Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, November 26, 1881, Image 4

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Sinfp/' fuiiW llifuiEll Railway. ■PEOOr SEED "OATS •if IftOlj AIJQOB |ilL>i t I S| m I t7rjum+*w | •lit I fli;iKaoa Y^crauTAe ' *i itr <j*nml*ia I” 7 .<4dftT *c*tT *>*o i***! ► ■<■ U>< 1KI O0*f>«M, 119 .wt is) SAVANNAH-./G! i nno SStf/ioovnO FAN MILLS,. ’ Lmt« MnSflpT ** > iss:«8s.:iff.‘ Arriva at Callahan. irrimlMnifi Arrlva at Liv# Oak < CULTIVA1 PJA5W.1 Jaacpwlu train arriving at luooo ho§ i Passengers for Danm take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Bran* tkla train arrlva at Braaswtek 1:10 A M. BELTING, .OJflfctfUB sAfos; CAIU’ENTKR.V.TQQLS, /. FISHING . *.4:30pn» ..7:38 pm . .10:00 p m .13:25am . t .r.T Mflt ■ 1.41 uitr o%Wl *noit b«'l; ‘io I!;l aatAp ! ; or jlii aiJ 8*! FLOUR [all grades], HAMS; LARD, SALT, GRIST, and all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest. Communications addressed to me at AlbwOr Brunswick will be answered promptly, > v.’ -k - • - - - i MAYFD rsi AIIRFD A mDDP.QTPD > 1 n UnvrL A T .m r Agent at Branawiok. MAYER, GLAUBER & FORRESTER, i . —- ,, ,u—l —n— 1 * 1 > jtO y» truer , ! -HEBLPI* , ju^jnd QjKASS ■I-Ti-Yti ilG Oilil s FjL 2* 5: S’ Paint Watch Regulator. Cun lie tipplicd in 5 Minutes iHvlgp IT ! (Enlarged Twice.) Enables nnyono to regnlato bis own - Wslcti with cortmnty. H. L. HAMS, '.Wntolimfilier cto Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GEA.., UAsOa0tST4l(T^YOV^UASt>A KUIAHOPPlXt (“STAR” SPECTACLES. i Watches, clocks, sswsix .mr, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, *V * ■ 'i j Musical Instruments jAA*41 A'fVEfiVfiUfi. P/S7WS c£ CARTRIDGES. Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments. VU uoihI. will b® hoTJ at tho ionr lowest market tirire. Notrnubloto .kow_KoU S " 'ourfniariB Paint and Oil Store! a, ■ ' e . . .ft fl-lA4f*i . RAILROAD, SiMnboat and 1! Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Etc., Locks, Sash-Weights, Cord. Hinges, Strews, Etc., A. E. HEINS,I® 11 ®* & COMPANY, emeries “"■““■S’ TOBACCO, CIGARS mul FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY. , aiu w-dl prepared t« «iip|ily y«m with .n. and •ry thing jrtmwlah to eat. GOODS DELIVERED FKEE. call, at either rogr store on /caotl t> • L»pi AND DEALERS IN Ju-rpTH ranivuu.jsW' .il-' Standard Scales ‘ ■ «»w©Ssrsl.-u celeuiuted vomi -efflEsessr “ , . way# •« too thwart era Railroad loan ; Qagalhcr with a Mil Rnc ©# BHltP HARDWARE,. cofcXojMtfyMomgOBcry.r WoMto. ■ Maw «*lmna. for aale at the lowed caah pries <• «•. S llll.l - •■■Hi PALMER BROTHERS. tad Opening SUCH PRICES NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! Oeiiciail Provisions. Tlie Best Place! Wo call special nttoiition to our THE JEWELRY HEADQUAR TERS OF W. F. DOERFLINGER la tba Baal Mae* of Ihe Kind, in evarjr raapeet, I2^T TOW1T. CaUandesautinahtaUrite and tx anUfully oaluct- •d alockof JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc.. Which haa mat arrived and ia Iwiuu aold at low pm... Ilrpnlra of oil kind, tlunrnu abort nollrr [ aad laiUfacilua (iNaraairril. | Ad*li<>mi’ I'alenl of Htldciioil back Watchea luotl.