Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 19, 1881, Image 2

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\jt\tiser and ySTACY. Editor tnd Prop. ietor. ,:tTN8WICK, ~ GEORGIA: wmi) £ Kollock, of Savannah, died on —i- Sugar boiling has com men cud in tbe neighborhood of Mcltae, on tbe M. Ai B. Railroad. Tbe qoiet old couuty of Tattnall is working up .quite a reputation for rar .‘dors. Three in two months. ~TeHup, according to tho Sentinel, has become of late quite n belligerent place. Keep them quiet,brothcrYonng. Mr. bam H. Jomison has been elect- od Recorder of the city of Macon, and will hereafter wield the sceptre of mu nicipal justice in that city. Two colored lads had a quarrel this week over a debt of five cents. One plungod his knife into tho heart of the othor from which he died in a few minutes. Wm. Gaskins, Representative from Cofieo couuty, and who was injured lust summer in Atlanta by a runaway horse, has sued the city for ten thou sand dollars damages. Macon is in luck. She has a regu larly graduated lady "physician—Mrs. 1>K Fuller, all tho way from Syracuse, New York Tho Telegraph and Mes senger don’t say whether there l>c a Mr. Fuller. Titusville, Pa., has raised a lad who on his elovonth birthday, said lie was tired living, because tlio boys teased him about bis father, and plungod a knifo twice into bis breast, hut failed to hit the right spot. Mr. J. M. Shaw, of Blackshear, is luxuriating in new Irish potatoes and juicy watermolous, from his fall gar den. Well, if any other man in Geor gia can have such luxuries, Mr Sluftv will too' Ho in a live mau. Ono of tho most encouraging signs of tbe times, that wo liftvo seen, wo gather from our exchanges. They apeak of a disposition on the part of tho farmers to buy less Western corn and bacon, and, to that end, plant less cotton. Body-snatchiug is uguiu fashionable iu tho Gate City, now that the medi cal college has begun its sessions.— This week a body was taken bom n collin und a bag of sand substituted in iU place, but it was detected bo- foro interment. — - — W. If Patterson, cashier, and Po- rouo Brown, president, of tho Citizens* Bunk of Atlanta, lately suspended, and in which was deposited $100,000 of •THK CITY BY THE HEA " BUILDING DOOM. Tbe noise of hammer slid saw is heard from morning to night, and from tho seventy-two now buildings that have been erected in twelve months, the most fastidious might select a borne. I must bring my letter to a close, but first just ono word for that new hotel. I am fold that it cost $18,000. It is an ornament to your city, and the cuisine equal (so pronounced by gentlemen of travel) to any in the South. I think that the proprietor has now found his forte. Your city, with its delightful climate, pure salt air, invigorating nnd health giving, will soon become to Georgia what Jacksonville is to Florida—a winter resort- and some new company will find it remunerative to build another equally ns large. I desired to touch on cotton, rice, oats, I may do so at some other time. Yours truly, Waltki Mr. Editor: I am a constant reader of your paper, nnd it has been my good luck to spend two or three months at a timo iu your city. I take great plans are iu endorsing tha re marks of Observer nnd Scnex, and grant that there is much yet to bo done, but, sir, I who have lived near you for many years can observe more closely tho rapid strides that Bruns wick is making in growth, wealth and improvement than can her own citi zens, who see her every day. I have traveled all over this great State, and I take pleasure in saying that the city and county are growing more in pop ulation and real estate improvements than any other city and county of their aizo iu the .State. Those asser tions msy seem a littlo romarkablo, bat 1 clmllengo a denial. The county and city records will convince the most incredulous. In Cobb