Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 09, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. Final Tax Notice. JAMES HOUSTON, Clerk * TrcMurer. Sdttfttifcr and Sweat. rooLuuxo ZV»Y SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. OEOBOI A. POE SALE. A good MULE and WAGON. All iu fine trim— Mule fat—wagon new and strong. Apply to JOHN C. GREEN. I C El ! SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 9. Ml. HOME MATTERS. Pont Office Time Table. II. k A. maU cloaca 6:00 a. m. Ht. Siiuoua mail cloeee 0:30 a. m Northern mall closes at 0:30 a. M. Savannah and Macon mail cloaca 7 r. m. Remember tbo Park Association ex cursion on Toesdny nigbt next Rend carefully "Final Tax Notico” | from the Clork and Treasurer of the city. THE VACCINE HCAH. — - Vujr kid ,noelM mb * ■- f - Upon her snow white anu; She warned her bean to thia effect. For fear he’d do It ham. But when they came to part that night. She gave a mighty grab, And whispered, "Hug me awful tight, And never mind the ecab !'* —Kanaaa City Tinice. In obedience to her requeet, Hla artna around her flew; He snatched her to his manly breast. And bant the scab in two. Poor Mary would have screamed with psin, But could not for delight, And with an awful gasp for breath. Cried, "Squeeze with all your might !** Th»K(rarth on St. Simona. Mr. lUilor: Since jaciiting^sritT On tbo fifth of the prosont month,' was none there. boat'' racing generally scorns to lao prevalent mania among our people at present, it may not bo amiss for me to givo yon a brief acconnt of wlmt transpired on St. Simons on Uu> mcm- orablo fourth, ns it is, well known in iporting eirclcs tbatrtbat iJfte day sot apart by a timo-konored custom of at flio re»i3once of Mr. Robert S. Clnbb,. of Ibis coanty, Rev. H. R. Treadwell ofllciatiog, Mr. John P. Lamb, onr popular county treasurer, and Miss Amio E. Jones were united in marriago. Jt was our rare good fortnuo to bo prosont, and wo cannot speak in too oxaltod terms of thogon- pox in Brunswick. He told me tbero annual regatta. f Your correspondent, being among the fortunato ones armed and eguip- The First ot tho “nn«on. | pod with n complimentary iuvitution Our noblo Band, the more montion M borrowed of a friend for the occa- tko St. Simons Rowiug Club^ for its erous hospitality of Mr> Cl.ibb and, ’ uii good lady. Mr. Clubb bears (be reputation, and justly, of being one of our most successful farmers, and Jilis W. H. IiASTtxorn, Editor M. V. Afeics. I enquired of Mr. Murphy in re gard to small pox in Branswiek before the Fair. He told me tbero was no danger, and on bis word I let some of my family go. Edward Lako, Hotol-keepor, Waycross State or Qroaoi*, 1 . B. A A. It. R, Jane 17,1881. f Wo, the undersigned, postmasters, assistant postmasters and mail mes sengers, hereby certify that wo have never beard John Murphy, rente Shipping Intelligence. TOB THE roirr OF UUUX3WICK. FOB THE WEEK EXBIXa TEH tjfciig. ARRIVALS. 1 {»>, «-*e Hktt 1 Cook, Bow Took. July 0—8c Sadie Wlleott, Chart—If. DEPARTURES. jssjtfsgne&it July 5—Sc K A Hays, New York. July 0—BrigSahre V Maria, Valencia. July 6—So Flora Condon, FortUml. Jnly 0—Sc Ada F Whitoay, Fwridasee. Jn ly 0—So Charmer. — Jnly 0—so Cathie U Berry, Boatos. July 0-So Thomia R PUUbanr, Boetow. July 7—Bark Some. Hartepoole. July 0—Be Jeffenon. Haw York. rr aL-asauMs I n to i,i* i ■ • n *n .[of which causes emotions of pride to lliou), under the auspices nf Onptain j things under which tbs dining Mlilnl pox was raging in Brnntwiek rYsfuii 'as ma-na. ya' - lairing t ,p within onr breast, will give,! G»rt of the Roby, that most fV.'