Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, August 27, 1881, Image 4

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T. R,. F O R, R, E! S T ES R, DEALER UNT Corn, Hay, Oats, Meat, Meal, lie*, Etc,, , BRUNSWICK, Gi-A. Solo Agent for Welch, Wight, Wilson & Co.’s Pure Pork Sausage. Storage aiul Office at Littlefield & Tison’s Warehouse. WHOLES*!* A*D BBTAII. HARDWARE 148 tn<l 150 Congress. 143 and 151 Ht. Julian *ta. SAVANNAH, GA. Will give ‘ Rock Jlottom" Prices for any of the above on application. FgWg-gre Terms Cash, or City Factors’ Acceptance. H. L. HARRIS, Watolunalier cto Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA.., "STAR” SPECTACLES. HASCONSTANTLYON HAND A FULLSUPPLY or Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments MfMSWMiJfSS. Enables anyone to regulate Inn uwh PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Watch with certainty Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments All goods will bo sold at tin* very lowest market price. No trouble to bbow Roods. ii NONE GENUINE WITHOUT WK MARU Patent Watch Regulator. Cun lie applied ill 5 Minutes IT •THB MOTTO OF- AIUS1S F. HU & CO, WHOLESALE UFA Lints IN HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. GENERAL. COMMISSION MERHANTS ! (■nods bought and sold on closest tig* hits. Consignments solicited. HV . fit 1 fill Business ! And hope by a study of the wants of mil* customers not only to keep those we now have but to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. ORDERS SOLICITED. ADD1.ESM, AUGUSTUS F. FRANKLIN & CO, Finney’s Building. Paint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, Steamboat and 11 Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass, Putty ; Varnishes 6c Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., loch. Sash-Weights, Cord, Hinges, Screws, Etc., Lime, Plaster, Hair & Cement. NO. r», WIIITAKKR STREET, GhA.- The Ladies Store MRS. M. C. ROWE Again invitee the* •(trillion of her friends. and the Lull* * generally. to bur su|*orb a**aurtm< ut »>f Millinery Goods. And t» tbit NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which she baa enriched her EMBOWERED FASHIONABL RESORT! Kb,* 1* constantly receiving the latent agonic* fmm the ■t.iiidaril emporiums nf fashion, Him confident’ assure* her friend* that her beautiful .election* HATS, SONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, LACES & TRIMMINGS laiumt Ih* <-l|e<! in thin or any oilier city. ®BE88 M'XKIWv tbi' newest mode* O’CONNOR & WBNZ, (I)ILLOX'N OLD STAND, NEWCASTLE ST.) Brunswick, Georgia, KEEN A FULL LINE OF FIIIST-CLASS BlryOftoMtaeries. LOWEST CASH 1’UICF.S OUAltANTEF.D. A *jK*cta!iy, and perfvet guaranteed. Oood* fir»t daw, and prices paaoiiablc JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Clocks. Watches JITJ WELRY, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Violin and Gnitar Strings. Also. 5 and 10c Counter Goods Agricaltural Implements: FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. — ! Rubber and Leather BELTING, i CIRCULAR SAWS, I CARPENTERS' TOOLS, j BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales DTJEOITT’S CELEBRATED POWDER. Together with a full line of Slicll Hnrilwure, for Hah* at the low*.hi cash prices. I’ALMKII IlitO I II Cits. uni 7-ly Mice. Mice. W T. ti LOVE It H AS opened the *t«re adjoining the l \**t Office Iti UriiiMwi.