un^ik dark uuss , exposed tbo phorcsccnt fires that lurk iu the mighty ocean. Then wc sat down upon the white sand and gazed in awe ami dulight npou tbe immense folds of light that adorned tbo iu-roll- ing waves of tho tide. Mountain up on mouutain rolled iu upon each oth er, dashing nnd struggling and gasp ing, and all lighted up by those mys terious fir**S that terrify the mdi ttereil and confound tiiu cultured. Away beyond the disbrut Pelican bauks the oeenu scented to j o :r iu UlsJti uectia j Una w: :Ll n precipice ituolliu.: an infinitely ex-| Knglaud tended Niagara. The white caps ou the farther u lge of them banka de ceived the oyu into the belief that they were tire white walls of a city.— Little by little these faded “way aa the ocean submerged the banks, and when the moon arose, with one side puckered, as if convulsed with laugh ter at our iumrcetiee and ignorance, tbo tide hail crept np to onr feet and began to retreat. Then wo started for n walk of nonr- !Ms time of tbe year come eat on to | the. bench to deposit their eggs in the 1 -r.fl, whffr sift:f. V/c. waited too ions, i for wo fonnd tho enormous tracks of tbreo of thoso monsters who bad made their noetnrnal visit, aud returned to their living home. Despite tbeir clov er feints to decoivo their bitterest one- inies—men nnd coons—onr compan ions, McCollam and Grant, discov ered the holo, twelvo inches in diam eter and twonty-fonr inches in depth, where onn had jnst deposited one hnndrod and twenty-five eggs. These were qnickly dug up- and a rotreat sounded, bat ero wo reached onr boat another nest wns discovered nnd one hundred and twenty more eggs ox- humed. Only partially satisfied, we roturnod to onr camp to find that tbe party who went to Wolf island had boon more successful, and bad found and “turned” a turtle and left him to flap his flippers in despair at the re treating ocean. Our return to tho camp was bailed with joy by our two colored servants, who bad been left alone six boars be fore. When wo loft them an immense belt of sandy bench separated the camp from tbo wator, but scarcely bod wo gone when tbo wator began creeping up. Hero was n tcrriblo sug gestion of something having broken looso! Ed is a member of the church and bos heard of the fountain of the doop breaking np before tbe great and tcrriblo day. “ Moso, Mono," cried he, "it has dono come; de end ob do world is liyar; well nober do wbito folks any mo; O, Lor', O.Lor’, 0, Lor’!” Upwnrd crept flic water, nnd louder roared tbo surging tido.—• With cyos leaning out over blenched blackness, each nigger found him treo, olimed and waited for tho blast ot Gabriel's horn. It wns a moment that try the souls of tho stoutest nnd freeze the blood of tho youngest. Tho stars twinklod in tho placid firmn- mont, and the sand-piper twittorod in tha distant marsh 1 Suddenly a light darted above tho trees. “Moee! Moeol Yonder is do shining host and do King of Glory 1 Lot us pray!” But Moso thought ho saw the moon nnd waited. Soon the water twgan to re cede, when tho frightened Millanari ans crept down from their olovnlod roost, and tightened their nustrnng norves by copions draughts of tbe nnt brown liquids of the commissarint We pnrdonod their fnmilinrity on account of tho awfnlacss of the temptation, anil began onr struggle with the mos- qnitoes. Yo gods, what mosquitoes they were! Each square inch lionstod thousand, and each of the musical cusses carried a brick under his wing to sharpen his bill. Duffy was tbo only wise virgin iu the bunch, for bo wns armed with a net, but tbe rest of ns ? ugh ! Time and pnticnec fail me. Tho sun rose on unclosed eyes, and upon a fixed determination to more out to the occnu nnd have tho infer nal mosquitoes masters of the situa tion. (HERMAN’S EXPENSE ACCOUNT. uni* and limit it." A tailor ndvortises: “ Hands wsutod on boys’ pants." Hands won't do any good uow-a-dnys; it needs a leath er strap. Wlmt is_ tho meaning of a back biter ?” asked a gont’emau at a Sun day school examination. This was a puzzler. It went down the class until it camo to a simple urchin who said. Perhaps il is a flea." Hotel waiters have begun to gather iu the "summer, quarters" of tbo boarders When a Texas oditur is shot, his fellow-kind suy of him th it Le was doable-loaded. Iu Michigan etiquette periuits a brido to be married “without gloves.” Precisely the way she handles her husband... Some persons are finding fault with Mi. John Sherman’s incidental ex- pens* "'•count against the United States Government wbiio be was Sec retary of tbe Treasury. Some pex> sons, however, are always finding fault, and to show bow little reoson(?) there is for all this complaining, tbe Cincinnati Emjuirer has taken tbe pains to select nt random a few items from Mr. Sherman's oxpenso book.