.uw | groaued. Wo need not speak ol the ( jtovuecomo o ns i"oi» <y p n t n g ^ ol) jj ou j ay D jg b j next, July 11, tbo j*f etvftiubust men, tools passage and : groom Mr. Lamb is too well known [ S Sr* -nTjl?. IliXZA ' T I up a t ou c-soi v piazza on t reo iirat Ul a sorios ui tree open-air eon-i *n a short time was on St. Simons, an i and too highly appreciated by our I <*>*»-«— fact, if any ovideneo were necessary, I^ & A , n . r., before or tluring was abundantly attested by the good tbs Fair at Branswiek, say that small -- ■ • — ^rick or that going tbero-! Wnyuoaville, | *. m. Sunday customers platao toko notice. aandilw 7 lien. A. M. HAYWOOD. JULIEN G. REYNOLDS, Artist. PORTRAIT, • LANDSCAPE,* FRESCO PAINTING, CRAYON HEADS: ■ Uft at tin. office- will i MOONLIGHT EXCURSION AND Promenade on the Reach, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PARK ASSOCIATION, TUESDAY, JULY 12th. TtiiiMlay Far »1.50. tuskets ingle ticket, 01.00 Goatloiuau and lady, rofreshmont* furnished—Take la furnished-'Take your ot LADIES PARK ASMOC’IATION, PORT WARDENS’ SaLE AT LITTUFIKLI) X- T1S0.VS WAUEIIOUS *' ltMJJiSWICK, GEORGIA, FUR ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Will lie sold, at public outcry, to tho highest an beat bidder, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 13tli, AT It) A. M .. 18 BARRELS SUGAR, Damaged. on Iwiard Schooner VIRGINIA ItULON. ou her last trip Irom New York. A. V. PUTNAM. MATTHEW* SHANNON, TIIOS. OCONNOlt, Jr. , ' ■* city nf Drill For Rent. NOTICE. All persons aro hereby notified Hint, havliu trail,mm .1 all my iutereat ami elaim to the Dr. dg. Il.-r. uli-., Ha appllam t-Band Mra DU M. Dr*ter, 1 ahali aa to her inten-at aot aa hci •gent tlu-n for. T. W. DEXTER. DruuanU'k, Juno 31,1N01. 4 WM, NOBLE, DENTIST, Will remain lu l to all Ida friend, a Citation. OEQItGIA—Qltwc Coumtt. To all whom it may eoiirer Noldo of the county of Hereo plied ton ■ I»f Ro Ht. 1 articj jir.*iKTilH.-«l by iaw, why l.-i mi to Mid applicant. Wltue.8 my band, thU J jyJliu Wluroa* William Glynn County Sheriff Sales First Tuesday in Auyust, 1881. :u the city of Drum.wl. k, Glynn Coiudy, G«or- a ml known ami.Icncribed In Hm plan of mI.I ua Old Town Lota, Non. 2d. irl and -JO. Uv- mi aa the projH-rty of J. 11. Lodii*. under and by no or two lax ft fa*, (•ailed by li. M. Tiaoii. Tax .vlor of Glynn County. agalu*t 4. II. Ledlte, for • >ltGlA-0 ADI t; old h door In tie f Rmuawii-k. Olynu cm TuoHdaylll Augiwt, 1'AH 1, between lU o’ckxk A. M.. and 4 oYlnck I-. M. of tliat .lay, at pilMIe outcry to the hiuheiit and licat bidder the following deacribed pr-lN-rty to-wil: The Improvement* on tiioao lou of land in the < ity of RrnnHwI. k. Glynn roimly, Georgia, known and de.xrribed a* Town Co-uiuona lot*, N«*i. 31, 33 and 33. I.< twe.-u Oonlon ami Lee str.-s-ta. L-.vie-i on a* the proiwrty of D. Dunham, under and liy virtue .>« two tax ft fwlaaued by It. M.TUm.TaxtMltctor of Glynn county, against II. Dunham for Uxc* dile tli.i Statu of Georgia and Glynn County, for the year Ittt), to natinly the name. Anionnt of tax.« due, »4 37. Coat. IT 7». JOS. K. LAMDUIGHT. up eiiles. How i- it V We notice the eloruK don't shut up i*t 8;u0 n.s agr.iUil upon. Come gentlemen, givo the clerks a lit tle chance. J. K. Clarke cleared bark Borne, for Hnrtcpoolo, Eng., on tlm 7th inst, with cargo oousistiug of 488,578 feet of timber, valued at $(>,575. “ Don't bit my vaccinate,” is the or dinary admonition hereabouts, when a friend gets too familiar and slaps bis companion on tbo loft arm. Dodge, Moigs A Co. cleared bark Osago, fur San Nicholas, S. A.,ou tho 5tb inst., with cargo consisting of 248,000 feet pitch pine lumber, valued nt $4,223. C'bas. (Ireeu k Co. cleared brig Salvo V. Maria, tor Valencia, Spain, on tbo Ctb inst., withenrgo consisting of 131,000 feet pitch piualitmbcr, val- uod at $2,858. Mr. D. E. Flint 1ms purchased and repaired tlm property next to Joor- ger's old stnnd, and is opening a stock of furniture. Uis cabinet shop will be located next door. The assessment commission bos proven a ten strike for tbo county.