Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 20, 1881, Image 3
New Advertisements*. H. A. KEN RICK, ltcal Estate § Land Agent, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. .J-ATTtST.OX UIVIM TO COLLECTION or ^dv{\ti$er nud &pye*l Notice to Contractors. litis ar.< invited by the Macon an<l Brunswick Rail Road for tiio graduation, ete.. of a wharf txfenaloo at Brunswick. Thu work will include grading 1* inilea main lino, with clearing and grubbing right i W V# <or , 1 Mn ‘° i * Iho widening embankment at wharl foj aide track*—whnle requiring about elghtr t housand yirds of earth-work. Profiles and epodfl. * at Conipanjr'a ofllce, I An glut 37th. The >U blda. right Macon. Ga., August Mth.’m. J. M. EDWARDS. Bnpt. matiani. Scrofula, e It made tbo moat perfect and iuon L. Dknnard.'uam D. Kill*.*, Judge Co Ct. L. Attar.*, of J. W. Lathmp k Co., Savannah, i>*t Clerk Superior Ct. M’k. Batin d- W. WtUBKRLY, J. C. UlLMCUT, ' —n. Co. Tr**. , Day A Ooi d with the proprie' - ' latum son/eij K Wa Druggist, J. W. Mark. Co. Trru*.,*\v rUBU»U> KVKRY SATURDAY MORNING AT BBUKSW1GK,GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORJIIXO, AUGUST «. Hit. HOME MATTERS. and many ituroa apiwar to tho w<*n of nigh charac* A. II. COLQUITT. of Georgia, BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient to Business, the Ilnilrouds an J the Steamboats. Furniture New, Table Good W. C, BECK & CO, rnopiiiEToits. aiiR^^-ly ■A.3NT ACT Brunswick Judicial Circuit ahall ho a ©LINOII—First Moi APPLING—H.cond I WAVS E-Third Mo. I'lKltCE—Fourth M WARE—First Moiul . COFFEE—Tueaday after second Sundry in April and November. CII.VULT0N-Tuca.lay alter third Monday In April md November. CAMDEN-Fourth Monday to April and N GLYNN—Commencing •»» the flrst M«nd* IIH lilt nd December, a -lie it furthei -.••aid. that al ltd other prm- 1'io to the naid Mi ahall bo held tiedand proM-ribe I, and the (irmud aml^ Tra^rne h« |>a»«agr *»f till* at *, ahall ho r. 'inlrcd to attend ind servo a* Juror* at the time fixed for tho term* aa ■react IIh-iI ill thia act. Hk« tio.* 3—Repeal* ail rentfie.ltng lawa. Approved August 11th, lritl. CommlssloiiorN’ Sale. Whereas. the Hon. M. L. Mrrshnn. Chanoellor of inewlck Jin in the Hupei elicit.! Duvet ! Ulyn ..inplal t law of aaid eatat«. i ho r •apondcl H-rty of tho _DulJI«non ^for distributii re* more or Icaa, aud the place in i|i ick known aa the Duillgnon fo.n it (i >{ aaid cityt number «> •ling of I.ti' ■' , with tho building" thereou, and by decree appointing John E. DuBIguou and W. G. Da venport Commissioners to make aaid aalo at public or private aalc; now we, tho UMleialgnnl, under and by virtue of the power contained ill aaid decree, ben-by offer lor sate the above dracriticd property, aud will entertatu propoaitlona for the private aalc thereof until the first Tueaday lu Hcptember m will entertatu propoaith oof nntil the first Tne*. . . . . hlch time. If the Mine remains unsold, it will be dcr tbo rule* aid SU the right to withdrai torn plantation "botild fall to bring least all hundred do'lara, and tho ■ed at public aalc. at tho uaiul time and pli ' be aold UUdcr tho rule" 4 of aaid State. the Cumin „ - io rir ■ale if tho Aahii least aiX hundred dll' I'dlar*. Salti die*. . Drltir . HAVENPOUT. An Ordinance, ••Ity oi ilruuawl. k for tl latioti of eerUin klnib prearrtblqg p.-naltl.-s fo nue ordinance* of «.ifi - pose* con.loetcd with aaid city." hKiTioB 1. The Mayw llruiu’wh-k. in limn.-tl i •lain. Tin ■ all be » •ounctl of the city of id ml, do hereby or- of the aimvn recited ugagtil lu biialnc"i I. r w/«nc/» ahall pav cent upon t'is amount *»are*. m< rehvndii 3. ind iJ'lt further •ta otordtnan rid tiio aam. in*-eighth of one ml from the sales ithrr article* dar ed, That all or.ll- ictl July » JURTO.V, ( J. F. NELSON, M»J MORISS XjUCREE, Wood Turning, mill,m\uxnsuu\(i Mil,I.. Tbo wounded of last wcok nro all improving and doing well. Tiio Now York sloamor arrived yos- terday morning on routo frejm For- nandina. Next Friday, August 2G, is our birtb-day. We bopo our friuuda will boar this