Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, October 29, 1881, Image 4

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SEED OATS! RUST-PROOF . SEED OATS! ym 'Z££tr t+\ \y FEED OATS. MEAT. MEAT, FEED OATS. FEED OATS. MEAT, MEAT! 2v£E-£.X-! ME&L! ILEE-A-E.! 2v£E^.E ! FLOUll [nil grades], HAMS, LAW), SALT, GRIST, anil all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will ho sold as cheap as the cheapest. Communications addressed to me at Albany or Brunswick will he answered promptly. ‘ . _ _ • J K. FORRESTER. or. 5’ ** I o'g ^ £ — • c i * | Z I 5 ^ m X=L h NIGHTENGALE, Ageut nt Brunswick. % 9 9 % > w ss S° s 5§2o 93bI®* . © w c 5 S3 Vi O ws|3^ 53* SB Cj 6a* 5F« r*0; *•* | S.^c 5 g o»«3^o» II. L. HARRIS, WatoumaKer «to Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA., "STAR” SPECTACLES. 1IAH CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULLBUPPLY SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments . t.VO STXHVGS. Patent Wach Regulator. Can be applied in 5 Minutes TKY^Hy IT ! (Enlarged Twice) Kuablcu niiyouo to re^iiinto liiu own Wutch with certainty. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. All goods will Iw ut llic very lowest market jirice. show good*. No troable to ji'5-ly A. E. HEINS, llakci* A Confectioner, -AI-SO DEALER IN- Faiiii anti Oil Store l RAILROAD, SioaiiiiKiiit ami lil! Sullies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Fancy Groceries TOBACCO, CIOAltS and FltUlTS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY. 1 »m well prepared to supply yon with my m<: everything you wish to«at. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Give mo a rail, at either nty Morn on the llay «»r on Newcastle street, where myself or my clerk* will hr happy toaerve you. FchW ly A. N. IIKINN. The Rest Plate! THE .1EWEL:. V I' EAIKjl' A It- TEUS Of W. F. DOERFLINGER I* the Deal 11 are t*l the Kind, in exery n•■pe« t, X3*r Town. DUCK & COMPANY, SHIP CHANDLERS, FirM Tuetday in November, 1881. GEORGIA—<Oltw CoCXTT. Will be aold Ire fore the Coart Honae door In the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Tueaday in November. 1881, between 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. M. of that day, at public out cry. to tlic hi cheat and beat Udder, tho following property, to-wit: All the improvement* in ona-half of that certain lot of land In tha city of Bmnawlck, aald county and State, known and described In the plan of aald city, aa Town Common*. No. 87. between Btoi and Lee streets. Levied on aa the property c II. Rainey, under and by vlrtne of two tax & : auod by II. M. Tlson, Tax CoUcctor of Giron ty va. Win. If. Rainey, for taxes due the State of Georgia and Glynn connty for the year 1880, K< tic* given I'rincijAl, iS 6fi : cost $7 70. JOSEPH E. LAMBRIGHT. Sheriff O. C. Ca. GEORGIA—GltKX Cot'STT. W1U he aold before the court b<>uae door in the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, (la., on tha first Tuesday in November, 1881. between 10 o’clock *. kf. and 1 o'clock i*. of that day, at public outcry to the highest atnl !>cat lihldc, the following property to-wit: Alt that certain lot of land ar.d improvements thereon, situate lying and being lu that portion of the city of Brunswick, said county and State, known of two tax 11 flas, issued by It. M. Ttaon, Tax Col lector of Glynn courty, against W. F. I'enulman tor taxes due the Mate o Georgia and Glynn county for this y< ar 18Hb. Amount of taxrs, *8 45; cost. 17 70. JOS. E. LAMRRIGHT, Sheriff G. C. Ga. OEOROIA—Olysh Coi n •.