Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 03, 1881, Image 3

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Announcements. J\^dv^ti$er nud J&pi# : N ■ ■■'"'"AI ■ -^jp TO TOB VOTBKS OF BUL’.NSWICK., • _ * Tha Qirfloia Club rwpeetfully mbmil tha names I . _ TT _ . AT ,«TMn of tha following gentlemen aa candidate* for M»jror SATURDAY MORNING •ud Aldermen at toe election to bo bold oa too loth to*., and they can weare their follow citizen* that toe lntereeta o( toe city will be safe In their band*; FOBMAYOBs M. X COLSON. FOR ALDERMEN: ; WILDER. J. J. SPEARS, J. R. COOK, W. W. Z1ABDY. By order of toe dob. JAMES HOUSTOK, Secretary. New Advertisements. Notice. Neither toe Captain nor conaiftiee of the British bark 5UMA will be rcsponilble for any debts co traded by tbo crow. GEORGE DOUGLASS, Master. AT BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MOBBING. D1 EOEMPEB i HOME MATTERS. Poet Office Time Table. General Delivery opine 8:00 *. doa«e»:00 rM. RegMter and Money Order Bueineea opens 9:00 a. r.; closes «:00 F. M. TIME OF CLOSING THE MAILS, st. Birnona mrll closes 0:30 a. «& II. k A. mill closes 8:19 M. k B. mail clc Savannah, close at 7 K)0 ja 9:00 a. if. Savannah, Macon tad Derion through punches FOR SALE ! DKSItt AIILBHOUSE AND LOTonCoch- rene Aveuno— fl»e rooms snd kitchen under < roof. For terms spply to Dm W. B. BURROUGHS, decJ-tf or, O. F. GOODYEAR. Notice. Bpamm Covsulab Aarscr, Drcvhwicx, Ga., December 9d, 1881. By Royal Order of October 7,1831. on snd i the 10th Inet, shippers by Teasels bound to Cuba snd Porto Rico Islands are hereby notified to pro* sent to this office the Invoices of tha goods tost must be Included in the manifests; and to ascertain fL ths correctness of the said invoices there must be also presented the Bills of Lading, signed by the Captains accorr ng to tho same. ROSENDO TORRAH, Spanish Const her Agent. Citation. Rotlce is hereby given to Alt parties concerned that Mary A. DnBignnn, as administratrix of Fe‘‘ci. to DaBlgnou, deceased, has filed in this the Ord:na ry's Court of Olj .'.n county, Georgia, her petition for final discharge as such administratrix, and yea and each of yon are hereby notified to file in this court objections, if any yon have to snob discharge, by objections. If any yon ban _ _ ......... before the first Monday in March 1889. This December 1,1881. EDGAR P. DART. Ordinary O.C. Gs. Christmas Goods AND HOIIOAY PRESENTS For yomg and old. rirh and poor, hnsbinds, u it and sweethearts. Nice LADIES deefi-st and Cheap ! AT THE STORE. “BLIND TOM,” THE WONDERFUL MUSICAL PHENOMENON, WILL OIVE ONE OF HIS MARVELOUS ENTERTAIKMEHIS IN THE CITY OF BRUNSWICK. OA., AT L’ARIOSO HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 8, TO COMMENCE ATS O’CLOCK. Admission BOcenti lbwcrved seat* Ifeent* seats may be Mctt.-cd in advance st W. T. Glover 'i PATENTS We continue to act aiHoHcltor* for Patents, Cure Trade Marks, Copyright#, etc., for the United sta Canada, Cuba, England, France. Germany, etc. lava bad thirty-five years’ experience, ratenta obtained through u* are noticed tn toe i Parents obtained through us are noticed to the 8cr| txnnoAMtxiCAV. This large and splendid illu*J t rated weeklypopcr.$3^tOaycar,shovrs too rrom^* ot Science, U very Interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A Co, Patent Solid- * - - • ■ 10 f r - - • - Nnw Yort% HandbooiaboutlVtcntslree. of Scnorrmc Americam, 87 Park Row, “ **— PatentaT - OF LAND FOR SALE, SITUATED in LIBERTY Co In reach of the Altsmsha 1 AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, ON TUESDAY, DEO. fith, IN Hmesvills, Liberty county. 