Newspaper Page Text
For Ordinary.
I hereby notify mjr friend* and the public renetal.
ly that lam* outdid*!* for tl>* office of Ordinary of
Ulyim county, to All the vacancy occasioned by the
nelaaation of W, 1L Bmie. Eaq. Section will tab
E. 0. F. DART.
place on the Ith of October.
Now Advertisements.
£dvftti$er nnd JIppexl.
UntU further notice. Mr. A.C. BANKS U alone
authorised to make contract* for ua in Brunswick.
During my brief absence from the city, lfr. SfOB.
HIS MICUEL80N will act my agent.
Urnnawlck, Oa.. Oct. 7.1881.
We want everybody to know that we are oonti _
illy adding new and f reah goods to our stock of
'* ‘ *1, and will sell tkemat lowprter-
ta to salt anybody. Come and a
ron the cnBB or—
Cancer, Colds and Coughs,
Manufactured from Vegetable Matter only, and toe
ffff'Ray Street. 3 doors from Hotel. oc
An Ordinance,
To amend an Ordinance eatitJsd •• An Ordinance to
drfin* the Fire Limits of the City of Brunswick,
amt for other purposes therein mentioned," pea*
rd in Oottncil on the 3d day of Attgnst, 1861.
Hrcnox 1. The Mayor and Council of the dty of
Brunswick. In Council hereby ordain.
That the above recited ordinance be amende “
striking out the words Manafleld, Reynolds
••K * iu the Ant eectiou thereof, and Inaerting the
words Monk, Richmond and Gloucester In lien
thereof, so that the section shall read as follow*:—
Monk street on the south, Richmond street on the
mat, Gloucester street on the north, and Bay street
ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed in Connell October Mb. 1881.
Attest: J. F. NELSON, Mayor.
Tho book fur tbo registration of voters at the mu
ntcipal election to be held at the City Hall oa the
10th day of Deocrober, 1881, will be opened on the
Uth day of October, 1881, and remain oi en for thir
ty days, when they will be Anally and absolutely
No person ran register nnlesa be be a citii
tho United States, sud have resided in thta Mate for
six months Immediately preceding, and within the
corporate limits of the city for thirty days immedi
ately preceding the election; have attained the an
of twenty-one years, and have paid all taxes due the
city of Brunswick for tbe preceding years.
office hours from 8:90 a. m. to 1 r. m., and
3:3U to 5 p. m.. and other hoars to salt the convent-
into of tboee desiring to register.
Clerk of Connctl.
Has removed from the store nest door to the Post
office, and opc-nt-d afresh In
Dixon’s New Building,
Where the public can be supplied, at wholesale or
retail, with overythlag in tho Una of
Books, Pictures, Etc.
Received daily and for sale at low prices.
h o !J> TOWN LOTH, iu wholes or fractions.
For Sale!
Tho mule Is all right, and in Ann order Tbe
Pont Ottee Time Tnble,
General Delivery opens 8:00 a. dose* 8.-00 r x,
Register and Monty Order Busin ass opens 9:00 a.
I. ; closes 8:00 r. X.
St. Simons mall closes (:30 a. x.
II. A A. mail closes 8:15 a. x. -
M. k D. mail closes 9:00
Savannah. Mac
close at 7:00 r. x.
Savannah, Macon and Darien tbronfh pooches
Tbe <1 rod go Hercules ia atill ou tbo
bottom of tbe river.
When old maida get to talking
about each other’s being affianced, wo
sometimes smile. One of tbo dear
creators* whispered to os this week:
•• Say, Mr. Editor, two Brunswick old
maids aro going to 'step off soon, and
I think there is hope for me yet I
shan't despair ns long ns the good
work goes on.”
Intents silk embroidered Aanncl skirts at
Tho new B. & A. schednio is just
tho idea for business men who can’t
afford to spend a whole day iu town.
