Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 05, 1881, Image 4

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OATS! RUST-PROOF SEED OATS! 5 KTHKin O A TS. FEED MEAT. MEAT. Wl.tnVMli Ti fTTT • FLOUtt"[ajl grades], UAM3, LAftO, HALT, GRIST, tuid nil kinds of HEAVY (IROUKUIKS, which will he sold an cheap an the cheapest. Communications addressed to me at Albany of Bhinswlek will be answered promptly. : i . J. R. FORRESTER. J. TT - TVTrt-TT r PE]VGALE. Agent at Brunswick. OATS. FEED OATS. MEAT, MEAT! iy s, - •OS'* I'B ? 5ZS fr If © 2. © © o »? i H 9 25 -|gg§ rt 3S- r/ '25S pB*.©* 8 Hjfjj o B ft ~>s r/J JfHS 5S 3gS?|SgP S g A ^ J7J f/w ^ * *i§ 3 | §S 7 & d r'J-II 3 —n S « O O CO c/^ 5^ C/^ CD o *-25 S3 ? C11. i. =• -H ? o o 6 ’ * "o;S o i m ° So - 00 oc a.;»ar II. Is. HARRIS, a. E. HEINS, "\W atoli maEor cto Jowelor, linker & Confect loner, BRUNSWICK, CIA., ‘STAR” SPECTACLES. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY '} U * UW “ W F TEWEJL.RY, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, | Musical Instruments! Patent Wach Regulator. Can be applied in 5 3/imiles TRY' IT ! (Enlarged Twice.) foialjlts anyone to regulate his ■ Witch with certainty. .WO 8TMI.\’GS. PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES, Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments, . : a i o. j\ * All goods will l»o sold at the very lowest market price. No trouble to show goods. jcfi-ly ALSO DK4LKU IN Fancy Groceries TOIIACCO.CIOAIIS ami l'llflTS Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A Sl’KCIALTY. r am well |-rc|H»red to supply yon wRh everything you wUh GOODS DKLIVKUKI) F DUCK & COMPANY, SHIP CH ANDLERS, Grand Opening -OF- WINTER GOODS! SUCH PRICES NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! AM) DEALERS IN olorcd Cuhmerei from 35c to $1.30. k* mid Satins at 50c and upwards. Mark Silks from 40c to f3 00. New Brocado Sllka A coraph-to line of men's. Utiles', misses’ and children's Underwear. Infant's Wardrobe complete fr m the lowest to Holidays. l»ol.LS imported direct from Hteinbardt, AT Jacob Cohen’s. 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. frb5-ly W.B.Mell&Co., SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FllKNUlC AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, BOLE, HARNESS, BRIItT.i:. AND PATENT LEATU- Kit, WIIIP8 ANDSADDLERY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc. SUITA BI.K FOII Wil t. MEN ASP TUIIPEKTINE MANUFACTURE'S, A Specialty. WHITE FOlt PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. mart ly Pure Havana Tobacco, And at prices to satisfy any and nil. These Clears SiTiiiiH, Florida iid Westeri Riilwit. it. V. OOORUHEAD, POSTOFFH'K. \V. T. GU VKIt. AHA UUUNEY, It. M 1'YUR.S, "OTEL. IMREItLY* I1E1NS, IIOTE WXJtU F. 4. DOKitFLIXUEU, . Itt'SHELL. IML/.KNDOHF A BltO MATH EH. M1CUELHON k BKO., .%. K. iii:inn. General Provisions. Paint anil Oil Store! RAILROAD, towboat ami li Sullies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes , Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doqjs, Sashes, Blinds, Etc,, Luis, Sash-Wei|hts, Cord, Hinges, Screws. Etc.. Lime; Plaster, Hair & cement. Tlie Best Place! THK .IKWKI.ltY BK.UXjl'AR. TEliH OF W. F. DOERFLINGER Is lh» lh-at Place of Hu* Kind, in every tr»pc< t. XLT TOWN. special aUt'iilion In nur Your t Orders are Solicited. Fire Insurance! J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT, Kopriacut* the following Flro Insurance Com- Moiith*n .Hutunl, Atbens.Ga. Insurance Comp. i>l North America, Homo Insurance Co. New York..., . . r » ,uuu,uuo Phila..