Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 27, 1881, Image 3

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Nov Advertisements. Leave to Sell. GROROIA—OfTmr Oocsrt, Application will l*o outdo to the Gortrt bf OrdlnAr} ooLee, for k*v. to rell tot number UT tu tho Old Town of lirunswlck, and tot number 3T3 In the Hew Town of Brunswick. In the county aforesaid, aald H$er and Appeal Administrator estate of l(r«. A. O;Clark. A SPECIALTY; SOMETHIN NEW UNDER THE SUN GreatSensation! A NEW DEPARTURE !a tho iuaiiKuration of tho Clear and Tobacco llnstucsa as a Specialty In this city, llavluu recently removed Into tho mors comfortable and eommodiour quarters ot C. II. Dexter (two doors south of Tost Office), 1 am now prepared to .apply my maj»T customers st retail with every variety ot 8moken' Articles, also tho bo?t of CbewtnK ToWteco, HuUff. etc. My Cigars are as good sa can bo found in tho mar. ‘ r the money. I also carry a Sclent Block of LITTLE STELLA. ronuannn mxr SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK, OBQBOIA. ; ■ SATURDAY MOUSING, AOOWT |7, IWl. HOME MATTEKH. Pont Oflico Time Table. II. A A. mail clote* ADO a. M. y HL Hintons mafl elosos Northern mail doses at 0;*0 a. K. Barannah and Macon mail closes T r. M. i)UR HABUOU IMPBOVBMBNTUi per lina O'Connor & Won* are again open and ready for business. Mr. T. W. Dexter has been appoint ed U. S. Deputy Marshal at this point We bare been frequently asked why tbo Fair Committeo don't wake a re port BmI table rulton nurkrt l»«t. drl«! beet Mid tournee at OCONNU1I k wzxzu Mr. W. T. Jones is again at bis post, having rctnrnod trow a pleasant trip NortJ). Frow Mr. E. M. Durt, of Hobokou, wo lonrn tbnt ovorytbing is scrono in that quarter. We aro pleased to state that Mr. U Dart, Sr., who has boon ill for some time, is iwproviDg. okSuink di’xk or uuiuiau. (lENUlNK OLD DOJIINIO" HESTON HAND. RICHMOND OEM. RICHMOND UIXTUHE. TucoUtar with a flmv lot of Cigarette, among which ia lifts. Justly rclrhratfd Hwcct Caporal, Ooldon 8eak, etc., also Pl|trs. Pipy Hems. Bnnff. snd In reality ov- ••rythlUK pr-rtaltiiug to a Tobacconist's Eati‘ mi ni. Thauking the public f«r pret favors, I " tho stan of tli3 “.Funny Man. It. F. GOODUREAD. -ontluiiaucr st the if .. Tobacconist's Establish- iblic f«r peat favors, I solicit H. A. KENRICK, Real Estate«Land Agent, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. Notice to Contractors. IIlils sro invited by the Mac Hood fur Uio graduation, etc at llruuswirk. Tim work wi mlIck main Hue.' of way for saint wliarl foi able tr* <f nirth-work. ProfUoa and spcclfl- ind llrunawlck Hail I a wharf uxlcurloti it work will Include grading 1.‘x tli clearing and grubbing right also widening •inhiakuicnt at Iring about eighty I Uoiupnny*. offleo, Marou. (ia. bids received unlll Angnst 97th. The right rcs.-rvod to njuct any catloua of > Angnst 1 II bids. 'J. M. EDWARDS. Snpt Marou, (la., August l.’Uh, 1*01. MORISS LUCREE, Wood Turning, iMOLLDIMi ANDSAWIXU MILL. and Circular Hauiug <b>ue with ucatucss and dis* patch. iK’tagon aud Fluted DalU*tera, also, NoWi p and Italia roustantly on baud, or tuadn to ordo\- nd Twisted Work. Te i-Plue and balls, IndUu Clubs, Moulding*, both straight ami > in-ttUr, f ... f»rto mam and plai all trades supplied I tin Ir different brsnchca. I have *U* the fiiinat lift of brackets, Paper Holders, Slipper a Clock hliulves. lUt and >f HypbiUa. Mercurial Bheu- h DKMJiAkri. Mas* D. KIM.W, Judge Co Ct. aaax. of J. W. Lathropfc Co., Savannah, . m.n, Dcp’t Clork Superior Ct, Wk. buuit i, Eli Wauukv, J. W. WtutiruLY, J. C. Oilukut, Druggist, J. W. Malt!*, Co. Treaa., Ws*. l>. I'icacs, Khcrirr. C. C. lnigi AN, Day k Ooaoox. 1 am acp taintod with the proprietor*, and many of the gentlomcu wlKioo signature* r ‘ foregoing rurtitlcato. They t.