About Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1881)
^(h erjiscr md l T. G. STACY. Editor iftd Proprietor. - GEORGIA: BRUNSWICK, - *ATUKI)Ty MOKKWoTaDOUST 'liTTsBiT “ Tlio Chicago death mto last week was 527. The highest record ever be fore woe 452. Ouo handred and forty-eight deaths in Now York city from noon of last Saturday to noon of Sunday—Twen ty-four hours. Albauy, Go., wauts an artesian well, now that it is proven that pure water can be obtained in limootonadistricts by simply boring far enough. 4 t Hr.ghc« Itotfera. ol Liberty ennr.l killed an •dliiff’tor ::: th FROM THIS CAP! I'AL ITih !#at«lntar(M)iir < Hpniii(>i' and Hcpiiwentotlven-Varloun Mat ter* of Interest. Atlanta, August 10, 1881. Editor Advertiser and Ajijral: The Legislature has accomplished much important work daring the thir ty days it has been in session, and is shaping much important legislation iu relation to railroads, agriculture nud education. The Judiciary Com mittee are especially hard at work in both houses, trimming ofTthe ci udities of many laws introduced and killing off others. Many think U ihe House sits only from 9 a. jh. to 1 v. m. and the .Senate only an hour or two a d.iv that hnt !»♦»!* •= If MARI ETTA 'H -< I It E KTIN O. Cobb Co«inty-l»rui»**wtok ami Cln* elnnatl-Pro*|MH»l*. E!«. . Marietta, Ang. 8th, 1881. ■Editor Advertiser and Apfteat: At I think* it will be interesting to you to boar something of the status of this conntry, I have concluded to post you a little on matters nud things in aud about this section. Wo have biu* very dry weather this summer, and the corn is injnred con siderably, l>nt the cotton is fine, and promises a good yield. The wheat and oats were very good, and flour is cheaper about Marietta than any place in the United States, but it is being those citiermtnatod on the great bend of the ocean reaching westward, like Savannah and Brunswick, and conse quently there mnat be a great increase of prodnetion *ml irodo to meet it Tho prodnetkm of cotton and the cereals is rapidly on the increase, and tho loose capital set free by tho pay ment of tbo public debt, which is rap idly being paid oft on tho bonds re duced in interest nuist seek invest ment, and the completion of theao roads will stimulate a manufacturing interest in the South and West now U>youd ti»e power ot computation. The great Cotton Exposition, to be held at Atlanta this fall, will bring the grand resources of tlifa w>n. L.U..! they could stroll through the cor. uver. near Dociortown. t.finf mesanred twelve feet. Two English steamers, npou which were heavy bets as to their arrival in New York, loft Japan recently for that city, via tho Suez canal, They made tho distance, 14,000 miles, within six hours of each other. Thu bill to amend the act fixing the liquor license of Appling, Coffee and Way no counties, so as to includo bit ters aud other liquor preparations, has passed tho Legislature. A Florida man, who owns 150,000 cattle, is a recluse, and lives iu a shan ty, which has neither fire-placo nor chimney. He seldom scea men, and hidos his money in cuus. His surplus (rattle lie sells in Cuba. It is now pro(>osod to pass a gouer- u 1 railroad law, allowing ns many railroads to ho built as capitalists choose, provided they represent rail roads alroady iu oxistonco iu the State. There are, however, certain restrictions. Waycross Jlejxjrler: Tho work of laying of tho Waycross extension was completed last Monday, and now we want to seo the Plant institute, the contemplated brick storo houses and lino dwellings go up liko magic. George 1. Seney, the great New York philanthropist, has ugaiu opouod his purse in behalf of Wesleyan Fo- ii]ale College, of Macon, to tho amount of $80,0)0. This is his third gift to this institution, makiug in all $100,- 000. Besides this Mr. Seney has giv- cu $100,000 to Emory College, at Ox ford, making an aggregate of $200,000 to Georgia institutions. Savannah News: Dr. Tanner, the great faster, registered his diploma with tho protlionotary at Erie, Pa., Thursday. Ho is drawing up propo sitions to tho medical faculty in New York to fast three months, aud states that he can fast niuety-tivo days if fed on electricity, the air in his room to l>o charged with a strong curreut.