Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, July 16, 1881, Image 2

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Advertiser nnd Appeal T. (J. HTACT. Editor in* BBUNSW THE UOVKUNOHX MEHHAOE. Elsewhere wo publish entire the of Oar. A. H. Colquitt to tbe i LcgMntnre. We tnke biine witb- t His Kxetllenry in bio im/ifinf recoinniciidntiou to that honorable i/ifil hn, ten mieoil far tbe Job- body >o groat the rrqneot for m onboi- moiftiniulit Srtniumh. ■ I fiy or (Blwcii^tiAi of $20,0110 to the Dr. It. U. Harris, of Darien, lino taken bis sent in '.ho Sonuto fur that district by n vote of 21 to 14. Think, jo farmers of, Georgia. $70,000 liAlo'lkkift ciMleetecf of yon ns fertilizer lax fur tbo jmst year. This V,wn.i* big weak in Hines riilc, Liberty county. It marked the clneing * sc-rsl-a s of "jadweii lusli- tliie. Day by ■!«» Gw H-iegrsiss and dai ly papers give tlm cheering news that l’mndent Hartteld continues to Im prove, This is h.-iiic) with delight all over tbo Inml nml nowhere more to Ibuu iu (bo Sofitfc. Mr. Itobt. ii. Nicolson, son of John Xicohton, K-q , of Savannah, was drowned last Sunday at Tybce. Ho unwittingly ventured beyoud tbe life line, and paid the forfeit. His body drilled ashure during ilia night. Mrs. Lydia Dnidicr, of Kllinghani county, left nt her death, last week, eight children, twenty-six grand-chil dren, and fifty-two great- grnnd-chiV droii. She was indeed n "motlior in Israel," being eighty-four years old. Nuw York JftrolJ: Yassar has ono smart girl wiiu will, iu Ilia hereafter be heard of in women's rights socie ties. Slio described "straw" us being a hollow thing witli u ten-cunt man ou ouo end of it aud a twouty-conl drink uu the other end. Atlanta wants the State to appro priate $20,(101) for the benefit of her Cotton Ex|io»ition. Atlaula is fast Iweomiug as exacting as a spoilod child. Wc would recommend llint the Stiilo gently blit firmly sit down ji|uin this wnywnrd daughter. Thu Macon and Urunswick Itailmad advertises in nil Atliinta paper for bids on forty-two miles of railroad be tween Macon and Atlanta, tlicro be ing fifty miles moru not yet located. This would iudinatu that tlio road goes up the west hunk of the river.— The railroad authorities in this city- know nothing 6f it—Itomn Tb'jrajJt. Thu eottem eiiaisitioii of Atlanta has ussiimeil a now feature since its first inception. It is, iu truth, to bo a world’s fair. Not only cotton bnt every other industry will bo repre sented, nud it will be a kind of ecn- teuuial celebration. A circular from tlm Director-!lonoral announces that space will not lie charged for, lint Unit exhibitors can liavo nil they need. Atlanta Cation Exposition. This is emplistirnlly Atlanta's scheme to draw |>coplc to hcr bordi rs—let ber pay the bills, snil not tbe Stnto of Georgia. It was opposition to this same spirit, evinced by the Gate City, that actuated hundreds who voted against ( A jljgta.'pvJS'MtiW*!- Tilc ) feared she would seek to nlnorb ov- stythirg-.' Kuwf.'we Have no omr-ciim. In I’m lLiss»*lrou—wa are ghd it >r ' • !:c!:l, tiduk it u big tiling, ex pect - to visit it, ctc.;-elc.- bnt don't think the State is called npou to foot **y- '-ills, any moivi limn oi the --:sorth Georgia* Agricultural Fair." We want Hob Toombs' ides carried out, to-wit: “Iioek tbo door of Hie treasu ry and throw nwsy the key." We trust the Legislature wilt view this thing from the proper standpoint. Taken ns n whole, wc think the messngo rather weak—that is, not out-spoken on the vital issues now before file people, to-wit: The Bail- Road Com mission, the lunatic asy lum, the temperance more, the con vict system, and the M. A 1). Railroad extension. A part of these lie loach es ou very meugerly, and tlio rest be leaves to take earn of themselves.