-r and standing. HIE KWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Proprietors, At lanta. (ia. ttakl by all droggiat*. Call for a copy of M Yunng fttnrca B|i|M ar to the . men of lil"h ebarsc- li.coLguirr. “ ' Georgia. a Friend.** Among the attractions about tbo Post Oflico is tbo sign in tho window of tbo cigar and tobacco store. Mr. Pierce is certainly master of tho paint brush. . ^ ^ . Our foreman left yesterduy for Lib erty county for a short visit. Hold on to yonr hearts, girls, or bo'll stool away somo of them. Tho President still lives, but the nation has been auxious for tho past week. Ho seems somo bettor now than ho was a fow days since. Choice gUt odge butter snd finest creamery bn oral O'CUffNUR* WKNZ'H. Wo learn that Mr. Wm. Buukley, of Cumbcrlaud, uuticipatos moving to St. Marys, at an early day. Mr. B., it wll bo remembered, has routed bis hotel ou Cumberland, to Mr. Boss, of Macon. Among tbo luxuries of tbo present ago, lunch tongues occupy a conspic nous place. They come in cans of two sizes, containing two or four tongues, according to sizo of can.— Cook Bros, sell tbo largest sizo at 45 cents only. IrlM, Plantation. H. Upmann. Maztpt*. Eureka. Clipper. Mignou. None Hotter. ire a fow braud* of cigars kept st UEI Moore k Merriflold's new sign has caused more comment tbnu a littlo from passers by. It is certainly a cu riosity in tbo way of a sign. Wo shunt attempt to describe it lost wo fuil to point out all of its attract ions,but will say to our boiuo readers, ouo and all, go aud soo for youraolf. A veritable devil fish tvns taken in ir bay this week, by tbo drodgo bauds. It was found clinging to n Imoy, and taken in “out of tho wet." IU bond aud body ia about six iuebos loiigtli and its foolers front four to ten inches in length. Wo understand that Mr. A. C. Ward will seud it to tbo museum of Mercer University, at Macon. Pvarl (’racked corn st O'OOXXOB * WEXZ'M. Thu M. k B. Railroad folks aro cer tainly getting ready for a chaugo in schedule time. Their mail cars aro being provided with the patent grab bers by which mail bags tire taken on board at full speed. When you sco these signs, you can well predict that they are doue with slow doings, uud proposo going through tho world at a more rapid gate. BAY STRUCT, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient U> Iliteiiiuiw, the linilrouiln aiiJ the Steamboats. Furniture New, Table Good TP. C. BECK if CO; PKOPIU ETOIIS. —IK* IV j&JNT .£k.OT To n»l«o the Snp« ri >t Court Calendar for all lh«- . .iiiiMi » rum]>oalng the llruuswirk Judi-ial Cir cuit au-l hr other purposes. Mi-nox l.- Bo It enacted by the Oen.*r*l A**rm- lilv of the Hiate ot Gcorais, that the time for holding th« Superior Courts In the roiiuthw roiuprUiug the Uruu*wuk Judicial Circuit shall hs a* follows, to- W *CLIMCH—First M« n.lajr« in Mairh and October. AFI*LISO—Seroud M<M>dais Id March and October WWNE—Third Mon.Uys in March and October. [lays in M PIKlUJE-Fourth Mondays iu March snd October. * t Mondays in April rtU Monday »« April «4 Nove-u j*r. , . .. oLYNX - Cammatdng «*» U*« f*r»t a • lit May sod l>»« .'ti.UT. anJ to coutinUo lor two w.-. ks, SuntoK J.—l a It tertb-w ena .53' by Ihr -ulljprt- ly at cu aald. that all write, pro-ripesj — fix-- d sml prrucrtbe Juior* -Irawn !» r the term* i th« pa«*aga *»f this »■ t. sliall ami serve «• )nr»m at the its pr scrttM^I in thia act. and by economy and prudence, held onr own ontil now. In February of thia year, tbe ADvrimiutaababrbed the Aflical, "look, atock and barrel," and but for the good it bad dono io tho days of its former proprietor, Mr. T. F. Smith, its name would hive “wnok into oblivion. Appreciating these of- forte, we were oonatrained to hold on to tbe old name, but in doing this we do not proposo to bnvo our "first iovo" pnt nwoy. Onr esteemed con temporary will therefore in tbe future credit onr clippings to the Advxbtueb if tho wuoio name be too mneb. 1‘iltmim Shot—Joule Wilaton Killed. It will l>e remembered that somo timo siuce, West Burgess and Jack WilBou, t\?o notorious colored thieves were arrested in this county, brought to tbis city, committed and sent to Savnnunh jail for safo keeping. At Jesup they unertook to make their es cape. Jack Wilson succeeded, but West was killed by the Sheriff. Mr. W. S. Pittman, our former townsman, but now living iu Savannah, learning of Wilson’s whereabouts, near that city, nudortook to arrest him last Tuesday. A letter from Pittman’s brother auuotincos that Jack Wilsou resisted, and shot Pittman iu the face with small shot, putting out one eye, and that Pittman bad returned tbe tire and killed bis antagonist. There is a reward of fifty dollars offered for Wilson. We think Pittman should have it. After unco visiting Heins’ «u tba Bay. You Will thereafter Imj lu> Iluul to stsy. To Ik* Rebuilt. We bud tlie pleainrc yesterday of a ahake nf the hand of onr onr wido-a- wako lumberman Nick Dixon. From hint wc learn that Meaara. Rnppard ii Walter are now clearing tho site tor their new mill. It will be pat on tho Satilla, six miles from Way cross, in a .. . northerly direction, which will place fi.,. r i pHTe-l'iifM ni'ifitiM* to tu* *al'l I , . , _ nAA rt r tn th* i—sg« «/f fh* *h»n in- hrid | a about in the ccutro of 7,000 acres r-t.nai.i. j u f [ii„|)e r e,l |,un|« which they coutroi. j From this point to Waycroaa they 3 " J ' 0,u ‘* um '* , jwiU construct a trarorond. Wo ad mire their pluck. Died Angort goring aieknea* of typhoid fever, Clan Gertrndo, oldest obild of Edward J. and Emily L. Harvey. Born April Stb, 1807,- Clara was just emerging Ii to womanhood, when she Aa Oakft from us, ft was not the duties or to feel tha cares of aotive life. From tho domestic circle, when her memory only lingrrs now as a de lightful fragrance, sho was called bcnco to her Heavenly Fathor's homo, What aho would have boen wo kuow not, bnt her past history her character led o%4o bopo that, if she bail been sparhd, the wotdil bars, met nnoatentationsly, yet faithfally, tho responsibilities of life. She was gen tle and pure; true to her dntiea at is greatly ml and her school mates, bnt wo comfort onraeivea with tbo thought that tbe grief is onra and that hers ia the rest of Heaven. Hxn Pastoil Savannah Afeiw.- .Tbe, "Brnnawick Advertoek aed Afpeal ovidonlly de sires that wo shall not omit the first part of its title in onr quotations. Do yon know, brother, that anah imtuouso titles require a great deal of writing and type setting for nogood pnrpoda ? Think of tbo cost for composition in an office where *11 jta exchanges are quoted. Names should ha “short and sweet,” if possible.” For tbo benejit of tbo. brother, wo male, of Professor MoLoea will, bo re joiced to know that he will be with ib again at an Aarly day to tak«- charge of onr white public -school, notwith standing^ . was\anftoune*B aronnd town a fow Says* liner tbatSe wonld . , a ---- - —■ -^yilfcnf *l*.600itotal,$18,033. SilViia a- WtliU sAntenty-Uve Marib ChrtTK»-WIu>t Una iWn Bonn, ' Ian could Co*" jndicitmsiy expended Wk.t T* ft,. U. IVams .. ...ft . _ * were informed that the whole matter eonld be summed np in a nut-skoll:— Th'-y eonld not afford to pay him a not soo whero tho money was to cumo from. Finding, however, how wide spread were tbe regrets expressed at the probability of hfa not returning, they have sTnoe determined to "strain a point" and gjiti hfm.what be buf fered elsewhere, aud' thna seenro his services for another yosr. There seams to bo soofte kind of • What I* to be Dona* and daring tho next fiseal year. Tbo several amonnta that have been inrbor are as folloi ''J For 1881 ....