They arrive at 6:15, r. u., and loavo
at 0 a. m., thus giving them say, throe
fall hours of eveuing and morning to
That gents fnrmsbmg establish- transact business; and a real business
meat is about "to be a be."
Mr. R. K. Walker, of Darien, was
in onr city tbis week.
Mr. D. T. Dunn returned from a
trip North last Thursday evening.
Flth and oysters every day of the week at
Mr. W. E. Burbage was oot Thurs
day afternoon with a brand-new tnrn-
Printers will pleaso road advertise
ment of typo, press, etc., for sale on
opposite page.
Yom Kippur, or day of Atonciuont,
was duly celebrated on Monday Inst
by oar IsraelilMi population.
Tlio whole press of Georgia and
their wivos will meet in Atlanta next
Wednesday. The writer hopes to be
Tbe Northeaster that struck us last
Wednesday brought nbout quito
cbnngo In tbo tomperataao of tho
WAXTEn-n» IIioiiudA amain to bar IbMr
roc.riu. It GOLDSMITH * COS'.
Our Bportsrocn took advantage of
tbo very high tide of Thursday morn
ing lost nnd slaughtered the marsh
hens by tbo scoroe
Messrs. Mooro & McCrary have
filled up their new shelving “chuck a
block” with new goods. Tboir now
stock is full and woll displayed.
A perfect bewilderment of lacos,
hats, bonnets, ribbons, feathers,
plumes and bright eyes nt tbo Ladies’
Store. Call and seo for yourself.
Mr. Tarver, successor of H. C. Day
as agent hero of tbe M. A1). Iinilroad,
took chargo on Saturday last. The
clerical force of the offico remains iu
tact Mr. T. comes woll recommend
ed and wo wish for biin a plcasaut
and prosperous roign.
ft vo anil trn-cout Urea Iu pretty patterns an
wub goods St LADIKH* bi t) IlE.
Conductors of M. A M. B. B. R. aro
required to board their trains, iu
lonving tho city, on tho renr platform.
Accidents aro thus avoided and uo
one is loft. We suggest the adoption
of tins rnle by onr B. fi A. conduc
Cook's mill has lieen a little under
tbo weather this week from a slight
caso of broken pulley. Many a poor
laborer and bis wife uud bairns go
hungry whon that mill fails to run for
any length of timo.
Among tbd quiet, easy business
men of our town, who have gradually
worked up a good business from
scarcely nothing, wo take pleasure in
numbering our Bay street friend Ca
ry Marliu. He is certainly a deserv
ing yonng man and ongbt to succeed.
n»s Brunswick oyster has s ropnUtion ter and
tr. Tbs placs tv liuy thorn U at
Somebody ongbt to put up a fow,
neat cottages for rent. We don't
mean two room shanties, but uoat
buildings with four or five rooms.—
They would rent without delay at
good figures. We have frequent ap
plications for such buildings.
A. V. Wood cleared British bark
Caledonian, Capt. Hoffineyer, on the
Gib iuaL, for London with a cargo
consisting of 1,207 casks turpeutiuo
valued at $28,500, nud GUI barrels
rosin valued at $2,500. Total value
of cargo, $01,000.
Wc again put tbe moiueuton* ques
tion, why send abroad for your print
ing ? Every dollar you send away on
ly impoverishes your town. Seud
your onlers right straight to onr of
fico. We keep a good stock of paper
direct from tbe factory.
lb k Co. are selling groceries at bottom
Foreign nittl Domcstc
Wines, Liquors,
Election Notice-
Mr. Editor: Can you inform the
publio why tbo roccipta and expendi
tures of the city government arc no
longer published iu your paper. I
for one would like to aeo monthly
itemized statements. Publicity ia a foe
man can do a sight of work iu that
Wo are pleased to stuto that wc
liavo it from good authority that Mr.
J. B. Wright (Manzy) will open soon
a clothing establishment in our city.
He will occupy tbo other side of the
etoro now occupied by Messrs. W. T.
