About Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1881)
Stogfatt unitJSwial T. 0. STACY. Editor tml rro|rirtor. BRUNSWICK, . GEORGIA: SATUKDAT MOSTOIO, ACOQI flD, t*l" Brick loj-urs an b»ring n fenut i Atlanta. The; get thoir own price. The Cliinose ere ponring into San Francisco at the rate of one tbuuannd per day. Out of erery one hundred iubabit- auts in the United States, sixteen live in citiee. Hon. A. 0. Bacon, of Macon, is spo> bus of ua iue next liovomoi*. Good ! Lets nominate him. I tween here and Macon. Thoro nro ( ■— j several new suh-contructors to go out llio Albany -Vnc* tells of the irmr-1 next week os soon as the part of the the shade o! jim#., a= evlsjjch ,mi! of the con- OITII HWI.I O tlH. Wbl»* Ih Dilip- Alonv llit* I.iin-. Atlatifa Cuuatitnttuu. lloport* from the Mno.ii k Drubs- wick « xt« usicm alum- that iIntro are now over one thousand uion at work in one way or another along (Ho line. Mr. Renfroe has over two hundred men near Macon. Mr. Pnt Lynch and Mr. Cruasell have two large forces at work uear South river. A half dozen sub-contractors nuder Condon k Co. have men at work along the links that they have engaged to finiiil), an.I Cap tain W. D. Grant has a large forco at work on his part of the contract, i i which incImlM the heaviest work be run mi*: in* riugo of« couple great cak in the park." Roman tic that! The Hinesville Gazette is authority for-.saying that Mr. Warren Lott’s viuoyard at Wfaycros will pay him this year $800 per acre. A colored woman in Albany stack a cat-fish fin into her thumb. It has rusaltcd in the nmputstion of her arm just below the shoulder. Tbo Savauuah News of Wednesday announces tbo death of Charles Grcon of that city. Ho was a Christian gen tleman of tho highest typo. The land bill has passed tho Honso of Lords in Loudon. It is thought to bo of grout benefit to tenants and of liltlo barm to tbo landlords. Thero nro ouo hundred thousand drummers in tho United States. Their traveling expenses alono amount to one huudred and twenty millions, an nually. Tho very latest effort to secure^old iu Georgia is by means of drodging tho rivers in the gold region. Dredge boats aro being bnilt for tho oxpress purpose, at a cost of from leu to twon- ty thousand dollars. Mrs. Biuion, wife of Rev. W. B. L. Binion, of Webster couuty, a con firmed opium eater, took too much of that drug whilst traveling from Ohio to Georgia, and died shortly after reaching Atlanta. “A disposition to croak, too much guano, too little homo-made manure, too much cotton and too little corn planted, bad management and lazi- noss,” says the Americus Jleoorder, "is the caaso of hulf of the destitution in tho laud.” the school ques tion. In our last wo urged the impor tance of a special tax for school pur poses, etc. .Since that time the State Legislature has taken hold of the matter, and will probably secure leg iulntion on the subject. They rcconi' mend a special tax of ono-touth of one per cent. Tho present status of our school interest as a State is not satis factory. $300,000 jwr annum is not 'tuite enough to educate TOO,000 chil dren. This amount must be supplemented in some way, or else our children will grow up in ignorance. This would l>o deplorable for tho great State of Georgia. Popular sentiment is fust drifting to the geucrul system pro loosed, ami the sooner we g*»t to it the better. Wo nre aware that this will work hardship in sonic few local itics, where the majority of tho school patrons nre not property owners, .for iustauce, in parts of Glynn and other counties. Legislation, however, could be so arranged as to meet this emergency. TIUJK Ml .KIT KEWAKOKt \V») rr. M Ur porter. -We understand that Col. Henry M. Draue, who was superintendent of the Waycross k Jacksonville Short Line, uud since its completion has been giv ing atteutiou to other interests of the company, has received the appoint ment of tqwciul assistant to the gener al uiuimgmneikt of the Savannne, Flor ida and Western Railway, which is, iudeed, a very important ns well ns responsible position, one, iu our opin ion, upon whom the mantle could uot have fallou more deservedly, for he is a l>oru railroad man. Iu addition, Col. Draue has nl*p charge, so wo learn, the general and in some particulars the details of the Live Oak, Tatu)*u and Charlotte Har bor and the Live Oak and Howlands’ Bluff railroads, making iu all, when complete, two huudred and sixty miles of road. Col. H. S. Haines, genera! manager of the S., F. A W.Railway, has kIimwu u\o uaual aptness and ability m Ibis appointment, lor his labors had !