Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 19, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. Private Boarding* 0»E MINUTE'S WALK ABOVE POST OFFICE.. Terma moderate. Apply to nov t» tf JOB. E. LAHUBIQHT. £dvifiti$tr and Spytal TO RENT f street. Term* r< aaonablo. D. JAB. DILLON. Notice. Neither tho Captain nor Consignee of tha Spanish Brig Emanuel, from I*once, Porto R ico, will be r# ■pouaible for any debta contracted by the crew. JUAN B. OAVILA, Captltn Commanding. Notice. All order* for OAK WOOD of any length promptly Ailed if loft at uov!9>3m J. T. BLAIN'8 DRUQ BTORE. For Sale or Bent and kltcheo. OR WILL RENT The Are rooma on the npper Aoor to a good ten ant on ea*y terma. Apply to ALLEN C. BARTLETT, novlfllf or, COOK BUCS. k CO. Rock Bottom RRiAOHBiD! Great decline in Prices AT TUB NEW 8TOBE OF G OLD SMITHS) Co BACON, 10c per pound, - LAUD. 12 fic pi t pound. COFFEE, 9 pound# for 11.00. TEA, Wic per pound, BUTTER, 30c per pound, HUOAR, 0.10, 11,12 lba. f< to quality. i. for*|l, according Come and examluo the good# and aee for yourtelf. Brunswick Bracket Works RICHMOND STREET. BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. COWARDS, WARD & CO, PROPRIETORS. Wood Turning, Moulding, SAWING, Etc., Plrketa of all atylea made to order,Wood Turning of every description, also. Her. II and Circular Saw* tug done with neatness and dispatch. Octagon and Fluted Balusters, Newels and (tails constantly on hand or made to order. Pattcrna. Models, Rope and Twisted Works, Ten-Pina and Balls. Indian Clubs, Mouldings, both straight and circular, lor carpen ters. cabinet makers and piano lorte manufacturers, In Act, all trade* supplied in their different branch es. We Invo also the Ancst !in# of Bracket*. P*p< Holders, Slipper and Stenoscopic Gases, lictui Frames, Clock 8helves, Hat and Towel Itarka. stc. Wi’learo give u* a call, and leave yonr orders. N. B.—All Jobbinu attended to at once, and dot at reaaonabla rates. novlJMf tUBUMHKV XVIBT SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19.1881. HOME MATTERS. Post Office Time Table. General Delivery opena 8:00 a. closes 8 lOOr.a. Register and Money Order Buaineaa opena 9:00 a. (.; cToaea 5:00 p. m. TIME OF CLOSING THE MAILS. St. Simona mall cloaea 6:30 a. m. B. k A. mail cloaea 8 15 a M.AB.mai Savannah, cloae at 7:00 v Macon Ga.. March 31.18T>. From having been Intimate with the proprietor# t»f-Hwift's Syphilitic SpecUlc,’’ I have known much of ita manufacture and uss. Titer* are men in this community who ware victim* in early life to Sypb. ills, and who have taken tha 8. H. H. mi-dletnn, and are now. t»» all api>«aranco", and lu tlielr own be. lud. m free from taint of disease as the first man, irrab from the hand* of his Maker. Delicacy for. l>i<U their public recommendation*, bnt I am ah lowed to refer the aceptlo privately to those who will eudorsc everything that can ba said in its favor. Bo- •rg professionally much opposed to recommending aecret remedies. It it wi;b hesitation 1 attach ray name to this article, bnt I know wbareor I apeak whou I say onr science has not mado tublic a cow* Itinallon equal to "Hwilt** SyhIUUo Specific” for the nurposo indicated. p 1 T. L. MARSENBURO. Pa. O. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Proprietor*. At- Unta, (i». , . „ Sold by all druggists. Call for a copy of ••Young LeOOITTE SAND HEAR! Notice Is hereby gli tbo undersigned I* nc . ... -- , one to on* thousand, at prices ranging *ow Xhs to f| (« each, according to atae and qnantlty. W. F. PENNIMAN. uovl2-lf Larioso Hall. THE SKflW RISK Will U Opened every Tuesday 4 Friday Night Commencing I5th h HATES WILL BE novlk if Fire Insurance! T. O’CONNOR, Jr. AOKNT FOR THE ItlUTISU AMF.IUCA. Liim&WNDONMiM, AND NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY. oar* -ver Mul len's Drug Store. fcbl-ly CUSHING’S PHOTOGRAPH Rooms, Newcastle Street, cnRXEtt ABOVE BLAIS’S DRUO STORE. I would re*j-e* tfaily inform the eitfrens of Brnnswlrk that I have fitted np the rcom* located a* above as a Photograph Gallery. and an to do aU klhda wi »«k i» that Une •*' yn*t ■ 0 Sea “rock bottom” prices nt Gold smith & Co.’s. Sco advertisement of wood for sale, orders to bo left at Blain's drag store. Chicago Bacon, eeconda, 9kc; beat bacrnllcto 12,‘.c, at MOORE k HcCKAKY‘8. Mr. Lenvy will sell a donkey pnmp before the Court Honse door on Mon day at twolvo o'clock. Scnor Daniel do la Pedrnja y Cuesla, Spanish Consul, nt Snvannab, was on n visit to Senor Terras this week. Coffee 9 pounds for $1.00 at Goldamith k Co.'a. The steamship City of San Antonio arrived hero yesterday on her first trip to this port. She is an elegant craft. Mr. W. T. Jones has just launcod a new fashioned water craft—a sort of velocipede, We will tell yon, in next issue, how sho works. Try Moore * McCrary’s Coffee. 8}« pound* for $1. L’arioso Hall was opened to tho public for skating on Tuosday night last, and tight lively did tho skaters move around. Everywhere is visible marks of im provement. Tho neod is still groat for residences nnd stores for reut.— Nono tiro vacaut. Prepared Graham Hour at Goldsmith * Co.’s. Next Thursday is Thausgiving Day, and not a single gobbler has yet been seut in to muko glad the hearts of yo editor nnd his numerous household. Soo notice of storo to reut by Mr. Dillon. The baildiug is the one now being finished up on Day street in front of tho Custom House. The stand is nu excellent one. We call special attention to tho card of Messrs. Edwnrds, Wurd A Co.— Head over their advertisement care fully and hug if you do not lined some thing they innuufiictui’u in beautifying your home. Try Moore k McCriry’s Gilt-Edge Uniter, three pound* for II. % When a young man goes to sco a young lady ni.d stays out till mid night, and then won't tell which one be went to sue, tho presumption is that the editor will soon bnve wedding cake to dream on. Messrs. W. T. Glover A Co. aro get ting in a big stock of goods for the winter trade. Something nice tor the children as well as the old folks.— They have just recoivod a largo lot of Seaside, Franklin and other libraries. Brunswick at Gold 0. Day and later by Mr. W. J. Way), Tbo boaso is a two-story bnilding with eight rooms besides the kitchen, and has been rccontly re-painted, eta If desired, Mr. Bartlett will rent the rooms on tbe uppor floor, five in num ber, to a good tenant. Good (able batter 30 cents Per pound Goldsmith It Co.'t, the (rooers. Memphis & Cbarlston R. B. stoek in being agitated, and an effort being made to break tho lease of that road to Cole. Should tbe effort be success ful, it will fall into tbe bands of Mr. Wolffe, so that Brunswick will lose nothing by tbo transfer, tho universal sentiment being llmt'tba Erlanger syndicate will do more for ui than tbe other, as it baa but one outlet, which is Brunswick. A few days sinco a Spanish gentlo- mnu entered onr oflicc on business, and in bis broken English, and to tbe best of bis ability, proceeded to make his wants known. Appreciating his enibarrsssing position, ono of onr young men, with n thorougb(?) knowl edgo of Spanish, camo promptly for- ward and accosted him in that lan guage, bnt was compelled at tbo first fire to beat a retreat, with a grant, which was very expressive, nt least.