•tuber. 1881, between 10 o’clock A. J city of llrunawick, Olyntv county, Ga., known 1 described ns recti on one and two of Old Town lot No. alxty-one (fill. Levied on aa the property •nt of tho County < GEORGIA—Glynn Cot Sheriff G. Co. Ga. Will ho unewick, Glynn con ... s.'-ty In November, 1881. between the hours of to «\ I.. k a. M. and 4 o'clock P. «. «'f that day. at public outcry, to the highest and beet bidder, the following described pro|>erty, All that certlili ' proveuierilH there M , G|>nn cotintv.Oa., on St. Simon* Island, on the north-east side «f tho Hamilton road, and being Arrive at Callahan Arrive at Jackeonvllle Leave Jacksonville Leave Oil 1 ah an Arrive at TebeanvUIe Arrive at Jeaup Kavaxxau, June 39,1881. j ON AND AFTKB SUNDAY. June 33. Paeaeoffer u train* on this Bond will ran aa follow*: FAIT KAIL. Leave Savannah dally except 8onday at... .130 P. M Leave Jeeup •• 3.40 P. M Leave TebeanvUIe " 9.06 P. 11 .741 PII 8.40 PM Leave Jacksonville " 74s a U -.8.43 AM • 11.HAM Arrive at Savannah «• 1.00 P M Paaaengera from Savannah for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick 0.00 p, nt. Paasengors leave Bmnawlck et OJOam., arrlv. log at Savannah 3:S0 p. m. Paaaengera for Darien take this train. Paaaengera leaving Macon at 7:00 a. x. (daily in cluding Sunday) connect at Jeeop with this train for Florida. Passengers from Florid* by this train connect at Jeaup with train arming in Macon at 7:43 ». M (daily including Sunday.) * JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Snvannah ** 10:30 PM Leave Jeaup •• 3:40 A M Leave TebeanvUIe " 4:3.1 A M Arrlv? at Callahan •' 7:11AM Arrive a tJackaonville '• 8.10 AM Arrive at Live Oak daily (axcept Sunday).. 10:13 » M Ixave Live Oak dally (exreptffuuday) 2:9) P M Leave Jacksonville daily at. 5:3.1 P M Leave Callahan dally at 0:33 P M Arrive at savannah daily at. Palace sleeping ina Jei-: „ this train dally between Havannah and Jackaonville. Charleston and Jackson- up with this train for Florida daily. l’asseniors from Florid* by this tr«m touikti as Jesr.p with train arriving at Macon 7:03 a nt dally. Passengers from Savannah for Gainesville, Cedar id Florida T *- lo Tallahassee and (Juinrjr take Ibis train. ALBANY EXPRESS. Is-ave Ravannahldally at Ilya D »vr Jeaup daily at.. Knave TebeanvUIe daily at.. Leave Du)<ont daily at... Arrive atTb'iwaevtllc dally ni Arrive at Rainbrhlgo daily at Arrive at Allonr dally at Leave Albany dally at Leave I Jain bridge daily at.... Leave Tlmmasvllle daily at... -. I:D p tu .11:45 pm Arrive at Du atSnvannahdailyat.. .dug car* run through to and from Savannah and Albany, atid Jackaonville and Montgomery . of tho Poatell plac* n Taylor'* place. Levied uf the olfice of the property known aa ways , . n a* the property oi 1 ~“* 1 virtu* of a It ia l**ued Sleeping r id Albany without change. Connect at Albany with Passenger trains both , igcr . Southwestern Railroad to and from Ms- the property oi con, Eufaula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orlcana. District G. M., AND DEALEUS IN Cieiiersii Proiisioiis. Wi' call >|>4*cial atlciilion to our liiiliridiiig iimi fiiiiilers' Oils, JUS. K. LAMDBIOIIT, Sliorllf G. C., GEORGIA—OI.TNH CoUSTT. Will be eold before the < ouuty. Geoi «. and four i_ .. MV .to the high- and be*t biddt r the following diacriUnl proji- erty. to-wit AH that tlierei II, *i ! Brunswick, said comity and 1 properly