connty, which is considered ono of tbe most flourishing counties in upper Georgia (in which is situated tho beautiful city of Marietta, with a population of 2,500 |>cople , tho gain has been a lit tlo over sevon per cent in taxablo property iu twelve months, whilo your city has gained twenty-five |>er cent in taxablo proporty in tho samo time. Let us take an annual review, nnd you will look bock and congratulate your fellow citizens upon tho most successful year that they have ever ex perienced, for tbe growth of your city 1ms been unprecedented, nnd her most snnguine expectations fully realized. NAVAL HTORFJi. Tho naval stores and lumber inter ests are important factors iu your commerce, and tbs iucrenso in both hns been very heavy—the porcentnge greater than that of any other city in the Uuiou. Facls go to provo that Wilmington has fallen oil in spirits turpentine — per cent nnd in rosin 14 per cent; Charleston hns fullon ofl in spirits turpentine 141 percent,ami in* rosin 7$ per cent; Mobile has fallen oft in spirits terpentine 22,J per cent and in rosin 18.} per cent; while the only increase 1ms been at tho Georgia ports — Savnunnh gaining 18 |>er cuut iu spirits turpentine nnd 22 por cent! put the muni iu rosin, and Brunswick gaining 55 por cent in spirits turpentine and 85 per cent in rosin. Our mnrkot is funking rapid strides, nnd, if it continues ns it lias begun, will iu ten years surpass all other United State* porta as a naval store ilepot. I can remomber perfectly well | l ,,lH been for some time troubled with Gen. Sherman visited Atlanta this week and was present at the re-union of tho Mexican veterans. After an eloquent address by fieu. Henry 11. Jackson, Gen. Sherman was called for. Ho refused at first, hut when urged to spenk ns a Mexican war vet eran, he could no longer refuse, and during his short address thus spoke: “Now, gentleman, we iiavo heard the eloquent address of this memora ble day. Its spirit is good, nnd I see no reason why we may not now de clare with Webster, ‘Thank God 1 am an American citizen.* We are Amer ican citizens. I thank God that I am one, and I tell you that I can go to any spot from Maine to Texas and stop where I please, so long ns I be- Imvo myself and obey the laws’of the place, and that is the spirit of our government. That is what made us the United States of America, and that is the foundation stone upon which governnients are built on this continent. We fought our mother and acquired our independence, and to-day we are the same nation, tho same soldiers, the same government, the same ting, and so far as 1 am eon- cored, I am just os friendly to Geor gia as I am to my native State of Ohio." (Immense ppluuse.j A Lfhsox ix American Political Economy.—What is it? Why the li censing the selling of liquor that it may craze the brain of some man that ho may stab or shoot his fellow, then I . * jail, arraign and | try him nt the expense of thousands of dollars to the tax payers, ami then boast of tho rovontie to the country of $25 accruing from the aide license."— Telegraph and Messenger. *'“*■ Macon, Ga i Mkhhrh. Lamaii, Rankin k Lamar—i Gentlemen—My little girl, 8 years old. Still! lead! A.F.Frankiin(6Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. ALSO Matornegtetered Votermforthe .Wattle- Ipal election to be held on the 10th Day of December, 1881. Attderjoo, Wm Anderson, Jacob Amc, F II Armatroof. Dssul* AUtlnaon,HU Adam*. Aug Andcraon.W H Armatron*. Robt AtWnaon. UD Amatrong. Fred Annatrong, Jno Abbott, WOmr. Anderaon, J B Anderaon, Tho* Adam*. (J F Aoderaou, JUmca Abbott, George Ur*water. P W Dolt. T W Main, J T Urtcienirk, It E Bennett. J A R Byrd.CW Urleaenick,Erneat Beach.JL horebardt, A Dorrhardt. Samuel Brocklngton, 8 A Braxton. A Hunkier, Samuel Jlottwlck, J B Blue, Frank Blaln, W H Brock, T W Bird. Henry Bartlett, I'aul Bailor, Edward Burnt, J 8 Barrlck. B