Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 03, 1881, Image 2

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[io daily overage number of vi*it- > the Exposition is 15,000. be Chronicle thinks Gaiteau the ’least insane of his distinguished fami ly- Chattanooga is out of debt with *80,000 in 8W treasury- So ranch for being a manufacturing city. ' The first seven miles of the great Waycross'nnd Pacific railway (that rnns to Iteppard & Walter's mill) is about completed. j- The editor of the Buena Vista Ar- pus indulged in a dozen ripe, juicy peaches on the 25th ot November. They were growp fey* neighbor ■ Sang Armor, colored, was hung on the 25th ttlt., at ‘Crawfordsvillo, for the murder of Amos Ellington. Sang slept well all night, and nto peanuts all the morning* ' , The one-oentte»mils rate is so low that a tramp, wishing to visit Atlan. to, recently .bought a tiekot in prefer eooe to running (be risk of arid? on the trucks of tho car. 1 Tcfimuxo tbS ^liobtsu Ciiixxu.. The Shin says: The tunnel between Dovor and'Cttais advances, Sir Oar- not Wolsclcy notwithstanding, at tho rate of a foot an hour. . «. ..j-UJ !Dr. Bcehwith; fonud«F of tbe Oin- oinnati Sanitarium, • private hospi tal for U>e'insane, says thstif.Gui- tean's trial luts ranoh longer he will beeomo a perfect idiot, from softening of the brsin. > re The Macon public library Will soon bsve on doposif the original ohojp ohest of GeheraV Prandi Marion, of Revolutionary fame. It is the prop erty of Mr. Francis Marion King, of Perry, Ge.' ' Baltimoreans are enxioae to dig out their channel* #o ns to accommodate Sir Hugh Allan's big, steamer of 7,000 tons, that requires something uoro than twenty-three feet of wator. Let her come right on to Brunswick, gon- tlcmon; we ll take her in withont any digging. m < , g The Waycross Reporter is sntbority for saying that a nheep rancho, with a Scotch shepherd,'will soon be amoig the new enterprises of that section.— We would liko to know that not only one but one hundred would be start ed. There is money in the business in the wiregrass regiou of Georgia Gonerul Sherman is of the opinion that "if Gnitoau were tied to a cart’s tail once a week fur six mouths, and. whipped on bis bare back from the jail, to the Capitol and back again, and then bangod. it would be a long time before another wretch of his stripe wonld attempt to acquire fame by murdering a President." Gaiteau's trial will cost tho govern ment a perfect miat of money. Re sides throwing the whole nation into mourning, and breaking up tbe tint and only grand stride toward the res toration of perfect peace, tbo abomi nable crank will cost the country thousands of dollars before bis caw it finally adjudicated. Behold, bow great a disturbance a little powder has made. ^ Among the cheeky things now afloat is an effort to extort from Con gress or tbe public more money for 'Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, who is repre sented os being in needy circum stances. She now bos an income q(, *3,000 from Congress and as much or more from other sources, beside* hav ing neons Cabinet officer. Wo learn, however, that tho Lincoiu family nra indignant over tho matter, and de nounce it as without foundation fratro LAWN. For tbe benefit of onr readers, we copy below, from an exchange, a sum' rnnry of some important laws passed by the last Legislature, and which ate . strafe. to bo ad vc. dUy fom5feelA1n«tead of eight, ha heretofore: Any person or persons keeping or carrying on cither by himself or for another a barroom or other place spirituone