— This being positive, he can obtain tho uegativo elements from the disintegra tion of his tissue. Ho is now fatten ing for his hist, us plenty of adipose ia necessary. The Albany .Wirj says that a eat iu that placo gave birth, last week, "to four kittens, which uru nil joined to gether, Siamese twin fashion. Each kitten is perfectly formed, but they ull staud abreast, and nro joined to gether by a substantial artery or n double skin extending from tho side of one to the other. There nro two males and two females in this won derful family of kittens, and they nro ar lively as kittens of their ago euu be. Won’t it be fun when they get largo enough for business, and try to dive into the same rat-hole!’* I III: l'KNITKN I I V Li Y t’oNVIl ,' J I tec rooms from 3 to fJ r v. they would ! re j s g, find the committees working, and, in f\ oar j a America, besides innumerable ground tip rapidly and shipped awav for sale. We have one flouring mill i prominently 1° view, and no man can i Marietta which turns out 850 bar- i predict the result when rnir nbilitioa uperior to any many instances, would find them working also into the small hears of tho next morning, when anything specially important was before them. Wo have a working rather than a talking Logislatnro. There is not a particle too much discussion. There should always ho enough to clearly explain the provisions of a law, and thnt is about all wo see in either branch of our present Legislature. Tho tendency is toward liberal leg islation for railroads, and generally for tho nmterinl development of tho State. Our homo measures aro moving successfully to final possnge. The calondnr for onr circuit has passed, so that courts eommonce about October 1st and March 1st, and thus avoid the heated term in May and June and tho heated term and storms of September, besides striking out a number of rest weeks. I will send the times of hold ing courts as soon ns hill is approved by the Governor, which will bo in a day or two. The bill exempting pilots from jury duty, tbo bill |>erinittiug funding of onr county debt, and other measures of groat importance to onr pcoplo nro being pressed vigorously by Mr. Lamb, our Representative. He is al ways nt his post, always attentive to his dutios, assiduous in explaining and working for measures of impor tance to onr pcoplo, and deserves the chcomium of "well done, good and faithful servant.” Onr Senntor, R. N. King, is one of tho most useful mem bers of tho Senate, and both of these gentlemen nro ontitled to tho thanks of not only their immedinto constitu ents but nlso of tho peoplo of our sec tion of tho State. Tbo penitentiary system is now un der discussion. Two days have been occupied, and a good part of to-mor- row probably will be. Yours truly, Observer. TUIIIIIIII.E^AtT TtCOI’IIE. CvrKr.ss, S. C.,August 5.—On Thurs day last, tho 4th inst., tho hands wore at work on tho public highway iu Stokes' Bridge Township, iu this coun ty, in tho vicinity of Lynch's river.— Luto in tho afternoon many of thnui stopped under nu oak tree to rest and shelter them selves from tho scorching beams of tho sun. Clouds were visi ble nt a distance and rain was fulling some miles away, but in the immedi ate locality the sun was shining, the sky was clear mid nothing indicated tho presence of electricity. Oiic of their number had stepped oft' u few yards for water, when suddenly a ter rible crash startled him and revealed to his astonished and horrified visiou the appnlliug sight of his companions, some dead, some completely paral yzed and others wounded nud strug gling in the throes of death. Iu In* language "tho shrieks aud groans and struggling enn only be pietured In water mills in every direction in the conntry, which turn om Hour that mukos light bread aud biscuits of the finest order. We ulso have an abun dance peaches and apples, aud cun live on milk aud peaches and apple pics. I could tell you