-k a* a Stationery, Book, --AVI*-- MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT ALSO A Circulating Library, i til*; hi at author*, iml SmuiH, Fioiihhi Witnn Rhlmt. Okvxsal lOiMn a Omci, i Sataxvah. June 23, 1881. f AN AND AFTER SUNDAY. June 23, Paaecngcr v trains on this Road will ran aa follows: FAST HAIL. Leave Savannah dally except Sunday at... .1.30 p. m Leave Jeaup ” • .*% 3.40 P. M Leave Tebaanvllle *• 6.05 P. M .7.41 PM .8.40 PM .7.55 A M .8.42 A M 11.10 AM Arrive at Jeaup 12.35 P M Arrive at Savannah “ - 3.00 PM Passengers front Savannah for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick’0.00 p, m. passengers leave Brunswick at 0:30 am., arrlv. ing at Savannah 3:50 p. m. Paaaengera for Darien take thla train. Paaaengera tearing Macon at 7:00 a. x. (daily In. clmling Sunday) connect at Jeaup with this ( for Florida. Leave Jeaup Leave Tebeai Arrive at Callahan Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville Leave Callahan Arrive at Tebeauville Arrive at Jeaup Arrive at Savannah Jeanp ' (daily including Sunday.) JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah ** 10:30 P M Leave Jeattp •• • 2.40 A 31 Leave Tcbeanvillo •• 4:35 AM Arrivj at Callahan •• 7:11 A M Arrt re a t Jacksonville *• 8.10 AM i Arrive at'Live Oak daily (except Sunday).. 10:45 % M ! Leave Live Oak daily (except 8unday) 2:30 P M . Leave Jacksonville daily at 3:25 P M I Leave Callahan dally a< 0-.25 r H Leavo Tebcaville daily at 9:10 PM Arrive Jeanp dally at 11:05PM Arrive at Savannah daily at 2;00 A M Palace sleeping car* on thla train daily between Savannah and JackaonvIIIe. Cbarleatou ami Jackson- vl.lo, aud Macon and Jacksonville. No change of car* between Savannah and Jackson- ville and Macon Mid Jacksonville. Passengers leaving Blaeon 7:30 p m connect at Je«- up with thla train for Florida daily. Passengers from Florida by thla train comiirl at J*sr.p with train arriving at Macon 73)5 a m daily. Passengers from Savannah for Oaineavllle, Cedar Keys aud Florida Transit I(oad take thia train. 1’axaeiigera from Savannah for Madison, Muitticel* In Tallahassee and Quincy take tbia train. ALBANY EXPRESS. Ltave Navannah;dally at 4:15 p m Leave Jeaup daily at 7:05 p in Heave Tebeauville daily at " " Leave Dupont dally at Arrive at Thomaaville dally at. Arrive at (tainbridge daily at 8:00 a ru Arrive at Albany daily at g:45aui Leave Albany dally at 4:45 p in Leave Bainbridge dally at ft;15 p iu Leave TboniMville dally at 8:45 p m Arrive at Dupont dally at 1:45 a m Arrive at Tebeauville dally at 4:06 a m Arrive at Jeaup daily at 6:25 a m attention > which I luvil- t 1.Jr* and the public 1 ©iwo Your Money BY 111*YIN*. Tilh Best (Hoods at Lowest Prices vt riiK NEW YOKE STOKE, Where they have just received a full supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Gent’s, Ladies* and Children’s Hals. rpou 1 att ally. Olil gold and "liver Imiight or taken iu exchange. Wat*.lien, eba’k" au-l jewelry repair'd and warrant* id to give jM'rfe* t "atUlaction. 