•• omo so great, so reponsible and m. arduous that assistance hod become an absolute necessity to the corning on of the stupendous interest now up on bis shoulders, and wisely did In select Col. Draue, w ho 1ms had soim thirty years experience in railroading.', during which lime he hits filled with ability very many iu>|x>itaut |*o»itiuns, to assist him, and who will doubtless I o found v. ry useful to the interest Lc tiow represents tract is, is located. One ship load of steel runs for the Roiuo extension bns arrived iu Bruns wick, and is now on its way to Atlun to. Others will follow. On tho Georgia Pacific there is lit tle to report, except that tho line is be ing rapidly located. • The grading force is now about four miles beyond tbe river and about twelve miles of track is ready for tbe cross-ties. It is said that the heaviest work between Atlanta and Douglasvilio lies between tho river and the city, and this has al ready been finished. Betwocn tho river aud Douglasvilio the truck can bo prepared in a very short time.— Specifications for the bridges were forwarded to New York last Friday, and tho contracts will be closed at Loulavlllo Courier-Journal, On July 28, Memphis and Charles ton stock closed iu Now York at 72; yesterday it was 84. This advance must have boon duo to largo purchas es, but by whom or in whose interest has been a mere matter of njmcnla- tion. It was stated to a Courier- Journal correspondent in Nashville that a syndicate had been formed some time ago, which iucltulyri ii num ber of goutlemeu prominent in finan cial circles iu Tennessee, the object of which was to buy Memphis and Charleston stock. Tho exact pur|>oso was not clearly understood, but it was stated that tho syndicate had bought $2,000,000 worth of stock. Yesterday thero was rumored on tho street that this syndicate had boon formed iu tho intcrost of tho Louisvillo and Nash ville Railroad, and that it lmd secured a majority of tho stock. The officers of tbo company iu this city aro not disposed to talk about the matter. Tho Memphis nnd Charleston is as important to the new Colo combina tion ns was tho Nashville and Chatta nooga to tho old ouo. It is uot ccr- taiu by any menus that a majority of tho stock won't! control tho road, as it is leased to tho List Tennessee, Virginia nnd Georgia Road. It is pos sible this lease might bo annulled and tho stockholders have sufficient grounds for such an action, mid it is said steps will be taken immediately to accomplish this. These are all rumors or guesNCH, which are given for what they are worth, and are not vouched for by the Courier-Journal, though they art* not in the least improhnblc. OUITEAU OKTHNO UN i:\SY On the morning of the 17t!», nhont 4 o’clock, Guitcnu made an nttack on * mo of the guards. It seems he had overheard some conversation among the guards about tho probabilities of the President's dying, and was consid erably excited thereby. Finding that he lmd some kind of a knife in his |K»ssession, one of the guards entered his cell and demanded tlmf h- give it i Scun. Mamt J. Cool, Ang. 11, '81. Mr. Editor: On Monday, August I, wo, a merry party of four, boarded the gallant schooner Mary J. Cook, bound for New York, but on account of adverse winds and other unfavora ble circumstances, the noblo crew were anable to unfurl her white sails uutil tbe afternoon of August 4th. As I stood on deck watching the tow-boat disappear behind the tall trees on tho beautiful little Island of St. Simons, and whvi»*I my last fare well to my gray haired sjre, I more than half feared to venture ou the blue waves of