liquors are sold by retail, to be drank on tbe spot, who employs any minor in snob barroom' or other place, shall be guilty of 'a misdemeanor. ~Tw collectors are no longer cx-oflk cio sheriffs for sole of property and otbar purpose s. » It is a misdemeanor to bay or sell, or to offer to sell, a voto, or be in any way oonnocted or concerned in bay ing or soiiing a vote at any election m tbo State,'or in any county thereof. It is a misdemeanor for any ono to tiny or sell, or receive or deliver, seed ootton in tbe State after sunset or be- tore snurise. It is a misdcraOanor to intentional- ly point a pistol, whetbor loaded or not, at anotbor, except in sham bat tles bv tbe military or othor instances in defence of poison, property or hab itation, or otbor instances standing apon like footing of reason end jus. tic*. Wilfully driving or riding tbo horse or mulo^if anotbor, without bis con sent, is a misdemeanor. The fonder can contract fur, and oolloct any rate of interest lliq bor rower ogress, in'writing,'to pay, un less tbe borroWcr will come into court aud- contest the interest in which event tlyo Jcndor can polled only 8 per cent Pr.q^NNIJlt OUTDORVj AOAJN This story hbmfis from BattleCfeek, Miflb :’Mrs: Henry Afghani, who bad not taken a mouthful of food daring tin past fourteen months, now has a fair chance for recovery. Paralysis of the stomach-wne caused by a nervous sbookj ond for more than n yoar she has been sustained by injedions and baths. During this time her weight has been reduced from 175 to 50 pound* Her physician* gave her up sometime ago, mid her death was thought to be inevitable. A mutual iusurance company, of which alio was a member, prepaid-her policy of *500 to meet tbe needs of her family. A few days ago, however, her stomach rooovefod, apparently, and retained a small amonnt. of food taken through the month. • McIntosh, of the Albany .Veto and Advertiser, thinks that .the Georgia pres* should call another convention before tbe Exposition closes. We deem each a call highly proper, and wonld suggest tbe 20th of December u tbe time, for on tbst day the cutiio press of tbe foiled States are invited there. For oar part, we don't ted that' we have had the fall vnlae of onr free pas*, as wo ware there entirely too early to see one-third of tbe ex hibits. A {host brutal double inurdor was committed recently near Boston, Gs., ou tho persoiis of Mrp. Clowis'nud her little daughter. Mr. tilewis left home in the morning and'on returning in the evening found bis wiTo and child lyihg tm the floor with tlioir heads ipfit open With nu axe. Tho same im plement was used by the murderer in breaking open wardrobos and trnnks, evidently ill Bonrcb of money. A col ored man, Andrew Rogers, has boon inspected, and is now in jail uwaiti„g tbe setiou of court The deacons of a Congrcgatiuuul church in Counoot-icut roeoutly wroto their pastor a formal letter to the ef fect that they wanted him to stop us ing tin- Revised Version of the New Testament, aud to uso the " Saint James" version, which they had al ways been accustomed to honr Dis gusted with such a combination of routishuess, tiie pastor resigned his charge. Dr. John If. Stovons, Stonewall Jackson's principal surgeon in tho list*- war, was found dend in Ins office at Dallas, Texas, last Friday evening, into which he had gone after return- ina from n pleasure ride. He was a Virginian, bnt luirf resided at Dallas sine© the war At a game dinner in Chicago thirty - ight kinds of wild fowl wore served, and the bill ot.fore also tueltided black bear, igountoiu sheep, buffalo, antel