0. .1 DOKKFLIXGKR. Watt hinak'-r and Jeweler. wtl ly llay Street, Urunxaick. Oa. JERYL ISLAND. FOHHALK—'The N«*rtliera on.-tblrd u r .aid la- laud. xttlMled III (ilvitn i'u'Mliy, m-wrgia, at the mouth ut llrutiawick liarl»>r. Th« Island aliumida In game of all kind", and tor any one dealring .1 healthy and valuable l*land on the lien^gta thla offer* aii|M'rlor indue** and term* ot aal**, apply to 9:30 p m 1 ;45 p m 5.00 a iu Albany, and JackaonvIIIe and Montgomery ge. Albany with Paaaengcr train* both without change. Mail steamer leave* Bainbridge for Apalachicola and Colombo* every Tuesday aud Saturuay. Cloee ronneetlon at JackaonvIIIe daily (Sunday* nxeeptedl for Orwn Cotb Spring*. St augiiMtiue, Palatka iiui EnUrprisc, and all lauding* on St. 1 LAWTON. W. A. JOHNSON, Boot&Nhoe Maker. ombiticd with moderate chargia*. togiilh*-r w ltl» t careful study **f the *i»**« reijulri'munU of In- lividiul enstoniem, W. T. O. will In< iu a pusi- ioti to give eompb't*' xatisfaetiuii to hi* friend* md the public generally.* Jla'Call and *e» W. T tllover'* choice selection SOLE AGENT FOR TIIK WONDERFUL ME* CRANK'AL 0RGUINETTE! Pictiiro Framing Done on the Shortcut Notice ! Note l In* A till res*: \exl the Post Office, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. THE BEST! |The Jewelry Headquarters W. F. DOERFLINGER l* the Rent Pl.ii*.* **f the Kind, iti every respoct. 11ST <ladv, except Sunday. TliroiiKh Ticket* sold and Sleeping Car Berth* *0- eured at Rreu'* Ticket Office, No 22 hull street, anil at Kavaniiih, Florida and Western Railway Pa*M*u- ger De|*ot. . TY*on. Master Tran*i>ortatlou. Brunswick and Albany Rail Road Compart' Change ok Schedule 0 N , SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE , Bai'NkWica, Oa. July loth l'7*». f r Thursday July 10th. 1879. v-uxocngn train* on thl* Road will run a* follow * WESTWARD BOUND. UI.Y. SUNDAY KXCJtrrKD. Li-ave* ilruuswi. k N.uAa.a, Way Cross.... Pearson. (Eating House).. Alappaha. . Alford.. EASTWARD BOUND. DAILY. SUNDAY KXCKITt.D. Lev Yea Albsuy ..3.43 l*.Ill ..r*. I ip. 1.1 . .M.iwip.m pesrrea (Fating House).. • • Wsy Cross . . Arrive at Brunswick ..12.16 p.l ..t.ltlp.l * 4-14 1*1 H. 1». MEADE It CUAS. I..SCHLATTER. Ueueial Superll'temleM AsiUtant Kay Street, Uruuswiek, Ga. t-DNSTANTI.Y ItKCEl VIXG FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY BROCERIES. I MALLORY'S MW YORK & BI1L\S\II(K Steamship Line. 1 1 Foreign anil DohickIc Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, miltiul to lu*t II* loui* rts that of uny other Workman in this section. Mendin'/ itone ut nhnrt mulct ut next noon to .1. r. nelson ON THE BAY. Travelers Ins. Co., HARTFOltD. CONN. Lite jiii'l Aceiilunt Insurance. J.M.Dexter,Insurance Ag’t, Ikpnwnt. th*- above Co. at llrmi*wi< k, Oa. A SHUTS, ... $.‘>..>00,000 I IFF and |M*li'ie* written *bort i l.iith r. P»«»«*l.ger i.i*>* >.*•'•* t.< keta *.<bt.— I N» it.iilh al •xanuiialiou n, ( nlrnl. *i**els ly 1 I .OCA I. DENTIST, Brunswick, - - Georgia, j O FFICE over th.* »tor. *.r Kji*. r K Brother.- I Tim*.- wlabiug work doi.r wllliludtt Ditl.'