the broad Atlantic, hav ing never before been beyond the S. S. buoy. Bui, as we rounded the North breakers. and tho sailor at the wheel act our ship gracefully gliding ou our course to the K. N. E. I forgot everything else, and, in my glad en thusiasm, half wished the Neptunian theory was even true until this day. I was indeed so delighted with the nov elty of tny situation that I was not cognizant of the absence of two of onr party uutil the supper bell nronsed me, and ou inquiry I found that they had "turned in," being affected with that provoking malady termod "Oh, my!” by Mark Twain, from which they did uot recover for several days, nnd bo I was left to amuse myself best I could, but being one of those individuals whose imagination if vivid that I can always find something to thiuk of that will entertain me, I sat on fleck building air rustics to crumble, nnd thinking that each south erly triad that kissed my brow whis pered some message from friends loft in tho little sea-side city, uutil we had passed tho light ou Doboy, and onr good Captain reminded me that / bail better "turn in.” On Fridny the sun rose clear aud the winds were fair, so, by night, we had passed Tyboo light, nnd changing our course a little, entered the Gulf stream about noon on Saturday.— There tho water is so blue aud beau tiful, aud a quantity of bright sea weed is forever floating in the ever restless current. Wbilo I sat out on dock Saturday night, my heart was filled with admi- ration, as I watched tho sun scorning- ly slip down into tho water, as if in gallantry to tho moon, which was, ap parently, blushing beneath his gaze. Tho silvery rays of tho moon shone so softly on tho glad lmppy waters, that it improssofl mo as being tho tovelioat picturo I lmd ever seen, ami I shall chcriah it ioug. I will lmng it in the gallery of momory, framed with its intrinsic beauty, entwined with ivy.” Sunday everything passed off about ns usual, but towards evening a squall socn approaching, ami the voice of tho mate on watch was heard ring ing—".\11 hands, ahoy ! upon deck 1" 'Take iu tho Rails!” ami so on, tint I was not at all frightened. I enjoyed seeing tho waves look so mad and wild, nud I sat closo by tho rail and laughed iu childish glee, until they dashed over the vessel and fairly drenched me, as if iu revenge. About 10 o'clock that night we passed Frying pan light ship, off Cape Fear, ami on Momlny rounded Hat- terns, and again changed our course from tho N. E. to tho N. Our passage has l»een extremely pleasant. Wo have had fair winds and good weather, with the exception of one «lay—we were becalmed, and oven then I enjoyed watching the gambols of the |K>r|siise, and feuding Mother Carey’s chickens, until I al most imagined myself with the good oil Mother Carey, who, tradition tells i ns, was wrecked on the Island of Neil- j ly, off the west const of England, ami the crime of bigamy *»r |">Jyj/niny. Tint first m et ion dedan s that it shall not bo lawful fi r any person iu this Sta*e, jti aiiv address to" a public or private MSseuihliige of persoua to conn eel, advise or euconrngo in any way tbe violation of the laws of tbit State forbidding polygamy or bigamy. The second section provides that any per son or persons who shall bo guilty of the violation of thia act shall, on con viction, lie punished by confinement at labor iu the peuitentinry for any time not less than two nor longer than four years. The intentions of thia bill ate good, but if it is pawed, it will be ns inop erative against the Mormon propa ganda ns the law which now makes bigamy or jM.Jygainy a crime. No ot doubts the pur pious of tho eiiiminsi lies from Halt Lake; no one doubts that they justly deserve incarceration or some other effectual mode of pun ishment; but Hie great difficulty is that they do not advocate in Geor gia, or in other parts of tho country, the doctrines which form the basis of organized prostitution in Utah. It is only hero nnd there that one ot these wretches can be found bold enough to avow and advocate the doctrines of their so-called chnreb. On the con