Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 13, 1881, Image 3
Now Advertisements. W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OF NA VAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. POE SALE. Lumber. Shingles, Laths, etc &dvqti§tr and cal SATURDAYMORNING AT BKUXBWICK* OEOROIA. SATURDAY MORJtlKO. AUGUST IS, 1*1. HOME MATTEL S. St. {Union* null clow t:Ui. ar. Northern mall does* at 1:30 a. m. Savannah and Macon mail cloaaa 7 r. u. ripUuii*, u^o'.brr with Latha, Pickets. 8htn«l«*. »i!o UutMing Lumber . and Fencing inatei-L ■t- Oglethorpe Ilt/Jcl. Terma, net caah, Chttruh Notice. Rev. A. B. Carry, of Darien, will fill the Presbyterian pulpit of tin's city on Sunday next (to-morrow) August 14tb, at 11 o'clock a. u. and 8 r. w — A earaial Invitation is extended to all- St. Simons Itcinni ' IvX bToiJSS *» -*> Tlie out of the Mills last week was 431,467 feet being in operation bat five days. On Thursday the cut wtw a little aboro tlio avenge, being 107,' 927 feet. otherwise bv sjuvial agreement. W. F. PENN1MAN. I— Agent for millers. Contract to be Let. 9 ItZVEXL’**} Commissioner* or Iloana a or GLYNN CoUJtTT,, , Brunswick, August 17.1881. ) bier. In front of Coart n Tuesday, September fith, r before September long, 14 foot wide. "go to bo cot l’ayiuent for same to be tuado November 1st, uid specification* of bridge .... tud after inti* nerves tho . 11. A. KKNllICK. Clork. Bridge to bo 1881.' Mai Iter lr,t The board of ltoads and ltevi the right to re)*c^auy aud all i’ctitiou for Incorporation. OEonciA-GLTxx corxTT. To Ik<■ Superior Court of mid county. The petition or A. V. Wood, J W. Drury. W. 1 Kay. J. W. Wood. K. F. Coney. A. J. Mason. J. } Conover, Wm. Masou. W. F. L. W. final, hurst and A. J. Cruvatt respectfully sbowelh tin theyhavo associated them selves together for tli purpose of formlug a corporation to be composed of your petitioner* and such other persons as they may join with them. The purpose of ssld corpora* tton Is the erection of such building or buildings as they rosy deem proper, to be used fur a public hall, theatre,skating rinlc.rliib room, or any other purpose of like nature, the corporate name l>j petitioner* propose to he known i* L’A They prrpose to employ a capital of not more than five tliouaand dollar*, of which three thousand dol lars have been actually paid In' Col. Dunn's answer to Mr. Murphy too lulu (or tbia issno- •••will appear next week. L'arioso Club apply in this issno for charter to bava all tbo rights and privileges of n body corporate. Mr. J. Wilder lias offorod $5.00 re ward for proof to conviet any one tres passing on his lands in this county. Madden haa his soda fonnt, IDaiii has one too. HEixs haa one In Epidemic Form. We mean tho pistol mani*. Never in our history has snob loose refn been given to the use of this abominable weapon. Scarcely * paper is printod that does not tell of its use. This week we have four cases to report. •No. 1—Bob Mallory end Horace Ca- done, together with several other col ored men, were playing cards (rumor says), they disagreed, a row was tho result, aud Cadono shot at Mallory twice. Thoy have been arrested. i > No 2—On Monday evening last two vessels at the Mills, but of Mr. J. Wilder’s lurpentino bauds, | expected daily Amos Ynrlv—--.? ;:„„ ry Ooier,! The oUamc. Ceuieumni plying bt- »auiu iu from work to tbo fjnartcrs at tweuu Savannah and Satilla river aud IMmOVEHUNW. Whnt ms) Whore They Aro, aad o., Brnpsm The schooucr James P. Morse, Cap tain Hopper, sailed' from here on Wednesday last, for New York, with a cargo consisting of 491,061 fuel lum ber. At present thero aro but two rut are The place of doing business of said c it the city