Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 27, 1881, Image 2

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^ttvcrjtecr and jgjgffj. T. gTsTACL Editar and Proprietor! BRUNSWICK, . GEORGIA: BuTomnv moksino, .u'unsrn, i«i. The prawn* L^alntnre is not* "dry ono" by soy menns, from what wo can learn. K report that Vanderbilt bad pur chased a place on Lake Weir, Marion connty, TV, caused property to pop up 100 percent. in thatneigbborbood. The grass widows of Trumbull county, Ohio, tiro- to hold a reunion this month. This is anew feature of American fcblitfttes, and can. of ooursc, be charged to the comet. Senator Joseph E. Brown has re signed the Presidency of tho Atlanta Cotton Exposition, on account of the death of his son, and Govornor Col quitt has boon elected to fill that po sition. Tho city Council of Atlanta hnvo re vised their license tax, and now make merchants pay on each kind of goods lopt Boots and shoes, clothing, hats, etc., would call for throe separnto li CCUBC3 or taxes. After nil the hurrah, rip and tear aud gush by the “man of facts," there is but ono Clement attachment to-day in Georgia and that ono at Senoia.— Wo learn that it will soon l>o shipped to Alabama. “Whiskoy, tho pistol and tho knife" is tho hooding of a local in tho Hum- uhj Neioi, of Monday lust How sig nificant? The three go hand iu hand, and oh, tho misery that follow in their woko. B. W. Wrono, and no ono knows bettor than ho, says that there will he from two to threo hundred thousand strangers visit Atlanta during tho Ex position. That is, provided Atlanta can entertain them. We.lmve.tbis week been shown a private letter from the State of Mich igan from a family who had read in Georgia (BsilrnsA, reeen “Janes' manual of Georgia,” 4 -letter from Dr. Brewster, of this city, tench* Bibb connty darkies are hard to kill. Ono foil forty feet dowu a well and was pulled oat by hiB heels, nnd yet recovered; another foil down one sixty feet deep, struck his head against a rock nnd it did not break tho skin Antonia Pimonti, nn Italian, who has been serving oat a sontcncc of ten years in tho penitentiary nt Old Town Camp for attempting tho life of anoth er Italian, was Btnbbed this wook by a brother convict and killed. Consid erable lias boon written nbont Piiuon- ti by tho State preaa from time to time, so he is pretty well known to tho public. Chatham, tho Atlanta correspond ent, of the Savannah AVit’s, thus speaks of nn old Liberty count inn: I nm no prophet, yet jenrs ngo I waa toil to predict that Mr. Bradford Dunham, of Liberty county, would become one of tbo leading railroad managers of tbo South. Ho took tho bankrupt Montgomery and Knfaula Itailroad and made it a through line. Theu lie wont to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad in charge of its Al abama diviaiont aud then to tho Vir ginia Midland Railroad ill Virginia. Now ho is General Manager of the of tho Trans-Ohio Divisions ot tho great Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which comprises the lnko Erie, the Central Ohio and tho Straitsvillo aud Chicago Divisions, witli his hoadipiar- toru at Newark, Ohio. Old Liberty comity should ho proud of tier hon ored son, whose aged father still re sides there. nutts HIM AT Till-: HTAKI-: Yes, for hanging is too good for ouch a vile wretch as one Frank Hud son, colored, of Terrell, county, who, one night hist week, for the sake of money, murdered Mr. David Lee, his wife and coo}, and servant girl, (the latter nt lust accounts was still alive, but not expected to live). After fin ishing up iiis work, the wretch broke open drawers and took out several hundred doilara and then left. We loam he has is-en captured and lodged in jail. Terrible vengeance should lie meted out to this fellow, something more potent than hanging, and it ought not to lie delayed. The conn* try slionld got rid of sueh brutes in short metre. ing Glynn and her rosonrcOs. They write for more information oa to her advantage, etc., aa they wish to seek a less rigorous climate than theirs.