trary, they nre cunning enough to dis avow them, nnd tin y even go so far ns to pretend that there is a division in their "church" brought nhont by the opponents of prostitution. »So far from inculcating their vile doctrines, they strive to conceal them save from the most ignormt and vincions of thoir converts. All their efforts are directed toward s* curing nnsuspi et- ing )>eoplc to emigrate to Ulnh under the protection of tho Mormon church, nnd one** there the unfortunates are lost. The crime which the Moituon propagandists are committing in en snaring the unsuspecting is beyond the reach of the law, nnd to prevent it, each community in which they are operating must become a law unto it self. , Diabeaf That the pad f« Positively mill Mark.; Trim*. In ) Blauldtl 11%. k. Mlile or Loina, Nervous Wraknr**. xrrat remedy will Lumbago. Lana Uropay. Bright* if the kidney*. fneontiurnr* aud Bel disorder* of the bladder L All IKS. If y< ralmply PROF. QUILMETTE’S French Kidney Pad WHICH CURLS BY ABSORPTION. A»k your drunrfst for I’ROr. GUILMKITE'S FRENCH KIDNEY CAP. and take no other. If he ha* not K»t It. aeud $2.00, and you will ret wive ll pad by return mall. TKSTIM0MALS FROM THE PEOPLE: Jl T nuK BUCHANAN. J. I*.. Lawyer. Toledo. <i ■nya: -One of Prof. OutlmeUw'* French Kldm Pad* cured me of Lumbago In three week'* time. My »■%** hail Wen given up by the l»e*t doctor* i Incurable. During all tbl. lime I .offer, d m.t..l agony and paid out large *um* of money.*' OKOlUiK VKTTF.H, J. I*.. Toledo, O., *ay»: •• •ufTeroil for three year* with Sciatica and Kldm |)l*ca*e, and often had t > go about on crnleliea. waa entirely and permanently cured after wearlti Prof. Outlinrttr'a French Kidney Pad lonr week*.' HtjCIRK N. C. SCOTT. Sylranla, O.. wrltea: •• have I* en a great sufferer tor II yeera with Bright In-.'*»•• of Ihe Kiduy*. For week* at a time I wi unable to get out of bed; took harrela of uirdlciui hut they gave me only temporary relief. I wore tw of Prof. Outlmatte'* Kidney Pad* *1* Week*, aud now know I am eutlraiy cured." MRS. HELEN JEROME. Toledo. O.. *aya: •• Fo year* I have ln-««n confine.!, a gnat part ot the tliu to my bed. with Lncorrh.ea and female weaknem I wore one of (Uliluictte a Kidney Pada aud wa cured In oue month. II. H. GREEN, Whole-ale Grocer, Findlay, O. GlyDU County Sh> riff Sales Find Tuesday in Srptember, 1881. OEOROIA—OLYXK Cochtt. Win bu aold before the Coart Uouac '.nor in the city ot BnuMwtrk.fi!)an county, th-.rg a, on the Aral Tuesday Is September. 1*81. between 10 o'clock a m. aad 4 o'eieefe r. m. of that day. at public out cry, to the hlgheat tad beat bidder, tbe following _ proper#, to. wit: Ail fhat certain tract or parcel of land with im provement* thereon, aituate lying and being In the fcth District O. 34.. Glynn county. Georgia, con taining 270 acres, more ar leoa, bounded north by lands of John A. Richardson, aoutb by land* be longing to tbe estate of Scranton, east by salt march and west by lands unknown, and known as the Ayers' place. Levied on aa ttu property of J, U. Avert, nnder and by virtue of two fl faa Issued of the court of tbe notary public aad ex-officio . __ tlce of tbe peace In and for the With District G. If. a court of tbe notary public aad ex-officio Joa- * the peace in and for tba With Dbtrict G. If. county, Ga„ in lavnr of Mrs. M. C. Glllmore va J. C, Ayer* to satisfy said ft fa. Levy made and returned to me by B. A. Falun, special constable. Principal of tbe one ft fa, $15 90; Interest, f 1 88. Principal of the other ft fa, (45 WI; interest, $11 UJ; GEORGIA—Glykk CotIKTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Drugstore DIXON’S NEW BUILDING, Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, €fa. The imdendt'Uud baa removed hi* DRUG KTORE t< •aday In »ept**mhcr, 18*1. t> All those certain h.t- of liud. with Impr tbsrecn, situate, lying ami Wing iu that t the city of Brim-wiek known a* bixi known and dem-ribed a* lot* unm'H-m |, 3. T, H, # and 10. weat of Cleburne, between am*. Prince street* Levied on a* tho prep C Haskell, under aud by virtue of two fa hiicI by It. >1. Tia.