— Tbo tax digest has only been increased $187,000. Just $1,700 extra into the treasury for 1881. Commissions aro good things. Do you wnut a nice wulo and a brnuducw wagou V If so, call ou Mr. Jobu C. Green, who can accommodate yon. Wo have beard several persons speak of the team as one of tbo best in town. See advertisement. Brunswick is, without doubt, one of the licit markets for country produco, vegetables, melons, etc., in tbo State —so said by men who kuow—and yet tbero aro scores of peoplo doing noth ing, and wondering why they can’t make a living liko other people. Eggs seldom over got lower than 25 cents per dozen, nud novor lower than 20 cents; and as for chickens, they aro curiosities almost. Why don't somebody start n chicken farm V Yes, a dozen of them ? They would pay ami that handsomely. The extreme boat of tbo pnst fow days brings to one's tnind tbo necessi ty of kcopiug cool. See wlmt Mack Haywood has to say on tbo subject of ice, Sunday hours, etc. By tbo way, if you want "watermelons ou ice,” call on him sud bo can supply you. l'ermmnl. Mr. 1). B. Emery and Col. C. P. Goodyear bavo gone to Atlauta. Mr. 11. T. Dunn left tbo past week to H|H.-ud a month with bis good mother iu New York Stato. Hon. T. W. Laiub left for tbo capi tal last Tuesday to represent old Glyun. In bis bands our interests arc safe. Dr. W. 1). Burroughs and family left for tlm mountains last Tuesday nigbt. His health has been feeble fur some time past. Mr. A. G. McArthur, of Montgom ery, has been iu the county this week, on n visit to Captain John A. Phillips, of Sterling Station. Mr. Fuller and family leave Mon day for a trip to the bills of New Eng land. Wo wisli them a prosperous journey and a snfo return in tho full. Mrs. K M. Bailey was tbo only one who seemed to think of yo editor on tho 4tb. A gom-rous supply of vege tables from bur garden was well ap preciated. Itov. J. 1 ) A. Cook, so well slid fa vorably kuuwii bore, wo aro pleased to say is rapidly improving from inju- i ries received in tbo recent "run oil" I on tho S. W. Hmtroad. tri-ordm" *<• ,Mihtlslj.‘.t noli* 1 --, Bo- certs for the summer season, in the Fair Grounds. Thu coucorU have s£ ways proven in tho past delightful seasons of recreation ami onjoymeut to our pooplo, nnd wo fed confident that they will hail with delight tbo tidings that they will again bavo oc casion to enjoy thorn. Tbo following is tbo programme for noxt Monday nigbt: TAUT i. 1. Orelturo—Chocolate Caramels. 2. Andante nnd waltz—Nightengale 3. Galop—Iron Horse. 4. Quickstep—Salute. 5. Quadrille for tbo audience. I-AUT II. C. Overture—La Petit Coquette. 7. Polka—Gold and Silver. 8. Selection from Bobomiau Girl. 9. Waltz—Beautiful Star. 10. Serenade—Juanita. 11. Qundrillo for tbo andicnce. HT. BIMONH MII.I.H. 105,000 Kent Siiwn in One Day. In a recent issuo wo stntod tbat during tlm month of Mny tho nbove mills bad cut over 2,000,000 feet of lumber. These figures havo bccu copied all over the Stato aa somotbing grand. We take special prido iu giv ing tbo figures for Juno, twoDty-fivo days’ work—-2,220,000 foot—an aver age of 89,000 fcot per day, working ten hours. Tbo avorngo for May was ouly 82,000 feet. Ouo day last week tbo mills cut 105,000 feet. This re calls to our Iniud a stntoinont pub lished by us whon tbo mills first be gan work, and for which wo were rid iculed nt the time by mill men. We stated that wlion the mills were tbor- ongbly organized tboy would ent nbont 100,000 foot per day. Certain parties lnnghcd nt tbo idea. Wo bopo they seo tho error of their way, ns onr predictions lmvo come true. THE HUOAITA ON THK KOUUHI. IlrutiHwick Tnko» Ihf 1'filin. interested looker-on at ono uf.-Uia must, spirited bunt-races it has boon his good fortune to witness iu ninny a day. There was uo waiting for a breozo and no drifting, but tbo throe men who were to ougngo in the race were promptly on hand, and nt the word pnllod off. Tho first raco (throo- quurtors of a mile against tide) was people to noed a word of comDMlds- j tion from us, nad the man who has j a. never been beaten for any office with iu the gift of tho people for which be was a candidate now sbiuos ns tho successful candidate for the band of tho lady of whom bo may well bo proud. Wo bonrtily join iu tbo con gratulations ol bis numerous friends, Our fair city is cortainjy getting