*.. 5,000 *35,000 U. S. Exaixnn Omcs, July 1st, 188E g I, U. S. Engineer: o submit the fol- not return. This announcement ere- report of the progress made ated no small stir, for.tba Professor Y tho^h^y-of^Jirani occupies a warm^ pUS" in tho affeot *<*• <A-.Idnri*lgAhrfl8al/fe|r ter- tiona of pnpils and patrons, and vol- minuting Jnne 80,1881. .*«. isro a i nnn •nr.S • ionafrneted! ThoMntraefSriwaaeo- »1881,'(<tsUmated) :. ! gaged upon the palmetto cribs for it, ToUI (0 pp roxima ,e).... *22,700 bnt w« making very dew progress. Ua , ance on h , nd( ,pp roxim - e )..*12,800 The manner ot constrnotion was qy atatemehUsmot de- port, to which rofcrcnco is made for any information on that point. suppposod to lmvo been n resident May’s Landing, Atlantic county, N. Brig Manson, Capt. Stnbbs, towed to tbo Mills last week, from Dcmorara sho bad been detained appropriated for tbo improvement of at qnarantino a week or more, making it anything but pleasant for tho Cap- wife and daughter, who were 0,500 'S,700 trne, is certainly strange oondnet on tbe part of tbe Aldannafl, fbrk not tho board of their own croationj— wonld stale that the Advertiser is onr. Why should there be any antagonism f "first love." "Wa eommeooed its pub- B -earns to ms tbs Oousail sbonld lication in March, 1875, letter site, raiber forifir than retard tne progress bitch batwuen. tbs Council and tbs *"<i stone: waa placed in the aobool imitd, and monies, t|>at the «ri|>,. which was td to sunk at low wa- boardclaim'aetbeirta by*the'charter teralaek. 1 Thecrib'wassatisfactorily is denied them by Conncil. This,If plocod, and, lmd the piles and tie-rods tho end of the fiscal year, bnt at the ... , . , , , „ conclusion of contracts with Messrs. After ranch ddsy in preparing the Brftd ({or thejelt ) , nd W . ltor (for cribs an attempt wns made to sink one into posUlon, bat wilbont any _...., „ „ , .. preparation to kold it in place untile..., namrt^noa; ” Tlie annoxed letter from-Froaident E. W. Colo, of the East Tennessee, Virginia usd, Georgia. Railroad, with their purchased and leased lines, will the tie-piles could be drivon, and the crib received its complete of filling material. The required quantity of Tburber's 34 coffws—90 rent* per pound IN MOB It \ lliiilroml Aftoitlenl- On Monday lost, os the day pnssou- ger from Maeon reached tbo vicinity of Eastman, the engineer observed a inulo tonm attempting to cross tlie track ahead of him, at what ia known as a “neighborhood crowing," that is, not a public rood, aud wlicrn there was uo planking between aud ou eith er side of Uio rails to facilitate pas sage. Juat as tbe wagon roachod tbe rails it came to a dead halt, and the driver, seeing the dnnger, cut loose Ilia mules ami loft tho wagon and its load of woo,I to tbo mercy of on-oum ing train. Tho engineer, seeing lit* danger, blow on brakes (having a mixed train he could not use tbo air brakes) lint could nut stop in time.— When tlie collision came, it is said the air waa tilled with wagons, wood nnd cow-catchers, but uo livos wero lost and the umlea were saved. Thai ne gro teamster wants to know "who ia gniuo to pav for dat wagfu ?" There being no further injury to the engine tlm'u the demolition of the aforesaid ciw-catcher, the train pro- ceeded on ite rnn, arriving in Brnus- wick on time. \ Sow Departure. We cull special attention to card of our young friend "Fully" Goodbrcad to bo found in tbis issue. It is refresh ing in these days of idle, lonting boys to tied one wlio will give.his attention to hnsinnss. This yohlig man started some time ago on a new departure, indeed, vii: An exclusive cigar and to bacco store. Many predicted failure, bnt lie Inis bold on, and by striot ccou omy and close attention to business, has changed Uio little