Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 13, 1881, Image 1

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mmm AO VOLUME VII. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1881. NUMBER 6. Tin; Advertiser and ADwai. i i» n n l LII1X H, liH.iuiirn»!!S 1 I?/ \rrjiuiuiuurJi 1 to li t j BRUINSWICiv, WA,. i»Y T* G* SFxC'F SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ml obituary notice* 1 lid communication* sli*>ul<l U> *d- • uudcralicnod. T. «. MTAC V, Brunswick, Quortf. Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN City Directory. >clil, V. J. DoorflliiKor. Clerk ,f TrMturrr- Jan " Hoi Chief Mar that—B. A. Fahm. Aniitant Mart/ictl-J. L. Ifcsrh. iY.icrmcn—W. U. lUim.y, T. W. Bolt. Krepcr of Guard llvute. an-l CUrk of Mn. hr,-D. 7>»rf I’hyiician—C L, Jr. M. D. City Ihytician—L 11 Dsvi*. M- D- Ilarlnr M<utn—Q 3 Hall. fort Wanl ni-Mstthow HJutuuoit. Tims U L’on- uur. 7r. ami A V 1’utnaui. STAMPING COMMITTWCHor COUNCIL. FiNANcr. -Con|»t*r, Watkins and Dunn. >irukkt», Vuuy# it Vuivout-VmiD, WsUJns ami LlttUft. ld. Hcitoti Wbito CVuiotory-'C G Moore. -Sixtou Colored Cemetery—Jackie White. Town commons -Harvey, Cooper and Hpvar*. Ckmktkniks—8p«*r«, Duorlllngur and Cooper. llAonon—Littlefield, Spears and I’uttiaiu. 1TM.IC nuiuuNos-Watkln*. Hoerilingcr and Harvey. lUli.HoAt>»— Doerlllnger,Harvey and Littlefield Kutjr,iTin*c—pntnam.Hpeara and Dunn. Ciiauitv—Putnam, Littlefield anrt lHxertHnKrr rin« nKi-AKTMf.scT-Spears,Putnam and Harvey Polio- Putnaiu, Dunn, and Watkins. UNITED STATES OFFICEltS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collin*. IVnnly—H.T. Inmu, Collector Internal ltevotnte—D. T- Dunn. Deputy Marshal—G. J. Hall. master—Liuiu Sort SEAl’ORT LODGE, No. OS. 1. 0. 0. E. _..oailay night at elcbt o'clock. W. W. WATKINS. > 11.FIERCE. V O. TAM. E. LAMRUIUUT, P. At It. Secretary. APPLINO- , WAYNE—Hit Monday in March and September. ITKKCE -1st Mon.fny fn April and October. WARE- 'ftl Monday in April and October. Cl.FKEK Tuesday after lib Monday in April an OetolH-r. CAMl'VN -Tuesday after ’.M Monday in May an Norcml-r. Cl IA ltLTON —3d Monday in May and November. GLYNN—4tb MomUy in May ami Novcmlwr. Country Produce KEEPS ALSO ON HAND A FULL AND WELL AS SORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKEHS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., All of which aro offered for cash at reaaonable I MEAN BUSINESS re coruer Newcastle and Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. H. II. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! HILL’S lim PAMIR1 ** aMn<ne«l unpr«*eedento<t succesa In rellaring prevalent dlsordtrs of the IA»«-r. Its mi " ly entitle it to the preferment it receives sll other LIVER MEDICINES. I* now kept by many persona always at h uaed regularly, and thoas peraona are n ect to the uaual symptoms of a disordered Uv- o prevalent at tliia acaaon of the year. It will you out 50 CENTS • try St. aud yon will certain result. ForaaUby J. .II. ; JAGOB COHEN 152 BROUOIITON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Thank* the public through this medium for l lout, aud s*k* a contlnuano# of thetr patronage, li'ibas opened hta SPRING IMPORTATION of tr. all grtubis, aud placed Id* low price# on the which canee* a ru»h by «ver>l»o.ty that 1* will bity. Ill* ;»IV COLORED SILKS AM* SATIN.N e.|ual. lit* FANCY AltTICI.RM c THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT a aucess. CAHHMKRE for 8ninm«r at 7V irtu II a3 til Now York. In fact. U».-r« i* not a tele in Fancy or Staple Dry Good* that cannot t md in id* catohliahincnt. Also, the newest goo^ t. called NUN’S VEILING, for .Irmtv, I* kept i gra b *. All he ask* I* a rail. 1>» md forget li 1 r,2 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, - UEOltUIA. had bad Ayphilii a wit.iin my knowle-lge it effected (ho. Walker bought it au- - - r the purr ha »o It ‘ir twelve year*. Ills Head it. He tr* ated him with this inly, and ta four weeks ho wa« «oul<I ami well, in a abort tm bad aa fine a hea.1 of hair as wa u-r! V. a l\ 's w 'rk. H hie HWirr»vzcu'ic i umpany Illsci vered that ARU. Str. David Clark Only Direct Boat twice per week between SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES savannah FOR BRUNSWICK EVERY RETURNING. LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening Philadelphia, Baltimore t FOIt SAVANNAH at Brunswick with D. h with Ocean Stcan i to and from New York, and ... S 1 Boatou strainer*.