— Dr. Brewster has asked ns to answer the letter tbroegh onr columns, that not only this family but others, pinched by the frosta of tho North west, may know wbnt a land of warm snnshioo, balmy air and fertile soil we possess. We know of no better way to giro the desired information tban to reprodaoo tbo following, from oar files of a few months past, in answor to similar inquinoa. Here it is: First, we sot ont with the proposi tion that Southern climate is saporior to Northern. Florida, the extremo Sooth,being unhealthy in summer (for snob was onr experienoe) and this sec tion famishing tho warmth without tho chills and fevore, it mast bo the acme sought in this particular. In point sf climato, then, we soore ono. Secondly, wo claim that the soil of this section, as can lie and has been demonstrated tbrongh these colnmus, with tho samo care and labor will yield larger dividends tlinn that of any other section of Georgia (we ore speaking now of tho soa-eoast of Geor gia). Ono acre of land in Glynn connty, for instance, woll manured and properly cultivated in rice, sweet potatoes, sngarcano, watermelons, ar row-root or indigo, will yield more monoy in hard cash than any acre in middlo or north Georgia, similarly treatod and planted in those things that thrivo there—cotton, corn, wheat, sorghum, etc. Thirdly, wo claim that thosca-cooat has tho advantage over other sections in the variety of products, whilst tbo interior is confinod to tho production of a few things—with us tliero is no limit. Fourthly, our soction it more fa vored in tho diversity of our indus tries. Besides farmiug, wo hnvo tho mauutaoturu of luuikor in endless va riety, also, of naval stores, and, to us on the const, other industries open up, viz: building of vessels, comtnorco, Uto cultivation of vegetables for mar ket, fisheries, etc., in any and all of which is monoy, if ouly man bo in earnest and uso diligence. Fifthly, there is room for more— wo are not crowdod. Hundreds' yea, ovou thousands more can occupy this favored laud, aud the cry would he— still there's room. But why multiply words? Those points are enough.— Tboy nro full of uinrrow, nod need no additional strengthening. 80 much for our section— we Como uow to s|ienk sf onr own loculity— Brunswick, fair Brunswick, tho " City by the sea," which risos iu her strength, despito tearful oddH, and as sorts her power, her harbor, her groves, yea, all her uatnral advantag es, second to no city oil the southern coast, aud nt tho snmo lime possess- iug the ono great nml grand desider atum of being so free from fresh water streams ns to render tile atmosphere ot our harbor true from mnlarii, mid a safe place for vessels to como any day of tho year. Add to these tho facili ties uow hud and daily increasing for furthering all the interests above nicii- tioued, aud you have, indeed, the olysium sought. But mark you, drones aud king bees succeed neither here nor elsewhere. All things considered, we claim this sea-eonst section the fairest ot Georgia, Glyun county the garden B|»it, and Brunswick the gntr- nnd gland avotiuc. MOUTHKUN mkntiments. Worcester Spy. ^Mr. Kinsey, of South interested in the Hsrief guest Gen Jib, THIS JUIHOIAHV irteml William riitta/VhC nt s dinner spoke ns follows: "Lost week for the first time in my life I trial the soil of New Euglnud, met New England peo ple ill their homeSVntHrror fhr Frit J timo know and npprcenitod Ne land, tf fob whit td know hi" could hnp|ien with all onr newspapers and modes” oT transmitting - informa tion, let mu ntiKWtr by asking how rnueh you know of Georgia, Wo know but |ittle .pi .eiieb, other.Wo have been strangerpi in a common country —brothers, yet eiioinies. (i t thank yon for the expression the same right polled mu us yiitl. , I was ^democrat, a secessionist and ; a proppniteqd war democrat—impelled by what -I be lieved at that time, to bo right. I wpnld bo nshnmeci to go hack to uiy beloved Georgia werp ][ to admit that I did not net from a spuHo of right.