id Daniel Clark, under and by virtue oi two * by 11 - " - Jos. E. I.AMimiGllT, Sheriff G. C„ G* OKOKGlA-Ot.YtfM Conimr. . between ten o’clock *. ’ that day, to tho highest Tuesday in November, id »H*t bidder, the following property. All that certain tract or parcel of land, with proven)! nt* thereon, situate, lyiug and bniii. * contalu* e27tli District t». M., ttlynu county,' iy tho Doverhall oil known * * "Ai'i;ml!.i. ami estate of P. < more or leas, aud boundnl by lauds of L. W. Ifaxiahurat, south * 1 east by Buffalo swamp, Ix-vied on under aud by iai-neil by R. M. Tlaon, Tax Glyuu county, INN). Lev toil ou aa the property of said F. M. Ila- zlehnrst aud tho rsUto jf P. A. llazlehur.t to satla- ty the same. Notice given to F. W. Hazlehumt and tenant in |tos*es*iou u*t f Amount of taxea due (44 97; JIM. E. LAMRKIGIIT, Sheriff 0. C . Oa. Wliicli will lie of tlic examine hu large ; autifiilly «i lift- .1EWELRY, WATCHES. Etc,, Etc.. I Which ha* Just arrived and I* twing sold ai low | prt. Itvpulrw sf nil klMdw ilettc nil ’luiM uwiMr n ml Snllwfurllon 4 •« urn lit ml. gg*Boss'Patent o( SttiTi n. d back Walvluv mode a specialty. BEST MATER 1A L —AND A. Glass Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes ff. || e I®. Etc. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Locb. Sash-Weighis, Cord, Hinges, Screws, Etc.. Piaster, Hair & cement. Lime, LOWEST ElfJUHES. We Will Not l>e Undersold. -Gf.YXN L'oUKTY. i-dd before the Court Hoi. o iloor, tu the aid . ■■uiitj. dvci-aseil. rusti-c r>r his wllu, K. •••ity potuli il out by I upon 1 s tho proper- to sat.- j -aid ti fa.— : in i| ul ib tit Interest wit. February, 188), otcreat t«• day of sale JGbEPIl E. LAMP-RIGHT, 1 -I\ -(it.YNX (Vl«T II riff G. c„ Oa. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! hill’s iiEPfflc rm Has gUltiel uiiprcct doiitod siiccoMi 1 t receive* oxer LIVER MEDICINES. NO. 5, WHITAKER STREET, n-pt by mau> |wrsous always at hand, and Used regularly, and thorn) person* are nevi r •*b).'Ct to thr usual symptoms of a d.«or<li rml 1J V . ■o prevalent at tbia *• a>on of the year It w|R t you but QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT Will be our motto. Store on Collin's wharf. Bay Street Brunswick Ga. ■j. |. 4. 403. 4JO. PJt an I Wi. Hud •n by tlte undcr-lgued, a* Hbeiiff «the pro|wrty of I'rbanu.* Part. Hr., * wile. K. It. Dart, and h- r 1 ttldn-u. Hue of a !l fx Issued from the Hupo *t up to February VJ I, ndolit, to satlsty said ‘ principal; lu- . . . . . . 1 30. with ac. and ftu <>j cost of suit. Notice gtv- Marjft-ly a-^u. 50 the result. For *aU- by J. CENTS •rtainly tw iib-awil with t| MAIIDIA. Chess, Casley & Co, 0 Dart, Sr., trustee n.i aforesaid, tenant 7(>HF.PH K. LAMPLIGHT, Sheriff G. C.. G*. OctotK-r 1st, littl. W.B.Mell&Co., | U’koU'oa.V and Retail Dealers in SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, Mail steamer leavcitellalnbrldgo for Apalachicola and Columbus every Tueaday and Saturaay. '1 Jackaouvllle dally (Sundays Close connection l_ excepted) for Green Cove Springs, Ht Aiigustlu'e, Palatka tnd Enterprise, aud all lauding* on St. Johns river. Trains on D. and A. It. R. leave Junction, gofn. west, at II :37 a. m., and for llrunawick at 4.40 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Through Tlrketa aohl and Sleeping Car Bertha ao- cured at Bren’s Tirkat Office, No. 23 Uull street, and at Savannah, Florida aud Wcatcru Railway Pasaen- •ortatlou. II. S. HAINES, General Superintendent