Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 22, 1881, Image 3

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Ladiog who appreciate elegance am) parity nro using Parker's Hair Bal sam. It is tho best article {or restor ing gray hair to its original color and beauty. octl-lm Now Advertisements. Notice to the Public. JEtoTin* this dmy bought ont the Interest of Mr. T. O Connor, Jr.. In the Grocery Business, Kewesstle •trsot, Issks continuance of the kindness hereto- fore bestowed on the old firm. „ , ALBEBT E. WENZ. Brunswick. Os« Oct. 30. 1881. TO RENT. .. For H 1 ? Wlnt * r w ***** flnUhed or onflnUbed, the well known snd Attractive Residence ofJ.B.Bo.t„icfc Rent Moderate to »*»lrv ble tenant. Oc NOTICE. In sccordsnce with an set of the Legislature of ■Georgia, passed at its last session, defining th*man ner iu which an election shall be held In Glynn wnty to determine If spirituous liquors shsli b< sold in said county, at election shall bo held at the .. •- . — o^unty oa election precincts InOly Saturday. Nov. 19th, 1881. Those in favor oi restricting tbs sale of liquors* except for medicinal or mechanical purposes, will vote " RESTRICTION?’ and those opposed to same will voto "NO RESTRICTION.“ $''dvftttger and Sppcal FCBUSHW) *VK»T SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. GEOROIA. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 33,1881. HOME MATTERS* Pont Office Time Table* General Delirery opens 8:00 a. M.ielosssBiOOrjc Register snd Monty Order Basinets opens 9:00 a. *.[ closes 0:00 r. x. TIME OP CLOSING THB MAIM. St. Simons mail cloaca 8:36 a. m B. k A. ttSU d< M. k B. mail doses 9.-00 a. Savannah, Macon and Dtrion through pouches close at TOO Brnuswick, October 20, 1881. II. A. KENRICK, Clerk. Fifty Tubs SELECT— Goshen Butter, roll 8ALE AT LOW FIGURES, A. F. Franklin & Co Grand Opening OF WINTER GOODS SUCH PRICES NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! Black and colored Caahmeroa from 28oto 11.5 Colored Bilk* olid Katina at 50c and upwards. Black Milk* from 40c to #3 50. New Urocado HUka k fringe* ii rlptlona. i complete line of men’* i 35c upwards, Orna- ladles', inisses' and tho flnest. A full line of Ribbons, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Bed Hprcads and Hbauis in' ery. and s beautiful Hue of presn , Holidays. DOLLS Impartial direct from Kteluhardt. Jacob Cohen’s, 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. fobS-ly List oritoalstered Voter** for tlio Nluitlc- Ipal Election to be held on the 10th Day of Hereinbor, 1881, np to aud In rinding Oct. 10, 1881. n, Vu Abbott. Wlby H Brewster. I* W Bolt, T W lllain. J T Ilricseiilck. It K Bennett. JAM Byrd, C W Briosenick, Krucst Beach, J L Borchardt, A Itorchanlt, Hatuucl Brocklugtun, H A Braxton, A Host wick. Jit Blue, Prank Brock, T W Bird, Henry Bailor, Edward C A J W H Carswell, E It Bunkloy, Samuil lllain. W H Barth: tt, Paul Cooticr, John Crovatt. V Christoplu Dillon. D Jas Dunn. U T Dorillion, Tboiu&j Doerilinger, C J Davis, J B ree,LT Davis, L U Duns, D T -vatt. William pner, M .1 . T K J tart, Urbanus Jr jurilllon, TUoma. Doerdlogcr. W P Davis, David Davidson, Da*.d E«sus, Wm p.-ars, Eugaoius Poley. Daniel Freeman. Glover prankiin, A P Goodbread, T B un-cn field, Blub) Goodbread, H T Grant, Joseph H Uouston, lu Houston, 11 U Hibbard, Columbus Ifackett, W A Harmon. F P Harrison. J T Uay wood, A M Uirach, B*.-nj lolly, j M Carter. W if *n, M J Carswell. K11 r, George Creamer, 1* H Dupree, LT Davis, L B Daley. D w Doerilinger, P J farmer, uoui ruuniers.TS Frazer, Thomas Puller. W A Hoyt. L D Holland, W A Harris. W II _- T . Hodges. GD II- ins,L< opld Harris, Edward Hlne, H L Hughes, I’oyton Harris, P If Hall, O J Holmes, Dompsey Uarimit, Tbos Harris. Cbas. U-dzendorf, l*.U. Uolzuudorf it B J Johnson, Alfred Jacksou, Wm Jours, W T K Knight. A A Seat.