Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 02, 1881, Image 4

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DESAL.BR I3V Dorn, Hay, Oats, Meat, Meal BRUNSWICK, GrA. Etc., Etc., 4 CHALK AND Birr AIL HARDWARE 5 liilaudlW GongrvM, 14# and 151 «*• Julian at*. ASD AFTER BUXDAY, May M, l>uwnp v train* on tbla Road vlllrnn u follow*: SAVANNAH, GA Agricultural Implements, FAX MILLS, GI?AIX CRADLES, FAST MAIL. Leave Savannah dally at 1.30 p. M Leave Jeanp " 3.40 P. M Leave Tebeanvllla Arrive at Callahan Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville Leave Callahan .,11.10 AM .13.36 1* M ..IMS) I* M ftnla \ .vr.u.f f 0 v Wiolit Wilson Sr. flnVPiiro Pnrlr Snij«[>()*(>, A 'iSv™vs. L'l'IV ilwVIH I’Jl TTIJUI1, , ' ' ’ ~ * * ^Vb-v^v^v... CULTIVATORS. (Storage and Office at LiiilcMil & Tisou’s Warehouse. 1»L0W STOCKS, swEhi'snovjiiA A.OSP. M ...7.41 P M ...1.40 PM ...7.35 AM ...Mg AM Arrive at TebeanTllle •• • Arrive at Jeanp **.<: Arrive at Savannah ** P,««er>^r» from fttvannah for Brunswick take I this train, arriving at Unin*wlck'(i.M) p, m. i’aMeugirs have Riuoawkk at OoUaiu., irriv* ; log at Savannah 3:60 p. w. Paeaencfrs from rtonaa by t (daily including Sunday.) Will give "Hock Bottom" I’rices for any of tlie above, oil application. Terms Cash, or City Facto™’ Acceptance. ® F.d. JH-4.IU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. II. L. HARRIS, WatolimaKor *te Jeweler, BRUNS WICK, O-A-., Patent Watch Regulator. HAS CONSTANTLY ON I1AKLA FULL SUPPLY Watches, Clocks,' SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments , ,'fA/f STltr#GS. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. Sewing Machines, Needles At Attachments. HEWITT’S OGLETHORPE, BRUNSWIOK., GA., JUST OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. New House, New Furniture A Kept iu Elegant Style. B3r ’W. C. HEWITT <2z CO. MTKAOGAGE TRANSFERRED FIIEE. i<| r'J lj Can ha applied ill .» -"Winnies [yyu% TRY' IT ! (Enlarged Twice J EiitibleH anyone to regulate hi* own Watch with certainty. AH tfootls will he Hold at the very lowest market pi show goods. No trouble to jc5-1y llcpiii & Waller MXONIA, GA., AUK PIlKPARKI) TO FILL OIIDF.L’S KOI! Ceiling, Sliiugles, Etc., LOWEST MARKET PRICES. : Rubber and Leather The Ladies Store KELT 1X0^ CIRCULAR SAWS, ,'A Itl’EXTEltS’ TOOLS, MRS. M. C. ROWE AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS’ Millinery Good3.| stlindal .,i se.lo.'EE NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS,: To^Iut with a full line of SI nil I Inr«l ware, for sale at the l«wo*t j emth (iriucii. PALMER BROTHERS. LtttlJ l'liVi, | JACKSONVILLE hAFltfcUft. ,..*, i>^ »|-»< . Kave Savannah " 10:33 P M : Leave Icbcanvillc •• 4:36 A M Arrive at Callahan •• 7:11AM Arrive at Jacksonville ’* *. 