Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 05, 1881, Image 3
New Advertisements. Notice. A tpectet meeting of the Glynn County Boerd of their offlet on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7tb, 1881. Dj order ot the Precld Brnnawlck, Nov. 1,18Bl7 Jldvy[ti$er and $pyeal rtTBLUHKD EVERT SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK.GEORGIA. Gold or Greenbacks ! up*j ti hell thi noe. Cell GOLDSMITH k CO.. The Orocura. Good Money for Bad! SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER C. mi. HOME MATTEBS. Poet Office Time Table. General Delivery opens 8:00 a. m.;closes8:00r.M. KegUter end Money Order Business opens 0:00 a. closes 0:00 f. u. TIME OF CLOSING TnK MAIL8. St Simons msll closes 6:30 a. m. B. k A. mall closes 8:15 a. m. M. k B. mail l 8 *' Ssvsnnsh, Macon sod Derk-u through poucl ■coupons etUchcd. end get the highest market price for them. We ere to-day paying *0 PEE $1,000, For them, but cannot leevo the offer open. et, "Hrit corns first served,'* end those who ere prompt will reep the benefit. Commuulcste with Dr. W. B. BUBROUQHS, BRUNSWICK, GA., INSURANCE ANO COLLECTING AGENT, WILL BUY AND SELL, Land ai\d Real Estate. Offlce noxt to Post Office. meyjl-tf LiADD’S Hydraulic Lime! Doesn’t fry nor pop, end set* under water. Bead orders to OLIVER’S PAINT STORE. Savannah, Ge. L’ARIOSO HALL, Nov. 9, 1SS1. MASKED SKATING CARNIVAL AND ' “P OLO!” The Ladies’ Store I wish to cell the ettentlon of the ledlee of Bruns* '[ end on the lln e assortment of wick end on the lines of our railroad* to my hand Millinery & Fancy Goods, CON8I8TINO OF French Chip Hats end Bonnets, French Felt Hats and Bonnets, plumes, French end Atnerlcan-Flowers, Olovee. Lscoa, Flush end Satin lUbbona. Sash A Shaded Ribbons Shaded Satins for dress trimming. Silk Velvets, Velveteen In ell colors. Children's end Ladies’ Hose. Drees Trlmmngs, nssameuferie end Fringes, Worsted Goods, Buttons, Csavas Mottoes, etc. KID GLOVES, EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Tnls store is exclusively for ledtoe, end they will find e varied assortment In LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, AT EXTBEMELY LOW PRICES. Only Lady Clerks Will be employed, who will show good* My Sot Counter Is still kept up, whtro will be found tnsny useful article. When you do not seo what you wish, ask for It, end If 1 haven’t It, will order It for you with pleasure. Country orders solicited. MRS. M. C. ROWE. The work ou Dillou’s now building goes rapidly forward. Captain Risley has moved bis cigar factory to tbo Smith & Dexter build ing up stairs. 13 pounds sugar fof *1 at MOORE k McCRAUY’8. Wo long to seo the work com menced on that new depot. It would a great improvement. Dr. Burroughs is back from his summer tour, looking well and is now ready for business. Seo his card. Soused tripe and pigs' feet, smoked beef and tongues for sale cheap et DUCK k CO.8’. We havo just received several fonts of light-faced typo for job work. Send iu your orders. Prices reasonable. Wo hear it whispered that an oper atic and dramatic entertainment is on tapis for the latter part of this mouth. Fresh couutfy eggs et Goldsmith A Co.'s, the gro- Call at Glover’s and secure your ticket and seat for the grand opening of L’arioso Hall on Wednesday night. By reference to our advertising col umns, it will be seen that a special meeting of the school board is called for next Monday. Butter 30 cents per pound, heme 15 cents per Jund, good tees 50 cuuts per pound at MOORE k McCRARY’S. New btylcs iu ludios’ dolmans aud cloaks; also, full lot of new Butter- rick’s patterns just received at the La dies’ Store. An owl threo feet from tip to tip was captured last Thursday night at Dr. Blaiu’s. Iio was in search of pig eons for his supper. Just receiving fresh suppllus of dry g: A