Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 06, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisement* NOTICE. All MW Ire goUM to tttatl torn vuurlgg upon toi Uadi eon.tltutlac tog tstf.b tto. Igg « l. lUJtr, la aim fooslr. toe tog toitpoii ol hagttof to comUUK otoir Inipi.m toupgwtof tomaa will bs ping* ocutal befor. tog cos, j. Aagu.t 4th, lull J. WILDER. Dissolution of Copartnership- Tbo partnerabip heretofore existing between *•*«<* M. Ooupur and Will lain II. Auderaoo to thla •lay dissolved by tbo ternu ol the tr agreement. Par tial having claims against the ouopengn works or «rlat mill please present them tor settlement. JAM EH M. COUPES. Commissioners’ Sale. Whereas, the llon. M. L. Msrshon, CfcanaHlor ol the Brunswick Judicial Circuit, rendered a *M»mt luTT?,. A .^“Pcrtor Com l of uiynn county, la which Polteito Davenport waa tho complainant and John E. Dulilcnoo ctal. wera the respondents, uro. &di>nH$tr and Jjggl SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. 0 EOBOIA. HATUBDAT MORNIXO. AUOtKT ft. Dtt. HOME MATTEKB. Time Table. D. A A. mall closes 140 a. M. Ht. tsiraons null closes Mis. M. Northern mill closes st •;» a. M. Savannah sad Macon mail closss t r. m. 8co notice of dissolution of copart nership. The Sheriff advertises tomo very vainablo property for bis September sales. Just received a lot of cow pens, ftt.TS per bushel it Freak ot Nature. It wm onr good fortune this week to witness » strango freak of natnro in the person of a negro child about six or seven years old, having one ■ido of ita faco aa pare white as any of the Osncassian race—so purely as to be freckled. The outlines of "the Dark,” for so the mother ealfi it, begins about midway the forehead and rant down between the eyee and along the bridge of the nose right across the lipe to tho chin or nearly so, then ronnding on tbo right cheek, psssing right across tho eye, roaches M. a. 11. ILH. EXTKNHION BEOIIN Ciil. Colo Metino UiuginoM. A fooling of donht and distract has filled the minds of many of ocr peo ple for sometime past, touching Uio notion of tbo purchasers of the if. A B. B. R., in regard to carrying but In spirit as woll as letter, the provisions of tho lenao and sale net. That fool ing soouis to be disappearing ns onr pooplo gratp fully tho intentions of Col. Cole. The extension to Atlanta is au lei sured fact, for scores of men uro al ready at work, and not only wi, but a A LETTKIt FROM CAMDEN.- »»ifi*TiLL* Blutt, CavDta Co., July 26th, 1881. fl/ftir A d oertiecfmd- Appeal.- X CX Dias Sib: Please don't become dis gusted beoansoyon see the beading Camden county”— note .above it, if you pleaeo,>th^Se|ha|M|ff ia than also. Tho liwliea and gentlemen living tliero have a Drams^to /S W«t>ttyfT and having no ehnroh diroctly near, they, with Other A, „.o JoUi luiued (o have ono, so tlioy resolved that they would present to the dear people say cassas KsKB-a;^*" -a-rs ** coppor-oolurad. The child's (mother j begun, and in a short time wo nrav 0 J » THE PROCEEDINGS OK COUNOIT, Itanultoa Mcwtln* Auau.t 3.1, 19M1. Council met. Preeont—His Hon or, J. F. Nelson, Mayor, and Aldor- men Dunn, Watkins, Putnam, Little field and Pooapr, Abeent:—Spears, inger. I io last adjourned meeting wore read and confirraodf. Bead a communication from D. James Dglifi, arbitrator on the port of Gonneil in the matter of the return or sales mada by several merchants, stating that Messrs. Kaiser, A. Bor- chardt, Friedlander & Co., B Birsch kElUfc| iYtidtZ, that nothing hwio eeatalaed Mlli» pUMtor the prstoo- Bkc. 3. And In It further ordained, That so wand* ra fc mid tug, .i.rai or Ununn of wood Ml bo eatergMl, dented or rqiind wiuta tho In limlta of the said city of Brunawlck, unless penal** Jtou thmtof ahaU bar* baauuravt^ahs-Aw-^ and Mrs. R.' Mejem promptly umt i •*■«*—. liuevriIlliy submitted their boolst* to j in* of mrhlcuu*. bsiWwg. thr^“ar strv^nre^t^ An Ordlnauco, To defineIto Fin Limit* of the Oily of Urutuwick, and far other purpote* therein mentioned. not bo lawful tor any peraou to p erect any building or structure of t. limit* aforesaid, under n penalty not sheading J*«Wn dollar* for aacn and avory day stash o uf tho power couUined in •»!