Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 08, 1881, Image 4

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H. L. HARRIS, Watoh m ftKer cfc Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, G.A.., BASCOJHTAFTLYOffHAlTDA FULLBUPFLY f| STAR” PECTACLES. Watches, Clocks, SILVER PLATED WARE * . / .s % - CUTLERY, Musical Instruments .Mo srauras, PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. Patent Wach Regulator. Can be applied in 5 Minutes TRY' IT! (EnUrgod Twice.) JinablcB anyone to rogulato his own Watch with certainty. All rooiU will be sol,l at tho very lowest market price. ,.liow poods. No trouble to jo5-ly “LI Duck & Co SHIP CHANDLERS AND DEALERS IN The Ladies Store Genera! Provisions. Wo call special attention to our Lubricating and Painters’ Oils, Which will lie of the BEST MATERIAL AND AT -TIIE MOTTO OF- icin’ r. mm & co. WIIOLE6ALL DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED. HAY, Etc. GENERAL COMMISSION MERHANTS ! (1 mills bought and sold on closest lig- urcs. Consignments solicited. ffV Mean /t twines# ! And hope by a study of the wants of our customers not only to keep those we now have hut to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. LOWEST FIGURES. We Will Not be Undersold. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT Will lie our motto. Flore oil Collin's wharf, Bay Street Brunswick, Ga. Drugstore DIXON’S NEW BUILDING, Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, Ga. MRS. M. C. ROWE Again unites the attention of her friend*. and the Lodioa generally, to her anperb assortment of Millinery Goods. And to Uie NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES AND NOTIONS, with which she has enriched her EMBOWERED FISHIOKIBL RESORT! Khe I* constantly receiving tho latest apoiiie* from th« standard emporiums of fashion, »uu confidently assures her friend* that her beautiful selections o HATS, BONNETS, BELTS, BUTTONS, RIBBONS, TIES, | laces & trimmings I liubboi’ and Leather i'aunot bn excelled tn thin or any other city. i .„. ! BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CAlll’ENTEBS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. Satasrah, Florida ui Western Railwat. WITOLZAAUt AND biyail HARDWARE UN and 150 Congrea*. 119 and 151 St. Julian sta. SAVANNAH, GA. Agricultural Implements. FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY'S PLOWS. BlilNLY'S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS. PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. Mmim A specialty, and pcrfuct fits In the newest modes guaranteed. Goods first class, and prices reasonable. bATASUTAH. JUDO 23, 1881. | an AND AFTXB SUNDAY, June 95, Passenger trains on this Boad will run as follows: FAST MAIL. Leave Savannah dally except Sunday at... .1-90 P. M Leave Jeaup *• 3.40 P. M Leave Tcbcauvillo 11 B.OOP. M Arrive at Callahan •• 7.41 P M Arrive at Jackaouville '• 8.40 P M .. .8.49 A M .11.10 AM i .13.35 I* 51 thia train, arriving at Urunawick'C.00 p, n Paaaengera leave Brunswick at 9;3Uaui., arriv. Ing at Savannah 3M p. tn. Paaaengera for Darieu take this train. Paaaengera leaving Macon at 1:00 a. m. (daily in* eluding Sunday) connect at Jeaup with this train for Florida. Paaaengera from Florida by this train connect at Jeaup with train arriving iu Macon at 7:45 v. u (daily including Sunday.) JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah *• 10:30 PM Leave Jeaup •• ,..9:40 AM —• - t m .7:11 AM Leave Toheauvillo Arrive at Callahan Arrive a t Jacksonville •• 8.10 AM Arrive at'Llvc Oak dally (except Sunday).. 10:45 * M Leave Live Oak daily (except Sunday) 2 ;.K) I* M Leave Jacksonville dally at. 5:25 p M Leave Callahan daily at. 5:951* M Leave Tcbcavillo daily at .9:10 P M Arrive Jeaup dally at 11:05PM " ‘-"--at 2;(io A M this train dally between JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Clocks. Watches JESWELR-Y, • Accordeons, Harmonicas, Violin and (inilnr Strlngii. Aim. 5 and 10c Counter Goods f IXX) numerous to mention, to which I iuvil I attention ot my friend* and the public g ’'"a J*DOERFLINGER, Watchmaker and Jeweler m tl ly Bay Street, Brunswick >voil his DRUG NTOIIK I JEKYL ISLAND. run SALE—Tho Northern one-third of raid t!d. situated in Glynn County, Georgia, at . nth of Brunswick fiarhor. The Island abon: rone of all kinds, and for any one desiriu •allhy and valuable Island on tho Georgia cm Is offer* superior Inducement*. For particu] >.