-ir . lute rent fo « all. ■.pit! C l.VI.I, atnlexamiiie 1.1* largeamlb.-autlfi.lly *<*• / lut't'sl »to»'k of JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., Which lia* jn*t arrlv**.! and ** being sold at low price*. , Iteputr* of oil klnd.donran «l*«u noilrr U l. at J*.»| lafnctloi. (. 11 n ran Iced. • #*Bo**' Patent oi Stiff. n**.l bark Watches W.B.Mell&Co„ Wholesale and Retail Doak-rs in SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, cialty Monk street, IDKItFLlNOFU. A get.', I’; WARlKE, M KUC'.IANT TAII.OH, Brunswick, Georgia. , M*■••<» 1 r*-*pc* ttully ItiMlo hi* frleuda 1 n;; ,s " public generally t CAM. AND EXAMINE, »» H* e*ubll»hf:itr.t, at i,l\ -laud o* F. Jocr FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF NKINS. dol.F. HAKSP>*S, IllUbLi:. ANI) PATENT LEATH ER, WHIPS AND SADDLERY WAUL HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc. A Spoolalty. WHITE FOK PHICES. Savannah, Georgia. STEAMER RUBY. TIME TABLE and SCHEDULE OF RATES BETWEEN ST. SIMONS & BRUNSWICK TLo new steamer Ruby, will run regularly l*o. tween Si. Simona Mill* an*l Urunawick. aa follow*. Loave Collins' Wharf. Brunswick, dally, (Sunday * excepted) (Wall) 7 a n. Leave Collin*' Wharf, Brunswick. (Saturday'* and Sunday'* exerpte*! l:.Hi p iu Extra Trip Saturday* 4 30 p m Leav** St Mill* daily. (Sunday's es*c|>t- e.1) lUaut Leave St. hl:*.**n* Vli'.l", dally, (Satunlay's and Sun day'* ncepte.l ) (mail) 4: in a u. Saturday'*. (Mall) 3pu. IBSTRHT OF TITLE BOOKS. Th* nml**r*igned j'rrjwnsl. • from the Itrvi'p!* **f ( Hoot and Shot* Shop pnuHNSl RANCK leeptk'U of lwo l *im-c tb* recent . STEAMSHIPS WESTEMJT TJSJttS Captain HIRES. emr of nsu&sis Captain RISK. I-* »vr» New York every Fri.lay at 3 P. M. arrlv. tng in Brunswick every Tu*vda>. ri>iaee*>uu*c(tna with all point* on n. k A and MAIt lUilroa l*. Tiirough bill* lading signed to .ill potuta 01. ab»v- r»ada. Freight and passage as low *. |*y any o|.,*r Rne. For pa**i:iiger ami *U». ro-wna apply to II W.SOI TUWII K. «KI, Ilrtj!i*wlrk. *,» NOTICE. H aving *.* «rd ».„• Relent workman, I am pr pared to execute abop in the city • In rtcr upset I>. A. MOOKB. II ARDVVABK k STOVK.S, Plan*, Honrs, I jam pa. Packet Saak, A Lamp Tahir l*ln««. Fltlsre*. Catlrrv. Pump*. Krruslse Tlavvarr. » r*rk* ry. *V Lard Oil. fur aale hi m*r7 ir ! . I> IfGYT A I t,* o h almirat (*. cor.I*, are the tilynn county . .on of Umk N, »i* **ve«l with l*ook T. He haa o|*en> 'A’a*. ; "nee. and will keep (topen for examination of title* for cash o>mpei*satiiMi, a* |*-r ■< h*-<luleof fees m *,f. I flee, the examination to Is- «>nlv or ihc, ami any J. JVC. IDE XT EH, legal optniou thereon to !„- |«i,( f r *. pant* ly. INSURANCE AGENT, C. r. GOODYEAR Oompsuics: Nnntli'n ,v|utual,Atli’ 81 Insurance(’<itop. ot North America.rb ” Insurance Co. Xrw Y>*rk r.\\7 ‘-3JS; BAY ST., V <■!’*■"! Reference*, Saixunahy Rank Mu* iAo oun I F \ r “ Naluma' ILuk ‘ 1.000.000 ( Coiiimbii* Iasuraare 4' rcha.iU \ M.a luauraux of V* Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, K**al E>tatf mi l Iii^nmncr Airent - imUKSNYICK, Oa. lUnk and Tniat Compat*y, ^ » Lm\ Jrl lJm | C«»u*i*-L < oUttiy. Wkntrd to ridiwyi ’ • ii) pr»*p«-rtv or land u