<! derree, lit: ruby offer lor aalo tho abovo tlrscribotl property, and will enter lain propositions for th* private aalo thereof until tbn Amt Tuesday In Septemiter noat, et which time, if the nine remain* untold, it will be offered at public ml*, at the usual time and place of HheriflT* talc. and tw sold under tbo rulea govern- iug sale* by Sheriff of said State, the Commission- era rosM-rvlttg the right to withdraw the earn* from pale if tbo Aakburn plantation ebould fail to bring Urn aimi of at lea*t *ix huudrod dollar*, and tbs i» of two thousand dollar*, gale* I tor title*. DvBIONON, Comm'r, W. O. DAVENPORT, Comm’r. Glynn County Sheriff Sales. Fird Tutwlay in Srft/rmbr, 1881. OKoltOIA -Glynn Covin r. Will l>e *old before the Court House door lu 1 city of lirunawh-k, Glynn county, Georgia, on the hrst Tuesday in tb plomUr. lwtl.botwoeu 10 o’clock A. si. and 4 o’clock i*. M. of that day, at pnlillc out cry, to.the bighcMt suit beat bidder, tho following property, to-wlt: All that certain tract or parcel of land with provemeute thcroou, situate lying and being in the -’•'■th Ifiatrict O. M.. Ulyun county, UeorgTa, cou- l tiniugVTO acre*, more ar lc*», ItoiiudM north by Kichanlaon, eonth by land* In- tlco of tho iwac-o (llyuu county, C v* J. «, Ayer* to mtl*ry aaid fl fa. Lew made and returned to mo by U. A. Falua, apectal countable. Triucipal of the one ft fa, I1S.9U; cost, prim • I pic of the other ft fa. f <3.00; co*t. f 11.0*. JOH. E. LAMDKIflllT. Hherfff (i. C. Oa. GEOltOlA—ftLYXX COOKTY. tbo hour* of tel .*■ th« ftr-t Tun . ent and lx**t bidder the Pillowing dev etty, to-wit; All thoee c city of llruita •day in Jfcpi ', lying ami iw-iug in that (M.rt.on of knot ml lu. n*. Prince atrteti. Levie-I on llankill. nml. r and by vlrti l. J. • sued by H. M.Tiaon, TaxC’ol attain at J. 0. I’ Odorgia and Gly fa* la- Collector olGIvunu IlitokeU f. county lor Uiu year kimi, to liuouni tuxes tluv • |I7 37; t Joseph k lamukight. Nh. riff ti OEoitGIA—Glynn Cot city of llruuawick, Glynn county. hoiuM- door in tin wing property e wild bcf. ...... Jrunawlck. Tuesday in fioptomlNf, imi, bet’ and 4 o’clocl the hiithi at . to-wlt: ■story frame building, ....... * i the city of Drunawtck. aaid ••wrihed iu the plan of aaid umber 140. Levied on aa the son, principal lu ft fk, by vlr- c*i.f a ft fa laseevl out Glynn hu|K-rior Court in ror »»f Alfred II. Colquitt, Governor uf aaid HUte. , Iura llohsoM aa principal and Mr*. Emma Walker aa security, to satlify the aaid ft la. Prtnch *1 amount, **> IW; fit 00. Eotlce given t Ward, tenant in po*»<-*»ton. JON. E. I,AMHEIGHT. herlffG UKoKGlA—Olynn Covkt». Will In sold Indore tho court house door In the city of Uruuaalck. Glynn county. Ga.. on thu first Tuesday lu September, between Iff o'clock A. U. and 4 o’clock r. M. of that day. at public outcry to thu hfgbcat and beat bidder the follow tug described ' *a1i that certain tract nr |»arcel of land. In the cily , Olynn county, oa . containing thirty lees, it being the »orth"*at*rn por- ' knowu aa thu Wellra tract, and re. On the north by the Old Town tho cily of Druu*wick, on the south and woat by ‘ * *li urr H. Wellei, and eg the east by lamia in. rly t>elonRing to the Proprietor* of the city of Urtmawlck. Levleil on aa the property of Jeff raou Lcavy, under and by virtue of two bi ft Us »**ood by It. M. Tleoh. Tax Collector tor Glynn cjunty, againat Jcfferaoq I*-avy. for tax.i* due ** “ ' Georgia amHHyuu county for ** *' of brunawlck. Ulynn county, tiwu of what land* tint in a t f 7 TO. « year imn. JUS. K. l^MIIItlGHT. Sheriff ti. Co. Ga GEoiiGiA- -Glynn County. Will Im. sold city nf Drunav w . first Tin-today In September, DM1, between the hour* *.