Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 26, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisements. 0X1 BUCK HOBO AX MARC, oaves yeanoU. ttadawt featl*. Sold for no teult-owner baa no VMlwMr. W* B. B0BB0U0H8. &dvy[ti§er HUd J'pftxl. KTBLMBKD ITUI SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. OBOROIA. SATURDAY MORNING. XOVKMBEB M. MM. HOME MATTERS. I A MAN A wosua Of * child eon buy anything la Um cm list at Um X«w Oroeery Hone* of OOLD0M * 00.. tad there baa not jrat been anyone ITOTJND Who eaya he doe* not got good, treeh good* at bet tom price*. Another &ot that la 3DSJ&.3D Bora la that yon can get tall weight* and big xwr T • ssasiat^jNsKssssregs 1 BRUNSWICK inn A SPECIALTY/ •atnwfcvteet-aai tex»* -»« * Gent&’Furnishing Goods •propoee acUlng at prloea Never Before Known l J. B. WRIGHT. aotinr- OP LAND FOR SALE, SITUATED in LIBERTY Co Zn reach of tho Altemaha rtrer and 8., F. * W. Hallway. AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, ON TUESDAY, DEO. 6tb, IN Hinesville, Liberty county. For farther particular* and description*. apply to ay attorney In bet, A. D. Curry, Darien, O*., or do my attorney at law, Walter A Way. Darks, da. Tartoa of sale, caah, purchaeore pitying for title*. AUGUSTA L PRASE, KyreatrU eetatoT. P. Feaaa. Thursday lost was duly observed by our people as a day of Thanksgiving. Overcoats were indulged in yoster- day morning quite freely. Cause—A slight freeze. Who wick? Messrs. Edwards, Word At Co. con tinue to improve their bracket works. We like enterprise. Parties wishing to purchase a good horse should read advertisement on opposite column. Hew Georgia ayran—79 oenta per gattofa 7 MOORE A MCCRARY'S. Another clerk has been Added to the force of the M. k B. Railroad of fice at this paint. Good sign that. Don*, forf«t Uul b«4qurtan for CHrMUM tHokitett a. X.HEINS. ■ Mr. W. O. (Woeb) Moore bos been quite ill for several wooka. His many ; friends would be pleased tone* trim ' out once more. TrlmBMd rst Hkte aw SI SO. flow. 000 Urn. •iia.Lrito.-awn. Among the prodigies of our town is • girl baby, just a little over two months old, that has already "eat-its first tooth.” Nextl'. Ill io.n ttocotu lOe; KmlHbqr. tor cnckcr. 10s. .t c. H. WlHilEBLY's. The Garfield Clnb meets next Mon day night (28tb) to nominate a ticket for the tnnnicipal race. They have bat one plank in their platform—good government. Bwn.MonUwrponSiMSM, did. S>> 111 H Murines oflour for (I. M 0< aOo,’., lb. groom. Messrs. D. C. Bacon k Co. cleared the Norwegian bark Alfred, on the 26 insL, for Bilbon, Spain, with a cargo of 209,837 feet pitch pine lamber, vei ned at $3,357. »XaUK cento Mr pound; on WINTER SCHEDULE BA. A FU. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. FiW^ Trips per Week iking cdaa. AonaeetioM with . _ Do. to and from Mew York, and with PhUadel* phla, Baltimore and Sestohltaaaere, and at — * A. and a to All palate. every Tuesday af rick for Savannah STEAMER DAVID CLARK Leave* gavannah evenr Monday aftaraooo ter •*> tllla river, touching at Jtnmrwlck < - ternoon; •very STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON ^ Arrtvea at Brnaewlok every Monday and Than* STEAMER FLORIDA JSUS&AZ&XSS *"■'”** rin.