Suggestion to Bc>nl Kntato Agenti There are several men engaged, in a small way, in real estate ngt noics. This business is increasing in impor tance and will Boon become profitable. Wo suggest to them that they^ com bine, subscri je each his proportion ate share to tho preparation of a small pamphlet, say of fifty pages, illustrat ed, descriptive of Brunswick, Glynn county generally, St. Simons Island, Cumberland Island, and other points of interest. They advertise tlmt they will act as agents for sale of farms iu county, or lots in city. Get out say 20,000 copies of this pamphlet, or 10,- 000; then let each agent take his share of pamphlets, and monthly, preparo a circular, giving list of lots aud of farms, with locution aud price; each agent preparing his own circular, say 500 copies, and distributing 500 cir culars and 500 pamphlets each month, the circulars to bo corrected and add ed to, each mouth, as now lands are placed in their hands. Thus, if three or four agents go into it, 1,500 or 2,- 000 pamphlets will bo distributed each Manufacturing in Brunswick. Editor Ad vet User: Observer has made many suggestions, and among them has touched on manufactories. What manufactories can bo operated is nn important question. Tho miud, in these days of Cottou Expositions, naturally reverts first to cotton facto ries. Observer says one runs night and day and another is building in Atlauta, with steam the motive pow er, aud that conditions aro as favora ble here as there, with tho except ion of-ndded freight ou coal. Has the idea suggested itself to him that the waste wood from our mills and pine forests will furnish ample fuel until we aro a coaling station and have cheap coal ? But can wood bo used successfully in a cotton factory? The cotton factory in Macon has answorod that question by burning wood suc cessfully. That -being the case, why can’t we have a cotton factory as well as Macon 2 Wo aro at tho port of shipment of yellow pine, pronounced equal to teak for shipbuilding by Admiral Farragut, month where they will do the most are surrounded by groves of live oak, good, besides distributing ihc [Mivnte havo lino white oak upon our water a wlr.h to ""M?S‘ fa iFon pnoFrrjj 11 you he.j PRACTICAL H FLORICULTURE I ^StSffUiSSl) GARDENING | or for H<m Ua. j-pOR PLEASURE. All bjr PETER nENBEBIOX. - Price $1.50 each, {mstpaitl by mail. hatu ami notions at J. J. SPEARS'. A Liberty county reader of tho Ad vertise r—not a subscrilter—calls Brunswick “Atlanta No. 2.” Now wo know that our efforts have not been Tho Hattie Darling, the fruit vessel from Nassau, arrived in port tho past week, this being, wo presumo, tho first of a series of trips to our port du ring the winter, aud our people again rejoice. Coffet 8 pon ids fir J1 fft Goldsmith k Co.’s. Eggs sell in Liberty comity at fif teen cents per dozen, and arc a drug on the market, and yet wo havo to pay id Brunswick thirty-five cents per dozen. Why don’t somebody start a chicken farm ? Bacon 11«, ft* 13,'-. toiiU tier pound at MOORE A McCRARY’S. The Garfiold Club met in force lust Monday night. A committee was ap pointed to scluct and submit to it futuro meeting tho names of suitable persons ns candidates for Mayor and Aider- men for the ensuing election. The club nre iu earnest and menu Coffee 8S pounds for J1 at MoORE k McCRARY’S. General Superintendent Muj. John F. O’Brien, General Manager Major Henry Fink and Vice-President Kim ball, came down on special car last evening, in company with Superin tendent Edwurds, over tho M. A B. Railroad, on a tour of inspection. Superior Baldwin appins just circular of each real estate agent. .As wo are printers, wo dcsin say that this proposition docs not t anato from us, but is suggested by arnost friend of Brunswick. It sir; us, howover, as a shrewd aud v.tlu:. suggestion. Tho