'or farther particular* and de#criptlou», apply my attorney tn fact, A. D, Curry. DiriJn, Ga.. or my attorney at law, Walter A. Way. Darien, (Is. AUCTION HOUSE W.H. HARRISON, 104 NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. Rale pf Furniture, Crockery and Glassware every night at 6 o’clock: Saturdays, 11 A M. Glynn Superior Court convenes Monndy next, Dec. Stb. Rend advertisement of house for sole, located on Cochrane avenue. Our young friend Alf Crovatt is the happiest man in town. It's a boy. Dr. D. D. Atkinson leaves to-mor- rpw for Camden county. Ho will be absent about three weeks. Blind Tom, the wonder of woudors, will exhibit his powora at L’nrioso Hall on Thnrsday night, Dee. 8th. The Penmf Local, of Savannah, is, this week, as full of e'picoas its Bruns wick correspondent is of good deeds. The nsw Patent Victor Hewing Machines Is tfa best and easiest machine «m*! For wale at U. L. HARRIS’ JEWELRY STORE. Masters and shippers will please read notice of Sou. Rosendo Torras, Spanish Consular Agent at this port. Don’t faff to sue and hear " Blind Tom," at L'arioso Hall, uest Thurs day night. He is withont doubt the greatest wonder of the age. There will be no services to-morrow (Sunday) at tho Presbyterian church, of Ibis city, us. Rev. Mr. Waddei will preach at St. Simons M-lls. If. B Reppird cleared Norwegian bark Nordcap, on tko 2Gth ult., for Montevideo, with n'cargo of 317,971 feet pitch piue lumbor,valued at i5,40G Cook Bros, k Co. cleared Norwe gian bark Soptoutrio, on the 1st inst., tor Malaga, Spniu, with a cargo of 230,047 foot pitch pine lumbor, valued at $3,900. /acceptable Holiday Gilt.a Victor Hew. lag Machine id rciire*ented. For aaie at ILL. HARRIS’ JEWELRY 8XOHE. Wo wore pleased to meet on our streets this week Mr. Mayor, of Albn- uy, Oa., and member of the firm of Mayer, Glauber k Forrester, of this city. Ga. Land k Lumber Co. cleared,on the 29th ult., tor Buenos Ayres, the British brig Acadian, with a cargo of 338,700 feet pitch pine lumber, valued at (5,769. Our first barge shipment to Darien, from this point, wout over this week,for Mr. Collnt, in tow of a little steam- tug. This is Darien's cheapest route t) got tier goods. A barge lino would bo a good investment, wo verily be lieve . A new comer to Brunswick -a lady fruui an interior city—looking out from her room and seeing only tho masts, spurs, rigging, etc., of an in-' namerublu number of vessels, wroto back homo that so far all she bad aoen was a groat nnraker ' of "sticks and strings." Col. Black Inspects Our Hnrkor. Col. George ll Black, dongressmon elect, paid our city a visit last Satur day. He wanted to see the needs of our harbor in person, that ho might know just wbat 'was wanM, and be able to act intelligently in securing needed appropriations, from the gen eral government. To further'bis ends, therefore, arrangements were made by Mayor Nelson with Captain Deck er, of the steam-tug J. A. Stevens, to take the Colonel and a small party of friends-down the Bay, and as the Captain bad a vessel to tow to the onter bnoy, why, os a matter of court* it all worked in nioely for nil hands to go to son and see what we might seoontatsen. (Just hero we would say, in parenthesis, that ye editor was of the party.) All things being in readiness, we took the vessel’s hawser, and, secur ing it to our staunch croft, headod for deep water. Passing down our har bor, Col. Collins, who bad kindly con sented to accompany Col. Black and take along a largo government chart, poiuted out to Col. B. tho work now going on in tho harbor, the jottios, cribbing, etc., and also the amount of work noedod to carry out the plans of General Gillmcre. Wo had, in the meantiiqp, passed down our boauti.'