— Georgia prnnppe irf (tho prjguial thir teen ^tatep the puiifla jis Mnswuihn- setts; oil wore liu.iiii .gqijplity; nj) had common interest, and to-day the saqie interest ju Bunker Hill you. Concord and Iuixingtpe ure as dear to ine ns toquy, ipup iu | Massa chusetts. I never bail quy other f«el ing., Why are wo brothers nud yet etmqgors? . >Y'pro, iye r of tlie Smith alone in tjje responsibility,usthat' institution pf slavery, even if a curse, nlono responsible ? Who was to blame ? In tho wisdom of Providence, UieOud who rules this universe, with His per mission that institution, caiuc.Tho curso was not upvii the negro, hut up on yonr soul herp white friends. , I lovo the .Union us mill b,..n|t .uny quo. My mother taught iim,to.y«ad, Wash iogtpn's farewell (id,dress. It was my firpt school re/idittg, .1 bud studied our revolutionary .history, I, did not speak, vote nml work for secessinu be cause I bated tho North, but because I supposed it was pecessuyy to protect tbo wbito won of the Booth, to shield us from the uegro. , We though wo wore acting for the interest ,ntid hon or of tho South, nnd. when tho lust gun was fired nnd Leo's flag foil, I wept like a elijjd. But,” the speaker continued, “the war is post, the negro is free under the best and freest gov ernment iu tho world,, nud the South will go ns far ns tbo farthest iu ad vancing Ida. interest." He claimed that the South had been greatly mis understood, aud iu prouf thereof said, that the people of Georgia tuxodibom- selves iu their poverty for Ilia public schools. Every negro child in Geor gia is at school six mouths iu the year. Why should there ho any more strife between ns? -Wo nro identified with the sumo history—abut is ours is yours. Why should wo not unite ? It is strange that wo have not before. Thu strangest thing is that we ever disagreed. IMt.t. A 111* ON MonMoNISM. Sheriff Sales September, 1881.; directions. Wfl now m to ihp afflicted snd doubting ones that wiwUMtaSora rawitflTofA tffij» caaaof 'WfcTv-TPTTrt-. IHAgg That the pud tails to car*. Thta remedy will Positively *ud P*rm*iK»Uj roye Lumbago. Lam# Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabeaea, Drop*/, Bright* duwh of um kMaar* Umaammn ood Botenilon Mas PROF. OU.UMeTTE'J. French Kidney Pad WHICH cub£« by abbobmton. Aak yonr drit agist for PROF. GUILMKTTHB FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take on other. If be baa not got It# send $2.00, and you will receive the pad by wtprn mall. TESTIMOUAf/S PUOX THE PEOrt-E: • ■ asMtf'MtMMnur.'.. r„ Uwrov.totwio. o., sssl •aueiszs.o.soorr.Srir<,te,<i...riif„ -i hart) been a great sufferer for 15 yeara with Bright's* Dtirauf! of Ito Kldn-Tt, for wb*K* at a Mm* I Vu unable to get out of bed; took i»arrel« of nudidne, but they r<W<> in** only t <* atxjiwry rsJlbf. fwiwatwo of Prof, Gutlmette’a Kidney Pads ala weeks, and 1 no*< know l amfintirej? a—“ “ ||BH. HK(,E9 J*UO»K MUH.IIELE1U JKUOHK. Toledo. 0„mya; "For ^Mtr* I fuvii hreh eon (lord, » great pari it the f Ume to mjr bad.wrjth LncOfrhtM »Od feuiale wcakueM. I Wort on* of ndilnMft&s Klilavy lid* Mi.fwas ctirrd in ii. (Hikes. WMntek orawt. BmUr. 'o.. w&sx***, " w, ore vsirOS*|,ft» «r«te,lnitecte. and aro brtariug of good reanlta from them every day.? PROF. OUIlAMm^H FRENCH MVER PAD. Will ixmltively c«ro Fever and Ann**. Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, BllMotu Fetor. Jaundice, Dyepetaiia, and all dimjaHba of tbo Liver, Htomarti and blood. 1‘rirc #1.50 by mail, bond for Prof, fliiilnu ttfe rieatiae ou the Kidnvja i and Liver, free by mall. Addrt:t FRRNCI1 Pi D < V. ,1,... Toledo. Obi bold by JAM. T. I1LAIN. jell-ly Inclpal of the one fl fc, $15 #0; ,U W; JOB. E. I.AMBRJOHT, ! \{*, f! «»fii /!:* ; v; j * , bl»*rifl tt C. Ut^ OFOiU*A~sO*.T»H CotNTV., { 'Will be sold before the court bonae door In city ef Unmaalck. oljuu county.. fioor«i4o buwooit the bonra of ten o’clock a. x. and futfr o'cloc k r. x„ on the SratTneaday lafanteaiber, 1881, tutlio hlgh- C«t and heat bidder tb^ following described pxop- those certain lota of land,'with inipro' ii that pe a/*itaste. tjMg and being li thai porUou ( lek known as Disvillc, ai> M Inti number* 1, *, 8.4, 5. < 7, ft, 9 aud IU, weat of, Clabunjo, Udwocn Loudoi atif. Prlurt at recta. ■ Levied on ae tlso propr^rty Of J C. Ilaskall. under and by. virtue of two fas ft faa la- tied by It. If. Tlaon, Tax Collator of O lynn coni against. J. C. Ifaakell for taxo# due Dio But Georgia and Glytra county for the rear iAao. to Isfy the said 0 la. Amount Uses dac Si? 57; t 9)3 7lt. JU&Wjl K. LAMltUIGKT, SberiflTO. C. Of GEORGIA—GLVNli f.ouNTT. Will U*. wUl IWort court ' Ity of Brunliwlrk, Glynn county, the blgtnat and beat bidder^ the following property t °Tbst tme-atory frame tmlMIng. Pna-atory frame building, situate on that tin lot dr laud in the city of BruiiHwii-k. naid county, known and described In Uw plan Of amid city aa Old Town lot number 140. Levied on aa the property ot Lattra Ifobann, principal lir n fa. Iiy vir tue of » fl fl» leaned out v' Glynn Superior Court in favor of Alfred II. Colqallt, Governor of said Auto, vs. Laura Jloltaon as nriuclpaL aud Mrs. Ktuma Walkbr aa aecurlfy, to iktiafjr tboAdd II U. PMbci- kfflffii.W.ULW- Notice given to A. Fjsaasisuiu* : , JQB. E. LAUHRIG11T, BhorlfTO. C. (la. OEoftrtIA-Oi.rwa dbvtrf. WU1 ha sold before the court house door city of Brutlawlcli. Glynn county. Oa.. ou th Tuesday in MpWtuber, 18»ft between lo o’clock a. > and 4 o'clock r. Mi of that day, at unbll.: outcry 1 tba Idgtxft am) twaA UWrlcr the following Jeacribc the JHght at ami l«raA UWrlcr the following Jeacrlbcd pr'perty to-wit: 'All (bat errbdn tra< t or parcel ot Ikitd, Of Brunswick. Glynn county, Oa., containing thirty aarea morn u* !»•*■*• It beng thin 'norther-*"— tlpn of what Ja knowu aa the Wellci it beng ttui'northewtnru jmr- -nowu aa the Welles f— * - * benaded aafoOowsr Onllhe north By the of the Ity of Bruuswirk, on the smith aud pest by, lands of Henry A. Walles, and on the east by lauds now or formerly belotigiug to the I’rojylotora of tbdcily of Brunswick. 1 Levied Oita tile * Lcavy, under and by vtrtn* < by H. M.TIeoti.Trt Colledcr An Oi'dinnnce. To define Ike Fire Limit* of the City of llritmicivk, ami for othn' pur/HtAen therein mentioned. HrenoN 1. The Mayor and Council of Ibe city ol Brunswick, In (Tdmicll hereby ordain. That the fire limits of tho city of Brunswick, f and after the tenth day of August, 1*81. shall t« eluded wtthln tho following bonndarics, to-wit:— i tho West. erect any building avatractarv of wood within .... limits aforesaid, under a penalty nut exceeding ‘.'dlars for each and every day anch WHAT DOT.H lTl*OUTKNl)l» Mr. Burrow, of Clark county, in tlio recent discuswious in tho LogUlittiire hn.s taken tbo bold itun.i that our Judgeu fihould not L>o elected by the Logiuiature, but Imi appointed by the Governor, and hold their jKKsiunnH for life, or during gootl behavior.