ope, bison, elk, rabbit, squirrel, ivoo<t- ihuck and o-assuui TOM AKTEB IN ATLANTA. Telsgrtpb u4 Mtrerec«. Mrs. Arter was deadly opposed to my going to the Exposition. She’s one of those tool women who think tbe sun never sets and rises in any oUMritovnw-.aDd that Atlanta is so terribly tricked that when angels fly oyer it they ero changed into buz- m Bnt T went all tbe same. 1 generally do as I please when I take a notion, and I made np my mind to go and go I did. I struck Atlanta at that beautiful hour of the villainous schedule of tbe Central railroad when it was too late to go to bed and too early to get dp. The wind bad been off somewhere sit ting up with on iceberg, and eame howling back to its old home, cutting everybody in its way and freezing tbe very marrow of the lamp-posts. But by Knocking abont tbe hotels, first ono and then tbo other, we managed to get away with tho lioavy banginj time. At daylight wo tackled ono ol tbe "palaco" restaurants of tbe city for a breakfast. Everything in Atlan ta is "palace” now; Ton road 'signs of palaco Bleeping rooms—two slatted tied, gnnno-sack quilt and cast-iron pillow—of palace barber shops and palaco saloons along the streets on either hand. We paid forty-fivo cent* for a steak that would have answered for n scotch for a locomotive, and a cup of coffeo that smelt so strongly of anciont roaches that it sickoned ns.— For a good square breakfast, tsekle not the palace hasboriee. Go to a ho tel-hunt up Ed Calloway at tho Kim ball, or Henry G)over at the Mark ham. After the bloody straggle with tbo steak, which I loft in good condition for the next enstomer, I purchased cigor. • They take coins with holes in them in Atlanta. Jnst so there’s a feather left in tho cnglo's tail and enough of it left to hold it by, any sort of dilap idated coin will pass. What tbe oat- ing house and liquor men Want is money There might' bn a hole in a quarter big enough for a circus pro- cossion to go through, bnt its dead sure fortwo drinks. And such drinks! My store! When n follow wnnts to make a raise all that he has to do is to hire a barrel and fill it np with wo- tor, caycnno pepper and alcohol, and then add a little sonptogivoitabead, and he has a good stock uf tbo finest made. No noed to stick in any color ing—the water one gets in Atlanta has a color about a cross between a f air of red stockings and a brick yard. took one drink at a palaco bar and in a minute after felt a strong inclina tion to steal a court house. When yon go to the Exposition yon must not oxpeot to rnn on a five-cont picnic snhodnle. Thoro's nothing cheap bnt mud, and they can afford to be liboral with that—thoro’s so much ot it. Thoro's a good deal of centennial monkey business about the Exposition, and Ine stranger is made to think Atlanta is a big town wheth er or not. You go down to a depot whore all kinds of flash signs strike yon, and yon see dend loads ot Expo sition officials. Young fellows in bluo uniforms trimmed in red nndgold and i natty cup with tho word “Exposi tion” on it, are flitting nliotit liken Ibt of fresh naval cadets at tlioir first ball. The (rain backs in, and you find tho engine named Exposition; thou the cars Exposition No. 1, 2 and so on. You buy two tickets, to go and come, nnd you aro troubled only to got a sent, for no conductor comes around. If'yon are unused to travel ing and haven't learned Ibnt in such crowds it’s every man for himsolf, you'll stood up all tho way. Other wise yon got wedged in botweo passably pretty girl and a fat woman, and tho pretty girl shoves her elbow