— Write another tnossage, Governor, and he full nud explicit uu tlicso points. These arc they in which the people are 'interested, and not in tbe speelor of fcrttlfzora, tbo Tax Collec tors' bonds, the Colton Exposition, Yorktowu Centennial, etc. MKSHAGK OI file Excellency. The Ouremur. Diumstevxt, Atuuita,Ga., tbo Ooncrn) Assembly: ineo of my official obligstion, in s few sn vile yonr attei of these I regard aa possessing special if not prossiug importauee, and, in my judgment, sbonlil bare careful con would now bring to yonr notice, I would designate on? present “ ixspkctios rr.zs os miTiuzrits." When the law wss framed instilnt- ing the office uf "Irisjieetor," it was deemed imnortaut that tbe fee* d“- SOUTII ASI) SOUTH IIAILHOAH. Tbe pun ln~e money for the North and South milromVmioOnting fo fto,-’ 500, was pnid to tlio State on the’lat of d$fy, and tbo proper traiuder of that property baa been fully conffiiu- «**. U MACON AND ImUXaWICK UAILUOAU. Tbe owners of this great interest aro pressing foiward the work of com pletion as contemplated by the law. si deration. Among tbo subjects I nni j j bavo every reason to beliove that all (heir cngsgenients with ;tl*o Ststo will be fully complied with.— They giro satisfactory assurance that they will not only do this ns rapidly ns possible, but that they will build •thsr lines of ruiiruad that wilt build from tlm remnining bunk tin- siiritb e on it- snl suy ili lien ur ellily Im-cIJ iscu levied on plop inffieicut to pn; Ik is expected, over, that a eoosidorublu portion of \J 4 ,iv(*JlStlli St.i this amount will he realized from the! assets of the bank. No doubt is on- tertoinod the b every -dotLr Stale by this bank will lie collected, I’rm>cr Iggal navy linen inatitutcil by tlm Attorney General, assisted by R-J-. Moses,-Esq., torot- Icct the sains-of 1 momW irtuaSkS 1 State s Brunswick, Ga. < rn >v«»l Iim l»IUJO STORK t ,1,-uiIi uid tlio public monorail. the nl«iv» location. »n<! p ready Iu «rv« hi/ t u lllru lro.4» aup|>lf of iiv$xl /turn tbo halo ol fcrttiizore in tlio l «p jR-l anduvclopeid w cliuim uf SUU* uImh.M h-ur-thf of such ' lllt . State, and make the Macon aud | the ra*c of t *• !*•«••*■• f ovureiaht .»f &!<• traffic as would pro- j Brunswick rood n link in a poweifnl j prcim* Court boa double*! that the teefc tba comronnitv against impost* j ntli \ fructifying system, W« bare in j Skate Iium ii sj^riul lien on nil itRpr-»p* ike ingu cuaraettr, tbe ample mraualcrty nml ASM«ta f<» iTie’«<U*nt ot Bw of those who bare thus great work in amount of its bolnl to the State, nml their control the most aHanriug guar* in, imh>|iemlefit of nuid limi, entitled iintecs of its success nud good uiau* to priority of payment nixV all tin- agement. J other owlitow of hm id hank. Tliir The State is to l>e ooligrntuiated on | doianiou is likewise apphe-ahio to tin the henry influx of capital induced by i Citixena' Bank. led the snuih oi> mot my muaw n by both tbe»o li.injis, iiUiL.t'l w, ibw ; 11 ■ It if 111 i !■ J * t f< • ■ ** f .. ; , i!,.-i r eba-ters. Ti c Gen-m!;***.-* V| , m< | TOOtit BrUSllCS, j Assembly is dontitlesn itdviscil tnat m j * Tlio J os ii 11 SailwH, in s|icakiug of “niilroad luiigimge,” thus eulogizes | Ut'M I JMl Ex-CONEEIIEIIA I'EH. Wasiiinoton, .Inly IS.