Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 26, 1881, Image 1

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TJPM&'un, W.'W. WtUln,. I.. 8p<*n, D. T. Dnnn, 3. P. Utrrejr, 8. 0. Llttte Held,». 3. DoerflioftT. curk m no—t—. Ckitf Jfmkal—B. A. r«hm. iwkwsf J.LByh. amafc -LltticScld.'gpttn and Putnam, "SssSjse; «oocATtcm-Pnt»«n. 8pm« «nd Dwn. (!UA*rrt—l*atWtf».L4UJeflpld mo Doerfllnj p rtHay^yRtittS. *_ * V ’' UNITED STATES OmCEllS. Collector ofCnatotna—John T. Collin*. Deputy—II. T. Dnnn. '40 H H Collector Internal Bovenne—D. T.Dnnn. Deputy Maniial—T. W. Dexter. SEA TOUT LODGE, No. fiS. I 0.0. COURT 8E8SI0NB i THE BRUNSWICK ClllCUIT. WARE-M Monda y la April *mU*tdWC. . . 00PTEE—Tuesday after 4th Mofefoy 111 April CAM DEI?—Tuesday after M Monday In May and NELSON HOUSE, i . vt 1 ^ 4 i i t 9 BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GA. Convouicnt to Business, the Railroads nnd the Steamboats. • ’ .iil) t ‘»swhi;! ’tiJ Furniture New. Table Good me. bsck* co.. PROPRIETORS. uisiHr y'\ ’ CIGAR FACTORY Swd-J^ v i *•*»*- W * BRUNSWICK, GA., , » .1 D. 0.11LSLKY, Proprllor. «»«•« &sbs$bmis&r* Pure Havana Tobacco, MOOR* A McCJUBY. JOH. K. LAMBRIOUT. B. F. OOODBREAD. pomroppicE, W.T. OLOVElt, O'CONXOB A WENZ, OOK.ta»W> Your^ Orders are Solicited. jff$&8eD*B*m * M '■ 4, ‘ |4,7 m © - - - Bet “ 8 Batter Keatt B A Fshm, fiats Htontb Coburn, taxes ..ICO Alfred . 77 60 Mn HAMS, • — SHOULDERS, STRIPS, BACON; LARD, SUgAR COFFEE. CANNED FRUITS, CANNED! CANNEDA CANNED FISH, JELLIES, STARCH, BEANS, TTER, HARDWARE, QUEEFSWARE, 1 TIN WARE, GLASSWARE VINEGAR, SYRUP, IDER, ... tlLS. I HOOKS, iedtonder A Co" J Micbolsoa ABro" tadden BISCTTXTS, CHEESE, RICE, GRIST, MEAL, CORN, MACKEREL, COD FISH, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BASKETS, BAKING POWDER, LAMPS, EXTRACTS, KEROSINE, PICKLED USES, SAUCES, FISH LINES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, Pocket KNIVES PAINTS, PIPES Po'vder Uni] Shot AT- GOLDSMITH & CO.’S, THE GROCERS. All goods delivered in any part of the City ree of charge. ! Brunswick & AlbanyRai Ird TIME TABLE. Takes Eilcct Monday, October 3d, 1881. TRAIN8 GOING WE8T. FREIGHT MO. 3. 5:00 an 1*0:00 1*0:37 1*7:10 1*8:10 L.8-.37 I*9:5Q 10* 11:18 I* 12:10 1227 m 1*1:10 2:14 2:50 325 322 4:21 4:50 5:37 630 720 l'ASSIK- OER NO. 1 LEAVE. 9:0(17* 9:50 10:22 10:46 11:20 11:41 1820pm 12:41 •1:14 • 2:101 2:20 820 4:2: 4:37 423 5:12 525 T BtiUNSWICK JAMAIC. 25 \V AYN KSWILLK... LULATON... HOBOKEN* 50 SCHLAT’RVILLE.. AY STATIONS. PEARSON KIRKLAND ......... WILUOOOCHEE.. ALAPPAHA BROOKFIELD TIFTON RIVERSIDE TYTY J ALFORD ...: ISABELLA i.v DAVIS 1 EAST ALBANY.*.. TRAINS GOING EAST. W> onuiM.) PASS EM* OEIl NO. 1. LEAVE. f* 0:20 62i ' 161 DAVIS 1 101 925 I* 625 A. 620 171 EAST ALBANY.-.. . 920ak I* 6:00am RL D. HEADER. Superintendent Approved: CHARLES L. SCHLATTER, Genl Manager. 1711 A. 0:6 156! 020 “ 522 5 06 H 439 4:18 3:43 3:15 2.-43 2:10f 125 1:10 { 12:32 pm 1122 11:27 11:16 1023 1024 10:15 925 920am .. if HCLl JM Mad A Kaiser ABro Mrs R Mevors G W Wimberly E Solomon WP Golden 8«ti& A Borehardt " 3000 J A Sapp A Co “ 30 00 P B Holzendorf " 30 00 TG Clark " 80 00 JmThompson " Mrs Sarah' Fries, taxed. .' PJ McCabe “ ffm Rowo " C H Nonton “ Mrs Richard Wing " ........ T H Lang harfage.101 •jf EERaffo “ if! 1 00 Mrs G W Stock well •• ’: . It.. f1 1 OP Jas B Lambright “ -. .. 3 i. D B Emery •• , 13 { Mrs*L Roberts- - • <“ ; /.; . ‘I*,] VV 10 I J W Tabbott Henry Prentice • 35 00 Dock Sanders ’ .35 00 0 Vf Hodges 35 00 GD Manns "5 00 PH Creamer —35 00 D J Lissnsr * - .35 00 WOMbore 1 ....35 00 ESolomon - 1 ‘i 1 36 00 B W Perkins 35 00 Georgs Jenkioi 1 85 00 Mrs Beteoy CnyleV ‘ 35 00 J M Gnerard 1 Joa i WS Pittman, tiro Station....... 40 AT Pntnam, •qnaratitine.;. 1 1 -rj .tf , J« atnsts and fnir.;i6S — ! HAXktoi*;S*e>,«4tfe*UM !0> “ |, dnrmntioe. r m [y nwy Twti I -WGDarsn port, Ad m n,fire dept. 60 — , , I »dsr , j*fc<na<i9*>i -!':■• ato. T O’Connor, Jr, oasts I “ G J EbThqaarsntine... SUS'i 286 2 13 2 13 760 kh A SJlmnkiin, ix(M.'7 8 IV B Burroughs “ 48 57 Burroughs A King " 4 73 Eat Elijah Units " 4 R M Sawyer, "cenae 30 00 Arabia Finley ", ... „ 3 75 Maris Mitchell " 1 75 looso 3 00 Adolph Miehelaoe, license 3 75 John Cooper, liconeo 15 00 Ned IlnriU taxes-00 J C.Niotifdli '• . ... . . .. 10 50 S Morris “ .133 P Haro.on “ 5 98 W Farieas " 6 18 sin T U King" 148 87 MrsBoaqlord “ ........... .44 00 CsrIEpping. .1 425 . - *• . lease.-, 100 DeAnis Arraatrohg.taxes.::.... 100 odwell .. ... Adams A Nelson ... Edward Frazer . ", . W H Hall " ... AC Ward ... Eat L H Barnes " ... Mrs M A Biker ... Joena Wilson , ... Eat O D Smith " ... JW Thompson. Jr " .... Jas Thompson " Cnffis Jenkins •“ ... Veter Christopher “ .. Adam \ ' 0 V/mSp r juaidiim" . . V T Dnnn, limbec*** W Dexter, taxes.,. no. 4. A. 7:15 1*0:20 L. 5:43 1*6:10 I* 4:10 1*820 1*326 1*220 1*1:14 1*12:10 1*11:48 L. 1120 I* 10:15 I* 9:22 I* 8:40 I* 8:15- 1* 7:44 klVUUV* n:oUS<.m.kluli . ./uiua .A irindnouv ruksniK <- mmu, 'frp/l Rsnaaak.'Hs. : /» 1 M. L jaa RATES, UAHNETT & C (•IlOrMlKTOItN, 12.00 PER Dkt. isMia »M. rna>rr attzx. TION AMO MOOCKXTX ZATZS, ABSTRACT OHJWLB BOOKS. Th« 44d4fi||Ml prrpmrr4. la 18101. an aIm tract of all UtWIrmath*- Ran.via of Olynit cwiuiy.Jat* U»i troai rn , Aiial Air.-win. oily brought . *14 bMMfc **.. **U Al>etrart *• iMjnfc T, it n««nl boulg ^Ttioiai twi» book* H *u4 ft. wiiteh ai atnota. A»aee tha rac«n« imiratilu* at Ok- r.<•»*»*, aro tbo «ly data la rAlattaa UlboMt-a oi Wynn rnift tortbottaMRAiaad. »ilb fba osecjitioa of book M. rOE'SALE. -A FINE— Two story Residence With aiebt roo«M WatdM Iba kltdwa aa4 ■> aat hoftaai, Uoaaaatiy lo-aiH a*d rlgbtto dw kart of tow a. Uitmd ratHrtirrpuUemUnligntn City Tax Notice. ba rtty mt Bnuuvitk oa raat» i, and avrry apaeta-a of aa>auaal ILiofta ftMrika iiaifft— m vmmt am tba aaln r. &$aiteWaKrar^vs: ISwIftIflaS'itiiy mnMM rt,MensSainamwlww "S!tmMa*KKii.>.aM Mat* ruin nocaroN. nwk —* G.H. COWMAN, Contractor and Builder, neawm, a Ajasggj sJSr"**" . n4.rr.ork I. nr II*. .,a*u. ,iMi mw, h-': HMM S Sro.. a. Star a Sn Erpsouin Wright EngiAiiua Ffcara Joo Jenkins London I’olito E J Harvey, agent, tuxes. 51 Mrs A E Gowon Mrs B C Hawkins J R Mincban James Callieon John Broad J S Marlin " ... Mrs C E Brooks " .., MrsTFSmith " ... J E Corueline " ... G W Wrrd, license $0,082 80 DisDunaruEXTH. F Nelson, (alary,..., $26 00 Jaa Houston " ......75 00 B A Falun “ ©00 L Beach " ©00 W H Rainey “ 45 00 T W Bolt " 45© LB Davie '• 25© T G Stacy “ 20 00 Jackie WWto " , ,...025 Nelson A Sons, Gnard Honee..