original suggestor if our real estato agents wi suggestion it will not cost in excess of $1,200, and that it will bring thorn in sales of property and percentage thereon threo times that amount in the next two years; that Florida 1ms been built ny by a judicious ubo of printers’ ink, and brains, combined with small capital, and that investors have passed by Brunswick, fur ex ceeding Jacksonville in beauty of lo cation, healthfulnoss and adaptability to agriculture in outlying country, scarcely knowing that Brunswick was on their route, simply because no ef fort was made to advertise our mani fold advantages. He charges nothing for this sug gestion, and asks tho real estate; ;euts of tho city to think it to act upon it. lolnp « * kr»p 'LDHMITff A CO. A Husbscrtlioii to tho I/mlnno Clul Tho writer feels some delicacy about suggesting to the on’y moo who have demonstrated, iu a practical way, the benefit of corporate effort, both to tho public and investors, but as they havo already provided for one kind of understanding in their skn iug rink, he suggest that they add a wing pre pared ns a library, where they will keep fibs of papers, jaTiodicals and radually build up a fine library. A librarian can be put in charge ami it ado to pay, besides being a great public benefit. The methods of making it a paying institution can he remanded to nu better hands tliau tho entleiuen belonging to tho club.— Further, (mother wing might ho add ed with some good billiard and pool tables, and parties desiring to play these games for exercise or pleasure, who will not play in bar rooms, e«»uld ratify theis desires at reasonable eo.-t, and to the benefit of this club. Lmrvrv. ! courses, also cypress, bay, cherry and hickory. Tho cherry is admirablo for inside finishing work, the livo oak in valuable for important parts of the vessel, as steins, sforn posts, breast hooks and tho like, and the yellow | pine for the main work of a vessel ,’s, that; cypress, also, useful wherever white lopt tho pine can bo used, and pronounced excess i equal to it by experienced mechanics, g thorn * The bay, cherry ami curly yellow pine contago j second only to mahogany and walnut for inside work. Wt^havo a harbor ample to float largo ships; iron works accessible from the North or Chatta- uoogu and Atlanta; tho report of an experienced shipbuilder, Albert G. Jewett, who built vessels heroboforo tho war, that Brunswick is second to no point iu tho United Statos as a centre of shipbuilding activity aud on- terpriso; the fact that a brig was built hero early in this century on St. Si mens island, by Mr. Hamilton, I think, which is yet afloat, wholly con structed of Georgia woods—why shouldn’t we him* shipbuilding. The reference to woods suggests that there are two exhibits of woods at tho Atlauta Exposition, one, if I mistake not, from Carlton Stacy, of Brunswick, and another from Mr. Collius, a mill man, formerly at B. A A. Railroad shops iu Brunswick, showing twenty-seven valuable woods growing iu marketable quantities iu South Georgia, all accessible to our city by our lines of road. Our gum tree is pronounced by experts for hubs nud other parts of carriages and wagons a splendid wood. Had Dr. Tabor lived wo would havo had a company manufacturing carriages le-ro to-day. Why not havo another in sumo business? A shoe manufac tory, a tturnery, a broom factory, a soap factory—all arc feasible. Improvement. Tho Cumberland Route. Brunswick, Nov. 1,1882. Editor Advertiser and Appeal: Will you permit space in your paper for a suggestion to our people and to boat owners? The Cumberland Route was justly popular. It has been taken off. Tho M. & B. Road wi'l not keep up or risk tho expenses on a boat when they havo certain and through communication with Jacksonville by S. F. & W. aud Way cross & Jackson ville