— Iu hia epeech he uaed the following beautiful language: “They tell aa that tliero aro deptlm iu tho ocean where there is perfect rest, where the waves never sweep or make tho slightest motion. I have heard philosophers say that there are heights whe?e thero is perfect rest, where aa atom might tloat forever in perfect rest. I would fix the founda tions of tho judiciory ho deep that I'AIIt FROM MAO Every day, almost, witnesses a rise iu tbo various items of merchandise that go to uiftko up the trade of the country. What docs this )>ortc»d ? Is it an index of pros|>erity or adver sity? It niu«t bo the former, for the wbolo country seems ta be taking on a business boom huger in proportions 7. t. Vn/viwn Jotuisou was one of the most active tban his ever been ^ j g n< | brightest of tho anti-Co!«]uitt oru- | tors in the late campaign. After the | ovcrtvbeiniihg' defeat o! the side he i es|>ousod, Sam was met by Col. Jared Wrlttau for the Cvnalitiitloii. I mu glad tho Lcgiidaturo passed the Mormon bill. Intolerance i\\ ro- ligious mutters is u bad thing, but there is no religion in polygamy or bigamy, and no good ever came of it since the world was made. They ure mean words ami I don’t like the sound of ’em. The Almighty didn't give Adaiu but one wife to start on, aud there Inis been no time since that a man needed any more. The lirpt man who ever had two wives was Lipuech, and he descended from Cain and mur dered a >oung man wheu there was uo court to try him for it. Noah did not have but one wife aud the Lord blessed bim. Abraham took unothei by his wife’s consent, but she repent ed of it afterwards, for it made a fuss iu tbe family, and Hagar had to leave there with a curso upon her offspring Isaac didn’t have but ono and got along first rate. Jacob had acverul ami he saw a sight of,trouble, for the boys went to filibustering nround, aud the only two who didn’t get iuto trouble were tlie sons of Bachel, the wife that ho loved first and loved beat. I never did blamo the old gentleman for working fourteen years to get her, but it was mighty hard ou him, and jld Laban played off a mean trick,— It would have been a runaway match in these times U foro twelve mouths had punned, but obedience to parents passion could never stir thorn, nml I WIU1 |ii K li M rVtHdo in those duv», would raise its head so high that it! and twent*-one years nor forty-hue would reach tho eternal caliu." twontjr.flva d* building Ot Xirncinro oi wnott naan remain up. tilled, that uotblutf Jiajdu fonUinrd aball t-i ..t the vr«-ctlon of temporary placva for the proti tiuaof bulUUuainaterlaia. .. • . t •* r . 3. Ami be It fii(U,nf ordained, That no wood- uae, bnildltiK. ahdl or atrnrtnr.* of w«hh1 .hill' __ jlargod, duvafQtl or repaired within the lire limit, of the .aid city of Brunawlck. uuleea nrrnila. alon therefor aball have been previotMly nntalned from tho Mayor and CounoJI. npou the rrrtiflrate, I writing, from the Cnmmftti«o on Fire Depart men that aueb repalra will not .mount t«> the rehnllt Ing of anch hotiae, building, .heti or atrncfnre; and tlm aald Cofnmlttee on firo Department are hereby prohibited frrtm grahtlng knrh rerilfleate whenever and wherever auch repalra ujton.ny w«NlenJtouaa, biilldltig. Bhed or atrn^tnro Vhall rxce«l a tnelety tliereoi, inch cxi'Mta b«lag dieintHl, «ona dwed and held to tie a rtnulldlng under thU ordlitanee. And If auy ptrmtu aiuil vloUiu ait? of the p.oU.ipm. of Uda nrtffuance, bo or ahe alwll, ou omvictloh f«-.. B the I‘pBc^A?ou?L b« dunlin the attmvf twenty a doilara per day for each and every diy ath h tro. hWddUig, Bb«<l or atrovturo ahaN remain r«- red, allemt, changed or lmprovnl in any manner Whatever, onolritry to UinprovUloiiaofthlaen tii.n: aud every mechanic, artificer, or other peraon who ahali )>• loitriimmtal In the rvliaildhig, .rtpairtutr. altorinu. changing or improving in any way or titan, nor vhatoter a«y wooden houae. building idled or atructnre, contrary to the prnvUiona of tin- m ctint.. vitali bo entt)*et, on rnuvletioit bvfiWe the ivlve Conrt, toadne of tweuty.dve doilara. or Muir on tlie piddle ntmeta set exi cdluc thirty .ia>a-oa.