— " through freight I. Agent, tek, un tho tluck. Fire Insurance! \.V.lMlim\VlllTKIlSttE.\C¥. [COMPOSED OF THE GERMANIA AND HANOVER INSURANCE CO.’S] AND BRITISH AMIUCl TSSlll’15 CO. rilESE FIRST-CLASH COMPANIES REPRESENT ED IN BRUNSWICK BY T. O’CONNOR, Jr. ffsrDWELLlNOS AT VERY LOW RATES. feb SHOLES’ Georgia State Gazetteer Business and Planter’s I) I RECTORY. 1031-2, I be laaned on or tx-fon October tat. IBM. VoL of this work 1187b so; contained 934 pag,« br<-> Volume II will eonuin fully 1000 psgra, of every city, * • - ■-* 1, Industrie*, shl and villags, popi „. shipping directions, Ac., boat- profcsaiouH men, achowla, colleges. Mine*, factories, mill*, County State d Kta'ojt Oftl* «T », Ptnntrrt *r<d Furiturt.— r 40,000 names of pUnt-1 IMRUT PUIKK TO-MICIIT! I left my mother at the door. Their clasped hand and loving lock Forbade tuelr doubts tc tli:. I left and met with comrades gay. When the iuOOu btought out her light. And my loving mother wbiapoiwd me, "Din’t drink, *ny boy, to night. ’ Long years bare rolled away ainco then. My Jetty curls aro gray, But oh 1 those words are with iue yet. Aud wlU not pass away. I ace my mother's lcvldg face. With foodness radiant bright. And hear bar words ring in my oars. ’* Don’t drink, my boy, to night." My mother is now resting aweot In the grave yard on the hill, But mother’s words come back to me And haunt my memory etill. I’ve often, often passed the cup— Ob I then my heart was right, Because I heard the warning words, ” Don’t drink, my boy, to-night." I’ve now paaeed down tho road of life, And soon my race ie run, A mother’# warning llstenod to— An immortal crown is won. Oh, mothers! with your blerecd smile, Look on your boys so bright, And say, as you alsne can aay, " Don t drink, my boy, to-night.,' BREAKING A LONG SltfNCF. FOOD FOR TKQUSKT. GiiiltAU WAHIS 10 BET OUT. 10V llay. llcrl11nir the WorrerHIa Mraflge itittt n. Mil»-MKc Sleep In February Lnat In u VUiagc lull Anukcniug. THE KINO AND THE FADE. Christian Wockly, A pleasant story is told of tbo old King Frederick tho Great, of Prussia. Onco when ho rang biB boll for bis pago to come and wait on him, (hero was no answer. Ho rang again, and still tbero was no answer. So bo went out into tho anto-chnmbor and there found bis pago fast asleep. Tbo stop of tho King docs not awakon him, so sonndly is bo asleep. A lottcr stick ing out of tho boy's pocket catches tbo King's oyo, and bo - is carious onongb to tako it out and road it.— Not any moro honorable that for a King than acy ono else. But tbo boy bad no rensou to bo afraid or asharaod of tbo King's curi osity, for it was a letter from bis poor motbor, thanking biin for sending her his wages, and praying (lod to re ward his kindness and attention. Af ter reading it the King went softly back to his chamber, took u bag uf money, and with the lotter slipped it into the pocket of the boy. Again going to bis clmmlier bo raug the boll loud onongb to arouse the sleeper,who immediately nnsworud its summons. “ Yon bavo been fast asleep,” said tbo King. Frightened and confused, tbo poor boy put bis hnud into bis pockot and wbat to find bat a bag of money ? He took it oat, and, looking up to. tbo King, burst into tears. Wbat is the matter ?" asked the King, “Ah sir,” eriod tbo poor fellow, throwing himself on bis knees before Frederick, somebody is trying to ruin mo. I know nothing about this mon ey which I bavo jnst found iu luy pocket.” “ My young friend,” said tbo King, Ood takes different ways of helping s. Send tbo money to your mother. Salute her for me, ami toll tier I will tako good care of both bor and yon.’’ trad Company. Tbero were bait a dozen ladies aud goutlomun in nn Austin street car, when the driver stopped the ear aud said: There is somebody in ttiis ear try ing to boat mo oat ol a fare." The passengers looked ut each oth er, and all said they bad put in their fore. It dou't make no difference. There aro only six faros in the l>o\ and sov- ou people in tbo car.” Thou a gentleman got up, ami with sigh put iu tho missing fare, re marking: Put iu ono before, bnt ns f wns onco in tbo Legislature, everybody will say it can’t be anybody elso Imt mo, so I’ll stand it.” .1 Jtew «•< City V/vM/m i COMPLETE SiZETTEES Of GECRCIi. te. Improvi-A.