Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 24, 1881, Image 2
'vcrfber mid Jlypint. T. G. STACT, M'lor and Propi 'cl« ATLANTA AND HERBXPOSmON.' , Lost Monday was Brunswick's ex cursion day for Atlanta. J Owing to the lateness of the season, being so near Christmas, our town did not send so I«r;i;o a delegation as we expected. Tuesday being editor’s day in Atlan ta, the writer and his entire force took advantage of cheap rates and-joined the excursion j and jost here we would add that we don’t earn to go on an other excursion until we can get rest- I will now proceed to point out eorno of the wants of Brnnsa iok. First and foremosijfet KMkWBttol’ ftfil '^“ of"on:' lost shogotitf I will venturo tossy that if Brunswick Snij alt ftp Vantages oonld bo Eec'n Dy tho world with ont- would room would'bo wanting* to store it. The worlftir fail of etulttdr'saiking invest- w triwaHerynook end corner .ol thy - 4rth. ■ Esett Confederate bonds ..hater m fromthndend,ttnd Spital isl-.b nvested in them. Make the psymtat altsointoly certain and thou- sands oi millions of dollars (All be , had at thryo per oont If s man can show that money will mako a good \ profit, it can bo obtained in anyquan- tity. Can this money be so employed in Brunswick f Gire'toe the monoy * and I will pat one million of biles* of cation through Brans wick next year, .‘and a saving of, at least,' flireo per cent. cooM bo tnado by doing so. Bo soon as the railroads orb* open, [fMASl NElV sloop. At Macoo oar number was in- cronsotl so largely that it took two full trains to carry the crowd, tnany being Oiecient eye, that .in ono. month she pjj to gel itandmi room, evep. To wonld bo so floodod nitli capital lb$t .j ko jhiH -discomfort, wo werel 1881-2. ^ o^ s ^/?/ GLOVER & BUNN BATE NOW IN STOCK A LABOR AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND ON EXHIBITION AT OUB NEW .. ., , . ... . | city,’but ptavod the same could bo done with grain | ' and other prodnelionB. , i | ( ,f . .,. £ Brnnswick is,lo-tiay, the cheopt-it' plaoo to build abips on tbc globe, 1: ‘ , .. cause she has all the heavy material i on the Spot, and oapilal can Wing the men and machinery necessary to build 'them.' Building a ship is not likf -bnOdtaf bltbWih I fifty. If a booze proves tjnjjro'fitahli, yon sro forcod to Buffer loss, but whori n ship is lsuqcbod sho can be carried olsowhoro, and thoeo froiu Brutiswiok always moke a ^>e*V SwK on tho voyage. Fifty ships ooold be bollt there in n year and hwra-ift cargo engaged three months before completion. To show the very great demand for shipping in Bronswiek, ships con stantly come laden with ballast. ' Brunswick is one of the finest plac es that can bo found for building ears. These, like the ships, can bo sent to any placo where ncedod, beside* tbc great demand for her own road a Baltimore first became famous for ship building, and the Baltimore dip pers outstripped every ship on the landed ini Atlanta just two bonrs be-, tore day, with no place to slay nntil breakfast time, but wo had lots of company, if there bo any oomfort in that. ‘There was at least one thon sand more people in an around the paaoengcr depot in tho sumo fix But all tbinga have an end, likewiso our waiting, for morning dawned after while and onr sorrows ceased. NOTES. No wonder the Atlanta people get rich—they work day and eight. .„ The Ex n grand uccess —so pronouneod by ail visitors, Tbo exposition has added tl. nvands of dollars to tho retail trade * the ilda with tho ON NEWCASTLE AND GRANT STREETS. cnijg the biggest r? I- orjia GY- r ba*I. to tho titniikb of the Oipital eottld find a mest safe find profitable invoetmtfnt in a rico mill in Brunswick, which might bay and heat ont tho crops of tho Altamaha and So- tilln, and tho b^bjoud rioc raised -up tho railroada and ship it to the iuUri- or by rail. odj rr • Also, next year when klr. Ohio gets bis railroad eonnsetiohs - completed and begins to ship grain to foreign market, IlgyMQftjggfl np to supply Florida and aH Booth Georgia. I cor'd >;o' on'and’cuuineraie other tMngs. .'