— Moral—When yon attempt to con verse with a foreigner bo sure you know more than ono sentence. Can it be true that wkolosalo liquor dealers in Atlnutn, Huvnnunb and clsc- whore have scut money hero to thwart tbo will of the people of this county in tho oloctiou which was to buve been hold to-day V Such ia the current re port. I-. IV. T. .1 Gold... Itbk Co.',. Mr. J. 11. Wright, our former citi zen, bos returned to bis old homo, nnd is to-dny opening up an elegant as sortment of gent’s furnishing goods in the store of Monro A McCrary. His advertisement will appear in next is sue. Meanwhile, give him a call if you need anything in bis line. The best Rtxxla fort be least money st OoMauilth k Co.'s, tbe grocer*. Ono hundred am1 thirty nt rivals at tbe Nelson Houso for tbo week ending Nov. 17tb. Whnt better proof in wanted of thu now life that bus been put into our place of late. Deadbeats will please not construe this ns an in vitation to come bore. Live mon aro always welcome. B* fore yon bny. examine tbe sunk amt price* oiiUmilii k CO.’#. Married.—Symous—Moomaugb.— Iu Jesup, Go., on tho 9th inat., Win. F. Symons, of Savunuah, and Miss J. W. Moomaiigh, of Jesup. Mr. Symons is well known hero and bis tuuuy friends unite with us in wishing biiu a bnppy and prosperous married life. All kind* of Emit Butters at Muoro Jfc McCrary’s. Mr. Joseph E. Lambrigbt adver tises for boarders in this issue. His residence is witbin one minute’* walk of tbe Post Office. Wo might men tion in parenthesis that Mr. Joe is a greou grocer, nnd as such will prolwi- ply have something good to eat, if there be any of that commodity in tbo nmrket. Dscoti, ten rents |wr pound at Ooldatuitb * Ou.a'a We do not romemla-r ever to have men such a fine looking net of aea captains iu onr port nt any oue time oa at preaenl, nor a bnpdauuier set of vessels. Nuticalily *o anion a this lat ter claim ia tbe tbree-mnsted schooner Haskell, of Doer Me. She ia jiut off the stocks, and as fine a model as ev er graced onr wntem. Large stock—splendid assortment -jf jp*>d* — low price* st Goldsmith * Co.'s, tbe Kn>r«r*. Mr. Allen C. Bartlett oilers C**r sale in Ibis issue bis premises near tbe old dvpot (formerly occupied by Mr. H. A DnnaeroiiM Follow. ~ For some timo past a suspicious looking fellow bos been lurking around tbo premises of Mr. T. B. Goodbread nt night, with a view, it was supposed, of robbing tbe bouso, tbo presumption being that tbo sales of Mr. O.'s tobacco shop were kept at home. About a week ago young Mr. Fulton Goodbread went homo just n littlo after dusk, accompanied by bis cousin. Coming up tbo back way, bo found his mau in tbe yard rcconuoi- teriug. As bo roacbod the gate tbo chap discovered him, and, rushing past him, took to tbo woods. Young Goodbread opened firo on bim, nt tbe samo time giving cbnse. About tbe fourth or fifth shot the fellow uttered a cry nnd fell, with Goodbread upon him. The young mnn attempted to shoot him again, but, finding bis pis tol oinply, clubbed it and commenced pounding him. His young cousin now enme up, nnd tho two undertook to hold him, but, being mere Ntrip- lings in size, nnd lie 11 very powerful uegro, they were hurled aside and the chap mado good his escape. On Monday night last, ns young Goodbread was going home, some one, supposed to lie the same party, waylaid nnd fired at him, but missed his mark. Later in tbe night