*—O-to-totofriU£*»*- •prtllMm Bnanlri.eaik.4oek. W. U. HARRISON, km SnwqAsiT*sfrREi?f, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. P, i r-r-Y • V ^ ' ' Sale of Furniture, Crockery and Glassware every' trghit at 6 o’clock; Saturdays, 11 A. V. JSlmiul Fire Insurance! T. O'CONNOR, Jr. AO EXT FOR THE BRITISH AMERICA, LIIWL&UIMCLOBB, BEWTORK OIOERUHTEK'AIE.CT. OW.I Stoto. tM-U mbdioenris —riMirnm or-— FEVERS, PILES, DTSPEPS!*, SCROFULA Cancer, Colds and Coughs, W...n-r Own Tjr.ULto ktoitor OBIT. m4 tor Dr. Ii. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, GA. m iw wwii ii Foat oflea Time Table. General Delivery open* 8:00 a. Register and Money Order Bualnea# opens 0:00 a. Joses 9:001. at. TIME OF CL08IN0 THE MAILS. St. Simona matt eloeea 6 JO a. At B. k A. mall cloaca 8:18 a. m. M. Jk A mall closes 9.-00 a. k. Savannah, Maoon and Parian through ponchea 2,632 barrels rosin, valued at AT,GOO; ithe 24, Glynn Superior Court will not con vene on Monday, aa stated in subpoe nas joined, bnt will oonvene accord ing to the new law, on the 6th of De- comber, a week later. (14 Glow teuton Hu. fo Mr. Arnold Kniner bos pnrehasod the lot next to Hoyt & Co. Ho now owns both lota on that coruer and wo may non expect to (ce a grand M- tabliabment pnt np there. Lard lie; bast batter 83c; good cheese 90c, at 0.1L WIMBERLY’S. We learn that the drainatio canta ta, to have been roudorod Docomber 8th and 9th, boa boon indefinitely poatponed. Tbia will bo • unpleasant news to lovers of the dramatic. Well attested tigers, 79 oeata sad 11.83 pay bos at Goldsmith hOo. 1 * Mabbud.—Floyd—Patch.—Nov. 22, the residence of Mrs Spear,, by Rev, H. B. Luoaa, Mr. Ohariee W. Floyd and Min Mary A Fetch, all of this city. (Albany New, and Adcer- liter pious copy.) *3tRsaaas^jsdsusust . wooufcwouiuura dodge Merabon is bolding court in Liberty this week for dndgo Tomp kins. This means that we are to hare Jadgo T. orer here come of these days. We are always glad to have him To ri. mu., big, o!4 M4 foaagt Okrtotmu .1 don’t toel Into A. B. HKISa T.n, on. of Ik. Urfril u 4 but HJortto tssosr- Fl ra works, ate., att..tvsr brought And (till another millinery and dreae-making establishment about to be opened. The new establishment to be located next door to Heins' oopfectionery, on Newcastle street, and kept by Mrs. Earl, of Brooklyn. Bteotlful Corato Ibr Ido to IS. .1 Oto What Our l’eoplo ara Dot; It will time fur onr annual ipart of ipipmonts’aqd soles, -fler oaif opinion that the figures will “nx- tonish the natives.” Few men n,ot fa- mfliajwith what 4a going on ca if forth any estimate of the doily sales ufaBWe of our businoHs Arms. a We venture the assertion that we can pick ont fan,/firms in .tot* wBoec aaliia/for 1881,combined, will aggregate $1,000,'- 000, and one banker and broker alono whose business for the same period won’t foot np leas than tho same amount—in other voids, over whose oonnter will bare been ' transacted that amount of business. 'And wo can show a hotel whose arrivals for the last tbreo months of this year will foot np from 1,000 to 1,50Q guests; and yet some people nre foolish onough to speak of us as “poor little Brunswick.” All of this business, with the exception of tho banker aud bro ker, baa been worked op within the last twelve months, and still wo hear some people say, "where is yonr boom?