| 10 o'clock a. m. and « o'clock r. w. of that day. vt public outcry, to the highoat and Intel bidder, th* lollowiiig described prupety, to-wlt; AU that certain tract or yard of land, aituata. ly ing and Ih-Ii.r In the 3<4h Diltrh t It. M-. Glynn county. Georgia, containing 4fti acn-a more or l««a. fully,| f two iHoo. prl f #7 “0. i Collect' lily, againat i:. nart, Mr., for taxes ’• Hut* of Georgia and Glynn county for the year (urinal amount #*7 SO; e*Ht f~ “ /OH. K. LAMDBIOHT, hb< GKOHG1A—GLYNN »fo Ich. Gly UN county, G. “ con in o'clock t public told In fore the n aw Ich, Gly I r iu Heptotulx ■nr o’clcH-k i. e. o. *• higbeet and b* » »r, in the . the folloi 'land in the and dcto.-ritvd In the plan of «.id cily a# Day tot nuioiier .it) fourteen. L*vird on m the property •>t (i W nPh kwull, under and by virtue of two tax II u* itain .l by li. b«. Tlaon. Tax Collector ofG yun county againat U W. min kwpil. for laxce flue fho ►tel#* «.f (irorgu and Glynn county for the year lww. Itliu.|al amount 1173 U»;« *t 47 70. J<m. K. J m VMDDIGIIT, bhrnff <».»!., Ga GEOIPiU—Glynn i.’ocnty hat day. to the aud tewt Md.ltr, the following pfoperty. to-wlt: All thi^ certain two lota of land In tho rtlvaf llniiitowlrk, Glynn <*ountv. Georgia, known and «te- * rih.-.! ti Go. pfan of nahl city aa ?f**w Town b>te iiiuuIm r> ;-4 and 7'i Levied on a> th« property of Mrs. Jul.x Pure, undrr and by virtue of two tax ft faa i*ton.-.| :,y U. M.Tim.n, Tax CvlWtor of Glynn evMinty. a/iiittot Mr*. Julia Dure, for texca due the Mato of G.septa and Glynn county for the yiar !•*»- Prlu-lj al ae.iunt «i3 3*»: coat f7 70. 404. K. LAMUMGHT. bueriff O. C . Oa. Augu-t 4th. lwl. flFllf S POiTAlNPlP. j: IUC.I *>■»'. -jC: rf%rW n --r. — .1 tvriuf■ rar-n-n* at..I plant-, waahing carrtegoa and win.tow*. prutuet'ei; hutldlng* tn*tr ftr-. and adapt- .., ttojj*. JV^-ri’ilJ.Uvat, ( mm, DENTIST, llUUSSWICK, - - OEOBOIA. Ota.-- up etitrs to Crov.((’> Dew- building. jjZM G. P. GOODYEAR, ATTOItXKV AT LAW. Or. r Mn heUun a Pronaum htoye, otoucea tor direct, miUNSWICK, OA. having purchavcil the haiiJaoniH rcai- tlonoo ol Mr. Jauics M. Cooper, on Union street Wo would call tho attention of all parties concerned to tho notice o( Mr. J. Wildor regarding trespassers. Mr. Wilder is in earnest, and means jost exactly what ho says. Bread, Cake*, Piee, Candies, Ent*. Ac., ar* Always ireah at 11KIN8 . Mr. Leonidas Torucr sent to onr office a few specimens of bis potato crop, which were found whilo hoeing tho same. They were certainly fine for bo early in tho season. Onr suggestion about a laundry has met with unqualified approval. Tho pooplo aro ripo for it. Several have spoken to ns on tho subject. Woll, tho more wo think of tbo matter, we are cuuviuccd uf iu importanco and practicability. Pure liquor* for medic tail purposes can be had adv. GEORGE CHANDLER, Oh the Ray. To Aldermen Littlefield and Wat kins is duo tho honor of fixing that long-tnikod-of abomination on New castle street, known as the old fire well, instead of the Chairman of streets, drains aud bridges, to whom wo nasigne.1 tho credit in last iasuo.— Excuse ns, gentlemen, for tho orror. A circular from B. W. Wroou, Gen eral Passenger Agent, states that a special train will lcavo Atlanta at 8 o’clock \. August 9Ui, to accom modate tho visitors, friends and all others who may wish to attend tho movtiug of tho Stato Agricultural So ciety to ho hold in Bourn on that day. Bound trip tickets, $2.00. Delegates ot conrso have free posses. Electric light oil, 190 teat, only 93^c*ate ygr ydlo Mr. Bobcrt Clnbb, ono of Olynn’ progressive farmers, is oxporimontiog tbis year with tobsooo, grown from purp Havnna seed. Tbo plants aro vigorous, and Mr. Soafortb, onr prac tical cigar maker, pronounces tho quality good. Mr. S. thinks tbo cli mate and soil of Glynn well ndapted to thu culture of tobacco. temember that you get a II. 1 ,' ounce bar of good ip for only five cent* at J. J. HPEARh’, Old Glynu and her sister counties havu been supplying this market with some oxtra-fine peaches. Thoy will compare linuly with any