* Butler Kay, W E McKinnon, Warren Merrifleld, O 11 Moors, D A Rov. S. Lttudrtim will fill tins Pres byterian pnlpit to-morrow (Sunday) night (D. V.) Irishmen squash at HEINS', ou the Bay. Elsewhere will bo fonnd tho regia try list for 1881. If yonr name is not there, have it entered at once. Messrs. Ang. F. Franklin A Co. aro offering to-day fifty tubs choice Gos hen batter at low prices. See ad. Seven pounds coffee, GOOD BIO, for #1.00; good turns. IS cents, per pound; Edom cheese, nice snd good at , MOORE A McCRARVS. Tho Altainaha rice this season bears off tbo palm, commanding bettor pri ces than any other in Savannah mar ket. Wednesday night’s down psssongor from Macon was hours behind time owing to a rnu off in the yard nt Macon. Our advertising rates for Inrgo ad vertisers are probably the lowest in this soction of the Stato, hence our in creasing patronage. We ask our lady friend* to call and exaiuloo tho lovely ribbons at J. Micbelson A Bro.'s. It Messrs. Dnck k Co. are doing good bnsincss in pniuts, oils, otc.— They now represent and offer for sn!o tho New Jersey onnmel paint. See notice of house to rent by J. R. Bostwick. It is one of tho most at tractive places in tho city and can bo had either furnishod or anfnrnishod. Jesnp Sentinel: BranBwiek is talk ing businoss, and it tbo suggestions of “Obsorver” nro heeded, tbo time is not far distant when she will bo on n boom. I*, w. t. »t ooi.ns.Miin * co. s. Wo congratulate our colorod towns man and subscriber John Ward on bis luck iu securing the contract of painting the now ware house at Way cross. He will be engaged there for about two months. If you want sugat, coff*. bacon, flour, molaaae* * tutor ' ' * ~ A Daily Paper. We aro repeatedly naked why we do not ran n daily. Two gentlemen have approached us on tho subject thiswook, and offoredto take ilvo cop ies between them, and asked ns to stir-Uio subject a bit and sec tho feel ing of onr people. To this end, then, we make this proposition: If we can securo ono hundred subscribers, at *5 each, without decreasing the present weekly circulation thereby, and a fair prospect of advertising, we will make the attempt; or, we will do so anyway for ono hundred and fifty subscribers, irrespective of such decroaso of week ly subscribers. Of course, at $5 each, and with such a limited number, wo could not be expected to furnish any thing very elaborate. It would nec essarily bo small at first, but largo enough to fill our proseut needs.— Thoro is no donbt of tbo fact that wo need a daily and ongbt to have one. Onr sister city Albany supports such an institution—why eauuot we ? Show your foolfngs by your acts. Wo stand ready to do our pnrt. Give us your name. The cheapMt pl»<-o la Bruntwlck to bui lt Ooldamitb A Co.'a. The M- Si. K. Knilroad. Notwithstanding the rumors niloat about the Above road, the work of ex tension goes ou nil the same. The Brunswick extension goes bravely for ward, and daily can bo seen from our docks tho iron horso hauling earth out upon th© marsh for the upper depot The company havo just concluded a contract with Messrs. Littlefield A Ti- son for a ten-year loaso of a new de pot and warehouse to be erected by them on Bay street, in front of thoir present wharf. Tho building will bo two bnndrod feet long and forty feet wide, with eight-foot piazza or shed all aronnd and a track front aud ronr. Bo much for this end. Tbo lino from Macon to Romo is uuder contract, and going forward as fast as 5,\)00 mon can pash it, nnd steel rails aro contin ually arriving for the same. The truth is that things have progressed too far now to be abandoned, even to pleaso Mr. Wadley or the L. A N. On Ota' iini’kld glove* at #1 u)an<! *1 tin t J. MICHKLSON A UKU.’H. r other good t . Moore. J C Marlin, L C Mlnnhan. Jnre Mclntoeh, 0 11 Marlin. J H 5as* 0 ui. Jnre . . Mallory. Robert McCrary, H H Mi >n. Gil Merritt, Ririiart! Meyer*. Iaaac Myen, G U Meyer*, Iaaac __ Mitchell, V It MlehcUoo. Morria Madden, J M MurrUob, John Middleton, Waal* Moore, W 0 Header. It D Minor, J U Palmer. James RoMnaon. II B Jr Rowe, William Schlatter, C L Jr Shannon. Mattow f Treadwell, fl IJ UDch. Philip Yandnlly. John Wright, Oilman Pracr. Prank l'utuam, A V r u llnliiM Rainey. Rnaaril. C A 8 Sowell, Peter H.»rMI, M J Simmon*. Lewis hUujr, T U Soven, Pompejr Short, A L Sasmtcrs, Dock Kymoaa, W t T Tattnall. Harry Tabbot t. J W Jam.