—we don’t see it." Wo vent ure still another assertion—There is not a singlo business house in tho city that bos not done a bigger business this year than laat, nnless, possibly, it be soroo establishment that don’t try. Exonso as, then, if wo talk Brunswick “from early morn till dowy eve,” for we claim, tbongh,not boaat- ingly, that onr Weekly issues have had eomo hand in “whooping tip” tbia boom. A alight change boa been made this in the corps of teachers of the white pnblio school. Miss Patch baa resigned and Miss Jcssio Spnlloek, of Borne, Go., elected in her stead. Mias Spnlloek will assist In the primary de partment But yonr groeeriea sad prorUiooa where prises Witt tea, *1 OoMsaith * Co.’*, the grocer*. The residence of Mr. Vandaily was entered a few uigbta since and relieved of several packages of family supplies. The thief, a white man, was arrested the following night and given qnar- in hotel de Moore to await action of the law. Skwto la ill «0u>. M tea Lrito.- Store. The time hoe passed in the history oar town when merchants ean fold their arm, and say: “oh, everybody knetra I am here and just what I keep.” Thu fact ia be who would kesp np in the race moat advertise in tome way. The more ways the better, bat the beet way is by Anrexmxa ink and low prices. p patten, oa cars, tor tri #0.1, tori. Matt, tor tttoj kao. arkoai, .1 tfc. LADIES* STUBS. Mr. A. V. Wood cleared, on the 18 init, for Glasgow, the Norwegian bark Fama, with a cargo of 600 casks spir it* torpentioo, valued a' $12,000, and T EOLIPSE AQAIM- Bawxixs In, Nov. 22d, 1881. total value $20,000." Also,'on Inst Swedish bark Augusts, forGran- Ur mtorl , k fow weeks Bgo « C ir- ton, Scotland, with,? cargo of ?,176, otUttr reporto.1 the actool ent of barrels rosin, volned at $9,500. EoIil , 60 jra for eJx honn) rnnJ11 i n g lime; and last week I noticed that The very air hereabouts is freighted Diekaefi Brothers, of Pompoy Island, with .the perfumes of welding cake, had commanjfated to yon the ent .of Between this and Christmas the edit- «'cir modns operand!, etc. or will add lirgely to Ws sab'scriiftion « 5'On'wil! Idtldly give rad apace In list, for every newly married oouple is yonr columns, I wonld like to say a almost ear* in. bate the Apranantmt ^ (or.thqmUl which hoe the honor awd ArW^XfW have tuiltSd no ,h « • ervi “ s of theVJmm. far, and we do not learn that thoee P™ who have live happily together. . Dick “ a >P«} ot *****& riin.Tfefc -« tot-aaar-Uri a.*- space this week. We hope he will fall short li000/oet of lheir , Tamge . find fame before mtother irin. to^H that thk mUlX that apace os fnUofreadtn^ mTOor ron 8 w u bis store is of goods. His foil and l ' u ,l. store is of goods. . winter stoek is eom^fotA and his caries fresh and good. We know trit Ota-Ufri Blttot aai Mri-OriMiem#S.«4ttSWAW aoodat Sretoa rrtrit Ion OtNUri Bills rigwgriiMa, tori.tla.totai.Prinm aasssssssP , “ d *' ,h ’— town to tbe gnbilo its kctatnl espae- VT I am a very modest man, not given to Vein boosting, Snd would tsve pre ferred to have kept secret the means tfTvfiictrffiaKelipsa SOcqm* d results, unparAltelod in histo ry, but the tinia has idteti ’for mo to P#- “Circular Saw,” being fearful that if he had published the daily cut of this mill there wonld I o some peo ple who might think he was exagger ating, wrolir yon that' 382,000 feet bad been turned-ont in eight hdnrs, for he wolf