in tho Stato. There was on exhibition this wook a “Chinese cling,” raison on tho lot oc cupied by Mias Ucttie Williams’ milli nery establishment, that measured twelve inches in circumforcuco and weighed fourteen aud one-half ounces —nearly a |>onud. tally tip to ll-tti- kntl ,e. , cool, rcfrMltln, drluk of simIa water. * " Jack Plana" thus writes from Ma con to tho Savannah .Vein.: Since my arrival in this city I have hud the pleasure of meeting with Ma jor O’Brien, Uunerul Superintendent of Col. Cole’s system of railroads, and Mr. Ogduu, thu OuuuralTickot Agent. Iu company with Capt J. M. Ed ward., tho i<opular Superintendent of tbo Brunswick Bond, these gentlemen made a trip of inspection over tbo Brunswick division, and lo nscortain tho wants aud necessities of Bruns wick ns the terminus of their great lino of road. They will uiako their re port to the Board of Managers. They moan businoss, however, and Brnos- is to bnvo something done fur her yet. I rejoice with thorn in this favorablo outlook. (.'Lurch ofltotala can encur* a pare article of wtM for racramcutal purposes by glvlac me a call, adv GEORGE CHANDLER. Th** l**lro Limit. Our city fathers havu passud a fire ordinance, which can be found iu tbis i- sue. IU provisions aro rigid and wid admit of no dodging. Wo are not altogether decided in our mind Unit the lire limit as prescribed in iuu, uiuiuaiicu i. just the thing for though, gentlemen standing around took op a contribution and gave it to tbo little girl that no objection was raised. Tho little cariosity hails from Camden county and possesses bright, intelli gent features. Beet gilt-edge butter and beet cream rheme are befog constantly received at J. J. bTEARS’. (Joltlmnith Cnne, Wo bad a call tbis week from Mr. Goldsmith, traveling for Falk A Co., of Savannah. Ho begs ns to say lo the pnblio that bo did not stato that yellow fever was in Brunswick, aa onr informant says, bat was only speaking of a rOiuor ho had board touching a case in quarantine at Fcrnandina, nod expressed tbo wiih that it might not got to Brunswick. A letter from Messrs. Folk & Go. to ns staUmthat if tho report be trno that Goldsmith mode any sneh statement bo will ho immediately discharged. Our infor mation comes from Mr. Woodbnto, of Brookfield, to whom we have written for all tho facts of tho oaao. A Tricky Watch. An overgrown youth of onr uc- qunintnuco went oat “to call’’ a few nights sinoo, and, in order to improve his “get np,” borrowed his father's watch. He placed it ecstatically in his pockot, repaired to tho fnir one's borne, managed to show it an annec- cssniy number of times, and, on re tiring, was thoughtful enough to wind it for tbo old gentleman. Now that watch, liko its ownor, is just u bit tricky, one of its pranks being to stop when wonnd too tightly. Of this Yonng America was not aware until tho following morning, when tbo Gov- eruor informed him of tho fact, aud farther stated that the hands indicated exactly 1:30 o'clock. That festive youth borrowoth the paternal watch no longer lluttavr H" n Mo«i»tnah* I*Vrtili*M*r. Common tested. I Eureka! Good nows to tho “infant moustaches’’—a sure success and rap id growth warrnptod! Apply, very early in tbo morning, ono |>ound of fresh hotter on tho bead, allowing it to molt and gontly flow down over tbo face. Tbis wsa told me by n gen- tlomau in town who found it out by mere accident, and only ouo applica tion was necessary to givo him tho thickest beard and finest bend of Lair. Now, girl*, donit ask wbo it ia—suf fice it to say lie is singlo. Some of tbo fnir sex call him “sweet littlo But tercup.” Exblt Iiuim Hold Itohhery. On Monday nigbt last about nine o’clock a yonng l’ortngeso entered tho room of Mr. Gilson, at tho residence of Cnpt. llisluy, while tho family wore iu niiother part of tbo hoaae, and took away a gold chain, three shirt Simla aud a nuit. Mr. Gilson put the jew elers on notice, and the chap was se cured next morning in the act of try ing to sell tho