.v-'J./MfV*, bgt the, most irofital , 'u gglmeut tbatl con now tUu's yj; 4 too (raying lot* and build ing b, : i ia BrnnswieU Sncb lots boogbt n ;w mod honsee built Iberon, will pay, in tho next two years, more than two hundred per cent., and there' is no more doubt now aWit the con tinual rise of property in Biuuswiok from now on than that the nun will continue to rise and set. All that it now needed to nuke the greatest kind of ; a boom in Bruns wick is to bavo an exposition of her real merits and advantages. Onr col- ton Exposition has uuu ctt.l the at tention of the whole nmnofaetnring world, and it ought to tie jgnown that Brunswick, tbo greatest port.utti South and cotton-growing region, lit , at tbo very heart of the outlet ct the cotton trade, as welt as tbo turpen tine and timber interest 'Thenare as many ebaneaa to get np boome in onterpifceo about Brunswick ns In gold mince in Califonils, with JlVo times the profit. ' All .that is wanting it to have tho (neper then totake hylj ol them, and' printing eoohgb to en lighten the world on the xubieet -ft A. ■ h!r. oiniiba i didn’t r.fier to have a "suit mode" for us "in u day” os we had hoped. Gooes ths cotton has all given out. Everybody is polito in Atlanta.— Von can got any information yoa ncod by simply asking. Hack hire in Atlanta is ohsaper than any other place in Goongta. 25 oonts per capita is all they charge to any part of the eity. Jndgo J. A Welch, of Newnan, for merly editor of the Herald, suicided this woek by banging. He was an oldor of the Presbyterian church of that city, and belovod by «U wbo knew him. ‘Financial troubles throw bis mind off tho balance. Tuskeozz, An*., July 28, 1879. Da. tl. J. Momrr—Dear Sir—Jus tice to you domands that I should give you my oxporionco with yoar ex cellent medidno, Teotbina. Our lit tle girl, just thirteen months old, has bod much troublo with teething. De ny remedy teas r-rhausled, in the shape ofprtteripiioni from our family physi cian'. Iler bowels continued to puss oft pure blood, and burning fever con- tinned for (lays nt a time. Her lifo was almost despaired ef. Her motb- or determined to try Teotliina, nnd in day or two tlioro was n great change—new lifo had rotnrnod—tbo bowels wore nearly regular, and, Ihanjp to Teelhina, the JiiUe,.babe is new dviny ley//. Yours, D. W. AIoIvxk, Ed. and l’rop’r Tuakegoo (Ala) News. Manas. Lamar, Ramin A Lamak— (i.mtiemen—My wife had boon troub led hr several months with bronchi tis, nnd during that time nearly every thing imaginable wns tried, v.ithoi t tho slightest bonofit, A friend of her i told mo to .get a bottle of llrower'. Lung llastorei. which 1 did, aud lets than one bottle cured her i ntirely. I will recommend it to all wl i aro rim- larly affected. Nathan C. AIurroe. SaZOXdlHD^.’S" BOOKS FOR OLD AND YOUNG, Music, Fine Stationery, Pictures, Japanese Ware, ^OYS, FIRE WORKS, Etc A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF Christmas and New Year Cards! JUST RECEIVED, TO WHICH WE INVITE ESPECIAL ATTENTION. DONT FAIL TO SEE THE Great Christmas Tree. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FEED, MAY, Site* Glover & Dunn Defy Competition IN TIIEIR LINE OF CIUUSTMAS PRESENTS. REMEMBER THE FIRE WORKS ! S. M. GLOGAI7ER, JIEA I)(JU A RTEKS FOR- Merehantswho deal inkerosino oil will do well td remember that by an act of tba last LegtsUtnre, taking ef fect on tha first day of January, 1882, it is made unlawful, under heavy pen- ally, to store, eaU or .offer for sale, for- purpose* ol illumination, in the State of Georgia, any keroaine oil or refined potrolenm of a fire test of less than 120 degree • degree* nor nntil the tame 1ms been inspected, approved and branded by an authorized inspector Any oil found not conforming to the new Georgia law will be liable to seizure, and am ooly'bsuaW-fiot» re- umiutua; f il i be U- ablo to proaocation and hoary line. Heretofore but littlauil over*, fire test of 110 dagrees has been sold. U Ilia Found at Irnei: SoMxrnisa New Undue i > Scn.- A new era is dawning upon Oman. Hitherto sbo lias been called np -n I mffer tbo ills of nmnkiud anil! mv ii .idi a. The Inoueni and i tig irvegiilnro.iea peculiar to e. live long bevii to her tlm ng - f no, uuiiombcred." ro l i .. : and hood of i ...l ■ 1 1.1, lion 1,.,;;?" in , pa o‘ for Hi.,! hath rb>’ cried, i :* • tbi noUr of her redemption i» come. Sho will sailer no more, for Brudfield's Female Regulator, "Wo man's Bast Friend,” is for sale by all druggist. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, At lanta, Os. l’riee, 11.50 per bottle. decl5-2mcow. j. an ahonld bear first day in Jam 120 degrees can be' of Georgia. oilof lew than in the State A sale and aura mesas of restoring the youthful oolor of ib« hair is fur nished ‘ by£ Parker's Hair Balsam, wbich Is deservedly populi superior cleanliness, dec! A SPECIALTY! Gents’FurnishingGoods iUfit OMtwwi, tn atom el Mramr.. Hoow ft MfiCr«ry, a l aarlsoms Uu of fcbove rood*, which I jrivpofi* ficnitiif nt price* Never Relore Known ! Call on me find *r« my thick, which *fi* buuaht fcNMhU Mini. J. B. WRIGHT. M £1DIOUVES -ron TUE CUBE OF FEVERS, PILES, DYSPEPSII, SCSCFOU, Oancor, Colds and Coughs, from V.v fiahl« Xdtler viily, uitl for firoeeries, Provisions, <0 IfvAJtS AND TOBACCOS, at(8, HSltAl COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Goods bought and sold on closest fig* ures. Consignments solicited. WE SELL AS CIIEAP AS ANY AND CHEAPER f. mmv. Having sold’our Grocery Stock and leaded the store to Gold smith & Co., wc beg to call attention to the fact that we shall now conduct de voted to »7 COOIIS, DressGoods, Notions, BOOTS & SHOES, HOSIERY, GLOTHINfi, And Fancy Goods, And respectfully solicit an ex amination of our stock and prices. Goods new and fresh 1 Our HOIOI Has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and os a result we invite attention to his selections for the and Winter TRADE! DRESS GOODS, SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS CALICOES, HOMESPUNS, SHAWIS. NUBIAS COATS, CLOAKINGS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, TABLE CLOTHS. BED QUILTS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, BOOTS <£• SHOES, HOSIERY, CLOTHING. NOTIONS! In Groat Variety. All wo ask is an inspection of our goods and prices. DUNN & CO. TOYS, TOYS! AND FANCY ARTICLES. MOT! YOURORDER! ADDRESS, AU&F.FMELIN&Co. KINNEY'S BUILDING, BRUNSWICK, GA WINTER SCHEDULE. BA. & FIA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. Five Trips per Week I Mfiktac clOM connections with Ocean Steamship Co. to and front J(ew York, and with Philadel phia, Haiti more and Motion steamer*, and at Ifrnnawlrk with B. ft A. and B.T.. **. ft it. Railroad* to all point*. STEAMER DAVID CLARK Lsavea Savannah emry Monday afternoon far Ba ll 1 la river, touching at Bronawtek every Tuesday af ternoon; returning, leave Brunswick for Savannah •very Wednesday night STEAMER CITY OP BRIDGETON Arrive* at Braaawick every Monday and Thurt* day, and aSTKVMER FLORIDA Every WedneeiUy and Saturday night. Laving (or Havannah directly aflat loading. All tho b ats of this line bring (might for Bruns* wick and all atatlona on B. ft A. R. lu with which cL-ao countctloo i* made flve time* per wank. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. prlllMna Brunswick, on the dock. J Cut Loaf, Powdered, Granulat ed and Common Sugars, ull Line of Fresh Groceries, . full Stock of Dry Goods, -AT- I™ J. J. SPEARS'. 19-FOB GOOD BREAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEARS’DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF BAKING POWDER. To The Ladies ; OF BRUNSWICK. Mrs. EARLE, r, OF BROOKLYN, N. T., Baa Juat opened a flret-ela*a Millinery Store on -eweaaUa strait, nest to Mr. B, T. Buna’s Dry Goods 8U**, and asks the attention of th* ladies of Brunswick to her stock of FINE MILLINERY LACE NECK WEAR, TBIMM1NQ8. FANCY WOOL WORK, IWLDBBIIII LACE CAM, Fancy Ornaments, Buttons, RIBBONS, Ero. Call and exialne stock. deolO-ly Sd£‘S3 - ""fPOR PROFIT. II t™_ wOh lo bc.) PRACTICAL FSrt2Tr?L | FLORICULTURE denforAmuMmenti CARDENINQ or forKf FOR PLEASURE, only,read • AU kf PJETEB BESBIBSOY. Price | LSO each, postpaid by pail, Ov Combined Catalog** of SEEDS PLANTS For 1 m. Mot (no on ^ipllcollon. PETER HENDERSON ft CO. Fire-Insurance! T. O’CONNOR, Jr. AGENT FOU THE BRITISH AMERICA, UVGRPL&LONDON&GL0DE, AH D NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS* AQENCY. Office aver Madden’s Drug Store. febMy Brunswick Bracket Worb RICHMOND STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. EDWAROS, WARD A CO, PROPRIETOR!, Wood Turning, Moulding, SAWING. Etc., Pfeket* of all styles made tn order.Wood Tanking 0lVfo7 d-Tl,uU. rt«IM,n ; »i curjtofc.. lad dooo with — n«tod itmue^^uiy^ Mottldln**, boil, straight and ctn-uUr. ter*, cabiuoi uaakera and ptano (on - — . anp9 uJrii>their la ffieto all trad. * a Dr. 1. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, GA. D*y htrcct, J tk -. Uot*: octa-5a I ALL KINDS OF FIRE WORKS, ETC ! ■■ disarm t bn ca. We have alou the finest line ef BraekeU. 01 WMM Larioso Hall. SX II1NG M VlU baopaiid.rMT Tatsdzy aFridaj Sight Cutameociag Uth Iart. nvnw WILL y.*»5v clatJtfi . F W*W.tera hfiVlMf TBSTWORT OF DRUOGIITV. Wa have been Ml Ha* •••wtft’a BTphtlltle Bpedfie” for yean, and ngard it anpariot to anything known for dtaeaae* U la recommended to con, S. J. CAsaata, Themaevme, Gs.: L, F. Gun ft Co., Fonyth, Oa.j Pkxbebtov, MfilfUllft 4 Bn* ■ WeuIed^SwlftTbyphmtlo Spcdfic” J thi utJ meat of aonvleta tho past year, and believe It tobr Mndanjl^M nueiir Rat will effect a rer- the mlf tertmlm km w* Win ha paid to any alyfila ot ni hundrtxi of mercury, lodlno m *r wMehltlsi OBAXT. ALEXAH0EB4 00. 91,000 BEWABB ckemlat who will find, on an- tMffifi of ■. B g^ on* particle mercury, lodlno petsaalom, or say -* fUB awUT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Proprietor*. At. PATENTS WeMttttanetoad a*Solldtors fornumMft,Caveat* I Trad* Marks, OnpyrtgMa^, lorUrn United ttatee, Canada, cub*. England, lYaoco. Germany, etc. Wa have bad thirty-five jrmr^expericnre. uAieed In the BCi- niffholic el*i run: ami r:can, r.ri’at* i;^w. -,utln;caUfrvv. . W. J. PRICE, INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, TO RENT! A Uif # and ctm-modiowa eter*. «OiM &et, o:i Bay Christmas Goods AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS For yovng sad old. rich and poor, hostunda, wive* and a wee the art*. Nice and heap! ATTUB LADIES’ STORE. D. w. h, parsons, PAINTER. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, OEcauTiu.KAuainiie.FiEsceiuftGuumis noowix.MMta tkabMairiM. Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, BRUNSWICK, GA, INSURANCE AND COLLECTINQ ABENT, WILL BUT AND AZLL, Land ar\d Real Estate. Office Mat to roat Offieo. tnay»-tf ASBESTOS Roopmo. IKQUIBZ AT OTFICBOF Le Baron Drury,. BRUNSTVICK, GA. f •effiMf Proposals Wanted. ... OommtoekmM of ike CUy ef Brujwwtok. G*., tavlto idle tho Chairmen of th* Commtwkm. o^toeh, Tuesday, J«a. 10th. Mffi,lor*npply_ CnramWlfT tor cancellation bonds ot the C Crcnawtck to th* vein* of *b*nt **v**t*mhw dollar* enmey. Wd* for all or any portion *f th* (fid, trail t« reserve 1. JliilN T. COLL1HP,