- half of the due. Impoxcil aud collected under thir acrtlen tulta patil tn the tumrairr, and tlio other half into the troaaury of the. tty. Iyc. 4. And be U lurlher orlaintal. That no wood, en building. Wore than iwciitv frvt high fniiu the ground tuthe highest pultrt of the r>Hi|, whali l>e re moved from any onv point within Dim dre Juniiies. tabluhod hy thla orditinnee tohuy other point with. Iu the aatpe llinlta, or Icon, any ^Milut with- .aid lfmtt. to any point’within fiie a-mie, wttlioi Die yvrm.faloa or lha Major aud Councit. Sac 3. And ft* If flintier ordained. That any wotxlen butldtiMt ut.y be rmnuyial fruiu oto part *>f ♦he Mine lot, etch though wlthiu the life IluiBa, provided that tqu periulaaivn u tlu> Major and Council be dr«t bad and obtaluod. Sec. 0. An.l lt« It further Ofdalutv. That whanev. er any house, building, aued or atructnre hen-arter to bo built oe recovered within Ike Qre llinlta of the city ot Brtinawi. k ahall be roofed or coverts I, I ho Name ahull beToofed or covered with elate, tile, till or other incoiubuat.ble material. Src. 7. And 1st It hirtlAr ordained. That t?very hottan or b'lildii g which ahall be hereafter erected In the city nr'firiinawh k of hrfrik. atone, tabby or tapta. of luwm than »uu atyry, ahtll bav^a thirkucM id-wall <n the lower atory of a brick and a half, or not leva than twelve iuchra, and nine Inch* . »Um* thft ; wet atory. amt every auch hon«e or building, wltcliu r of ona or mote .turk-a to twght .hell be Covered with .late, tile, till or other iucombnatibla 8. Ali i be it further ordained. That the May. or and the OonitaHtaa On lira Dcpartmeul ahall have the authority an I power to can««* auy honae, huildingt *btd rw atriictnru to be pulled down tr remove.! whenever they eh.ll conalder the aame a uniaance. ot langerona, or ta vlotaiion ot thi. unit- b.nee —the expciiM* of auch pulling down .> r r^ni-v- al to bo-pahl out ef the trcaaury of the city, exeept Iu caeca of out.Alice (it ofvroUifon of ihi.ordiiuuce, when it aba.1 bo bottM Iiy tbe owner. • • Hr.c. l». Ami be If further ynlniucd, Thai every |s»r.on violating aay ol theproelalutianf theioitrth. Dllh, aivth. aeveuth and eighth ace non. of th 1 nance aball b.* auhjcct, du Wmvicttou therok. lore the 1‘olico Court, to a tine u<>t exceeding one handred doilara. or labor oh the f>ablM atrere. for a Uroi Oof exceeding »itty deya, or bytb. ■ crciion of th.* fi.eri. > . .1 • Axe. lo. Ami be it turthcr.ordaiucd. The nances and iwrte of ordlnaareeln conflict •rdinauce »>e and the aauie arc pereby rep Pasted In ♦ atrartl Awguat M, 1*81. ■ ’ lo property wwainaiiB ' Principal amount 4**dJ7JO. ir JOS. E. LAMBRIGHT. • , , , 8hnfilTG. Oy. Oa, G|iOHGlA-^Gur*8 f'VMINTT. ■ Will bn sold before the Court Hotmo door city.of lirnwawitik,' iGlyno enmity, Georgia, hr»t Tuesday in September, 1881, between th of 1M o’clrx k a. M, aud 4 o'clock i*. m. of tbat public outcry, to the highest and beet hub following drarrihed propnty, to-wlf; »•. 1>* •Glrm. of Georgia to one Summerlin. L«tM property,ol U, Dart, Kr y . under ami )>r virtue of tax fl faa fumed by It. M. Tlaon, Tax ‘(.’ofUvtoi Glyun county, against U. Dart, Hr., for taxes the State of Georgia and Glynn rrmrit 1880. Principal m»jm: m £'ntJ7 Til, tbe year LAMliitlGHT, atVrtffb oixmftiA-GLTKN County. Will bo aohl before U;o Court Houao dtwr. city of Brunawlck, fit'nto county, Georgia, flrat, Tucaday iq Septorub* r. 1881, bctwmm lo < a x. and four o’clock r. x. of that day. at pi. .... outcry, to the highest aud, brat Udder, tlm follow ing property. to-wlf: The, improvcMent? on all that totmf Inn city of Brunawlck, Olynn county, Georgb O'clock NEW ADVEKTI8EMENT8. DIXON’S NEW BUILDING, Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, Ga. r,mo,ert hte DBOO WOia to tt. »™!2%Sl£S * '° ^ ^ Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, IiUIST'H FRESH AND GENUINE FINE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, Aiul udter arti.