chain, anil neenroly looked lip. Mr. Oilson’s room being ou tho Ural floor, waa eaaily entered from tho mljnccut pnliugs. It i great wonder that other boiiaca are uut treated in tho same way. r town, so wlit wait nn-i ecoitsl — —«■ ——j —— —- "«|tuiai iking-; It will do one good thing ""K 1 * 1 t )ro P Grl J cl ~» ,uo " til u, l Cumwti: Diarrt. . . . . ... .. Kilim .Tiiltiiwiin til th» *lmlli.iriiti<f. A ’ .. ... , IVrmmul. Wo uoticcd ou onr slreete thin week our yuung friend Dick Walker, from Jcniip. He is tuleprapb operator and exprevs agent at that poiut, and ia do ing well. Among the most polite and gentle manly elerka in onr city, we might raontion Mr. Andrew Cates, with A. F. Franklin A Co. IIo sliekn right to bis busiucss. Of the many nuisance* in town we j tbo lino. Is our port to lio built up and made to whiten with tho sails of ovory nation, bearing away tlio pro duce of the great West that will be poarod into oar lap ? This ia the matter of vital importanoe to us. Ap preciating this fact, wo prosontod the matter to Major O'Brien. General Sn porintondent of Cole's entire system, wboa ho was here, and rocired from that gentloman tho follow-jug business liko atatomont: " It ia an established foci that railroads always tnko tho longest Irani for tlioir freight* To switch off freight and posoougors, therefore, at any point short of Brnns- wick, tho terminns of our line, would bo sqicidol policy, (t is, therefore, clearly oar wish to briug ovory |«und of freight to Brunswick that we can got to corno hero.” Wo mny, therefore, rest sssnrod that Cole's system moans business for Brunswick. In tbis connection, we might sny that there aro several ochonioa devel oping that will tend to tho building up of onr place. Wo allude to tho perfecting of close relations Iratwcon our city and places adjacent, making them tributary to Brunswick and tho M. A B. ltoad. So wo may soon have a steamer direct to and front the Ha- tilla; alio, ono to St. Marys. A rail road across to Diuion, too, is not an impossibility. Obstacles heretofore ex isting Iravo been removed and wo look npou tbo schomo us an assured fact. One more link in tbo chain and the system is complote; to-wit: A line of freight boats from this placo to New York. This, too, is within tho rauga of possibilities, and, wo may ndd, that wo confidently look for thu fulfillment of every ono of these scheme* before the and of 1882. Tbis uincli for tbo M. A B. Bead. Wo look for ovon greater things from B. A A. Bond aud its recent combi nations. Of thorn, however, wo can not K|rank, as wo can gather nothing definite as yet, but we fool certain that all is working ont right. Tbo uuuiorou* rains last weuk, wo trust, will so moisten the ground that we may hrak for good crujis. Gascoigne Mills Iravo Iraon shut down for the pnst seek for want ol logs, lint arc now running in full ca pacity tocr support of ovory body present aud were I not debarred by the unal terablo fiat, I would tell tbo world who made np tbo characters, bat “it must not ho.” Suffice it to tty, that VM 5,800 Bftall InatrtJmantal fo th* RbnlMfof. rapairla*. r,:ooo All of whjcb wm satisfactory lo tbo JSu^aSjSTo?mISSS°SiSU umtsUm —- Court, to a fine of twfntjr-ftva dollar*, or labor no _ ^ tho nblfo **—*— *'—— Brunswick was not anpepre*sots4. name an arbitrator or to do anything SSnon'eftafcua'To iu i.torM-, U4 ts. oUMr and that tho “Lady Plato,” of Satilla in tho matter, and that all tho mer- Blulf, will ovor bo a favorite hore/And, chants complained of parties selling in Brnuswick, should bo ita imperial votress. This much only, by way of profoco: Tbo church, whioh ia to be of tbo Presbytorian faith, has already the tot bought and paid for, and in tho neighborhood of two hnndrod dollars collected to oomwonco building on, bat wo nrc needing much wore and shall havo to work earnestly and long to gain all wo desire, for oirr tastes are classical aud orthodox on anch thiugs, and wo would bsvo a building which wonld do glory to