lots of other things about old Cobh, the Imniicr agricultural county iu the State, but have not room, because I wish to has ten on to tell yon something more in teresting to yon about yonr own city. A day or two ago Doctor Blaiu and myself wero sitting on the front porch, wb$u wo heard a regular can nonading, and the Doctor said it re minded him of the big battles of Vir ginia. On inquiry wo fonnd it to bo, sure enough, General Gordon storm ing tho Chattahoochee, mid blasting rock to build his great railroad. This is a part of tho Brunswick mid Cin cinnati, and the uoise we heurd was Brunswick kuockiug at the door of tho Great West to let her into the in exhaustible granaries aud commerce of the grand valley of tho Missisnippi. The enterprises now beiug consum mated aro a series without parallel in history. Thu South has lioeii bold back till tho natural laws of trade arc about to hurst their way through, iu spito of all obstruction, nud when the great tidal wave comes, you may look out for Brunswick. Y f ou hud lietter begin to build houses and furnish room for storsgo, for you nre bound, in tho near future, to have a great and long-continued fair, not of your own getting up, but it will he forced upon you nolena vulens, aud every body who is not n live mail had bet tor get away from Brunswick, or lie will be run over. Mr. Editor, I was sorry to see iu your paper of last week some slight aymptons of the "doubting Thomas." You insinuated tliut you would have more faith if you could see a little more work at your cud of tho rond. Now let mu usk yon a few civil ques tions: Do you supposo tho men who control those enterprizes have no bonne, and nro building these roads without a motive? Do you suppose they do not understand their own in terest? Do you know that this grand system of railroads lias been getting up for yonrs on no other account time the fact that all wise men saw that tho harbor of Brunswick must he util ized, mid thnt tho South nud West could uot do without it? If Savannah were suflicieut for all this mighty in flux of trndo, there would have been necessity for no other road hut the] Central. These oilier roads have sprang up and been carried through thus far iu direet anticipation of open ing the port of Brunswick. All they 1 is completion, and, when tr. Itc-come a jmwerfnl manufacturing people are made known to tho intelli gence of the civilized world. These manufacturing enterprises will bring hundreds of millions of dollars into the South, with tho very liest stylo of immigration, nnd there is dto calculat ing the trade nnd money thnt will bo brought to onr seaports. Lot hr, therefore, nse all of onr bifineneo to expedite these magnificent enterprises. Homo old fogies in tho Logislatnro tried to get np opposition to tho char ter of tho railroad from Atlanta to Home. I think it would bo well t get up a centennial for their especial benefit. A. S. A. DKVIJ. S HOl’l’EH. Editor Advertiser nnd Ajtjs’al: A party ot five in number provided with ropao, lanterns, ladders, etc., loft Boston to vuutnru into tho deep, unexplored recesses of tho iiImjvc named cavern. It is located about twolvo miles north <>f here, ii|M>u n pine woods hill thirty foot alx.ve the common lev el, and tho only indication observed of its near approach is a huge, dry sink, fifty, feet deep, with an area of one acre, mul dcusely covered with oaks, hickory and other varieties of trees. At the bottom of this sink, the mouth of tlm cave is seen, five feet across, and drops down liko mi ordi nary well, eight foot deep, mid runs off on a level fifty feet, then drops down, ns before, tifteeu feet into the centre of the cavern ten feet square; again it opens ten feet below into a cave fifteen feet square, then a narrow passage two feet nnd a half wido led off ton foet nnd again drops twenty foet below into a chamber twenty feet sqiinro, and so on it continues running off mid droppiug into caverns of dif ferent sizes, tho lust one licing thirty feet square and seventy-five feet high, the passage entering it nt the side, near the bottom. Hero is seen a lit tle creek four feet wide, and no bot tom could ho found, coursing through tin's cavern—the water was good w hen tasted. Hero a cool wind is felt— " whence it comcth and whither itgo- oth" iio man can toll. THE IIAII.Hi >AD AGITATION. Atlanta Cooatitntlou, and tho vast South American and oth- or steam shipping trade which now Brunswick, Ga., July 29.