Mr* Goodbrcad's dog dinned some one out of the yard, and the next morning fat splinters were found sticking in the cracks of the kitchen on the out- I side, tho presumption being that, hnv- j iug failed to hit young Goodbread, he had attempted to burn tho promises, by way of getting even. "GARFIELD CLUB." At a meeting of the "Garfield Club” held at L’arioso Hall ou tbe 14tb day of November, 1881, tbe following res olution was unanimously adopted: WTirreas, Tbe report is industri ously, and, in somo cases, subtly and ingeniously, circulated in this city that this club is seeking to carry special measures and tho support of special men, although it has been repeatedly announced by tbo President and by members of tho elnh, thut such is not the case; and, Whereas, Good men, not yet mem bers of tho club, may be deterred from joining by reason of such re ports, therefore, Resolved, That it he announced through tbo Advertiser and Appeal, that all such reports aro without foun dation in fact, and thnt tho sole ob ject of this club is to socuro good gov ernment for the city of Brunswick, without regard to special men or spe cial measures, and that it is tho unan imous desire of this club that all good men, not at present members, may fi nally understand this to bo the object of tbe club. Resolvedfurthei, That all persons who lmvQ hithorto circulated ouch re ports, from whatever motive, bo re spectfully requested to cease circulat ing such reports .Void tho date of this publication. On motion, it was also ordored that the paper setting forth tbe object of tbo club and tbe obligation of tho members bo published in tho Adver tiser asd Appeal, tho same reading as follows: "Brunswick, Ga., Sop. 20, 1881. Tho tindersignod, whoso names are hereunto attached, desiring to socuro an economical and judicious adminis tration of their municipal afiairs du ring tho next nnd succeeding years, hereby agree to form themselves into an association, to be known ns tho "Garfield Clnb,” whoso object it will be to select, and then by their united and earnest efforts, elect, as Mayor and Council, such of their citizons as aro most competent to take charge of the municipal government, ami who will in their jndgmen*, at all timu and under nil circumstances, impar tially nnd faithfully administer tho same to the promotion of the host in terests of the city. And they further agree thnt they will abide by the ac tion of a majority of (lie club, nud will zealously sup|>ort whatever ticket may be selected by the same.” A true extract from the minutes. James Houston, See’v. ST. SIMONS ITEMS. IVopln Aro Schooner Four Sisters, Captuiu Bunker, sailed on Thursday for Bos ton. There aro now nt the docks one brig and three schooners. Others aro on tho way. Arrived Thursday p. m.—schooner Lester A. Lewis-two days from Charleston, S. C. Mr. John Cnrrio 1ms just received twenty head more of fine cuttle from thonunin. Plenty to ent this winter. Mr. R Levi sou again appeared on the scone last wock. It is rumored thnt ho intends again opeuing hia old stand at Juwtown. Mr. J.