kncw Uint no reasonable man, who was at all acquainted with milling operations, would, for ono instant, vontqre to qnostion the eorreetness of bis statement. But, my dear sir, for one^ear we have made a daily nver- age of 899,999 fept, tftd I havc.hopes, if no.mikfortnne ocoars, to’iucreaso the averngo fall; ono foot next year. Talk about electricity I - This mill is operatod upon an entirely now prin ciple, as applied to the manufacture of timber; viz: animal magnetism, ilightiy'aided by fhtelliglraf physical labor. There are bnt four men em ployed at this establishment: the log- getter, inspector, sawyer and' general ninnipalntor (who is yonr hntnblo ser vant) and tlm renowned designer and distinguished director of this new sys tem, Hon. J. Turnbull. Mr. Turn- bull baa, for years, applied hlmaelf to the elaaidation of tho problem, whiab he bos so successfully solvod, In the construction of this structure. List of Grand and Petit gurncto tbr | ' Fall Term. 1881. | OBAKD JUItORS. R M Rntcliffo, J K Nightongiilo, T G Stacjr, Ilobt R Moody, JasE Lambrigbt, H A Gould**.' JnsF-Nelson, TW Lamb, JnoPLamb, MPKing, OH Dexter, . J M Dexter. . W M Gignjlliatt, WHA nderRon/ istoisr’ Siessf' J R Bostwick, Jaoob Hotch, W A FoUer, Jaa T Blnin,... J R Docrfiingcr, EOF-Dart, , DTDnnn, S O Littlofiold, John A Pbi?ps, Hornco Dart, D A Hoaston, D Jas. Dillon. rerrr jukoiiS. . r bio Banting, C B Modre, -J •‘Wa may live wfthoi What Ih j but. Dat where l# the man J O’Connor, R EBrieeonick. WHTjipi&,r JohnE Moore, W J Price, David Large, O A Miller, biugbonse.E A Pennimnn, M Mineban, W S Pittman, ■Mr % ty.of J. J. SPEARS, who- 8B jt. a* pjjon os, j». •ciui ’find time to write tho This space is the proper- f * advertisement.. Richard Pendsrvis, W A Mimins. What Hulloen Uninedt Althodgb no election was bad last Saturday on the restriction of tho sale of liqqor, yet its agitation is hot with out good- results. Two ovtis bare been oomplAtncd of: First,*.that many of oar naesebanta' kept bar-rooms in the rear p| their stores, ami, sf eond, that some dealers Ver«_carelQaa of the. Truck KHi-mimr Pay*., Wbat one mnn does may bo necom plished by all others of like ability and similarly circumstanced. We interviewed, this week, Mr. Robert Clnbb, onr champion farmer* (in small way), to know how many empa ho bos raised this yoar on any given space, and the vatae of these crops.— He informs us that ho raiaod on ono piece of nbont three-quartor» of an acre, 96 bushels of Iriah potatoes, 35 bushels of enrn, nnd 68 bnslieTs ol sweet potatom, besides a number of bttebola of small Irish and sweet pota toes, which be lias laid by for seed. The figarca given represent only >hat be bos gathered in bia barn or sold in onr market. Now let ns fignro .a lit tle: Irish potatoes at $1.60, corn at $1, and sweet potatoes at 40c per bnahnj, nnd we have the song little sum of $201. ilk lb«..yleld of three- quarters of au acre of Glynn county land. Strange to say, this laud, bo- fore being clou rod, was one immense saw-palmetto patch—land that most men. wonld not consider worth blear ing. There are thousands of acres of jndt each land in this connty, that cuu be bought for a mere trifle, and yot wo boar farmers talk about not being able to make a living. , One Cent a Mila. Some bow we can get no informa tion as