up a reputation for fast yachts. At the recent regatta at Islo of Hope, nonr Savannah, ou tbo 4tb, tbo Anuio took tbo first prizo and tbo Orilla came out third best. So wo score nnothor vic tory for our fair city. Tho Savannah AVicy, speaking of tbo nffair, snys: Tbo race between tbo Annie and Wnvo a portion of tbo courBO was ex citing. They were both sailed splen didly, nnd kept together “neck nnd neck,” ns it wore, for some limo. Tho Nettle met with a mishap and came to anchor nenr Cnhbngc Island nnd nns towed back by the Constitution, lu the first class the Annie, by time allowance, wns tho winner and took the first prizo, tbo Wavo the second prizo, tbo Orrilln wns third and tho Julo fourth. Thu Jennie H., sailing beautifully, crossed tho line iu nd- vauco of all others. l’ork A—.s.leti.m We had it on tuo tip end of our poncil to ask in this issuu what lind become of our l'nrk Association when a committee of fair Indies droppod in on us to say that the ladies of tbo As sociation would givo on Tuesday night next a grand moonlight excursion and promenade to the beach and will only charge $1.00 |ier single ticket for thu round trip, or $1.50 for gentlemen and Indy. That committee said fur thermore- that there would lie no re won by (Jocrgo Stevens in eight iufd ‘‘sincerely wish for tbo hspp’y minutes and fiftocu seconds. For tbo second rnco tbero were three entries, Jobu Stevens rowing tho Trough, Johu Dart tbo Myth, nnd George Stevens tbo Ida. This race was with lido, tbrco-quarUrv of a mile, for a purse of somotbing less than $1,000, the championship of tbo island, nud linlf n dozou bolts of different kinds. It wns won by John Stevens in four minutes and fifty seconds, George Stevens.getting iu tau soeouds tutor, aud Jobu- Dart in five minntes nnd five seconds. It will be proper to stntc here that the whole club, men, IxiaU and all, aro bomc-iuadc, and of. the very best Georgia mntcrinl. 1 am rcqnestod to say to tbo young men of Brnuswigk who are fond of the atbltlic sports, to propnro their little bateaux and meet tbo St. Simons boys on tbo 1th of Ju ly noxt, to com]>cto for tbo champion ship of tbo world. Wo would suggest tbit they need not take along nuy- ttiing to oat, if wo mny judge from the ptofusion of good things of which your correspondent, together with ijuito a number of others, was invited to partake. Oh, Mr. Editor, how I wish you bad been on baud. Aftei tbnt day you could lmvo resigned yonr commission ns Captain of the Hungry Army. I am informed that invitations were sent to the editorial stall'of tbnt sterling shoot, tbo Auvek- tikkii and Ai-i-kal, but in consoqaoncc of tbo recent troubles in tho Star llouto system, they must have gotten off on the narrative of tlm oomot, so did not roneb their destination. Yourt trnly, A Noble Meeil. That prince of lumber men, It. B. lleppnrd, extended to Ins mill bands at Beppnrd's milt, on the Gulf Bond and Dixouiq, ou the B. k A., a grnud excursion to Brunswick on tbo 1th inst. Those from Dixuuin came in charge of Mr. C. IV. Weber, nnd those of Beppard-’s mill iu charge of Mr. J. Berrien Muorc. Arrangements were made whereby the entire party of about two hundred and forty bauds were pnid off iu Brunswick, thereby doing a kind act for our city ns null as the hands. Just hero we wish to state in emphatic language, to the credit of those bauds, that our polico say they never iu all Ibcir life saw more orderly set. glo jar. Mill KxiiloHion. Cami-s,Teuaiii,'Co ,Ga ,-Iulv 2,"81. ". Kiht'if: About 8 o'clock this morning, the boiler of tlm Georgia couple a long life ot unalloyed eontiu- binl bliss, aud, "Aa o'er lifo a o- cau they abtll aaii. May sottt-at zcjihyra b« tbeir abate - StraiiKcra they to every gale. To evory grief, to every care. oli. may tbeir pith« bo alrowu with ftuwt Aik! awi-et birda Ming tbtir awoetent Uya, Ami glatlneaa dwell in all tbeir boura Until the cloalng of tbeir tlaya '* Mr. MUHPHYB UKFENKK. Brunswick, Ga., July 1, 1881. Editor Adtvrtuer nnd : Sin:—You will bo kind enough