-* Want, A C Wilson* Charles Wru*. \ K . Wimberly. U U Way. C P WilUt.wu Wri*M.Lu w.r, w i IXHtS Uuiwrusr. Clerk Cuuttil Tho now Snnbury Association con vonea in tbo Baptist cbntcb of this city to-day (Saturday) at 9 a. oponing sorvicos by Rov. A. C. Ward. Rev. Dr. S. S. Landrum will preacb a missionary sermon to-morrow at 11 o'clock. Tbo publio aro cordially in vited. Iwcot pot*tot*, only 20ct« per puck, at HKINS'. The M. B. B. B. has oi>cnod a new ticket ofilce iu tho Nulsuu IIouho. This is a step forward. Tho old plun was simply abominable. Now for that union passenger shod aud freight de pot aud the whole thing will be com plete. All mail matter for Macon and Sa* vannah, nnd points beyond can bo sent through on night trains on M. iV B. Railroad, oa well as by the day trnins. Mail mutter for ull way sta tions go forward ouly by day truius. Laillw), fo toJ. Mlchelaon A Bro.'s and xecni b of those nice goMsincr water proof cloaka—m #8 to ti SO u Onr public schools arc full. Three hundrod and saveuty pupils in all: oighty-slx males and ono hundred and four females, iu white schools, nnd six ty five males and one bnndrod aud fifteen females in colored school.— Thoro are five teachers iu tbo white and throe in tho colored schools. Fresh. Bon* 1»«* Uodllih, only Diets pur pound at HEINS'. Ono of tbo most attractive places in town after nightfall is tho now Dixon building, occupiod by Mr. J. T. Blain and Messrs. Glover k Co. Bulb es tablishments aro handsomely lit np, besides being models of neatness and beauty. Wo wish both firms un bounded success. Beautiful «ll'f cord and taa*elf for only 75c aud #1 (JUat J. MICUELSON k B1UV8. Few mon havp over como among us who seemed to tako hold of our peo- pcoplo tuoro readily than tho now agent of the M. A B. Railroad at this point, Mr. R. A. Tarver, from Mont gomery, Ala. Quiot and uuostoutn- tious, he goes forward iu tbo dis charge of bit* duties, and by bis cour teous demeanor gitiiiH the respect and ostoem of all who coin© in contact with biin. Thu be*t Avu-ernt ct^ar In Hrnnawick at ttold- A Sin There is a girl in Glynn county who has hud oightecn different lovers, and not one of them over got his arm artffind her. She weighs 383 pounds. —Darien Gaz< e. In tho language of " X,” of Lees burg, we " repell tho alligation, and hurl it bnck in the teeth of tho alliga tor,” as no Glynn county miss would permit hor own or any other girl’s lover to place his arms around her, and, besides, tho boys have such a sens© of propriety that they do not care to iudulgo in such outlandish amusements, but prefor to Kit in st- lenco and gazo iu admiration upon the object of their affections. Brother Grubb cuu easily satisfy himself ns to tho truth of our remarks by asking any of the boys. He certainly ought to know from his own experience how courtship is carried on in Glynn Pour boxi-i laabull t Grap. *, flu*- variety, ccota pur pouud, at ui A III*' Out. There's on exhibition at the Cutton Exposition among tho exhibits of the American Saw Company, of Trenton, N. J., tho i.lcuticul saw said to be used by J. J. McDonough, No. <>, M ,t B. U. R., iu cutting 17(1,990 feet of lumber iu fifteen hours run Thi* seems almost incredible when think bow many logs had to he anil bullied iu that time It menus au average of a log every two min utes. Tho best wc havo over known before was a fraction over 100,000 feet in ton hours, by two cireulura und a gang. If any saw mills in this section can como up to thin, wo should like to hear from them. Tho Brunswick Improvement Oo. Editor Advtrtieer and Appeal: As n practical way to tost public sentiment iu thia matter, it is suggest ed that owners of land leave at tbo Ad- vebtisEu and Aiteal office lists of lots or land they will put into such a com' pnny, properly organised, or amounts of cash subscription they will give— Should it bo easier to do bo,they might cncloso descriptions of iaud or state ments of amount of cosh subscrip tions in tbo mail, addressed “Observ er,’ 1 Brunswick, Ga. Tbo majority of the Town Commons, which wore con voyed to tho bondholders and arc non taxable, can be obtained probably.