—It is said j g ( .( B its supply of coal from Norfolk, *" n “ , ““ Lt ~ L 4 ■ |in ,j 0 u icr points further north, will iu opposition to Cole's charter that it will hnrt-tbe State road. Tim* road has more than it can do now. The Georgia coast curves to tho west, plac ing us nearer tbo products of that vast territory than any other section of tho coast; nearer tlmu New York by over five hundred miles. Grades ure easier in the South. The roads ure free from ice and snow blockades.— Heavier trains can be hauled through. Western roads arc seeking an outlet at Sotflh-Atlantic porta. They will come to Georgia or go to South Car- olina. Our tei•*■?♦»«••• .... ....... ’ offer thu \h*hI inducements. Th« mix- taken policy :;f the past on the part of the Central road 1ms driven large quantities of freight to South Carolina ports. There is practically but one great western line now reaching Georgia ports—the Louisville and Nashville, iij.couihination with the Georgia Cen tral and Georgia roids. That is mo nopoly. Col. Ode proposes another and coiiqietiiig liue. The Ei lunger syndsmte proposes another. Neitlu-r will injure tho other permanently, if, indeed, temporarily. All of ti.eiu will increase the volume of freights from across our borders, over our turiitoiy to onr ports, and every pound of freight pays toll to Georgia, increases her wealth mid population. These roads will bring to Georgia iu cupiiul for construction and betterments not less than $15,- 000,000. Towns and cities will grow up along their track. Atlanta, Mucou, Savannah, Brunswick aud Columbus will all feel iho throb of now life.— Other capital will follow this, maim* factiirics .%ill spring up on our water courses, and the spindle aud the loom will add to our wealth aud make mu sic iu our borders. All new industries, all added popu lation will benefit the State road equally witli other rou is built and they will have enough to do. But if it were otherwise, if it would temporarily or |su uiaiieiitly injure the State road, can the people of the State afford to foster a moiiojMjly, sim ply because they own that monopoly ? The policy ot the State is otherwise. It has been declared in the graut of charters to the Georgia, Central, Brunswick aud Albany and Macon and Bnicswick roads by the strongest implication mid in terms iu tho At lantic and Gulf charter where the leg islative intent is declared in terms to in- tho creation of a competing line across our territoiy to our ports. It has been declared in 40 Ga. 588, Central mid Southwestern Roads vs. Collms, et ul., stockholders, in this language: "It is a part ot the public policy of the State, as indicated by the charters of several railroads from the sciilionrd to the iutcrio.i, to secure a reasonable coui|ietitioii between said roads for public patronage." It : take our coal and increase tho busi ness of onr railroads, and bring vast quantities of money into Georgia which now goes elsewhere. Tho increase iu taxable values along the lino of Cole’s road will more than pay tho State for any depreciation which could possibly bo feared to its property. The Brunswick and Albany road to Albany, struggling under dif ficulties, and arrested in its progress to tho West, has inucased taxable values in Georgia nearly *$G,000,000. Hie Air-Bine railroad people tcck «!! they put in road. Tho increase in vtuiics along that line Inn paid them back, aud they now have u paying road. We ought to allow a railroad to l«* built anywhere. South Georgia. IIiu'Iiu Hu* I.ons Been uhhI hy tho Hottentots iu a variety of dixense*. From these rude nractitiou ers the remedy was Inirrowed hy the res ident English and Dutch physicians, by whose recommendation it was employed in Europe, and has since coino into gen era I use. Combined with Juniper nnd other desirable ingredients, as in the pi-e|*ai:itionof Rankin's Compound Fluid Extract of Racliu nud Juniper, it prove* n most reliable remedy for for nou-reten- tioii or incontinence of urine, irritation, iidlnmmutiou or ulceration of the bladder and kidneys, stone in tho bladder, Grav el or brick dust deposit, milky di*ehargi and all diseai Glynn County Sheriff Salos. First Tuesday in September t 1881. OEOBOIA-OtTWOOTOTV. - Will bo sold before tbo Court House door in (lie city of Brunswick, Glynn count/, Ocorgia, on tbo first Tuesday In September. 