Brmiswlrk. county of Glynn, where uiuy nave already erected their bulldlii;: to bo used for the purposes strove “ * Petillo with tin s pray that tliey and the ■ may be Incorporated fui d of that tliu under the name and style of L'AltlOSO CLUJ) wit the right, a* a body corporate, to *ne aud be *ned; •r tbe pur. with the right to purchase with ■Mary for tbe purpose* of tli«lr biisini erlgbt' Is and their d to i the by-law*, aud to do all i proper for the legltiniati of their organization. iutlon and J. CBOVATT, Petitioner*’ Attorney*. W. K KAY, •t (ily mi Hu|h Louri t. U L'oxxoa JR . Clk S. C. O. Uoiiiiniwdoiiore’ Sale. Whereas, the lion. M. I.- Mcreli iwick dial Ida t Circuit, tho Hnptrior Court c hltli Fclidte D*vrni*ort waa t! John K. DulUguou etal. were ih< Ming for the sale of the pr<>|ierty* t late Fellclte Duttlgm ' 'inplaiiiaiit potideut*. pri dlatrthntlou to th llrui.iwlck ku« s, and the place in tho city the DuHii'uoo home plat of Old Town lot (according to llaldwtt of said city) iiuiul»cr «ue huudred and elgh* ccrt'o appointing John inport t'uniuit.ystoiicri - private sale; i of tho power contained in said dor roe. hereby offer lor *alo tlm above dwcrlbel property, aud will cut.-ruin proposition* for tb<* private sale “ ■ ' — " - t Tuemlajr in Septeiulx-r neat. f until ( t public sale, at the um d Hlicriff’s sal.-, and W sold under the rules lig salt* by Hhoriff of sai 1 Mate, the Com •r* reserving (lie right to wlihdrai isaud dollar*. ■ title*. S’ K. Du Lilli NON. Cornu W. G. DAVENPORT, t All Ordinance, o amend an Ordioanc* cuttllud “An Ordinance d*ie*H and levy tares aud r*l»e a revenue lor ll dty of Umuswick for tho year 1881. for tho reg latum or certain kind* of Itusiimca lu said cl I, prescribing penalties for the violation of the rsv mu. ordinance* of said city, and for other pu .Id city." « 1. The Mayor I Oouucll rdiuance shall lie N<r*ou or firm engaged lu ! eelcr excltutprli shill pav a ».r cent upon the amount c f goods. ware*, merchandist iff on** eighth of one Icctod from tho sal 01 »d other article* due* JAH. IIOUHTON, Clerk o J. F. NKI.HON. Mayoi MORISS LUCREE, Wood Turning, M0Mil)li\(r 4\f)SAWii\(i MlliL. " lltllldllig, Picket od Turning of every desrriptl . Hope lautJy . d Ilaiustci ml. or Uia, •tl Work. T. t straight and «ir- amr, i>.r cam uiers, cauna t mager* and piauo forte manufacturer*; In fact, all trade* supplied in th. lr different bram-hr*. I have al*. tho finest line «.f bracket*. Paper Holder*. Hltoper and HU re.w»-op- le Case*. II. turn K.aino*, Cbak HheJvee. Hat aud fell llacka, a l'leaao give 1 . B.- All Jubliii Uriilgc builders will please notice advertisement of Commissioners of Roads ucd Revenues, for bridge on Grecu creek. R. Tnnno cleared, on the 12th, for Buenos Ayres, brig Guiami I, with cargo consisting of 125,792 feet lum ber, valued at $2,063. Tbe now comot will be nearest tbe earth on the 20th iust. Vennor pre dicts a cold wave between tbe 15th and 20tb, so get out your blankets. O, that nangthy 1*. M. who put Miss 31.’s letter into our box, thereby giv ing ns a clno as to who bo is, for wo think we recognized tbo band-writing. Mr. Blum's $1,500 soda fountain is up, aud emitting tho delicious bever-, ago at tbo small cost of five cents per glass. It is without doubt tbe most elaborate fountain wo over saw. Pure liquors for nndiclnal purposci can bo had ot adv. UF.0R0K CIIkNDLKlt, Ou tho Ray. “ Dou’t travel muck ?” Thou look out for falling bricks, slippery walks, runaway horses, edged tools, burns, scalds, bruises, etc., and havo a Gen eral Accident l’oliey ir. tbo Travelers. See card of Mr. W. J. Price, naval store inspector, to bo found in this is sue. Mr. Prico is nn inspector of