— One gontlomen has already offorod a bloek of lots with a good house on it. At least, twenty mon have told the writer tbut they approve of the plan proposod and will put in some land, It would ho necessary for payment of taxes upon land, that at ten per cent annual calls on cash subscriptions, at least one-half as largo cash subscrip tions bo made as aro tnado in land to moot tuxes, etc. The importance of this plan to onr city, and especially to onr laud own ers, cannot well ho over-estimated.— It is auotber form of corporate offort, having in view, upon a broader scalo, tho samo objects ns a building and loan association. No proporly con dnetod building and loan association fails, nnd they have built up hundreds of towns which nover could have boon bailt by individual effort. Indeed, a building and loan association is ncod- od, nnd ought to bo stnrtcd and work sido by sido with this plan for tho im provement of Brunswick nnd tho prof it of stockholders. Will not some good mon take hold of oncii of those plans and insure their success ? At least, the lutters already written should afford food for thought, aud call out tho views of thoughtful frionds of Brunswick in our homo pa- por. OnsEnvKB. Them i* aomn.aat •factioa In I ratling with • flrut- Im* hotiKo. If you want to buy vo«xii* at low uric- » *lui gut llOUMt Weight tllil full IB^MUIt*. Goto o Ul«m 11 h ACo.'s rt !<•»,. caab *lort\ wh«ro Price* Will Tell. It November Twin, iHtfl. Tho following is n list of Jurors drawn for tho November term, 1H81, of Glynn Superior Court: GRAND JURORS. R M RatcliiTe, J K Nightengale, T G Stacy. Robt R Moody, Jus E Laiubrigbt, H A Gould, Jas F Nelson, T W Lamb, Jno P Lamb, M P King, C H Dexter, *T M Dexter, W M Gignilliatt, W H Auderoon, 1 buy c y keep the be*t a oriea iu Bruu»wkk. Profunity when indulged in by im*n, particularly ou tho public thorough- faros and in tho midst of a crowd, is shocking and debasing, but when wo- mon iudulgo iu this horrid practice, it is inexpressibly so. Persons pass ing along Bay street a few nights sinco wore horrified by the actions und words of two women—white wo men at that—on the sidewalk, hurling corses snd fonl epithets nt each other, ntterly regardless of tbo public or themselves, or of their renpoomhility to tho liiglwr |lower thoy m> frr«dy and profanely invoked. I«*-!W •’ oi.ii XL**#’ !tau -tHmm*.t uvl uutrUu Sc Co. carie A HtiiUlfmotl Horn**. We are pained to announce tho death of Mrs. D. It. Stallings, nee. Miss Sarah Dart, of this city, which oc curred on Tuesday last. Slip had been unwell for a few days, lint was not considered dnngeronsty ill. On Tues day morning she was taken sudden ly worse with a congestive chill, and by afternoon was a corpse. Sho leaves su affectionate husband and two little girls, besides tn aged father and mother, a loviug sister, and a large number of brothers aud .' lends to mourn hoi early departure. To John C Moore, L B Davis, J R B*«twick, W A Fuller, J R Doorflinger, D T Dnnn, John A Philips, D A Houston, ■miT Jitlion.