-nt*, an-l “vtry si*rU-s ropvrtjr for th« yt--»r IF* I. arc pvyafcle »i KTJBSCRIPriON PRICE,$5.00 UA.t.lfu* U1.I.T. lo irl ’lii. I saar-wt * co.. :: | as i. stirvt. Aogtt-ta, (Is. •1'ia t-Tly payment of taxes arc now l»> cl sc<l on tku 21*t day of Marcti. rntibt.i will be iaanM for th-enUr* a dr for the *|f»ln*t • a.'hand who to make payment a«> above from v v. m. to 1 r. x.. au.l :n.iu 2 to UiTON. Clerk aud Treasurer. JaMEH^jUI rtf. J, ClBQVitTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, niicxswrcK, oeoroia. VBi.t u^xt w AttvKazxsui jjcj xrrLjM btuUiiii/.. Ve ieubauer, BRUNSWICK, GA. Boot & Shoe Maker. i any amt all klnda ot WM. SEOUL KB. Tcletfraph and Meaaeiiuor. ! The astronomers say, can now bu seen! with the naiic.t eye in the j,.*rttu.*iu.i- ern sky aimnt 3:30 in the morning It rises earlier every night, aud will soon bo visible in tbo evening sky and circumpolar like tho into comet. Its tail is about one degree long. Tim comet is coming towards the earth, on its way tc the perihelion passago, which will bo made about August 18th. It will then bo twenty- Qvo timoa brighter than when first seen—brighter, it is said, than the late comet was in its brightest hours. It is, after all, said to be a new comet, and not a reappearance of the one of 1827. * Iiumxn, Pa., AugUbt 1.—After a death-like trance of 109 consecutive days, John Qyumkcr, tbo widely known inmate of tbo Lcbigb County Hospital, bus at lust broken silence, and in a connected and intelligent manner rocitodr tbo story of bis strangely afllictcd life. His ease has been commented on all over tbo couu try, and hundreds of physicians, from Maino to California, have written to Dr. Erdrnau, the attending physician, for a full history of tbo romnrkabio coso. Gyumbor has boon called tbo “Hungarian Sleeper," but bis comma location is in tbo Slavonic luuguage, and tbc person with whom be con versed to-day for tbo first time in nonrly six months is a Polandcr, Frank Loskowiski. Oynmber was first discovered in tbo bar-room of a village inn not far from tbo hospital wko're bo now is.— This was iu February last. Ho en tered tbo tavorn apparently in tho host of health. Soon after bo was discovered asleep on a chair noar tbo stove. Efforts wero made to aronso him, but without avail. All tbo force of tbo landlord and bis frionds could not wakon him. Ho was taken to tbo county hospital aud cared for. Days, weeks and months passed, and the young foreigner gave uo evidences of life. The physicians tried mnuy ex periments with a powerful galvanic battery, but tbo supposed cataleptic could not bo resuscitated. His eyes wore closed, and bo was apparently entiroly nnconscions. Strange to say, bo lost but little llesh On Friday, April '22d, bu opened bis eyes for the first time since be went into tile trance. He kept them open in a va cant stare, but said nothing. A care ful attendant fed him with milk and gruel through a tube. Ou Saturday, April 23, bo jumi>od from a window nearly twenty-six feet from Ihogrouud, bat was uot injured Ou April 20th be again closed bis eyes, amt did uot open them until May 30th. Tho next day be closed them, and did not open thorn until Juuo 1st. Ono day after ward bo spoke one word when a vis itor held a flower to bis nose That was the first word be bad spoken dur ing bis long truuco. From June 1st until July 31st bo closed bis oyos by night aud opened them by day, and always remained imrfectly dumb. Late last night, Loskowiski, the Foluudor, went to Gymubor’s bedside 1 saluted him in Slavonia Gyum- bor sat up and replied. The nurse and attendants were startled and amazed. Gyumbcr’s statement trans lated is as follows “I caino to America about two years ago. Left Castle Garden for Virginia, and was hired to a man - named Dor ter near Charlottesville. While there, a fat negro woman put red iiep|>cr in my coffee, which nearly killed me. I became alarmed and left foi llalti- morc- There I became giddy, and wandered into Pennsylvania. I wont into a country hotel, sat down in the bar-room, fell asleep, and that's all I know until a few weeks ago 1 did not feel anything during my sleep, aud did not know anything that was going cn. I dou't know that I fell out of a window, an-l don't km *v that all abscess was cut out uf my llesh.