—There wns some stir crenteil here over tbo au- nonncainent that tbe Commissioner of 1’cnslons, Dmllv, intends to ilismii all tbe clerks in bis Lnronn, who scrtisl or were connected with the confederate army dnring tlio rebel lion. The Evening ffiar quotes Dnd- loy ns snying that while lie has no dis position to discriminate against cx- conferlerates, lie thinks limy ought not to hold positions which pnts in tbolr |iowcr to pass upon tlm claims of union soldiers. This matter has created mure talk and interest than any question nut connected with the ITosidcnt since the attempted assas sination. There is considerable talk on the streets about if.' • > Tlji i. V * ‘ J . A DAY HE TltANKqul VINO lions. Wliile trntbfally assertoil that this tax was paid by the consumers—and they wore for a tory large part confined to tho planting community—it Is never theless also tbe fact Hint these con- Bnmcrs have been completely protect ed by tbo operation of the law, and these enterprises us much as ou the Porfumorv and' Toiled Article V -*«TURKAT VAHICTY, iifilVEltAL WATERS, lias been HiiggcsU'd, in view of tho probnblo recovery of Trctd'lcut Gar field. We doubt if any Mimilur day wnen tho war him ever U*en ao enthn- niasticnlly olwerved na will lie this '»bou appointed. Tho whole nation, r.iilroud uuihoriticH nud ndviitca Hkiu I irrospoctivo of party linea, will any to menu wliiil liny any: Knilronds u*o ijucer buiguago to ex- proHH tboinaelvca. Thoy any “Look out!” and menu look in, and "Twen ty iniuutcs for breakfast! " and leave in tifteon. A gentlemen, n resident of North Cnroliun, took breakfast nt •he Jesup Henan yesterday *u»iuiug wiih served in this way nud hnd to wait until one o’clock, and tnke the chilli com of ever fiutling Ins overcoat ••1 couteuU of the ;n>ckcta. lie did noicii to tbo propoaition nml .obaerve the day with becoming ceremonies. Democrats and liopuhiicnnn alike will join in heart-felt gratitude to a mer ciful Providence for sparing their chiof executive, nml may wo not liopo that the ri KUjt oi this whole motter will In.* to bring together iu closer uu ion tbe two Hectioun nml tlio two par < >f one thing, however, wo nro not like it much, nml said there whkI 81,10 —Gnrtiold does not feoT mo ugly Hiicii n thing a*. Kedeml Court iu Ida j towards the Southern ku-klux(?) ns State where he could get sonic sntU- [he u»ed to. faction, if tho officials nt Snvnnnnli did not make it all right. Conduct* on* Hhould not bay twenty iniuntciiun less they menu it. Jt'Mip sVc/i/oiW. If n man kflls an other aud CfUiiiot be hung unless the iu#nt to kill be proven, what shall lie done with the man whoso intent to kill is published to the world by him self, nud believed I y everybody, yet wliohc victim, through the providence of Cod, if* spared, after much suffer ing? Iu olhtr words, will ihu con viction of oshuuII and battery w ith iu t «J.XKI'I KI.II'H FI Nil. Public sentiment having been aroused in favor of Mrs. GarHeld, on account of the shooting of the Presi dent, n fund wns started for tbe wife of the murdered President. But lie didn’t ilio, nud one would naturally suppose that the subscription would be suspended, but it 1ms not, amt al ready it amounts to neatly $100,000. In addition to thin, hoiqo New York | organization voted ^’ioO.tKNi to the I President, when ho wns thought to tout to kilt, with its attendant penal* 1 be dying, in order that bis tuiud ty, atone for the great crime commit-1 might lie eicy as to the future of hia toil ngainst tbo Chief Magistrate of j family. It would seem Hint tho Pres- the nation? We think Uot, and that ident will find bin wound vastly to while the crime is fresh in the miuUs i bis |Htcnninry lulvnubigo. of the people, a »|wm*iI court should j » ~‘ ~ bo au.1 qui.