iu ;niud. It. K. Walker, Esq., of Dariou, Ims boon in our city this wcok, looking tbo pictnro of bealtb. i few more hammocks left—Helling at coat. U. L. 11AUUI8. Jeweler. Mr. J. M. Cooper has taken exclu- sive control of tho grist mill, ami will tarn out meal for tho.imllions. Since our last issue, two more new buildings havo been framed anil raised aud repairs begun on several others. Mr. H. T. Dunu is ugitin at his post at the Custom House, and Col. John T. Collins has gone North for a season. Veuuor’s cold wave struck us "ou time.” Ho is gotting to bo qnito a weather prophet. He’s us good as au almanac. _ _i to lie iuatantaneoiialy ro* fruahcl, call at HEINS', aud try a glass of soda Mr. Jacob Michelson left with bis family lust week for Now York. While gone ho will purebaso bis fall and wiutcr stock. Fire alarms aro us regulur as clock work. Thny aro three weeks less one day apart, with an occasional ono thrown in extra. Tho new hose for the Viola has Ar rived and boon tested. With this, ef fective service ought to bo douo any where in reach of water. Lambright, tbo green grocer, will soou havo out hit now wngon for the delivery of goods. Joo is bound to be just a bit ahead every time. Our St. Simons department failed to corno to time this week, so oar readers aro deprivod of tho privilege of perusing its newsy items. Our young friends Leigh t lfnr.le- hnrst ami Will Parker havo ronchod their destination and are having a jol ly good among the nortborn bills. Chnrch official* can ■•wuro a para article of wine for sacramental pnrporn* by Riving me a call. *lv OEOUGE CHANDLER. Mr. Horace Way, after spending a pleasant time in ami around Bruns wick, left a few days sinco for Bryan Neck, whero ho will spend tie rost of hisviication with tho "old folks. Mr. J. It. Forrester, ono of our wholesale merchants, has boon in the city this week. Ho looks forward confidently to tho winter busines and thinks ho will be able to triple bis sales. Mr. W. E. Burbage, of Hoboken, has moved into the Coupcr mansion on Union street, recently purchased by him. Wo welcome him to our city, aud hope ho may never have cause to regret his move. Sheriff Lambright says he came mighty near gettiug the clmp that set fire to Drury’s building. When asked how near ?” replied that ho bad tho stump of tho mutch tho fellow used to ignite the splinters. Carr" ta a noun of plural number MIIIT1IKI*™ P«. 4# ft a »|,.| p ail tv washing • * ■»«.- 11 1 : ...R iiuim fr--n* nr... J. »!. u»\»i. • • HEINS and "t-o Oorc. adv Thu Hon. T. \V. Lamb is apuiulinq (lay or tivu lit bomo this week, hav ing gottuu a short leavo of absence from the Legislature. In Mr. Lamb, Glynn lins au able Uepreutative—on* wliu irurif auil not one who tnU». Tho authorities of Macon have igrccil to give tiio M. A li. Railroad authorities the permission asked,of en tering the eity on the Atlanta exteo- siun along the river bank, passing be tween tho cemetery and the river, fur the rental of t2,000 per annum. Itev. A. B. Curry, of Darien, preaehod last Sabbath ill the Presby- tcrinn church of this city. Ho is a young man of marked ability, and bos tho esteem of all who know him. The Darien church is fortnuntc iu the pos session of sucb a pastor. Ii.wira.Tn,,* 1 s'. w.'^ I li 0 '*- Dunn and Murphy lire still liaiumoring away at each other. Wo ' mrttn r .nl l 'i,iss'' • Hioy have Iwlli si>ciit money »3£?iri&£ ““"K' 1 "" , " l ' v "l M, l M ' r controver- .siinaruasirroi>»|iu s y n „,| ivnniil recommend that tho whole in after he submitted to arbi tration aud thus amicably settled. The East Tennessee, Virginia aud Georgia Railroad (Coje’a nyntem) has chosen rail as the nniform color for its coaches, aud the conches of the- M. A B. road, as well as all new ones, are being llius painted, and lettered E. T., V. A O. Ifc R. It is gratifying to oar pooploto ^-I | know that tho taxable property of * U **|i>fCllymi on.ily has im-rensu-l ttkll.