■ Never hoard anything or know any thing until four weeks ago, and then I awoke just as it I was getting over a sleep. I am very glad to know that I am not in jail, ns I first thought I wns. J am ijuito weak and want to go to work when T'm strong. My fa ther ano sister live in the old country. My two brothers di.-d of brain fever. I don’t knew what got over me, unless it was the big d.-so -f red i-eppcr that t;urnly;:od my !.r..iu The lust four weeks I could go about aud cat with out help, bill I could not talk My tongue was too week. I 'hint' I will soon he all right again.” Our taste declines with our merit. It you would be rich, tbiuk of sav ing Joys aro our wiugs—sorrows aro our spurs. It is hotter to be wrongod than to do wrong. They who forgive most sbnll be most forgiven. Sin may bo clasped so close we cam uot see its faco. Tbo height of meanness is to oxult in its success. The duty of religion flows from a spirit of roligion. Happiness is just as chuap a com' modity ns misery. Tbo greatest rogues ooiuplain most of boiug slandered. Cbildron bavo more need of models than of critics. It costs moro to avongo wrongs than to boar thorn. Virtnc offends itself when conplod with forbidding manners. Au obstiuato man does not bold opinions—thoy bold him. A conrt without ladios would be t your without spring. Want of care docs ns moro daraago than want of knowledge. Religion is tbo best armor in tbo world, bnt tho worst cloak. Itomcmbranco is tbo only paradise out of which we cannot bo driven. If slander bo a snake it is a winged oue; it flies as woli as it crocps. Frowns blight young children as frosty nights blight yoang plants. Tbc morality of domostio life is tbo very corner Htono of civilization. To twit a man of bia faults is to ex pose a greater fault of onr own. Half the ills that wo hoard in our hearts aro ills because wo boar them. a man of integrity wiU never listen to any reason against conscience. People never attack religion bat whun they have an interest to attack it. Grief ennobles. He who has uot sufl'erod can uovor have thought it. To break a had habit roquircs moro effort than to contract a good one. At a great pennyworth pause nwile; many are ruined by baying bargaius. For want of n nail tbo shoo was lost; for want of a shoo the borso was lost There are men whoso friends are more to be pitied tbau their worst en- omios. Many objects npponr of valno to at only while thoy are beyond onr reach. Many a man has measured bis farm a glass goblet, aud found room to spare Gold is iu its last unulysis, tbo sweat of the poor, ntid tbo blood of the bravo. We carry onr neighbor's crimes iu sight, but throw our own over our shoulders. All real life is cheerful, and tbo ou- Iv proper place for croakers is tbo graveyard. A wonk man will suy more than bo does; a strong oue will do moro than lie mya ll costs more to avenge than to lor- give. Extraordinary virtues aro defamed by those who waot tho courage to im itate them. Let tbo slanderer taka comfort; it is onlv at fruit trees that tbievos throw stones. If you would nover bavo un evil deed spoken of in connoctiou with your name don’t do one. It often happens that tboso whom wo speak least of on earth arc best known in heaven. Some clocks do not strike. Yon must look at them if you would know the time Ilut a clock need uot be ineon'oet isicause it strikes; a mau need uot be incousistout because ho speaks as well as nets. Wulilogloa BcpubUcsB, August 4th. District Attorney CorkhiU visited Guiteau at the jail yosterday for tbe first timo in ten days. Tba prisoner sent word that ho bad an important oommnniention to make, and when asked by Col. CorkhiU as to its nature bo produoed a petition covering four or five pages for roloaso on $15,000 bail. Ho'stated that bo did not want it presented to tbe oourt for a day or two, bnt was anxious for Attorney CorkhiU to look it over and give him an opinion as to tho merits of tho caso. The dooumont is written in a small, firm hsnd, and the cose is sot forth in a logical manner peculiar to Guitoan. Tho petition is based on gonoral principles, and oontains bnt few references to statutory laws.