| terms ol sale, apply t Sir. David Clark Only Direct Boat SAVANNAH&BRUNSWIGK. LEAVE* HAVANNAH FOB BRUNSWICK EVEBY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. BETURNING, LEAVE BRUNSWICK Tuesday g Friday evening FOR HAVANNAII. inflection at Brunswick with U. *» A. •ml will Mark all through freight Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles; o-h. cowman, AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' Stan d a r.d S c a le s DXJ.P CUSTOMS CELEBRATED POWDER, Together with a full lino of Slielf Hardware, for sale at tho lowest cash prices. PALMKK imoTIIEKS. :tn| 7-ty Mce. Mice. w JETT. T. « LOVER w-tied the store ad)<lning the Pont Ulllce Iruuawltfk as a Stationery, Cook; -—AND — MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT ALSO A Circulating Library, (V»mpr:sln K l*>ok* from tho Wt author*. and hopea.hy prompt and elose attention to hualness. i-onibiiieil with niiHlrrate charges, together ?.iu liC. SI jtoMihlc prl 1 satisfaction to his friend* lly. co selection OEGTTINETTE ! Picture Framing Done on the Shortest Notice ! Note tliv AiUlrci.: Next (lit- l>o«l Office, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Jacksonville. Charleston and Jackson, on and Jackaouville. of can between Savannah and Jackaou- Arrive at Savannah daily At 2;00 A M Palace aloeping c Savannah and Jack \illo. and Macon and Jackaonvlllo. No change of earn between Sevan vlllo and Macon and JackaonviUc. Passenger a leaving Macon 7:30 p m connect at Jem- up with this train for Florida daily. PasaMicera from Florida by (hi* train conneet at Jeaup win train arriving at Macon TKtta m dally. Paaaengera from Savannah for Oalneavillo, Cedar Keys and Florida Transit Boad take thia train. Paaaengera from Savannah for Madison, Mon Hel lo Tallahassee and Quincy take thia traiu. ALBANY EXPRESS. 1:13 P Kcave Tiibcam-fllc daily at 9:311 p n Leave Dupont daily at 11; 15 p n Arrive at Thomaavllie dally at ..'•:00 a n Arrive at JWnbrldgo daily at m.-oo a n Arrive at Albany dally at 8:45 an Leave Albany dally at 1:15 p n Leave Bnluhrldg* dally at ft;13 p n l^ave Thmuasvlllc dally at.. Savannah daily at.. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Albany, and Jackaonvlllo aud Montgomery without change. Connect at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad to aud from Ma* con, Eufaula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orlcaua, etc. Maflateamer loaves Ralnbridgc for Apalachicola aiid Coluiubna every Tuesday and Saturnay. ClGro owuueciioii at JackaouvtUe daily (Suudays excepted) for Ornen Covo Springs, St Aiiguatlue, Palatka »nd Enterprise, aud all landings on St. Johns river. Trains on |J. and A. R. R. leave Junction, goln. 4.40 p.r Through Tickets sold aud Sleeping Car Bertha so ured at Bren's Ticket Ofilce, No. 39 Bull street, aud i Savannah, Florida aud Wcatorn Railway lWea- General Bup*rint*odrpt Brunswick and Albany Rail Road Compan* Change of Kciiedulk. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Bn'-MWicg, Oa. July 10th In"'. O N and after Thursday July loth. 1879. t*’ tralna on this Road will rnn aa follow* WESTWARD BOUND. DAILY. BUXDAY EXCMTKD. Lcavoa Brunswick,.. Alford r,.i’J p.n re at Albany, p.n EASTWARD BOUND. DAILY. SUNDAY XXCXrTXD. Leave* Alhauy.. tuua ti Arrive at Bruuawlck B. D. MEADEB Assistant Hnperintendent. ORDERS SOLICITED. IX GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, RESTl iiitrm.wK'K, (iroikiIA. IM11XA ” U W 1 • The Jewelry Headquarters W.B.Mell&Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in SADDLES&HARNESS, RUBBER ANI) Leather Belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF HKINN, HOLE. HAUNEHi), llRIBI.K, ANI) PATENT LEATH* ER. WHIPS AND SADDLERY WARE. r-1 t.. do all ktm XeweasUa *‘ece : J. Micbclaou k W UUIST'S P1IK8H AND OKNUINE ADDRESS, AUGUSTUS F. FRANKLIN & FIXE GUEEX AXD BLACK TEAS, CO, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, A. JOHNSON, Hoot &Shoe Maker. W ork tlouo us cheaply, ami war- rantiMl to last as loii^r as that of any other Workman in this section. M>-n,lin>/ ilune ui short notice ui NEXT DOUR TO J. F. NELSON ON THE BAY. Frlunoy’s Btoiding. Bay Street, .... Brunswick, Ga. Save Your Money ! BY BUYIXU THE Best tioods at Lowest Prices Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. After *t»ra larlnaed. will chti-rfully attmd any call* for median**, if uotltUd at hi* n*ld«-ine. corn, niotmnd Maurficld •tr«cl*. JAMES T. BLAIN, aiwin-iy DHUGGIST. Travelers Ins. Co., HAItTFOItD. CONN, hilc ami Acciduiit Insuranri'. J.M.Dexter,Insurance Ag't, MORISS LUCREE, WoodTiiining, mo[ldii\i;andsawi^mill. R«>pri-mma the ah ASSETS, - i;? t Urnnuwn'k, Ga. ^r».r,00.000 W. F, DOERFLINGER 11ST TOW1T. C VA.I'l 1.1.1.ruv an.l w.uttr.illr w- JJSWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., t«-patr» of nil Utodadonr an *bart nwllrr nntl -SuiUr.u ilon (iunrnntccd. ##-Boa«' Patcut of HtifTenad back Watchea F. RAY STREET. NewYorkStore, Whcrt tliey have just reeciveil a full su)i]ily of Dry Goods, Notions, CSent’s, Ladies* ami Children'? drr. Wouil Turning u 1 Pattern*. ll<*p«N| a 1 1 Tun WARNKE, MKKC’IIANT TAILOR, Brunswick, Georgia. t Ball*. Indian C'lnbo. Mmiidmtf* Irirruhar, for raponter*. c*b4u.-t ntakrr* and piano I fort# iiunufatturir*: In fact all tr*d#* *ni>plicd in ! th'-ir diffrrvat branchtw. I !«»«• al**i th# nnc*t liu# ot Prackai*. p-tpav lloldt t*. KUpjwt and j HI BRUNSWICK, - GA.'ILE, I OCA I. DENTIST, | Brunswick, - - Georgia. O FFICE over tti.- *t«,r. of JUi*-r A Bro Th.»f wUhiug work *iou.- will find if i BRIDLES, Etc, SUITABLE FOR MILL MEN AND TURPENTINE MANUFACTURERS, A- fSr>ooia,lty. WHITE FOH l’RICES. Savannah, Georgia. H . H. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! HILL’S HEPATIC I'lSMI TIa* aftaliip«l srccom In rt-liuving tho prevalent iliaordi n of tho Liver. It* merit* Juatly eutltio it to tho preferment It receive* over LIVER MEDICINES. in»t u*o«t regularly, and I mbject to the tuiual *ympt< 'r, *o prevalent at thie *^a* c»*t youbnt Hals JnnoA-ly ' r'OES SALE. Lumber Siiinglea, Laths, etc J * u ■fc «n . i ali 1 11 CONSTANTLY RBCKlYlXi r rut tali BnUdtng Lumlx-r • f with Uth*. IVki ► l-iific »H|t*n rd • n the .4d «ti * Ogtctborp*' U«tl ny hU ,r1 - ; FRESH SUPPLIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES. ptmn*. togc-hi rfMim nblcM ikfwiK k* •itrrUI *<nvfl*iit W. F. FENN1MAN, a-JrflS-'.fc Af At (J* inilkta. Oni\vii,.-iit M ({•'MueMi. the | Hsiilmmlv am) the Steaiiilniai*. j Furniture New, Table Good W. C. BEC K 4> CO; ritoriuKTOHs. Hoot and Nlioe Shop ISrOTXCE. rally t CALL AND KXAMINK,*hnunt. a ol l *tand of F. Jo. r gn FIRE INSURANCE 50 CENTS try if. and tow will r.-rtatnlv »— ;.!,a*d with »t»It. Ior*aU hy J. .»! 5|.li)D|:.\, ABSTRRT OF TITLE DOCKS. miU^lk^rdai U ^ 1 i * ,i " lrk ' t and *nlisti|ui-nily brought oablhook iking it * eompl. t« ab«lra. t to Innik T, tho present reecmi book ot th- cunty. with the .-x. rcption of two hook*. R and K. which ab.tract*, aiuc* tho rucent d«-atraction of the recori!*, arr the only data tn relation to tin tith* ol Glynn rounty icd, with the rxcoptiou uf IxMik N 1 with book T. II. haa .rpcnnl an H AVINii .. ,cr.i: I J. DEXTER, j INSURANCE AGENT, I). A. AlOOItK. II.VIM)XV AUK a. sti7\ V>, uaiu- d, with tbv exception^o wvcil with book T. He haa o,.. ill ktep it upon for examination o ipeuaarion, aa per aebodnleof f«* m of. '. the examination to be <«ly of tl»o Utlo, ami any .« •*- | 0 be paid f.,r acparat. ly. C. P. GOODYEAR IM-w. IPoAr*. IWkrl M N *h A Table 4iU% >«*•. Fialair*. ■nip*. k*i*«iar frwkrry, ALardOII, U IIOVT A tO. r Fir- ln.«i j Manhattan Fire ln*ui ■ Watertown Fire 1m I C.iinmbu* Imrnt | MrrhautnhMtxhu.u*! Insurant-.' on dwelling ! town if coantry legal opinion tb< J >4-1, ^.M.oc.oooiDr7W. B. BURROUGHS, Anu rica.l htl |8>*f.UU0 | „ , „ . . . . York drSui.ono j Real DtatA and fmarance Airnit. '•SSSibayst., - - Brunswick, o*. t Co. X Y w«.u*ij * i tVmp.N. Y.. 8U).i«o Refer-'nee*. Aivaoiiah Bank and TnwtCumtiaay. 4uml.n*.Mto* 4».«« I Ftr>t National B.nk Ma.-on.Oa. for rity projierty M-Lttt | CtCido c^uot' •evoral tmali and .to