Foreign anil DoiucNtc Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, lii AprlUO-lJm Florcston Cologne. A New, Iiellghtral and Faahioaable Perfume. Lxrecdlngly Fragrant,LaxtlngA Ucfreshiag. iuiscoxik Co,, Ghcraiits, IV, Y. ; Ginger, Dacha. Mandrake, StllHBgfa and Ginger, Dacha. Haadrake, Stllllngfa and nany other of the best medicine* known are com-' bined *0 skillfully in l’ARKaa’s GtMCaa Tonic as, to nuke it the greatest Bleed Pariller and the EcstHcalth aad Strength Bestorsr ever used. Urt -^ a i i If you are wasting away with Consumption or, ’any disease, use the Ton ic to-day. No matter what< Jyour symptoma may be, it will surely help you. Remember! Thu Toxic cure* dnmkrnnc—, is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely■ different from Litters, Ginger 1’reparation* and' other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop- PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM! NtMtMrtes UliattDrwUsg I'uinv, Houhtom Co., Ga.. Jan. 38, ihhu In 1871 there w«>re two m-grora ronfltinl in j.d- ha.lly affik ted with Hyphilla. In my official eapa.- I ty I employ, d (k T. Hwtit to ear. 1 lAsm, under a cim- tract </i "» «r/ m pay." U* administered hie Hyphllltlr Specific,” aud in a few wc-ka I felt A. H ly, and apt aks In the higher-t praise of it. Men’s Friend.'• WHO JvSAI.r. dkam:hs in- PFor (iteetruying iuorvt* 4*ring gankna and idant wtixlow*. protecting bull.lingi rr.-m fir.-. washing carriage* and Brunswick, Ga. Hardware, Steves, Plows ‘ iL £**s Ft'MFH, CROCKERY. *^*i7* AND LAMP FIXTURE: KEiti tulNE AND l.vRD OIL. Fresh Fish and Oysters 1 Fish Market on Litth-feld and Ttaon'* wharf n. ran be suppficl at any hoer «*f the day — rdere solldtM. L.L.t ARSH ELL, ’ H. A. EENRICE, Real Estate i Land Agent, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. £?„!>• HOYT & Co. I *»*ATTENTION fllVEN TO COLLECTION OF RENTS. - fere John T. Colli US. Collerti io * n .. ®-‘ib»do«. Atlanta. Ga.; - — - |*nc4 of Brunswick, .'-in SthDavid Clark oils OF ALL, lilAlls, i ll AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, HOLE. UtNKMrt, llUIDl.l. AND PA TENT DEATH- Ell, WHIPS ANDHADDLEUY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIOLES, Etc. Only Dirwt Boot twice | .w wr.-k between SA VANHAH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES SAVANNAH FUR IH.I’N-Ul K EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. RCTrilNING, LEAVE BltUXSWIi K Tuesday | Friday evening Fob savannah. 0 Makes «loe« cixn.vUi.ii at Brnn-eb k wt’h H \ \. Railroad, and at Ntiaun h with ifwan bb an .hip -r* ab-| front New Yota and eith Phtlailelpbia. Baltimore and Breton e'eaturre.-— 1'relghta at Iowcet ratee. Mark all through fr ight aprillfi-Jn. Druiwwtck. i-n the do«k TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE PIPE, i-A- Spooialty. j U JtIT?: i’OIi PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. NAVAL STORES, KAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, togctiikr wi rn FEVERS, PILES, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc.' c “ cer ' 0 ' il ' i '“‘ n ' 1Ci »« ta ' Tin Ware, Fiiiiuhitig, M 33 XDICIISriDS FOB THE CURE OF Pumps & Pump Driving. I Jobbij 1 niafty iloue stable Matter only, ami for Higl1c.1t Market Riitos paid for liL-hcl ut Closest Figures, N’uml Stores. Supplies D: 1 teed. Give ns a call. t 'l. J, Csorarr, L " HEiNS~ ATT °^ NEY AT LAW ’ BKUNSWICK. OA. MCSSWiCK, GEORGIA. ‘^SV3a I uac- U»I KtmxiVll A>J AittaLlulL-ii,;. Or D-v t. f frvte li •