.d bay, ami were beading out for the broad Atlantic. - All were delighted, uxcopt a few knowing onoB who had been to the outer buoy brforre, and had recollec tions of the promises then made.—a But we digress. As tho steamer passed out abreast of the light house, and hoaded straight for a little black Bpock about live miles out, the old salts and the uniniated snuffed the air and exclaimed, " Grand, ain’t it 1" The girls said, "Oh, so nice 1” but ss we sped on, leaving the north break ers to our left, we could get a better idea of what is called the "ground swell," which, by tho way, produces u peculiar inward swelling “just below tho collur button." Further ou wo get a touch of what is Luowu us the "rolling of the sea.” Here the old salts exclaimed “splendid!" and laughed merrily, but some of ns wore inclined to stay around tbo benches about the centre of the boat, on the upper deck, where fresh air was plen tiful, and where the rocking of the boat felt loaet, and they do say that not a few of the dear ludice and lassos loaned over the gunwales and could not be induced away. Of this, however, we only speak from hearsay, as we were too busy personally trying to keep down a certain up heaving under our vest—(there now, girls, wo have told on ourself as well as yon)— I . RAILROAD NOTES. Ground was broken, tiff rather, mud splashed for tho new depot on Bay street last Monday. Nothing now, as yet, from Mr. Wblffe. Guess he's watching bigger game at the other end of his line.- probably. The tanks have been moved from Bay etrect and are boing put up round on the straight track, as the water on Bay slroet proved to l>e salty and un lit for making steam. Mr. Bonton Austin, lumber train conductor ou tho other eud of tho M. k B. It. R., mot with a serious acci dent this week whilst attempting to couple on a ear loaded with wood to a box car. By some mishap be whs caught and badly crashed. At last accoante'he was doing as well aa could be expected, and hopes are enter- tuinod that he will pull through all right. A telegram from Macon announce! that the ceut-a-milo ratoe to Atlanta, over the M. k B. Railroad will go in to effect at an early dajf '"We. trust the arrangement will bon better one than that -Of other roads wbicb crowd tho whole thing into so short n space that it is very unpleasant traveling on account of the crowd. To etand, for a short distance, one dooa not mind, but to be compiled to do, it from Brunswick to Atlanta would not be so comfortable. On Wednesday lust, the schedule of tho M. k B.._ was changed. The day passenger now arrives at 3:50 r, m. and leaves, as before, ot 10:20. Tfce night trains arrive at 5:30 a.’ u. And lonve at 9 r. n. as heretofore. *.eday passenger now leaves Macon at 7 a. m. Tbo S. F. k W. R. B., too, hoa made a change, the fast mail leaving Savannah at 11 a. «. each day instead of 1:20 r. making close connections at Josnp for Brunswick, all of which is a dccidod advantage, as our mails now roacU-us one hour litid ten min utes sooner each day Died. i Yesterday morning, ot idflamation of tho stomach, Mr. W. O. Moore, of this city. When the aged and infirm pass away, Vo feci Hat such is bn?the natural course of things, bid when those inlbo very bloom of young man hood are taken, how it shocke ns I— This end wj|j wait, the other won’t, The subject of ttaia article was full ot promiso, amj botoved by all who know him, bat't£o'summons came and we are left to mourn bis loss. Our heart's dcopest sympathy goes out for the fond mother and doting father, Ae woli as that elder brother and those affectionate sisters. Wo arcreqnested to give notice that Mr. Moore’s tuuoral will take place to-day (Saturday) from the Episcopal church, at 3:00 r. si. All friends end acquaintances of the family are invi ted to attend.. City 1’olitioH. As