*J. Wilder, iu tho employ of the Company, at Camps, was on the Island last Sunday, ou business relat ing to the river. Mrs. J. G. Yonug has returned from a short visit to Darion, whore sho has l»eoii to establish Miss Minnie at the academy. Mr. F. A. McKellur is again at his post in the mill, having just returned fiom a pleasant visit to hi* home iu Cbnihara county. Tho Company is making somewhat oxtensivs additions to their already largo yard, for tho storage of their surplus stock of boards, etc. Mrs. E. P. Herrick 1ms returned to her homo in Maine, this climate not agreeing with her. We shall souq ex pect to see tbo other half following. Fish and oysters are now getting to be plentiful. These, with the groat quan tity of cano, wo soo no neod of any one’s going hungry tho coming season. Mr. John Fitzgerald, not finding u ready salo for his place, now proi>oses to ralllu tho same lit $15 a chance, and only forty chances. Now is the time, boys. Mr. G. L. Elliott returned Inst week from a dying trip to Savannah, whith er ho wont to meet a party of friends from New York, per steamer City of Augusta. Tho steamer Hamilton is being re paired ami put in prune order Her new boiler is iu place nnd Tommy, her enthusiastic engineer, will fir«- up and start bis pot soon. The river, which has been low tor some time, is rising and logs will now come in fast enough for all demand; so no moro loafing, no more lost time, but plenty of work. Wo aro sorry to learn of tho severo sickness of Mrs. W. H. Gowon at the resilience of Dr Blain, in Brunswick. We hopo that there will noon he change for the better. Lieut, li. F Mclritire, formerly < count of your decided stand in favor No Klmti ion To-tiiiy. of lestriction. I tun sure tho friends The election ordered for to-duy will of mstfiction will see io it that your not bo held. Through some mistake,! bunine** will not sutler by such with- .. ., ,, *. ,, . • drawn], and should the measure sue- I ' 0 time provided by tho Co.,munition m | incrcna0( , ,, row|> * r ity znd ers for holding xaiue ia not in accord- w0 „| t |, u f county will very soon anco with thnt provided by tho act, I create a demand for ynnr paper that which declares that tho oleetiun shall will c-mnterbnlanee any loss you may ho within'CO days nflcr the passage of j tile act. It so happens that thu fill days '• l h.< ] I Nothing lias so completely ronsed lour people lately asthoissnnon which [ they were to have voted to-day. W’e received several letters from subscrib ers nnd others, bidding us stand firm j the'If. 8. naval service, but now !o- nnd battle for the right. Here is ono j cabal on St Simons, bns jast returned °l them J f ro ,„ „ trip of some two months North, “I regret to learn from yonr last ia- looking well and is fall of bitsinea. sue that certain parties had threaten- ed a withdrawal of patronage on nc he is alive, safe and well, and loading in Darien. We should like to shake him by (bo hand. Qascoigne Mills are now running under full headway. Tbo Eogliab bark William Gordou it now loading tbero for South America. Tbe Cap tain is expecting bis wife from Cana da, protty soon, to make tho (trip with bin. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of Balti more, relatives of Mrs Gonhf, are on visit, tbo first time in sixteen years.— Mr. Richardson served in tbo Confed erate army daring the war, nnd was wounded in one of tbe battles near Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wright, from Brooklyn, arrived on Sunday last by City of Bridgeton, from Savannah. Wofearti from good authority that they intend making Brnnawiek their permanent borne, and where be will ongnge iu business. Wo wish them nil success. Mr. A. W. Smith's fninily left on Wodncsday evening for Atucriens, whoro they will spend some time with friends, till Mr. S. can settle bis busi ness bore, when ho will take them to Alabama, where, wo believe, ho in tends making bis future homo. Tbe Island will feel his loss. Our yuung friend L. G. Mercer is ■undo hnppy by tile arrival