ox- perienco and will give prompt ntten- tion to idl business intrusted to bis care. Sec nilvnrtisoinout of Mr. W. F. Pciininuin in relation to buiidiug ma terials. His yard will be ou tbo inil- rond truck, IhAwouii Hiracb’s and thu shops. Consult him wlion yon need lumber, etc. Mr. I,. L. Carswell bus presented us with n stereoscopic view of tbe work cil art executed by himself, tbo Lord's Prayer cut from solid white holly. Both picture aud origiual aro well executed. ncliou with hi* confectionery, IIkix* keeps bacon, grit*, in-*l, flour, lard, butter, discs*, •offmi, sugar, and all kiuda of can guo.U, *o*p, larch, etc , which he 1* selling at bottom prices. The papers aro full of uccidouts— by rail, river and sea; on tbo street or tbe farm; ill the mill, shop, store, of- lice; at homo or nhroad. An Accident Policy in llio Travelers provides for them all. We aro under obligations to our former townsman F. A. Fitzgerald, Esip, for late Nassuu papers. Hia many frinuda will be pleaaed to kuow that bo is doing u good business; at least, we so judge from data at band. Notwithstanding tho advertisement of Mallory's steamers to rouch tbia city ou Tuesdays direct from New York, they do not arrive nutil Fri days, going lirst to Furnnndinn and taking iu Brunswick ou tkoir way back to New lull;. Tbia is prefera ble for passengers blit uot for freight. Accident insurance provides cash indemnity for loss of limo by acci dental bodily injury, or support for oue’s family in case of death, by acci- dout. Insure in the Travelers. Agents write policies. UlllWIffi FOIffllS Pl'HP. Sterling station, Coley pnfc on a pair of new hboeti, which seemed to annoy Yarborough, who told Coley be want ed thoso shoes to chip in tbo next day. Yarborongb continued to an noy Coley until bo was told by Coley that bo was a fool. Yarborough do tnanded that bo tako back tbe lan* guagousod. Coley refused, where upon Yarborough informed bini that bo wot going for bis pistol and when bo got bock be would make him re tract. As soon as bo went off Coley got out bis pistol and standing in bis door, waited for his antagonist, who shortly returned and demandod the retraction. On being refusod, Yar borough commenced pulling bis pis tol, but Coley was ready for him and os quick as thought pulled down on him, and would no donbt have ended bis life bad not another negro near by struck bis baud and caused tbo ballot to miss its aim and imbed itself iu tbe grouud. Yarborongb took ad vantage of this and put a ball just over tbe left eyo of bis antagonist, felling bira to tbo floor, and then sprang upon him aud commenced kicking him. At last accounts he was doing pretty well. No. 3—Represents a little episode that occurred just out of town n few days ago. It seems Mr. Bob Clubb claimed a certain ox that was penned by some of tbo Fox family. Going to 3Ir. Fox’s placo bo lot down tho bars aud proceeded to tarn out said steer, wheroui>on a ball from 3Irs. Fox's pis tol coining in closo proximity to 3Ir. Bub, bo left suddenly without said ox. No. 4.—Mr. Waite, a carpcntor of this city, and bis son were skylarking with a pistol in some way, which, go ing off in tbe bands of tbo son, sent n bullet whizzing into the body of tbe father, iuflicting a dmigeruiis wound. Cliuruh uflli-ials intal |>nrpu*o»~bj I'*; iu* a .-^JL GEO ROE C'KaNULLH. The following in tho directions ou n »artlclu of wine letter mailed hero a fow days siuco. Tbe 1\ M. thinking it doubtful of reaching its destination placed it in bis little glass window, hoping tbo writer might come along and sto it, and re model the inscription: Mrs. Nancy patcrict Mobcl al in tbo care of Zion church. . * ^ V — *-*AttwiaoSi ihut will Usd to th« otll#» M'l’f it couvl. lh n nf •*... t *,D*wlio set Ml to th* warcLonsQ sljoii, Btnrv «» tho til^'v July 27th. C. P. GOODYEAR, •ttr. Henry Taylor roturneti this) weok from a trip to the up-coiuitry.