to publish tho following in auswor to au attack uindo upon mo through a let ter written aud rnado public by D. T. Dnun, President of the Glynn County Agricultural Society. While the Fair wns going ou in Brunswick, Mr. Duuu wrote a letter to « gonllomau iu Waycross (»bl was informed by the gentleman himself and by other pnrtios) in which be stated tbat a report bad been put in circulation by a certain mail agent that the small pox was rngiug iu Brunswick nud that it would be dan- genu is for pooplo to go there, sll of which was au infamous lie. Ho di roctod the party to whom the letter was addressed to carry it to the hotel iu Waycross nnd lmvo it road, which was done. Knowing that I had put uo such reports iu circulation, and as no name was givon, I called ou Mr. Dnun nnd askod him wlmt mnil agent bo meant when he wrote tbo letter to Woycross. He very promptly told me that 1m meant me; tbnt lie lmd it from relia ble authority; that, 1 bad pnt tho re port iu circulation, and bad notified tlm postmasters ou the ronto that the small i>ox was raging in Brunswick and requested thorn to notify tbo peo plo, for it would 1m dangerous for them to go to tbo Fair. I told Mr. Duuu that tho statement* made to him (if made at nil) were infamous falsehoods, aud I would prove it. understand from Mr. Duuu himself that those charges wore made against mo to tho agricultural committer, and they were led to bcliovc that tboy were true. For this reason I ask for space in your pa[>cr to set myself right before them nnd the public. The suinll pox did not concern me at all. I was not afraid of it myself, and bud no fears ot IU spreading, aud Dover thought of it unless I was asked There wasn’t u sin- ubotit it, when I invnrinbly told the party, whoever be was, that there was no danger iu going to Urnnwick, so fur as small pox wns concerned. The first ebarge is that I told tlm pooplo along tlm line of the road tbnt tho small pox was raging in Hruiis- Laud and Lumber Compum « saw wick> ttl „l that it would be dangerous mill m tlns county, blew up, reducing fur lbou , to tll0 Fllir . T , lt . fecoll ,| tlm mill bouse to « heap ol rums, kill- i ul „ j, t|mt j huUBtxI tl)l) |IIM tm lm - mg one negro and wo.mdmg, more , ers Umt „ limU ,,, BrllI1BwicVi or less seriously, three white men and ||nkul| (bul „ lo lluli(y tllu four negroes. The weakness of the | it won ,j ^ (lllugorolw ( or them to boiler wns the priuciph cuumi of tho go there. I told Mr. Duun that nil explosion, aided by the dcter.umal.0U I (tbjl) wn „ Bm| bw o follows Ola to Ilet Ine .ten", i Ulu , „ ( w , ml j Tho Offered for sale by the As-1 go down 1 lm body of the negro has | wboMj „ rc „ losu sociation. but that every one imiHt Imcii tuken to loi, Lui.m n. rlondn, , , ' ... M, ,, , ..... . pers are gentlemen whoso word can carry bis own lunch bnsket. The I nud tlm woiinduil are getting along steamer Athlete will leave Littlefield j ns well os c-Onld be expected.” k Tison's wharf precisely at 7 v. *., j * • « - » i • j; >; H. and will return by midnight or tliere- j » nbouts. Thu committee assure us that T McSebhv, late W A PnEX-ncE, P M, Atkinaon, J N Htsihmith. asst V M, Lulaton N S Lady, P M, Nnbunla, K B Alsop, nss’t P M, NahunU, XV E Bcbbaoe, P M, Hoboken, Jon* Lzz, P M, Sobla(terville, R H Rolls, nss't P M, “ M E Snisr., P M, Waycross, W M Wilson,oza'tPM.Wnresboro T B McDonald, eaa’t P M, DixonU A A Walden, P M, Arnold, G G Parked,P M,McDonald's mill Henry Love, P M, Pcaraon, M Kirkland, P M, Kirkland, J DzLAuoirrER.ass’t P M, Loliaton Oben Oatcrell, PM, “ B F Summerlin, P M.Willncooeboo N H Lee, P M, Sniff, • Owen J Tatem, P M, Roeindalo, Elias O’Quin, P M, Alnppabn, J W Ball, aaa’t P M, Enigma, B A Lawrence, P M, VanceviUo, W W Pace, aaa't P M Tifton, T M Cheny, P M, Jacols, W E Williams, P M, Ty Ty, Cyrus Graves, P M, Cyrus, J S WESTBEREY, OSS't P M, PoulaiU Thus W Lippet, P M, Isabella, W J HERRiNo.mail meBs'ger," W H Spriko, C W Arnold, P M, Albany. I aakod Mr. Murphy myself about small pox. Ho tolu urn tboro was no danger. W. A. Liunotson, P. M., Jamaica, Gn. All tbat I over beard about small poxpox wns told mo by W. F. Ponni- mni). W. S. Bussey, * 1>. M„ Brookfield. I gut my iuformatiou about amall pox from n loiter written by * lady who livos in Brunswick, Mrs. Abrams. J. O. Clements, I’. M., Sumner. Now, Mr. tslitor, I think after rending tbo akovo you will como to the conclusion that there is a lie out ■omowbere, aud I will leavo you and tho public to dccido who told it. Very respectfully, Jons Murphy, Route Agent, B. k A. B. It. $500 REWARD Pfttfisiiasttt'; FWRTCS KIDKET PASS erjrooa of which b 2c? T SK r ‘ fxclioDf and haa pwforwad carea •voir time if uma accord* ing to directions. ' rxy to the aflUcted and doubting once tbat wo wUl pajr tl.o abort reward lor a aiogla case of T^ATWTT^ BACE Tbat the pad hilt to care. Tkta great remedy will Poaitiraly and Pamaaentir cure Lumbago. Laaoo Deck, bciaiica. Gravel, Piabcaiw, Dropay, Bright'a Diaeaaa of tbo kldaeya, InconGnenee and Retention of the Urine, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh ot the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in Ibe Dark. Bide or Loina, Nerrona Weakness, and. In fact all tUaordera of tha Bladder and Urinary Organs, whether contracted hr private disease or otherwise. LADIES, If yon are snfferiag from female Weakneaa. Lencurrha-a, or any dlscaso of. the kid* neys, Bladder or Urinary Organs, YOU a AN BE CURED l Without swallowing nanseooa medicines, by simply wearing m PTlOF. QUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad wmun cures by adsorpi-ion. A,k nor ilrnzdat for PROF. OUILMETTEW EU1NCU KIDNEY PAD, M4 Uk. no olhcr. If b. bM oat ,0. it. him. 12.00, tail joa w.R mUva tbo — b, rotara mill. TE8T1K0MALS FROM THE PEOPLE: uutbu disputed, Riverside, But: itxCo.,Jmm 13,‘81. Having beard tbat i( bus been said tbat'a great maity people had been kept away from tho Fair at Urminwick work on tlm „„rt- will betrin this fall I ^ ll H l ir we«li|.gs of | on <ccomit „f > rel K,rt being pat ib * * Council it will l»»an that a special I drcelntion that tl.o small pox was Dtirimr c " ” i.......1...if ,.f n....w. ni'oijKntiGii is to •! Wo thi .-Oort itt (Mrciilatio •rlU.1 a *. I'rlut'i! strn-li . the prvpv n. Tax l ltaaUlt. 'll l*y K. 34.2 Gnat J. c. •Tgla auil Glyou rounty for the rrar DM), to r>_tbe said ft :a. Amount Uxoa due 017 37; JOSEPH K. LAMliRIGIIT, Hherifl (v. V. G Hiut.iteii n,. f ,tj, i |»olicwnfln Imp Imcii ri|»j)ointe«i for the]raging them, ami luMiing tbnt it was A very sudden death occurred in ; u i > l^ r ai ‘ ot * 4C * *Gwer end , c *“; ! 5 e . c V r.”^*7 a »V . tt **-"\ - our eity lust Tnwlav iti&rlit . * the eveniug the children of ih<. fuiiii , l rosl.yton.n pnlptt of this city was j. by lmllie bl . re , | tl.u> awful fu.ct ,thl o.4 »y r. crr ’! YiQ iindcrstuud;, were )>Sayiug pranks, ^ M* ,s: nr ‘‘ or,t on each other, and with falsi* fnecfl,|feulities, and (lie result scaring each other, etc. At hctl-tiuie paidM** will bo liaulml ii| the child iu question got iuto bed and { offences and j»itt to a deal of trouble, said something about "old boogger* j If a policeman Attn* F. Frank’In h Co. The writer a fow days ago mean- dorod to the door of tho warohonsc of tbo abovo gcntlomuu, and tbero a sight mot his gaze that caused him to distend his optics to more thau double tbeir usual size, llo found further progress reudered ulinost impossible by a wall of boxes, barrels, etc., that rose up before him. Closer inspection revealed tho fact that from the door to the uttermost wall was au uubrolt- on mass of heavy groceries, bav, corn, etc., with ouly here and thore a nar row, winding passage-way, reminding oue.of tho subterranean passages of a migbty cavern. One of these narrow cracks iu tho pile of merchandise led to a small opening by a pleasant win dow, whore sat at his desk tho man who rules supremo iu this busy hivo —Mr. A. F. Franklin. Wo remarked that lie seemed to bo rutber crowded, bad too many goods, etc., but ho cut us short with the intelligence that iu a vessel visible from the opeu window, not yet unloaded, bo bad moro goods than tho ontire quantity stored iu the building, although filling the samo throughout from lloor to ceiling. Wa feel no hesitancy in saying that thia firm now have ou hand the heaviest stock iu the city, or that ever has boon hero, or ever— nq, we won’t say over will be, for we confidently look for even greater tliinga in the near future. lu#*t Ilctorw Day.’