of a boat of relatives and friends, with tbo ox- pcctntiun of moro a littlo later in tho season. They cauie all tho wny from Couadu to -jh'JhI the winter among the roses nud fishes of our littlo Isle, and judging from the hnppy expres sion of Mercer's lace, lift, nt “Ellnir Cottage” must Im full of sanshiuo and happiness. Tho Island was buuorad last jreeb by a visit from Mr. Coxswcll, of Prov idence, R. I. Mr. C. was, foi ly-two years ngn, overseer on on* of the large plantations on St. Simons, then owned by his uncle. He is sixty-seven year* old, a native of Boston, Mass., and livod Sonth a omnivor of yean in ala- very dnya. He is now ragged and healthy, nud extensively engaged in business in Prnvidenoo. **W# BUJII v* wltbont 1oy«— What I# j-Mnlon bnt piz-lnn ?— Bat whera Is tbs man TLafcan 11m wltbont dining f w« msjr Ur# wlUtout friends. W* cm Ur# wltbont greeting. 0.H.W1BERL IIB1VV AiNDFANCY GROCERIES PIO HAMS, BREAKFAST SACON, Flour; Sugar, Coffee, Teas, LARD, Butter, Rice, Etc. A VARIETY OF Canned Goods, mis AND FANCY CRACKBSS. Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Tobaccos and Cigars, Ktiastit Street, - Brunswick 6a. tlll'jMOj BRUNSWICK MARKET* OFFICE ADVERTISER AND AFPEAL. t Ukr-xMwicx, Oa., Noveittbrr 19, !W1.) U'-luw wo quote prire* current for to-riijr: COTTON- Mi l.Utnu Pair......... UK Good Middllus 1IH Middling r. 11 *4 Law Mirldline tOfi Oftol Ordinary Ic, Ordinary : tjfc RICE. Cotuinnu O'.lfW* V»lr <».wd « «#••« 90*1 »l Hough rou it try NAVAL STORES. D fl.swi, F. tl.tfi. F12.00, O$2.0.), II $3.10, have already pused Another Jluw in the matter i* the fact that the ndver- tiHoniunt of the election is not in com pliance with tho act. Tims, by in* oversight ou the pin t of some one, the whole matter ha* gone by default, and the race mapped out for to-day will not bo rnu. The friend* of the men*- uro feel sore over the tom nffuir* have tnken, and properly no, for they held tho balance of power. This w« Ih.- lievo all will acknowledge. But the: opportunity Inis been lost mid all hands miiHl accept the situation. Attention ! The Garfield Club will meet at L'ar- ioso Hall at 7:30 o'clock i\ m., on Monday, tho 21*t day of November, 1881, for the recoption of new ineni- bers, and for the trousaction of Much other business as may come before it; nnd also lit the same hour ami place, on Monday, the 28th of November, 1881, for tlio purpose of selecting a ticket for Mayor and four Aldermen, nt tbe municipal election to he held on the 10th day of December, 1881,* and for tho transaction of such other btis- a* may lw necessary to seciirt the election of such ticket. By order of the Club. James Houston, Sec’y. New Prophecy By ffioihrr Khlpton. Whm lawyer# fail to f»8« • fee. And Jnrir* o*»er dU»|tr*e; When politician# *r* cott*nt. And landlord# don’t collectfh* When par tire smash #11 tb#ir machine*. Kostina, is lying in the sound* bound for the Mill*. It is hinted that her commander, Captain l’hilhrook, with his wife, will s|>cnd the winter nt tho aStevens House ou the Island. Fire was discovered in the* board ing house one tiny thin week. By prompt work auel plenty of water wh* prevented what might have been a conilugratiou- a seiioiis Jims to the Island. Tile David Clark in making two trip* a week to Brunswick, stopping at nil way landing*. Cupt fiieiiowc* and the polite purser, Mr Jno Gore, make it pleasant for parties traveling that way. Both the Florida ami City ol Bridge- York, have got it down on my j now »'tuning daily t«» F« nii»q- Tlit writer has no interest here ! ‘tt 11 ' 1 * connection with trains I ft *). K f'J .17 *,M-|2 60, M $2 N |2.»7>„ idow «!