Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 15, 1881, Image 3

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BRUNSWICK MARKET, OFFICE ADVERTISER AND APPEAL. Bsmonncx, Ga., October £?, 1881. Belov we quote prices current for to-cUy: COTTON. Middling Fair Oood Middling L_ MIMfhg 10 Low Mi&UiDg ...10 OoodOrdiosry Ordinary BICE. Common 6 Fair O' Oood. TXfcfK Rough country.. NAVAL 8TORE8. Rouxs—D I2.00QS.05, E 02.06Afl.10, F 81.10, 82.10. H 83.80,1 8l30a|3J0.K8180#33.81K l 82.87K. N 83.37y„ window glass 84.00 8n*m Tcxrnms*—Oils snd whiskeys, 46c; reg ulars, 47c. 8UPPLIE8. Bacon—<Clear rib sides, 12^c; shoulders, 9%c. hams, 18c; dry salted clear rib sides, ll^c;loog 18c; dry i clear, 11c; should) Oiuix—Corn—white 97c, mixed 80c; oats, 57}{0: rs.B^c. -white 97c, CO; bran. fl.85. 1I*T—Northern, 81.20081.23; Eastern, 81.08 Western timothy 81.35. Laxd—In tierces, 13,'fo; kecs sad tubs. 13Kc. FLoca—Superfine, 80 60@c 75': extra, 87 oca—Superfine, 80 00@8 751 extra, 87 Wil family, 88 50@9 00; fancy, 810 00010 00; bak< 88 00089 25. nmxa. Wool, Etc.—Bides, dry flint. I3)£c; salted 9)401l^c. Wool—Unwashed, free of burrs, prime lots, 27@28^c; burry wool, 10018c. Tallow, 0c: xNx 30c; deer skins, 35c; otter skins, 83c$g8 00. NAVAL 8TORE8 FREIGHTS. Sail—Rosin and spirits, 8s. 9d.05s. 9d. to Unitod Kingdom or Continent direct; to New York. 40c “ rosin, COc on tpirita. Mean—To New York, rosin 30c, spirits 80e; Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 40c, spirits 75c; to Boston, rosin 45c, spirits Now Advertisements. d. w. h, parsons, PAINTER. HOUSEAND SIGN PAINTING, DECOBlTIIB,KutOIIIII8,FllESCOII8t6>lllllS Promptly executed in the latest styles. ZFOZES SALE. I offer for sale my property on Bt. Simons Island, consisting of two seres of land, a handsome ono*sto* ry residence (Are rooms), kitchen and other neces sary ont-bnlldlogs, snd another amaU houae on the premises, which I rent. Also, my store building— with or without stock—a good bust ness stand. AH wlilbeaoldat very low figure*. lamdetenni to sell, aa I wish to retire. OITATIOHT. STATE OF GEORGIA—County or OLYXX Catharino Aymar having applied to be appointed guardian of the peraona and property of Lluie L. Aymar and Maggio O. Aymar, minors, under four, toen years of age, both rsiddsnts of said county, this la to cite all peraona concerned to be and appear at th next term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for aald connty on tbo first Monday In Novem ber next, and ahow cause, if any they ran, why said Catharine Aymar should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the persons and property of mid Lizzie L. Aymar and Maggie C. Aymar. Witness ray official slgnstnrn thU October 5th, 1881. T. O'CONNOR. />., Clerk Sapor tor Court, and cx-officio Clerk of Ordi nary, Glynu County, Georgia, Dr. A. D. GALE, LOCAL DENTIST, BRUNSWICK,, - GEORGIA. Those crest to aepl-tf Hardware, Staves, Plows, I’OC'KET AND TABLE CUTLERY. TINWARE. DOORS. HASH. GLASS, PUMPS, CROCKERY, L. D. HOYT & Co. mart-1 y £dvwti$cr nnd AT BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15,1881. HOME MATTEB8. Foul Office Time T*We. General Delivery opens 8:00 x. doses 8:00 r.»i, Register and Money Order Business opens 9:00 a, close* 5:00 r. u. B. k A. mail closes 8:15 „ „ M. k B. mail closes 9:00 a. m. Savannah, Macon tad Darien through pouches close at 7:00 r. M. lie admlnUtemd his l'caar, Horsmx Co., Ga., Jan. 28,1880. Iu 1873 there were two negroes confined in Jal be-ily afflicted with Syphilis. In my official capon, ty 1 employed a T. Swift to cure them, nuder a c«m '‘Syphilitic Hpecifl bound io iiay him c had effected a c Chattanooga. Ten.. Feb. 14.1872. The 8. 8. 