Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 09, 1881, Image 4

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J. R. F O R R ESTE 3R,. dbaIjKR nsr Corn, Hay, Oats, Meat, Meal, Etc., Etc., BRUNSWICK, GA. Solo Agent for Welch, Wight, Wilson & Co.’s Pure Pork Sausage. axp' ext a n. 14S M<1 150 CougrcM. 1451 Mid 131 8t. Julian • SAVANNAH,GA. Ntews**ise asid Ossace sat LUtieHeld & Ti§on’§ Warehoas^e« Agricultural Implements. PAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRIiJlY'.S PLOWS. CULTIVATORS. PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS. HEEL PINS. GRASS RODS. SmiiiH, Fiomu m Wester* Rinxn. Oxxxxal Maxaoxx’s Omcx. Savannah, June 33,1481. f f)S AND AFTER SUNDAY, Jane 33, PaMongef train* on tbl* Road will ran a* follow*: FAST MAID. Leave Savannah dally except Sunday at... .1.20 P. M Leave Jesup *• 3.4CP. M Leave Tebeauville 6.05 P. M Arrive>t Callahan •• 7.41 p \i Arrive at Jacksonville *• 8.40 p m Leave Jarksonville '• 7.33 AM Lear* Callahan •• ....8.43AM Arrive at Tebeanville *• ll.lo V M Arrive at Juaup •• 1 j.35 « u Arrive at Savannah •• j* yj Paaaeugera from Savannah for Brunswick take . arriving at Brunswick'^ ., i’acsenger* leave Brunswick at 9-.70 a Ine at Savannah 3:80 p. m. raaaaugvra fur Lumen take this train. Wiil jm-e ” Rock Bottom" Prices lor miv of the above on application. Terms Cash, or City Factor** Acceptance. * K.birtfttn i Rubber and Leather H. L. HARRIS, Watclimalier dts Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA.., Patent Watch Regulator. I HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY /, VAUU1AW, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments ;ixn 8TKWGS, PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Can he applied in 5 Minutes THY^SaSl 1TJ (Enlarged Twice.) Kimbles anyone to rogulatc his Watch with certainty. Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments All goods will be bold at tbe very lowest market prict show Hoods. No Irmlbli: to jo. r .-ly Rcppari is. IMXON1A, Walter GA. ARK PKKI’ARKD TO FILL GUDIMS FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEWITT’S OGLETHORPE, BR.XJNSWIOK., JUST OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. New House, New Furniture & Kept in Elegant Style. By ■W. C. HEWITT dc CO. WUAOOAGE TRANSFERRED FREE. QUmBSUS Paint and Oil Store! The Ladies Store MRS. M C. ROWE Again invite* the attention of her friends. and Ladles generally. t«> her superb Millinery Goods. Atnl to the NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which ah* baa entlrln*«l her EMBOWERED FASHIOKABL RESORT! She la rnnatantly BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CAHl’ENTEHS’ TOOLS, ULACKSM ITH’S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. Arrive at Callahan ■* 7,1 Arrive at Jacksonville •• ’g.ji Arrive at Live Oak daily (except gun day). .10:4 I-cave Live Oak daily 'except Sunday) 2:3 Jacksonville daily lA-avu Callahan dally a Leave Tebeaville dally Arrive Jcanp dally at.. Arrive at Savannah dally civliig the latcai ag..i ta of farbluii. aud on I her beautiful -eh- illdenlly HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES A TRIMMINGS Cannot be excelled In this or any other city. &BESS MstKWG A specialty, and perfect Tit* In the urwrat modus guaranteed. Oooda drat claaa, aud prices reasonable. lau.7.|f. JUST RECEIVED L KINK STOCK OF Ceiling, Shingles, Etc., LOWEST MARKET PRICES. WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT. MACON, Ga. STEAM E.NGIXES, “Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINNING, TI1RKSHIXG AND GRINIMNG. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILEltS, All kinds and Sizes. UUTL’UX THIl'LAK, KETUHX FI,UK, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. IMPAIRS OF M.\(’1U\I:RY FROMI'Tl.Y K\K(T'TKl). •I. s. M'ilOFIKLD, Prop’r. «*>8UND foil UiiCt LvU AMJ ANSKEW HANLEY. PAINT AND Oil, STORE. Railroad, 8(miiilK)iiUlillMiii|)lb PURE WHITE MAD. ZINv .. . OLOli.S, Glas8,Putty, Varnishe8,Bru8he8,Plain A decorative wall Paper DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. Kt, Licit, Sub-IVei|ktt, Cord, Maps, Screws, ft:., line. Plasfei Ha- ad Cement * WtlULer uiil ITS Sn»l». Sava^xaU) • ■ Ooorgia. RAILROAD, Stuiiiiilioat and 1) Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty.. Varnishes dBrushes'Qlocks. Watches Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., - Loch, Sash-Weights. Cord. Hinges, Screws, Etc., Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cement. NO 5. WH1TAKK11 STRUCT, klar.HM y ©vA- 8ave Your JVXoney ! UY BUYING TUP Best Ooods at Lowest Prices NEW Y01IK STORE, Where tliuy Imvo just received u full supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Gent’s, Ladies' and Children’s Hats. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES. Geo. Chandler, Agt. Harnett House, VarUt Sjuare UOTKL'. Savanna It. JEWELRY, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Violin and Guitar Siring.'. Also. 5 and 10c Counter Goods n I the public flYNJ Biimrrmi* In 1 attention of my ally. Old Hold and silver bought or taken In « x. l»: Watches, clock* and Jewelry repaired and wa cd to give | .effect satixlactiou. C. J. DOKIlFLlXOtilt. Watchmaker and Jeweler, nay j Nolrllie Aililiees: A ext flic* Post Office, AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER. Together with a full line of Shell llartlU’ine, for mile at the lowest cash prices. I’AL.M lilt IIKOT111*4ItS. n»>l 7-ly Mice. Mice. Palarc sleepini. , Savannah aud Jacksonville, Charleston nu.l vide. and Macon and .Ta.-kaonvillc. between Havsnnab ■ ill up with this train for Florida daily. "* firoin Florida by thi* train connect at a arrlvinx at Macon 7 d Floeida Transit Roi *Kfi»r from Savannah for 3la<IU« and Quincy take thi* tra ALBANY EXPRESS. I^ave HavannahVtailv at !o. Tail-ha .» dally a Reave Tcboanvillo daily at.... • 1 dally at Ille dally at Arrive at ltainhridf.'<- dally a Arrive at Albany dally at la-ave .Milliiv daily at Leave Uatiibrldgp daily at.. Leave Thnniaavllle daily at. dally ai vllle dally a » daily at mat dally at.. morpinu rara nm through t and AlUny, and Jacksonville and wttliont change. Connect at Albany with Paaeeneer trains both way* on kmithwestern Railroad to and front Ma» Jte'' K " U " U ' M, ' n, ‘>’ o n»‘ry. Mobile. New Orkan*. Mali steamer loaves Dalnbridge i W T. HOY 1:1! TTA8 «>poned the store aiTJolulug tin Post OfBce Stationery, Booh:, OTSIC ESTA3USHMEHT ALSO A Circulating Library, Ivtilual cViakii.irr on to give coiupl id the i.nbltc gi n. MiTCnl iwswlldepr O It Or U IN E T T E ! Picture Framing Done on the Short.‘Ht Notice ! YV. A. JOHNSON, Boot &Shoc Maker. niutctl to hutt iiH long us that of any other # Workman in tuix section. MemUm/ </««* >if abort notiivni NEXT DOOU TO J. F. NEUSON ON THE BAY. Travelers Ins. Co., HARTFORD. CONN. Lite and Accident Insurance. J JLDexter, Insurance Ag’t, Dft.&oD.GdtLE* I AXIAL DKNTIST, Brunswick, - • Georgia. Boot and Shoe Shop NOTICE. BRUNSWICK,GEORGIA. jau’.-Jly THE BEST! The Jewelry Headquarters —OK— W. F. DOERFLINGER lay an.l Satin ’lie da ra. St ’aiignstlnV. rprlso. an.l all landings ou St. Pslatka Johns ri Tally* excep Through Tickets sold and Sleei....„ J d at Bren’s Ticket Oftlce. No 23 11 avannah, Florida aud Western Hit J. S. Trsow, Master Trausportatl. II . 8 General 8ui ss Brunswick and Alban) Bail Road Compan* TtR BBBggiB Ciiangk of Schedule. SUPEHINTKNUENT’S OFFICE • Unnxawici. «a. July Ittth lc7) iitrs-lny July loth. 18751. a Ituad will run as r-dl.-wc VESTWAltl) HObN Arrive at Albany EASTWARD BOUND. DAILY. SUNDAY XXCCI'TRD. Lcavoa Albany . B.13 a Alappaha ^arsonjEatingnmaae,.... Oil AS. L.MC1I tJkTTKK. MEADEll General 8up< Istant Supcrlntandci l’«ru<*r Nvwearily and lilonrester Hit*.. A. E. II KINS, - Proprictur. tin |Mi.p|r of Br t inviting their a our stock of FANCY .GROCERIES, CONFI-X’TI ON Kill KS, Etc. Is th- B- at 1*1 acn ot the Kind, in every re-1 IN" TOW. C AM. III. Urit.,u<tU.1,110)11, v JEWKLRY, WATCIIKS, Etc., Etc., T WARNKE. IIH Ell). E.IKE8, TIES, ETC., FUKMI ritOM THU OVKN KVKltY DAY Prices as Low as the LowesI bust gukkn and black TEAS. it cists (i i:\lixi: .\k\v choi- GARDEN SEED VII'.KCHANT TAILOR, Brunswick, Georgia. ONION SETS. U/iOICH Ullt’wmil 4 SMOKIXII TOBACCO. The Best 5 cent Cigars. Foreign nntl Doimwtc Wines, Liquors, ii";.' ^ I). A. .'liintiti-,, • I /?*?..*% (L Best* I. HARNETT & C r .,[ dentist i ( ic <ii*it i irroits. AND CIGARS, Bl\STKEET,B«liiMICK.Kl. ltATI’.S, t'i.00 PEK DAY. This twvonte famil v Hotel, under Its new manage* JAS. U. VINCENT, ATTORNEY AM* roi NSHOR AT I,AW. BRU-'S VYlO <. • • • CEORQIA t tod f .Metal Court*. ;>KK CONGIIKSS * Will r.vKt.H MliKLTS, SAV ANNAH. OEOKG1A. IIAHUWAUK fcSTOVKS, l - K i rn ) TESTIMONY OF Dltl tiOlSTS. FI UKINSFKANG'F r ^ ^ ^ e. Oa. L. F. i D E X T E E, _ .mm,u»„ j.i, 1 IN8VKAKCE AGENT, ,£!“£.h™,! 1 *1.000 KEWAltD. I.. II I..IVT .V 111. i WMnsin m" ) fllTltr 5 “'t* ”1“."' - ,nr " • *!)V. ■„■s.-i.'i. sjiST.i. .lu’!.'' J NY ... >.SH«at al)sta.4wne UJtUt ..f M. Ji. v»wi SSS TUl.*r SI*.:. lUt. CUMl'ANY, I ..ufV, U..US i.. r.i.* tu ioc-etu-st Tbo ha murder. ;