*•<* f3..TIH. i irit* TcurKTri*#—Oils ami whlakrya, BO'.r} ulara, Jl'jc. SUPPLIES. IIai'iw -Clrer ril» aid**. lfl.Vc; *houMrrn, ; aiu«, lCc; dry hhIIchi clear rib aide#, 9S'ej lu«g icar. tXc:*liouid*ni,7T»«. OnaiN—C'uru-wblbt Wo, mixed Mc;u#U, 62g *'»V; bran, f 1.30., 11. jor^f 1.2*1; Ea«t«ni. II. M; ’.-•tero ttmuthy 11.36. I.AIIK—In lUirre*. Mgr; lo-.-a and tub*. 13gc. 1’i^iUN—Hii|verAin*, fii mu6 60: #x*r», IISWmT AO; fomily. |N MiftfH 30; lancy. |U SO# 10 M); baker#*, ‘1 ZViffR TV HiDit*. Wool.. Utt. - Hidi-a, dry Sint. 13J,c; sailed Removal idhanp THE FIRM OF W. T. GLOVER & CO., (SUCCEUHOBf TO W. T. GLOVED) moved from the store next door to the Post Oflicc. and opened afresh ia Dixon’s New Building, Whirr# tha public can t>« supplied, at wholesale or retell, with every thins In lb# line of STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. IEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS A MIES Received dally and for sale at low price#. PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. TheLadies’Store i. 27.-; burry « *1*-. Tall-» X 9*c; aklns, IH-; Otter *klna, tV«r|t no. naval ktokkh rioiaiiTs. It-In »nd spirit*, 3*. 9dAS*. 9<l. to Unlt#d m or C'uMiluuut direct: to E*w York. tOcca Uj ou *pirlt*. -T» New York, rosin Wo. m»Ii ““ . .. — ,. (d RUtUsok#, win U#. spirit# Pbiliuk-lpbla. rrein : rrelli 40.. spirit* 73c; to •plrita H0r > BeaHn/n Id finding favor «lm*wht*re, an well an in onr city. A weekly loader of the AnvKitTtjthH, in New Yurk, thu* writes uh: "That improvement com pany idea i« striking in the right di rection, if it bo properiy managed, and I am confident Brunswick 1ms a good future, ami should I ever leave ! Xoi lint And landlords don’t col|M*tli*tr rent. all tbatr machine* # up tlielr brans: Khty cnnar ~ -** * And firia When ladlre -*•« i »»*■ lira" v And oflW-e otkan never flop When nrt—ihern cut »lwir »emw abort. And all folk* to the church resort When bark »u*tari1b«r* h*re al' paid. And editore their foremen made— Such baptdm •• will *#ra port* nd That *Jk» world mu*t coma t-> an end. So #o to Gup I.'in ilh A Co.'s, tb*Or** erymfn. And for provision* tbera your motef *i>end. ^ 4;ray flnlraarr Uanorablr, [ But their premutimt npiwanuin* i« an- * uoying. Parker’a Hair ihds tin i« j ulftr for eleanlinoas and promptly re-, storiug the youthful color. t whatever, only a* he hits learned of Jacksonville, uud at .Sttvwnmih for f Brunswick from onr columns Hi* the North via Ocean Steamship Cor.i-j opinion, therefore, is an unprejudiced f H ship*. oue, ami ns such is worth something. Mr. John Itenuick and n foruo of j We trust the projector* of the company ! carpenter* are biiaily engaged rep or- j will continue to push it forward. Wo ing the Company’* mill We hear * shall aid it till we can. great deal of building amt imp.wvo-j Itu a Weii ituimu rart [‘uentn generally will be curried on j Among physicians that Bticlm Jnui-1 winter. per ami 1‘a re ra Brava in combination Mr. W. A. Fuller is ex|H-i‘ted back j are the 1m;»1 remedies in the world for ! u n .Saturday, with a part of hi* family.! any disease of the bladder or kidneys, m , y wjlf mttk „ Sl . Simons lln ir alsate ami that not less than of thu - , human family, both male uud fouiale,! ^ or w,u ** 5r ’ ^ ^ llu w * “ Hiiffer from deraiigement of tliORO or- [ trout to see Mrs. F aud the little gnus, ami neglect or failure to tiso i ones back again. prop-T reinuilits Imrrj nmnv to un- Steull , er Ir1 „, ,„. r „„ y „„ lu