*H.ww,«)oo 4,000.000 Lubricating and Painters’ Oils, Watertown Fir- Insurauco Company, N. Y. ! Coi.mibus Insurance Co. Columbus. Miss., j Mrr. limits \ Meclianlca Ins.Co. of Va Insurance on dwellings at very low rate* Wllioll will be nf tin ,1 HWKI.RY, \VAT(111> BEST MATERIAL Etc., Kti AN l> A f — LOWEST FIGURES. Wc Win Not be Undersold. II. Mp P THE POPULAR Liver Msdicine! QUICK SALKS AND SMALL PROFIT hv mi Collin's wharf. iiili/s limit nm\ LIVER MEDICINES. Will bo our motin Bay Street MOT ICE. In accordance with an act of the Legislature r>f Georula, |a»oi| at its las' s, ssiou. .It filling re r in Which an flection shall lot held in til) no county to determine il splrituoua Minors shall be sold in said county, at election shall be held at the .•lection products luOlyun county on Saturday, Nov. Ifitli, 1HS1. Tie a-|Hi favor nf r. atrlctliirt the ^sale^MhiuoraJ “ restrictiun,” aiel Ihi se i.pi*oaed to same w ill v, to “NO RESTRICTION.” l:> «r h r »r the Hoard •>( Commisaloiiera ol Hoada ate. it' v.-nu. s ot iHji.ii county. II. A. KENRICK. Clerk, llrunswl. k. October 30. 1H»|. Dr. A. D. GALE, LOCAL DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. - OntSXAL Uavaom’i Otttc*. I Hatawad. Jane 39,1881. f HH AND AFTER SUNDAT. Jane 38, PMMngtr O trains on this Road will ran m follow*: FAST MAIL. Leave Savaonab dally except Sanday at... .130 P. M Leave Je*up •• 8.40 P. M Leave Tcbeanvllle “ S.0SP. U Arrlro at Callahan '• 7.41 p M Arrive at Jackaonvlllo " 8.40PM Leave Jacksonville “ 7J8 A M Leave Otdlahan *• 8.43 AM Arrive at Tebeanvllle “ 11.10 A M Arrive at J«aop " 11.33 PM Arrive at Savannah « 8.00PM Puaengara from Savannah for Brnnawlch taka thla train, arriving at Brnnawlck'SA) p, m. Paaaengera leave Brunswick at 0^6 a m., arrlv. Inc at Savannah 3:80 p. m. PaaMngera for Darien tak. thla train. leaving Macon at 1MI a. u. (dally In- eluding Sunday) connect at Jeaup wtth this train for Florida. Paaaengera from Florida by thla train connect at Jeaup with train arriving In Macon at 7:45 r. M (dally including Sunday.) JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah *' 10:3CTP M Leave Jeaup *' Leave Tobeauvllle " 4:35 AM Arrlv* at Callahan " 7:11 A M Arrive atJackaouvilla •• 8.10 AM Arrive at Live Oak daily (exceptSunday).. 10:15 * M Lcavo Live Oak dally (except Sunday) 3:30 P M Lcavo Jacksonville ilally at. 5:35 P M Leave Callahan daily at 8:35 P 51 Leave Teboavllle daily at 9:10 PM Arrive Jeanp daily at 11:0ft P M Arrive at Savannah daily at 3:00 A M Palace sleeping cars on thla train dally between Savannah and Jacksonville. Charleston aud Jackson ville. and Macon and Jacksonville. No change 8f eara between Savannah and Jackson- vtlle and Macon and Jacksonville. laasengcra h aving Macon 7:30 p m connect at Jut- up with this train for Florida dally. Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jeaup with train arriving at Macon 7:03 a m dally. Passengers from Savannah for Oatneeville, Cedar Keys and Florida Transit Road tak. this tr-'n. Passengers from Savannah for Madison. Monticcl- lo Tallahassee and Quincy take (his tratu. ALBANY KXPUEHH. Lcavo Havaunahldallv at 4:15 p ni Leave Jeaup dally ai TiWpm Ecavo Tebeanvllle daily at ii : HO p m Leave Dupout dally at 11:45 p m Arrive at Thomas vllle dally at .5:00 a iu Arrive at lUiubridge daily at 8:00 a m Arrive at Albany dally at 8:45 am Leave All»ny dally at 4:45 p m Leave Hainbrldgc dally at 5;15 p m Leave Tbnmasvllle daily at 8:45 p m Arrive at Dupont daily at 1:45 am Arrive at Telicauville dally at 4:05 a m Arrive at Jeaup daily at ft:35 a in Arrivo at Savannah dally at 9.15 a m Bleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Albany, and Jacksonville and Montgomery without change. Connect at Albaoy with Passenger mine both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and from Ma con. Eufanla, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, etc. Mallateamer leave# Batnbrldge for Apalachicola aiid Columbus every Tuesday and Saturday. Close connection at Jacksonville dally (Sundays excepted) for Oroun Cove Springe, Ht Augustine, Palatka and Enterprise, and all landings on Ht. Johns river. Trains on D. and A. R. It. leavo Junction, goln- weat, at 11:37 a. m., and for Oruuawlck ut 4.40 