handful that ho bad at the start to quite a full atock, aud moved into more conunodiona quarters. This, too, iu spite of all op position. We oortainly think him worthy tlie patronage thus given, nnd now commend him nnd Ilia "new de parture" to oar people. Head tbe ad- vertiaemeut over oareftllly. and if you ose "the weed” in any form, givo him null. Remember tbe |4ace—two doora from poet office. Hiiinnl H#»r vlo** < iWrvnt ton**- Mr. V. R. Mitchell, signal aervioo observer here, has handed ns the fol lowing for publication. So perfect now is tbo service that it is almost impossible for na to be overtaken by storm uf any magnitude without be ing prepniisl for it; It ia re|>ortod to chief signal office at Washington that a hurricane oc curred on the night of the 22ml inst, short distance north or northeast of St. Thomns, W. L, with a velocity wind of GO miles per h»nr, backing from nortbweat to aonthweet, and one' venal was blown ashore. This in formation is itunfficieui to determine path of storm eetitre, bnt it will prob ably. move northwest, and unless It re curs to the northeast,will roach I he At lantia coast. The storm signal will not be displayed at present, but it is ad- visabio to warn and caution shipping agaiust possible danger for the next two or three days of this hurricane.’ of the schools. In looking oror tbe recent proceedings of Council we find tbe Committee on Education, to whom was referred tbo matter in dispute, to- .wit^e-jQeajnf Pwefs'J'bllyijre- ported that the charter dearly gave to tbe schools all monies seeming MIimI pickle*—l>F tha pint of tarrcl-M O’CONNOR A WKNZ'H. - I-'oritiuu Shipments. Gaik, Brno, fi Co. ciosrod Ameri can brig Hattie, on tho 20th, for (luantanima, Cuba, with a cargo con sisting nf 210,983 foot pitch pine lum ber, valued at > *3,3<Wt. R Torraa * cleared Spanish brig Cuba v Canarias, on tho 2itb, for .Santingo, with a cargo consisting nl 210,251 feet pitrli pino Inmbor, val ued at *3,495. . . _ J H, McCullough cleared British bark lVri, on tbo 2(m, for Bueln* Ayres, with n cargo consisting Of 1G3,- 407 fia*t pitch pine ImulH'r, valued nl *2,875. D. C. Bacon A Co. cleared British schiKiner C. EfScummcll, on the 25th- for Halifax, willi n cargo conaiating of 227.914 feed pitch pine Inmla-r. val- nod at *3.875. ''til' v rusitjtet Tompkins—Bnnkley.— On tho 24 inst., st tlie rcsitlt-nce ot the iirid* k’i hrothtr, ou Cumlierlsnd Islauil, by (te*. H. 1*. Sleyrs, nf Ijiis city, Judge Rotwrt Thoiiipkina snd MilY Itodina Bnnkley, all ot Camden oouuty.— Tbo happy couple left ao-m after the ceremony was |>erformed, boaid the steamer Athlete, which hud been chartered for tbe occoaion, for. thia oily aud hence by rail on their bridal tour to upper Georgia. After their rulnru, limy will make -St. Mu- rya their boons Judge Tompkins bus onr eutigratnlstinus over the prize he has won. Qniol, meek, unassum ing—slie wiD prove jo to a wife ia- lecd. We wiali them years uf unal loyed bliss. v , V'dn.n££^iii«*e. U , Ou tho first of September tbe foi- wick Division, East Tennesae, Viigin- ia and Georgia road. Tlie oflio-ra will then be: Aadabint Freight ami Pas senger Agent, Mr. J. J. Griffin; Mas ter Transportation, Captain A. A. •; Agent, Mr. W. J. Jarvis; Chief (tofb, Mr. Jawea Orta n. been in place, it wonld necessarily hare.remained In position until the dredgings aud covering stones were placed, to make it a solid wait With out any nniiliary aid,'such as a tem porary inprfrincn'mberft'deighi on top" of tbe crib to help ite stability agaieat a very strong flood current, until tbe piles eonld be driven, it wns left to- battlc against thia current with the Strength alone oLtbo driftbottfaaton- inga connecting the r a(ort palmetto logs. As might have boon anticipated, Wo hope, liowover, that their abort stay