-k ilispatobimuk- At Albullv ^VtiiinIVl lu.l'u, lJtli iust, of tin- owe. Till- iJ.s Hist til* I’re»i-1 * hcn f u i iuK uW -.-t in.iv«..n to dent of this nntiou is uo u.oro tluin Conkling mi.l 1'I.KI. Tliu auv other citizen is rather i-outrncUnl. i , t | j „ tlr|K .,| llv „ v „ lu M Uo b tho head of u great pe«t>le, nml -y,j tbo penalty for uttempt at his life aliould bo immediate death. Lrnien- tbo solo of worthless or frnndnlcnt ma< ntircH is now rarely complained of. Tbe cbnrgo of fifty cents per ton on all inspected fertilisers was tlmnght, at the.time,to be n reasonable one, nnd it brought into tbe treasnry a «nm amply snfllcient to meet all the expen sos of tho department of ngricultnre. From $27,058, this sum has increased till it lias reached the large figure of $70,232—nn amount altogether be yond tho current demand of the de< partraoot. While there are, prrhnps, very fow who would question the lien ofit to tbo farmers of the protection against inferior or bad fertilizers now Hccnrod by our State laws, it will be readily cottcedod that he aliould not bo made to pay on mironnnnnhle or nn unnecessary tax for tliis benefit. A tax of twenty-five cents per ton on nil fertilizers inspected iu the State would not only lie ample for all tlio needful demands of tbo de|mrtment of agri culture, blit would nlao enable Hint valuable branch of the government to found and cqnip nti " experimental station," which tbe Commissioner of Agriculture dcains of great iui|Hirtniico iu promoting tho farming intcro-t of tbo State. 1 am clearly of tbe opin ion that the present tax should lie re duced. UMK II.MI.IIOMI COMMISSION. In the case of Tilly vs. the Iluilroad .Coiuuiission, in tbe federal court, tbe right of tbu Stato to rcgnlutc the rail- roods And the constitutionality of tho powers of tbe comiuiaHiou were iu is sue, mul fully disciiasod and settled. Tho mnin poiuto decided in that case by Judge Woods arc: 1. Thai, independent of the consti tution of 1877, tho right of rnilmnd* to establish tbeir own sclicdnlca of freights nnd fares is subject to legisla tive control, where such railroads are operating under charters obtained siuco Jnuoary 1, 1803—that is, since tbe adoption of tho Code. 2. Tbnt tbe Lcgislntnro, wider the constitution of 1877, not only has the !>ow*r. but it ia its duty U> regulate the freights nud farm of nil railroads fact that they will result in tlm estnh-1 lishmcnt of new highways of trade, A NEW « A!1T(»I. In conformity "kith % thy resolution j »f the General AsM-niblv. npprovid Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, deist s fresh and genuine nnd they should be uiel in tlm liberjil, I)» c«*iibcr C. 1881, 1 advertised foi nn 1 courteous spirit with which Geor-! plans and spccifieathms for gin welcomes all who enter, .her bor-jrnpitnl Imildiug, o(Tcring the sum ders with legitiimitc purpose oi est intention. $250 for such a plan as may be i ptfnl by the Legislature. The firm In connection with the .Msciin aud j of Andrctv trllm A Wnnroiilicrger, of Brunswick road I call nttcution to t Austin. Tuans, d»av**-4.ffcre«l w -plaii . KINK UltEliX AMI IlLAUK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, the fact that the State owns along the line of tho road and adjacent. thereto a considerable number of lots of laud. These lots, iu my judgment, should with LrntioiiN and mil H|icciticationH. I lmve. iplMnujit^ip^Uiut.vilivi pinna mil be fiirj/ip!ig',|. tUi* >vqok. , Tliyg* will Atrutn 11. Col*;vkt, o»*H