— [ vioiU-d was Man* 'it»u.«.*.r w b«ru bis sou is at school under the guiding hand of that votentu her Col. A. .S. Atkiuson. Mr. T»yh'r speaks in glowing terms of 3Iariet?n and its surroundings. I or tho information of tho public we would statu that wu charge for ull mutter of a personal character, that is published in these columns, unless from our own pen, at the rate of five Dissolution a Copartnership ""b* i*' iin». wb«n y t .n »«>, _ * X i*ti brt jjnj ^ rr, ^ orf>i Kft 3’ naughty words about ii.*on u ihi* I your fieighlior, just bear this iu mind, !r *°ri***Jr! also that we are not responsible for Our HuhoolN. At a recent meetiog of tbe Board of Education it was arranged lo ojmiu the public schools on tbe 12tb of Sep tember, tho city schools to bo kept open for eight months and tbo coun try schools for four months. They will cortainly bo continued for this length of timo, and longer if possible. Tho city schools will be ruu with six teachers, four for tho whito and two for tho colored, tho two teachers cm ployed last being left ont. Tbo more wo ponder over this school matter tbo more convinced aro wo that our truo policy is a H|>ecial tax for tbo maintonaixoofour schools, ono which of will bo suflicient, with our present funds, to placo our rchools where they should bo. Wo ask that tbo tidu of immigra tion bo turuod hither and yet we make very little provision for tho education of tho masses only so fur ns wo have boon blessed with funds already ac quired. We must raise our standard higher if wc would tempt the stronger to our borders. Schools churches and graveyards aro tho places inquired af ter by the average seeker of n new home. If he tiuds these all right, be in apt to stick. Now wo don’t wish to bo understood ns disparaging our schools. Many would think they were blessed if they had as good, but we want better still, and it takes money to get them. Shall wo have them. Rev. A. B. Curry, of D irien will preach iu tho Presbyterian church to morrow (Sunday). Mr. Duck, of the firm of Duck A Co., onr new wholesale tud retail firm, arrived here this week. Mr. J. G. Goldsmith, of Alabama, hns rented tho Wm. Dart house on corner of 3I«*nk and Union streets. Messrs. L. W. Rnzlelmrst, Jr., and W. F. Parker loft this week for a pleasure trip North. We wish lb© young gentlemen a pleasant time. Dr. J. S. Blum is taking a short touching at this point, was burned on Friday morning last-—a total wreck, but as sbo was well insured, so wo boar, wo uow expect to see a now and finer boat on tbo line. The Georgia Land’ and Lumber Company intend fitting tbo steamer Fanuio up iu first-class order aud will then offer her for sale. Any ouo do- siring a good steam yacht for pleas ure or freight, would do well to cor respond with W. A. Fuller, Superin tendent St. Simons Mills. Tbo following is placed in a con spicuous placo at the-Mills: "there wil bo a grand super given by Clarice Wilson of brnnswick, ou Saturday night at tobio fahms bonce, como one oomo nl an enjoy yourself, admit free at tho dore. Lndyos from the city of brunswick will bo thoro on that night como an enjoy yourself to the best of houlth and bav a good time, by order of the committee of arrangements.” One of tho “roaming rauuors” that infect this part of tho country, as well ns all othor parts, had the uiisfortuuo to stop off tbe boat at this place on .Monday ovo last, and next morniug was heard to remark that be bad not seen mosquitoes so large aiuco tbe wnr. Ouo was, by actual measure