at yon in a fidgetty sort of ‘way that nmkos you fuel liko throwing her out in tho mnd. In seven minutes you aro at tho park, and you swim along on tho tido of ongor sonls until you stiiko a gate where a nobby young mall in uniform tnkes one of your railroad tickets. You continue to swim nnd cuss tho man who trod last on your pet corn until you strike an other individual who demands a half dollar piece Two quarters won’t do, nnd if you are ao unfortunate na not to know of this regulation, and gel Iged in the narrow passwav with out tho magic half-dullar piece, to be hauled ent backwards and made to change the money, I pity yon from the basement of my heart t ilt: ltKAI.NUAltClTY Mr TIloe Oody. of Alabama, has purchased a half interest in'tlic 11,r- rien County -Yeics Mr. Louis Loriliard has lost a dog. He was stolen. . A reward of *500 to offered tor detection of the rogue, and *10,000 will b* spent if necessary.— This dog—a female—baa produced *1,000 worth of puppies. She was learned—could play dominoes and was studying mathematics. Her vices were gluttony abd a disposition to prowl niter it rangers who bed meat. It to a fashionable craze in New York tor high-toned dogs, and a besetting sin to steal them.—Ex. Ui.JM-k-. {lonl RasUUr A man went into a bank to borrow some monoy. He asked if they could let him have *1,000 for a short time. ” Oil, yes," wob the reply, “*1,000 or *2,000 if you want it," The rate of in terest was satisfactorily fixed and the borrower was asked ns to the eharac- \ citizen uf Darien lias commenced i tcr ,,f •>“ collaterals. " Colfnteralsf the pecking office straw fur market l ' OV ™' t « oi "".v, collaterals,” *•« tho borrower. 'No collaterals The St Paul I'iniufh-Prc^ — 1 8U *‘* ^ ,D duiker; “ Ibon it will be im- "We are reliably informed that iVcsi-! l l ' ) ' wibl ° for us to let yon hnvo mon- lent Viiierd, of'the Northern Pacific e -' TI,B ,aut w “ bllc “ l ( ‘>r a few has recently completed a contract with , “»‘ l ll ‘" n exclaimed: " I Thomas L. Edison for the construe- i “ v<5 u H 1 ** 1 * ,eM ° r ulk tion of fiftv mi'as of railway in Min-' nli0,lt tbc scarcity of greenback*— nesotn, during the next venr upon ih «re wasu t money enough |o do the which Mr,. Eilison .is to test trio effi. bu “ Be *» ot But it does cioncy of bis electrical engines as a not !ool ‘ 1 »"'* #»d motive power for railroads. J°» anxious to lend me ail the money — , I want. No scarcity of greenbacks A Western .alitor announced that te ' e - B;;t before von lend it you re-j he would takes should Shari aonm it. The next day,. .. ho had carte ! to the door of his rosi-, ll l,0 ' t 11 ’i-aicity of greenbacks tbo dencc a'dozen black bitds and a dead j country is suffering fr.mvbnt a scar- mule. Tbe next day he wrote: " Ser-I city of collaterals" or mind tin; game—notices will be: *‘ |>ubliah£t] a*s usual H 1,10 " a. v< *»'oaa brusM baL*l nan cotu- *♦■ * uiunccil to loot tulle*. aHKRMO.S I.\ | »OU.\KM. . s * „ , . ~ 1 KittottUi (untplrxlon itaihiii IWuh ta! The voice may be the voioe of ,\ t . Gan he had by every tody who will thur, but the hand is the band ofCjranL ! u *® I’arkr r's Ginger Tonic, For ' — •.