Glover & Co. (Dixon's now building).
He will be heartily wolcomod back by
his old friends and former school
Flab book, ml llun »t GOLDSMITH A CO.'S.
In an altercation nt Micbclson’s bar
last Saturday night, Tom Dorillioo
was shot in tbe neck by Capt Clay
Williams. Ab tho matter will bo up
boforo tho courts, wo have no com
ments to mako except tbut we uoed
no moro powerful nrgumont than the
like of this for the abolition of tbe ro-
tail liquor trado. It is, without donht,
tho curse of our town.
Twenty-fly* cents will bay oa* dozen mackerel at
Ooldsnitth k Co.'s.
Mr. J. M. Dexter left boro yester
day by Mallory steamer for n briof
trip to Providence, R. I., whence he
will rotnrn tbe List of this month
with bis estimable lady, whoso return
will bo welcomed by her lady friends
throughout our city. Mr. Dexter lias
not been North sinco 1876, when lie
went for a briof visit and to recruit af
ter tbe yellow fovor, which sonio of
our citizens may remember, even if
the City Council did forget tho gold
modal voted him in Novotnbcr, 187G,
for servico rendered during tho epi
Ju*t received s full nnii|>ly ofncw.fsucy guod* »nd
tell mllliacry in all tbs utest styles nt
Wc call attention to now adver
tisement of Messrs. J. MicbeUon A
Bro. iu this issue. Tlioy have a line
store nnd stock of goods, which they
offer nt low prices for cash. Ladies
will Int waited on by Misses Nathans
and Burnett, their accomplished lady
clerks. Tho Messrs. Michclson do-
deserva much credit for being the first
to oiion tho paths of business to the
ladios by employing them as saleswo
men, and ivc are sure oar Indy friends
will appreciate this action. Go and
see their stock ia alt its vast variety.
Vem-el I .on I -Hevell Mon Mlnnlnil
On Wednesday last tho Spanish
hark Mnnuel, Captain Yior, direct
from Sapclo quarantine, nttoraplod to
ontor our harbor, iu charge of pilot
Tabbot. By some means she got
nground upon tho .South breakers
about 2 r. m. nud tbumped terribly.—
Tho pilot boat came nt ouce to the
city for tho steam fug J. P. Stevens.
Tho lug went down early tho next
morning, hut sueiug nothing of the
vessel, returned to tho city under the
impresaion Hint she had gotten off
ami put to sen uutil the storm should
subside. Thin, however, was a mis
take for at 2 a. M. the vessel had gone
to pieces nnd tho crew iu two boats
bud started for laud. Juat before day
one ol the houta containing the pilot,
cnptaiu, third mate and five sailors
reached Cumberland light, and dnriug
the dny were brought up to the city.
Thu rust of the crew havu not be, n
heard from, nud the presumption is
that they have gone to bottom.
ltioe Mill anil Bnrn Burned.
Tbo rice mill and barn of Mr. J. K.
Nightengale, on tbe Altaranha, twelve
miles from tbe city, woa destroyed by
fire last Tuesday night. It is sap-
posed to have been tho work of an in
cendiary, as all the fire in the furnace
was pnt out when work was through
for tho dny, and, beaidea, the fire
originated on the roof of the engine
Mr. Nightengale computes bis loss
to bo about $10,000, of which $5,300
was covered by insurance. Tbe fore
man on tho place, as soon us ho heard
the alarm given by the watchman,
hurried off after Mr. Kcllar, the mnu-
ngor, who was at bis summer place,
several miles away, instead of rushing
to the scene and saving property,
much of which wns destroyed just
because no ouo wns present to rnovo
it—for instance, clod-crushers undor
nu adjacent shod, and fiats lying iu
tho cnnal near by. Thcso wore burned
simply because no ouo moved thorn.
Fortunately for Mr. Nightongalo, ho
had mndo one shipment to Savannah
of over 3,000 bushels, and hnK, wo un
derstand, sumo rice stilt in the field.