ment, seven and one-half inches long. Two woko him up in tbo night, fight ing over the ownership of a new walk ing stick that lie bad brought from tho wilds of Florida. He must have been either dreaming or hud ‘‘some thing straight” with him. As we know to our certain knowledge tbut uot a “skecter” hns shown himself for two or three yours, wo donbt tbo assertion. >33 Soinetking ovor a year ago, sToga* iCIps, Carley & Co 11 AltlKJli IMl’HOVKMKNTN. iH-poi Gen. Q. A. Gilbnorc lias just made an elaborate report of nil tbe tvork tinder bis chargo. From it wc ex tract tho following touching BRUNSWICK llAUBOB, (iKOBOLV The present project comprises the construction of a long jetty projecting from the most easterly point of Buz zard’s Island, and located approxi mately parallel to and ono thousand feet distnut from tho opposite shore, for the purpose of coutractiug this waterway and concentrating tho cur rents. Tbo bottom being quito bard aud tough in places, it is necessary to deeper, the channel by dredgiug. Tho objects of these works is to establish ami mairttain a ship channel fifteen feet deep at mean low water through the shoal situated nlnuit ono tuilo be low tho city of Brunswick, where heretofore there existed a navigable low water depth of only uino feet.— Tho cost of tho project is estimated at $73,187 50. On Juno 30, 1881, a length of about 810 feet of jetty was practically com-1 pleted. Thus far the result of the dredging has l>cou the cutting of a rudimentary channel through building wave, struck our^vrti, and cinco that time tbo sound of tbe ham mer and saw has neverdiod ont, and builders and arehttqefts jiayo npt been idle. Ovor $100,000 in sflbaftantiol improvements bad been planted when last wo 44 took oar roi^ids,*'After qaWrt respite wo have again “taken notes," and aro pleased to report continaed! Tbuio no abatement, j but the motto seems onward still. rmisusD. r r . - Uudor this bead wo class tbe elegadt Rectory of tbo Episcopal church, a building that reflects credit upon tbe architect, tbo builders, tbo commit tee, tbo ohurph and our fate city. * It i*. indeed. «i among our liest buildings. We con gratulate our Episcopal friende on Uioir good fortune. Tbo bailding is two story, fronting cast (tbo beat way to face in this climate), occupying a plat of grouud 180 feet square. It is built with nn eyo to comfort. Tbe rooms are largo aud airy, and *6 6qh- structcd that every ono of them. aan get its full quota of sea breezo. Tbo ontiro building is Qnisbad from sill to comb, nnd cost about $5,000. Next wo would mention tho ueat little cottage of Captain Russtll, bear tho City Hall, now receiving tbo fin ishing touches It is a littfo beauty, and an honor to Newcastle street, ix riiocEss or tsirrciox. Under this bead wo can class quite n number. Conspicuous among them wo would mention the spacious man sion on Union street uow being ercc- ted by Mrs. Wm. Crovatt. It is two stories high, with wide passagc-wnys, high ceilings^ largo rooms, etc,, built with a spccinl eyo to tbo wants of this peculiar locality and climate. Next iu. order como tbo changes an Col. Collins’ rcsidonos. It is Jbqlnjj raised ono story higher, with Mau- I roof, which improvement will add fifty per ccut to its beauty. The entire building is likewise being re touched nnd repaired. Tho Nightcngnlo residence, too is having additions made thereto. On Buy street wo find Mr. Hirseh is adding another story to bis storo, and fitting up tbo same for a residence. Dr. Fruuk Gale is putting np a cot tage iu tbo upper end of town for bimsuU and family. ^ Tbo L'srioso boys inaanwbile grow impatient, aud are erecting a band- some fence around their ball, build ing two large dressing-rooms under- nenth their stage, nnd remodeling their entire stage. Just bore wo would odd that tbe pointings uow be ing executed for tho stago are both appropriate and beautiful. Mr. Rey nolds is certainly master of bis brush. This work, when fully completed, will cost tbo club at loast 8500. Besides these, we -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- , , , . NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORES SUPPLIES, // j (.44—TOGETHER WIfH . Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. ..s. Highest Market Rates paid for Naval Stores, nished at Closest Figures. O’CONNOR & WENZ, ^ r 4 . 9 (DILLON'S OLD STAND, NEWCASTLE ST.) >IO ■ 1 u ". ■> M • Brunswick, Georgia, •,' JDA1 keEp a full LINE OF FIItST-CLASS a^i u. ’ LOWEST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, STEAM ENGINES, 'TorUbUAStatimityJ FOR GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, {J ^ m'priTff^T A T .»p» V _ STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes. RETURN TUBULAR, RETURN FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. Ill'll’A IRS OF M AQUIFER Y I’ROMPTLY EXECUTED. J. S. SCHOFIELD, Prop’r. Thottanmlfl havo Ihm*h cured of dumb find Mr. Wj*i T C».. Tolodo, O.. and rt*wive one by mail Ducrllinger erecting a two-story 4 building near the butrl, to bo used an a bar-room, etc., aud almost every wharf along our wuter-front in being repaired or added to, evidently pre paring for big work the coming sea son. TO UL BUILT. > , This list, too, is worthy of note.— Looking at our memorandum, we hcu the I Mr. D. J. Dillou and Messrs. Holzeii- shoal }K>rtjon of the approach to the | dorf Bros, are going to rebuild right harbor, vnryiug in depth from 12 to awfty . Mr. A. F. Franklin will i«K»n l , 'T W ’“ r ', "," Uh fr , , " n ' orcct, on the where lB.f.yVt,.- 20 to 80 feet <one cut to lour cuta), , , . , , , - and extending in a atraight line from 1 b,,cco , “ u " r , ’ ln,u,, '■ a depth of 1^ feet on the inner dope mansion. Mr. Nick Dixon is putting of the shoai to u di*pth of 11 bet on ! up his burn, preparatory to building tho outer slope, some distance below | 1W bri< . k rr8 ide D ee on Union street, if tbe cut is about 4,t(MI fist, ing tbe present fiscal year it i Dnr . | lie church and scores of other build- posed to’eontluuo work on the jetty ings may Is* elassed under this general nnd widen aud dee|>eu the channel by I head. Nor can wo forget tho vari- dredging. oum bridges, tiro wells, etc., now being Aiiionut available July 1, 1881, i. ...... .. . , ■ . . *20,240 24. Amount uqiiired for the «>» »"*' wl " dl K” fiscal year ending Juno 30.1882. $38,-1 make up the grand smn-tobd. |ie|Mj and la and nil di*co«ce ( stomach, when all other'muddies linvu failed, by nsiug Prof. Cluilinatte's “ rhieli in a quick nnd French Liver PH wl— . |termatieuft curd lor thnfas disorders. Auk nrnd $1 50 ir a loibT to the French I Shipping Intelligence. voit the voir or uuukhwick. fvh the week KNDIVO Al’fiUHT 19th. |M8|. Au«n*t 'J-Ho F M Hlrh*M*on. rfk»*nu*Ii AtiKUil I0-B»rk Clrmnotn. lUvtti AHKuat 11—Brlff M*n*uu, Rio Jm«I Dl’I'AllTUBlX AiiKHat ft—He Arthur Burton. SatlU AiiKimt 3-Uark Aino»t.*u K*«W. Itarloii Align.t ft—Sc Adfft i K snow, N»t*ri* rt A HR tmt A— Alii* BNinhsm, 1,’lurli lot,. Autfuat 13—Brig Ouiaul I. Bwr»o* Ayr**. 