to reduction of rater over the k B. Railroad to tlie Exposition. Cod it be that that road is to lie ont- dnne by Hr. Wadley, the very hist ban go into the arrangement, nnd the only one nbont whom there was any fears 1 Come, gentlemen, (lie people are waiting to know. Their money is horning their pockets. —»*- Why tho Sea Is Salt I A certain yonng man owned • cof fee mill which wonld grind bit any thing it was told. He was once at see, when some unit was nestled, bnt, forgetting the word that stopped the mill, it ooa tinned to poor ont salt un til the ship sank. The mill is anp- losed to be still grinding at the bot- om of the ocean, nnd this is why the sea is salt, and in tbs same way Gold smith k Co. continue to sell groceries cheaper then the cheapest, end driy all competition. adv ura r llalraare Heeerakle, Bnt their premature appearance in an noying. Parker’a Hair Balaam is pop ular for cleanliness and promptly to ttering (be jroatbffil color. I cannot outer, into dotui\ but if any of yonr rsadprt, desire to:-bo en lightened us to tbs practical applica tion ol this once lost art, the vonera- blo scientist may bo consulted at this place. Mr. Turnbull, was, fqrijoaig, a shining light of file it 'S., but its members being nnabla to.Jceop pace’ with the magiu strides of his ..gigantic intellect! he left in disgust, retired to this Island and porfuctod, by years of patient study, tho Eelipso mill. By a chemical process,known only to the inventor and himself, wo make neither slabs- nor suwdnst, -both of ttliicli evaporate aa the saw tonohos the fog. If wo had to dnpond on vessels to take our stock to market, wa wonld be nimble to ran more tbun ono week in a month; but Imre,again,over-riding ult obstacles, bus tbe mighty geuiuB of Oul. Tnruhnll tiinin|.liod. liy a sys tem of carefully arranged tnnncla, somewhat on thu principle of the pneu matic tube, connected with if 11 the principal commercial citiea, ivu are en abled to deliver, daily, whatever the mill may cat. For instance, if we are lilting an order for New York, Col. Turnbull touches a spring which plac es the u which the luuibef is to be delivered, in direct oonunuitiOa’Uou with ns, end as fast us tho lumber is out, it is transported to itu destina tion; and so with other places. This part of the bnsinoas tho rovorud octo genarian considers his s|wcinl rare, end wo keep ffd sto. k .hi bund. Another word and I um done.— Circular Suw" relates us something wonderful my pastime with a hsud Wliy, sir, tbs fact of th^^Utr is this: the day I cut thnt / b7,(H everything wurkisl against uie. My saw wna dull, tho timber very poor nnd sappy, and I worked in a heavy rain storm; but if I hud known that uiy day's diversion woe to hare been written abont, I would liavu eXorled myself and then—well, no ono can im agine what the result might have been. Respectfully, P. WuODBcrr. P. 8. I forgot to say that I am tbe champion sawyer, and I don't care if a mill In run by electricity, or oven by, the men who van the election iu Biiiiiswick to defeat restriction, 1 don’t intend to be outdone; and do not ever |iermit the Impression to be obliterated from tho cells of yoar rec- oUeetiou. Pail W' ; N. 1J. I don't think I mentioned that the Hoo. Mr. Tnruhnll sticks closely to cold water. - P. W. Attention Mill and l«iim)>^rtium. Wv