F Burbage. W £ Dlaiu. J 8 Brown, Gabe Berrie.WH Burnett, Joe Burrcb, Loudon Berryman, W M Brewater.F A Burroughs. Cato Battle. Ephraim Bag* Wiley Barknloo. W F BimousM. Jack Beane. W 8 Broadnax, Edward Broad, John Blue. Jamei Brown, Chariot Bakar, Robert Iks . W J Burrougha, W B wan, O » Boyd, Andrew Baker. W M Brown, Jako Borrie. W A Croratt, A J Butta, Hamnel Broad. Julian Cruvatt, William Chrtatnpber, M J Cowart. T E J Christopher, Robt Council, BenJ Carewtdl. L L Clark, L W Colllua, J T Campbell. Tltoa Cl omenta, Mingo Cargylt*. B M Croouiha, Albert Dart, t’rbanna Jr Dorllllon, Thoutaa Doeriliogcr, W F Davia, David Davldwm, David Dar-nport. J W Dexter. CH Dumiaway, J A Cannon,J B Connolly, J U Cohon. M J Carter, George Cnylt-r, Moaca Carter, J M Cowman, (i Catemau, Ji Carter. W It CaraweU, E I Creamer, I* U Cohen, IS (. lark, David Connor, J M Cook. J It Catea. A C Clark. TG i. (1 I! ,j Jaa Dillon. I) Jaa Dunn. II T Doerfllnger. C J Davia, J B SS»V K! II, Albert Dart, euport. W Q Daniel-. 11 II , Urbanu- Dart, E C 1* Foley. Daniel Freeman, Olur Franklin. A F FI "tarn, Jweept Fraaer, August Flan lei J F. Frazer. Tboi la. II L . Robt Tbonu Franklin, J U Fonda, Jacob Fllmor*, tt oin. j d Ooodyea..-- - - Gardner, HUTen Oreen.Alfred -n.TB II Flint, B T. Greenfield. Itiehard Goodyear, C P Gale, F P OooObr.-nd, 8 T “ * "" Ooodbread, D B Oibeon,Allen Ooodbread, V T Gale. A D - _ Gallagher, Jaa Golden. W P flroodbrnad. Oliver GoTernor. David Gllaoii. Joaae illlam Gray, H P Gore. T W II I, AM . *opkl Hugbea. Peyton Holme-. Dompi HoUelldorf. J* J Holt, LD Holland. W A llnrria, W II JUfrlauu J T Illracb, BenJ ilmlgev Harris, Edward Hine, 1 **-■— -*• Hall, G Harria, irolzendorl li ll Harvey, Harvey, J 1* Holiue-, -.non, Janie* Harria. L W riaou.WU Hart. WJ Tia, Henry Hackney, Alex Hazlffhurat. L W Jr Harria, Jacob Hamilton, Geo Hudson, HD Hazleburat, Jo* Harria, Amo* Holme*. A Ilall, W 11 Hardy, W i . York Ion. Jen llanaou, G A llinea. A K llill. Irwiu Jaek-on, Burnd John Rruusttitki:*|MiiuH u * • i t : &l DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, ^AIMES’ fUlffllSHIlIC GOODS, HATS, JJAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. J. MICHELSON A BROTHER Are now prepared to offer tbe public the flnoat and beat atock of Oooda ever brought to tbia market Head over tbla advertiftementand como and *co for youruelvca, and wo vbai; be pleased to ahow you our atock. Our ladY^clerk © Will take e-perial pleasure in waiting on all ruatom'r* who dcafre to ace anything In their Depart ment, Wo haw a large au<! haiidaome dtaplay of B2ZEU88 BOBS, i-tidioua, and at price-- Dot to be excelled. Wc offer beautiful Novelty Goods for Over-Dresses and Trimmings, Surah Silks and Satins of all shades, 1 Dress Goods of every color and variety. I flue aaeortment o PASSEMENTERIE AND PLUSH TRIMMING, Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels, A' CHOICE STOCK OF DEE3S BUTTOITS, (COMMISSION , Lambright, J iAt.a’t li . Ri. hard Lainbci MERCHANTS. 1 j Miebebon, M | Murriauti. Jo» Maaain, Burr. 1 MrtHUlntlgh. . when this new business was begun, a severe cough, which physicians pro-. . , . i nonneed bronchitis. She slept but i sold just five short years ago, ami only a litll0| coughing nearly the entire bight, I few barrels wore made und bandied, and we had to get up very often to This now development not only deni-1 help her out, the cough was so severe, oiihtrates I ho determined go-uheadi- i ‘V-' our H °l*citntion, 1 bought a bottle of Jlretvor’s Lung Restorer, und she beguu to improve at once, and h Goods bought and iSSivT/ on closest, fig- 1 arcs, (^onsignincnts j solicited. Mcrrifleld. O II M«« ndy.EHT Mav» AND A NICE LOT OF LADIES 5 ^CHILDREN’S HATS X NOTIONS >1 ull timer!Pttom i Ladies’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes OF ALL SORTS. IN THE AND DUAWEUS. JlOSU, I1A1S AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOE t -k ..r MEN’S AND ROYS* CLOTHING, UHIKT8, UNDBRSHIRTS Gouts’s white Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece ! All W. H,> .