- ' aapecialtjr. Lnliricaliiig and Painters’ Oils, lUarkantl v>iiorcd Caahiutrea from 35c to fl.SO. Culurc<l Sllka and Hatlna at 50c and upwania. mark Sllka from 10c to f:i so. New Brocada Silks The ftnoat aasortment of ladies, wUaca am_ tlran’a cloaks, silk fringe* from Mo upward*, Orna- irentror all d^acrlption' ijlett line i f oi.’ii'r. Udka', fuUaci Tlaii,*liad Hurr.vta and Sham a in Isa* and emtrrold- * - beontirol line of proaanta for tba coming Imported direct from Stefnbardt. direct from Stefnbardi Jacob Cohen’s, 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. H. H. P. THE POPULAR Liver Medicine! HILL’S IIEP,ITIC NU Haa aftaiaad wnpraewlaotad ancroaa In reliavtng tba prevalent disorder, of tho LI “ Which will lie of tho BEST MATERIAL AND AT LOWEST FIGU1UK. We Will Not be Undersold. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT Will be our motto. Ft ore on Collin’s wharf, Bay*Street • • Brunswick, Ga. Green Grocer, AND DEALER IN Country Produce inn ALSO OM UAND A FULL AKD WILL At. ROKTID noca or GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS. FRUITS, Etc., AU of which ara offered for i-aab at reaaongbla prices. oi u - ■ J I MEAN BUSINESS! I. M.wnaoOa so l M-*t.k Strata. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. BEST GREEN AND BLACK vinrccViSdh' .c.M'Vss.'tiH DEALER IN Foreign and Domcslc ’ AND IOAHS, B.lVsraiiiiT,lilt«WH,M. ApriMO 17m _ . ^ W.B.Mell&Co., Wholaaaie and Retail Dealers la SADDLES & HARNESS, •' ‘•‘ RUBBER AND Leather Belting, poll AND AMX1ICAN CALF tCWlDIX ’ AlCRKHg. DR1DLK. AND PATENT LEATH ER. wuipg AND BADDLEIlY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIQLES, Etc. AC TtniromNE oialty. WRITE FOR PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. TIN SHOP, ‘ STOVES & STOVE PIPE, , !, W.I n -r: ■. ; ..ID Tin Wure, Plumbiug, i‘Tme, Plaster, hair & cement. NO. 5. WHITAKER STREET LIVER MEDICINES. t kept by many naraonaalwayi ; regularly, and thoaa person* i o the naval ■ymptama of a dlaonl u.iiTiut’s ?oi\Tti\ riinr.i SlElS ■For Monroylng laaect* oa troaa.vtnoo. ate , wn tori i?g»Hh«ui tnl plant*, wishing carriages am wlL .j'^, prbtucttng bvlMIagn from Era, sad adapt ed U> uuny na.*a. htnl for drcnlars to '■’•■ OK * T * a i:ttrj£.L Hardware, Stores, Plows, POCXWr AND TABLE CUTLERY. tSwT On and -it* r R today n I •lit fc««p coaatantiy Fresh Fish and Oysters G-A., 50 CENTS ... . i 1 To try It, and yon will certainly ha pk-amd with .harm ill. For**la by J. M MAD.IEI. rS. iStr. David Clark Only Dtrvct Boat twka par weak between SAVANNAH & BRUNSWICK. Chess, Carley & Co, L.L.CABSWKI.L. ■WARE. DOOU. RASH, GLASS, FUMTK. CHUCkET I AM Pi AND LA HP mt1 KEPOfflNE AND LARD 0! ■ ■ —-ion 'aliit— E. D. HOYT & Co. luri-IT H. A. KENRICK, Real esttito g Lund Agent, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. fWlt R EVERY LLKVB8 SAVANNAH ] MONDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON. SnntXIM., LEAVE nitl'NSWIt’K Tuesday»Friday evening ; >R SAVANNA tf i ction at :irnn» Ltaiinab vtth at. a a f 1 In «D I fr»m Raw \..i lelrh:.. Baltimora and _hta»t loaraat rttca. Mi ‘ Cara Wearier I*a«id Clark * WHOLliSALI DEALERS IN- OSJLS OF ALSj KLVBS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, TOGETHER WITH Hay, Srain, Provisions, Etc. Hij'heat Mark-i Raton paid for Na'-'al ^toros, Supplio.s flu-—l <’!osoti Fipi.'er. TEAS. Pumps &Pump Driving. BU1STS OESUJKB SEW CROP GARDEN 8EED * —uni— ONION NETS. CHOICE CHEW I SO 11 SMOKING rotiAvco The nest 5 uent Cigars. For aaU at WL33.U RLAHlil DRUB kTUHK. CITY BARBER SHOP, J. Jt.ClKTEK. IYnpr^t»r. la am A.\a 'iu/.i>iu.\'.i n.ux rnrrixti A eeUULTT. ^ SATISFACTION GUAPANTEEO rn •awcui & Co, t Cbtmlltli II, T. 0fflH8BBEBaSBna &^sses MRKEffSHAIRBAlSA!l 2HffuSSS5 C ytQV.UTT, ATTOI\NEX _AT LAW. /fStsSwicK, GEORGIA. no- M»K U'UIWUU lnuW:«