-. 4 60 \ T Pntnam, atresta. ...158© Jolin Doerfiieger " 1 © L D Hoyt A Co •• CM T U Stai-y, printing 1G © A V Putuam, chanty 17 © L D Hoyt A Co, streets ©95 " gnard bouse.... 9 © D A Moore, gnard house A bogs 87 96 G UJWilaon, pnblic buildings... 1 25 L D Hoyt A Co, . “ 86 bdga...J.kl... 4 20 •• v j ceuieteriei...... DCS Moore A McCrary, at route 2 35 L IV Harris et a), streets . . ..117 21 W F Doerflinger, police 3 © Thos Wilson, quarantine 8 © Littlefield, canal 1© © .5,129 40 Hngb Cash to baluDco. $6,082 M Examined and fonnd correct. Janes M. Cocrzn, Chairman Finance Com. sircar or l'i.eek axd tbe/wu roa rex 3IOSTII or JURE. Amount on iinnml $1^129 46 *• •• engine itrts B AFahml pdHttf saHwi Cash to Bslues.-ivh. Alex rrileliard Ellen, dark JS Marlin J C Nicholis James Calnan Linns North ■ ker, trnsteo " 6 48 *$W8.-r.->.,k,_i880 VfLwxttjfsb d ,1-d.l ,% 6,722 46 : _*£._ 7,803 » dacl. 7 42 10.W 10© 805 ■ 4 W 0© 7 86 440 . *66 200 1 © 4 76 4 25 2 37 t :0 ' A 3 © ,7-*3 43 73 48 45 . 185 87© J.D Dexter Miss A S Dexter - Graco Seven Mra Ida M Dexter Geo A Fla dredging Co., Uxor. 15 © CH Dexter, Uxas...:. 112© tV H Jenkins - 2128 It W Colsuian “ 4 20 C H Dexter, aolca 0© Arnold Laurens, taxes 1 23 Jeeao Wildor " 17 © J Wildor A Oo “ 1C 45 A V Wood -• 3 06 John Winn “ 2 © Lake Polite ” 7 00 BA fas..... 43 20 Beniamin Butler, taxes 4 25 MBHoUamb trusts* “ ID 00 GD Hodges 9 76 H DHudson * 4© Burroughs '• 4 56 BEi ■■ F H Ames . ■■»*. 3W F H Ames, sales • " 112 J W Roberta, taxes 4© Mn Wm Orovatt, taxes ©48 Tim Myrea, Agent, “ 6 © Mra Pat Mincban " 5W John Cooper " 8 43 Bntlsr Ivcatt " 3 25 Miss E DuBignon " 17 © Sam Ward " 3© G W ■uni ti-J: atrorr of s. k. rAON, nazshal, roa ret t „ Mojrrns of Mur are rows. M Cmipor, fine. . .$8 W , r i. ..3© Tarra Oommodure.. 5© Carolino Richantson. 5 © August Octavio 3© Mias Mills Gi.»is*d...... . .-10 W M Sawyer, eompromise fins. .25 W — raoo Cadope. a W lease Walls 3© Tally McAlpiii ..... ,8 W CE Harris. 5W W J Handley 2'W Olif Solvig, compromise fins: .. . © 00 Millie Barrie.-; 1 W Lon Williams................. 1 00 Mike Brown -3© Ed 'VilUams. ... 100 Jotepi Davis.‘101 Elsey 'ifalls,. Em.Hno Keith Gnss Brown.. Jos Jones. ... Wimberly, license 36 00 A T Pntnam ' " NOW A F Franklin " Littlefield A Tiaon " ltyall Jenkins “ Sam Morris 5© 5© 26 00 16 00 16 00 J M Carter '* 15© W H Harrison Ches* Curley A Co •' Linn* North " ...„. 5© I'etsr Kransa - * 5© Jint Long " 5w J Wilder «• 4»W A V Wood 25© L'srioso Club ” 10© Mrs I Baamgartner “ Jackio White, lease. 2© 7 © D B Emory George Jenkins " S Marlin 8o*portLodgeNo68“ OccanLodgoNo214 " Jouaa Wilson 11 i ‘* “ Grace Sovon " Mrs 1 M Dexter CHI Carl 1 lof Littlefield A Timm, t»xe». 8 C Littleli liI. trnt'i-e, tax < J M Tiaul Ji Liulelleld ... Tiaon, * des.. A F Fi-anslin. taxes W P Minor “ S A Brockiugton, taxes...., O Dart, Jr. trartee “ W G Davenport, nilin., taxsa WG Davenport, taxes.*.... T W.Flanders. . -' ...... Toney Sweets ins “ Mrs T O'Connor “ T O’Connor, Jr., “ C A Japing “ ACKeeny “ WH Harrison < ,,.... . nnunnUlram. I W J F Nk-o , .aelaryrr?.... 15 mica o .ton" ...... 73© © . : 20 . 