- that v tivciicss and vim of your own isioplc ,. . ” MiVU *•” - i i iwgau to improve at once, and has State money, have been arrested. New 1 1,1 ,,l ‘ w au tur °f prosperity, l»ut j boon sleeping nicely ever since, and 1 and startling developments a poctod to follow. The Savannah paper wills have clanged hands and now run under tho name and stylo of “Tho Savannah Palm Paper Manufacturing Compa ny. " The new firm will manufacture a paper from the palmetto leaf that is of very Btiporior quality and especially useful ns transfer paper, which hns heretofore boon iin|>orted. —- A correspondent of the Savnmmli AV»rg f from Florida, thus writes: “On the Pith inst., in company with Mr. S. J. Temple, of Tem ple s Mills, I visited Fort Hurley to take a look at tlio monster orange tree at that pine*. By actual meas urement we found tho tree to l»e nine feet one inch in circumference, but lack of cu e, the extreme dry weather nnd tho freeze lust winter made the tree look less healthy tli^n wo expect ed. This tree is over fifty years old, 1 and some years has bad over 9,000 or es on it. the great inexbuutiblo amt productive! firmly believe she will boi>eriimiientlv power of y mr lauds. Brunswick will (cured. I was very much frigliti soon bo the market for rosiu from the virgin to the window glass, and with | the many new mid increasing fucili-; ties tor briiiging to market and bund ling the products of your thousands of acres of u it touched pines, the world will turn its face here iu ueed of sup plies. The report of your exports for 1880 shows tlmt the merchants of your city have an abiding faith in the great ad vantages tlmt yon possess, and by their energy and business capacity have determined tlmt her onward j uied at times with march in commercial greatness and prosperity shall continue until she shnll rival her sister Savannah, ten at her condition am now rejoicing at her rapid recovery Yours truly Geo. F. Win*.. Taylor County This is to certify that l had asthma for thirty-five years, and used a great many different kinds of remedies.— Was treated five yearn without find ing relief. I then used your I.ung Restorer, und found in it a permum-nt cure. Yerv trulv voiirs, urn HI lm * ‘ / J. l’.wtKh WE SELL ll»»pepftla. AiLA.xrv, Ga., June 21, 1878 j For several years 1 Imu suffered I ilrendfully with dyspepsia, accompu- most excruciating J pain, and have tried ninny remedies, in vain I tried >our Neurotic, whiel acted like nmgic, giving entire relic: ry short time I consider it tb* times her size, and the fears of tho j most valuable, amt, indeed. able editor of the (’harlestou tanner bo fully realized. He says Suvanuah should la. proud of her position ns the third cotton port of tho United _. ,, this place is a ro-1 States, of her inerehants, of her great marUl.Io i»,tang fort>-lwo j tr , () r , lilroill)B elc thm . it uo deep. In tho dliferent strata near the . ' ' , . , bottom lime stone, marl and phosphate rfl<1 * 011 W ”J * ^ rni # °‘ teat city j medicine 1 lm\e ever usetl, mid cordially recomiuend it to the publie. Mrs. J. K Brri.EU. No 75, Marietta street. A Suiooili ( omplrxlon Can lm had by every lady who will use Barker’s Ginger Tome. Fur promptly regulating the liver ami knl- «uu I'uuNpuaie » "• I promptly regulating ttie liver and knl- are found. At no time, even during should not continue to grow; the only , „ ev * and purifying the blood, there is the heaviest of raius, does the water 1 11 ' * * stand iu this sink, hut dunp|>ears into the earth.” aUJTF.AI’ OS 1111 Al. cloud, wo suppose, is the competition . nothing like it* aud thin is the reason between the Cole system aud the | vo quickly teiuoves pimples mid Guitenu'* trml is now going on. He is participating in his own defence, und says a good many things that his counsel does not want him to say.