Ht. Himons ltemn.
Oulilsniitb X Co. keep tin ware, paint*, crockery,
Usms »J cents, N$"«m 13cents,slnuiMtr* 13.1
11 poundh sugar $1,8 pounds granulated attgar
H pounds cut loaf II, i), ponnd* coffee f 1, cixl
ten nob per pound, keroellie oil 30 rente ]»or
(■OL1MMITII * < 0.
Manoe—Williamson—On I lie (‘veil
ing of tbo Ctb inst., at tho Methodist
parsonage in tbis city, by Itev. H. 1*
Myers, Mr. Ed Mitnoo mid Mis* Lau
ra Williamson, all of this county
Holt—Scarlett—Ou the Oth inst., at
tbo rctiideucu of tbo brido’s father, Mr.
Francis D. Scarlett, by Rev. J. W.
Qnnrtormnn, of Waycross, Mr James
Webb Holt, of Jacksonville, Ha., and! increase. Where it is to stop no ouo
Miss Annie C. Scarlett, of Fancy | hcuiuh lo know. Wc are pleased, how
to corruption and extravagant oxpon- Bluff. Owing to tbe prevalence of a ! $>ver, to xtate tbut gounitin pronparity
ditures. Tax Payer. northern tot the groom eharterod the | tteeniH to spread its wings over onr
3Ir. Cooper has m-nt forwwi quit © I steamer J. P. Stevem* to go to Fancy . land, ewpt in localities injured by
su exibit from tbis end of the M. A Bluff for bis fair prize. The wedding, storm, drought, etc.
A Specimen letter-
Tho following unique lottcr was
picked up on onr streets and handed
us for publication. It was signed by
a couple of colorod damsels up tbo
road, nnd wns addressed to " Mis
ltoo aud ilonr Ladios A fronds,” and
rends thus:
" Sopt tho 28 1881_
Dear indies please to obligo mo aud
sond me two smooth black snmlowu
hat if yon will, ploaso to dress tbom
liko tbo ouo yon had shown as when
wo was over there nnd dress tbom
Enough for a dollar niul ploaso mam
to put them in a box so that they
may uot get hurt Obligo and when
wo do come over thcro wo will corno
nnd visit yoar storo and bny ploaso
dress them nicely so that the boys can
smile when they sec ns.
Verry Obligo"
Isxik Out for Stolen (UoMh[
On the night of tho Clh the jewelry
storo of Mr. Clms. Docrilingcr wns
entered and the following goods stni-
en that can he missed, aud probably
much more:
1 gold hunting-case watch, chased;
1 gold hunting-ease watch, with
name of ElTord Berrio engraved ou in
side of hack;
1 opcn-faco nirkol-plntcd wntoli, it-
Imiiiiinting dial:
1 double-case brass watch nud chain
1 gold vest chain,Kbks in shape of
1 1 roll pinto gold nccklm-c;
J 2 ladies' plated chains.
' 1 GOUIHIIITI, .•cos
v Oman.
Tlie course it true love uover runs
very smooth, 'tis said. The results ure
sometimes amusing. .V yonng gon-
tlomaii not a mile away recently got
“out cnl" by n friend who had tho
pleasure of seeing Ids girl homo from
church. Tho chagrin weighed so
heavily upon him that bo could not
sleep. Finally, however, morpheus
onine to ids relief, not to giro refresh
ing sleep. Imt, instead, horrible
dreams, for the young man dreamed
lie was a dog and Imd a lame, and an
other dog biggrr'n him came nud
took it away.
Popular ltesurf.
Tbs large now store recently built
by Mr. Dixon nnd adjoining tbe new
drug store of Mr. J. T. Wain, bids fair
to become ono of tho most attractive
places in the city. JfeBsrs.W. T. Glov
er A Co bare just moved in with a
new and complete assortment of. sta
tionery, mnaic books, pictures, eta,
and arc preparing to do a largo whole
sale and retail business in tbeir lino.