- . ui jUtftliu the hist year. The teturua for lost year was H.1G9.8M; this year it is $1,471,224. This is onlj the begin ning of what changes will lake place so soon nv the advsnUges of our city and oonnty are more folly advertiseil We had a pleasant call this week, from R. A. Massey, Esq., of Douglns- ville, Ga., oditor of the Sar. Mr. Massoy la eon of Dr. Maaaey, of St Simons, with whom he line been spending a fow days. Oar Gloucester street jeweler, H. L Harris, Esq., proposes keeping abreast of the times. Ho has just recently pur chased an elogant Herring safe, in which to keep eoenro not only his own valuables, bat jewelry, watches, etc., of hie customers left with him for re pairs. Besides, he has put up a nob by sign in front of bis store. Cure ll<]nor. for modlcltul parpMo. can bo hail •dv. QEOHOE CniNDLKtt, Ou lb. Bay. Wo hoar a general cry of scarcity of briek. Now is tho time for that yard npou the Littlo Satiila to begin oper ations. There’s wouey iu it, and wo understand tbo clay in that locality is good. Why longer wait, gontlemen? The demand is boro right now, and yon can certainly compete with any market, as yoa will have wnVir trans portation. Brick can bo mado on tho Little Satiila, flatted down through tho Narrows to Brunswick, and sold hero for two dollars per thousand choapcr than thoy can be soM from nny other point away from Bruns wick. Still Another Fire. I PRESIDENT DUNN - PROPOSES . ..... TO MR. MURPHY. We ore called on again to chronicle I Furthcu- Need**. Now that tho question of tho M. A B. Railroad extension to Atlanta and Romo is a fixed fact and the Bruns wick terminus is about to bo built up and pat in trim for a boavy business, tho noxt thing in order will bo a di rect stoamsbip line to New York.— Sucb a' line owned oitber by tho road or by parties working in its interest will soon ho a necessity and at the same timu provo a source of reveuuo to its owners. It scorns to ns that oven now thcro is a doiunn-l for it, es pecially so if tho two roads terminat ing hero and (his proposed steamship line could como together and work for each other’e interest. The cotton of Albany legitimately should como this way as well as a largo amount from Macon, and freight for theso poiuta from Now York should until rally como this way. Tho Railroad Commission has made it possible for such a combination to exist nnd wo trust step* will bo taken to secure this end. What say the rnilroade ? l-’oraian HhlprmmtM. It Torres cleared Spnuish brig Gui ami I, ou tho 12th iust, for Buenos Ayres, with cargo consisting of 12S, 733 feet pitch piuo lumber vuluod at $2,063. L. If. Green cloarod Britisli hark Guiucvcrc, on tho 13tb iust., for Am sterdam, with a cargo consisting of 005,000 feet pitch pino timber, valued at $0,650, and 2,100 feet lumber, val ued at $350. Total value, $7,000. A. V. Wood cleared Norwegian bark Frey on the 15th iust., for London, with a cargo consisting of 1,331 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $29,750, aud 377 barrels rosin valued $1,250 making total vuluntion of cargo $31,. (JOO. Also, on tho 18th mat., Norwo- giau bark Edwin A Lizzie, for Ant werp, witli cargo consisting of 2,000 barrels rosin, valued at $7,750. Fir* Not**. Two ulnrins of fire this week—the Cotton Press and ono of Dr. Cargylo’s negro Hbuuties neur tho old depot— In,tli put out promptly. Wu hoard it remarked thu other lay that Mr. E. Solomon was ono of tlm best (iroiuoii in .town—always prompt and always iu uniform. * Our colored fire oompauy deserve credit for tbo promptness with which they resjioud when the alarm of tire is sounded. The upper lire well on Newcastle street is now ready for nae. Have wo a liro department proper? Ia so, who is rbief ? Wo mice heard some talk of nn election, but never heard the result. Tho El ret Cenro- Tlie first of a large number of car goes of steel rails, for tbo M. A B. extension to Atlanta, bos nrrived nnd is now being unloaded and shipped to Mucoii. There nro over live hundred tons of them, and they lack consider able of being pipe atoms. Ou Hie contrary, they aro as large as we ever saw. With road-bed, cross-ties, bridges, trestles, etc., ns substantial as j |jnH j n0KH „f i,iiport«nee will bo- an attempted incendiarism. 