at tho Mills may bo made more pleasant Although St Simona ia noted forite temperance idoas, onr friend, Mr. Jno. Carrie, has, within the past two weeks, manufactured and has for solo about- three hundred gallons of fino grapo wine, -made from tbo many grapes that grow wild, with nothing added bnt pare sugar. Six vessela at tbo Mills, another at quarantine, and more on tho way" Mr. Joe O’Neil ia bock from a trip to Darion. Wo may now expoet to see hnsinoss at tho lowor ipUt There is no nao in dragging yunnclf to death and buying oil the vilo modi- oiMs for internalhm when -yon- SOB to enrad of fever and agno, dumb ague, bil lions disorders, Jaundice, dyspepsia, as well at all disorder! and ailmonta of tbe liver, blood aud atomoeh, by wearing ana of Prof. GnilmeUe's French Liver Fads, wlilh is a sure care every timo. If jronr druggist docs uotkeap the pod, send*!. 60 In a letter to French Fad Co., Tolodo, 0., aud ft will be sent yon by return mail. It is tho only Fad that is guaran teed to cure, lteware of connterfeite. 1 Shipping Intelligence., cun THE roitT OF im&sir lU’iiU Yvwt- Anf. 93—8c Grace Andrews, Boston. Aug. 93—Bp bw q»—ntlm. Or Au«. 91—Dr bk Young Brel* D — Aug i Til pi Ilk (font m F. Y. from Dentiiat Folly iogses, as part of |to crib • parted al the lovcl of the the town, commons, and ns claimed by the board, and they recommended that the same bo paid over to them.— Conneil adopted tlteydoontinemiatioo, after amending by agreeing to pay over all monies that may accrue here- after—that ia, from January, 1881— tbns depriving the board of what they claim is due them fur past years. — Now, granting, f»r tho sake of argn inont, that the Council acted rigid iu this particular, we still bold that it is their bonnden duty to n»sist the schools, for are they not part ami par cel of tho city's affairs, as well as tint controlled by any other cninmitteo of Council ?. Why should the commit tee dA education be restricted any more than any other branch of the eity government ? Whan the commit- tee on harbor, or streets, or ceme tery, sec fit to spend monoy they do so—then why not that on education ? Better, any wo, that onr streets grow Up io woods. and oar streams to crossed on Ing paths than Hint tlie minds of tho coming generation should ho choked with the weeds and therm of ignorance and vice. Bat there is ou need Aw oilher—let both bo cured for, and let ns as a town take stand with rising cities aronnd na anil edu cate onr off-spring. brush and atone material. As soon na the fact was made known to mo di rections were given to spike on’verti- .eel binders insido near! each aggie of the crib, nnd tu have tho piles iu piaco as low ns possible. Thcso pinuk or scsutling binders would bnvo given siiffieii-ut strength te the cribs to bold Ilium until the tilling piles aud tio- rods were ill plnce. Tlie contractor rofnre.1 tu make the" additions re quired, under n fulso idea, uu duubl that he could ubtain damages from tlie government, or a reloaso from his contract, witli compensation fur all ot his indifferent work. Snbaequeutiy, by your authority, modified form of crib wna allowed te be need—tbis crib, when completed, to rise to a height wilbiu threo feet uf tbe low water line. Mince llmt modification, the work has been car ried on by tbe contractor, aud lately by ilia attorney, uutil the return face, 300 feet iu length, And about 400 feel of the main line, have been completed. This jelly, •hough not us high us was originally designed, is doing good service ns far tins la-on ruln- plebat. Tlie erection of the jetty and tho dredging combined have bad the effect of Increasing tbe velocity uf the ebb flow of the tide, and probably the aconr iu front of the city. It ia la-lieved that the improvement has already been equal to an increase •f about one foot in depth, and that llnftfuereased velocity of the cf.b flow nnd the scouring effect on the dredged bannel, as the work pnigruaaes, will insure ad increased depth throughout the channol equal to the dsiaau ls of commerce at that port. DRKDOIXO. Tile channel, that lias been dredged ill part, is about 5,000 feet iu length, extending from a depth of twelve mol a half feet of water at the upper end of the harbor to fonrtcen feet In depth at Ills outlet la-low Brandy Point.