usual there are two parties in the field Booking tho reins of raunici. pal government—the Garfield CInb and the auti-Garfieids. .The former have organised, regularly and laid down one groat, broad plank in their platform, and only one, to-wit: Good and economical government, aud put out, on Monday- night last, at one of tbo most harmonious gatherings ever saw in-Brunswick, the following ticket, viz: For Mayor, M. J. Colson; for Aldermen, J. Wilder, John B. Cook, J. X Spears and W. W. Hardy. By posters put out on Wednesday, wo see that a citizens’ meeting was called for) last night to nominate a ticket, bat we go to prose too soon to givo tho names of those selected us S ard bearers. Tho cal! for tbu ng was not signed, so we do not know at this writing whence its origin. The wharf extension, under the ma nipulating bund of uugineer Palmer, is moving ahead nicely. Messrs. Mi- uehan and Calnuu put iu the earth aa fast as tho bridge contractor cun give them opportunity. The mw/u* opa Dili is to lay tho track right out into tho marsh, placing the crosstics on logs laid lengthwiso. On this tempo- rary track the curs are backed, and the earth dumped on either side of tho same, and afterwards used in rais ing the track to tbu proper height. At some points tile nmrsb mud seems to give way under tho prosnre of the ombankiacut, but a few more ear chip#, Kvory final, unata to bio. * Victor Sowag Mo- “ “ >J> Ik* ip li^heat l( “ rBtiVS, toll* aod ' r tnd »B*}tifi-hftad M £3 DICUSTJGS roa thh cuss or FEVEBS, PILES DYSPEPSIA SCROFULA, Cancer, Golds and Goughs, Maattfertamt turn V**uULU X»tt« Ailf. and tor Dr. L. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, OA. 7 * aour» Iron Uotoi. octe-Jp For nftivtl H L. HARMS’ JEWELRY HTuHK. See advertigouient of Mrn. Rowe for her CbriHtuinti goodii. She Uah n won derful assortment of things, m W and unique. Progenia for wives, husbaudH, sweethearts, babiee and all. Don’t tako our word fur it but cal: and ex amine. Mr. C. H. Wimberly bos brought uh thin week namploM of new Irish pota toes raised by himself in bis full gar- don, that are certainly very tine. They were planted‘ie«N than CO days ago. Fail an well as spring gardening can be made profitable hero, it Hoems. The erection of tbo BruuKwiek Brocket Works haa made it necessary for tbo Streets, Drains aud bridges Committee to fill in the K’ reet iu front of the same. Thus one improvement calls for another. In this connection wo would mention that many an ugly bole around town has been filled tip in the last two years. )NEY, ■nd Ihei Right J Go »nu —, — ——. — II L. UARRIS’ JEWELRY STORE. Blind Tom” will be bore on Thurs day. Having beard biui, we unhesi tatingly Ray be is justly entitled to all that is said for him. He i« surely a musical prodigy, and we think we can safely promise any and all who come to hour him tbo worth of their money Tbo enue and accuracy with wbicb be renders the mqpt difficult composi tions of Beethoven and other celebrat ed musical composers, is truly won derful. Como ont to bear him and yon will not regret it. The Loet wntoh. About fifteen years ago, a man while crossing k Western river in a boat, dropped from hia pocket a valuable gold watch. It sank to the Irnttom and after an unsuccessful search, was given up aa lost. Years rolled on and tbe mishap was forgotten. Iu pass ing a fish market one day he bought and sent borne a large salmon trout. Tbe fish was dressed, cooked and eat for dinner that .lay—the watch was not found there, bnt you can find your provuions for low price* at Gold smith & Co.’s, tbs grocers. to bother ourwfif much 4viih other j loads of curth ut these points makes people’s nfiairs. Suffice it to say, we j up the shrinkage. The