'On Tues day night last about 11 o'clock, ns some of the railroad folks were drill ing oars in the neighborhood of Drn- ry's wharf, thoy discovered * fire bursting through tho side door of the oh! Cotton Press building. Tho alarm was givon and parties wero soon on tho spot, armed with bnckots, nnd put out tho fire, first breaking in the door witli a large piece of scantling. An examination showed that tho in- condinry hail deliberately prepared for tho work. Through a hole at the bottom of tho door be hail carefully inserted niul piled up a lot oh "papor, splinters, shingles, billets of wood, etc., and then, thrusting his arm through tiio hole, bail struck his match, ignited the pile, thrown away tho stamp of tho match ami quickly hied away. Tho ulnriu was given so promptly mid the tiro so speedily put out that part of tho paper used was not all burned, nnd tho stump of tho match still lay on the floor. This is the third attempt made to burn up tho buildings along our wu- tor front. First, Littlefield’s ware house, Dion Cook’s, and now Drury’s or rather Chess, Curley A Co., for they now nso the same. Had this fire gotten under good headway, it would hare been next to imposiblo to havo stopped it, as tho building was stored witli liny, oil, t tir- pentino, etc., and tho wliolo faco of the earth thereabouts is covered with rosin, lumber, wood, etc., anil the wind was just right for it to umko a clean sweep. Thero seems to bo method ill this attempted incendiarism, ns they oc cur at regular intervals. Woe betides that chap, if ho is over caught, for vengeance will bo metod out to him for nil theso uttempts. Thu yncht SuushinopYill make three trips per week to Cumberland, as fol lows: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. For freight or passage apply Jso. It. Fkakluk, Muster. Yes, we donbl no longer. Tlioloug looked-fur duy is duwuiug in which we are to have the realization of onr cherished hope. Tiio late purchaser" of tho M. A B. R. It. have determined to build up this end of their lino—the Colo system—and to-day advertise lor bids for tbo grading of the wlmrf tension. This will give a nelv impe tus to matters. This grand railroad system,must have nn outlet, nnd Brunswick is tho place. Now let onr people take hold and quit themselves like men. Let there bo no croak or drones, but let each mid every one buckle on his armor nud do valiant service. Wo nro thoroughly convinced that the railroad authorities moan busiuesa and will do all in tlic-ir |tow- or to bnild up onr trade, but let in not forget that we, ton, have our part to perform. And now a word to lut owuers.— Your opportunity liua como to do your part in this grand Hellenic.— Don't run oil' a new settler witli high prices. Encourage rather than fopel one who seeks to build up your tuwn. XollHIIl Moil*... The advertisement of the above ho tel, formerly known us Hewitt's Ogle thorpe, is found in to-day’s issue.— Mine host, Mr. W. C. Beck, leaves no stone unturned to get suiuctliiug gum! to eat for hia .boarders, nor does he spare any pains iu rendering them comfortable, ilia pleasant, benmiug countenance in reuiniubered by uuy and all who ever atop at the house.— Under his guiding baud the hotel lias certainly becu n success. Long live the Nelson House nnd its proprietors. A lliis By refcroiico t«» tlivM** columns it will Imj hocii Unit Mr. A. V. Wooil Ims inmlo, wu presume, llir lnr*»«*ht incnt over nmde from tiiis |»url. On tbo Norwegian bnrk Frcv, be shipped this week $!Jl,0(M) worth of unval stores. Besides this. !u* shipped an other cargo of $7,750. # In his quiet way Mr. Wdbtl is doing n large vol ume of business. We wish him ovary success. OCPIIII I a hIjji* No. ‘Jt l I'.