They will also have a news-stand
wbero ean be fonnd the latest publi
cations. Tbe reading pnblio will, no
donbt, show tbeir appreoiatiou of tbis
enterprise. , The leading dailies will
be sold at publisher's prices, and mag
azine, periodicals and books of oil
kinds can be obtained at New York or
Savannah prices. Mr. Glover is a live
maw and tbe enterprise of which be is
the head is sore to meet with the
abundant success it merits. On ono
aountcr of tbis mammoth store is dis
played an assortment of "monitor oil
stovos” of which Glover & Co. aro the
sole agent* in tbis pert of tho State.
Thoy are said to be an invaluable ad
dition to every liontohold. The renr
of the storo is partitioned off from tho
main part with which it communioales
by an archway. This part of tbe store
ia occupied by Master Frank Duuo, as
a job printing office. He has jnst re
ceived a now Exaelsior press and com
plete outfit for job-printing, and is
ready for any bnsiuess that offers in
bis line, after school boors each day.
Hitohoook'e Analysis.
Among the valuable books wo
been able to peruse lately, wo know
of none we can rccommond moro
highly to the student of tho scriptnrcs
than tho above. It is ropleto with in
terest and complete in every particu
lar. With this work in hand, yon etui
in a moment find anything the Bible
contains. Mr. A. A. Andrews is the
agent for tbs work and baa boon can
vassing the town for tnbaoriben with
success. Secure the book if possible.
Ladies who appreciate eloganoe and
purity are using Parker's Hair Bal
sam. It is tbe best article for restor
ing gray hair to it* original color and
Tax-Payers, Take Notice!
The following si
Uoq or taxes As
aM Gouty for th«mr
Jjrnnawlck, Bept. 30 tad 31, Oct, S Md 4, tad U
Mk Stmoet Mtlk, Sept 23, sad Oei. I sad 17.
Bethel. Icpt.33.sad Oct. 4 sad 18.
No. l. K. k B. It. It., Sept. 84. sad Oct. Tsad 19.
Evelyn, Sept 30, sad Oei. 8 sad 10.
B* hi. TISON* T. C., O. C.
Real Estate § Land Agent,
References: (Jen. John B. Oordoa, Atlsats, Os, ;
Hon. John T. Collins, Collector Fort of Braaswtck.
k, mill
r In tits city -rail t
ltov. I NV. Wiultlel), of Marietta,
iuiH ucctiptotl the call of the Freubyto-
rian church of this city for his ser
vices for tho next twelve month*.—
He will cuter upou the tlihchnrgo of
his Julies dm noon hk he enn inovo
down. Mr. WmMell iiml his Chtimnble
Indy come mining as well accredited,
and wc look for plcuHing resultH from
their sojourn with its. Thoso who
heard Mr. Wttddell preach, when here
recently, «|>cnk iu high tar ins of him
iih :i speaker, am! look fot his return
to us with interest.
Now, hoys, he good to yonrmd
you’ll uover got left.
Col. W. R. Shftdmiui, of Cnnnou’s
Point fame, has scut now** very line
specimens of olives, both pick let I nml
greon on tho hush, iiIho u half gallon
of pure olive oil, to tho Atlanta Expo
sition, in cure of Mr. Jns. M. Coupcr,
of Brunswick. Mr. A. A. Adam*, of
“The Village,“ will 'also awn I ttuiue
cjtton. Our little latum! will not be
entirely left out.
Mr. Shidmnu has nlsmt 1,500 bush
els of ftno rust-proof oats for side.
The Islanders may now l«mk for
ward to n new model iu Ixmt-hiiifiting
—at lenst, new for these purls. Mr.
George Stevens, of the Ht. Hintons
Boat Club, has built nnd htuiii-lied a
“cntamnran”-riggod sail IhwO, utid
George tells us she runs wi ll.