timely graves. .Numerous combinn- , lions have Imm’H tried for grn v « l, brick Glmrleston to J.icks-mville, last week, flust deoositH, Bright’* disease, weak- 1 stopped hero for wood. She was pur- ness in buck and hips, produced by I chased to run up tho St. Johns river, derangaiueiil uf unit ki.lncvn,! sllc U „, K „ , tcru wliuolt r i» »«ll but none witii such happy results as . . . . RnnkinV extract BuebSVn.l Juniper. I ‘‘'"I'* 1 ” 1 b,, " ,n "* fc If von suffei from any disease of those Steamer Uuhy has l>een I ml up for organs, got a bottle one or two will, a f t ., v days undergoing repair, but is relieve yon , out again in comumnd of • Captain Breparod otdv bv Hunt, K .nkin fc! _ , 1 Unmr, Atl*nt*; (in. : Franklin, ( B»r..cj li»vii. K guM ■ ■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■— ■■■!■ ■ ■ ■■■ to New York on business, atxoinp.v j Shipping iutolligeuoo, i rou THK iAurr oVimunmwIck.Tortue week ! ENDIMO NOVEMBER 18th. l«l. ARRIVAL*. ’ H Yw Ifor >..vli 4c U.U- M. v 15 Uk SiumvJi. WrlxiM. ifo#t.>n N. »V !« -^r b It Utrkf l, ItMkrli, Jb ll N»vl’ Ur l x Mlae*. IfoWcla*. U#lura,r. .N..V U —*c M V Cl.amj lin. Erc- Hl —Sc Kit# M Kitti NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! ifH-n c^tMoitnunr STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, REA .)V MADE CLOTHING, , I i ‘ • I l I t | Hats, Caps, HOOTS, SHOES, A ITU.LIU*.IF GROCERIES! TOBACCO AND CIGARS. witirh I "fl. r V vrry vStre |.r era llavlo* purcha^ .-<1 my *tn--w r .r .*#b I can ih.refored.fyo/re- prUtfoU. E. KA.TJL, NEXT TO HARRIS. THE JEWKLER. IVlfx»l. u. I* ,rt Hot*!. . K—Hr bk Vi. ?, r la-Mp bu Itavtb.! nZPAKTUIliai. nied by Mr. Itaffo, lus engineer Mr. Cbupmai), who will Dike Mr. Smith'* place at Wist Point, Ims gut as far uh New York, but, owing, we hear, to the. flickiieH* ol his wife, wits obliged to remain a few lay# He will sail for Suvuuimh un the iU-b. The many friend* of the popular Capt J W. Hawley, of the nrlnsrner Nellie P. Morse, r«|M»rtecl lost in the lodt gait, wiil be plea. *4 tg learn thatf M .j>u Dr. A.D.GALE, LOCAL DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA ASBESTOS I.OOFIIVG. i»«ctbzat orncx ur Le Baron Drury, BRUNSWICK, (}A Millinery & Fancy Goods, commxa or, Freorh Chip tula asd Bonnets, Freurh Fall Hats and Bonn -ta, rfarere, French and American ilovare, Ulovre, Lares, Plash and Batin Rlbboua, Sash k Shaded Ribbons Shaded Batina IW dreaa trimming. Milk Velvets, Volvatren In all colors. Children’s and Ladies’ IIos#. x/ssz i.o^ih!5^(5S , vi c s& , s;rKs KID GLOVES, EVERY I’AIB WARRANTED. * Tnla atere la #s«laalv#ly for ladle#, aad they wiu And a vart«d aa*#rtm*at In LADIES’ ADD GHILDIEI'S UNDERWEAR, AZtrnuacBLY low prices. Only Lady Clerks WUI h# Maplojrad, who wlU ak#w #o#4a Mjr Sot counter I* atilt h.-t>l np, where will ha foosd many neelhl artida. When yvn do n#t are what yew wish, aak ' for It, aad If I hares’! It, wlU order It for yvnvrRh piaaeara. Country order# aolkUad. MRS. M C. ROWE. MALLORY’S NEW YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. . .. x f-\ tmcAMsairs WESTMMXTBJ&b CITY OF^aTANTONIO, cpuiB bub. UtntN.Wr<*\nrtlTrM.,•* lu to Brunrldt rmr tw*.- wlto ,U potoU oiXkJU Md X.AZ ItoHltodj- IMmEwK 6SW to ^1 P«to“ m I?"*"' tMMg S!w!lwirrnWcm. XU HARTFORD, COR*. dfc uud AcciJent Insurance, j. m. dexter. Insurance agt, toMX to. toowOo. M OrtunfcX. Cto. amt*. ^ •_ - »i.s 00,000 ru.,-1— tnanrenre ticket# t#u. *o amlaatton r w. h. parsons, PAINTER. HOUSE AND SION PAINTING, DiniKiu l hu»ii»i l iitsciiiiAfiiuiiH ttompUr (iMstal to lx. Iiimi •') > " V-