♦,*- promptly regulating tho liver aud kij- Vr*r Ualrtarr lluHor«M< STEPHENS ON THE TARIFF. Alexander H. Stephens recently said on tbe tariff question: “ Tbe tar iff, the tariff, and the Southern opin ion regarding it I I am not sure what it is; Lb foot, I don't think tbo people of the South givo much thought to it. Bnt for myself, I made np my miod before I left college that a tariff upon articles whtch'wo can produce here, is decidedly tbe wisest, best and most judicious mode of raising revenue for tbe support of the government, and I have never changed my views. I was brongbt up. in the Henry Clay school, though I never went to tbo lengths be did. The tariff .is an economical question, bat the politicians have made it a political one—very nnwisely, I think. There fehottld be no difference of opinion aa to tbe wisdom of a ju dicious tariff—for protection that pro tects, I mean. If the existing tariff to injarioa* to tbo North, so it to to tbe Soatb; and it to so to both. It most be revised, and that for the general intereatoof the wholo country, and when that Is done there trill be no sectional bearing in it. This is one country, with great diversity of inter ests, bntatoriff jndioionsly laid wonld be equally beneficial to all. Bnt tbon I do not wont to be quoted, and did not intend to any as mneb as I have,but if I Kve the oountry will bear from me in Congress on this question." Savannah Timer: “The Commis sioner ot Internal Revenue, Mr. Raum, says that in bis annual report he will fnrnisb some information in reference to tbe food given to tbe cows nnd pig* of tbe Wost. Ho says that a lurge portion of tbe food of these animals comes from tbe distil lery slops. According to this, by the time a Western pig is in condition to bo slanghtered nnd made up into hums, sausage, etc., for Eastern con sumption, lie mast be ns thoronghly saturated with alcohol as a veritable "judge" or “major’’ with a largo prac tice at the bar. The question thou presents itself whether the good tern- parsnee people, who fesst on tbo con centrated essenco of whiskey, of which the porker consists, aro not violating their pledges nnd professions. So with thecows which coins here os such fino Western hoof, and tbe cheese nnd batter which they produce before tlioy are turned into beef. Xerxes is said to bavo wept, when be behold tbe millions of men com posing his srmy, at tbo thought that, in a few yoare, nil tho vast array of barann lifo would be dead. Macon, G.\. • Memos. Lamau, Rankin’ A Lasuii— Oenllemm—My little girl, 8 years old line been for sumo time troubled with a severe cough, which physicians pro nounced bronchitis. She slept but little, coughing nearly theentire night, aud wo had to got up very often to help her out, tbo cough was so sovero. At yonr solicitation, I bought a bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer, and she began to improve at oiica, and has been sleeping nicely ever since, and I firmly boiiovu sho will bo permanently enroll I wns very much frightened at her condition nut long aince, but am now rejoicing at her rapid recovery. Yours truly Gko. F. Wish. T.wloii County. Tins is to certify that I bad asthma for thirty-five years, nnd used n groat many different kinds of remedies.— Was treated five years without find ing relief. I then used your Lung Roatorer, and found in it a permanent cure. Very truly yours, novlff-lm Z. .J Pahkh. Brunswick Bracket Works RICHMOND STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA EDWARDS, WARD A CO, PROPRIETORS. Wood Turning:, Moulding, SAWING, Etc., If all ilYlM milt* |o order. Wood Turning TcFtll And CtrrnUr ttaw. dtetatch. Oct**• t>f every d«M:ri*itlon, Also, Her. 11 And Ct tug dona with ueatnaas and diai«tch. Ot fluted Balnatara, Xawela And Italia constantly hand or matte to oridar. ratterna. Model#, ltnpf and 'fwiatad Work#. T#n-Fia* aud Hall*. Indian Clabt, Moulding*, both straight and r.lrenlar, tor carpet), ter*, cabinet maker* and piano forte manufacturer*, in flact, all trad** aappllnd in their different branch* ea. Wo hava also tbe Aneat line of Bracket*. 