Ronds. But the writor is assured upou good authority that if private parties or Florida roads from Jack souvillo, Fernandina, or both, put on a lino of steamers between Brnuswick and Fernaudiua, tho M. & B. Road will arrange schedules for them, sell through tickets, and run a sleeper in to Brunswick. Such a routo will pay. Freight between the two points can bo mado an important item. Let our people, the peoplo of Fernandina, the Hurriwau railroad into Jacksonville from Hart's road, aud Sonator Ynlee’s peoplo have a conference and arrange for a boat, conditioned upon the M. & B. Road entering into nn agree ment to run a sleeper into Brunswick and make through schedules, and then ask tlmt road iu terms for such a gontruct. Let a committee ho ap pointed to confer with the railroad authorities of Florida, and put this thing in shape. Its importance to Brunswick, to our hotel owner- aud peoplo generally should cause imme diate and effective action. Cumberland Route NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOO X-.ow Prices! HAMS, SHOULDERS, STRIPS, BACON, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE. FLOUR, BUTTER, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CANNED MEATS, QUEENSWARE, CANNED VEGETABLES TIN WARE, CANNED FISH, JELLIES, STARCH, BEANS, PEAS, POTATOES, GLASSWARE, VINEGAR, SYRUP, CIDER, NAILS, FISHHOOKS, —AND ZBISCTTTTS, I w.. r*iii Coo u! i«*r*. Under this caption in its notes on the Exposition, tho Constitution thus l\iH J. J. SPKAUS’. •d to th. On next Wednesday night L’ario .Hall will hoop Many of our oily renders will bo Lj H j thtvl sliuting ciuuiv played a game »f the exhibit of McIntosh and counties. This exhibit is a eiit part of that of the M. A ad, and has been worked up ndefiit igalfie tow nsman, J. M. who secured tlio space, ! tl.o w.ioic affair, arranged ibits, and not being ublo tore- lueed Mr. Duit in charge.— wlmt the (.'••n htution sa\s: The original lists of population ta ken by our census enumerators, in 1880, aro, or should bo, ou tile in our Superior Court Clerk’s office. The enumerators who took that census could readily ascertain, from the lax lists, city returns, and general in quiry, the number of now comers, black and white, sinco the ceusns taken, nnd it would be gratifying to know just wbat tlio percentage of iu- creaso has boon. Read Railroad aiticlo on first page. It is worth your perusal. ThoitMMMls «'*>(• ll,XVI»y Hesitate, Joy to the Would! Woman is Free! Among tho many discoveries looking to tho happiness and amelioration of tho human race, none is entitled to higher consideration tbun Dr. J. Biad field's Female Regulator, “Woman’i best Friend.” By it woman is eman cipated from nu ui burl css ills i>eculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures “whites,” suppression of the “menses,” and removes uterine ob structions. It cures constipation nod strengthens tho system, br» nerves and purifies the blood. It nev er fails, as thousands of women will testify. Prepared by Dr. J. Brad field, At lanta, Ga., price $1.50 |K*r bottle.— Sold by all druggist. TiIomasvili.k Ga., June 2H, 1877. I havo been selling Bradfi- Id's Fe male Regulator for years, and it still continues popular—on evidence of its being all claimed for it. I can recall instances iu which it afforded relief af ter all tho usual runic dies had failed. S. J. Cashew, Druggist, BRUNS WJCK_MAKKET. OFFICE ADVERTISER AlfD APPEAL. 1 IIui mhui. x. Ua.. Novell.!., r 5. ’8il. j Below wo fjnoto iirit'i* current for to-day: COTTON. I MMdlinff .11,S CHEESE, RICE, GRIST, MEAL, CORN, MACKEREL, COD FISH, PICKLED BEEF, SAUCES, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BASKETS, BAKING POWDER, LAMPS, EXTRACTS, KEROSINE, FISH LIN®S, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, Pocket KNIVES PAINTS, PIPES, Powder stul Shot -AT- goldsmith & co.’s, THE GROCERS. All goods delivered in any part of tho City tree of charge. Mpll-ljr . Brunswick & AlbanyBailr’d TIME TABLE. Takes Ellcct Monday, October 3d, 1881. Glynn County Sheriff Sales. First Tuesday in December, 1881. OEOROIA—Olvhm Count. Will be wld before tbe Court Ilooae door. In the ♦* Brnnewlck, Olynn county, Georgia, on tbe December. 