1MI, between 10 o'clock a. x. and 4 o'clock r. M. of that dsy, st public out cry, to the highest and best bidder, the following P ™lutiat certain tract or psreel of land with Im provements thereon, situate lying sod being in the 3Gth District O. ¥-. Ulynn county, OrargU, con- Uiuing 370 seres, more sr leas, bounded north by lands of John A. Richardson, south by lauds be longing to the estate of Scranton, out by salt marsh and west by lands unknown, and known as thu Ayers' place. Levied on as the properly of J, c*. * I, under aud by virtue of two fl fas Issm-d r-* Fahm. rpenal con i-rturipsi oi me one n fa. 9 IS ®0; interest, »4 a*. Principal of the other fl Is, 945 00; Interest, f 11 03; cost, 97 40. JOg . £. LAMBHIOIIT 111 dl. ncys, man or child. 1 Rankin .1 E-mui hy all druggists. Iky (limit :if tho bladder or Kid al swelling in man, wo- repured only by Hunt. Atlanta, On., and sold jel5eow2ui Ulnddei YOU CAN BE CURED l ■at swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply PROF CUILMETTE'9 French Kidney Pad WHICH CURES ItY ABSORPTION. A«k your druggist ft.r I'ltOF. OUILMETTKS FRENCH KIDNEY I'AD. sad Uk I it. i N't 13.0 mail. five the THSTIMOIJAhS FROM TIIE I’KOI'I.K: JUDGE BUCHANAN. J. I'.. Lawyer. Toledo, snys: •• One of Prof. Oniliuctlo's F.-eurh Kldr Pads cured in.- of Lumbago in three week’s time My case had Lien given up by tlm best doctors Incurable, lairing all ibis iimo I angered unt. * K OiU»1UIE^VKTTEB^jfV.. Toiedn.°O.^’says: suffered for three year* with Sciatica and Kl.li Disease, and olteu bad ti go about on crutches. ws« cntlr< !y and permanently cured alter wear! Prof. Guilmelte s French Kidney Pad four weeks, disease of tlm Kldn-y Tho only thing foniid about this I is also emphatically i n wild onion growing near How it survived this “utt h” perhaj crook its odg darkno ravel. Tho whole of this citvo is solid tliut rock, nnd nil of its rnvorus nro as clean ns if it were under woman’s con trol. The hind around tho l!op|>or i* owned by O. Ilollowuy, who hits boon running for years n H4-t of corn mill rooks hewn out of rocks gotten from this onvo. About a quarter of n mile north Con .tit nt ion of IS* iu tin* Manm and Brunswick louse j \hrnimiu limy nil-1 nnd sale legislation of 1878 and 1879. j Tlm Stuto rond is a link between tin* Louisville nnd Nashville and the Central and Georgia roe.Is Can the Slate of Georgia afford to ; contravene the settled public poiicy ! of the Stuto for thirty yours to protect $H,(MM>,(H)0 worth of public property I from depreciation by fuiicied injuries,' and thus keep out of the State iin! much more capita!, which only asks f j protection, and will bring iu it* train ! ; I elured 111 the bio they gavu mo only lomporary r. J ol Prof. Ontlmette'a Kidney Pads »i: It is declared now know I am entirely cured.” MRS. HELEN JEROME, Toledo, < b Bright's .hue I «o mcdiciun. OEOROlA-OtTXM CouaxT. •IU tho first Tuesday (uSejitomber, 1881, to the high- cat an " " *“■ "* -ertaiu L.Uo natc. iring and being iu that portiou of wick known aa Dlxvillr, and wl aa Iota umnboia 1, *. 