— It is designed with the present appro priation to make this rlmnuol eighty feet wills and fourteen feet deep ot mean low wat«T. The total amount appropriation front the Government Au«! S3 Suun HUDaoo, Uratco. 9IFA8TVBB. . Ana*«-Sc Nanus, BMos. A A S:S3^iSSSSsr ,UK "’ Aug. as—Ur S. US |conua«a, IblllXx, A. a. servo to illustrate somewhat tho f*< tnre prospects hud importance 'of Brunswick **■» port for tba-lransbip- ihent of produce and importhd mcr- ■ind Sunthwoktern States. The line of railway commeudng at Brnnawick add running west Is Ma con, Atlanta and Borne, Ga., where it qpDDSOta wtth n ayatem"lj railways IjOOO -f^tpkjMtl^d by the owners of the Brnnawick main "tern, nlono assures to this port a vqry Au t . jo-iiji Hqm.amrumno. largofutnro bnsiuesh Am thimn-r tnuly interested couucclions that it ia able to make al Rome ami other points with the railway tinea uf this country, it must.bring to Brunswick avast trade, aud sorely bnild -np its com mercial importance. As it place of transhipment for our western coun try, it will, only be svcoud to Suvnn- nuh. 7 In addition to this feeder from the Wret, theru is a railroad front Brans*' wiek to Albany which has been sever al yeara in operation.. It ban recent ly, it is understood, beeu purchased by foreign capitalists, who are about to complete the connection with the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railway. . ,5 Thia atll put Brunswick in direct connoctiun with tho Southern Pacific Railway Hues, and those Improve ments contemplated mako it a desira ble transhipping.' point. Ite future inpnrtniire is nut only assured, bat the' nenr future will Witness tho con summation. i . Very res|H-cffully, Yonr ob't servant, 8. L Fremont, • Ass’t Engineer. Comnilsslonors’ Sale, i«MM. Uulloo. M. L-Mankm, ekmatwcl the Drunauirk Judicial arcult, rcodered a couacal deerre io Ua Huperlor Court of Oljran tooutr, in vltliDK for tha uio of Ike property uflhe catatoof tLo late Falldt. DuBlanon for dtatrlbutlon to tha hair, at law of aald reute, aald cut. nurtitlai rf it>o Ailtbura plaataiioo la aald cooaty. realalalK 1.7PI aorta more or lc»*. and tha place IA (bo clty of Uruhawlck known aa tho OuBUnon korao piaco, eoDalaUng of old Town lo« (aooordloc Io Baldwta'a or priwto mi.; upDf wo, do uuUrelfMd! n&Kr a«td by virtu, of Ik. power remainii In aald dwrre. fil fmrr°u*u uf uutil the Aral Tnreday In BrpUmbre nasi, at whlcli ttes. If (bn mm. ranulna anaold, U wtU bo o«ored.* public Ml^ it tha usual tin. and.flaw of Bla rin'* Mi., and bo .old under tb. rule, inKMk.by8b.riff of aaldSim^ tb. OB—krion offered at public a -iheria**Ml.,ai Mk. Iv 8b. riff of Mid •tak.'ft rreervinK U». right to withdraw _ Mlo If the A*hburn pUntatlon akould IkeMin of at treat iU hnndrad doHan, ai kooM-piM. tb. .on* of twotbimraaititklara, fUl to bring W. O. DAVENPORT, U n'r, of innti-rinl removed tliiriny the tinmil yurt lion lx>ei» .*14,10(1 cubic ynrdn. THE DOUBLE RAFT JFTTY WITH THE I'liEH- EXT AFPBOFRIATIOX OF $10,000. 1 Thin work will commence nl h low- witter depth of ten feet, ami extend 1,482 feet to ft depth of iov«n ft-, t. vn- r) ing mi folktwi:' - ^ ( ' ,375. feet of jett.v, bottom width 03 feet, depth 10 water. 290 feet of jetty, IkjUohi whllli 30 fec^ de|»tb 0 Wituf? 400 feet of jetty, bottom width 28» feet, depth 8$ water. 