Mrs E. P. Herrick nn»l two daugh
ters arrived last Tuesday eve direct
from Brooklyn, Me. We wish tlimit
a pleasant winter iu th« ".Sunny
Mr. B. E Flint i« erecting n newt j
awuiug in front of hiit furn turn wwre*;
Mr. Peter Krauxn, tlie I Hiker, hus
put up n double piazza in front of bis
B. Rnilruail, all of which will ba»|>lsc- l»rty rotunoxl to tlm city »t I i-. x.,| Uw ., v ,„„ w 7„. t-'.-icui I. Mr " 1 U*rtli"«.r’» Mow ImiM-
didly arranged, sad will go far to illus- j “ u, ( !(*• young ronpls left on tb*eveu-| «"■ “ ,r "“ ,r "'" U “* |
trato Glynn and McIntosh. We will j i n K for Jacksonville, their future 1 Every week he has something new! present place, is nls.nt rcmiy roroccu- about them next! home. They carry with them revived nffeir lo^of P “" CV
week in a), o litorial currerpomlence well wiahes of a host of frimi.N, among Z ciK.n.‘“fr«nrikdtimo r re’! 'among I Mr U ' J ' I)U ' ou ' ,,
from Atlanta i them tha writer. which is tho "Yonng Middy,'"'Vio* old aland in- front ol tlm (inatom
Houho, ia being rebuilt over the aalica
.iIJ|, ll*H*miiiir
Yea, everything accms to buvtt a
grand upward teudenry, capccinlly
tliat whicli goes to sustain life. To
add to this, Western height). (Greon
Line), »c learn, have gouo up jnat
ono bnudred jhir cent. Our price
current tn-day show s something of an
Mr. R. M. Tison paid tho Island a
visit on Wednesday, for tbo puv|si8a
of collecting Stato and county taxes.
With but one voesel at tbe
wharves, brig RoseUa Smith, and the
mill shat down for three or four days,
things aro rather doll on tho Islnud.
•Sailed, on Sunday, for Bath, Alainc,
schooner Nellie F. Morae, Capt. Haw
ley, with a cargo of 385,000 feot ship
Bluff; also, British bark Malincbo,
Capt. Kickbam, for Buenos Ayres,
with 6G0.072 foet, measured for-the
Extensivo repairs aud improvements
aro going ou at GaBcoignn Mill, un
der tbo direction of Mr. W. It. Dart,
and as Col. Collins has just returned,
wo may soon expect to ace things
Tho steamer David Clark, damaged
in tho late storm, is ont again, and is
running to Florida. At present the
stoamer Florida is nndorgoing repairs
on her boilers iu Savanunb, and will
bo outboou.
Mr. C. Ditchbnru loft last week for
Now York, wbero ho goes to pnrehaso
a winter stock for tho compuny> store.
Now then, boys, Brunswick prices,
good goods, sinull profits aud quick
Mr. John Fitzgerald bus just ro-
turnod from a abort trip op tbo road
for bis boaltb, nud will open at tho
old stand at Jowtown.
Mr. A. W. Smith has, welearnfrom
a roliablo source, lias his placo,
known ts tbe West Point Plantation,
to Mr. J. E. Chapman, who (ins also
lately pnrehasod Pike's BlnIT. Mr. C.
wo believe, n live business man,
and wo wish him sucress ill bis now
Recently tbo Island has lieen infes
ted with tbe mosquito nuisance, Imt
wo aro plonse.1 to chronicle the de
parture of these nncrgotic littlo birds.
Three vessels left tho mills last
week, with cargoes of lumber aggre
gating 1,112,253 foet. Two were |
coastwise nnd one foreign.
A dispatch was received last Wed
nesday ovouing by our operator warn
ing the Island of an approaching
storm. This ngaiu allows tho great
convouiencc of telegraphic communi
cation with Brunswick, not only for
tho company's business, but cnahliug
skip masters and boommeu to get out
au extra supply of lines in anticipa
tion of a gale.