God7snd to onrsolvos a devout t-cveronco when iu his presence The Satilla Blnff Dramatic Aaaocia- tion aro now talking of prcaonting to tbo pooplo of St. Marya, at an oariy lay, ono of their doliglitfnl entertain ments, and if the fates do so doerco, tbou Ht. Marvs enn, for oneo, sny “ I’m ahead"—’twill bo simply doliglitfnl. Do yon know, my doar editor, that we havo yet to hear of tho first enso of malarial sickness tbis season on the river, although tho rioe, fields have Iraon loft oxposod to tho rays of “old Sol” a much longer period this yoar Ilian usnal, on account of tho low atngo of water in tbo river, and alto gether, the country arouud ns is koan- tifnL v f Dixie. llow They Hold the Judse. There lives iu tbis town a certain J. P. whoso worso sin, is the love of fooH and practical jokos—on otlior people. Now the Judge has a son en gaged in the soiling of choice beef sad othor dainties for tho physical man, and a son-in-law who ministers to tho spiritual wants of the people—both of whom havo Iraon more than once victimized liy the Judgo’s love of a joke. * One morniug during tho present week a sable couple arrivod on tho oariy morning train, and aonght tbo Jinlgo'* oflico to Ira firmly united iu the bonds of matrimony. A messen ger was diiqiatohed for tho legal coup ler, aud thu luving pair sat down to wait. Jn»t thou tho preacher son-in- law entered the sou’s shop to procure a steak fur his breakfast, when thu butcher cmuiminicatod to him thu state ot affairs iu tho Jndgu’s office. ABorebsrdt G Fricdiacdcr A Co. B Hirseh.... Ou Tuesday, August 2nd, the ate- j Imniodialeiy a wicked thought soired odore loading tho schooner -lame. T. .imnlteneously. and they Morse, at Ht. Simous Mi'ls, put in ft2,- lle *4 ft wl,is,»ro.l cmvcrration, the 250 feet of side lioarda. A g.»*l day’s | of wllich G.nt tl.o jircachor i harried lo thu Judged office, obtained . . . i, (tho consent of tim eouplo, and (piiuk- The oolorctl oxcuraiou to Osaeoigne ; , ^ ^ v , „„ int ,,, th . Mil * on Monday nigh last, we httr. tlw M \ .h* 1 ; *:« ; , "' cr w-*«. >>« j— »-»*4. emphatically at the jaunt of th- j J h |Klckcli dunked Hum j pleasantly together, remarking, . , , ,... . “Judge, there’s the conplc, here’s Uw Mr*. George Asbell. w.f.n St. H.mon* Mll w(llk „, , 0 . Light House koo,rar. 3"e remam. - bila||tly Th e Jmlgu ray. ho .. , I would nut mind it so muuh but for ment. Alsu, at l red uica un Ve-tnea-, ^ ^ ^ f(ju wuaM , mVL . lay ove, Artbur, infant »un ol uf Mr. ^ ^ ^ Mo „ bnmk(wt onct. uud Mm. A. J. Allen. 1 clear Kitin, > j mill would not have buuu reckoned iu Slelons are so plentiful Ural very | tk() bllMilluM) u( t | l0 ,Uy. large ones limy lie Imiiglit fur live | ^ ,,i**l{„u«e cent*. One weighing twenty-eight j |amnd* was wild fur a dime. On j -pho courteous and laboriona pro- Thnrwl'.y some two or throe huudrod | prietors of this bomra.anticipstlagllio were shipped to Brunswick uu the j visits of morcbauts soon to tbo For- Baby, by our Hawkins Island vuud Mortuary 11*1* Whites. I Colored ulV.1KHI. e*t City, have mule ami will continue to make improvement, froio time to time as will contribute to tboir com fort. Among other improvomonta they I ii-troiinccd traawm light. lover I,very door, thus giving perfect i vent it'd ion 111 nii lied-rooms. 11 i house lieiug only two stories, guests i six- heart, one; are spared the n.-cnaaity of ascending largo quaDtitios of bacon, coru, flour, etc., audsskod that they bo protoclod; whioh was rccoivod and thu action of the arbitrator oonfirmod, th > matter of 3. Mirhelson A Bro. being roforrod to * apodal committooo consisting of Al- Aenasn Watkins, Dunn and Litils- field, and tho'Clark and Troaiurorlra- ing instructed to call npon all parties waking snob salsa for a return of the ' ~'H' *V To the Honorable Mayor amt Ootoril <f the city of Jlrumwick Tbo Co'uimittae on Town Commons to whom was roforrod tho matter of the lease of Donnis Folly, ros|ioctful- ly submit as thoir report: That Den nis