work, so far, propose to go to sea next time iih j fins progressed very sutiefactorily, and captain and owner, so that we con j the contractors ore serene, turn back when we get ready. Mar ring, however, the unpleasantness out side, the entire party enjoyed the day, and will evor remember with kiudly feelings (Japt. Decker and the steam* or J. A. Stevens. We cannot close this little notice of our trip without paying a deserved tribute to little Jimmie, the Captain's .fifteen year old son, who stood at the wheel and piloted our craft to the out er buoy and back wfth scarcely any assistance from his father. Few boys of his rge can equal tins. The Cap tain should be proud of that boy. *urk .urrx .1 w eoiink w . Tilt* pi Ntrlctlr h KunhIuii word, and mraui that Aioorc Sc Nlcrrlfteld ran mall's you mi) mlylr or Ladlr** or Genu* Hoot* or *>lior» lhai you may ordrr ’ ' *• *lv Ileal Nice GenornL Passenger Agent M. W. Wrenn.of the Konnosawltoub'.i** work ing up a special excursion for Southern merchants to visit Cincinnati Ijefore Christmas to buy their holiday goods. Tbe excursion will leave Atlautu De cember 14tb, and tho fare for the round trip has been fixed at $10. Ite- tnrn tickets good until December 19th. No extensions will be granted under any circumstances. We advise our From Mr Tarver, the courteous agent hero of tho M. A B., wo learn that so far eight care of railroad iron, spikes, etc. have been received and ei ther already shipped or nre now be ing slopped forward. In rough fig ures this will urnount to about 4,000 tons, and will build about 100 miles of (rack The bars being shipped uro of two diflorent weights—part'is 52 pounds to the yard and part is 50.— The former is for the lino from Macon to Atlanta, and the latter T om Atlan ta to home. This, we iutorpret to mean, that tiio freights from tbo West to Atlanta will be heavier than from Atlanta to Macon. There will proba bly be about fifteen t .;rgoes, iu all, re ceived. These rails are steel and very heavy, which fact, added to other ev idences, is enough to convince ns that Mr. Colo expects to do a little business at least over tbe Georgia end of his lines. ^ ** MiKHinu -Probably Umwu«|. On Mouday afternoon last Miss M. II. Sherman, ai»ter of Mrs. Wilder, of this city, left Mrs. W.’s house in DU* ville for an afternoon stroll. Not re turning, the family became uneasy, uud search was instituted. She was It Is a Well Known Pan Among physicians that Buchu Jum per aud Parera Brava in combination are tbo best remedies in the world fpr nn« disonso of the bladder or kidupys, and that not'I&rf'tlia& ono-hnlf of the human family, both male aud female, suffer from dornngemont of thoso or gans, and neglect or failure to use proper romedios hurry many to un timely graves. Numorous combina tions have been triod for gravel, brick dust dopoeits, Bright’s disonBO, weak ness in back aud hips, producod by dorangoment of bladder and kidneys, but none with such happy results as Rankin's extract Buchu and Juniper. If yon suffer from any disease of those organs, get a bottle—one or two will relievo yon. Prepared only by Hunt, Itunkiu A Lamar, Atlanta, Ga. novl9-3tn D)-Npepala. Atlanta, Ga., June 24, 187H. For sevoral years I have suffered dreadfully with dyspepsia, accompa nied at times with most excruciating pain, and have triod many remedies m vain. I triod your Neurotic, which actod liko magic, giving .entire relief iu a vorv short timo. 1 consider it the oiost valuallo, and, iudeed, wonderful modiciuc T have ever used, and most cordially recommend it to the public. Mrs. J. E. Butler, No 78, Marietta street. Chess, Carley A Co -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- OILS OF ALL KIND! NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, -TOGRTflFJl WITH Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. HighoKt Market Rates paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur- nulled at Closest Figures. r c ft > a s s 8 'sg ** © A I—I &! at? 3; -.