Mr. J. L. Stevens, formerly of Oits-
coigne Mills, is constructing a frame
house at Frederica, whicli will,
learn, he enclosed treforecold weather.
Rev. II. E. Lucas will preach ut the
union church at 11 v. m and 4:30 e.
Sunday. Sabbath school at the
usual hour. Wo hope to see su nn-
usnal number ont.
Dr. R. J. Massey received Iris |»-
pers, nnd after going to Uruuswick
last Friday fur qualifirntion, came
home a livo Justice of tt)6 Pence, nnd
now wo havo what Us* long lieen j
needed, nod that is more discipline.— |
will fill tha position* of Constable, J Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels,
Bailiff, and all tlm sundry offices.-
■ ♦—♦♦ ^ » ■■ ■ -
b<! tw*t .lock of Ola win.
t ab<t *m f'T roan*! V«*n,
yon our *toci. Our
«r Irrctui’ l to thU market.
WA *b ;br
will teki- mperia |>1 in wtnhig on all enatotajn who th alra to m* anything lo Ih-lr IMpart-
meut. W« litVi< h UtkV *nd
dtnplay o(
i-lttiu*. mud •« |>rica* nu| to l»* *xccil«d. W« offer bMUlifUl
Xovflty (inoils for Ovcr-Druascs nnd Trimmings,
^nrat Silks and Satins of all shades,
Dress Goods of every color and variety.
I prlr«M to *nit tiir* tiiuHi, A flu* •MortMMl ol
TrtMMwl and HUtrliuw*d. w tb NO I IONS of *11 4
Ladies* asd OhildreiFs Boots and Shoes
Geuts’s White Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece !
not j" null
uawi< k. (it.
• «n. tiaiuluo our atxck ud |tl <mr prkau. $*4
Chess, Carley & Co.,
Ab * lerlioa Urt ordinary L> ill thr raraiKy «xie»-
M-BMBl bj Ike rnnto«Ook -l W. n.U^rrlr. O-b.
<U1 b, bcM .1 lb, MS HkMJ
be* Mb Utel. T. O CONNOR, Jx.
* doth iupirtof Court.
Messrs. Edwardn ami Ward Imve j Mortranry ltr*|x»rt lor
purchased tho eu^riuo and lixtureH of Whiten, three; colored, three,
tbo variety shop of Mr. Lacree and Causes.—)Iordsmns, three; denti
“jare eroctinff a buihliii{{ for the sarow lion, one; «n»K«ntivx chill, one; h|h»
on the rear end of Mr. Ward's lot. As ■ plexy, one.
soon as they are ready they aill let Under five years, four
the people kuow what they propone j ('. L Sciilattek, M. D.
i which is tho "Young Middr, M "Vio- olt
tor," "Ocean Spray," "Style, ,r "Dane- Hi
, er” nnd "Half Shell." All of tbstu aro 1 0 f
tuu former one. It will In- quite j
, . , ,. ,,l05 i! »n rmlMiking huihling wlicn coiuph lcd,
Buhl, null, if any -luubt it, go and . , ‘ . ' „ ;
. test t bem yi,or delves. , *>“* - llre0 nn " aoor - i
Cull next week and cxMiniue Home ami, for iho preaent, u cmiiiuodioiiM j
genuine nieerncbanm pipva «*»d new i hull above.
limudH of chewing tobacco*. Hi*
‘ • rxb from tb# AUmiUc m»4 <A Xtftru
together wirir-
Scniarrr.ii, M. I)., , motto is “Quick sales and auratl prof- rsbir-ib. I IDgltesl NtarKCi wnw |
Health Otiicer, C. B. 1 its, anU‘never oay die."' It |?££ uu'tn k. w. ^ l. l. cahswzix. j uislied at Closest Figures,
Hay, Brain, Provisions, Etc.
Highest Market Rates paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur-