Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 17, 1881, Image 4
UST-PWFTM OATS RUST-PROOF SEED OATS? I .'?C3 * ■;]? i t l ' tii \‘ voJt&d FEED OATS. FEED OATS.‘ FEED OATS. aSmttPl]ip MEAT, MEAT, MEAT1 .'-flQiPr'/ <v/4eBAi,! tflHAS.1 A.aaeteA^ftj:. meaj. I ' n:ori' np!i| HAMS, LAItD. SALT, GRIST, and all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will bo sold as cheap iur tliu'chenpest. Communications a<MteSW*dtn Bie al’ AIbnny or Brunswick will he answered promptly.' ;:<■ O'’ , . MAYER, GLAUBER & FORRESTER. £M£ NIGHTENGAIjE, Agent at] k and on th<* linen of ol , ' lr :,uji.lii Millinery & Fancy Goods, oonsistinq of French (.hip Hits «a<l Bonnets, French KelOlsta *nd Domini, Flume*. French and Atnerhau Flowerr, Uli>rt4, Laco®, Plnah Mid Satin Ribbons, Sash * Shaded Ribbons shaded Katina for dreas trlDiming, . Hilk Velvets, Volvetoen lu ail color*. Children's and Ladle®* IIoho, ~ iTrimfnnga, Passementerie and Fringe®, KID GL S, Paint and Oil Store! RAILROAD, Steamboat and 1) .Supplies, Pure White Lead, Zinc & Colors, Glass Putty ; Varnishes & Brushes Plain and Decorative Wall Paper Doors, Sashes, Blinds, EtcJ 0nl y Lad y clorks -- • * - / • ' 'I Will he employed, wb® will show gooda My V 9 Locks, Sash-Weights, Cord, Hinges, Screws, Etc., Lime, Plaster, hair & cenioiiXr mils. m. "<T rowe. NO. 5, WHITAKER STREET, S^TT - A.3jT3}T.A.:££, - O-Jb.. MirM-ly „ Chess, Carley l Co., EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. TMo store ia exclusively tot ladles, and tbay WIU And a varied amurtnient in LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, AT EXTREMELY LOW FRICKS. -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, TOG ITT II HR WITH Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. Higlie.-i Market liuUs jk. mshed at Clowst Figures, for Naval Stor Sup, lies fur- On »ud alter M t. by t i keep cod-Unll; Fresh Fish and Oysters at uijr Fl«uMarket un Lttl.rfi.4d and Tison a wfaarl litmna can be suiqtficd u any hour of the <U>,_ Yuur urdnra aulieltod. L.L.t ARStVELL. ulliWpolTilpef. w» ,uay live without love— What L i-aa-ion but |>lniug >— Hut win rt lathe mau n at *1, live Without dining • A> may Jive without frlen.l* Tins imrun CJ. WIMBERLY, LKvI.EU IS Foe fdsatrftylaR Idw-t* on Iip«, vu e*. .tr . *» te ring gardens and plants waehiug earn*,-*-and wtndowa, protecting baUding* from Rn , and adapt, aaen. Head for circular* U. J. 1*1, Dft: VTKU, Agdil, I*OGl.El AND TAltLk CCTLELY TINWARE. OOObfi. MAh 11 .U-AMK, PUMPS. (MOCKERY, LAM I'M AMO LAM!* FIXTURE*. iaku lard OIL. ro« tr A. £. HEINS, linker & Confectioner, -AI.SO DEALER IN— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. a . J , ’ ■ . . *r .too UJ f J. MICHELSON & BROTHER Arc now prepared to offer the public the flnoat and beet *t«ck of Good* ever brought to tbia market. Head over thi* advertisement and oouie and we for vouraoivea, and t« rbal.’ bo *' pleased to nhow you our stock. Onr LAD Y CLERKS Will talc wpeelal pleasure In wailing on all i-nat-m r* who d* airc to «cc anything in lhc?r Dcpnrt aunt, We have a large and display of DRESS &DORS, Novelty Goods for Over-Dresses aud Trimmings, Surah Silks and Satius of all shades, Dress Goods of every color ami variety. HARDWARE, - Y'ii 'i -;v» r 148 Mid 180 Ooofraw, 111 Wd 181 Bt. Julian sta. SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. Agricultural Implements, FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY'S PLOWS. BRINLTS FLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, . SWEEP SHOVELS, , HEEL PINS, GRASS RODA RUBBER & .LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, OUNS AND FISTOLS, FISHING TACKIJS. AUKST3 rOK FAinDASKS’ Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEIIUATED POWDER, Together with a full line of SHELF HARDWARE, for aale at tbn loweat eaab prlca t. PALMER BROTHERa »pmir Grand WINTER GOODS! Fancy Groceries TOBACCO, CIGARS and FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY GOODi-i DELIVERED FREE. Give mo a call, at either my atore on the Bay or on Nowraaile at reel, where myaelf or my cierkawrtll be hatiuy to aerve you. Fnb'Jil ly A. K. 11 KINK. The Best Place! THE JEWKIiHY HEADQUAR- . TERS OF W. F. DOERFLINGER i* the B. at Flare ol the Kind, in every re»|>evt. IN’ TOW1T. large and brauttfillly aelcct* he timoa. A flue aaaortiuent of ed a tuck id JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., Wu.vb ha* ;«»t a/rtv««l and I* I* tug aoldatlow prtena. Itepulr* of All kind* tlonrun abort nailer uml KntUf Action flu Arum red. • g-IttMi' l’atunt »f stiftcn.'.l ha.h E*atrti"e taaih- W F. DOEltFLINGKH, llOte/Vwllilltlg, Urunewlrfc, Georgia IIBAVY ANUFANPV (iROt'ERIES PIO HAMS, BREARfAST BACON, Flour, sugar, Coffee, Teas, LARD, Butter, Rice, Etc. | CUSHING’S Hardware, Stoves, Plows |C&nn6(J GoOflSj nit a fp a a i\ i nvt L ':f A " t v T kk a. iriiO I OGRArH I Fruit, Nuts, Candies,' j Tii'.,.-.:oo* and Cigars. R Oom9. i R ewcastfe Street, - Brunswick. 6a. Newcastle Street, PASSEMENTERIE AND PLUSH TRIMMING, Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels, A CHOICE STOCK OF DRESS 33 XT’ TTO 2>T S , AND A NICE LOT OF LADIES’&CHILDREN’SHATS lrituin,4 Uiul tinlrimined. *Mh N »TXONM of d| d< a rl|.Ilona Ladles' and Children's Bools aad Shoes OF ALL SORTS. IN THE 8 largo and woll wlm H-k of MEN’S AND BOYh' CLOTU’NG. BIIIUTH, UNDERSHIRTS l. UOiE, I1A1H AND OAFS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Gents’s white Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece ! W« aim tn vlcaao. All w® aak ia Ui I will not i*rtult you to go away di Drunawtck, Oa., October 4.1MI. . and get onr prtena, and £. D. HOYT & Co nurt-ly _ . ORXER ABOVE PLAIN> Mil'll WORK. :\. I). GALE k S0N/.'~~" LOCAL DENTISTS, ,*• ?i“'IS'TSK“‘iSuUfrtTJEffi BRUNSWICK Life and Accident, Insurance. s ■: v. . . - J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AG’T, B®praa*cta the abort On. nt Brraawkk, Oa. ASSETS. • -fc 91,100,000 Life and accident pnlhaea written on abort nutb-e. F— »■ g«r Inewnncn tickvtg aaH* No medical ea nmlMatiett required declit-iy GEORGIA. U. A. KEN RICK, jssj Roil estate i Land Agent, Private Boarding !jBrunswick. - Georgia. gtah mg II L. HARRIS, WatoIimals.or efts Jeweler, BRUNSWICK, GA, ••STAR" SPECTACLES. Watches, clocks, £TE!XN7’X3I J 3F*.Y, SILVER PLATED WARE CUTLERY, Musical Instruments! &.YM SWINGS. SUCH PRICES NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! 1 colored Caahmerea from 28e to $1.80. SirtiiiH, Florid* at Warai Ruiwir. I fiBFgnurrgNDJUtT'nOmeg, Savannah, Dec. 3. *n AN AKD AFTER SUNDAY, Dee. 4th, Paaaengtr w tnlat on thli Bond win run u follow ■. FAST KAIL. LeaveBavaanah dally At 41-10F X Leave Jaup 1.38 PX Leave Way crow 3.47 PM Arrive at ^Uahan...... 4.48 PM »rrtr» ,t Wqrom 11.M* H Paaeeagen leave Broniirick at 10:15 a m., nrrlv. lac it Savannah 3:40 p. m. Psaaengern from Florida by thin train connect at Jeanp with train arriving In Maoon at 7:80 r. m (daily Including Sunday.) ThU train ntope only at Jobnaton'a, Jcaup, Way. croaa, Folkaton, Callahan and Jacksonville. JAOUOWILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah dally at HOOF ti Leave Jeanp Leave Tebeanvill* Arrive ati 3:48 A M 4:48 AM ...TiOOAM 8.00 AM i ^wo- < 3i»Ka£^.;SS#S Leava Jaokaaovilla dally at 8NI0PM Leave Callahan daily at 7:10 P M Leave Tebeaville daily at l«Pll Arrive Jeanp dally*!....>. llsttPM Arrive at Savannah dally at 340 A M Palaoa sleentng care on thla tnln daily between Savannah and Jackaoavilla, Charieaton and Jackson* villa, and Macon and Jeckaonvllle. Faiaengera leaving MaeomlM p a connect at J«a* up wttb thia train tor Florida dally. Paaaenma from Florida by this train connect at Jeanp with tnln arriving at Xaooo 7tf a ■ dally. Paaaengen for Darien take thla train. PuMDftn from Savannah for Bruaawlck taking this train arrive at Brunswick 840 A X. Phases gars Muring Brunswick 9dn p in arrive in Savannah 345 a m. Paeaengera from Savannah for Oaineavilla, Cedar Keyi and Florida Tranalt Bond taka thla train. * Faaaengera from 8awinah for Madison. Mootihal- lo Tallahaaaee and Quincy take thla train, r j ALDANY EXPRESS. Laavefiavannah dally at.... 4:38 p m Leava Jeanp dally 7:30 p m Knave Tcbeanvlllo dally at 10:10 p tn - int dally at 1:18 am homaavUle dally at....* 6:48 am Arrive at BafnbrMga dally It 9:30 a m Arrive at Albany daUr at 11:00am Leave Albany dally at 4:40 pm ~ iva Balnbridge daily at 4t30 p m tva Thomaeville daily at 8:30 p m iva at Dapont dally it.. t.. 4:18 a m _.ivi atThboauriDe dally at 4:00 a m Arrive at Jeaup dally at 6:18 am Arrive at Savannah dally at 9.06 a m Sleeping car* run through to and from Savannah and ThomaaviUe dally without change. Oonneci at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on Soathweetero Railroad to and from Ma con, Xnfaule. Montgomery. Mobile, Raw Orleans. leaves Dalnbrldge for Apalachicola every Thursday and Bunnay. . connection at Jacksonville dally (Sundays excepted) for Greea Cora Springs, St ataguatinp, Palatka and EnterprUe, and all tor** Johns river. Trains o * I landings on st. ally, ezoent Sunday. ThroBghTtckRB told and Sleeping Q cured at Bren’s Ticket Office, Ho. 33 mil .. _ - „ CUr Berths se at Office, Ho. 33 Dull street, and at Savannah, Florida and Weatam Hallway Pasasa. *!{. sI?rsoir. JaA. L.Tatlob, Master Trane. Qenl F’nger Ag*l. R. Q. PLEMINO, supt. _ all sbadea. The Onset assortment of ladles, misers and chit, dren’a cloaks, silk fringes from 38c upwards, Orna ment# of all deecription*. > A compute Hnq of men's, ladles', iiiaaea' and children's Underwear. Infant's Wardrobe complete from the lowest to the finest. A fall line of Ribbons, Corsets, Hsndkerohleb, Ties, Bed Spreads and Shams In lace ami embroid ery, and a beautiful Une of presents for the coming Holidays. DOLLS Imported direct from Btelnbardt. -AT- Jacob Cohen’s, 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. MEXiiiiibriglit Green Grocer, AMD DEALER IN Country Produce GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, STANDARD AND FANCY CRACKERS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Etc., of which are offered for cash at reasonable i. I MEAN BUSINESS! ra corner Bow castle and Honk (Streets, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Foreign and Ilonicstc Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, IM. April30-13m W.B.MeU&Co., Wboleaale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES&HARNE8S, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF 8XIN8, HOLH. UMiSEHS, BlUVLK. AND PATENT LEATH ER, WHIPS AND SADDLERY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc. turraau run mill men mid Ttmmmmi UMlUFACTUBZlUj, A Specialty. YVUITE FOB PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. TRY (Enlarged Twice.) Kimbles Auyoue to regulate bis own Watch with certaintv. *3»AT1 RXTIOM «*IVEN TO CDLLKtTtOX UI :KJiTH. b- A'UnU, (it,, los E LAMlibiaHT PISTOLS & CARTRIDGES. Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments -Yi! will I* ouitl ut tkv via*) Inert uurket price -Ko trouble to show ^-othU. i«6-ly BEST GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. HUlSrS GENUINE NEW CHOP GARDEN SEED —*KO— ONION SETS. IIIOKJE VIIEWING ,(■ SHOEING TOBACCO. The best 5 (lent Cigars. For rale at * ’ * ] *mt-23-tf MLAIN’ft DIIIJG STORE* ciTt^BABBEi, 8H0P, J. 11. CARTER. Proprietor. SlUVlMi. Him CUTTING AKD HAIR DRESS ING doo® la the vary latest and moat i atyl®. LADIES A.VD CHILD HEX'M II AIR CUTTISG A SPECIALTY. ( _ MTWACTio* guaranteed TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE FIFE, Tin Ware, Pluuibiug, ■ f - I nn i* i | \ t.- ; . , , i - Pumps & Pump Driving. t«! *omZiSS. 4w, • “ d te5±5ja3aEK; PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rf. /. C'SQVdTTt ATTORNEY AT LAW, lUiU.VSWICK, GEORGIA. OGft ALvnn<aA«p Arjtxi taihUntt