« % s a ST * 2 io 29 in ni Shipping Intelligence. .. . . York, >ov 26—Mk A lire C DlcV-iun, Cock, N.w York. Nov 26—Nor bk Koudavlf, Evaaaoo, I>ai ion. Nov 37~8o Ermoa Hofttbar, Flabor, Clia.-!o#tuB. Nov 27—Bf Oalcomi*, Hal*. SstsiiMti. Nov <W—Rx Hstttt G Dfson, Y*tto, Favanaali. Nov 98—So Ltzsto Wilson, WUautt. Itol.'wt. Nov 23—8c r ASowtr, Tilton, Foit to-yai. Nov 28—Fortbg Jaii»,Do4 Santira readera to write B. W. Wreun. Geio! trucked to tbe landing at tbe Konnan enrul Paeeeugur Agent, at Atlanta, Go., and join tbe excursion. Mean- while, if the time for the one-ceut-a- mile excursion rates to Atlanta should happen to tit, onr inorchauts could kill two birds with «m* stone” and tafb in both places, for the small sum of about $10 Horn** Imlastry. Nothing temls more t« build up a town tli&u manufactories, ft>r they bring money into the place by cliaug ing raw material into merchantable goods. Such an institution is the ci gar factory of Mr. I). G. BUley, and we are glad to say that although but a new enterprise he now employs six regular cigar makers, besides the usu al number of strippers This is the first week the factory has over been able to overtake its orders, which peaks well for the quality of tho goods manufactured. If or>l*ts con tinue to increase as they have done, more bands will have to be employed. Hurrrh for our home enterprises!— There is rovm for dozens more. place, i hence along tbe marsh to Mr. Watkins’ plunk walk, and along the same to the landing at the creek.— There her shawl was found, bnt noth ing more. Search has been made both up and down the creek, and iu every nook and corner of the adjacent woods, but up to this writing no tid ings have been found of her. What can have l>oen h**r fate is a mystery to all. If jibe is drowned, either acci dentally or intentionally, it {utist bavo been at high water, for it is only at thut lime that there is over enough water in the creek to drown any one, the creek going dry at low water. Miss Sheruiao was from Atlanta, and, we understand from those who knew tier, was intelligent and well in formal. Her friends state that they know ot no possible reason why she should wish to destroy her life, wfshe was delighted with her trip to Bruns wick, aud expected next week to go to Cumberland to tiait her neice.— The whnjo affair i* wrapped in mys tery. Dec 1-Fort bk L*ur» Norton, Axcvedi. Rio J DEPARTURES. Nov 96 - Nor bk Non'.cap, AxroiiMti. Moutovtdw Nov 26—D* Hitt «, Lannii:. Roct.n. Nov 26—8c SMI!!*, Rivera, rorOmoutU N. II. Rut 29-Rr bg A udlfci, L*HUn«\ 3u»uo« .vvn*. I)co 1—So Sarah Eaton, Du, Ptit!a4e!p!<u line 1 -Sc LA Lowii, . New York. I)*c 1—Sc Faaatlna, PbilUrook, Now Y -rl. Roc I—Nor bk fiopteatrto, l’orfa«ili, Mai«,;iU, S| R*c 9-B« A LHendnon, Houdaraon, N«w York BRUNSWICK_MARKET. OFFICE ADVERTISER AND AFFKAL. t OlL’Kawica, Oa., November 5*tl > Italow w« «juot-’ prior# onrrimt tor to da> COTTON. MiddllnK Fair a .11, Good Mtddllnit ...It: MidJiinK n Low Middling flood Ordinary Ordinary « RICE. Common * l »C6-V* Fair...-, 6‘.es6ft Good .... 6 RoiikL country total to -»NAVAL STORES. Roaiva --D |I.9S, E fl.95, FILM® 12.00, G f J II 19.06,Ji 82.10,1 H O, K 12.37>,f982W. M |A«t :td wliiakvra, f*;,«a N <2.81>„ window »law «3 37 SriniTH TunrinriNe-oil# 64c; regular a. 84M66.V. SUPPLIES. Jtocoa-Clear rib auw«, I#m«, 16a; dry clear r c;tot dear. »\'c; ahoulden, tc. USaix—Corn—whit..- Me, mixed nfajoat-. 60-» 62c; bran, 11.90. IUt -Northern, |l ***11.26. Efrtorn. 