* A. M. A continued communication of this Lodge will be held on Monday even ing, August 2*2ud, at 8 o'clock i*. m. Brothers are requested to attend these, there is uo telling what speed may not bo Attained. A Hnnk. Wo predicted some time siitee that the day was not fur distant when we should have a voritablo bank in our city. Tho idea was scoffed by some —interested do doubt. Twos said that such a thing would di« a natural death, and as for paying » dividend, fore tho Lodge. S. C. LirrLLFiKLn, W. M. C. E. Flan debs, Sec’y pro tern. August 10th, 1881. Real K**tnt4» See card of Mr. H. A. Ksurick as Itcnl Estate and Land Agent. Mr. Kenrick is well posted in matters per taining to Tte.d EditU: in this county. Attoation t'ontmnlom Yonr attention is called to tho ad vertisement of J. M. Edwards, Esq., Ibo thing* waa Suffice I lu moat all ill., sal. * ..( eity pro,.er- Su.icrinUn.lcnt M. A B. Railrnail for iuu uiuig wiia pn . . i i, n bidstogradonndgrnboneaiidthree- it to say, tbo bank will be started nt ty made »> » *’ quarter miles of road-bed on their ©x an early day with ample menus ton.-- got Mi the n*** «*•» rent vd'ie. we j u .„ to j oU tho eity. Here’s i We will give y.m n.irnco when the *•.•«»»»•• ml •»'» »*• any who n.»ve Inisi- i chaneo for some of yoa to make sonm right time cuiu-a. uese iu Urn Imu. , monoy. Jfr. Editor: When I read lb« voln- minons article signed by Morphy, in yonr issue of Aogoat 6th, I was at a loss to koow who be meant by Dodd, bnt a second porusal convinced me that it wat L Then again, a thank ful feeling came over me that I had escaped that awfnl mauling so olo- gantly depicted in the doting lines of his rhre production. Suppose I llad bean knockoil into smithereens or sections by ray ilelicato antagonist— woald it not have been a funny sight to see a procession of thoso liystnud era carrying home to my nnmerona wives and children, ou a shingle, the scraps left of President Dnnn, for I could not possibly havo survived ? friend told uo if it had occurred bo would havo placed this inscription ou my grnvo-stonc: “Died of bio much Murphy." IIo snys I am ambitious, etc., (there he is all right), but my ambition must ■lot bo gratified at his expense. Dear public, I say Murphy is ambitions.— Murphy is a routo agent, doing well, (this is right), but Mnrphy seeks to gratify his ambitiou for farther enc- cess by attempting to oust Miss Sbino from the Post Oflico at Wayoroas in order to aeonro that ofllce for bis own beuefit. Throo wcoks before the Fair lie “fouud timo” to call at my houso and also my oflico, anil show mo a pe tition for Miss Shino's romovnl, and also ouo for tho appointment in her place of Mrs. Mnrphy, wbioh he asked mo to sign. I declined. I speuk of this bccauso (whilo I, liko himself, nil miro nn ambitions man) I don’t liko nor intend ho shall gratify his atnbi tion by tho downfall of a bravo little woman who is fighting nobly as post mistress at Waycross to support a family of littlo children and others dependant upon hor labor for bread and clothes. I hold a letter written by a postmaster on tho B. A A. Rail road saying ho doesu't think Mnrphy is doing right in trying to got away her office, and askiug mo to do what I can fur her. I shall continue my efforts. In closing, trail for tho purpose of convincing both tho public and Mor phy, I challenge him to select tbreo citizens of Brnnswick, to whom we Will submit tho Sweat letter (the cunsc of his wrath), and hoforo whom snino of “those bystanders” shall ap pear, and if tho letter allows nr con tains charges snch as ho says I mailo, or imstinnstera aro oven alluded to, and if I don't prove beforo this com mittee of his selection that no snch charges exist—except in his imagina tion, and also Hint tho letter says “it is reported," etc., then I’ll apologize. To show what tho by-standors think I herewith present thoir statement: We, tho nndcraignod, wore among the |ioisons allndod to by Murphy ns standing on tho sidewalk when he claims Mr. Diiun said ho (Murphy) had notified tho postmasters all along tho B. A A. Railroad to keep nwny from tho Fair, and Hint he (Murphy) asked Dnnn to go to tho 1’ust Office register. Wo listened to every word said by both. Tho truth is Murphy churgod Dunn with writing a letter lo Waycross, and s tying in that lett- r that a certain mni! agent bail told nil the postmasters smallpox was raging nud to keepaway, nnd demnnded who Dunn meant nnd his authority.