187 50, winch will complete the im provement., Aug. 8th, 1881. ,1/r. Editor: I am informed by some of tho white citizens that I bad an ar ticle printed iu some of tho Northern pnperH, charging the citizens of this county with tho killing of Ned Styles, on neconnt of his relations to the Methodist Episcopal fhnrch. Now. sir, I deny over doing any aneh thing. | ir0 vunient of greater magnitude far I have found just a* friendly white r tiiait all of these together that wo people in Glynn eoimty as I ever met; , u j { ri,t mention under tho last bead, jin my life, and, finlhermore, 1 do not j j )(|l is by the railroad f«1ks Rsd >'uU We Now t w hat, ihu-sall tjrfs rnji answer—pi o«|m rity. Then hide out, ye croakers nnd lie- gone, ye grumblers, for tlio flood-tide of pros|>erity, like the tide of the bay of Fauday, is coming iu so fast tlmt yon are iu danger of being overtaken and drowued. Cense your mutter- ings, be up nnd Hofpg and thus kn p apace with the incoming tide. Note. -Now, thoro is another Tin- » » cook Bios a «i c. p. C30ODYEAI ATTORN1Y AT LAW. hncK.uA. Ih- l»irtn*T*Wlli Jxm. * M. t'.iitjw r an" •lay iB**o|r..l by lUr. tk* b*vt*K claim* **’ KfUt Bill jiluw pflKkl lour around the State. It is the first i believe it to have been a ptuu to kill j L . nll ’t always tell of their movcmenU recreation he hn» lxt*« able fo get iu him by any means. Please publish ^ j^eir outward actions. But lest wro years, so closely has he been eon fined I these few lines iu your columns, nnd ; ^fensed of lack of journalistic eu- by bis professional dntiea. [oblige, Huf. Jvs. II. Guant. terprise, wo will tell wliat wo have Hc/shitr: To-day Mr. George C. . .Wii»bm| Up- • picked up here, there and elsewhere. Myer’a engagement with Cspb James! A party of excoraimiists went to j T.» liegin then, the authorities of the Knox, ss clerk, terminates. Mr M. •' Jekyl lwach on Wednesday night Inst, J R. T. V. A G. lbiilrond, commonly has Iweu iu the employment of the I plcasuro-w-cking In their rambles j known as the M. A B., are cental)* Captain for the post fifteen months, 1 they found a coffin containing a skel-' plating the trettion of whAxvtl,V^r»- and it affords us pleasure to state that | etoB. Tbe top of the cofRii was off, | bouses, a more affable, clever, genial fellow island the whole c**uccrn hire evidences! po*itc Blythe Islaud, for the storsgo not to bo fonnd, and, witlml, ono of'of time. Ili* presumed that the ijket-1 and shipping of lumber nnd guano, tbo boat salesmen that ever crossed a! cton is that of some person lost at! the two copijmslilties jlhat take np Uk» counter in M’zrcrow.. He go** to «-n, whinw remnine Imil (lritleil nn j fooin. Wb ou.laofi *°‘| *“ . # i r • r * I In Iui> AI■ a a.Iv limila 'l ino tin. Urnnawiek wbero wo »rnnt Ilia aervicea will bo brought into requisition com- mvoaurato with bia iotriiuis worth. .. ,, , ■ , * j to lie within tlm city limita. Tbia im- tbare ud been boned yean ego, Um> I pro , oroent , m be Mmi.reheuaivo iu recent action of tbe wave* liaviug uu-1 ,,rupurlieu., aud nfiU rugicaent a earthed it ' good round pile of ’money.' FAIR, AT MACON, Ih’t'inninx * ft. 17. contiittiiag one wrek. LiU rel I’rrfiiiuui* in S4<K-k. I’ouiUy, Field Crep*. lumc |ndu*lry. FIs*- Art*. Mu-hlscr?. He. UrK* Fur*«* for TruUiug *n*l HhuhIm H*'> * '■ mswwum Artist. portrait; LANDSCAPE,' FRESCO PAINTING, nfr^LWONJiHADs. * A -4--*-^ ICS! BY Wholesale and Retail. II- alnvt. A. M. HAYWOOD. An Ordinance, ~ To th jinc the Fire Limit* if the Cihj of Jtrunximct-, and for other /lurjioae* therein mentioned. SronoN 1. Tbe Mayor sod Conaril ot tbo dty of Brno** irk. in Council hereby ordain. That tbo Are limits of Um dty of Brnnavfrk, from and after th* tooth day ofAnmiftt. Ml. shall bo la* clmted wtthta th* followlac boaodarteo, to-wtl;- Manrfleld «tre*t oo tbo •ontb, R*yoold» atreot oo tbo Ead. *«treet oo too North, aad Bay atmt oo th* Waal. Sec. 3. And b* It further ordahMd, That It shall oot b* lawful for any person to put ap, bail I or •red any building or structure of wood within tho limits aforesaid, under a penalty not e&cesdiaw twcnty.flve dollar* for raco aad every day iMn liulldinu or structure of wood ehaU remain up.