p. m. dally, except Hunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Dertka ae- cared at Urcu’a Ticket Office, No. 23 (lull street, and at Havannah, Florida and Western Hallway 1’ssmb- ger Depot J. 8, Tysox, Master Transportation. H- H. HAINES. General Superintendent DEALEU IN Foreign mid Domestc Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, BAY STREET, BR(Ji\SWi(!K,Gl. Floreston Coloimc. A New. Dellghtfal and Fashionable Iwrfame. *js7ffssE liucox * to., cbnlMi, If. T• BaaaaaEBGBaBEii tinier, Bnchn, X.ndrake, Stllllul.l many other of the best medieiaea known awtWW Lined so skillfully in Parkkr’s Ginger Tonic as] I to nuke it the greatest Btoed PnrMoraad the ] Real Health and Strength Beatortr arar nied.! I njing away with Comumptlon or! the Tonic tt^day. Nomattcrwhat If aymmoma may be. it will surely‘help you. ■ Remember t Thu Tonic cure* drunkennc«P ^ the Beat Family Medlein# evvr nude, entirely different from Bitters. Gmger Preparationa and' other Tonics, and combines the beU curative prop erties of alL Buy a joe. bottle of yoMrdnggkt. PARKEffS HAIR BALSAM ‘iiSSSJS CIGAR FACTORY BRUNSWICK, GA., Brunswick Ga. ly <! * ttISLEY ’ Propritor. .2SJ0ATSH1C wiiii.VK.Ku sti:i:kt WIIITA!A\*S FOUNTAIN PIMP. ■FMr fdeetroylbg lusccta tertiiR gardme and plant*, i •tadowa. protecting bull.Uugi ^ *D^r M u'Uy nett 1 will keep Fresh Fish and Oysters £1501 Jl»h Mark.»•.»> Littlefield and Tiaon'. whan . - •>» *-n U .uppnfxlat any boor «.f the .la>.. * . r . t Wn L.L*rARlWBLL, ll»r.lwHr,., S..V0S Pl„ m , l#[ ; A . kBNBICK, IWKKT AMI TABI.ECITLI1UV. TI*»a»E. IXJO 1th, HAM. ? FiSt vuocuuy. hKiuJHJfh AMt LAW, U»L‘ 50 CENTS T»‘ try it. an l > ..u will .. rt ,mh U- ^ , , then-nil. For salt by J. t| JIVUURk, .' Str. David Clark only Inrc-t Ih-, SA VANN AH & BRUNSWICK. LEAVES 8.VVANN III L.*U l.i.l >*n. K 1 YFKV Itm'RNINt.. Li t Chess, iarley <fc Co. -WltOi.ESALE I»E.Vl.r.ltS IN i«i cshitc s Lund Agpiu, Tuesday ? Friday evening (TVaWIf’L- n L'niu. i . ; row havaxxaii lteal BIIUNSW OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAE STORE SUPPLIES, TOGin’HKIl WITH ClUAUS MAM t'Al irilljn Rt IIAAU, AND OK lilt USt-lT OUADKh or G. E. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, HMrNSWIt'K, t.LOUt.lA. H -t.t<'ll •lUly T' l to do all kinds oj Newcastle atorot. m J. 5(icbelsou A tiro. aork iu my line r the City Hall A. Kain-r k ilro Praat, Uocbtoi Co.. Oa., Jan. 3 con An y official < rs», under lie admlnUtortfl hie In lh71 there were I badly allicted with 8yph!l!s. ty I emnlnycd C. T. HwiR t tract of ,, se curt ho pa/.‘ ••Syphilitic Specific,” ami In a few weeke I felt lonud to pay him out of the county treasury, as ho had effected a omplrU and raditel err. A. 8. OILEH, Ordinary Houston co. t Oa OxATTAVoont, Ten., Feb. 14.18TJ. The H. 8 H. Is giving good ■atlafoetlnn. One gen tleman. who has lieen confined to hte bed Urn rr> 1. with Syphilitic ltheumativm hse tieen cured entire ly, and speaka Iu Uto hlghert praise of it. C'HILEH k ItF.ltltY. HIE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Proprietors, At- lanla, Ga. Hold by all drnggikts. Call for a copy of “Young Men's Friend." SALE. —A FINE— Two story Residence, With eight rooms Ifcshlen the kitchen and all out- Iioiircs, plrasaatly U>* al«-l ami right In the heart of town. Lot '.fixiso For further particulars inquire at T1118 OFFICE. M ID DICI1VKIS FOR THE CURE OF j j FEVERS, FILES. OYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA,, TIN SHOP, \ ST0VES-& STOVE PIPE, Tin Ware, Plumbing, Pumps & Pump Driving. I Jobbing m-atly done, and a Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc ■ WmMi'.^un.l from A>,irt«hU *.ll« wlj, An.l In D. HOYT & |J ,W,M J Iliglie." ... "***“ I • p r“ IWu ‘ O.,... |„isl U '.l al Market Iiato.s |mid for Naval Stores. Supplies I'm. at (,'loscst Figures. Dr. L. HEINS, J, CtiQK-UrTp ATTORNEY AT LAW, III! r.V.S WICK, Gt’OItGlA. 00" D'.AI'" AQTBAMAZA A»l ATRAOMMlHf.