— Dunn tolil Mnrphy in plain English aud oinplin'ic words that ho nlludcd to him, and gave the full name of his authority for what ho hail written, and t..l 1 Mnrphy to call on tho party and settle the matter with him. Tie Ills.) told Murphy that there was no allusion to postmasters, nor did that letter colitaiu any such charge ns ho (Murphy) said it did concerning postmasters. Murphy continued his profanity and abuse, when Dunn said. "If you have come here (or a fuss you cun pitch right in and get it." Dunn further lol.l Murphy that if he bail not been given his name ho would not linvo thought of him iu connection with tho nmtter. Dnnn in no way assumed nny respon sibility for tbo statement ns to said mail sgont in said letter, bat referred Murphy repeatedly to thu authority whoso name ho gnve. J. F. Niilsoi., Ju., L. O. Tiiimdlz. If Murphy's real object is to con vinco the public, I hold tho plnn 1 propose is a fair way to do it. Their verdict, if ngninst me, shall bring fortli a written apology. Wo can snramon the FairTSxecutive Commit tee, the by-stauilen and the fnmona Sweat letter, and then see what mountain has liecn mado out of molo-hill. If before his committee of three gentlemen I do not provo tlmt I told him repeatedly to call on my authority, nud that I positively re fused personal re*)ionsil)ility, nnd gave tho name oi aaid authority— I say, if I don’t prove this, I will right then give him a chaneo to “pitch in' in the manner most agreeable to him self, and nhiilt the result. More anon. D. T. Dmw. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Special Meeting, August 11th, 1881. Council met pnranant to call of His Honor, tlA Mayor. Present—His Honor, the Mayor, and Aldermen Dnnn, Putnam, Watkins, Harrsy, Littlefield, Cooper, Spears and Doer- fifnger. - His Honor stated that be had called Council together for tho purpose of receiving, considering and disposing of some communications adtlressod to them. Read a communication from Rosen, do Torras, Spanish Consular Agent, stating that the Spanish bark Clem entina, Pedro Domenech, master, had recently arrived, in ballast, from Ha vana; that the said bark hail boon anchorod off tbo qnarantino dock sinco tho 5th inst, awaiting the order of tbo Port Physician giving the vessel a safe berth at tbo wharf at which she might be moored and dischnrgo her ballast; that tbo said bark hail boon assigned a position at tho end of the wharf, which was dangerous in tho extromo, and utterly unfit for moor ing tho said bark, unless Council woald roraoro a fist laden with rock, which had been sank in frout of tho wharf; that tho master of tho hark objected to placing tbo vessel iu tlm position nssignoil him, unless tho eity of Brunswick woald becomo respon siblo fornll damage that tho vessel mighMastain in oonseqaeneo of bo- ing moored in such a dangerous posi tion; that there waa contiguous lo this spot sufficient wharfage for the safe moorngo of tho vessel, if it should be assignod the master; that lie prayed that a safe place might be granted immediately to the said mas ter for the discharge of tbo ballast, or that he would, on the expiration of tho lay days prescribed by tho quar antine rules and regulations, cbnrgo tbo city of Brunswick with demur rage for oach aud overy day oxccod- iug the prescribed . twenty lay days which would expire on tho 15th iust.; and that he further prayed that Coun cil would closely examine tho causes of complaint, nnd tho facts submitted by giving it their immediate atten tion, and also adjusting tho differen ces withont delay. Tiio communication was received, and tho harbor comiuitteo was then directed, on motion of Alderman Con- por, to bavo tho necessary piles driven on to-morrow to ennble tho bark Clementina to discharge tier ballast at the Quarantine wharf; and His Hon or, tho Mayor, was then instructed to proceed ngninst Mr. John Provost, or his agent, if tho flat now sunk at tbo Quarantine wharf ho not removed by 12 o’clock on to-morrow, 12th inst. Read s communication from G. W. IVimborlsy, asking