— Proutded, that nothin* herein contained shaU art* rent Um ervetioa of temporary plaare for tho protec tion of bulldluA malarial*. I*c. 3. Aad bo It furthsi bouas, buildlag, shed o eutarffsd, elevated or limita of lbs said dty of B therefor aban hart I th* Mayor aad coandf.apoa tho ccdBkate. fa wrttimr, from the Commlttis* ou firs Department, that each repair* will not amount to tberehafhf* la« of *orh hones, building, shed or structure; aad tbe aald Committee oa Fire Department are hereby prohibited from grshtlas each rertllaate whenever and wherever such repairs upon any wooden hoaoe, building, abed or structure shall exceed a moiety Y excess being deemed, coarderad aad rebuilding under this erdlaanee Aad a ■hail violate any of the provt*la—f UiU ordinance, bo or ah* ahull, oa eoavtctka b*. for* the poUee Coait, be Saod ia the saai of twawft*. Sve dollar* per day for each aad every day * a It further ordained, That ao wood* r structure of wood shall ho***, building, shed or structure shall remain r*. And b* it further ordained. That ao u _ *n building, more than twenty fast high from tho O the highest point Of thereof. ahaU be re ived from any one point within tho SreRmileee* or other person who ‘"-iMiag. rer‘-*“ nor whatever say'wooden' hones,A>aSdia|L ahed or structure, contrary to th* provisions of this section, •hall bo subject, on conviction before tho FoDre Court, to a Sne of tweaty-Sv* dodara. or labor oa tbe public street* not excediag thirty daya-ooo* half of the Sne* Imposed aad collected under this sec tton to b^pald to th* informer, and th* othor half into the tree*ary of the dty. Mrc. 4 ‘ ‘ ***' ~ a bnild „ ground toll moved from tablubed by this ordiaaaee to any other point with • In tb* earn* Until*, or fkuan any point without thu w “~ ic. 8. And be tt further ordained. That any wooden building may be remora 1 from oee part of the asm* lot, even though wtthta tbe Sre units, provided that th* permission of tho Mayor and Gunnell be Srst bad and obtained. hac. 0. And be It farther ordained. That wbeaev* ter nay hots**, building, abed or structure bevmOer to b* built or recovered within the ftre limits ef the city of Brunswick ahaU be rooted or severed, Ike mm* shall be rooted or covered with slate, tUc, tin or other incombualaMe material. See. T. And be It ferther ordained, last every him or building which shall ha ha—tear trusted in Use city of tenmawfchofhrfdLatana. tabby or • t, ahvll have a thickness tapU, of more than oa* atory, abate hares Uickaea of wall In the lower atory of a brick sadsha&o. not tan* than twelve Inches, and nine Inches above tbe lower story, and every aach bone* or bulhttag. abem^r wCotMor more stonee 1“ **“ w>vrel with date, tile, tin or otl i height, abate hr orauu mo Uve tb* authority *n-i twiwwrto can*-* any Loua*, building, abed or streets re to be pulled downer removed whenever they ahall eouabkr the mm* a itaagarow*. or in yletatien of tbteeidt. Sec. v. AadboB n fo&m*ordained, cretioa of the Cotrt. GEORGIA ilLVHN t\rvsn. Whereas. M-lilU U Troup, a-libinlstralris of Daniel 11. II. Trvup, r c pr< sente ' * *“ *— duly Aeil and entered i Las fully administered the estate of said Daniel U. B. Troup, this U. therefore, to Hi* all per*** con- cereed, kindred ahd cmlili-f*, foahow caww. ifsny charged ofdiemli diamlmion on lb* Orel •t ration and receive tetter* FOR SALE. a **«■'» •* llm MM. ▼. M, BARER. 10. Aad he »further ordained. Thntjff ordt. ‘lu coudl twin. j.k’xzloox, turn JkUr* UOGSTUX. Clerk “ I). D. ATKINSON, DENTIST, iROIAi mm***um BRUNSWICK, - o*a at Men l« (VMtn ■M V