1W»I, betwen tbe boura four r. M. of that day, et public out* pnined to learn of the death of M George Pratt, of Leesburg, Fla. It will be jeitiembcred that he was for some time connected with the Seaport I — — Apjxal office. At the time of his For isre, sent free on _ death ho was editor of the Leesburg PETER HENDERSON&CO. ., 35 Oortlamlt Bt, New Yorh. , , . ^—y.P. H , T. at Gcldatulth k Ce.’e, the grocer*. Good lime is a great desideratum in plastering—without it the best plusterers will fail. To securo just wbat you need, send your orders to Oliver’s Paint Store, Whitaker street, Savannah, nud Mr. Collins will semi you a superior article at low figures. Read his advertisement on this page. Be«t C-c«nt cigar—Woodt u hidluu at MOORE k McClUUY'H. Tbo Presbytery ot Savannah met in Walthonrville, Liberty county, last week! The recent storm having blown down the church building of the Pres byterian congregation, Rev. Mr. Dnn-j ieJs, of the Baptist churoh, tendered the use of his church, which was ac cepted. The meeting ndjomned to meet in Brunswick next sprint'. Pot Luck at OobUiuith x Co.'t, tho gr.vew. The Ladies’ Store comes to the front with n new advertisement tor winter. Mrs. Rowe is just the ono to mako tbe ladies nnd sweet little girls look pretty and the young ladies so fascinating t hat the beaux are made to smile. The store presents a city ap- f) S (tOOD ! pcaranco and the goods nre of the • * * finest quality. The young lady clerks are always polite, sparing no tr iable v to show whatever you like; and the matron delights to accommodate or, consult with her patrons about items of fashion, dresses, i»r IkhuicU. Yiae lot of vtabsca in* i which >, by iil.d QntTtMuday cry, to tbe hltfhMt end beat bidder, tbo following ‘ttOnSSbitfi lend, ritinted Ineuld State end county, »ud in tbo Old Town of the city of Bruuewick, end known and drecribi’d in the map of mid city, made by George It. Baldwin. A. D. 1837, a* Old Town lot* aumtma *83 and 3W. 8aJd property lerled on by the uuder-igned, ta Sheriff nfmid county, aa tbe property of UrbanuaDurt. Sr., a truatee for hla wife, E. B. Dart, and her children. * *“ * * the Hope '. Oriffith, ' of T. M. Mayhew k Co., i«J upon a* .id defendant, to «aflafy said , ta. 13,007 8-1 principal; in* •Vtnp to February lwi. M.W$ with *'• trrent, and |40 60 c Dart, Sr., truaUc ae rvfortwaid, tenant it JOSEPH E. LAMBRIOHT. Sheriff Q. #.. Oa. ,, WIVt VU ? AND ROOMS for rent. —APPLY TO ska!.- hkutefr just m hull . ,1 li.iiM- the I very popular last t-easun v aud e.\[Kct to s»ie it even I * i; ronizvi 1 this winter. The imJ are that quite n large number id masqueraders will participate at this opening carnival, which will present quite au cnleiturning and auitisiug scene even to those who do not care to actively participate. Arraiigemeuts have been made by which spectators may have their chairs reserved with out extra charge by culling at Oliver A Co.'s, to whom we refer you for any further particulars. I lit foi uy epi . tab! vs grow Pure uliv< •<»untie There » bucct I Ge. Thu bank of Bruuhwick is by c*)i|K>rate effort of onr o zelis, assisted by good men with in-J 11,< *’ * terest here, residing elsewhere. A! rh<m<> o--. city which bus increased in popnla-j I»v ref* rence lion six hundred in the past year, iimiis it will bo added seventy new dwellings and store | ,1 houseiFand a first-class hotel, three wholesale houses, an l increased her lumber and naval store business twen