-- That paper findd, first, that tbe gov ernment is charged $3 SO lot clean ing a driver's coat” It it happened tlmt the driver's coat was considera bly soiled—and that is no doubt jnst wbat did happen—$3 60 will be re garded by all good business men as bed-rock figures. There is really no grernnd for oomplaint here. Tbe next item ia 318 pounds of camphor, which foots np 3105 10. Financiers know wbat Mr. Sherman did with tbo cam phor. He nsed it to koep moths out of tbe bank notes. It is simply ont of tbe question to run a United States Treasury without camphor. The third item ia 3760 for tbreo photo graphs ol tbo Electoral Commission. We have no doubt somo persons will say Mr. Shorman might bavo got along with two photographs of tbo Electoral .Commission. Hore and there may bo found a creature who will oay ho might bavo got along with one. They forgot that bad there been no Electoral Commission there wonld have been no Mr. John Sherman in the Treasury. Throe gross of battens are set down nt 337, nnd “dye for aamo 336.” Do wo hoar any objec tions to tbe United States Govern ment dyeing its buttons ? We do not, and it is well. Tbo government can dyn its buttons a pea-green or a sky-blue jind it’s nobody's business, that we aro awnra of. Suppose the dye does cost more than tbe buttons? Bnt wo bavo no patienco to discuss the matter. It there ia any nation ot peoplo who desire to bay tbeir bat- tons already dyed wo presume it is tboir privilege to do so. American pooplo como down stairs differently. Wo will pass over 334 26 for palm iest fans and 330 17 for Day A Mar tin’s blacking, and gu on to tho itoin of 243 dozen monogram towels, ag gregating 31,384 50. Among a poo- ple of sncli variutl tastes nnd pursuits it wonld Im strango if there would not be a faw to any tbst 31,384 50 for monogram towels is pretty stop.— They may evon qnibblo about tbo monogram, and want to know whotb- or it is U. S. A. or J. S. Two dozen cuspsdurcs, decorated, cost 312; four and a half gallons of deodorized alco hol cost 312; one hundred gross as sorted toilet soaps cost 31,001 05, and so on and so forth, from fino-tcoth combs to empty mackerel kits, foot ing np a total of 325,000. And yet peoplo murmur nnd complain. How ever, tbe pisiform of a man is what that man ban dons. She also left a note,dolling him tbo churn was all ready for him to com mence operations. MAKINO HIS OWN IUTTEN. OU city Pvnkk. A man who resides in tbo suburbs of Oil City rceutly purchased some oleomargarine. Ho didn't know it nntil be bed eaten it. That mado him mad. or course it did. People don’t liko to cat butter and then find ont it waa oleomargarine. Well, he awure bo would bo deceived no more—no never. Ho would make bis own butter. Ho bought a cow. Ho milked tho cow. Tbnt is lo say, his wife did, bnt as man sml wife are ouc, iu reality be milked the cow. In tiiuu cream rose on the milk. It rose in goodly quantities aud was collected by the wife. Ou .Saturday cvcuing, as tbe man wns starting out to spend the evening, tbe wife remarked:— '* Yon must como homo early, so as. Lord Dtinsnny, a British Admiral,{to f,ei up in tbo morning and churn no at note io prove mat no longer an invinuoie naval power; that steam has equalized matter*-c'.sowher*; that a great army could l>o easily landed; and that tbo battle of Dorking may become a fact Tbo old Cnnarder Persia, in its day the finest vessel afloat, took six tons of coal to carry a ton of freight across tbo Atlantic; the Arizona, * new steamer, about double tbe size of the Persia, takes s fifth of a ton. Wbat branch of study do lady i iy six mih s in qqeat of tqrtlw, who at teachers like to bear ?