MKNTl \IF*\’ Vs. bo disposed of, ns they are rendered bo tfaiiMniUcil L to tlm General Aaaem less valuable, day by dny, by the on-, bly us soou.ns rus-ived. croachiJient of frespassers. YOUKTtiWN CENTEXNIAL Prepnrntions nro now progri suing for tho centennial ccluhrntion, iu Oc tober next, of the surrender of Corn wallis nt Y’orktmvn. It is expected that this ccremoiiiul will be prcMiiited in most imposing form. It will no donbt l>e participated in by every Stato in tliu I n ion, nml with such u display of patriotic fervor ns such n momornblt event will justify. Before Georgia onn actively nud uintcrinlly participate iu this celebration, your consent nud eo-o)>cratioii will be nee- j-y/f / ‘ 1 }<• Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. u “5ii*WM*iN* Mt^uiljuuy tall* fi r HKtUcaHU, If nutllicd «t bla rt-sldt'ticr, coru JAMES T. BLAIN, UBuaoi.sT. C xL. iU The Albany, A»yrs a/fd, tiyrtijr thus hits the nail op t|iu bend in speaking of the attempt p» get $20,- 000 of the |ieople’s money for the At-j lant.n ^pttoi| ('l\|K>sitjou. • It.goys^ j \Ve notice tlpi^a bill lins,ulfc-uly | been iutrodueed in tla- f/i gislatyru tvi appropriate $20,000 of the Stalv’sf money for the liiternntiouiil Cotton Kx|K>sition to Ixi held in Atlanta iu October next. Now, Dip A’m* unJ.AU- iyrti*r( is not opposed t«> the above- named enterprise, nor do wo desire to bn under*!' . , „ . on nmier*i«Hi«i a* bringing into inn s- csani-y. I ileum all nr^u.i.e-uU. „r , |juu of u.o ^.T.tlc- Iicals enf.ireniB tlio ilnt> ur imqiricty, ftlx . C |, K , 1KC ,| j u ju Ik lull; but uu nr., of our Statu taking n part, and nleml- nevertheless, unulterably opposed to ing pnrt, in this august memorial ns I tli«> pnqsisition to give it Statu aid. altogether ut.ealle.l fur. I mu mire U t**' 1 * 0 " C J ,01, « I '. , ° """ ° . . ... I grand . Cotton Jvki H»iti«>n, itfid we there is not a Stnto in tbe Uinou | wonl«l like very lunch to soothe JlTorta \ + e whose entire history has evidenced n of those engaginl, iiij tliu unterpriH'* | | higher and truer appreciation of tbu crowned with Hjiceyss’lyit I libertv nml vesiNinsihilities which tlicv, C *-* M come from tin in ign.nrt is | 1 Ilf tlio ■inti-rpriKi.-'im'.! Hit-p.'..,.j.- uf . . Atl iuta, who ‘ reap tha' b iiMil* of it, is there one Unit maintains n more ll4l ,| uwt ol|t of l | JU ^n-kots of ibo UirJ grateful heart towards a mereiful payers of tljo State. Tins Cotton im providence nud tho immortal men jiwisition is Atlanta s entuprisc—not. who gave us that victory. j 1 * 1 , 15 Status—und AtlanSa ought to nn , takeenn It will iiicreiisc At- The pri-Honce uf tl.i» B reat common. , lrlll „ „ ril . h b!U V0Kt , wealth Should not lie wanting nt n | bur hot. Is an.l hoarling bouses, nnd j timo when hoiiors are to Imi paid to ( give th.-ti city sin ii a boom for q timet tho names nud memories of those who ,,M u " *" Georgia has ever enjoy y.h! iron the place wc now hol.l f,.r.- a.,,1 In-.iev it is nothintf Lul n flight that the iHNiple and Imsiuess; tho powers of the earth an.l 11.. , , 11UM J 1UII ' M |Miy for it , j sertors of human freedom. Georgia lias iuid some uxjKiriuneu THE INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXiDSITlov j in tile matter'of Stale aid, fuf which A very distinguished compliment ' 1 M ’"P^' have paid deallv. and, it ! we nhiWiulH.r rightly, thu sanib mart jfigiirtHl iu it all and tunuiiminted tho O’OONNOB, & WENZ, ! Om: iiiiuiiirs old stand. Newcastle st.) Bi # im^wiek 9 Georgia, rics. KEEP A FULL LINE OF FI11ST-CLASS has been paid our state and capital by j in thiffi Stato ..a ... .