* lioys, if any ot you should be so iu- consideratu of ymir girl’s health as to be sitting up so-lnto as <’jii*t before * ility,” you f ill see in the east a grand display of planets—four iu number— Venus, Jupiter, Hat urn aud mars. The lowest one iu the group is Vonns,und a beauty she is. We kuow whereof wo speak, for w« have seen them.— Not that we were np with' our girl, but with a certain small boy with a mind as active as a United States Senator, who demanded, at that unseasonable hnur wv.ietblRg substantial on whi brnndnew teeth JUDGE BUCHANAN. J. F., Lawyer, Toledo. O.. tyw: *• Ona of Pro*. Gullmetta’a French Kidney F»dfl cored na of Lnnibago in three week's time.— My case had been given up by the beat doctor* aa Incurable. Durlojf aU thia lima I suffered untold Prof. Ouiliuette’a French Kidney Fad four weeka.' 'S4JUIBEH.C. SCOTT, Sylvaaia,O., writea: "I bavo been n treat sufferer for 10 yean with Bright‘a Disease of tbeKidupy*. For weeka at • time Iursa unable to get out of Led; took barrel* of medicine. But they save tun only temporary relief. I wore two of Frof. Onilmatta'a Kidney Pada six weeks, end X now know I am entirety cared.” MBS. HELEN JEROME. Toledo. O.. mys: ••Far year* I have been confined, • (rent pert ol tlm time to my bed, with Lncorrbccn and female weakneaa. I wore one of Guilmctte’s Kidney Fnda and wm writea: " 1 suffered lor 93 ym with lame Back and in three week* wae permanently cured by wear- of Prof. GnUmatta’a Kidney Fade." , F. KKESUNG, M. D. Ind., when aondlny In su •* •• * W ore one of the >. Prokzlet, Loyansport, order lor Xtduey Psde, o first ones we bad and I writea: reoeived more buneflt from it than anything I t need. In Act, the Pads yira better general aatii. tion than any Kidney remedy wa ever aold. M HAY 4c SHOEMAKER. Dmyguto, Unnlbal, Mo— •• We aro working up a lively trade in your Fade, aud are beariny of good results from them every PROF. GUIIiMETTK'S FKE.XCII LIVER PAD. Will poeltivcly cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ai Ague Cake, Billions Fever. Jsnndl all diseases of the Liver, Stomach yne. .end .. Jrlen Treaties .. Address FRENCH IMDCO,. Sold by JAB. T. OL A IN. indico, Dyspepsia, and ach and BlootL Price . Gflilmettia Trrallen t the Kidneys and Liver, free by mall. P(4k| Toledo, Ohio. Wll MORISS LUCREE, Wood Turning, MOlLDliVL 4i\D Si WL\(i MILL. Hon*.' IliilMing, Pickets of all styles mado to or* dsr, Turning of evory description, also, Scroll and Circular Hawiug done with nsatnses nad d!a> patch. Octagon «n<l l’luted Balusters, also, Nawul* ■ * ** n hand, o circular, for espenters, cabinut makers I forte manufacturers; la feet, all trades supplied In th< ir different branches. 1 bare also the finest lino of Brackets, I'apar Holders, Slipper and Stereoaoop. Jc Cases, Picture Frames, Clock Shelves, Hat and Towoll Racks, Ac. Ac, Jte-Pl< a*e Rive me a call, and leave yonr orders. N.B—All Jobbing attornled to at once, and done l reasonable rates. Newcastle street, near New Catholic Chnreh. Jutn l ly 07 7u. W. B. C. Coker & Co., REAL ESTATE DUOKKK8, CONVEYANCERS. Rums, Lessors, hi Tu Retuieis . or CITY AND COUNTRY HAND* ALSO Al»>tmeter* an«l Examlum of Land Titles Prompt stteniion given to all bo*lneas. Terms — r ol Monk and Newcastle timbersi?*!