— With a few exooptions tho paper is drawn up in correct legal form, and exhibits considerable familiarity with iogal procedure. Ho lays special stress npon the fact that tbe Presi dent is now in a fair way to recover, and therefore bo should not be far ther deprived of bis liberty. Gaitoaa also said that bo did not wish to soo any lawyers, as bo felt capable of managing bis own affairs in this re spect Tbe prisoner is still confined in tho coll in which ho was placed tho first day be was taken to the jail. As Old Covplz’s Quaiimx.—A re markable controversy is now going on in tho Supremo Conrt of Now York eity between Walter Campbell aud bis wifo, Mary Ann Campbell. Both tbo parties aro agod, Campbell being 07 years old and bia wifo 70, according to bor own statement, and 80 accord ing to her husband's. Mrs. Campbell is tbo plaintiff, and sho soeks to rcoov er $55,000 damages for tbo allogod theft from hor of 200 shares of tho stock of tbo Chicago, Hook Island and Pacific Railroad compauy. Sbo says that she pnt tboso shares into a tin box and deposited tbo box in a draw er which she hired from tbo safo do- posit company in tbo Equitable Build ing, and that in Juno, 1879, bor bus- band having either picked tbo look of this drawer or opoued it with a false koy, stole them and converted them (o bis own use. Their valuo, sho as serts, was thon $27,900, but it bar sinco increased, and is now $65,000. Mrs. Campboll bad bor husband's property soizod about n week ago, having procured an attachment by making an affidavit that bo was about to leave tbo United States und to car ry off with him tbe invostod proceeds of tbo solo of bor stock. Tbo hus band denies tbe allegations, aud in return charges the wifo with baring pilfered from him a largo aunmnt of jowclry and money. In proportion to |»opnlotion the taxation is biglaa it, Fianco than in England In Franco it is $fi.25 per bond; in F.ugkind, #1.35. Tbc inter est on tbc French debt uoiv exceeds that of the English debt. Norfolk bus nn ordinance by which only eight boo'.blucks urn allowed to work iu tbe city, and e.tcb of those has bis own district. PUituduipbin diviuo was Inteiy cheated out of bis fuo by a moan fel low who promised to call next day, but tin rovereud man got even with tbo defaulter by advertising tbe wed ding, adding to tbo announcement, 'No cards, no cake, no casb, no cer tificate." A canal boat owner who is proprie tor of a craft named “Bosooo Conk- ling" is having another built to be named "Me Too.”—Itattun Pott. Tl.c indications now are that Gai- tcau will dio uuwopt, nnbonorod and nnswung. Kitting Bull, who, on delivering np bis gnn to tbe Uuitud States authori ties, supplied tbo important informa tion that his Indians wero all good Indians now end Imd no arms and ponies, and, further, that bo wanted to go where bo pleased and have a waiter, bos been safely landed, says tbe Cincinnati Enquirer, at tho retreat provided for him near Fort YateR, Da kota. Ho, iu company with Scarlet Thunder, White Dog, Four Horns, Higb-ns-tbc-Clouds.and Pretty Plume, Sitting Bull’s sister, arrived Tuesday' In addition to theso, the chief was ac companied by his two wives aud sev en cbiblron. Among bis pappooses arc two pairs of twins, wbicb tbe la dies along tho rente pronounced too cute for nuytbing. At Bismarck be was given a reception, and was deep ly impressed with tbe ioe cream. He nos quite anxious to know, through bia iulorpniler, uow it conia be frozen iu summer. Sitting Bull devoured tbe seductive cream with great aridi ty, and, perhaps, realized for the first time wbat a monumental as* bu uutdo of himself by Btundiug out so long against civilization. A plan is being tented to put np railroad employes’ meals concentrated and condensed into cartridges and shoot them into each man as be poss es a lnncb counter, to save time. Paa- suugers will bo svrvod tbe same way boforu long.