* •' I n guru. I iu it nil ami maiilimlnte.l 111 • • - tho selection of Atlanta ns tliu point uiuusurcs tbrougb toe LegialnLur. Dorshnl. Mil fill* KM In litnLli I not I .1 • t .1 II i t •« .1 ... .. .V . taiit-'YS V wnblilVATiK rtEALKUS IN porztoJ, KO far na to make them jil-t I , lt which nhonl.l be hcl.l the ox|wai nml raaaonahlu null to prer. ut unjiiat j linn of cotton pruilncliun ami mami- diaerumoatio... 'feclnrc. Thia 3. That to nppuint a roimuinKiuii the firzt week in October, will cim- for that pnrixwe ia uut a iloh Ration ul; tiuiio for tliree niontba, nml will pro- legislative power, but is tho employ-1 8 «.nt an inqiosiug array of tho multi- incnt of thu pro|>er agency to ri-gu ate I f-»rm nsjiects and values of our great freight nud pnaseuger tariffs. i Htn plo. Besidoa the universal ne- I. That the act creating the rail* Uaaintanee which this great gathering road commission uf this Statu is not i () f iuquisitivu and practical business obnoxious to tho constitution of the' men will secure for our State, thereby I. uited States or thu constitution of j introducing us to tho whole world, we Georgia, and is therefore const it 11- ! will have assembled hero the emu- l‘° ,lft l* I plcteti aggregation of instrumental!- * In view of tho tiii|M*rtaiicc of tliis 1 ties aud tho fullest gathering of ex-1 institutions, such as t cose, nud by tbo request of tlio Bail- ports engaged iu the interest of e.dl.m , ,l ""* chi' ll are ssdl. rua,l Cuuimiaaiun, I employed -iw-iil- tlint iLe world Ihik evermin U-f.-r. .- 1 , "" 1 "•» J-> " •ot coudmI lo Hill the Attorney «*«•>-1 It in nut mireiuoimUo to .•x|h.-,-I I lure J ^,1 .miu, ||,em" 'mini'I “ * nml w iil grow out of tliis exposition such ally, and flu* bill, iqq^ipiiuting $20,-, “* 5 ’ Atlanta, luring tbo Bulloch regime, who now at the burnt of the Cotton Expo sition. Of con rife wi* allude to Mr. M, 1. Kimball, tho man of energy, who has "done so much for Allautn." We don’t want to revive old issue*, nud mcrtdy allude to ili* iu n* one of our reason* for opposing din- ap|>ropria- tion. Twenty thousand dollars is a small' request, when it is considered I that it comes from oik* *»f KnnitUV> on-1 torprisea, hut it upcm* thu .way fur 1 other lin'd larger doinauds ; utiicii will • lx* almost sure to follow, i The State rtf Georgia has no money * j to squander upon Sir. Kimball nud i Atlanta enterprises. She Ims public i lie Lupntic nsy*, whirll are sadly in need of HEAVY GROCERIES, (V FEED. HAY, Etc. . h/.iiii'/ii.i 1 i " i ' GEUEHAL COMMISSION .in .i H MERHANTS ! GiAndk ' bought anil sold on closest fig.- t’onsigauicuts solicited. oral. Goneral Hubert Toombf Messrs. Mynatt A Howell were re-) nn iniptiinc* to tlie manufacture of j MX) of the Slut**'* ni aiey U» Ati.iiif Lined by mo. The Liter firm h..» 1 0o tt O n, mi.-li n number ot.vilnl „„„. ( Kimlmll * C.. i- nidn- 1,1.. pum been paid* |x>rtiuu of Ibu f.-e ..nt of: h „, MionSi Ui||, n, I VY,„um' ll 7*K*j*'.t.,lj|o,-te7i'. tbe eoiitmgent fund. General TuohiIm hiindling, n» xhnli renult in iiumcmm- l»u. J. Mji.jxn r ba» Ihkiu pnid uutbinK yet .it- ! ra |,| 0 bem-fit to the whole euimlrv. WV Itusiness! lent ion is respect fully otdhsl to the matter, that provision mny be made for the payment of throe gentlemen. I herewith transmit the third semi annual report of thu railroad cummin* t,ie eouaideration sion for the inforiuatiim of the ( trill* '■ pf\ A' ior'. irAi )icrha|*i such g»aal to tho StNitfi-i J* uL\ .iUyi I,Jji ( tried traveling, differ*'a ' * rn States ns tin* most sniigitiuu have having not ventured to pr«*liot. I comnn nd i this important subject to your fa Vh l Anfi lioj»'e‘l>y a study of tile wants of bur i .fe“.