* 1 !St j ^rannab Imlopeiidcnt Prcsbyteri- penyor?.I ftU church. Tlio moruiug’ttcougrcga- tion wits gootl—very good—but the •j 1 1 evoning’s was far l»ctter—in fact, the li.msc was well filled. The universal verdict is the wish tbat Mr, Kerr would como again, and we might add that tho feeling was mutual, Mr. K. expressing hiiusclf os well pleased with his trip. put ti lual umii Ugcui. j to tnf hj M t own nigimttires, j — . ... .liln blutc that wo beard Mr. Willie Clem j l<**n**r» io»r j«tt»o. ugent Murphy if there Xhe following is a list of deaths Money Saved is Money Made! Purchase yonr engines from na, and savo 0100 on tsn boras; $T0 on a twenty home, ind 0*w on n thirty horse power eugina. Huud for onr prirau bo- fora purchasing engines, gins, presses, saw ami grist mills, threshers, or toy kind of machinery. Wa am manufacturvrs‘ ageula, and] guarantee satiafactloa in tinslity and price, WALKER ft LOUD. No. 100, Meoting Street. Weet aide. Near Ubarleaton hotel, Charleston, S. 0. >-3m CITATION. G EOlUi IA—G ETON COOMTV. Whereas, Matilda U. Troup, administratrix of Denial U. B. Troup, represents to tits Court In her peUilon duly nied and entered on record, that she has fufly administered the estate ot mid Daniel IL B. Troup, this is, theralbre, to cite nil perau— eon- oernnd, kindred ahd creditors, to show cause. If any they can. why said administratrix should not be dis charged from her adailniatration and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday in fieptetubar, 11*1. Wm. U. IHUtlOK, ordinary Q C.Oa. G. H.COWMANT Contractor and Mder, 9 DIVRIWICK, lilOIOIl. I am prepared to do aU kinds of work in my Una. Residence on New-aatie ataeet, near the City llalL Befereocee: J. Michclaon ft l^o., A. Kaiser ft Bru. •IMy Iff? BARBER SHOP. J. H. CARTER. Proprietor. MtAVIEa. 1U1E CUCTINO AND HAIR DRE88- IMU doa. la to. nnr UM .ad mo.1 .prearM Styla. LA DIFS AND CHILDREN'S UAIR CUTTING A SPRCIALTT. fan- SATISFACTION QUARANTEED Why differ dny after duy, au«I month •fter month, with la tab buck, sciatica, lumbago, grnvul, ilinbctcx, female weak ness, etc., when you can itc cured by wearing Frof. Ouilmcttc’n Kidney Fad. would 1h> any danger in goiug to the Fair cn account of small pox. Ho i needl'd, hire him and man,’’ an expression they ha«l been using to frighten oocb other. In a few momenta the light was extiu- gniHhcd, and immediately after, tho child was taken with a terrible con- voUion, from which it never recov ered. It died in a very abort while. IU diaeasc was, do dont, of the heart, and was superinduced by ibo fright received. put him there, but don’t put a mau there to make bin living by watching liis neighbor. Murk what wo say. Arc you low siiiriu-il. “down iu the month,” aud wuttk iu th-iluwk? Docs walking, lifting or *tuut)ing cause puiu in the Mnull *»f th^* Imck? It ao, yon have kidney fiisosut*. and Prof. Onil- mette's French Kidney Pud is the only remedy which will euro you rapidly nud permanently and without filling your stomach with uarntMtiug mediciue. 5 ill lx* that for trivial i yf ur |)by) told him that thore would not be; that ho bod never heard of but ouo case in the city, nud that it was so closely guarded that tbero wa* no danger at aR \ .f\ < = (Signed) W. lav brown, B. O. Hutuii inhon, T. M. Cheny, M. D, J. E. Jones. The above statement is true. I ouked Mr. Murphy about biuoll pox iu Brunswick, and he answered me db stated nbove. (Sigued) Willie Clements. I asked Mr. Murphy about small that occurred in onr city tinring Juno, ouo of thu hottest months of the year: Whites three; colored six—total dine. * £ causes or deaths: Phthisis, ooe; typhoid, two; diar- rhooa, one; dropsy, one; heart disease, one; apoplexy, one; infantile, ono, va riola, one. Total nine. 0. L. Schlatter, M. D. Health Officqr t C L B. a. cmviiT?, '“ attorney at law, HUVtiSWiUK, GKuRGlA. « KOVUiBim *W> AWM1WU8*. ROOMS TO LET. H. U HARRIS. Jeweler. Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, Knl fet,t, awl lu.-nrtnrt Acral. BAY ST., - - BRUNSWICK, Ga. ■UfenM: *»wuk Ruk udnataapME. hBSR&RSAaw-tiisj; the city, several email him fifid «** CatuiL-u county. msyii-u Notice OifTpplicititi fir Local Lcjislation. Nolk-.l. hart, «*» 18*LjSJSff2S2J2LS: naaeof the Bran*wicks»t Albany lUtiroa.1 lew- *” J ,ef P C . L SCIILA-ITUL '