-: Archio Diluting, C li Moore, ~ S Bums, N H Bnmwoll, F D Scarlott, Jacob Hotcb, Jas T Blain, E 0 P Dart, S C Littlefield, Horaco Dart, D Jas Dillon. St. Simon* Item*. Onr correspondent “Ourny” has ev idently forgotten ns this week, ns we havo received nothing from him. The following, from bis pen, was sont in for last issue and unavoidably crowd ed ont, but being too good to lose, wo print it now, although it may be a lit- Uoold: We loam that onr newly nppointed Justice of tbo Peace, together with a party of his ablo co-operativcB, made a very daring capture(?) of un ob streperous negro several days since, iu the company's store. The culprit, Wiugfiold Aiken, is a swarthy African, and, it is allegod, is in the habit of carrying concoalod fire-arms. A slight altercation took plnco between the aforesaid W. A. nnd his fide* Acchalet, Josoph Hickory. Tho bondstrong and impulsive Wingfield therefore brandishod a loaded revolver in tho face of bis antagonist, which fiasco re- salted in the prompt arrost and incar ceration of tho nforosnid Wingfiold.— A rackot of this kind is "nuts” for our ox-officio. With a foresight thst would havo brought a blush to the face of a moro experienced ''cop,” ho immediately demnnded of Mr. Elliott (in ebargo of tho storo pro tom.), twenty-five foot of stout rope, n revol ver, aud (by way of striking terror to tho heart of his victim) a dunq-ehot. Having takon tbeso precautions, the ex-officio nnd his little baud of heroes gathered thoir man and proccoded in u body to tho barracks, a rude struc ture situated in tho suburbs of "Jow- town." On arriving nt tbo jail, tho ex-officio, with characteristic urbanity, wished Mr. Aiken good night and pleasant dreams, and, after a few nec essary instructions to bis chief officer, Mr. J. H. Adams, he lcpnirod to his cottage by tile sen. The constant vig. il of their apparently reconciled dark ey now became monotonous, and, each trusting to his comrade's wakefulness, tho gunrd soon fonnd themselves wrapped in the arms of Morpheus." Not so with onr Bnblo friond Mr. Aik- He, ovor on the alert, wnited till the Bouorous snores of the chief offi cer and assistants gave evidence of their slnmber, and tbon washed his bauds of tho untiro party, after first availing himself of the rope, revolvor, otc. Tho negro has sinco been recap tured, bnt this fact docs not lesson tho pain it gives us to chronicle tho dismal fuilnro of tho first attempt at duty, in au official cnpucity, of onr nowly-appointed Justico of tho Fence. Pin# lot Orange* J«»*l m«lve»l nt HEINS' Yew HAVING PURCHASED THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT OF MESSRS. Dunn & Co/s Establishment, THE UNDERSIGNED DEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS OF H A Penniek, Pot or Kruuss, G W Afcboll, Titos Minobiut, U Dart, Jr, W 15 Arnold, J O’Connor, R E Bricsomck, W H Liptrot, John E Moore, W J Prico, David Largo, C A Millor, J Cl Laughiughou8e,E A Ponniuian, Cbas A Clark, M Mineban, P O Nail, E A Nelson, William Crovatt, Duncan Nelson, (i J Blount, Win Mason, W P Green, Richard Puiidurvh W S Pittman, JI O Pierce, J B Pyles, Goorgo Pyles, H *S Fateh, Tims Lang, W G Bunuett, W A Minims. !•;, T v. & a. u h. Tho following extract is from a ro- cont letter of Jack Plane, from this city, to the Savannah *Vei/v. Tho Macon and Brnuswick division of tho Colo system are making largo improvements here in wharves and other conveniences necessary to tho handling of the constantly increasing business over this well-managed road. They arc bnildiug au extensive wharf on Turtle river, three miles above Brunswick, where their grain elevator will be built. It is claimed that they will have at this point thirty feet of water at low tide, thus enabling the largost vessels at all times to approach Thia improvement, it is thought, will Iks finUbed by the first of Jauimry next, when all their shipping will be from that point. Iu the city this road will build n dejKit in frout of Little field and Tison’s wart-house, and have it fitted np in good style and aftord ing every convenience for both pas sengers ami freight, which will b© great improvement. When the At lanta extension is completed, and through tmius come directly from At lanta, the business of the company will greatly increase. A liomn Among the pleasant reminiscences >f ottr trip to Atlanta Inst week. A tterie* nt H*>t«. Our editor that bets wishes to