21 25 ..6MLW 7 © T . 4 60^ . 18© . 27© . ©43 . 3 55 . 7© . 5© . 1200 . 200 23 75 127 W . 501) Full III Reel, ps I Davis 5 Jackie White " W 8 Pittman •• Joe King, streets JJ Spears '• T G Stacy, priuting Lena Harris, eemetoilss. Selina Lamb “ Serna Harris “ m Whits, charity.., .... •25 S3 75 W , W© . 59 IK) 45© 46© . 25© . 20 00 . 626 . OM . 1 — . 1170 . 2© © . 4© 3 00 1 — l k nn ilia* Keith.... Paul Grogan....,. Christie Kransa... Charlie Christie... Adam Girvan Ones Adam* Henry Simmons . Nat Barnes. .. *. Thomas Merchant. Benj Small EmPino Keith. . James Smith O P Moon- t3© fl 00 100 ...... poo ...... 3© 3© 3-W IW 6 W ,,500 ..... 500 5 W COO 10W 4 00 15 W >00 ■Twas a dull, boavy evening; lbs light of the deztm gaa jets along the etriet only served (o make the fasae and fog visible. The clock just tink led forth the hgqr.of nine, and with the nenalremark that “ twas time hou- ' "olka .were abed," old McGnnni- ls trudged on npstairs, followed !?J .tk*.- ,*3 e d partner of his sorrows and searaher for h!« joys. “Don’t yon yonng folks sit up till the morning paper comes this lime," shoe ted she over the banister. PpftUt-o," replied a eweot voice from the parlor; “wo won’t, will we?" she said in an nndertono. “ Not if I know it,” was tho roply. Jjf fife eld folks aro going to be as la A tairl© M ilP W" W8 Ml** “™ K“mg kj do as engine080— ■°® T W lhie, Ignesa I’ll slip now," and ’ ’ he reached for hii bat rflfp ihsrei” and tbs girl’s eyes gleaned witbssrncatness; “ you’re tho first fellow I’rs bad, and yon’vo got to phtddwn that hat and sit and court toe ih good shape. I’m homely, I know, bat I can bnild better bread, iron a abirtbosom handsomer, knit a pair of atoekings quicker, and make one dollar and thirty-seven cents go farther than any girl in the village.— Them’s my rocommendatione." That.suits mo exactly," and his bat flew into tho corner, and that ovon- ing the details of tho wedding were arranged. He depended on a girl as smart as that to get the best of the old folks. A Fox to CoaroaiTOKO.—E. J. Bold- win, a San Francisco millionaire, is a determined foe of corporations; and claims to have tbo ability to paddle bis own canoe. He owoi in San Fran cisco a magnii-eout hotel, the finest thcatiu in tht city, a market boose, *nd blocks of t, isndid bnsioesi boos- ,. Td save iisnnnce ho mads his bolsl utmost file-proof, sod then pro* i idsd it with an elaborato system of fire apparatus, at a oast of $60,0©.— He daimt to bare already saved two hundred thousand dollars by not pay ing pnmioms to underwriters on bis Son Franeisoo property. He con structed gas-works for the Baldwin Hotel, and eared in ooo month's con sumption of gas $2,567. He says af ter be has used bis gas works for six oo tbs be intends to publish a com* ifattra statement of what gaa coet im when bought from a "monopoly," and wbst it cost bim to make it, and bo tbiokf '-tbo figures will open tho people’s eyes.” By driving wells and rnnoiog ateam pomps bo succeeded in saving $0,081 on wator bills in eight* eea months, and determined also to Raaticlnra m„„ -a. Doer dear of anything which looked Baehelura are atylsd msn_eho Uke ,monopoly. Mr. Baldwin wont have pul their foot into it. « "only ^ work .J' upice work>) from >. $203 W By amount turned over to Clerk and Treunnrar.,. .