cull your apocinl uttentiofi to sdrcrtibAimtut of 1C.U00 acres of land, ait oated in Lii>erty comity, ofTcnnl for •ale, at imbtic outc ry, ii. Hincitville, on the 6th of December. Tbt*e liiudi »re heavily timbered an<| jttUaiJ bp | sold. NutTis jronl time. law forbidding the selling of liqnnr to anyone already nnflcr the inflncncu of it, havo endeavored to conform to this law,, bill. others' bays, liqt( nnd bonce ‘men drink' to intoxication. We say that tha diseassipn baa reunited' in good, for already one firm hos .le- clnrcd itf intention to doss ont-.its liquor stock, and it bus been predicted that ero long ovory store frequented by ladios will abolish tfie sale, and may we not hope that it strict obser vance of tho law by sellers nnd rigid enforcement by the antboritiea will so far oheck tho evil complained of that there wilt be no nottd for furtbor agi tation. **8omethlna New." Under this head will he found op this page tbe advertisement ol onr former townsman Mr. J. B. Wright He makes a specialty ol gents' fur nishing goods. His prices nre low— vory low,—bat don't take onr won! for it* go and price them yourselves. T"1 — '• I ■ ' It Is a Veil Known Fart Among physicians that Baclin Juni per and Parers Brava iu combination are tho best ramodios in the world for any disease of tbe bluddor or kidneys, and that not less than one-h ilf of the human family, both male and female; suffer from dornugemont of those or gans, nnd neglect or failnro to use proper remedies hurry many to un timely graves Nnmorons rmubiua- lions liavo been tried for gravel, brick dust deposits, Bright's disease, weak ness in back and hips, produced by "derangeinont of bladdor nnd kidneys, bat none with such lutppy reenlts ss Rankin's extract Baclin and Juniper. If yon suffer from any dlsoas<. of those organs, get a bottle—ono or two will relievo yon. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin k Lamar, Atlanta, Go. , Ii.ivl9-3m MW STORE ! “ n NEWGOODS! tjitd^£rsgg&s&iAs good* oooalatlBg ol STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, H»t?,qaps, I300TS, SHOES, :* ill aful^xiibof GROCERIES! TOBACCO AND CIGAR*. Which I o&r it venr cJo** stv*w. Haring jmrch**- od mr atoch fur tub out/, I caa th« rotor* dW>ooMa pctluoo. ^ (SUO0Z88OB8 TO W. T. GLOVER) I remored from tfc* a tor* ont door to th« Poet Offlca, cod opened afroah Jn» : )ixon’8 New Building, Whcrfl the pnblio can b* nppttod, at wholeaate or i j retail, with erery thing in tho Duo of STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Eta NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS & MAGAZINES BMtaS 4tfr sa4 tor tel. at low prlos. E. NEXT TO HARRIS, TBS JEWELER. Shipping Intelligence. FOR THE PORT OF BBUX8WICK. FOR THE WEEK ~ D8Xa NOVEMBER 8bth. 1*M. X-ro IN—So FauaUo*, — Nutr 1R—So L A Lewi*. — Not ia—Bh J R Brett. Nelaou, Xaw Y»rk, Hot 18-«o Barth Eaton, Dii, lie York No* at—Br Bk Sappho., tlcPhe*. SAtautuh. No* W—8p bg Lor«to, AbrU, ClofU<•«"*. No* It—fit Americaa Kagte. Etetebft.rd. X. Y. Nov 18—8c Eour Matera, Banker. Bo*|na, Mo* is—Nor bk Faas. Mathteaoa. i.Imo«nr. No* 19—Be JteUla, Driftkwalor. Baltimore. No* 19—Be C B Footer, Coumbe, Xaw York. No* 31—8c Stephan (1 Bart, Tomy. Prorittence. Not Zi-Hc M J Cartner. Uardnof, PMtedatekia.. ’ Ho* n~bc w LGhitto, Bart, ftatomi / J BRUNSWICK MARKET. * ' TJFFtCE ADVEKTtSER AND AFPEaI* f J Bnuffawica, Oa., Xovamber >1, ?M1., Middliog Pair.... Good Middling... Middling Low Miadgvg.... Good ordinary.... Ordfoary......... .