‘„. L ri'' c ustoniers‘iidt only to keep those we now I 1 or*l AtKcmbly. i Been »i*etl by the llottentots iuu v.irietv I Cy will embolden others who tuny tak* jof diMiiwo*. Fr**m the*** rnd** j»rm*titioa- Tvi *Tou» KoM*. I *u«i» it into tluiir h#w.J- ♦'* »„••!! a prv* i.J.»'»• ".v the I***-! riirougb mistake. inadvert*>uc*v and pn? *• *3 , perim|»s other cnUNin. a lame niindier STATl. nUOttlTolilhS. Two of tlio State’j* de|*»sit*» violcttc**. A* HOt-ii as wo giving lNvtlrinu f*r«**thfii^ «li-«MH*i U^M|, t(> ||Ililtl*. till! i* tti-r than lie had d..u. to 1 "' have but to .-until , SWELL. THEIR NUMBERS. t;oou I'oij who id •d Octotol ioTH, Imv It I It ’ "What siia/i bo done with Gni- toau in a query coming up from many quarters. It used to l»e thought | in tbo west itn fellow w.» | „ r „ WwI , fcl good for nothing be: mmld do f..r .„ M , , hr a„ y ' bail, tmt, f* Kkcly, Gmtcart! t.„* k dop*«lt. milky .Ibchargw se. Comt'.imd with .In d. wrnlde inswdu jow. »tion of K tukui’t. C- ui|h t of Biiclni and Juniper roli.ddt* ictuHilv foi tori ’ incoutinciieu of iiiit»c, don million of the county ofiicuis wh«»v U. wolf would not b*gwibWo for tbit por-j' ',l'r.iw^“Sf ttV»^W-^w^vidk polio, zji a retpootobltr ebfiyWTwould n.q^, ku*I .ln.|»frat .-.Killing i i imn. wo turn nwny from bim In dizgnzt. ' “ ADOUHTAIN UJCUvk Tbo rzrioaz stock enb-rprinet in AogtuL, Ga., haT«rooouUy.lwi»ii do- dsriog diridendt. $580,770.75 bare been jmid out 14 fills mj> eh-etiit nlid (lie Citizen..' D-inL of G i t *r tml m January laxtfaiL.1 In exeenfe sr.J i. L-iicveii ibai tno property and a- j *,,l t'i.'u.i I Iheir official bouiL within the timer m-tn of tho Citizens' will l>«- i, .. it prove* proarriboil by law. I udi-r the ndviro plv mtlii-ient t*. pay every .l,,llrir .In. -'' ' ".TJq!;"' of tllu Attorney General, the bonds of Hie Stab* by that bank without re l' t ' w atiop .»f iby bladfWr ,^ cw offictrs, filed sfterw *r«l*. wore j sorting to a s»!c *»f tiro prtqtcriy of, it t», aceeptofl, they ami then /••vmities • the suritiea on its bond. A little over wjl * ls.s» tt hr* t I.IV f«*l *• |«.tn»all over tin ag** I Un.k a toi|tl«- »mw edtirely w. II i**m»- lltt* liMfReiin*» u- -: y-„! -l*dk'%e«il (•■ lelief % *J palll. It . I frirTv * tfi iukfut that lay I*tt* utit.ii uyis eotkrt i • i I In•!*■ that all who ■ ORDEIM MrtJCITED. * . .pnfi' ! fm ' d - "• ***vu | oight thousand dollars l$S,000) hnsj this great r*- , . . - agreement that the bonds, though ( becu collectetl from tho Batik of ( suffer will giv - n lL ,uu * « taken ' •y all ilraggut*. i*^13co*2in . f flU,e %i l V^a* ,,, ^ 1 P 9 iUbtiy bad if h assignee to pay into tho State ■— ■ ■ . , tl> • l*een nled in time, and that tlic L.'ois- , . £ * i i i treasury nine thousaml live hnndretl NOTH K Ikiglit'* *li«.»n*c of the kii?ii**r«. gravel, **l arw ought past any law deemed, * LL-U-*. ratiirrti ..f tl„- I.L-i.I.I.-r, larnu I P ro l l *r lo W"* Mi-t Lm-Lall tht force ''"Hara ? ' «">ri, "nw in ita .ill .-iralli- ■ \Y. 1). Cllmonis, dial* back, sciatic, weakness an* . Kidney 1*0*1 .1 by Mud female i nn ‘* effoet of valiil statutory official * hands. W lion % this is pail that bank 11 iu *'tte’ii liiods. An act legalizing these bonds w ill idill owe the State alrout $30 000. mlSr.i Tty it and U iui.wuuil. is dcvuicsl advisable. 1 If this sum should liot bo iculi/ctl t MMUaiaLk. Jwttv -L AHU'Sirs F. FRANKLIN & Plnnoy’s J&uUdlng. i • Bay Street, - - - - Brunswick, CO, Ga. r/i