$203 W Correct. ■ j, Ju Kousto'm, erk A Trass. half perfected beings," "obeerless vag abond",” "tint half a pair of eeiason,' anil many nlher like Uiings, while, oo the other band, the basbeion extol their state as uue of perfect bUss,-* Mont men gi-t married iu cwdsr to bare some one to darn their seeks, •ew bnttonH no llioir shirts end trot their liabiee—tliat they may have somebody, aa a raarrinl man ones said, "to pall off their boots when they conn- home a, little balmy."— These fri'iiw* are always talking of the loaetineM of bachelor*. Lonoli- iadeoil I Who b petted to death by ladies who have dnnqhter*, invited to tea and livening parties and told to drop iu when it b convouicnt? Tho bscbelorl Win straws flowers on the isarrini man'* grave ? Hb willow ? Not a hit of ft?’ She pall* down the toinbetoiin- that a six wests grief has sot np in her heart and goes and gets married nguin—alia donut , Who baa wood to Hplit, boose banting end mar keting to do, the young ones to wasVi, and Urn uervanta to look after ? The married man. Who b taken np for whipping Ins wits ? The married man. Finally, who baa got the ffcriptnrw on his fide t The haehelor. Si. Panl kin*’? wliat he Was talking about— lie lint in irriiw due* well, bin h that in rnoa hot dooa letter Tlir darky’s hour i» jn*t before dawn,’ iwmarkel Hambo, when he •tartad ■ *it before daybreak to steal a young chicken for breakfast. We are told that a man's body b thne-fonrlbe etsupnew! of water, bat it b liar*I In believe thb while looking *1 a Ciin-iniiati man. Tim fornmali- rirrtim*taoeea of oar life are generally fonnd at last to be of our 'i*a producing. pnt np ice works, I which he gets alt the refrigerating ma larial bs wants atn cost of $9 per ton, instead of paying an foe company $20 per ton. Mr. Baldwin evidently does not* mean to swell tbs dividends of tbs Bab Francisco corporations J A Sen Answer, “Can I see the tody of the boose?” inquired tho peddler. "Well, yes, yon can if yon ain’t Mindl" snapped the woman who had answered the bell "Ob, beg pardon, madam; yon are the tody of tha boose, then ?’’ '"Yes, I am! Wbat d’yer take me far? Did yer think I was the gentle- mhh of the bonse, or the next door neighbor, or one of the farm bands, or the eat, or tbo ice-cbist ?" 1 didn’t know, madam, bntyon might be the yonngest daughter.” “Ob, did yer? Well, that was Dat ura), too,” replied the ltdy of tbo bnnoA “What d’yer want, sir t" Then tbs peddler displayed bb wares, and when he left that doorstep half an boar later, bb face was foil of pleasure nnd hi* pookvte wen fall of moony. He und.-retoial human natnro nnd kiwi iu*de i good t»le. ?r*nk!in’s lime was a wonder; now we make light of it. i9 Dr«r*r*i*. . Atiakta, Ga, Jane 24,1878. For several years 1 have suffered dreadfully with dyspepsia, accompa- oind at times with mo.-t excrncbtini; pain, and have tried many remedies in vain. I tried your Nsurutfo, which ted like rnagio, giving entire relief in a very short time. I consider it tlie vulnable, and, indeed, wonderful medicine I have ever psod, and moot cordially recommend it to the public. Mar. J. E. itcTLSS, Jio 75, Mai jette etrest.