Council to grant him a license to retail spirituous li quors in tho building recently occu pied by Mrs. A. K. Heins, on Bay street, wbioh ivas received, and, ob jections being iiuiile by Gcnrgn Chau- dlcr nnd G. J. Hall, was then laid on tho tnblo nntil tho next regulnr meet ing of Conned. Rend a communication from W. S. Pittman rosiguing tho |iusilion of san itary inspector, which was recevivcd nud tho resignation accepted. The Finnncu coiniuittcu submitted tho bill of G. A. llnuson et al., amounting to for work ilouo on the cistern, which was ordered paid. Council then adjonriind. J. F. Nklsun, Attest: Mayor. James Hoisto-s. Clerk Conned. An Ordinance, lb define the Fire Limit, o/lhe Cihj of Eruntwick, mi for other purpose* therein mentioned. SicnoML TbtlUjror Md CouaU of n»eitvo{ iESffiSfiBSsS&bA °f *H«M. 1M1. *.U U la- on thv Wn L <£hn U ,\'S!l Halite aforenid. nodar a paaalbr soft aieaadlaf twenty.flTB dodara ter each and ertry day aa* bvlldte* or BtriKtaro of wood ahaU r«Miii ■*- /y# ™* that nothin* herrin contained than pro. Brc. S. And bo il forthw ordained. That bo wood, an home, building, ahod or atmtaro of wood ahall be enlarged, elevated or repaired vrtthln the Are Unite of the aaid city of Bnuwwkk, nntaoo pernio- ■ton therefor Bhail have been previomly obtained fron tbo Mayor and Council, upon tho e*rtlAeata,fa writing, from the CocnuitUee on Jlro Department, aot amount to the rebuild- tog, abed or atractara; and Fire Department are hereby «*ch certificate whenever and wharever each repair* upon aay hoaae. building, ahed or ataoctora MaU ejueadamotet? thereof, anch exceaa being deemed, coMderodaM held to be a rebuilding under thla ordinance. And if any person ahall violate any of the provltlooa of ~ nek repairs ing of each home, _ the aaid Committee prohibited from gnattag si -*■—Teraoch repairs five dollars par day for each and ovary day anch bomo, building, ahod or structure ahaU remain re paired, altered, changed or Improved la aay nun nor whatever, contrary to the provisions of this section: and every mechanic, artificer, or other person who ahall be instrumental in the r* build lag, repairing, altering, changing or Improving In aay way or nun- nav whatever any wooden house, bulMlng, Shed or Hteofthta section, Court, to a fine of twaoty-tva toilers, or labor on the public streets not encoding thirty days—one- half of tho Asm Imposed and collectednaderthte section to belpald to tbo Informer, and the other bMf Into lb. trMaurv of U>.dt,. Sic. 4. And be It farther ordained, That no wood- j building, more than twenty teet high from the ground to the highest point of the roof, ahall bo re moved from any one point within the fire limits es tablished by this ordinance to aay other point with- •n theeame limits, or from aay Mint without the »atd limits to any point (within the same, withont tho permission of the Mayor and Connell. 8co. s. And be It farther ordained, That any ooden building may be removed from one part of -*> mb* lot, even though within the fire limits, provided that the permission of the Mayor and Council be firat bad and obtained. 8ec. 6. And be It farther ordained. That wbenev- ■ any house, buikllny, ahed or "tractnro bcrmfler to be bail! or re-covored within the fire Matte of the city of Brunswick shall bo roofed or covorod, Um same shall be roofed or covorod with slate, tile, 11- or oUMf Incombainble material. Sac. T. And be It further ordained. That every >oee or building which ahall be hereafter erected -u the eity of liranawlck of brick, stone, tabby or tapis, of more than ono story, ahall have a thickness of wall In the lower atory of a brick and a half, or not teas than twelve taebae, Md nine laches above the tower atory, and avery anch boose or bonding, whether of one or more stories la height, shall be covered with slate, tile, Un or other Incombustible Bee. •. An J be It father ordained. That tho May- rand the Committee on Fire Department "Hail have tbe authority and power to canaoani building, abed or structure to bo pulled < removed whaoevar they shall coast At the