♦.»)$ ^=ee=JE Bough country.... 9te9l 89 NAVAL 8TUREH, Boat**—D 81.90, E 91.95. F|l.9fi®f3ift O <9 Bnum TDiramaa—OiU god wkUluy*. ftl**; regoiara, MXc. EUPPwm a, 18a; dry aaltea ciaar \ 9y*t rtamdar*. tc. iahi—Com—white 90*, i tc; bran. 91^0. Uaf—N.trlhirn, 9l.aOOtl.13; Em tern, 91.83; Western timothy llJW. Fa*u»—Snpmttn*, Mto. IS Wf®8 M; teftcy. fa M#R> «x *%£££ItaMk, 9» BMm. dry ilot, 1 toMEd IMM11M*. Woot-Unwaalird, loro of barm. »rl»**; harry wool, locals, Taltow, to; waa »»*; dear akhtesBk;; otter akin*/tte#9« oo. NAVAL fTOKEH FEUGUTM. apirite. 3a. Odtof*. 9«1. to Butted MBS direct;toNaw lurk.Maos S Ynl^ork. rorin 9n*b apiriU ton to PUiaMpbia, roals .aOc, aplriu Mr; to lUltuuor*. roala «•*, ay lrito 78e; to boaten, to For Sale or KcnL I ker*by oBer tor **te at low 8g*ra* my re* itr Dm old M. 8 B. EaUroad da^ot-teght and kitchen O* WILL NEXT ‘fh# i*a room* oo the upper *oor to a good ten- ^ISsaiuorurer, ■evlttf Of. COG* SMS, fe GO, _“l?» QARDHNtNO : PROFIT. If you Unit Florist, r*ad P.rgri*i»*g. OARDENINQ * K> " ,>L * A8UBB ' I with to bo* / a Commercial loriat,r*od ) r Oar CoteMnad Caulogn* of SEEDS — PLANTS PETERiiENDERsSiMikeO. 88 Oortiaadt Bt-tfnr Mt CUSHING'S X^Obms, ; : Newcastle Street, f CORNER ABOVE OLAIX’SDRUGBTp^B* aa abor* a* a PhoP«roph OaUary. and mb prepared te^do ell kinds of w^wttln that Utroatjaayoahl* Dr. A. D. GALE, LOCAL DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. but l ining?- dining ? we may iito witnout friomla, We can lira without greeting. HEAVY Ai\DFMCYGROCERIES P1Q HUMS, BREAKFAST BACON, Flour, sugar, Coffee, Teas, LARJD, Batter, Rice, Etc. A VARIETY OF Canned Goods, miff AND FAKCI CRACKERS, , Nute, Candies, Tobaccos and Cigars, - Brunswick, 6a. W. T. GLOVER A CO.. EICTDRE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. TheLadies’Store i oaaortfnaot of Millinery & Fancy Goods, Bate led Bbnaote, ewD* mm , French Fait Ilatnand BotiMte, Fkttete. French and Anri non Flo war*. Olorea. Lace*, Motto**, ete. KID GLOVES, EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Tola ator* la excloatv*!* <br ladioe, aod they will find a varied aaaortmaat in IMS’ADD CUtLOlER S UNDERWEAR, AT EXTREMELY LOW I'lIICEH. Only Lady Clerks Will b* aaployad, who will *how good* My Bet Counter It atdl kept ap, nhar* will be fmn l many naafnl arUcte. Whan yn« do not *m wbat you wUh, aak for tt. and If I haven't It. will on!nr It for you with planar*. Country order* •olldtod. MRS. M.-C. ROWE. MALLORTS EW YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. Captain BISK* CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Tfitehl pwagr r - ““ aaby any other Un«. TR0M1IS IffillBIMfi CO, JUBTTOBD.COSK. Life aud Accident Insurance, j. M. DEXTER; DfflURANCi: AG'T, ir.qri.t.t- **--*— re. .1 Brunswick. O.. nnm - ' o*** 0 ®* 00- VH...J—4-. Mitel** written on abort notice, gg^^^ySSat* wld. Xom*dicM« i wurk tto«f will dad it to thair ntenet to **pl-tf Private Boarding t 80S. ■» LAMBU1GBT. TO RENT! 4‘H- i’* ' Notloe. AH «4« to, OAK WOOD UJ toeftb .wmptlj iilffJ If to.1 to »,t. xiAnrtPXWfTOBX. W. H. PARSONS, PAINTER. HOUSE AND SION PAINTING, DcCSUTlI^luiOllllltiilttCDIIitGullHI