8. is giving good aatisfaetion. One gen tleroan, who has been confined |o his l»od if* week with Syphilitic Rheumatism has been cured entire ly, and speaks in th; highert prsii la n I a, Hold by Mcu’s Friend, Sold by sll druggists. Call for a ropy of "Young The Best Place! THE JEWELRY HEADQUAR TERS OF W. F. DOERFLINGER. la the Dost Place of the Kind, in every respect, EfcT TO'WLT. (hill and examine his large snd lietHtifiilly select* ed stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., Which has just arrival and is Iwiug soldatkiw prices. IIepiilrs of nil kinds douron short notice • nd Sni Infliction (ixaraaierf. Mir Boss* Patent of Htlffened-back Watches made AKpeclalty. W. F. DOERFLINGER, Agent. Monk street, new hotel bull) f-bl-ly Monk street, new hotel bnlldlng, Brunswick, Georgia. m £3 mcnvBS FOB THE CURB OF Cancer, Colds and Coughs, Manufactured from Vegetable Matter only, and for Dr. L. HEINS, BRUNSWICK. GA. ftd'Day Htr< ct. 3 doors from Hotel. octS-3m Tax-l’iiycrs, Take Notic!! e and County for to-- yoar DM: ltrmuwkk, Sept, 20 and 31, Oct. 3 ami 4. a>4 14 * Bt. Bimooa MiRa, 8rpL^2X_a^Oct. 6 and 17. R. M. TIBON. T. C.. O. C. /, COOYHTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RRCN8WICK, GEORGIA. Office, next to VXIUMJX x>l AmxL l'Aiding. Mr. E. C. P. Dart was elooted, with out opposition, on Saturday last, to tbo office of Ordioary. Houses wnntod is still the cry. Got that stock company togotbor at once and build us souio more houses. The Baptist Association embraces tbo fourth Sabbath in this month.— Quito a number of visitors is expected at that time. Mr. D. T. Dunu is erecting a ucat store and quite a number of cottages iu the neighborhood of the Risley school house. Freah anpply French Candloa, two caaea At cigan, Juat come to baud at A. E. HEINS'. Havo you registered ? If not, read the notico from the Clerk aud Treas urer, else you may have no vote when election day arrives. Mabmed.—Buchanan—Davis—O n the 9th iust., by Rev. A. C. Ward, Mr. Garnett A. Buchanan of this city, and Miss Dora Davis, of Atlanta. Althongh Mr. A. V. Wood shipped $31,000 worth of naval storos last weak, yon scarcoly perceive any dim. inntion in his stock on hand. So far three thousand halos of cot ton have keen shipped through our port this season. So much for that blessed institotion called tbo Railroad Commission. Ten Barrel* of the flnezt applet ever ihipped to Brunswick, Just received at A. E. HEINS’. Messrs. Dunu & Co. knvo n lnrgo advertisement in this issue. Tho lato- ness of the hour at which it was re ceived renders a more extended notico impossible. President Wood informs us that in about two weeks tho skating season nt L’nrioso Hull will bo formally opened with n grnml masquerade skating carnival. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt will ploaso accept onr tbnnka for generous slices wodding cake Bent us "to dream May their table ever bo spread with the good things of this world. Tbo mombers of the proposed club will moot, for the purpose of organi zation, at 7:30 o'clock, r. m. on Mon day the 17th iust., on tho upper floor tho Dixou building on Newcastle streot. Thousauil Stilk* Greou Cane juat received A. E. IIKINm’. A protracted meeting lms boon held this week in both tho Methodist and Baptist churches of this city. Rev. Mr. McGee, of Thoinnsville, arrived Thursday evening last to assist Mr. Myers. Mr. John Fitzgerald advertises his business stand and residence on St. Simons Island. Mr. F. wishes to soli iu order to retire, which fact speaks well for this placo as a busi ness stand. Wo would cull your attention to the card of Mr. D. W. H. Parsons, paint er, which nppeurs iu this issue. It will ho seen that Mr. Parsons is pre pared to do anything needed in the painting line. The police are now busily engaged in collecting tho anutiul assessment upon the tnnlo portion of onr inhabit ants for tbo privilege of walking our streets, aud the usual number of meaningless threats of not paying the same is, we presume, indulged in. On and after Sunday next services will bo conducted in tho Presbyterian church, of tbia city, regularly, by Rev. L W. Waddell, who arrivod on Thurs day morning last, accompanied by bis wife. For tho present they will nmko their home at Mrs. Reagan’s hoarding house, on Union street. Jurt received at A. E. HEINS', a Art ah RUST-PROOF SEED OATS! RUST-PROOF SEED OA FEED OATS. MEAT, MEAT, Lv£E-^.Xj I FEED OATS. FEED OATS. MEAT, MEAT! Iv£E-^3Lr! FLOUR [nil grades], HAMS, LARD, SALT, GRIST, and all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will be sold as cheap ns tho cheapest. Communications addressed to me at Albany or Brunswick will be answered promptly. ' J. R. FORRESTER. J*. K.. INTIGrHTEIV GtAT-jFi, Agent at Druuswick. i j-/ 5-g o fi o s p *§ ** s-5. B 5 © 3 e 2 xii H > 33 W Sc Soscib 2 O s-q _Sg.