wa ger a load nickol with a hole in it— That you have vohomontly remark- oil at least six times that you won’t pay your street tax. That yott will pay it. That yon haven’t registered. Thut if you don’t yon will wiub you had on the 10th of December That you owe this office a "little bill,*’ That you are not going to drop in to-day and settle it. (N. B--We have but one veuidatod coin, and if yon wish to win this l>et yon had bet ter call oarly.) lVrh-.m.l. Messrs. "Weeb" and John Moore left this week for Macon nnd Atlanta. They go to take in the Fair am I Ex position. Mr. Palmer Brooks of Cleburne, Texas, is iu tho city visiting kinsfolk. He came on to visit the Atlanta Ex position. Our neighbor, Dr. D. D. Atkinson, left this week for Marietta and the scenes of his boyhood, where his par ents reside. Tho Dr. has won a host of friends during his stay among us, especially among the ladies. We wish him a pleasant trip and safe rut urn ’MAT THEY INTEND TO KEEP A FULL LINE OF FJUICTi STAPLE GROCERIES. Mr. &EOE&E Will .be found behind the Counter, ready to wait on his. old friends. GOLDSMITH & CO. -THE MOTTO OF- AOmiS F. FRANKLIN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED, HAT, Etc. Kn n>H» J . MlrtieUi «r ever bruDRlit I r tomr*4*!r wL-tt each auil nil of th. fcc we extvud onr j "'•’"I' 1 mention particularly a visit to heartfelt sympathy. Her remaius J hamlsomo renidence of Mr. Duck, weru interred m Oak Grove Cemetery-.! tin* firm of Duck ,V Co., of this city. | It is situated at Kirkwood, live miles grocerH.'«t <*««huu Bui-1 from Atlanta, ou tbe Georgia Rail- j road. Through the wise policy adopt- smtw nmi county Taxo*. j«1 by that road, a special train rona Owing to the illness of the Collector j accommodation of per- hc failed to till his lust appointment; Bon ® Airing along the line and doing here, I4tb and 15th inst. He requests 1 * ,U8 ' ,,t ‘ 8h * D c *ty It c 08 ^ Yf r * D. us to stulo that he will be iu Bruns-' cu, d** P** day to live in Kirkwood wick Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st ami 21 ftn,! Klt4 * ua lo ,,iH b,wiDe, « in thc cii 7 (Monday, Tmtulay and \Vedm*»l«y ). AH d«*!inqik«*ids will tako nolii'w ami be ou hand promptly. * 1. k ifm. —five rents each way. Wc shall ev er remember, with pleasure, *mr visit to Kirkwood, nn*l the hospitable man ner in which we wer« eutortained by the member^ of that household. Mr Ii. B. Reppard, of Savannah, one of tho wide-a-wake lumbermen of this city, ia having built two staunch tbreo-inostcd scboonorH of about 350- 000 feet capacity, expressly f«ir his Ijuubcr trade. The larger one is to named Aaron Reppard, in honor of bis father, and the hmailer Viola C. Reppard, in honor of his little ‘laugh ter. Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1879. I)h. C- J. Moffett—Dear Sir—We have been handling Teetbiua for sev eral yours, ami the demand increases as tho article Imtoiuos introduced and is well known. Onr sales average from two to three growi |s*r month. We believe that your Toetblna (Teeth ing Powders) will eventually become a standard and indispensable article, for in no tingle itnUatux hat il failed to give mtisfartion. No complaint has ever Iweu made to ns, honce wo con clude that it does all yon claim for it. Merit it hound lo sueeced. Hunt, Rankin A Lamar,Druggists. GENERAL COMMISSION MERHANTSt Goads bought and sold on closest fig ures. Consignments solicited. We Mean Business! And hope by a study of the wants of our customers not only to keep those we now have but to SWELL THEIR NUMBERS. Shipping Intelligence*. FOR THE FORT OP BRUNSWICK. POHTIIE WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 31«l. 1*»1 Ort 19—sc A k K Hoopu, UbartMton. Ort ir.-iu CbM Df-nnU, Ssvuiuli. Get 19—Ilk XobuuUG, K«* Yfift 17 —So Jibiwi. Ruy.-* Out 10-Bk KiiauBcn. PurlUo*l • DEPaRTCRLS. Ort A»>— Bk Sjm. BfMton. ORDERS SOLICITED. ADDRESS, AUGUSTU F. FRANKLIN & CO, Finney’s Bui 1 dmg. Bay Street, - - ■ Brunswick • .mT