3.4, S, li, of Cleburne, between London treetg. Levied on aa tha property of J. known and described 7, k, ;»anil 10, weal of Cleburne, between Londo aia'.T'riui C. Haskell, under and by virtue ol two tax fi fa * is. sued by K. M. Tiaon. Tax Collector of Olynn county, against J. C. Haskell for taxes due the State of Georgia and Glyun county for tho year nwo. to a d- iafy the said 11 la. Amount taxes due 917 37; coat 913 70. JU8EPU E. LAMBItlOHT. Sheriff G. C. Ga. GEOKOIA-Gltxk Cocktt. Will be sold before the court house door iu the city of Brunswick, Glyun county, Ga., on the first Tuesday In September, 1881. between 10 o'clock a. M. and 4 o'clock r. m., of that day. at public outcry to the h'ghcst and beat bidder, the following property to-wit: That ono-atory frame building, situate on ti rtain lot of land in the eity of Drunawick. a iuuty. known and described in the plan of said jber 140. Levied oo erty ot Ultra Hobson, principal In fl fit. by vlr- jf a ft Da issued out of Glynn Superior Court iu Uvt*r of Alfred U.Cu!<ini!t, Governor of said State, Ilol principal i Notice given to A. JOS. E. LAMflltlGHT, GEORGIA—<J Will 1*- sold before tbc -Hy of Brunswick, Glynn urity, to satisfy the said fl ISOfll; coat 91 r “ Sheriff a ounty. . lietwi i t that day, at public outcry po>T*erty too ^Ajl that c*-r tlnn* of'whal la'und-i il best bidder tbo following Jea .In tract or parcel of laud, in the city Glynn eonnty, Ga , contai leas, it being tho Uorthea ontaining thirty r.dloi the Brunswick, on Umls of II* nrr S. Welles, an now or f->riiiorly belonging i the city of Briium ‘ of Jefferson Lcsvy. under auu uy viriueoiis i-ii-d by It. M. Tisou. Tax Collector lor Glyuu .against Jefferson Leavy. lor taxes if state of-Georgia ami Glynn county lor the yei >*» 97 70. JOS. E. LAMURTGHT. . It. M. Tlaon*“ " iuuty. agains 1 jito of-Geergi; Prim ipal amount 9tt SO: Sheriff* OWIROIA-Onr** Cocktt. before Iho Cc ick, Glynn county, Georgia wn tl f that da Ga. W ili be sold before Iho Court llousgdoor. iu Ih- ek, Glyun county, Georgia Se|»teml>cr > 1881, between the hot ol IU o'ciocx A. M. aud 4 o' “ ** * - public outcry. to the higl follow im? described prone,/. iv<ii; parcel of land, siluale, ly. ully dec t V. Dai ' * n *i. ronUlnii „ I. said tract of land belli irad-right grant from the Nlalc Suutmrrlin. L-vie«| on a^ the Sr., under and by virtue..f two R. M. Tiaon. Tax Collector of Glynn county, against U. Dart, Hr., for taxes due the state of Georgia and Glynn county for Ihe y. ar 1880. prim--Ipal amount fH7 40; cost 97 70. JOS. E. LAMBRIGHT, Sheriff O. C.. Ga. GEORGIA—Olvkk Copktt. Will b- sold beft -ity of Brunswick. Glynn county, Georgia, first Tuesday luKeptembi r. 1881, it Hu- f that day. at publl outcry, to tbc highest and beat bidder, the folios lug property, to-wit: The improvement* on all that lot of laud In th city of Brunswick, Glynu county. Georgia, known i tho j ■oporty '. Stock well, under and by virtue vf ts fl fas issued by It. M. Tlst.ii, Tax Colic tor ol G'ynu nuty against G. W. Stm kwell. for tax-s “ ite of Georgia and Glyun cminty for the y« luci|*al amount fl 75; cost 17 70. JOS. E. LAMBRIG11T, Sheriff (, GEORGIA—G •old before the Court Hons •! ty, Ga., • County. •o the Ce :lty of Brunswick. Glynn • rriti-sr - I suffer ad f In fact, the Pa.Ugii n any Kidm-y nni-- V SHOEMAKER. In Pads aud was . Findlay, with lame Bark -d by s uanrntlyei Kidney Pa Druggist. -rder lor Kidney Pad*. ■ first one* wo bad an ' * It thau anything 1 e< . belter gem r *1 satisl ly we ever sold." iggUK HaniUl. Mo Mills fniin* them cvi I’KOF. li II Ml KITE’S Will positively cure F FRENCH I,|VEll PAD. ver sml Ague, Dumb Agu. r. Jauiidh*., Dy*p-|isia, an itoinach sml Blond, l'rb this dry natuntl sink, is n small sink twice us ninny millions more i like it ; holding water, with it Nuhlerniut u cseiu sys- mhuitb wuiv w and umni or less . wlc fc !u twenty liotirs, mul the tl ffc-ia. nml milliluUnl, tl..,u i w , lich , wnl brillR will l» , • * . j Horiottulv if not fittally injure.1. Quo iitvor oi I 1 1 | |<J victims boars uisitt the side of iMber inde|Kjiidei»t of the Cel ully killed, Imt one of them Bilbao- j |Ueiiliy revived. a iiAi'i^VVitoutm r. | Sjvmikinj? of the bill now before the Georgia Legislature for the improve ment of the present |*-iiiteiitiiirry sys tem, Mr Miliicr, of Bartow, the chair man of that committee, delivers him self to the effect that the prescut sys tem is it disgrace to Georg matter what may Iw said iu the lessees, it is faulty and uuequid iu