Folly being a part of Tuwu Com mons, Council Iras no right to with hold lease money for samo from Board of Hducatioa—that aaid Board uro ontitlud to all uonioa rccoivod from of Town Commons aa provided by tho city charter, and wo recoin- moud that all uouiee that have boon or may bo roooived from lease ot Don nis Folly and all other leasos of Town Commons bo paid to Olynn Coouty Board of Education. J. 1*. Hauvxy, J. J., Committee. Tbo report Wa> received and then adopted, after being so amended as to road that all monies that may Ira liorosftor rccoivod from leaso of Deu uis' Folly, sod all othor losses ot Town Commons, including tho yonr 1881, bo |mid to tbo Board of Educa tion. To the Honorable Mayor null Council tf the'cUy </ Jlrunmirl: Tire committee on pplico beg leave to rc|»rt that they havo carefully cx amioed the ordinanco governing tbo police furoe, and recommend that the raiuo bo enforced. Jlenpeef fully nubmittod, A. T. Fotram, W. W. Watkixh, D. T. Dcxx, Committee. The. report was rccoivod and adoptod. 7b the Honorable. Maytr and Counril if the city of Itrunrinvl: Tho coinmitteo on fire department, wbo were instructed lo report un ordi- nanro defining fire limits for tho oily of Brnuswick, bog leave to submit ths necompauying ordinanco, and recom mend that it Ira panned. BeH|«-etfully, .7. J. Hi-x*ii», A. T. Pctkam, J. IV H.RVIT, Culiiluittoc. Tin- rv|wrt was red ived and tin- ciioimittco diselrargud. An ordinam-i-, lo define lire limits for the city of BrniiHwiek, and fur oth er pnrpnKis rtbw#. im-ntKHEl, was rewl the first timo,'then 'taken up by unnniiiionH coii«cnf, ruml n hcouikI time by HcclioUN, nii«! pahMotl. Thu UooUlt OOicor Ntibiuilloil hit* inoiiaary rr|»ort for thu «n»nlh of Ju ly, which wiih nt’i ivuA nii«1 ordunxl fo be pubiinhctl "(ul filetl. Tho HarUir Mmitcr Hiibmittutl hi* rcjiort of Iho arrival of voinolit dnriug tho idodIU of July, which *#ita ru- coivctl an<l ordered fo be filed Tho Fintoce ( onimittee uulwtiftlcd bills amonntiiiH U» *7W 1^. which wi-rc ordered to l>u pniii. Tlifir I C>oonc»l then ndjuuruod. whaUTtr, contrary to tlw MOYlskfMoJUi and *T*ry nwcbanlc, artificer, or otkar 1 •hall be nwtrtawotal fo tlw ntmUdfog. MBmc. L Aad b* Itfnrtiwrordafoed, Tbit no wood- m balldlDft, mcro than tVaaty foal btRh Atom tlw crowd to the hlck«at point of the roof, *haU bn ft* ■wmd from any on* point within tlw drn Unit* an* i r thu ordfonaca to anyotlwr point vfUo finite, *n6sn nay point wtfonnt tlw lo nay point vJttfo Uw same, wttbnat in pvmisaion of Uw Mayor and Council. Sac. ft. And bn it further ordained. That any ooden build for way bn rwnoved Horn oc* part of to wain lot, even thou*h within tbe fir* unite, provided that fo* permiaaion ot tho Mayor aad Connell bn ft ret had aad obtained. 8bo. ft. And b* It fnrtbtr ordained, That wh*n*r> • nay bon*#, bnikiiac, shod or atnwtnrn berwfter . j bn b«Ut or m*or«red wltbla tlw ftrn limits of tlw city of Bnaowlrk a hall bn roobdo r novrrnd. tbn guoo shall bn rooted or envarnd with nfote.Ute, tin nr otbar innoanbontibl* matertaL tnc. 7. And bn it fart bar ordainnd. That every bouee or bulliUnft which shall be hcrenfter erected in the city of Branawtek of bride, atone, tehby or tapie, of mo re than one story, * trill have n thlckncea of vnll in the lower story of a brick and a half, or not toon than twelve inches, and nine inches above the lower atory, had every each hoaae or balldlnif, whether of one or more stories in height, shall be covered with slate, tUo$ Un nr other fonomtowEbto "frail Ani be it further ordained. That the May* stand the Committee on Fire Deportment shall have the authority and power to cones any bouse, *— re to be polled down or Mil wnnitorthe fo violation of th building, abed nr nance-the expense of sneb palling down or rnmov* alto he paM ont of the treasury of the city, exsept In cases of aaleanco or of dotation of UUs ordinance, when It MwU be boras by the owner. _ ftne. 9. Aad to It further ordained. That every •non violating