-k- t.., uom.-nffl- mTOlkai, .il l .ixially kui't In • nr«t-il.(«. limn Stern. , ; Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. >fU'r t»t.»ro is closet Union :i><d Maueflcld fY ,uy calls for uicdlelut-a, II uotlflcd at his realdvuco, corner JAMES T. BLAIN, DRUGGIST. WORKS, ADJOINING PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, Ga. aad described in tho plan df said city iiiiiuImt (14) fourteen. Levied on ae tin olwall. wtifhir and by vir by it. in. Tlaon. Tax Coll. — • ockwell. for i tlio year lHKO. Bay lot ■-"•* r ty coubty. again*! Htaty of Oeorgt PrlmxjiAl am ot GKGUGIA—Oltkj* County. Will he told beflvro fhe Ci ity of Brnnawick. Oiynn Tttcdduy »•» Heptettiber, IKHI, M. and 4.o’clock r. x. of th.... ... v . w and beet bidder. Die following property, to wit; All,those.tvrlaiu two hits, <>f laud III tin: city ot RruttiWl^a.'fll.rnn ronhfy. Ghofgla, ktiowil' • ' * rlbed In the plan ■ of aahl city m Now Ti Btbbei* 7t# Wit 754. * * * ■ounty, day. to Uto blglicat Levied o oi»criy wo tax .............. if Glyi .. oonnty, agaitwt Mr*. Jalip. Dura, for Uxi* «lue Wtc state of Georgia and Glynn county for tbo year 1880. MpdlfiSJ amount #J5 90»coat W 70. JOS. K. LAMliitlGHT, S!.»rllT 0. C . Oa. Augipd 4th, 1881. . • A. E. HEINS, Bilker a Confectioner, -ALSO DEALER IN- GROCERIES, FANCY unuui.n.L«j TOltACCO, ClOAIfS (iii.l FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobaccoand Cigars A SPECIALTY. o anpply ym j. y. ni JAUtt UODSTON. Clerk ot Coni KLSON, on hell.' May^,. S10I) REWARD! t CO. i-KoonrAwrrraS of a i*is i X. L a, IB TetefftpH »»t get ho the. trigger *o'l mucheooJ - STSiiSil. artWeriWwidw* outj ii ra»v lmve llw handle off anil tho barrel bent, J 6 * w * pwtul «» long os there iu anjtbini; Jolt, and (tcoplo gather aronix! tho cor|wca to wbifp**r, *'«rbo'»! n thought it years nor foriy-oue net Uieebihlrwn froo. Joseph didn't have but nuo wife nor Moses nor Aa ron nor Joslinu. When David and . Solomon got to hunkering after other It will be remembered that Mr. Sam women their troubles began, and noth- „ t hi * j n(< |, u t amazing grace could have savttd 'em. Samson ennio to grief through a woman, but I’vo never swn iu the scripture* uor out of ’em the history of a man whose misfortunes came from having one wife arid being true to her. I don’t like these Moi> uious. The woKxliUi'lf mi ana a mon-i ater, aud the whole s\8tem was found-1 /, ., ^ ^ »n the fraud of joe smith, who pre-'Dissolution of Copartnersnip louknow everybody can’t vote on the (tends that an angel brought him a* * * winning side. \ Bible from heaven. They are slippiug Tlie pe«nU»ritjrtxbont n pistol i», it Si'" 1 ;*, who kiuI iret ceases to be A piatal. It _in V | "Rell, mj son, jour .i«nltlu K uu.l "ji 1 appn^Ki.s; turiuati»u that will lead to the uuvtctiv'U of lb« pgnuU or. pef* » iba warvhoiW*-- a-’jotntng out July J7th. D, J). ATKINSON, DENTIST, BuyNswiCK,ftKgnqiA. 0Oc« ■, tefUl.te Cro.iU'. pn Ji»-1 -Well, Undo Jared, reflect i iniflity uifjh doing it tins time - — j ... ...rttiT-Mi' e.utte- (w-t —B 1 doat know,"n«po„,|„l; around here trjing to dsnrerelire onr j JJS* ^,^J2?S‘ l 2lAgSSr^ fi!f i iy, tliuv cx>itie j ignorant jH-oplf, nmi I »lmll rejoice to ■ il« having ri>im> B g*in*t th* •«rka or 1 ’em dip iuto the chaiu-gang. I >^7tSaSZSi'n*. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. ill, at either tny More tm the Day Uo. _ tin NawrastU* airyt-t. where be batipy t»» act w yen. . . trifa It it STEAM ENGINES, “Portable & Stationary,” FOR GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills, ' A A SPE3CIALTY. STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes. .. RETURN TUBULAR, RETURN FLUE, CYLINDER, UPRIGHT, & LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. REPAIRS OK MACHINERY PROMPTLY EXECUTED. *^” 8l fcWiWJnt l cm,vLMi and minis. j, S . SCHOFIELD, PropY. Dkss, Carley & Co, £{££?*} -WHOLKHALE DEALEBH IN OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STOKES, NAVAL STORES SUPPLIES, TOGETHER WITH Hay, Srain, Provisions, Etc. Highest Market Rutc.i pai l Cor Naval Stores, nished at Closest Figures. Supplies fur- Jriiu> ANDREW HANLEY, .. PAINT AND OIL STORE. DEALER IN tny civrkowiU A. Fa HEINS. Petition for Ineor|K)rntioii. ' GIAiUUl GLYKX COURTY. Tm Ikt Sufxrin,’ Cb*rl t f mtU ro«*fy: Th* prttUnu or A. V. Wood, J. W. Drury, W. K. Kay. J. W* WooA, E. V. Cunvy, A. J, Mwvx. J. A. Conover. Wiu. M**on, W. F. Parker, L. W. Ilaxl, hunt and A. J, Onivail nap* tfnily atoweth anorUtcal thetuwlvca te^ctlu purpose <rf f irmlmi a corporatbm to to? rainpoMil of your pctitioneni and apeh olh<*r (wraor* aa they may Join with them. Tbe parnow of aatd rorj*on< lop la the t^is them. Tbe parmtue of a tion of each building >>r buildinanaa hall, thdy'may dacha proper, to touted fora public theatre.skating rink.cluh r»oni.or ant otlu r purp.we of like nature, the corporate mm* r>y which your (K-tUiouer* propone loUvAnaxv*. i- V.YUioaOCLUB. TU. y prri-oao to employ a cauia. t«f uad more than five thousand dollars, ui whirh time thousand dol lar* tuve torn actually i«;d in, ., Tba plac* i*f «b8ng businowa <>t said corporation U to h« in Iba rRy BruntwwA. ooun'y«ilyun. where they Lava already erected their building to be used for the purposes above iwr fl d. Petitioners pray that they and their ;i»*oriat*«and ■ucrcMir* may be fru-tuporaDnl f**r taucly year*, wltii Uit privilege of renewal at th.? end of that time udder the net** nnd Myto »t L'AtttonO GLL'Ii wiUi right, to a bo.1y corporate, to *ne and tie sued: to Idvusud t»eaco**m.tfi amt; to main* such by- taw s not inevosiatent with tb- laws '•! this atato or Uta Ux'rai Mritw aa Its lUMnOra* rnky doatre; to have and own such property, n al and rsonaJ. as ta.Mmaawy tor theyry^rta nr said urvaaiation; with the right to ^purchase and transfer real eatato iuiili’Otiil, Stciimboat, Mill Supplies PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC A COLORS, Glass,Putty,Varnishes,Brushes,Plain & decorative wallEapor DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Etc., Locks, Sash-Weights, Cord, Hinges. Screws, ft:., Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement ii Whildlfranil 178 Iky Sreetn. SavannaD, ■ - Georgia. the county whera tb*»r baatncaa with the power to sell ami make th* aam* a» plcaauie; witli the rl*b eajitai alark Uto such atfiouw t* sn<» to r» strut th ^iFtfcr of raw* according to tbstr mast* tattoo lc organization. I C E3 ! BY Wholesale and Retail. Contract to be Let. . x.: Pi to t and 5 to 7 e take notice. A. M. HAYWOOD. CITATION. aL(rttGlA-&LTN* (•JujfYY. Matilda B. Troup, admin 1st rat rix t trw* -vtract froi A. J. CROVAtT. Petition. r» Attorneys, n the titinuh sot tilvtin 8upi-riot 0'Cw»u* Jk. Ctt 3- C O. C. Daniel II. B. Troup, repn f etition duly filed and enr*r*>i na roc, has fully a«lmiotstered the estate of sj B. Troup, this Is. therefor*, to cite all rented, kindred ahd rnditeva, to al*>« th*y can. why art*! administratrix shot char.p-d front her administration and r Will be let t House. |iron* 1 1881, between I 12. DHI. J* VM>. Pay re each long, it l Bmfri Ab. 1881. Pta office of Coon au.i »f... creek, linking i i aiKilficatlma of bridge tCth i bids. tads and it li i the rigUt to reject any a . ktMRi'K, Clti FOR SALE. UUb W. M. I AUK.