1‘aper Holder#, supper and Btanoaropic Ci Clock Hhalve*, Hat and Towel at rvaaooabla rate*. Larioso Hall. SKilM Hli\K Will ba opened *very Tushy & Friday Night Comaieminit 16th it a vTK* WILL BE or #i«v tatcra be ala ter# vould cease to publish the hie j T‘ lte collaterals. Now. that s JU8t rt , [it „^„, i ot ga,im from hunters, unless he' w " st 1 haven't got an,I can’t obtain, j Id shari soma it. The uext day j au : ! ’ iave co, " e ‘-° l *> e conclusion that Fire insurance! J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT, th^ L'llotrihs Fire !ti»uraare C!om- paniea l ,Mttl||>l| Athvbft.fvii. neys and purifying thebloml, thereto But their premature appearance ta »n- nothing like it, nu.t this is the reason noy mg. Farker’s Hair Balsam is pop.: « by it to quickly n-rei> >-t-R pimples and alar for cleanliness and promptly re-jgivos a rosy hlooiu to the cheek. See etoriug the youthful color. [ notice. novlu-lm -jir. It. Y n Manhattan Fire Iniuranca Co, y X B Watertown Fire Insurance Ocmpany, N. Y. "m.fion tvtnmbttd Inu.rsnce CO. Coittaibu*. Miw. A'-'GOO Merchants k Mechanic* Ine.Co. of Va Vo.iO) UMuraace on dwelUnga at wary i »w rat## In town a eowatry. lallJm W. J. PBICE, INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA I P I « I i .Stiif head! ?> Q 0 v* ID V* F 0 4 0 0 (D 4 (0 > lF.l-!raoii(SCo. -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, TEED, HAY, Etc. it ALSO— niraiif COMMISSIOIV MERCHANTS. Xitat orReKtitend Voter* for tbo manic* fpal election to be held on Hie 10th Bar or December* 1881, Andenoe, Wtai Andoraon, Jacob Amea, P H Abnetrong, Dcnttla Atkinson, 8 R Adams, Aug Anderson,W H Armstrong. Robt AtkUuon. U D Armstrong. Frad Armstrong, Jno Abbott, Wiley Anderson, Thog Adams, G g Abl l # J*B BrewsUr, P W W Bltin, JI Briecenkk,Rb Bonnott.JAB DjrnLCW Brieao'-ilck, Ernest Beach, J L Borchardt. A Borchrrdt, Samnel Broeklngton, B A Braxton, A BoflUor. Samuel Boatwlck, J B Blue, Frank Wain, W 8 Brock, TW Bird, Henry Bartktt* Panl Bailor, Edward Burns, J ■ Barrkke BF Burbage, WE Blain.JS Berrie, WII Barnett, Joe Sumua,WX Vrewatcr,FA Battle, Ephi “ m Brook,, Ailolphu, Hiirronchi, W B Ben, O W 5““*.- BojrS, jfndrow Biker. WM Brnad, Jotlko Snnrn.Zik, IKrrio. WA o Chandler, George Cannon, J B Crorstt, A J Cooper. John Connolly, J U Oerter, W H Ororatl, William Cotton, M J CtrtvcU, e It Chrlatophar.HJ Carter, Oaorga Creamer, PH Cowart,TIJ Cnylcr, Xfoaca Cohen, 18 Christopher, Bob! Carter, Junlua dark, David Coundl. BenJ Cooper. Martin Cooper, JM Carswell, LL Clayton,Cato Cook,JR L W dark, Ban lrld Gates, A O _ _Ja, JT Christie,Chaa Clark.TO Campbell, Thoa Carter, J M Cook, 8 H Clements, Mingo Cowman, G H Coney, M V CWfyl^BM Cateman, Jaa Cooper,CM Croombs, Albert Cadona, Horaoa Dart.CrbannaJr DlUon.DJa* Dnau, HT Dorlllion, Thomas Docrfllngrr, C J Davis, JB Doerflinger, W F Dupree, LT Davie, LB Darla, David Dsfey, D W Dunn, D T Davhlson, David Doerflingar. F J Dart,WB Davenport. J W Dexter, T W Dart. J E Dexter, Oil Driver, Chaa Dexter, JM Dunnaway, J A Davenport, W O Daniels, B U Dennison, Albert DarLBrbeon* Dart, BOP ,Wm Edwards, Riley Kill*, OR rling.JF Ellis, WR Emery.DO Good bread, T B OiU, J D urocn, * u Orcenfleld, Richard Goodyear, C P Gale, F P Goodbread.BT Gardner, Btavas Green,Alfred Grant, Joseph Good breed, D B Gibson, Alien Good bread, IIB Goodbread, PT Gala, AD Oraanflald, J O Gallagher, Jaa Golden, W P Croodbraad. Oliver Governor, David Gilson. Jesse Gate*. William Gray. H P Gore. T W Goodbread. 