8.10 AM Arrive at Live Oak " 10:|S »M L*«vo Li ve Oak 1:45 P M Leave Jacksonville dally at 6:35 P M Leave CaUaban daily at G:3S P M Leave Teboaville daily at 0:10 P M Arrive Jeanp daily at 11 an P M Arrive at Savannah daily at ’.'an A M Palare wlirpiug cara ftp tliia train daily between Savannah and Jacksonville. Charleston and Jackson- ------ . vlllo, and Macon and Jacksonville. t*r wrcTTiTiiv Tool w No change of ears between Savanuah and Jackaon. LLALRSM IJ H n I UlJ • Vllle and Macon and JackaonviUe. OCXS AX1) 1’ISTOI-S, Fismxo tackle. .J-asMUJSSa SfiWS: SSS *' ■ Paaaengcra from Savannah lor Oaincavillr, Cedar Keys and Florida Transit lload take thia train. pasnciigeia from Savannah fur Madison, Montigcl- lo, Tallahassee and Quincy take this train. ALBANY EXPRESS. innali dally at 6:15 j> m daily at 7:05 p ui 1 vllle daily at U..MI p ni j*eave Dupont dally at 11:45 p m 1 Arrive at TbomatVllle dally at .Mllim I \rrlvo at lUInbrldffr daily at MINI a in ; Arrive at Albany dally at H:45au> Ij«ve Albany dally at 6:|5 p in ' U’SV.- llainbridge daily at 5;I5 p m l/eave Thomaavilla daily at 8:46 p in Arrive at Unpont daily at 1:45 a in Arrive at Tebeadvllle dally at.... 4:05 a in Arrive at Jcanp dally DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, oitli wbi. li ah.. 1... rut l.-I.Ml Un EMBOWERED FASHIONABL RESORT! Savannah daily a •cplng can run through to and from Kavattnati I Albany, and Jacksonville and Montgomery 7-1 y ml) Paint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, HATS, BONNtTS, BEITS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINOS W T. G L 0 V E It H'VuK^JiSiT |w,,,m, ' e &BBSS M&KLYGt stationery, Book, Stabat and Mill JUST RECEIVED m, Kufanla, Montgomery, Uobtte, New Orld Mall steamer leaves Dalnbridge for Apalachicola M*d Columbus every Tuesday and Malumay. Close rouneclion at Jacksonville dally (Nundaya -*c.:|ifed) forriroen Cove Springs. St aiiguatine. I'siaiia snd Kutorprlsc, au<l all landings ou ht. lohti# river. Trai lady, except Sunday. I hrough Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Bertha e J. S. Tvsox, Master Transportatla II. 8. 11A INKS (Icneral Superiiitoni Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, ESTABLISHMENT Brunswick and Albany Rail Road Compan* Change or ,Sciiei,l-le. SUPEltINTENDENT'}* OFI'ICL l FINK STtH-’K OF Circulatiiia Libmry, WLSTWAttl) BOl'NB. >|d. te satisl 0 W. T lilo' Glass, Putty. Varnishes & Brushes Clocks, WatcheSSgSp^lli Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., JB WEL.B.Y, i*’S»ai»j; 1 of Music, aul Accordeons, Harmonicas, Violin and String*. Al»». hih.f. aokst fuu tuk wonukupcl me chanical 5 and 10c Counter Woods < > h g UI N E T T E ! H ' ' ' ' * " r l^rcdai IDS W OHILS. ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPDT, MACON, Ga. Locks. Sash-Weights. Cord. Hinges. Screws, Etc.. Lime, Plaster, Hair Si Cement rj c’.'.l. DoKII FLIXl! Kli. NO 5, WIIITAKKU STIIKLT, • MarJt* I) Yonv Money ! BY Bl YIWt. Tilt M (iiioiis a! Lowest Prices \r tii k NEW YORK STORE, Picture Framing Done on the Short out Notice ! II. D. MK.II'Lit i, | Note flic A«l«tri’»s: Xv\t tlic !