>n. Tax Collector of Ulyn against J. L'. Ifa*kell for taxes due Ut Georgia and Glynn county lor the yi lafy the aafd ft .a. Amount fairs dn $13 7if. $17 37; w JOHEPII K. LAM BRIGHT. to-wif: highest and beat Wlib e-atory rran 1 of land ii Tw’o' .perty fa ft IS IBHIiei of Alfred II Cohinlft. Aura Hobson as prii Walker as accurity. to aati-fy tie building, situate on tha he i-ity of Brunswick. *ai< ■rfWd In the planofsah city a* Old Town l-t number 14‘b levied P* 1 • . Ward. priml|«! and Mr*. Kmi lecnmy, to aati-fy tbe anld ft fa. Prill . $30 f>»; c.«t $11 00. Notice giveu to JOB. K. r.AMBKIGHT. GEOnal V-Oi.rxg ('oust Will ins sold before tho ityof Brunswick. Glynn Tuesday In ueptemWr, lib aud 4 o'clock r. M <>f Hint ‘ lgb« al and best bid I pr Perty to-wlts All that certain tract nr imawlck. Glynn com 1 of what ilay, at public outcry it ihe following deacrtlM parcel of land. In the rb ily, r*a . containing thirl ig the northeastern po folio* 1 founded of the ItyofBi land* of Henry f» Welle*. 1 •rmeriy bolouglng the cily of Brunswick. Le< ■unity, against Jeffi M. Tison. Tax ( d Glynn c .imfy e Proprietois < 1 a* the properl virtue of two U OEOBOlA—Oltxk Comm Will bo sold before the 1 city of Bmuawlck, Glynn t Turaday In Srptei id known ** J.*'* Island. 1 Glynn couuty, again the Male of Georgia 1880. Principal amoi GEORGIA— M. Tison, Tax Collector « U. Hart. Hr.. f«»r taxon dr J Glynn county for the ye: 4*7 40; o-l #7 70. JOB. K. LAMBHIOIIT. -I.eriffG. Gi told before the Court llouso door, in th *>rgla. on tL first Tin sday In Kcptomh* r. 1881, Wtwcon 1« o'eloc four o'clock r. M. of that day. at publl d and In at bidder, ihe follow- tliat lot of land in k prow-riy. I city o id descrBwd In th umber (HI fourteen. ick, Glynn county. Georgia, known plan of said city aa Bay lot Levied on aa thej>roj*rly of Georgia and Glynn county [vr tho yet •..••amount $1 7«;cr*t $7 70. JOB. E. LAMBHIOIIT, Mhcrift G. C GEORGIA—oi.ynx Vovtrrr. I h* sold Wf.»re the Court Ifnna door. . >f Brunswick, Glynn county, (ia„ ou t Tuesday In Meptember, I8H|. between ten o’c t. aud 4 o’clock r. m. of fhat day. to the I md W«t bidder, the following property, to-n All th<sie certain two lot* of land In Utu acrilrwl In the \-!' 4 ' ,f , } ' lt * T "' nuteVi n Prim l| al August 4tli, 1881 I by 11. M. 7 I- against Mrs.. • orgia mid Glynn c amount $23 Ml; cost $7 70. JOS. K. LAMURIOHT, 8 lector of Glynn r tiara due the ir tho year 1880. rllTO. C.Oa. A. E. HEINS, Bilker A: CoiiTectlbner. ALSO DEALER IN of Prof. KMLI aending Ii with Uni ley^Pada.'" B. F. KEK8I.IXO, M. D., Druggist. Loganspnrt. f ' * ' r for Kidney Pad*. t one* wr had an.l I FANCY 6R0CERIES, TOBACCO, CICU1IS mill ITil'ITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Article IN GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, BUIST'S FBE8H AND GENUINE FINE GREEN AND BLACK.TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, And other article* too numerous *0 mention, and ua.ially kept In a flMi-clasa Drug Htoro. Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately compounded. After store Is closed, a III cheerfully attend any calle n r meilicinee, if uotlflcil at Ida residence, corucr JAMES T- BLAIN, DRUGGIST. WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. Ho (liiiiiml linviiif. n kiiifr, mul | *' ,lo > l,er lonulinewi, t.iok llitmi f.«i her |M*tn, ami from whom tln«y ilt-rivt- their name. Then thoro were preat slioals of lo)|>tiin, chasing the pretty little liv ing fisli, gorgeous bug sets, impiompt it concertH that we hml on tleek 111 the moonlight evenings, ami ho on, that I couhl not tell you of. lint we are now noaring tho hntbor and I must tiling tny letter to a clone, and go upon deck to boo tho "hightH” We will remain in New York for a few days, then go to Ronton, fr« thence to a pleasant village in Mas chnsottes to sojourn for a month, fr< which place 1 up. fought desperately with the guard. Iu tho Htruggle the guardV pb-tol went off, and sent a hall through the loor. (Imtenu wmh finally «>ver|MW- ired nnd see unit t»y the oth< r guard*. Search