ty per cent., is sure to have a bank. in these t the ex- pcciiiicus of to- h and corn. All these arti cles are displayed on stands of thj$ (Ucttiusl curled Georgia pine. A na tive of the w ire grass region*—an en terprising gopher—is ono «»f the curi osities. Oul.lHililli & Oo. This live firm has set an example to «»"(• of onr croakers. Perfect stran gers they have come among ns, and by fair dealings nml judicious use of e stepped I ight into a ry trade. Printers’ ■orgy, tiitwonwl with in: Clerk) smiles will ss fairly hum. ink, in !l» js New Book by Murk Twain _ »«Tb« Prince amt the Peoper.*' A book for 5 Um lotnto of Ml A«e*. lfo»t book for ctew- XSS nn inr pobtUh«l. sold by B nl»crl|i<ioo S only, fur tenu uni Ttfflar) •('plj -g SOUTH KBS pUBUSlilNO CO,. £ PCX HI tCCtlMfl Ncv Crlctae. U J. I. SpEABS* Mortu w’y tUMH»rif.»r «>«». Whites, six; colored five. Causes of death: Malarial, phoid, one; rn.irasmn one;.child birth, one; mania |e»tu, m Total, deven. Under five years, *ev« C. L. .ScULAi rEit, M. D. Health-Officer C. B. r advertising col- tbat there is a id for tho above bonds. Messrs. Goldsmith A Co., of our city, and A. Hnas A Bro , of Savantiub, havo a word to say ou the subject in this is sue. They would bo pleased to hear from any and all who have these bonds h»r sale. NAVAL STOKES D #3 00. K3 to. F fil7 i | IW, M 12 73, N I'l.l (1.20?,|1 23; IU *y. Iio oo<*jo 3 lira, ilry Plillktolpbi*. r—ni HV : to D*ltlm< r«, n»lu *(k', a.i>lrlt* 75c; to itoaton, ro»ln 4V, Shipping Intelligciuie. FOR THE I’oliT OF BRUNSWICK. FoRTHE WEEK ENDING NOVKMUEU 4th. |a*1 Ji-l>H Ifot il Mr I 1—Sjrfrl b w. h. parsons, PAINTER. ; ty*! Mi ssis. Cook Bio:*. A Co cleared lhtrrluBft, | British b ark Cliiimmpas, Captain Me* >.itn, one. | Quaiue, on the 2n i inst., for Ifc in*, seven. • Aires, with a cargo consisting of 502- 070 f»*et pitch pine lumber, valued at! UUUSSWICK\ GEOUGIA. $8,300. HOUSV. AND SIGN PAINTING, DeC33tTICB,KuSOMI!(!IB,FBESCOIie£G8lllIlS rrutnptly ®ie«:»itoal ill the l6to»t •»yb*. j j el* Im C*OYm*T, ,,0,; ATTORNEY AT LAW, next to tnvxtutRSMAsn AftXAi. uuUdittff. TRAINS GOING WEST. 1 TRAINS GOING EAST. (UUD c nr Anna.) FHEKHIT NO. 3. l’ASSKN- GKR NO. 1 LBAVK. i STATIONS. 3 PASSEN GER NO. 1. LEAVE* FREIGHT NO. 4. L. 5:1)0 All 900 a>i 1 BRUNSWICK 17: A. 0:45 A. 7:16 I. CKJ0 9:50 10 JAMAICA 156 0K» 1*0:20 L. 0:37 10:22 25IWAYNESWILLE... 140 5:32 I* 6:43 1.7:10 10:40 32 LULATON 131 5 00 || 1*5:10 I.S:1U 11:29 45 HOBOKEN So'sCHLATBVILLE.. 121 | 4:29 I* 4:10 L. 8:37 11:41 12: ! 4:13 1*3:50 I. 9:50 ' 12:20 r M 60|WAY CROSS in | 3:43 1*3:05 L. 10:23 12:41 C7|WAUESBORO 101 | 3:15 I* 2:00 1a. 11:12 1:14 • 78;MILLWOOD 2:43 1*1:14 I* 12:10 2:101 2:20 90: PEARSON si 1 2:101 i*mo I,. 12:27 I'M 93 KIRKLAND w | 1:35 1*11:48 1 L. 1:10 ! !,. 2:1 1 2:47 101 WILLICOOCIIEE. 71 1 M0 5 I* 11KX5 :i:23 IP. ALAPl’AHA 51 12:32 pm 1* 10:15 L. 2:0 3:50 12: BROOKFIELD 41 11:52 I* 0:22 L 3:35 4:21 4:35 130'TIKTON 41 11:27 I* 8:40 is; RIVERSIDE 3) 11,-18 I* 8:15 Is. 4:21 4:53 I39TYTV 32 1053 I* 7:44 I,. 1:50 5:12 145 [ALFORD 20 1054 Is. 5:37 5:351 151 (ISA BELLA 10:15 i* oa> !,. 0:20 0K)1 101 i DAVIS *. 1( 9:35 I* 5:35 A. 7:<K) a r, : ;«) 171 1 EAST ALBANY.... 9:OOAa I* 5:00AM Appr*>vi*d It. D. MEADER. Superintendent CHAItI,Kj I* SCHLATTER, Oenl Manager. I I. L. HARRIS, WatoDmaKer rib jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA., "STAR” SPECTACLES. ins CONST tXTLYtiK H VND A FULL SUPPLY JEWEL.R.Y, SILVERPLATEDWARE CUTLERY, .Musical Instruments MfB STRINGS. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, NONE GENUINE WITHOUT yj 7- jS A Patent Wach Regulator. Can be applied in 5 Minutes try1 Enables anyone to regotate bit own Watch i “ ‘ ' ‘ Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. All good* will be (old at tbo vary !owe*t market price. No trouble to how goods. j°Hy