nuisance, or dangerous, or ta violation of thta ordi nance—the expense of snch palling down or remov al to be paid out of the treasury of tbo city, except in caeca of nuisance or of violation of this ordinance, when It shall bo borne by tbe owner. lac. t. And bo U farther ordained. That every person violating any of tbo provisions of the fourth, fifth, sixth, Seventh and eighth sections of thta ordi nance shall be anbjact, on conviction therefor be fore the Police Court, to a Hue not exoeodiag one hundred dollars, or labor on tbo public streets for a term aot exceeding sixty days, or both, at tbo dis cretion of the Court. ordinance bo Md the • hereby repealed. 1M. NELSON, Mayor. I HOUSTON, Clerk of CounclL Contract to be Let. Orrtca Commissionbm or Roam ano Revenues) untv, Georgia, J ■wick, August 13,1M1. J at bidder, in front of Court souse, nruBSwics, um., on Tuesday, Sept am her 6th, mi, between 10 a. M. and t r. m., tho re-building of _ bridge over OreM crook, Glynn county i mate bridge 9 to be truss, fit feet apart, to be extended 10 lest on each side of creek, making entire bridge 88 foot lung, 14 feet wide. Bridge to be completed on or before September itb. Payment for nuns to be made November let, nt. Plana and specifications of bridge cm be seen at ofllce of Commissi oners uf Roads and Bo venues on id after MU teat. The Board reserves the right to reject My and all Ida. If. A. KEN HICK, Clerk. l.«>Coiltn I'Hiirn. Wu uro indfptetl lo nui^bbor I*cu- iiiiiittn for fiprcttiicoA of Inuciuns Lo* Con to or hu ii« i penrn. Wu know of no fruit tlmt lidH nprunf; into Nttch noto riety in thin country. Wherever you travel now-a-<1ay8 you Hud young groves of them peum. Tho bonuty of them in that they thrive ax well on the «ca const u in the interior. Io f«ct tho mother tree of nil the HttndqKttfH in Georgia is utill growing over in Liberty county, near Huubnry, on Mr*. Scrcvou’n phice. Shipping Intelligence.' August Ifi—llrig Uolrouds, Ball, Button. tey. Ferry, Perth Am* -Brig Annie It Barh«I.Ur,Mteelmea,NY. August M—Brig lily tie, Ifow. Itaugor. August 1«—Ur berk MaUimIim, Klrkhaw, Trikidai DEPARTURES. August 11—Be M A Willey, Willey. Itollimorr. August 11— Br bark Guinevere, PlUiaak, Ainat. An gust |S—Nor lark Frey, tfolvoraeu, Lomloii August I'l—H>* Leu* It Hbirer, Harm*. Boston. August 16—8c Oeu E Dole, Pierce, New listen August IWltc Clifford, Bray da it, UaUlka. August 16—Nov bark Mtwta k Lewis, Thorscn, Antwerp. S100 REWARD! Will be pahl for information that wilt load t» th apprebenaiou amt couvlctiou of the person or pci sons who art fire to tbe warehouse adjoining on store on tire bight of July 37tb. Jy»4t OUOK OROU. k CO. G. P. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jvt.r Mkb-.laou'e PruvUtunlMore, UluucvalerBtreet, BRUNSWICK, OA. AT MACON, Il-ginnicr C{L 17. cuntinalnir one wwk. Liberal Prcmlnma in Stock, Poultry, Field Crops, Home Industry, Fine Arts, Machinery, etc. large Pursue for Trotting and Running Races I bend lo tho Hecrftery for Premium List. THUS. HARDEMAN, Ja., Pros, K. C. GRIER, Hccrctery. JULIEN Cf. REYNOLDS, Artist. PORTRAIT^. LANDSCAPE, FlUiSCO PAINTING, CRAYON HEADS. All orders 1* ft at thla ofltcu will receive prompt Itentlun. jrrif. FRESH GARDEN SEED JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE LOT OF BtTMT’B GRNt'INK AVD RELL Al LE 8ELD8 FOB FALL PLANTING. * Turnip, Cnhbngc, licniis, etc BLAIR’S DRUG STORE, luljSlMm Newcastle Strict. FOX3 SALE. Lumber. Shingles, Laths, etc 1 offer for sale Building Lumber of all aisee and description*, together with Utha, Plcketa, Httegloa, and Faming material, tfpectfie billa fitted lu ataect- ref possible time. Yard on tbe eM distillery let- Oflke opposite Oglethorpe UeteL Terms, net cmh. unless oihrrwUe br spertal agreement. W. F. l’ENNIMAN, au h -13-ini Agent for mlikra. W. J. PRICE, INSl'EOTOB OF NA VAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. *"*i*i£~ D. D. ATKINSON, DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, • - GEORGIA. Ofltre up stairs in Ctowtt*i new hnMdlBf- jglt-I Dissolution of Copartnership-