its operations. The discipline mid 1 care of the couvicts is baaed upon iio fixed rule, but differs widely iu the several camps, according to the htt- mano character or cruel disposition t»f the ltosses. There should be it sys tem bearing alike impartially uj>oii the convicts of ull tbo camps, and this can only Ik* attained through a plan such us tho bill pruiMMus, Hiving the conttul ul all convicts to officers o! the ; think State, w ho shall establish, |>ei feet nud i a* * g keep up au impartial system in each ;*<• ^ r . Cabrp. H wiii Ui Saili iu reply tim! , l# lue next thing asked for will be a fine the n hotel and the l>cst of faro for tho con- j |»t th victs. Not so. The committee asks j vc-m 1 nothing of thi< kind. They favor them hard tabor for all and propor punish- J rU uk and then ship|M-d on some oili er vessel, for which services they those who have witnessed tin* bit incidents of n battle field Messrs. J. M. Mazingo, Rufus Mu- zmgo, Willie WatoiN aud Joitn B. Gatlin were killed outright. These . were all young uieu, recently married | taken, tniius will Ik* runuiug directly aud in the bloom of manhood. Twelve through from Cincinnati to Brims- •thers were struck and more or less w i c k j u twenty hours, mul the trade alto U|s»i the side of j Jjctuer ui(ie|H)imviii ui mo \-« litral his body a complete picture of the Road, and if Brunswick had the nsm tree phob»grat»hed on his skin by the t „ 8toru this trade it would go there lightning. Three dogs wero npjrHt-j^^ u|l u| these ACcoiumiMlntiotiN nr< made the trade will la* obliged to g< to Savauuab, simply for the ! pleted, the machinery will ^ top, and astonish the natives. Tin* | work is now progressing vigoroitslv, I aud yon yourselves had letter Itegiti i down thirty feet mul came to a rnekv j sees lor another If auyoiio seriously fears dept outlet. Holloway sent n man midway ' tioii of thu Htato road, let them offer tho two sinks to difc a well. He dug j it to Gov. Brown and the present les- term after the pics- expires, and mo what the vit the lease Petit io torage in Brunswick. But if Savnii- H-ing circulated in j llrt h carries ont her enterprises, which Philadelphia and elsewhere, urging | \ (,.«.! certain she will do, she will not upon Gong reus thu necessity of chang ! ,d»b* to neeommodnte her own ly ( to prepare ftir its effects. Also from • bottom, and continued picking and ent Ictu your paper I inferred that you sup- j SO o„ tho bottom of the well fell out, posed this road would end at Rome. I „ n d he found himself ten feet below Iu less than a year, if 1 am not mis- j jn a wuter passage, Imt, fortunately, tho water was only three feet deep.— Guoss lie thought he was then near ing Hong Cong, China. Ijooking up the water course, he discovered a glimmering light—to him more glit tering than diadems. Onward lie prtvised—outward he went, regardless of all the snakes and "wlmngdoodlcs" he might encounter ill his way, and hooii found himself at the source of the stream (the water sink already mentioned) licing then quite low.— Here lie was }H*rmittcd to gaze once more upon thu great orb of day shiu- iug the laws relative to the payment j freight, aud she would not have your j ing with all its olTulgency, see •ages to sailors. This, *.vc.. freight if she couid control it. 1 have . will put a stop to what is known N(xm ( ur years that this thing must b»r stealing. *1*1 it* temptation isjeome, and now it is upon us, and we eat that sailor runners are found ; ,l„» • kno*.v what to do v.;lh ff. ii FIIIAdl I'AB t O„ Tuli'dx, Ohio. | auli! by JAN, T- IILAIN. jdl ly A. E. HEINS, Bilker \ Uotifucl toner, -MJiO DEALER IN- FANCY GROCERIES, J.UVO, CIGARS and FRUITS. of ft.lv Boston, G A I tide • N'lMfGRTF. a., August 5th 1881. meu who opyrate it mid think of it. The people of southern Georgia want Cole’s road, and as itmii) more is private c pital will build without | asking our people tiny thing but | teotion. Georgia 1i;ih only just eomniL-nei «i | _ her railroad development, lb i Inll* j »«'< uiomiliiiii*in mirtliCiurtiin. till.