61 36; Wretom timothy « d Lino—In tierem, 13Sc. k-.* and tube, 1 l>,c. Feotm—Superfine, |* U0t$6 to; extra, 67 to; family, ftuo^vco; raucy. $9 8M»tO to; baker#’, 68 2.V4I8 76. lin e#. Wool, Etc. -Hid..#, dry flint, l i-.c. 10^-11 v;o. Wool—f?nwa«h»d, (rw- of bun#. pr‘.:n«> Iota, 97o; burry wool, Ift?ll8.:. Tallow. 6 -. wax *K. doer ekint, to.; otter akin#, r<SII to. NAVAL STORKS PREIOIITS .T'l'f—Rivdn and epirtt#. to. 6dMf*. »d fulled Xiagdooi or Continent dtrvrt; to New fork, loc ott Mein, OOc on #i>lrl»» ,'tram--To New York, mein V-c, #t»lrtt# Aki: to Pb! adfdphi#. ro#in #rtrlt» > — -ij tolloeton. o e>:. #ririu * ■(drtU d. w. h. parsons, PAINTER. Cut Loaf, Powdered, Granulat ed and Common Sugars, Full Line of Fresh Groceries,' A full Stock of Drv Goods, J. J. SPEARS’. terFOK GOOD BHEAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEAKS’DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF BAKING POWDER. ••We in#/ l.v* without li>vn-. What id pawion but pining >- - Hut wherr id the tuau Thai ceti live without diaifif f Wo may I’ve withont frlead*. Wr t un live withont greeting, lint tbe rl.lilted in*’» Cannot live without etlng !’’ foil FURTHER PABTfCULA ISON TTIiH IRl’OR TANT nUWECT, E.* yUlRE OF «.»v. LK tLKlt i* IH'IVUnDfUmilOCItlllBS PIQ HAMI, BREAKFAST BACON, Flour, sugar, Coffee, Teas, LARD, Butter, Rice, Etc. A VARIETY OF Cahned Goods, mix and uxor crackers. Fruits, Nuts, Candies, T .baccoH and Cigars. Brunswick, fit. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! I beg to Inform tbo citizen* of tbia cltv and enr* ending ooantry that I have jn.t opened a atock of goodaco&oiitiug of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Notions, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, krm.LUiT.or GROCERIES I TOBACCO AND CIOARS. I Offer at very clone price#. Ilavlog purcha*. #tock far caah only, I can tiieroforo d«fy com- E3. KAITL, NEXT TO, TUE'TSWEXiER. —1UE KIRAI OF— W. T. GLOVER & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO W. T. 0 LOVE It) Has removed from tho *tore next door to tho Poet Office, and opened afroah iu Dixon’s New Building, Wb«ra the pnblk can be enppIM. at wholeeale or retail, with everything In the lino of STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS & MAGAZINES Received daily and for *ato at low pricae- PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. WINTER SCHEDULE BA. A FU. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. Five Trips per Week ! ting clone roonectlona with Ocean Steams o, to and front Sfcw York, and with Phi lade Pbu. RalHmnro and Boeton • teaman, and a» Hrunawlek with R. k A. and E.T.. V. h O. Bailrond* to all point#. Newcastle Stmt, tUl-Janl HOUSE AND SION PA1NTISG, DK9IITIII,l(uSWIIMI,Fl>HC;!MiSll!lllt TO RENT! A large and commotion* *tor-, 4ov-'u U ttrect. Tertna rra^ruatie. Apply to noviMf D. JAS. 1 A MAN A worn** or a child ™n bay unjth.n* in the Oro eery line at the New Grocery Hocee * • (iOLDSkriTH * CO., and there haa not yet been anyen# FOUND Who «aya he doe# not get Rood, lie#b fowia at ho price#. Another toct that m esi. to that r«u r u ft fall ».»>. >nl bto am I3NT BRUNSWICK STEAMER DAVH) CLARK i nvnvy Monday afternoon fa faiRnniwkk every Tue#d*yaf r, leave Bmnawlck tn Savannah BTEAMER CITY OF BBIDOETON ^AlrifMHBrauwlek met udlku.- ’ STEAMER FLORIDA Weiaeeday and Sabuday slghl. laavtog foe savannah directly alter feeding. All the brat# of thie Una Ma« "ntafettorlgan- wim and an ■tation# oa B. A A. u. K.. with which efean eaanarttoa it made ive times par wa*k. o. VILUAM8. Agent, apnlif^kn ., um tha does. 0 A SPECIALTY! Oents’FurnisMng GoodsH propoaa Belling »t prieea Never Before Known! &aga8sa£*> *** t0M “ . J. B. WRIGHT. frfjdlT