Uing ninde, a knife, made from tho hteel shank of a hIioc, «v.o found nnder his bed. i'llK lMlEHtUF.N I S C ondition Colisiderahle alarm ha* been mani fested over the condition of the Freui- dent the pdBt week. At one time he was thought to In* near hi* cud, hut at this writing (Friday noon) i; sidered Homewhat latter. The doc- k „ ’ , ... toll you what I *aw in the g; tor* claim that Iuh wound i* healing,! .... , , 4 i troiN)li* of America and the 1 1 but that his btoumch im now tho Iron- 1 ble. lie ix certainly an ill man, mid hi* life ImngH a** \\ were l»y a thread. The universal opinion i\t*r.smd ,uiownd ihiff ncetion is "too man> d»»c- t go.nl result* from th<-i Ipltal When you swelled hand Unitli, von do not Like stomach with dm;** to eu •t CMtliug loti. 11 (hinasi eye, a Uvayed aud aeliitiR ‘ 1 fill your . tmt .ipplv •thing n a root- etly to the parts. 80 if you Imvc • w.-uh or lame hack, sore kiduwys, pro- fa-.• r scanty nrinc, or the aecretory i- and inactive, yon should iim* i’rof. (iuilm. tte’* French Kid 1 the Ray State, j I am quite mire that it my vinif 1 proves as ploAanut as iuy e\|u*ri« ne. ) uf ucrug "locked iu tiie cradle «*f the jtlccp” lu\6 Ixvn, I xhail feel gratifie«i. for I have fouud the Alary J. a gallant ship with a hardy crew, “and a right gfHxl Captain too.” Jit.ik. Tilt: .\NTi7toimoN un i.. Atlanta Couatitw* <-u Tho anti-Mormon bid passed the Senate yesterday by a vole of thirty- four to five. The Ini! inalo * it a fel- I’HOF. Ol'lhltETTE'8 FRENCH IJVKK PAD. Will posltivrlv cure Fuvrr and Ague. Dumb Ague. Ague Cake, Billion. Favcr. Janndlco. D> *i*ci«la. and all diseases of the Liver, Htoma. h and liln.*i. Price ft.3uI'V mail. Hand for Pn*f. Gullmrtu-a ri>*iiM> ou the kidneya and Llv*r. free by mail Addr. -a FRKNf'll ■'.% D 4 0.. Hold by J AM. T HLAIN. 1’EST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. ni i.srsaKsnxK xew citor Alt DEN SEED ONION SETS. whce cnt:\nsn .1 smukixu TO ti AC CO. The best 5 Lent Cigars. For salt at ht-23-tf IIL A ISAM Dll I U MTOI4 K. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Feb-JUy t. K. IIKINN. Pel it ion for Incorporation. «»•*> P*ii» with th. m. The puu-s. of -al l e..r|«.ra- *i . i. the er.’.'ti.'ii «f *n. I. Imilding -.r bull Iiur* a* tl.ratrr./kalliig riuk < l'il> r«H>iii.e>r an. other puri .-r STE A M ENGINES, “Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, A. SPECIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes. RETURN TUBULAR, RETURN FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. REPAIRS OF MACHINERY PROMPTLY EXECUTED. H^BKusaKcOTanASDraioB.. rf s. SCHOFIELD, Prop’r. Chess, Carley & Co., WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STOKES, NAVAL STORES SUPFL1ES, TOGETHER WITH Hay, Grain, Provision?, Etc. ghost Market Pates 4 at Closest Figures for Naval Stores. Supplies liir- "•lly “I'P.t* i any for any iwrsou bv uvrsaasion or v. ► -i-i.lr rult.-f > .. .. .. ... n.*y |*itd, which i cation, which ulw.iyh ynv.* , .. . A , , ,1,1,1 ,ilwi,.K nr,. ||„. ,| lct , ,v„k yu,,r 1 "Harwi«- to utLiiij.t l„ „,i-l.-,„l, ■•r'MHi** lei IU lil llueuct otlivrr IU tin relnuiloclou of G. H. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, DUI’NMU’I4'K« «2KOIt4il.%. P.fl iouer- pra> that tii- and aiyie of L'ARio.* tat.- and werity yean J CLI'B wit h the right t» parvh • ri»;bt to .livid* thej ANDREW HANLEY, PAINT AND OIL STORE, DEALER IN Railroad, Steamboat, Mill Supplies PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC A COLORS, Glass,Putty,Varnishes,Brushis,Plain& decoriitivc wall Paper DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Etc., Loch, Sash-Weights, Corii, Hinges, Screws, Eh., Lime. Plaster, Hair and Cement ft Whitaker and 17S Ray Fptrt*. SayannaH, ■ • Georgia. ICE!' BY Wholesale and Retail. . M." HAYWOOD. CITATION. lid II. B. Tr. up. i ilow duly fi>.l and mu fully adratnUtered the i m-ord. that *hr 11 DtL-.IL "PUL. From to-lay ni'til fnrlhrr iioti.e, th« price, o: ahiiiKl * an* r.du.v«l Wo nts per ihonvaixl. Delivered in Brunswick Dix nla. «•».. July, Uth. rkppard h wai.tr r. FOR SALE. r/i