0 O Golden, J P El Houston, B H Hoyt, L D Iiackott, W A Holland, W A Harrison. JT Harris, W II Green,'JO PB HolxendorfRB Harvey,EJ Robt Hamy, J P Holm**, J 8 Harmon, James JIsrris^L W Holme*, W H Hatrlaoo, W H Hart, W J uwim, siax Harris, Henry Hackney, Alax Hall, WII Uaxlehurat, L W Jr Harris, Jacob Hardy, W W Hamilton, Gao Hudson, H D Hanson, G A Uaxlehurat, Joe Hunter, York Hamilton. Jr re Harris, Amos lllnea, AK Harris. Adam IHU. Irwin Hard|, Tboirae Goods bought and sold on closest fig urcs. Consignments solicited. WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY AND CHEAPER Johnson, Alfred Jackson, Wra Jones, WT Johnson, Ilsrry Jones, Robert Jonas. Prod •—•—in,Wash Jenkins, Robt Jackson, TW ta, Joseph Johnson, Oeo Jenkins, Oeo a, Milas Jackson, Barrel Johnson, JV is, Byal Jenkins, OnBvo Jobnaoo, W A Lambright, James ki Lloyd, Wilson Leavy, L J Lambrlght, Jos K Linrens. Arnold Lucas, U X Lang, Emanuel Logan, Henry Lycn, W W tang. TII Large, David Lloyd, 8 W Lucreo, Joseph Llttlt tiild, 8 C Luadin, C P Latimoro, Richard . Lambert, Frederick Moore, CO McIntosh.OH Marlin, J8 Mallory, Robert McCnry, U 8 Mnudy, H C Macon.OH Myers, 00 Moore, JI Merritt, Richard Mayer*, laaao Moore, W O Middleton, Wash Mitchell, VU Header, It D Mlchehon, Morris Madden, J M Minor, J H Morrison. John Monroe, Jas Myers, Tim .. Moldan,Henry Myers,BP Mason, Ooborn Moore, OO — — Minahan,Thoa Moore, WO Merchant,Gabriel Mundy, XRT Mason, A J McOandloae, WmJr McAlpin. Oeo Maxwell, Hoi McAlpIn. Tolly ***'• ’ ~ I YOURORDERS! ADDRESS, AUG. P. FRANKLIN&Co. FINNEY’S BUILDING, BRUNSWICK, GA Mamie, C B Minahan. Mika Marla, Peter McLote, J L Miller, Henry Miller. C P McDonald. Caleb Maynard, Henry Morth, Linn* Meliton, J F, Jr Nightengale, J X Norwood, O U Newton.C B O O'Connor, Thoa Jr 0'C«.;vnor, Tho# owons, DO Osgood,A O F I’raer, Frank Putnam, A ▼ “rd.Ah* * - _ Henry Parker, W F Penlman, W F prince, p*u| Putnam, A T Payne. Janita |g Roblnaon. U D Jr Italncr, W 1! Robins, J H BOWS, William liussell, C A Read. II J Rialsv, DO Hu Hodge, Nero Uunsell, J K Rodrigues, J F Rogers, Tlppo Ralston. G A 83b!SS%“ S w Hcfalattor.C L Jr HowSl. Pater Brarlett. M J Shannon, Mathew Slmwona, Lewie Stacy, T o Stalling#, DB Seven, rotnpey Short. A L Hwjotwlnc. Toney ftutndata.Ifcek Symons,W r gVfcrtb. 0 W Smith, J J Spears, J J Stock well, GW Sbelfar, D L Smith, Ira E Soimnon, Robert Solomon, Dean u » Mr* aas« ssssstSto sastor att? SWntmr.-C A » Scran*. L• Balia. A B ImM. i. J M, Jr Tbompaon, Jaa Taylor. S T Jaa, Jr Treadwell, WT Thylor.Ht) J Taylor. Edward Turner, I) H £f2 at, I?!2L- Tbqam ' DmM TrtmUaAO Thomas, Stanford W Ulach, Philip * VandaJJy, John VsnLoden, JX Vsa Vtstoc.CU Wright, Dnncan Wade, James Ward, AO Wilson.Thomas Wilson,Charlan Wans,AX Wirnbsrlr, C H Why, C F l^.fM Wright L C Way, W J White, Jackie - Wahl, J W William. Adam Ward. H R Ward. Samnel Wood, J W “'abater, W B Willson, OB “ Wood. AY Sfs Wing, Richard Wellea. Richard Wilder, Jaaae i Wintoa, Barr IWaUeea. Sandy. Waiklna, W W w m wiwn WlBb.rlT, Q W Wood— . WUttMM. W» WUtU., * K Wkttfcour, Uwy Wuakfc A T _ - _ WOeok- Core. Winn, John Wwklnston, ou VUUaau, Aire WM-Orer,. BSBSgSS*SJgJI WU * OB * 3otm Wallaca|jw Young, William JAMES HOUSJOIt. Clerk Council. Fire Insurance I T. O’CONNOR, Jr. AGENT EOK THE BRITISH AMERICA. IVBUmLOiM&IILOBE, AND ^ NEW YORK. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY. Offlca aver Madden's Drug SCor*. febl-ly ASBESTOS roopinc. movtttt at omcMor Lo Baron Drary, BRUNSWICK, GA. Nrotioe. ' «» UK WOOD of ur Untlk ,r->B*Ur<U2<4l(fen,t »ovuj» 1.1. aiaas Bjeco srooz.