— This, however, inay all be understood Mmcn them dono for a purpo*., | viz* As proof of his insatut); for that is the main plea that is set up Pub lic sentiment Inis mollified very much, aud we should think, from what we read, his pnnisroent, if any, will lx»! very light. Wadlcy railroad, which will carry with i noftee^ r ° H ’ V , * M ' it the effort to make Brunswick sup-1 - - * plant Savannah." Statistics show tlmt in 1875 Bruns wick’s exports were $000,000, while, in 1880 they reached $1,700,000. Just a« Savannah for years aud years did ( not do half as much business as j nd now surpass her in i her face-, so will Brunswick, who is » (gaming on her yearly, nnd she must \ hwk well to her laurels, for your cityiSTOVSS Sft STOVE PIPEy has nil the ad vantages, depth of water.' Drugstore Watt I'-, A F. Wamkr. A F Winn. John WmxrrYw YOUR ORDERS! Glyun County Sheriff Sales. First Tuesday in Decemlter, 1881. DIXON’S NEW BUILDING, Newcastle St., Briinswic, Ga. ii>ts anil tho i STORE to the aboxo loi ii, w.j i •ply *»f Drugs, Clieyiicalslatoitlediciiie, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IX GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, IiUIST'S I’JiESH AND GKNUINK Ll—Glthm Coes Wtu be -«'M br •Ity of Urunawtck, Glj TIN SHOP. ••ry. t.» ili*? hlgbei rlynu county, Gcorvti, December, 14*61. bet wen tit* ami four r. u. of that .lay, at public icnh'if property, to-arit' I U-at btadcr, the .1 known and d.-aeribed i <ie by Ucnr U. Bald win. A. D u Iota uuinoara 409 and Wl. Hu.t n by IU* uuderatuned, aa Shenff uuty. aa th- prop* rty of I'rbanio. Dart. Hr.. * •' * “ *. Dart. MM: I.KMV am. LACK TEAS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND Wnycrosi Pejtorler: “Captain John C. Reynolds and his engineer corps i« WLATIOV. . with a jHipulation of more signs of improvc- Your tt»v 13,500, show packed np their trap** and left ycitcr-1 ^ ,an HU - V B * zo * n this State, day morning for Live Oak, Florida,! V«»nr |>eop!o are buoyant and where they will commence nt once the! Lmm year you lmd no whnlca&je permaneut location of that part of the j houfes, ami I was forced to buy mv ' Live Oak, Tampa and Charlotte Har-' . tlnn i ti *« v .. v*i * I bor Rail wav from Live Oak to Bow- ] “ Ir Snvsnnah or New Y«»rk.— j Till Waiv, I'liiinhitiu. mpertjr IF-* . . r hta wife, E.R. »y virtue of a f ( mUI county Physician’s Prescriptions Accurately compounded. .ill ckcwrfTilly attend any rail* for a . i: It. D*rt. and h. r >banua Dart, Sr., a* l JAMES T. SLAIN, DRUGGIST. Zm. Pumps & Pump Driving. AUG.F. FRANKLIN & Co. ggp rty ut the a aid d'-rnulant, to -attaly »-i.l j __ , >unt of aaid ft f», r* prtccirr.': in- | ■ ma F. Iruary »!, IMi. M.l« »ta wiiU ar-1 ” 11 W t »'/ rvaaiil JOsKFU E. LAMDBIGUT. 3h*riff G C., U Insurance! *Uy .t<X.r •!..! land blnfT^ on the Suwannee riter.— ,® audentand that the State convicts wi.l be p«;t to work at once to clear out the right of way. This roud will be built Kpcediiy, aud when completed wiJl bo an imi>ortant feeder to the present general system of the Savnn- nah, Flyy* j and Wcitvm. ’ Now yon have four or five large * ; .boleMlc- Uou..*, all with tremtn.loa. ji > C W Ho»k 1»V Mark Tw ain docks of goods of all kinds ami dt- j S_ scriptiona, * *jn:tl to the best establish-; ** inents of most cities of twice its size,' Jl and I am told that m»U>« me huge and "2 ciJlcctiouh good. 2 i SOUTH FUN FUn uIbHiy FINNKYS HUILDlNti ‘BRUNSWICK, G A D. I). ATKINSON, DENTIST, Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, I,,.J™™?™* INSURANCE AND COLLECTING AQINT,'i ®®OD¥EAR, J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT, i* th- fo!T«w1n» Fir- tnair-ine- Com-' WILL BUY AM) HULL. Land ai\d Real Estate, j Ode* a. i • b. !*.*• O®.-. r.a> 2l-»f ATTORNEY AT LAW. JJJtVNsWJCK, GA