— Ez. A broach of promise aait was com promised in Indianapolis by the de fendant providing tbe girl with a hus band of oqnal valno with himself. | TEACH1R9 LHE TOURS IDEA. ! “Attention, children!” —tbo principal, entering the class-room, followed by a stronger. This gentle man wili ask yon a few questions iu arithmetic. He is tbe Superintendent of schools at Mole Gulch, Nevada, that great Woetorn Stato of wbicb yoa bavo so often beard—’’ “Wbicb bis natno are Dodd—Shor ty Dodd," said tbe visitor, and mount ing tbo platform, bo drew a bowie- knife from bis boot-leg and tapped for attontion on tbe desk. " Wo wUl now proceed to do • tom in siraplo edition. A gentleman who bod a bead on him from last night mot another gontlemon in Dow-Drop Inn, who pat a bead on bim. How many boads did that gentlcuon have on bim ?” “ Throe." " Now yon’ro talking. Wo will nozt proceed to substruction. Wall-eyed Bob bad five fingers on bis left band (inelading bis tbnmb), when bo inju diciously called Backskin Joe a limpx ing male. Buckskin Joe drawod bis eleven-ineb toothpick, and tbe bor- keoper subsequently swept np two fingors. How many fingers had Woll- oyed Bob left ?” " Three!’’ 11 Yoa're right, and I’ve $500 boro in this little pocketbook tbst says yoa are.” " We gonerally do theso sams in apples and othor domostio trait,” said tbo principal, timidly. " Quito right, qnite right,” said tho gcntloman from tbe far West, “bnt my plan is nnivorsally edmittod to be moro national—more patriotic. It was criticised somo at onr last con vention at Gallows Forks, bat a ma jority favored it and tbo gentleman who opposed it walks with a cratch yot. Now, then,* kids, hamp yonr- solves for a sum in multiplication and edition. Agontleman bold a foil at • social game of poker—three nines and two sovons. How many spots was on bis cards ?” "Forly-ouo!’’ “ Surely! Mistor, your class is no slouch of a class at ’ritbmrtia. I wili just givo tbo kids ono moro—on easy one. Fire boss tbioros bad oporatod for fivo days before tbo Vigilanitcs bang thorn, and bad stolon twonty- oight bond of stock. How many bosses a day did each boss-tbief stool ?’’ “ Ono and tbreo twenty-fifths of a hossl” Right, and if any man says yon ain't, don't tako it from bim, if bo's os big os a gmin-olovator.” " Now, Mister, trot oat yonr class in mural philosophy!” Womin In JnnrnallMM. Tbo influence of womon in journal ism in tbo Unitod States is far great er than appears on the surface. Tho fact that there are sixty papers and periodicals openly edited end pub lished by women gives bnt a very small fractional idea of tbe extent of their connection with journalism. Tbe number of female contributors to all classes of papers and magazinos is not yot known to tbe general public, and not always oven to tbe publishers, from tho fact that in tbe bighoet class of periodicals thoy frequently adopt mtuo non iht plumes, while many oth ers form part of tbo editorial staff of influential journals, where, os imper sonal contributors, sex is not recog nized. Indigestion. From Itev. Mr. Cleveland, pastor Pres byterian church in Gainesville,.Qa.: I bavo tried yonr nearotio for indigee- tion, and fouuu it a moot excellent rent- dy.and most heartily recommend it. Thou. P. Cleveland. Ncaralcla, Collea, Cold*, El*. From ltev. O. G. Smith, pastor Meth odist church, GainsviUe, 0».: I have used nearotio in my family with gnat satisfaction. Have found its epe- cilTc in cramp colic. Iu early etagoe of cold, a teaapoouful ia uf great benefit, sail it gives great relief in neuralgia and tooth ache. I like it very mneh. Geo. G. Ssith. * Macon, Ga. Miaous. Limas, Hanvix k Tamai— Head Stas: It gi™» S'*** P*f**S™ 10 certify to tbe merits ol Brower’s Long Restorer, as I have used jt and fwtnd ft all yon represented U to be. My has* wen effected to some extent, and I hod it k permanent, as Pro bod uo symptom of the dkeese etoerel am satisfled that this medicine wiilprove a great blessing to tbo people If yon would introduce it la the Northern Mates it woold moke yoor fortune* Yours very truly Hun Wootxs. With Mean- Nuahwm A Donncnburg.