411 feet of jetty, bottom width 24 ft*4, depth 7 water. Thin given total length 1.482 fect^ crib jetty timiii Hue ami return face, 1,073 fuet; total length of j^lty, 2,555 feet? ori|fimd length of jetty on main lino, 4,300 feet; whirh leaven to be provided for no main Hue,- 2.Ul$ fi-ct. rfflBUTK FOB COMI'LCTINO TfoEK. To oiitupWe thia work, the tlrtlin ing of 11 chan ind 200 feet wido uud six feet deep will be needed. Thia will riHiraroT20 feet incrcaao in the width, 5,000' feet ill lr*n|{th, and to n depth of aix feet, or the removal of 133,333 cubio jrftida of material, at a coot of twenty.five Mots per yard, $13,883; for exUjudio^ jetty 2,100 foet at $7.00 1.KTTEU OF COL. ft W. COLE. - Chattanooga,Juue 20,188L Cid. fi. L. Frnnonl, U. fi. Engineer, Savannah, Ga.: My Dear .Sin—On my rotoro to ClmttnD(M)^a I am iu receipt of yonr ontccmcd favor of the Oth inst,— BruiiNwick mnut benu important bar- U*r, mid oiif{lit to be favored liberally by the government in tho expenditure >f money iu its improve incut. Oar Mitcou aud 13ruwtwiek lUilroad, ex tended from Macon to Atlauta, nnd from Atlanta to Home, will connect with a Hyntoni of aliout 1,000 miles of other romU that w« control, boaidoa |H*rfcct connection with roads wo do not coutroi, to Cinciminti, Chicago and St. Jjonin. No one in more com potent tlmii yourself to take np they# lines, and tho sections tapped by all of our connections, nnd cstimato tbo ini|M>rtnncc of the improvements to be made by the government at Bruns wick, . 1 trust you nmy gel s forgo for this work. Yonr friend, most truly, E. -W. Cole, President. ) H». *. f)| A sad case of neglect in wbicbji Imor stranger, lust lii, lift, omirrad at W S«HimUUIaW,'4aya aij^.; Being nek Im lmil gone ir a ami lionie on tlie insrsli, used for stowing nqs-H, etc., by tlie boom towlcr, and for about two weeku bo remained there, nnenred for, llioae who knew be wan tberu. not taking the trouble tu report Hi> tlmae wjte wouM have cared for him. Wlii-ii tbo facta became kuuwu tu Mr. Stallings, bo at once bad liiui removed, a subscription ta ken up, put under medical treatment and a.nurse provided, lint it was too lute. Tbe man waa iu an iuaeuaible condition and died next day Thus, probably for want uf a few simple remedies, Uiis poor man died, and iu a Christian eomninnitv, too. Truly “Mau’a iubmusiiily l» man makes countless thousands mourn." Since writing tlie aliore for last week’s iaaoe, we learn that tbe nemo of tbe detonate) wia Charles Hear, All Ordinance, n ordliuuiM outUkd “An OrdUuare to I kvy bid* and raire • ravreu. for tko ci»» Oft xirunawl.-k (or tteo yrer l«t, tor tko rag«. UtW yf ertaiu kiotlo vt boalrereln said city, praocrtblug pciuitiMfor |k. vtoiation of tko ravr* ^jtto^Yh.lJko fouithjMcAiop of Um .bore netted ins inifrecb WW “' rcbaadlre iadoUM Mticire’da^ "mbc. 9. KdtTit fkrthor ardteaod. That «U onU- kanen .od pgrte ofgrflin.ncre la cobdlct with tfaia ordioanc. bo and tho mm. art hereby reported. FmmI ia Cosaotl July SOtk. 1M1. 4 It e«t: J, r. NELSON. Mayor. JAS. HOUSTON. Ctetk of 6oaadL FAIR, AT MACON, Hetiaaiag 1>L 17. Matinaia, Mawaak. Horae ludualry, Fine *■“" "W»*» for Tr.. w UteMrerrltry l«r I remiuM I 'at. THO) - E. C. QDIKE. HecreUry. Ttiu i, H tllDEMAX, Jm., Prre. \Vlimi4\ S FOUNTAIN PUMP. wladow*. protoct'ng bulldlog. frirai Sr*, i e*t to uuy bin. acted for draakn to J. »• DK.vrmi, Agent, auKl-dra Bmanrtck.Gto FRESH GARDEN SEED Sill JOU H9*iHl()tte(l*j JUST RECpiVEDI . .- A LARGE LOT OF 1)UMT*8 GEXUIXC AND NZU* Al LK SEEDS LOU FALL 1LA.NTIXU, Tonilp, Cubbu^c, Beans, etc FOR SALE AT- BL.VIN’S DRUG STORE, (a!} 90-lni - - y roESAis Lumber. SliinglcisLn'tliH, etc I uff.r for MS B.uai.« tsMtarjaf U1 a— m* — :'TL v fTTT* W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OF • NAVAL STOKE S* ^BRUNSWICK. GEORO: