Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 10, 1881, Image 2

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'vc^hcr and Jl^al , STACV. KJ'I ir ami rrajtittir. UHAKO KOPHON. M. I. MPR3HON TO TH ID OK AND JURY OK GtiYNN COUNTY. Xho fond being raised, in Savannah >r the fsmil) of Sergeant Burvo; has enchod 15,000. lost sitting of the Saperior of Paltski county depleted the Buy jnat ♦1,800. President. Arthur sent hie message to Congre£ itftho old-fashioned way —in writing—and not printed.^ This -tswitnssdtolm.' This has been an “off year" in poli ties, and a Tory quiet one, hut next year tbo potriity boil. Oh, dear!— arhat an infliction, ontbe people! ■ 1 , “CfuiTMO ox Tonu-"—That is cotnnion hooding in the newspapers, bate falso ono. It is the patience and common sente of the American peo ple which is «n drial and moat sevsre- ly tried. 1 Keifer, of Oh'io. a'"amwart/hsa defeated HiscocV, of Kew York, a oon serrativo, for the Speakership of the lower bouse of Congress, The Dim' ocrats are safScientl^ strong, bower or, to defeat any Tory Badiaal measure Dr. H. If. Carey, flab oomxpimifn' or. has gone to Washington for 8aoUf or installment of. Osnian carp for Georgia If any of oar rekdereltare C ponds they can secure some of m by conferring with, the commis si oner, at Atlanta. i The ; Drury County .Weekly tells of Are hogs that wsrf recently ilaugbt- seed in that county, by Mr. JtV. Spoer,which aggregated 1,301 ponnda It coet $00 tb raiab them.' J. M.Mul- lu, of Lsurons county, also oomoa tb tho front with tbrao small porkors, of this fall's killing, that weighed re- epcctivoly S44,301 and 290 pounds. Ur. Jeeeo Alexander, who lives near Uriffin, a brother of CoL J. D. Alex ander, editor of the Thomaeton Times, wont to Griffin last Saturday, took too mnch wliiskby, wont down tho rail road track about a milo, lay down on the teach - , went to Bleep, and woe soon run over by two freight Irajns and lit erally torn to pieces. A Pii'cr-CJuuH Ifaty.— Senator Bsy- arj says that nothing gave him more pain while in Europe thin the bum ble condition of the American navy. Now, hers is a problem for tnatlio-' maticol minds: If it costs forty mil lions * yonr to maintain » n*Vy which is 'good for nothing, what would a good onocost? Cablegrams from London give an aooonnt of tho stealing of the em- balmod hotly of the Earl of Crawford and Baloarree from tho family mnu solemn near Aberdeen, the object, no doubt, boing ransom. It seems notv- a-days that the riehjvt apt nllowod to "reat in peace,", nor arc the poor, near the medioal colleges. Tboy do say that 16,000,000 gallons of cotton sssd oi' is manafacturpd ’ln tho United States, mostly in (be South. Of this quantity 10,000,000 gallons is shippsd foreign, and oomoa book to as from Bordeaux • and other French ports at gsonine olive oil, Juki enough ol the pare article having been mixed with tho other to make it smell like it Can't tbs United States have protection from inch im position. An epidemic of wife-boating is pass ing like n hot wave across the conti- nent. Thi papers era full of tear- lifting accounts of thin cruel diver sion. But the public never gets a giimpau or a hint of tho other sidi of pony husbands caressed with broom-sticks, pokers or mop bandies in the htnde ot burly and belligerent wives.'— Tdtjt n/A and Maxmjer. Ax ELituuuoiMvnx Ortn-A Book Fax*.—The publisher of that well, known journal, the Savannah Weekly Heirs, proposes to give all now eob- scribers who send iu their name (with the pries of the paper for one year, $2.00,) before the first of January, j jj, a statute that n<i |*-r*ou shall carry 1882, and nil subscribers who renew J shout his porson any pistol, dirk, before that date, a copy of any one of [ sword cauc, or other deadly tho novels ot tho "Moruing Nows Li-j weapou, unless it is oarriod brary, free of charge. ^ IhcSe 6erials | manner iiml fully opposed to arc written by Southern authors and ,.j ow I have given that statute iu are printed in handsome quarto form, j charge, and you Imvo sworn that yon in excellent style end on good paper. | wi n investigate and report t. uly your is a crime alt the same, and yonr duly is to investigate, and, if it exists, in dict it Again, persons who keep tippling bonces mnst not allow minor* to play at any game in tbsir shops, whether it be for monoy or not They mnst not assemble there and play for the reason that the law does riot permit s keeper of a tippling house to hold out that kind of inducement to minors; nor does tbs law permitkeepsmof tip pling booses to sell or furnish liquor to any minor (a minor 1* * person who has not arrived at the age of twuuty-one years), sod they ore not e'iawed to tarnish minora with liqnor unless they hive permission from the guardian or parent of the minor to furnish it, and if they do furnish it, they aro indictable, no mutter how well developed a young mnh may be, or full bearded, if be it under twenty- one years, it is a crime and elionld be indioted. The law' also reqnires that a person beforo embarking iu tho sale of spir ituous liquors of shy kind, shall' pro cure a hoenso to do so from the prop erly eoustitnted authorities of the oonnty. It ii not sufficient if they go on and soli and make application for and obtain- a license, and dale it' back to cover nccidouts. Every person who sells without first proonring a lioenBe, 1 is indiotabie, sod ovory person that is indictable it is yoar duty td 'indict without reference to who they may be or what tboir defense. Their de fense is heard beforo a different tri bunal. Any person who is accused of crime cannot be hoard beforo' yoar body, except he be un officer. If you desire to indict a magistrate, he would be entitled to have a copy of the bill and bo heard before yonr body, but others have not tlint right. Again, porsana conndt sottlo cases outside and thereby defeat' a Grand Jury. Tho Grand Jury is notsupposod to know of any such settlements, but if a felony bos been committed and should come to your knowledge and you should investigate it and it should bo set up that the parties have settled it, that would not uutborizo vru tb drop it, but you work with tho case bofore you, because persons cannot settle a felony, or any erinio tboy may have couuuiUod, until after indict ment, ninl tlmn onl.v tit this bar and by tho permission of tho court. The iuw permits some cases to be sottled. For instance, assault and battery cusos, w here there aro only two iiersuns interested; that can be .settled in open court nfter indictment bad. I pive you in charge, nlso, the stnt- uto concerning public worship. Tbo 1 iw of Georgia is that poople mny worship God according to the dictates of their (fonscionco, and whenever and r. horevor they please, and they shall not bo disturbed in any mnnnor by any body. Therefore, if you know of any instance wbc-o any congregation of people who lmvo assembled for Di vine worship, have boon disturbed in any mannor, by any porson, it is yonr duty, as Grand Jurors nod Christian goutlomon, to rejiort it, because there ia no powor to force a man to go to a plnca of public worship, and if he goag then ho must deport himself accord ing to tho regulations that maintain in that congregation and if lie does not, tbon the law calls upon you to vindicate that people,' by indicting the offender, There aro some rpe cies of crime that elicit soiuo kind of sympathy from the peo ple, and for which there is some kind of nn excuse. For instance, if a person should commit a Jammy and it should develop that bo was very hungry and did it fur tho pur pose ot i.-'iuoging the hunger that was gnawing at his vitals- uny person couid sympathize with such a man; or if yon should commit a crime of vio Icnee and do it iu ilt-fense of your per sonal honor, people aro ready to suy, “so far as I am concerned, I cannot blaiue him, much; I do not know what the law mny say," but if n |<orsou goes congregation of peoplo nssoiubled for Divine worship and ahoiiid disturb them in any way, no right thinking man could do other tiinn feel out raged at such barbarian Again, tile law- I equine that you should invc-Uigato tho keeping of lewd houses in your county Tho law cliurgua you with “bo duty of indict ing any such people, if it run be as certained that any such house exist Ho vi , ltlH , thu iJ<vW oQl „ i^Tuos- m your county. I know ..I no statute j, v , nd c MJue io * ore .u D g in- . . , that should require moro prompt and j 0 f j,j s travels He certainly Again, the law, iu relation to gam- «gorou« action on the part of the bM ct sy Ume of it, doing no work Ur. Foreman and Oentlemm of ihe Qrand Jury: The law requires that at the com mon cement of every torm of the court the Grind Jury Should be instructed, by tho fcflbrtjM to the general outline ot their duties, end, also, ns to certain particular matters. I (ball tako advantage this morn ing of the presumption that is in fa vor ol this Grand Jury, La,, mg been ■elected by sworn commissioners from the citizens of tbo county ns being among the most Tutel'*gebt arid di.r- ereet eitizehs Of the county. Tho com missioners bavo faithfully discharged their duty, ahd tho body bolero me is all that coqld bo desired. • , , I shall tako ,t for grautod that ull that is necessary for the court, to do ia U> touch on the outlines of yonrdu- ty and you will perform fully and io ovory partioular said dnty, and thus prove what ovpry honest Gtund Jury is and should bo—u b!o*sing to it* county. In tho firut place, 1 shail request the Grand Jury, as a favor to tho court, to act ntonco upon such criiuiua] matters ns may como to yonr knowl edge, so that the court may proceed with tho trial of such cases us tnay be indicted, as wo huvo more leisure at the commencement of tho court than later during the term, l’srtios in jail aro entitled to Mipcody a hear ing as possible. It iatbeir right that, if innocont, they should bo disubarged at once, and, if guilty, should bo pun ished promptly. Tb« law rcqpirooihpt I givo you in charge certain partioular atstutoe.— Tbo law concerning llioso statutes is distinct and emphatic, uud they re late to such crimes on, in tbemsolvcs, do not soom to amount to very much, do not scorn to combine any element Of inoral lurpiludo in tboir commis sion, but aro siioh crimes as havo boon classed, by somo great Georgian, us “the vices of geutlomon." The idea bus becorao prevalent that a good many of those ofibnsceare snob as any gentleman can participate in, uud, therefore, it would be oriminal to in dict or suspect thorn; but tho law re quires that all citizens of Goorgia shall obey whatsoaver law in of forco ia tbs Btata. It doos not |iorrait grand juries to discriminate and say what cripio* ought to bo indicted and what, but roqn'-es you to tale an oath that you wi.H diligently quire and trno prcseidmont make of tD such matters as shall he givon you in charge; and ilieu, tbo law reqn the court to give you iu charge special statutes that the people s- fucluicd frequently to overlook. Your oulb far.her requires not on ly that you shall uud preacut us to mattera given y ju in charge, but “all such muttoiH uud things us shall be givou you ia chaige, or eouio to your knowledge touchfhg the present service.'’ Novr what docs the law meun by say lug that ? It doesn't mean such matter:, as shall be brought bofore you hy seme prosecutor or in terested individuals; nor docs tbe luw require Unit the court aha 11 charge you concerning the great crimes of murder, arson or rs]>e, bceuuso tboso erimae carry with thorn such r :i amount of moral turpitude ns excite tire in dignation of yoar citizens. Evoiy good citizen stands ready to m irk bin name *i a prosecutor, whouevor n person is snspectod of having committed murder or arson, but such is not tho caso con cerning the crime of carrying deadly weapons. Yon will say, "well, it is Ir no that I do know a young man who car ries a pistol wherever ho goes —ho doesn't fee! dressed w ithont liis pistol, but I know hu wouldn’t shoot anybody; and if ho did shoot at. u person, hu wouldn’t hit him; aud I don't see tbe of indicting him and cause him to go to the expense uml trouble of de fending bimseif, or if ho is convicted to the hardship of paying it tine or go ing ou the c>uuu gang.” All! that is the reason why tbo law requires it shall bo given von specially in charge at each term, because it is against the law aud should lie puuishod. Hence es do exist, no onecan bavo eoeb pow er to ferret oat their existence as a Grand Jury, because, whut a Grand Uaoox, Ga. Messrs. Lotus, Baxux & Iuiua— Gentlemen—Hy little girl, 8 year* old, has been for some time troubled with nounced bronchitis. She slept but little, coughing nearly tbeeotiro night, and wo hud to get pp very often to help bor out, the cough was so severe. At yonr solicitation, 1 -1 bought a bottle of Brewer’s Long Restorer, and ebe began to improve ut once, and hot been sleeping nicely ever since, and I firmly believe she will be permanently cared, i was very rnnen frightened at her condition not'long since, bat am nor rejoicing at her rapid recovery. Yarre truly Gao. F. Wnlo. Tatlob Cotott. This is to eertify that I bad asthma for thirty-five years, and need a great Brent kind* of remedies.— Wo* treated five years without find ing'relief. 1 then need your Lang Rostorer, and frmndin it a permanent cure. Very truly yours, novl9-lm ' Z. J. Parks. LMsrnssciMSrsd voter* Mriisgriau ■pat Klrvruu to be held on the 10th Day or December, 1881, Aniteraon, Wm Andenoe, Jacob AMS, P II ArMtrone, Donats Atkloooe.8B adsua.Au Atidaraoe.W H Araatronf. Bobt Alticaob. DD Armitrong, Peed Armatroef. Jso Abbott, Wllay Andoraon, Tboo Adsaio, O P Abbott, Ooorgt Drewater. P W Bolt, T W Blala, J T llrkaeokk, & M Bocnett. t At Byrd. O W Urirntr-Dick, Craaat Beach, JL BoTCMrdt* A Borchardt, Htninil Brocklnstott, 8 A Braxton, A Btinkley, 8amael Bootwlck, J B Blue, Frank main. W 8 Brock. T W Bird, Henry Kit Brown. Gabo Berrie. W H Burnett, Jo# ‘ * ~ irrjnsui. W X Brawatar.PA Ourrcb, Burruaghe^Jato Cannon,J B Connolly, i Sftor.'oeorgo Cnoawr.PB K&n-wnr Brondimz, Edward Broad. John Bln#. Juaw Baker, Robert Bee.WJ Borrongbt, f B B##n,OW Boyd, Andr#w Baker. W X Brown, Jik# Borrlo, W A Crovatt, A 3 Carter, W H C*r#well, EB __ Cmnir.PB kkkc Agaffcd Cooper. Xartla Conner. * Clayton, Oelo Cook, J Clark, Otnlcld Calee, A assn k* f£.sr Cowmen, O H Coney. E F gsmssu. “-w 0 " D Dillon, D Ju Dnnn. H T Doerflinger, C J Dtrls, J B Puproo.LT Dmrto.LB Dafsy.DW DnniqDT DoertUnger. FJ Dert, W B Dexter, TW Dart,JE Driver, Cbu “ ‘ Barkis too*' Bntta. Beiunel Broad, Julian Cbendler. George Cooper, John Crovatt, William Christopher, X t untutopur, now Council, Ben) Carswell, L b> Clark, LW iColllna, J T Campbell, Tbo# Clement*, Mingo .cargyle, B M Croombe, Albert Dart, Urbanua Jr Jevennort, W Q Dart|UrtMUii mm Jnry knows ia fonnd from sworn t«- . wvew cengb, which physicians pro- timony, which they have the right to 1 * “**- ’ • •—* compel. There is another atatato on tbe bock tbut I am not requirod to charge, bat fast Colled on to give specially in oharge. It bm boon suggested to me in every county wherein I have the honor to preside, by tbe call of tbe divoroe docket. There ia no oonnty in this circuit that hoi not got divorce cases pending, and 00 per omit of them develop the fact that the wife has been forced to appeal to the coart for a dissolution of the marrisge bonds, bccanso of creel maltreatment oil the port ot tbe husband, and such treatment had bocomo so unbearable os to cause her to appeal to tbe courts. We bare, a -special statute on the book*, nod I call tbe attention of the Grand Jnry to that statute with great earnestness, with the hope that not only will yoa investigate it because it is your duty, but because your man hood and your gallantry demand it. I refer to tbo.crimo of wife-beating. Who cati concoivo of n moro brutal act tl-a’i that ot a bnvband who baa taken upon himself tbo most solemn oath that any man ean take, when lie swore nt tbe altar that be would love, honor and protect, defend and chorisb his wife; when she in her young con- fidonoe leaves all fur him, then for him to tarn upon and beat her, it seems tome to horrible tfiat every ■ueh caso should be indicted and pun ished to the fulleet extent of tbe law. And, gentlemen, ypn should not wait in your GrnndJnryroomfortha beat en, cowed woman to como to yon, be cause she fours too much tbe ven- goance of her brute to do that, but you should move yourself nnd bring him beforo tbe bar of this court, to be hold np to the righteous Bcorn nnd oonlempt of every tnnn whose ' breast contains oven tho semblanco of a heart. I have givou you in ebargo tho spe cial stntutos,—do not investigate theso merely, but ovary violation of the peunl luw. As n rule, tho lnw is what it ought to bo, aud if yon know of tho commission of any art which you think is criminal, ton to'ono it is a crime, and will prove so when in vestigated under tho lnw His Honor then proceeded to ebargo tho Graud Jury fully u;>on tho vari ous other mutters thoy should inves tigate, and duties thoy were culled up on to perform, aud no rogret exceed iugly that want of spneo compels us to omit all but tbo foregoing. I.KT IT HE STOPPED The Constitution given nn neconnt of tho shooting and probnblo murder of a Mrs. Baico, of Buchanan, Haral son county, Go., by ouo Itatteree—u convict from the camps of the Nortb- Goor-gia A Marietta Railroad. It seems ha wnu made n "trusty" nnd sont to this place, armed and equipped for another convict. Gotting thoro bo got drunk, mounted n horeo, rodo up to Mrs. Buico’s house, used im proper language to hor, and when she sought protection in doors, fired at bor, the hall striking her in tho left side of the back nnd ranging toward tho heart * Wo say, stop it—this habit of mak ing “trnstya" of convicts, especially such ns be. Let bad men know that wben they do wrong nnd go to tho peuitontisry, there is no “soft plnco" there. Wo hoar too ranch about this trusty" business. It is high lime it it was stopped. Let lessees of con victs uudersbind that they are to pay far officers uud guards, nnd not make them out of convicts to save ex|H>unes. It is an imposition ou the public. THBTAUASI’ MAN IN AMERICA. Chess, Carley & Co. OILS Oip ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, Davidson, David Davftnport, J W Dexter, C U Dunnaway, J A Dennison, Albert * Kvsna, Wm Eastcrilng, Evans, Joe Keaia, Eugenia# Foley, Daniel Err email, (Hovt Franklin. A F Dart, 11 E4w*rd« ; Ull°y rati EuUcnin,. j r mis, w it Emery, DU Fomla. Jacob Futuh, U L (Joelbread, T B Grctuflcltl. Kick Goodhruad, 8 T Grant. J.mpdIi G todhn ad, H U Greenfield, J 0 Ferguson,TB Futcb, UI Flint, BE Flan Jem. OE Fahm, B A Farmer, Bobt Frazer, Thomi Kriuklin, J U Fonda, Jacob nimore, Wm a OtU. JD Id, Richard Goodyear, C P Gala, F P Gat dner, steven Or^n,Alfred Good bread, D B OiUoo, Allan GcOilbresd, P X Oslo, A D Gallagher, Jaa Golden. W Groodhread. Oliver Governor, David Oilaon.Jee Gatea. Wiiiiam dray. H P Gore, T W Gmzlbrvad, C G Golden, J P II flouatoB, Jut Uuuatcn, B H Hort, I*D Hibbard, Colntnboe Hackett.W A " i. WP -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- -T0GETHER WITH- Hay, drain, Provisions, Etc. Highest Market Rattt paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur nished at Closest Figures. - - tru-'j HEW STOEE! NEW GOODS! be« lo inform tbe dtlsetw of this dtr sod ear- ndlng country that I bavo Jnat opened a stock of da constating of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, a.k x READY MADE CLOTHING, , J bsz si gf 'iTi. Oli Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, f X&r - *■ > * ^ A FULL LIKE OF GROCERIES J TOBACCO AND CIOARt. t caab only, a c-a thvnfuru duly a peUtU>i E. KAUL, t-? NETl* TO 1IABRIS. THI JEWELER. bbardvOoInmnne - liarmon, F 1* ICarrUon, J T Harris. W H Haywood, A X Elx»ch, Ben) Bodgev, O D Holland, W A Harris. Edward nine, II L Hay UnJra, Loop Id . — lln^hi .z, Peyton HariU. F H Hall, G J Uorinoit. Dompaey llark lt, Thoe Harris. Chaa,. llolzcndorf. P B Holxuudorf It B llarvey, K J llaxluhiirst, Robt llarvey, J T Ilulmoa, J U Uanuon, Jamoe Harris, L W Hair!hod, W 11 Uart.WJ Harris, llenry Ilacknsy. Alox Uaxlehurst, L W Jr Harris, Jacob Hamilton, Uco Uaxlehurst, Hamilton, G HesJehriret, Joe lluntir. York Hamilton. Jero Isaacs, Aaron Hudson, U D Harris, Amt* Harris. Adam Hardy, Tboir as Ja-'kst Wash iktaa, Joseph Jackson, Mllu Jonklus, Hyal Knlgbt, Kenrtik Lean. J A Jackson, Wm Jones, W T Jones. Robert Jones, Fred Jenktnn, Bobt Jackson, T1 uobusou. Goo J-.iikiiM, Geo Jaciocn, Unrml Johnson, J V Jenkins, Guffee Johnson, W A |£ Heat. Butler Kay, W E Ky\a.r - Ken rick, H A Krause, Peter Kyis,Richard Lambrlgkt, Jamas I Lloyd, WUaon Leevy, L J Laml>light, Joa E Laurens. Arnold Lucas, II E Ijutg, Kmannel Logan, Henry I^ron, W W Lang. T II Lsirgei Dnvl7 IJoyd, _ LltUaflsld, 8 O Lundin, C P Latmtoro, Itkbard Lambert, Frederick McKinnon, Warren Xerrtfleld. G B Moore, DA Moor*.OH * * - Mtnsban, J* Marlin, I. O XoprshTo McIntosh. C U Ma. Un, J 8 McCrary, 118 Mundy, H O Macon* O H Mysra, O C Moore, J B Merritt, Richard Meyete. Isaac Moore, W O Middleton, Wash Mltrlir.ll, V R Meadcr, B D Mlclflaon. Morris Madilsn, J X Minor, J H Morrison, John Monroe, Jea Myers, Tim Masale, Burrell Molden, Henry Myera, U P McCullough, J B Msson,Gabon* Moore, CB Mills, Kdtunnd Mlnehan. Tbo# Moore, W B Mrrclisnt. Gabrtol Mundy, 1RT Mason, A J McCandleee, Wm Jr McAlpti*. Geo MaxwdL Hol McAlptu, Tnlly Miller, John Me Lera, J L McDonald. Caleb Maynard. Henry , Minor, W P Morris. Samuel Mason, W X rhan. Mike Maria, Peter ■■iiier. Henry Miller, CF MoreU, Nelson Muiphyjno Miller. Henry MoreU. Nelaoi Mention, X L N Nelson, JF Newton. Jol Norwood, G H Nrlson, Alex . John Norman, J O Newton, C H Removal ifcufB —TUI FIRM OF W. T. GLOVER & CO.,' (SUCCESSORS TO W. T. O LOVER) Hus removed from the store next door to tbs Pott Dittos, and oponed afresh In ixon’s New Building, Where tbe public can be supplied, at wboleaale or retail, with every tutlg In the line of STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. IEWSPAPEBS, PERIODICALS & MAGAZINES Received dally and for sale at low prices. PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Praor, Pru k Putnam. A V Pritchard, Alex Price, w J Pierce. Henry IMcs, J T Peniman, W V Prince, Paul Payne, James K Rainer. W H Robins. J I Russell, C A Reed. 11J Rutledge, Nero Bussell, J I e. Wl ----- Bvyforth. O W Stock well, G W Nolemon, lUibert Sinclair. Jaiure ***. piuabarg (N. C.) Bccord. Chatham boasts Among tier other enriositios of having the tuJieat man in America, lie is a mulatto, irniuod James Gilbert, aud is exncilv a*ven feet high. Since hist Mureh he h.ts been ou exhibition in UaruumV nhow, at a HaUr> of $100 a week, uik! traveled through the Nortiietn aud Wentoru States uud into Mexico. He { .a™,,, came directly from St. L*>iuh to tuis t’paou.'Vx. Jr U (©ou itr), a few days ago, ou a visit to TuckerTwV his muthcr, who lives near the Gulf. Piles. Prince Palmer. James Parsons, D W II Parker, W F Putnam. A T Robinson, II u Jr Rowe, william Itialey, D O Rodrigue*. J F Robinson. H U Robert*. Wash BchUtter, C L Jr Rowell. Peter Scarlett, X J fe’lT Sweet wine, Toney Sanndere, K3 “ * “• Smith, J J Rltnmofn. Lewis Rtacy, T O Hhort, A L 3ymooa,WF Shoemaker. Wesley Rebutter, C L S*»utbard, J M Sjmmee. Court land T . May Tattnall, Harry ~ ’ lUf — 8 pear*, J J Bbelfer, D L Bmlth, XraK Hclomon, Dean Rawysr.R M Rimmoaa, laaao RUwart,WF bcott, James Storms, A J tephsam Alax Mpto, ‘ .-blatter, C L Smith. Rcrngga, L 8 Rmitfa, A B MUnmoM, Wm 8fonu. Frank Smith, J A The Warily Kerns is a mammoth |w-! j u gi nB , per and ranis witl. the best joarculi iL^x^fil'to tUt'lbfe'TriLtoai i b ‘ inR ' pl ' 4TinK ° r ,>0ttine ,tr ni0n,, - v j Qran<l Jury thar. this partieolar ou-. JwJU/dVmc/:-|^"r T tbins * A bcau ° r lh:it ktud c,,u iam * n - s -11 I Gnuid Juiom mny think there u do ; raU» moro tnmo «tnd tu moru hurui to 2LTtaik2 Z£ who anteribl t! Ur > ;i,nJe * nd 1 tbi » l «- V*** « > Wf doJL ihs Mlc ilVu lot a soai Address I ■ tb6r0 “ “ 0U8 * 1,oh 8 oro,r ' 1 of olhor causes I .an tlnuk . (. Not ontj ILEstHI tfavannili 0* ' ' Igautiwnon take a Inn,! an » piny to btci.ose it is a viol-Hon of tli, Uw, cmm >. - ’ o -j pom off time—net for a living—, l-itt luot only because it is a decoy to the it i, ag.uus! tLe-mJ.lheref irtf.uMist au<t tbe virtuens voung men of be pmmeatod. I think it ro-y differ. | '.hr country, but because it is food for * (mo.lU IMMrlK. Out be bad. bj ayMT Udy who will tuo Parker's (linger Tonic. Fur promptly regulating tbo liver ami kid- nay* and purifying tbo blood, there is nothing like it, and tbth fi tbo reason wby it so quickly remove* ptaplea and giro* a rosy bloom to tbo cheek. 8m notice. novlO-lm ent wliere s man -uiskea a 'iviog by 'sbcmcful thought iu acommauity liko gambling: there is nor.! turpitude in ! ob-s where everybody’s business is that, aud very greut morel tcrjuludo. I.i.o'vu to everybody «1*«; aniL't is a bat it matters not whe'her the gam- toume ot great martifieation to the biing is done by a social crowd of gen- |«x>;-le of tbo enuntv aud the temoies tlemeu or by professional gamblers, it U the county Aud if auv such ciac- whatover, living high, has ail expenses paid and pmketa $100 a week AiUotz, Ga., June 24,1878. For aoverol years I Lave safierad dreadfully srilh dyspepsia, accompa nied at times with most excruciating pain, and have tried many remedies in vain. I tried yonr Neurotie, which acted like magic, giving entire relief in a very abort time. I cooaidor it the moat vaiaablc, ami, indeed, wonderful tntdiciue I have ever raed, r.rd moat cordially re.omroen-1 it to lie* public. Uis. J. hi btTLza, Tlbboru J W TttstonU. B V Troup. M T Thompson. Jaa Taylor. 8 T Thompson! Jaa, Jr TVoadwslL W T Taylor, H 0 Tucker. W 8 Taylor. Edward Turner. B 8 Thomi*. Jrrs X Tkonu*. Daalsl Trltublt.LO Tbotirms. Huntord *“ UDch Pttlllp Vanda ly,Jobo Wr-gLL Duncan Wilum, Tbo man WUxlna. Harnael Wi.iker, w u Virutu Jams# Wtlli.nrg. CAm Win*. Richard Wt Ik*. Richard WUdtfr. Jsaas Win ton, Bsrr WaRaos, Bandy Watkins, W W Washington, Oro WiklOfteOs Arthur Washington, (aorg# Young. WHUam Van (rodaii, J K VanNulse.CH W Wads. James Ward. A C Wilson. Charts* Wtnx. A K Wlmbsrlf.OH W»y.£K WrMht.LC Way.WJ White, Jack is Ward. J W William. Adam Ward. H tt Ward. Samnol Wood. J W — • ‘ W* Willson. G B ,«W WtithLAV Wm Wrttls*, A K aSSSJS' SS275 Eictvel Wrtasv.I Ihm Wiwberb. (zxas noonox. auk Ccueu. Notice. Iw- lor OAK nos, o< U| ks(lk ,rwll7 8MIIISIK i No 75, Marietta street {to-ujrc j. T aunts imoo stoki. WINTER SCHEDULE 0A. & FLA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. Pive Trips per Week ! Making clear eonnsetions with Ocean Steamship STEAMER DAVID CLARK LaMMlmmhimn tusssr Msiiii hr Ss- Ull, «vw. touchln, u Brun.wlrkmrj Tuwdmj ,f twtuxM: nunuw, u*™ Bmsnrtek tor arama ,vwr viii-st rttat STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON Orrim St Brno-wick ever, Moudsr ,ud TBure av.ud * STEAMER FLORIDA Ev«r VOmUi act f»tnrJ»j S|U, letrln, Vr-r-'r ! vliiip. Cut Loaf,.Powdered, Granulat ed and Common Sugars, Full Lino of Fresh Groceries, A full Stock of Dry Goods, J. i. 8FEAB8’. 86J-FOR GOOD BREAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEARS' DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF baking Powder **Wa may live without love- Wbat Is paaalon but pining I— SSaSisa' Wscanllvs without graeUng. Bnl the drifts*! w»n > •. Oassot live wliutint eattRf 1^ a whim: DXALKB IX HEAVY Ai\D MOVGROCERIES Pia HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, Flour, sugar, Coffee, Teas, Butter, Hioo, Eto. A VARIETY OF Canned Goods, fU'S AND WSOT CRACK >:us. Fruit, Nuts, Candies, Tobaccos and Cigars, Newcastle Streep - Brunswick, 6a. for ttavannah d U. WILLIAMI*. Agent, A SPECIALTY! Gents’Funiisliiiig Goods tvs )«at opened, in at McCrary, a kxadsoas Km peojiose aalllcg at price# Never Before Known t • t> k, which was teaght Ti WRIGHT. Call on *m aaJ ms a tSSSi MACON A BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. Ob and after Normnbsr Mb, 1S81, tbs foDourlng willb# thesglMdoiotff thaM.frB.JL ft.: KIGHT XZPBZ88 (DAILY). TdOFM 3 NX) A M 8:31AM -- ... tftO PM Lesvs Jerup.. UA)PX Arrlrs at Macon............ TAB AM DAY FA88XXOEB AKD MAIL (DAILY): .....::vv::;.:::;.vr SSAg Arrivaat Bninawtt’.’V.!!V.V, , . , . , /.*.*.V.*. V-'.' Mf P K Ssis«S:HiE:iiS?Sf§ For cobssetlona ass S., F. h W. 8chadols. ABSTRACT OF TITLE BOOKS. Tbs whdirriguaj preps red, Jn 13T01. an abatr -1 all titles from tbs noccrds of Glynn eowntr, dal. tog from 1M<, and snbasguscur Woagbt said bonk ■p to UM, WMklac ft a ssmplsfa abstract to baai T. ris presset record book ol tbs oonnty, with tb# ex- csptlon of two books. Band 8. which abstracts, kaestka meant destruettoo of tbo records, an lbs data tb ralaUoo to Urn titles ol Glynn county lUmsbasnsd, with tbs exesprion of book a. «osm»fd with book X. Ha Sopsmd a» tad wm kssp Ilspsb for mmiWMios sf UUss ^ !!■»■»• m pm.acbstoiaf frsa lx of. is examination to ba only of tbs tttls. aad any legal opinion tbsrsoo to iis paid for separately, C.RGOODYEXB JlWf. W. J. PRICE , INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. I F. GOODYEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Over Mkbtiaon'a !1'*vUlot Stare, LlcucmUt A rest, BRUNSWICK, GA TO RENT!