—Uintory. tbe t> i itte r before going to • t,u Hi -aid be would, lie came homo early—iu Lbe morn ing. about two o'clock. His wife remarked distinctly:— “ Now, sir, I want you to prepare—” “ Two pair—bic—no good. That was anfficienb Sbo soon after rose. He retired without tbe formality of moving bis boots. Sbo was mad. He wm sleepy Being mad, abc churned tbe fcntter and pat it nway, leaving tbe batter- milk is tbe cbqru- -»—a—um,ix er euuru i It was a dasher churn, lie feared bis wife, as all men do, and commenced ebarning. Ho commenced at nine o'clock. At bnif-past nine be looked to see if it was coming. It did not appear to be.' At a quarter past ten bo lookod again. Result of inspection not encourag ing. At twenty minutes to clevon, per spiring freely, ho happened to think of tbe bottle of brandy kept in tbo boase for medieinal purposes. Tbe batter was not coming, neither wns his wifo. Bnt tbe brandy was forthcoming. He drank boavily. At a quarter to twelvo be stopped again and made another examination. Result was to warrant another drink. At half-post twelve be took a lunch and continued churning. At ton minntes past one’ be looked to sco if bis wifo was coming. Sbo was not—nor was tbo butter. At half-past two bo coaid stand it no longor. And therefore took anotbor drink. Tbon bo churned fivo minntes. Thou lie swore five minntes. Next bo look bis gnn and loaded il. At twenty minntes past throo bo dropped down completely oxbaastod. Ten minatca later bo bad domol- ishod tbo churn with a hatebot and was jnst going ont to shoot tbo cow, wbon bis wifo camo in almost breath less aud pnt him to bed. OLIVE CULTURE. EUwuo.1 C'joptr of guts B irUro, Ctlltorali. Filtering or clarifying is a very sim ple process. Tbe mostcommon mothod is to have a sorlos of fivo or six boxes, ono abovo tbe other, each with rotten batting in the bottom. Tbo oil pass ing tbe sixth wilftte beautifully clear and ready for market I nso cylin drical tin vessels bolding about tbreo gallons oacb, ono fitting in tbo other in tiers of three, with fine wire doves ia tbo bottom ofoneb. On tboso sieves I place two or tbreo layois of cotton batting. Tho oil is passed from ono tier to tbe other nntil cloar. The . clarifying can be done in tbo sunlight; also, it can bo bleached and made mneb lighter in color, bnt not without . injuring it. Wbon it is adulterated artificial boat it necessary in tho pro cess. When onco heated it loses part of tbo natty flavor, and is liable to bo- como rancid when exposed to tbo air. It sbonld be kept in an ordinary cool place, not exposed to sunlight or bent; neither sbonld it be handled any more than is absolutely necessary in tbe filtering and bottling, and sbonld not be shaken after being bottled.— Tbe mncilage contained in tbe oil will not separate for a long while aftor tho oil is ready for ate, aod as it doe* not injure it, is not, therefore, objec tionable. It will sometime* form in tbe bottles, like globules of water, or in tbo films settling to tbo bottom ns sediment, and when shaken will giro it a muddy appearance, which, with tbo common prejndioo all table oils that are not perfectly clear, render* it unsaleable, as consumers consult more tbe eye than tbe tMlc. Tbo oil is better when ngw and froth, and wbat is gainod in tbe appearance by ita remaining a longer time in tbe tank is more than lost in its freobnoss and dolicacy of flavor. To sum np tbe coat of tbe juaebin- ory in tbe making of the oil, we have os follows: Drier, #160; mill, 3260; two presses, $500; two tanks; 3200; two filterers, 350; corker, tin toiler. 350; wooden building, 3400. Total- 31, 000. Bucks Hm nuns *!,jea used uy tho Hotu-olots tus variety of die*"**""- From thiBufudepfsetitisa- rrs the remedy wss borrowed by tbe res* ident English and Dutch pbyri-’— *~ wbose recommendation it was—- r —j-- in Europe, and has sines como Into eon* end mo. Combined with Juniper other demmblo inmdiMts. M i* the preparation of Rankfo's Oomponnd Fnud Extract ot Boebu and Jumper, it proves ■most reliable remedy for for non-rctcn- tion or incoottnsoee of mine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder and kidney", "tons in tbe bladder, Qrav- id or brick-dust deposit, milky discliarKes and all diseases of tbo bladder or Kid neys, and Jropsiesl swelling in man. wo men or child. Prepared only liy limit, l'ankiu k Lamar, Atlanta, Ga., und sold by all ilnigKiaU. jelDeo«2n| »•