■.! i J q g.Q old Sodft WXtCT with minerals aud metals, can only U-1 made valuable by railroad facilities.— Her magnificent harbors can only bo made to increase in imputation by atlded railroad facilities. But it is said that Hon. Ib rsrhel V. Johnson vetoed a r -ilroud charter because it would compete wi lt Ihe State road. If that |*ohcy were wi*t it was because the conditions wert (liff* It lit. Tlu* rou*5. ns ALWAYS ON HAND Tobacco and Cigars A SI’KCI ALTY t'clurk a —. -.. . . ' hbtboa and beat bidder, tho fnllowDiK property, to-wlt: , All tliooc c. rtain two luto of land In tho rtt> « riinod. k. Glynu county. (IcurxU, buowu and .tr rihcl III f hi- (dan of mCd < tty sa Now Town lot nnbera 743 and 7M. Lavlo.l on Julia Dur.i. under aud by ■ruperty of a iMticd by It. M. itaou, Tax-Collector of Glynn a^ain*t Mr*. Julia Durr, for tvxca due tbc it-orcla and Glynn county fur tho year lose, i aniuiint 92» 3«; coal 97 70. JOS. K. LAMBRIOIIT, Sheriff O. C . Ga AiiKUMt 4th. 1881. BEST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Iivisrs OKS LINE NEW chop GARDEN SEED —AND— ONION SETS. nnowE rlie wing ,t shuking TOBACCO. fhe uest 5 uent Cigars. For mR at h 1-23.11 III.AI.WH DUIIR STOlli:. Harnett House, (FURM11.LV PLANTER*' HOTEL'. M. I, ItATKS, HARNETT & CO., I* 1(01*111 IvTltllN, - - $2.00 HER DAY. I'ROMIT ATTFX. (seaport city :try tars who < iq>un piupe'setl ettierpnsi' gle*l; out, there will Ikj trade Tlu'jr MU taken from ono sn p IK .rt ten »nrh ciliu.n .i» s,. airictl Last Friday, us the Sutuuuah- hints iu*ed protection, giants do im gh t« | bound train approached No. 8, a herd ; The road was then not a link in h : of cattle wore crossing the track. At great western through system reach* re, perhaps, wages aro duo ' AD q Brunswick with five times their | the sound of the whistle all scnmpeied ing onr coast, nnd therefore no inch they lose) aud made ; p rcM > n t population. Yon must recol-1 uwny, with the exception of ti five year j meiit in that message can apply. CUODS DKlii VKitkl) FlUiK. GKt-iu. a call, at (itb.-r my More on the Bay bvbaupy tuarrvvyoii. ‘ ' 1 * * F«-l»21 ly .%. K. IIKINS, FRESH GARDEN SEED allowed to <lraw $80 of said sailor. The petition content ment for stubborn convicts. But these things should be uuder the re s|Kmsiblo control and immediate per fcoual supervision of State officials.—- The present system has grown ont of j plates changing thta luatU r. Slate control. There are now tbir- be hniled with delight in ev.-ry sea- teen camps, and in not a single one is . . 4 , tt. : # „ , II . tt’ * i . * i i 4 l>ort city in the Union, fur of all uui- thtre a btutc onianl to stand between 1 ; . ’ , tho convict aud a cruel and inhuman | KttUCW » shipping ‘cd for by the net of '78." ! heads the list. tact thut there are five hundred thou- old. He was caught by the train, and There is another and potent reason ml immigrants coming into the j springing up, his feet wore caught in ! why every one of these through lines tvuuco wntgt s United States auuunlly (and all these j tbe bars of tin* cow-catcher, and he 11 should be eucouraged. There is to- iiuigrantu will be product rs i besides could uot extricate himself. He stood j day no coaling station south of Nor-! d will tii e annual inerwtse of imputation, nnd I np with becoming dignity, enjoying j folk. Brunswick, by reason of acres- j Tlll'Hip, CublNIgC) Ik k UIIS, t'lf t*s« immigrants ar*^ all going West, bis ride, nutil the train was stopped, j ability, lonitiun on the coast, nnd 1 throwing the South continually! With the assistance of a rail he was i depth of water, isjnlmirnbly fitted for JUST RECEIVED! FgR SALE AT— thu sailor thief j nearer to tho great centre of popata- f released from durance vile, and went «nch a purpose. Eucourage these tiou aud production, cs|»ocial!y to. scampering off' through the woods. roods, create a toaliug statiou there. BLAIN’S DRUG STORE, f«lyJb-Ii» NtwuuUe btiw ’ mlb, tic price* i Delivered in Brunswick KF.FPABD * WALTER. G.H. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, mil xttwii-K, «4Roki;i.%. n prrparnl to «1.> all Im.la of wurk iu iuy Rum.