*«»?»•! Ofllce, ’"iner Ncwca.-Ue ami hlouw«lcr St.*., W. A. J 011 X SO X, | BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. V " K " ,IK1XS ’ ' 1>r,,,,ri( ‘ t,,r I THE BEST! Work dot*., iiji cheaply, and war* »7 rillltctl t.» hist ;ui loiiK OH that o( W»iknu.u in'tfli- l.V. „i NEXT DODli TO J. T. NELSON ON THE UAV. FANCY GROCERIES, COX F KCTI OX Hill KS, Ktc. Where they have jiwt reirivetl a full .supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Gent’s, Latin’s* ami Children’s llats. (•INSTANTLY IHICKIYING JSTEAM ENGINES, "Portable & Stationary,” FOR (IINXINO, TlIKFSIlIXt! AND (iltlN’IMXt*. STEAM ENGINES, For large Sinv Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds ami Sizes. RETURN THU l.AIL 1IETUUX FI,UK, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, A LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. REPAIRS OF MAt’IIlXKRY PROMPTLY MXK<’I TKI'. .1. s. SCHOFIKI.B, iV«»p*r. A TVTWnTVSTT TT A ITt VrtT JA11A4AVA* W AS.aJ.1 L*ja JL . PAINT AND OIL STORE,[ *—• Railroad, Steiiiiiluiat, lilt Sii|i|>lies Wines, Liquors, — The Jewelry Headquarters W. F, OOERFLIHGER 'I’nivclers Ins. Co., ..a*.a., , 0 . Z3iT TOTXT’ZT. Prices as Low as the Lowest I'.MriT (iRMMX AXI) BLACK TEAS. HOISTS OKSV1XK SEW VIinT HAltTKOlri). CONN. I.ili- ami Aucitluiii Iii.Mnriincc. J.M.Dexter,InsuranceAg’t, C A "i“M»lT" FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY-GROCERIES. ( I' p io't. iiiinieit House. ASSETS, - - ■ IFF. and •^ i-triit |M.Urln* w rttt* n alicrt JOB, ,'l, /K (J.'J/ E, ' • : I.OC.U. DENTIST, Brunswick, - - Georgia. WATCHES, . Etc,, Etc., ’ * GARDEN SEED ONION SETS. choice au:wi\ij ,1 smokiso Hoot and Shoe Shop NOTICE. F. WAllNKE,! TOBACCO. mkkc HAM- tailor, The Best 5 Uent Cigars. Brunswick. Georgia # •> w-rutf ilMIN'k nit DLALLi: IN Mari.- Njti 111(1 Bolliodc PUKE WHITE 1.r.M . / •Si: A COLOKh, Gia88,Potty,Varni8hes,Brushcs,Plairt A decorative wall Paper AND CIGARS, POORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Mi.-. I>. A. MOOItK. " . „ . ^ » A LI. AND EXAMINE. ! Db. Af. o. Rest* .. - .>■>—>....... - , M. L HARNETT 4, C ' dentist --! testimony of druggists. K FIRKINSURANCFL^^^^rsxi •AVAXNAII. GEORGIA. ;rates. • - immiinv lrt „ J. M. DEXTER , IIAUDWAIUI *bSTo\ K\ I insuuance agent. ;.7iT^i,“l7at u TJ^t(Ww‘im!SS“ .... | I IIKIlltH.Mb tb. Hr, Ih.i.r,,... *’ ,Ub 11 Ur,t "“ •«k.l *••■>. bibb, J.uih'n’nuiu.l blbHBIb, ooo'iloo ' I.IUXT. AI.BUMUIK * CO. JI.IHKI KEWAKD. »i•«•-»»»;vj b T*t:CWl!-rH'» |KI- i t M,\>.NV l'r. r:.t .i■ stss&.""“"; JAS. U. VINCENT, ATTtIRNKV AM> nH'XSEWK (T I.AH. j Loch, SilhWeigkft, C4ii Hi 9 |e», Screws. Eh., line. Platte'. Bar and Cement uii i’miirrm naiwm/ii; 01 •*««u'***vi©k • cforoia . r lV“h *” ■-.. *£■»; S52 ^ ftWaiUkwaul lb I’d' t'nv!'. 011 M lluul«Dui .vNw llK( J ^ ^ t „ <>J , ^ 1 * T ‘ - *-*•■*«•* , ‘ , u« Hr " •muon. * * oooma.;’* 15 - W,,1 w '