®S.S ns £ asdoaO S' OH BJ Jl O M- •o 03 50 *©§r§ H *-r=i &=> s'* W 55 88 5' ® > » n g s % o pcc 7 I III the Council was at it, they might as well had finished up tho job nnd abol ished it altogether. The limit is now so small thnt all new buildings will go np just out side of it Onr sug gestion, iu a recent issno, is tbo only trne solution of this problem, nnd the sooner we get to it the better. The steamship City of Dallas, of Mallory’s lino to this port, has been Mr. W. A. Fuller returned to the Island last Friday morning, and left Tuesday morning for a short trip to the camp of the Georgia Laud and Lumber Co., Telfair county, wbero be will remain a few days. Wo learn be will return here for a few weeks, nnd of Soda Crackers, Butter Scotch. Cocoonut Suapo, Ginger Snaps, Egg Jumbles, Oyeter Crackera. Lem on Wafers, etc. The best evidence of the growth of onr city and its awakening from its Rip Van Winkle sleep, is the fact that the city has not advertised a single lot for sale this year for taxes. How many cities iu Georgia can say as much. Iu former years we bavo bad as much os $200 for advertising un- reiurned property alone. This year wc did not get as many cents. Not long since we mentioned that our handsomest young typo had re ceived a letter from an nnmarried la dy friept with the stamp put ou obliquely, aud that the in formation removed eud the City of S«u Antonio then go North ..gain for jrart of his substituted. In the advertisement of the line tbo natno of tho Dallas still appears, as the iufomatiou was fur nished us too late for tho change to bo made in this issue. Captain Hines, formorly of tho Western Texas, has been transferred to tho San Antonio, and Captniu Risk, of the Dallas, now is iu command of tho Western Texas. I smoke, you smoke, he smokes; we smoko, yon smoke, they smoke; and Goodbread’8 is tho placo to get the ci gars, for ho can suit everybody. His goods run from the two-for-five-eeut “Smoker’s Delight” to the fifteen cent “La Gloria do Cuba,” whose delicious perfumes causes even tho ladies to sniff tho air. Resides, lie has genu ine meerschaum pipes jmd cigar hol ders, and elegant smoking tobaccos, and is daily adding new brands to his already full stock. Six years ago we began to talk to the people of this city about the true way to build up, viz: do two things— wait no longer for otbors to como here and build us up, but begin the work oqrselves, and keep down the the price of lota. We lmd hoped onr voice had been heeded, for onr own people had put shoulders to the whoel and ac complished much, and in addition to this, lots had ranged quite reasona ble, but wo now fear part of onr ad vice has been lost, for wo understand lots are going right straight tip again to fancy prices; in some cases, 100 i>cr family, who nro expected to return to the Island about December 1, for tho winter. Mr. J. D. O’Connor, our St. Simons water advocate, is building a now wa ter boat for supplying the Back rivet ships the coming winter. She is be ing built on the old ways of the steamer Ruby, aud will bo nbout thir ty feet long, with sufficient bourn to enable her to carry sail, nnd wo may yet see John “monarch of nil he sur veys.” Drig llosella Smith sailed Friday last for Rueuos Ayres with u cargo of about 103,000 feet. We hope soon to see Cnpt. Pen field back, ns be expects to run iu the South American trade. Cupt. H. O. Gaul, of the well known brig Lizzie Wyman, was ou the Is land on Monday, looking fornebnnee A Plena*nt Oooaaion (lor u» On last Monday night a little party of friends made a descent upon the castle of tbo editor, and, by reason of the suddenness of