any of the provision*of the fourth, iftb, sixth, seventh and aightb section* of this ordi* iance shall to ankftect, an conviction therefor be* fore Uw Police Chart, to a ftne not exoeedtng ooe * loiter*, or labor on the pnbllc etrnote for a exceeding sixty dsya. or both, at the die* erst ion of the Conn. Sac. io. And to It farther ordained. That all ordi* anceo and parts of ordinances In conflict with thin ordinance to and tto same an hereby repealed. MALLORY’S 1W YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. NTEAMflfliVM j wjsrsrs*# TMJ&S Captolft HOW. cm OF 9stJLM8 Captain RINK. Li avrafew York every Friday at 3 P. M.. nrriv* fog fo Bnuwwick every Tneeday. Cloec c»aa<<tlo(i with ell palate on R. A A. and M. A D. RaUfoade. Tit rough bills lading signed to all points on above Freight and pa*—ns an low aa by any ntbor Hun. For pneoeui^r and state rnonw apply to U. W. NOtlTII Wlf-K, Act, • Jniti-My Drunewkn. Ga. REST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. ItVISTS OKNUINE NEW CHOP GARDEN SEED ONION 8§ETS. IHIOICE CHEW I SO it SMOKISO TOBACCO. The nest 5 uent Cigars. RLAIN’I DttVU KTOHK. HUil tlml i», |nit n atop to the erection of littlo olntnticN right iu tho heart of ]). i). i It u sikriowtedged that A. E. Defoe keeps the iMrt stock of clgara la town. Th» lliggiwl Ynt. Mr. J. N. Walker, than whom Uljrnu boa no lrattcr farmer, laid on our ta ble Ibis week a regular tixtj-funr ponuder of the watermelon variety.— He inform* ns that it wax raised from a small, black wed that coat him about taro cents apiece. We think it pays to bny lino seed, judging from tbis magnificent specimen. Itolm Johnson, of tbo chaiu-giing. A littlo lew mouth and more work would be au improvement we think. McrArlhur’* Kxour-loli. About ono hundred persona from tbo interior bare accepted the liberal offer of Merars. A. G. and W. T. Mc Arthur to a free exenreiou over the M. A B. Railroad to Branawiek, the past week. Tbeae persona are from tbe interior ol tboSUte.snd, wo trust, will carry bock with them good wish es and kind words for tbo “City by tbo Sea.” Mr. A. G. McArthur ac companied tbe exedrsioniata. - marasmus, out-; aj-ipb-xy, one; child ral lliglita ul stepe, no disagreeable bed, one; dentition, our. I u yoars of age, six. C. L, M. D. Health Officer €,'. II. Tbn N-w Link lo llr.iio.wU-k. I Mkhmiih, August 3.- Tbe st.wkhol- i dera aud diroctun. of the Memphis, | Holly Springs and Seim* Railroad) met yesterday ami changed lira name, of tbo conqiany to lb« Memphis, Set- ma and Brunswick Railroad. Fred Wolffe waa elected President. The capital stock of tho company was in- creased to $3,000,000. cul , ' I in hot weuther. Tho proprietors spare mho five 1 nu k) rouder their gueata oot'i- ..j pa fortahle. Bates only $2 per day. .Shipping Intelligence. iru—Jg* j ' * ' AUIUVAL8. I July /i—liark Frank Marion, tow York. ' j.,l, *»-Brtg Hauls Boston. July » -Dors Psrt, tow York. 1 July Ab-Bsrk knwHsnn Kngte. tow Ysrk. iulfJ* uSurflSXi * IJxxte’timlnirfon. Augurt 1—He C“- J F. Hrammsll. FblUtelphU- .vngiwst J-h.- Hvha K itoifsr; Bostou. UKPARTURE8. iSHS JrSrtTni’aSSi-. I-aril rsiuwittw. J. F. NitoMis t Jar. HocwnrN, Clerk |f Council If yon uro Irouhlctl with fuwr and iifpu*, ilnroh hr nr, billiotia fever, jnnnilicc, (Itapcfmiis, or <uiy (UftMine of the liver, Ii/cxkI and ntoroncii, aud vinh to Ret well, try tho now n*w«ly, Prof. (1 nil motto’s Trench Liv»*r Pnd. A*k yoar draggint Inr U. niid take no other, nnd if he dm not got it mud $1 SO in n letter to the French Pnd tJn., Toledo, 0-, nnd rcceivo one ItygJttftuni mail. 3 JAS. U. VINCENT, ATTOUSKT AXII COCMKbOK AT UW. 8RUNSWIOK, • • • OEOROIA Harnett House, iruBiii uly runor uotu.-. Xarkst !k|ian Savannah. Via. M. L HARNETT & 00./ PKOPUIBTOItO, RATES, h2.M) FEB PAY. tut lit, in rvrtuun Tor Uu) . x.-..11p«mv u< tin biforte. I UoMl'i ATXES. non axd xonvitATr iutvs tvc'-T. :r Vrum SSIU r«Uwr sotkg. Ik. grks. *. .hiuflk. u. - 30 nub pw IkMrasd, Delivered in Brunswick to 1. psr •* *