tho attack, gained an onsy victory over tho ininntcs and defenders, and formally took posses sion. Appreciating tho fact that the best way to keep in the good graces of any individual or individuals is via the pulatc, the editor • proceeded to bold nu inventory of bis pantry, but, of course, ns in the case of old Mother Hubbard, “the cupboard was bare,” and it wns therefore impossible to spread the royal feast dietat4?d by the hospitublo mind of the poverty-strick en ink-slinger. After the first hurst of grief at so melancholy a state ol affairs, bo tearfully returned to the nsbombly, thereby coming in forcible contact with a well-filled busker, which bad, in some unaccountable manner, been placed iu the door-way. His joy at this discovery was only equaled by the alacrity with which that basket was confiscated and the con touts placed nt the dispo.^nl of the assembly, together with the editor’s contribution to the repast, u pitcher of cold water. This is indeed n green rq ot in the humdrum of I'ditorinl life, and it is H. L. HARRIS, tfc Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, &A.., HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY SPECTACLES Watches, clocks, JESW33LRY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments ,'iXO STMIJVGS. to come It) St. Simons next trip. Oeruinn bark Marco Polo arrived pl^t‘<> be 'ible to record tli-joy- heru last Saturday eve, from “ that U-e marntes ,.f our bouse York, making the passage iu seven have not beeu hungry since, the only Jays, Laving been hove to some time! l 0,tl10 coutcul " "" l ,a , ,a in the lute storm off Hattcras. A local punster recently remarked that the most appropriate method of annihilating the nsKUMin of our Pres ident would bo to “strangle him with u Guitar string." We boast of some brilliant wits ou the I*luud. The stenmer Willie W., Cnpt. Hop kins, of Darien, stopped nt the Island a few moments on Monday, having made the trip from that point iu cent, has been added to former value, three and one-half hours. or rather to former prices. Such pol- iev is , : nicidal Tho Urun^wiok Improvement C«* We iuvito the calm and careful con aide-ration of a letter iu this issue signed “Observer"—an amplification of views expressed in a former letter. It affords food for thought to all well wishers of Brunswick. In the main we agree with the ideas expressed, and we suggest that owners of real estate and town commons leave nt this office lists of lots or land, from one lot or one acre to any higher num ber that they will put into such a com pany properly organized. We suggest, also, that county ns well ns city prop erty be put in. There is hardly iii.y who lias not some amount, large or small, of city or county property thnt he could place with sticli Sieamer David Clark arrived hero at 2 a. m. Wednesday, having left Da rien the night previous at five, but, owing to a heavy wind, was blown np in the marsh. When she arrived at this point she had a hole in her boil er, nnd laid here the most of tho tiny repairing same. Wo h*q>o to see tho Bridgeton out on Sunday next, with Cnpt. Fitz iu command. We will then he able to nmko some time. Ki vt> Morn Hnvetl. We are pit-nsed to state that five more of tho unfortunate crew of the Spanish Imrk Mauuella are safe. They were picked up on Frying-pan Shoals iu the mouth of the Satilla river, by the steam-tug Win-penny. Mean while Mr. Turrits, the Spanish consul Tit this port, had Kent out Cnpt. Char ley Alexander, of tho yacht Rotscy, iu search of them nnd found them ou bio being three bars of soap. The fuel that this is the second time with in a week that we have been the re cipient of a gift of soap leads us to fehr that there is a hidden lucuiiiug attached thereto. Wo hope not, how- J. IC. l''oivhtt'i'. This gentleman 1ms n large new ad- vertisinent in this issue to which it will not bo necessary to call attention. Mr. Forrester has for some time Iwon engaged in the wholesale nupply and grocery business in our city, and has worked np an immense trade in tbo articles iu which lie deals. We rec ommend Mr. F. to any one not already acquainted with his record as a suc cessful and coni|«4‘teut bus*ine88 man, and one who will give satisfaction to his owu detriment. Mr. J. K. Night engale, the head of the Brunswick house, is a polite and obligitig gentle man, and one with whom to do a bus iness is a real pleasure. Hi* reputa tion also extends over a largo Neojmof country contiguous and tributary to tiiis place. Patent Wach Regulator. Cun be applied in 5 Minutes TUYtRsHaRt IT!' (EaUrjcd T«ke.) Enables anyone to rcgnlato bis own Wutcb with certainty. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. All kooiIs will lie soli) nt tbe very loweit market price, slum goods. No trouble to . jo6-ly Brunswick & AlbanyRailr’d time: table. Takes Kllcet Monday, October 3d, 1S81. TRAINS GOING WEST. RAY STREET. puny, which he cannot sell ami h pay taxes upon. We suggest, too, | lw » r ‘l the tu tf uml bought them to thnt any who will take cash subrerip- 1 Drunswii k. Iwo of the crew are still lions, ou terms proposed iu iotb-r, of “dssiug. limy were in the bow of $25 00 per si litre, leave their nanicv v »**el when she broke iu three and numbers of-slmres they will take l»«*" « n ‘ l w, * rc “ ever fro,u af - at this office. tenvnrd, so the presumption is they ... j went down at that time. One little IlitukuMK'k« Ar»:»ly*iM j incident that has been told Of we j ArnoUK tin: valuable books *c have ' can't torliear to mention: An English tbat, according to stamp language, ita! be*,, „b!e to pernso lately, w« know j and a German vessel were lying in interpretation wos ''I sigh for thee" 0 , nonu wu recommcu.l more | tbe St. Andrews sound when tbisboat I had caused biin to rejoice exceeding- highly to the- student of the scriptures I 0,on K’ a . ll<1 althongh all manner | than the above. It i. replete with in-i ^"rfSJJi/SfmkA ITtbem'Trom the I Fumitlire NeW, Table GOOd terest and complete it* every particu-1 Hides of their vessels, but offered no [ The English vessel, wo BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convenient to liiidincBH, tbe Railroads and tbe Steamboats. L. 3:00 a a L 0:00 L 0:37 I,. 7:10 L 8:10 L. 8:37 U 9:30 L. 10:23 L. 11:12 I. 12:10 L 12:27 i'll Is 1:10 L 2:U I,. 2:30 L 3:33 L. 3:52 L 4:21 L. -4:50 L. 5:37 L. 0:20 A 7:<K) I’ASSKN- I jg ciEIl NO. 1 3 I.E.VVE. I * STATIONS. 1:00am ~]JmuNsWicK... gj I PA88F.N- FREIGHT 3 GKR .NO. 1. * | LEAVK. No. 4. 0:30 10:22 10:40 11:20 11:41 12:201-: 12:41 1:14 * 2:10 t 2:20 2:47 3:23 3:30 4:21 4:33 4:53 >:12 5:35 7 151 111 JAMAICA 25WAYNESW1LLK.. 32 LULAT0N.. 45HOBOKEN SOSCHLAT’RVILLE.. 00,WAY CROSS.., 07| WARES BORO. 78; MILLWOOD... 00 PEARSON 03 101 112 122 130 133 139 145 0:01 A 0:30 KIRKLAND WILLICOOCHEK. ALAPPA1IA BROOKFIELD TIKTON RIVERSIDE TYTY ALFORD ISABELLA j 20; 10:16 DAVIS 10 9:35 EAST ALBANY 1 I 9«)a>i L. 0:20 L. 5:43 L. 5:10 I* 4:10 L.3:60 L. 3:05 L. 2.00 1*1:14 1*12:10 I* 11:48 1*114)6 I* 10:15 I* 9:22 I* 8:40 I* 8:15 L. 7:44 L. 0:20 I* 535 I* 5:00 am It. D. MEADER, Superintendent Approved: CHARLES l* SCHLATTER,Gent Manager. Chess, Carley & Co. -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVE STORE SUPPLIES, ly. Sinco that time, however, he has convinced, very runcli against bin will, that the true meaning ht “I am en- j ar> With this work in bau gaged,” and now he no longer sighs for a furlough. Tbo fire limit !m* l>eeu drawn in considerably, as will be seen by ordi nance published iu this issue. While l van ; lUiKixtance _ in a moment Bud anything tlm Bible I nndcratuiiit, had nu crew aboard, on- contains. Mr. A. A. Andrew* is tlm t|.« C«|Hnin, Ida wife and a cook . . , ... j prolmbly, l»ut Urn other was well agent for the work and Ima been ran- nmnne< i. These fuels wo get through Tossing tbe town for subscribers with tin. Spanish consul, who has been oor success. Secure the book if possible ! interpreter IF. C. BECK dr CO., PROPKIETOItS. -TOGETHER WITH- Hay, grain, Provisions, Etc. Higbeat Market Rate* paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur nished at Closest Figures. ,